05x05 - Air Buchannon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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05x05 - Air Buchannon

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-* Some people stand
in the darkness *

* Afraid to step
into the light *

* Some people need
to have somebody *

* When the edge of
surrender's in sight *

* Don't you worry

* It's gonna be all right

* 'Cause I'm always ready

* I won't let you
out of my sight *

-* I'll be ready

-* I'll be ready

-* Never you fear

-* No, don't you fear

-* I'll be ready

-* Forever and always

* I'm always here

* 'Cause I'm always ready

* I won't let you
out of my sight *

-* Oh

-* I'll be ready

-* I'll be ready

-* Never you fear

-* No, don't you fear

-* I'll be ready

-* Forever and always

* I'm always here

-[Upbeat music playing]

* I've been fighting through
* all the pain

* And I got the scars to prove it

* I've been running on empty tanks *

* But I power through it

* Dead set got the tunnel vision

* One track mind
* I'm a man on a mission

* Yeah you know I'm driven

* They say I'm crazy *
* they say that I'm out of my mind

* You'll never make it
* don't even try

* I don't care if I fall
* a thousand times

* I will rise
* stand up when I stumble

* Never surrender
* at the first sign of trouble *

* I'm never backing down from this fight

* I gotta earn my wings to take flight

* I will rise
* stand up when I stumble

* I will rise

* My favorite colors are black and blue

* Lost count of the bruises *

* If there's a lesson in each mistake *

* I'm a grade a student

* Can't stop its and easy decision

* Bracing for the head on collision

* Yeah you know I'm driven

* They say I'm crazy
* they say that I'm out of my mind

* You'll never make it
* don't even try

* I don't care if I fall
* a thousand times

* I will rise
* stand up when I stumble

* Never surrender *
* at the first sign of trouble

* I'm never backing down from this fight

* I gotta earn my wings to take flight

* I will rise stand up when I stumble

* I will rise stand up when I stumble *

* Never surrender
* at the first sign of trouble *

* I'm never backing down from this fight

* I gotta earn my wings to take flight

* I will rise stand up when I stumble

* I will rise

-* I will stand up
-* I will rise

-* I will stand up
-* I will rise

-What do you mean, you
can't spend the night

At kenny's house?

I thought it was all set.

-His sister got the chickenpox.

-What about your other friends?

-Why do I have to spend the
night at someone's house?

-Because I'm on 24-hour shift.

-What, you don't think
I can survive that long

Without adult supervision?

-That's not the point.

-The point is you
don't trust me.

Dad, I've been working
on some new songs.

I need some time to myself.

I promise I won't
invite anybody over.


-Ah, all right, all right.

I'll be in the call car.

If you need me,
you call headquarters.

They'll track me down.

-All right.

-Be good.

-All right.

-Hey! What's up?

-Well, barnett just
called in with the flu,

So I guess
I'm your new partner.

Unless you have a
problem with that.

-Why would I have
a problem with that?

-I don't know.

I guess ever since you and gayle
decided not to get married,

I feel like you've
been avoiding me.

-Stephanie, I haven't
been avoiding you.

-Look, I understand
if you don't want to
talk about what happened.


Check the o2 in the c collars.

-We are going to be spending
the next 24 hours together.

The subject could come up.

-Look, what do you
want me to say, huh?

That I'm still hurting?

Okay, I'm still hurting.

But life goes on.

-Hey, you guys, move down!

Move down!

Move it! Now!

What's the matter?

You can't see the flag?

There's no surfing
on this beach!

-This is chris at tower 15.

I just saw john
haul out of his tower.

I'm gonna check it out.

Send me some backup.

-201, 295.

-201, Come back.

-We've got something
going on at tower 17.

Call to request backup.

-We're on our way.
Let's roll!

-[Inaudible] let's take pch.

-[Siren wailing]

-Ah, look at this!

-Pull to the right and stop!

There they are.

