05x16 - A Little Help

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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05x16 - A Little Help

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Soothing music]

-[Breathing heavily]

-[Dramatic music]

-Hi, this is
caroline, tower one,

Connect me to
logan's unit please.

-Radio: unit three from
kmf two-nine-five,

Tower one to you, over.

-Unit three.

-Hey, it's me, I got a guy
out here attempting a buoy swim

And I'm not sure
he's gonna make it.

I'm gonna go out
there just in case.

-Okay, I'll cover your water.

-All right, thanks.

-[Dramatic music]


-[Sirens wailing]

-[Breathing heavily]

-Caroline: let me help you.

-No! I said I didn't need
any help!
-Caroline: I'm a lifeguard.

Take the can!

Please, take the can and
let me float you in on it.

Listen to me! It's all right.

Come on.

-I'm here, I've got him.

-Okay, okay.

-It's okay, let's go.

-Logan: you all
right? Get his neck.

-No pulse.

-One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

Get a pocket mask!

There's no time!

-What is the matter
with you? Keep going!

-One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

-caroline: okay, all right.

You're okay.

-Get away from me!

-It's all right, we're only
trying to help you, it's okay.

-It's your help that
almost drowned me.

-Listen to me, you
were struggling.

It was our job to make
sure that you got back

To shore safely.

-[Shallow breathing]

If I can't make it
back to shore on my own,

Then I don't want
to make it at all.


-Well, we can give you
a ride! Wait a minute!

-Let him go.

-What the hell is
the matter with you?

Why did you try and pull me away

When I was giving
him mouth to mouth?

-I told you to
use a pocket mask!

-I didn't have one,
logan, and neither did you!

My god, there wasn't
time! He could've died!


He has aids.

-[Somber music]

-How do you know that?

-That is ron 'bad
boy' purcell.

He won the decathlon.

He was a world class
athlete and womanizer.

It was all over the press.

He lost his endorsements,
his girlfriend left him,

And he got suspended by the uic.

I heard he was moving
here from florida.

-just don't.

-Tracy: I love you,
mitch, I'll always love you.

-Mitch: don't ever
leave me, tracy.

-Tracy: I won't.

-Hey, dad, why don't
you come in here?

You're missing a
really good game.

Kiraly and steffes against
sinjin smith and stoklos.

-Announcer: steffes on two.

Side aim, wide and step.

-Aw, man, sinjin just made
the awesomest dig in spike.

-What's the score?

-It's at match point.
Kiraly is serving.

-Announcer: second
attempt. Serve to stoklos.

-Oh, yeah! Did you see that?

-Yeah, sinjin's great, huh?

-Actually, he just lost.

-[Laughs] oh.

Sorry, pal, I missed it.

I guess I wasn't
paying attention.

-No problem.

I taped it, you
can watch it again.

-No, no, no, it's
bedtime for you.

You got school tomorrow, pal.

-All right.

Goodnight, dad.

-What? No argument?

-No, I got a big test tomorrow.

I should go to bed.

I love you, dad.

-I love you, too, pal.

-Man: okay,
hobie from venice beach,

Turn your radio
down, you're on next.

-Woman: and our
next caller is hobie

From venice beach.

What's your love problem, hobie?

-Hi. Um--

Well, it's not my problem.

I guess it is, but I'm
calling about my dad.

-Woman: what's going on?


See, my dad fell in love
with this really great lady,

But six months ago she died

And ever since, he just
hasn't gotten over it.

-Woman: and
you're feeling helpless?

-Yeah, I mean, my
dad's a lifeguard

And he's used to saving people
and helping everybody else.

But, now he needs help and
I don't know what to do.

-Woman: you sound like
a very caring person, hobie,

Who loves his dad a lot.
It might take awhile

For him to let your love
and the love of his friends

Help the healing process,
so just hang in there.

-Hobie: I just thought
that if he met someone

Great like tracy, it'd help.

-Woman: yeah, it might.

Falling in love is
a powerful force

That can break our
hearts and mend them.

Hobie, I'm going to
take you off the air

And get your address.

I wanna send you and
your dad some information

That might help, okay?

-Hobie: okay.

-Okay, ready? Here we go.