-Oh, here...
Here comes some help.

-Excuse me.

-[Loud coughing]
-that was quick.

His name's mario nickman.

I'm not really sure
what's going on.

-That's okay.
We'll take it from here.

Go back to your water.

-What's the problem here?

-He's having a heart attack.

-Ma'am, please let him respond.

-Well, you're lifeguards.

Where are the paramedics?

-Just relax.
They're on their way.

-We're fully-trained
emergency medical technicians.

-Now, can you tell
me where it hurts?

-Right on my neck.

-Put this over your
nose and mouth, sir.

-Okay, we're gonna
get some vitals.

-The duration of episode
is about 15 minutes.

-Blood pressure 160 over 110.

-Pulse at 70 and irregular.

Does your husband have a
history of heart problems?

-No! It came
completely out of the blue!

How bad is he?

-We can't know for sure
until he's been examined

At the hospital.

You better get in.
They're ready to go.

-Watch your step.
-Good luck!

-Thank you.

-Okay, you're on your way!
Let's go!

-So, what do you think?

-Well, I think we
did the best we could.

-Keep dreaming.

-Hey, man, she smiled at me.

-No, maybe it's a sunstroke.

Get real, buchannon.

Wendy sanders is going
into high school.

As far as she's concerned,
you don't even exist.

-All right, all right.

You know what?
It's all about to change.



-My name's hobie.

-I've seen you around.

You are a really good surfer.

-Yeah, when there's surf.

-I know.
There's been like
no waves all day.

-Uh, you want to
try my skim board?

-Yeah, sure!

How do you do it?
-It's pretty easy.

All you gotta do is run,
drop it, and hop on.

-Come on, man!

You set?

-Then let's do it.

-Let's go.
-Come on, let's get it up.

-Oh, my gosh, look!

That is so cool!

It's like surfing on air.

-Yeah, I guess so.

I guess you could
describe it like that.

-You've done it?

You've gone hang gliding?

-Not from up there.

I'm not that crazy.

I go a lot with my dad.

He has his own hang glider.


-Check it out.

-I thought point fermin was
off-limits to hang gliders.

-It is.

-Oh, my gosh!
-Oh, no!

-Damn, justin!

-You all right, man?


Get away from me.

I don't need your help.

-Fine, man.


-What happened?
-Wind got busted up!

-Way to go, bro!

Come on, let's get out of here.

-Hey, hey!
You guys stop right there!

Hold it!

-[Engine starting]

-Hey, who are those guys?

-I don't know.
I've never seen them before.

-201, 295.

-Roger, 295.

Any word back from er?

-No change in the
victim's condition.

He's still on the critical list.

I'll keep you posted of
any new developments.

295, Over and out.

-[Happy music playing]

* Going down the boulevard
* seeing smiles everywhere

* If I didn't know better

* I'd say something was in the air

* As if no one has a care...

-* Now if everybody wants it
-* everybody wants it

-* Everybody gets it
-* whats going on

-* Whats going on
-* everybody has something to say

-* Whats going on
-* whats going on

* Everybody knows something today

* Give em a chance *
* you might catch a glance

* Of whats going on

* You can skip your school
* you can be a fool

* You can wear you socks in the sand

* When your 81st birthday comes *

* You're gonna need a helping hand

* While you're young have some fun

* Cause time slips right
* through your hands

* Gotta make it last, son

* If everybody wants it

* Everybody gets it, whats going on *

* Whats going on
* everybody has something to say

* Whats going on
* whats going on

* Everybody knows something today

* Whats going on
* whats going on

* Stick your hands right in the air

* Whats going on
* whats going on

* I don't know I and don't care

* Whats going on
* whats going on

* Everybody has something to say

* Whats going on
* whats going on

* Everybody knows something today

-[Overlapping chatter]

-Come on, you can do it!

-Ah, come on!



-All right!

-[Loud screaming]

-[Loud crash]

-[Loud groaning]

-I can't move my legs!

-Don't move, don't move.

-[Heavy breathing]

-What's your name?


gonna be okay, zoe.

Just try and relax.

-201, 295, Code three.

Multiple victims down on
bike path at cj's tower.

She's out there on her own.

-Okay, let's go!

-We're on it, 295!

-[Siren wailing]

-We need a backboard
and a c collar.

-We've got it.

Okay, how are we doing here?

-She can't move her legs.


My leg!

-We've got a possible
fracture here.

-Watch it, watch it! Ow!

-What's going on?
Am I gonna be paralyzed?

-Not if we can help it.



-Okay, let's get your
helmet off here.
Don't move.


-Okay, let's get
her on the truck.

Got her?
-Ready, and lift.

-Okay, let's go!

-[Siren blaring]

-[Upbeat music]

-* Sunny days are what
* we got ahead together

* In the sand we play

* Laugh our way through any weather

* Honestly

* Sometimes I think it can't get better

* You know you know it's true *

* When you look at me
* I see it in your eyes

* You know it makes me smile

* It's just so real

* I'm talking bout young love *

* Ooh you know it's somethings special

* Young love

* Oh we're on another level

* Young love

* That's the way it should

* It's happening to you me *

* Young love

* Young love

* Some may say
* that were too young to say forever

* And that's okay

* Cause what we got won't
* change us ever

* Suddenly the skies
* to us are so much clearer

* You know you know so blue

* When you look at me
* I see it in your eyes

* You know it makes me smile
* it's just so real

* I'm talking bout young love *

* Ooh you know it's somethings special *

* Young love

* Oh we're on another level

* Young love

* That's the way it should

* You and me

* Young love

* Young love

* Young love

* Oohh, young love

* Young love

I just talked to the hospital.

Guess what?

Zoe's gonna be okay.

She sustained only
minor cervical swelling,

No breaks, no
permanent nerve damage.

-Hey, that's great!

-The doctor said it would
have been a lot worse

If she hadn't received
prompt medical attention.


-You, too.

-Hey, cj, what about mario,
the heart attack victim?

-Well, he's still in intensive
care, but it looks like
he's gonna pull through.

You got there just in time.

-Hey hob,
we can't leave now.

The girls want to keep partying.

-Don't even think
about it, all right?

-Come on, your dad's
gonna be out all night.

How can you let this
opportunity go to waste?

-I promised nobody
would come over.

-Who says he'll ever find out?

We're not talking major blowout.

We're talking small,
intimate get-together.

-You call this a small,
intimate get-together?

I've never even seen
half of these people.

Where'd they all come from?

-I guess word got out.

-My dad is gonna k*ll me.

-No, he's not.

-Come on, man.
Get out of the fridge!

Come on, guys!

-I'll stay here and
I'll help you clean up.

He'll never even
know there's was party.

-Coming through.

-Looks like things are
finally slowing down.

-Yeah, we should
probably go back and start

Writing up the reports.

-Kmf295, this is 201.

We are heading back to
baywatch headquarters.


-[Party music playing]

-This is such a great party.

Thanks so much for inviting me.

-Thanks for coming.

Hey, tell you what?

Um, I've got something
I want to show you.

Come with me.


-Pretty funky garage.

-Here it is.


Oh, my gosh!

This is so cool.

I would give anything
to learn how to fly.

-My dad could
probably teach you.

You can come with us anytime.




-Hey, hob, your
dad's on the phone!

-What's he doing?
-I don't know.

-Hey, everybody!
Shut up, all right?

Come on!


-I thought you weren't
gonna have anybody over.

-Um, it's just kenny.

-Well what's that noise I
hear in the background?

-Noise? What noise?

Oh, must be the tv.

-So, everything's okay?

-Couldn't be better.

-All right.

I was just checking in.

Get a good night's
sleep, okay, pal?