Walk and around,
walk, good. Turn out.

Turn out, that's
it and in. Good.

That's all right, look at
me, look at me, look at me.

Straighten your arm.
Turn out and back.

Turn out, good, in, down.

Look at me, look at me.

Good, don't lose eye contact.

Turn out, back in, right leg up.

Good, good, good, good,
good. That's pretty good.

Good, very good, c.j.

Up and dip, that's
it, dipping around.

Up and again. Down and up.

Real slow, slow,
slow, slow, slow.

Ready, up.

-Wow, that is amazing.
I've never felt so free.

-Well, you look like a prisoner

With her ankles tied together.

-Shut up, tina.

-Go to hell, angelo.

-Who was that?

-My ex-partner. She's
just jealous, that's all.

Don't worry about her.

-Well, you guys won the
championship two years

In a row, I'm never
gonna be as good as that.

-Don't worry about
it, I'll be leading you

And everybody will be
watching me anyway.

Okay, okay, let's go from
where we were. Here we go.

Here. Ready, walk,
around, around.

Good, turn out,
turn out, that's it,

A little more, that's it.

-Oh, sorry.
-Man: that's okay.

-Mitch: no, no, tower
18 is unaccessible.

There's too many drifts.


I'll call you back.

What's all this?

-Letters for you.


What are you talking about?

I don't know any
of these people.

-The radio station
sent them over.

-What have you been up to?

-I just called a talk
show and told them

How worried I was about you.

-You talked about my
personal life on the radio?

-All I said was what
a great guy you were

And how sad you've been lately.

Now all these ladies
wanna cheer you up.

-Look, I know you're
trying to help, pal,

But none of these people
can replace tracy.

-I know that. Don't you
even want to read them?


-Oh, hi.

-What's all this about?

-They're from women
who want to meet my dad.

I'm screening them for him.

-Mitch put an ad
in the personals?

That doesn't sound like him.

-Actually, it was
a radio talk show

And it wasn't him, it was me.

I called in for advice and
the letters just poured in.

-Dear mitch, I am
a registered nurse

Who practices massage therapy.

I can ease your pain?

You gotta be kidding me.

-Well, some of them
are kind of lame.

-Kind of?

Whoa, this is really
gonna get his attention.

-What's that?
-Ah! I don't think so,
she's not your dad's type.

You know, I think I should
help you with these.

-Yeah, I do, too,
it's a good idea.


This is it. This is
the one, I know it.

-Stephanie: dear hobie,
I know you're worried

About your dad and with
all the love that you have

To give him, I know
he's gonna be all right.

I made this for
you to give to him,

Whenever I've been lost,
it's always helped me

To find the way, callie.

-Wow, the picture
even looks like us.

-Well, maybe it's
someone who knows you.

-Let's see.

Nope, she lives in san diego.

There's something else in here.

-Hey, let's see what she sent.

-Oh, no, I think my
dad should open it.

She made it for him.

-Stephanie: okay.

-Hobie: hey, dad.

-Got something for you.

-What is it?

-It's for you. A
friend of mine made it.

Go ahead, open it.

-Mitch: wow, beautiful.

-Hobie: check out the
compass next to the clock.

-What's this for?

-I guess it's to help you
find your way when you're lost.

-Well, I have to thank
your friend who made this.

Who is it?

-Someone new, wanna meet her?

-Yeah, sure.


San diego, the number
for callie phillips.

-[Phone buttons beeping]

[Phone ringing]


-Hi, is this callie?

-Hobie, hello, how are you?

-How'd you know it was me?

-I recognize your voice.

-Do we know you because
the picture you drew

Of me and my dad
looks exactly like us.

-Great, I was hoping it would.

-So, we don't know you?

-That was just the
image that came to me

When I was listening
to you talk.

How's your dad feeling?

-Pretty good, he loved
the present you sent him.

It was really cool.

-I hope it helps.

-So, do you ever come
up to los angeles?

-Occasionally on business.

-Oh, great, then
you can meet my dad.

-That's not why I
wrote you, hobie.

-It's not?

-I just wanted to
send you both a big hug

And let you know that
it'll all be okay.

I've been there in
your dad's shoes

And as long as he has
you, it'll be just fine.

-But, callie, you
have to meet my dad.

I wanna meet you, too, I mean,

Can't you just come for a visit?

-I'd love to meet
you and your dad--

-Great, then you can meet
us on the santa monica pier,

4:00 On saturday, we'll
be on the ferris wheel.

-On the ferris wheel.

4:00 Saturday.

-All right.

-And hobie?

-Your dad's really lucky
to have a pal like you.

-Thanks, bye.

-Bye, bye.

-[Mellow music]

-Pasta is ready.

-Okay, in a minute.

-What are you doing?

-You'll see when I'm finished.

-Come on, what is it? Is it
some sort of practical joke?

-This is no joke.

-Well, then, what is it?

-Well, it's called a
rescue can, caroline

And it's designed to save lives.

Let's just say,
I'm redesigning it.

-Well, I say that
it's gonna have to wait

Because the pasta's gonna
get cold, but I'm not.

Why did you just
pull away from me?

-I'm in the middle
of something.

-That's not it.

You don't wanna kiss me
because I gave mouth to mouth

To a man with aids.

-That has nothing
to do with it.

-You can't get aids from
mouth to mouth contact, logan.

-Oh, no? What if you cut
his lip with your tooth?

Trying to get a good seal.

-But, I didn't.

-Well, you could have.

That's why we should
have pocket masks

With us at all times.

We practice safe sex, we
should practice safe cpr.

See you tomorrow.

-Excuse me.

What about the dinner?

-I'm not hungry. See
you in the morning.

-[Somber music]

-Excuse me, you're gonna
have to put that out.

There's no fire allowed on the--

On the beach.

-What are you gonna do
this time? Arrest me?

-Why are you burning
all this stuff?

-'Cause it's all it's good for.

-Is that a picture
of your family?

-Once upon a time.

-How can you just
burn it like that?

-I'm sure they burned
mine a long time ago.

-I'm sorry about what
happened the other day.

-Don't let it happen again.

-Don't try any more buoy swims.

-I'm a pro athlete,
I've swam from here

To catalina and back.

And the day I can't
make a buoy swim,

I'd rather drown.

-Look, I don't
pretend to understand

What you're going through,
but to put your life at risk

To prove some sort of
a point, I'm sorry,

That just can't be the answer.

-What is? Hanging on
until I can barely walk?

-The longer you stay alive,
the better the chances are

That they'll find a
treatment for aids.

They can even find a cure.

-Yeah, you're
right, they could.

If all the doctors and the
scientists, and the politicians

And the drug companies
will work together

Instead of competing
to see who's going

To make that big score.

Until people become more
important than money,

I ain't holding my breath.

-[Melancholy music]

-Man: lifeguard!



Do you got anything
for a wetty rash?


-It really hurts.
-C.j.: Hold on.

You know you should
wear a rash guard

Underneath your wetsuit.

-I know, but mine
got really gnarly

And I kept spitting up milk.

-What are you doing?

-Aren't you going
to rub it on me?

-I think you've been
through the rinse cycle

Too many times.

Put it back when you're done.

-Oh, c.j., Remember you've
gotta get him to the pier

By 4:00.

-I will.
-And make sure he
wears his dress uniform.

-It's as good as done.

This is so romantic, it's
like sleepless in seattle.

You must've seen it?

-A romantic movie,
I don't think so.

-Hobie, what you're
doing is romantic.

Women love romantic men.

Don't grow out of it.

Dip me!
-Mitch: what?

-I need to see if I'm
gonna dip out of my dress.

-C.j., I'm all sweaty here.

-So are all the men
I dance with.

Now dip me.

Did anything show?

-I wasn't looking.

-You have to look and tell me.

I don't want to be embarrassed
in the dance contest.

-Ah! Everything's
in place, okay?

-Okay, good.
Okay, the contest starts
at 4:00 and don't be late.

Everyone's wearing
dress uniforms.

-What are you talking
about? Wait, wait.

-Well, you're
coming, aren't you?

-Well, no, c.j. I
wasn't planning on it.

-[Cries] it's such
a big day for me.

I've been rehearsing so hard.