-All right, great.
Good night.

-Wow, that was close.

.-Come on, man.
Put the beer back.

-How rude.

-Come on, man.
Get out of here!

I'm asking you nicely.

Go fly your glider or something.

-What if I don't want to?

Forget about it, man!
We've got better things to do.

-So what are you
gonna do about it, huh?


-Come on, man!

Stop it, I'm serious!

-Oh, my gosh.

-Stop! Stop!

-What's his problem?

-Reese, get out of here!


-I thought you were gonna
start working on the reports.

-Oh, I got sidetracked.

[Exhales loudly]


How's hobie doing?

-He sounded fine, which
is why I'm suspicious.

-I think it's great
the way you trust him.

It gives kids a sense
of responsibility.

-It gives parents ulcers.


-Hey, that was an
awesome party, hob.

Catch you later.


Hey, man, where do you
think you're going?

You promised you'd
help me clean up!

-I just called my mom.

She said if I'm not
home in 10 minutes,

I'd get my butt
grounded for a month.

-Thanks a lot, kenny.

-Sorry, man.

-I can stay.

It looks like you're
gonna need all the help
you can get.


-So, just out of curiosity,

How'd you leave it with gayle?

Is there a chance you two
might get back together?

-Two chances: slim and none.

Stephanie, I should
have listened to you.

You were the one who said
we were moving too fast,

And you were right.

-[Chuckles] as usual.

-[Both laugh]

So, what happens now?

-What happens now is I lay
low and I lick my wounds.

I'm in no hurry to get back
into action, that's for sure.

I recognize that I'm
going through a very

Vulnerable stage right now,
and I do not want to make

The same mistakes I made
when my last marriage

Broke up.

-What mistakes?

-As you recall, the ink was
barely dry on my divorce papers

And I was already head
over heels in love.

-Oh, and that was
such a big mistake?

-As it turned out, yes.

You were married at the time.

[Clears throat]

-Am I on the wrong
side or are you?

-Uh, this is the
men's locker room.

The women's locker room
is on the other side.

-Sorry. Okay.

-I'm stephanie holden.

I'm subbing for jill
while she's on vacation.

-Oh, [laughs] I'm
mitch buchannon.

Welcome to baywatch.
-Thank you.

You know, you have
to keep this on
till it wears out and falls off.

-Just make sure you don't
cut off my circulation.

-[Laughs] well, according
to a lot of women I've met

On the beach, I already
have, and they're not

At all happy about it.

-What can I say?

What can I say?

-You don't have
to say anything.

-Why did you leave?
-Because I was married.

We'd been separated for
two months when I met you.

And the night before
catalina, he came to see me

And pleaded with me
to take him back,

To give our marriage
another try.

I'd seen the pain that
you had gone through

With your divorce and
I figured that it was

Worth saving.

It turns out that I was wrong.

We got divorced a year ago.

-You should have told me.

-I know.

I know.
I just couldn't face you.

And then I wanted
to call, and...

The longer I waited,
the harder it got.

And then it was just too late.

Well, I'm not married now.

-I think it's time for
me to take a shower.

-No, the plumbing's messed up.

There's no hot water.>

-Cold, cold will be just fine.

I just gotta have
a cold shower now.




I've gotta go.

-Um, can we get
together again sometime?

When's my first
hang gliding lesson?

-I'll talk to my dad.

-Okay, cool.

Come on, I'll help you
take out the trash,
then I've gotta go.


We left the door open.

-Oh, no.

-Oh, my gosh.

-The hang glider's gone.


-Yeah, I'm all locked in.


-Don't you wish it
was always this way?

Just us and the pelicans.

-Sorry for coming
on so strong before.

I don't know what got into me.

-[Chuckles] well,
whatever got into you

Got into both of us.

-I think in the future
we should try to avoid
working this closely together.

-I think that would be
the sensible approach.

-I mean, we've just gotta
be able to keep our personal

And our professional
lives separate.

-I couldn't agree
with you more.

-At least until you resolve
your feelings towards gayle.

-Then what?

-Then you can fall
in love with me again.


-I knew this would happen.

-Yeah, it's mitch.
-It's a sign.

Somebody's trying to
tell us something.
Hazardous road ahead.

-Got a couple of kids in a
hang glider at point fermin.

We better check it out.

-Don't do it!

-Look who's here.

You know, you've got
a lot of guts, kid.

No brains but a lot of guts.

-Wait, stop!

-What are you doing, man?
-I've got to go.

-You're gonna
get us k*lled, man!

I can't control this thing!


-[Siren wailing]


-Hurry up, get over here!


-They crashed into the cliff!
-Help! Somebody help!

Down here!


-That's my hang glider.
What the hell is going on?



-Dad! Help!

I can't him out of the harness!

He's gonna fall!

-All right! Take it easy!
I'm coming down!

-Please hurry!

-Hobie, hang on!

-Hurry, dad! I'm falling!

-Okay, watch the
rope for chafing, huh?

When I give you the signal
you back her up, all right?


Coming down, heads up!

Let her rip.

-Dad, hurry!

-Hold on, son!



-Dad, hurry!

-You all right, hobie?

-Yeah, I'm all right, dad!

Take him first!

He's he one that's hurt.


Listen to me.
Where do you hurt?

-I think my arm is broken.

I've got a carabiner here.

I'll pop it off,
hook it onto you,

Then we'll ride together.



Once I let loose, you
grab onto me, okay?

-All right. Hang on.


All right, go!

-[Engine running]

-Ah! Okay!

Stephanie, stop!

Hey, hobie!

I'm coming back down!

-Dad, hurry!

Dad, I can't hold
on much longer!

-Hold on, hobie!

Be still!

Oh! Oh!

Dad, hurry!

-Hang on, hobie, hang on!

Hang on! Okay!

Grab on!

Yeah! Come on!

Come on, come on!

All right! Grab the bar.

Grab the bar. All right.

All right, swing on.

Get on it, get on it.


I suppose you've got a
good explanation for this.

-Pretty good, but not great.


Stephanie, we're on!

Let's get outta here!

So, let's hear it.

How did you and my
hang glider wind up
on the side of a cliff?

-It's kind of a long story.

-I guess it all
started with this girl.

Her name's wendy.

-You wanted to impress her?
-Yeah, sorta.

-Next time, buy
her a box of candy.

-So, have you decided
on my punishment yet?

-What do you think I should do?

-I don't know.
-Neither do i.

I mean, on one hand,
I'm really proud of you,

The way you responded
under pressure

You saved that boy's life.

On the other hand, your
actions were completely

Irresponsible leading
up to the rescue.

Hobie, I trusted you, pal.

You blew that trust
right out of the water.

-Didn't you ever do
anything irresponsible
when you were my age?

-You mean like throw
a party when my parents

Weren't home and nearly
get myself k*lled?

No, it was never that traumatic.

-You never got in trouble?

-Yeah, I got in trouble.

-What did grandpa do?

-Oh, he grounded me.

He'd make me stay in my room.

-That sounds pretty fair.

-Yeah, but it's not the
same as when I was a kid.

For one thing, you
don't have a mom

To smuggle in milk and cookies.

But the bottom line is,
pal, you're 13 years old.

I can't be there for
you every minute.

I wanna feel that when
I leave you alone,

You can take care of yourself,
that you know the difference

Between right and wrong.

-I do!

-You've gotta prove that to me.

-I will.


By the way, that was
a terrific job of cleaning
up the house.

I would have never
suspected a thing.


-For starters, I want the house
that clean every single day.

And I have priced new hang
gliders and I have found out

That they are not
that expensive.

As a matter of fact, you should
be getting your allowance

Back by the end of the century.

-[End theme playing]
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