Everyone's gonna be there.

-Let's just stop--
stop crying all right?

All right, all right, all
right, all right, hello?

I'll be there, I'll
be there, okay?

-Good, wear your dress uniform.

-Just don't dip out of
your dress and embarrass me.


-[Gentle music]

-Ron! Ron, don't do this!

-[Breathing heavily]

-Don't worry, I'm not
planning on drowning.

-Oh, that's good because I'm
not planning on letting you.

-You're not my guardian angel.

-No, I'm not.

I'm a lifeguard and
I'm not gonna watch you

Throw your life away just
because you don't have

The same athletic prowess
that you once did.

There's more to live for.

-Not for me.

-Hey, if you're so pissed
off about the politics

Of aids research, why don't
you get involved instead

Of standing around
and bitching about it.

-Because I'm not up their
ass and I'm not magic.

I'm the person
people love to hate.

That was my reputation and
whether I'm here or not

Is not gonna make a
difference to anybody.

-Ron, that's not true.

-I'll make it.

-[Dramatic music]

-Hi, this is
caroline, tower one.

I've got a boat drifting
in the surf line here.

It could capsize and I've got
a swimmer I've gotta bring in.

All right, thanks.

-[Water crashing]


Grab the can, a boat's capsized,
I have to go help them.

Hold on!

-[Sirens wailing]

Hey, you okay?

-Hurry up, my wife!

-I got her, I got her.

All right, she's unconscious,
she's unconscious. I got you.

-Let's get them out of here!

-Okay, get him. Get him.

-I got you.

-Ron: we're gonna go on
three. One, two, three!

-Man: yeah, I'll take it.

Real soon, I'm going back to hq.

-You said that whether
you were here or not

Wouldn't make a
difference to anybody.

You made the biggest difference

That anybody could ever make.

You saved a life.

-So did you.


-Man: will all
dancers participating

In the competition please
have a copy of your music

Ready to submit to the judges.

The competition will begin in--

-I thought c.j. Said everybody
was wearing dress uniforms.

-Did she? I don't know,
I wasn't there, remember?

-[Smooth, relaxing music]

-I'm gonna use what
hobie's doing as inspiration

For my dance.

-Well, then it's going
to be a disaster because

That's the way these
things always end up.

-Well, think negative
if you want to,

But I happen to believe
in happy endings.

-C.j., Tina and I
got back together.


I don't mind, it's
about winning.

-Well, I feel sorry for
you then because it should

Be about dancing.

-Oh, c.j. I'm sorry.


-Come on, dad, just
a little while longer.

-Half hour of going
in circles is my limit.

-Come on, five minutes.

-Sorry, pal, nature calls.

-All right, well, I'll keep
riding until you get back.

-Excuse me-- excuse
me. Oh, I'm sorry there.

Wait a second.

-No, it was my fault.

-Get your stuff here.

Sorry, american airlines
ticket. Don't want

To forget that, huh?


You're hobie's dad, aren't you?

-Yeah, yeah.

-I'm callie.

-I'm mitch buchannon.

You one of hobie's teachers?

-No, I'm the friend he
met through the radio.

He's told me a lot about you.


Would you excuse
me just for a second?

I gotta throw my son off the
top of that ferris wheel.

-You're lucky to have a
son who loves you so much.

Could we go somewhere and talk?

-I just wanted to dance.

-I know. C.j., Everything's
gonna be all right.

-You guys, callie hasn't shown
up yet and I don't know

Where dad is.

I think he might've left.


-After jessie died of aids,
I was angry at the world

Especially at the
people who were trying

To help me through it.

For some reason, I thought
I had to hold on to the pain

In order to hold
on to the memory.

But that wasn't true.

-How'd you get over it?

-I let love back into my life,
into my work, into my heart.

There are a lot of people
who love us, mitch.

Our friends, our family.

-Their love can see us
through until that other kind

Of special love
comes along again.


If it ever does come again.

-I think it will.

In time if we're open to it.

-Come on, I'd like
you to meet some

Of my family and friends.

-Love to.

-[Dance music]

-I hope he trips on her dress
and bites off his tongue.

-Hi, hobie, I'm callie.

-Hi, it's great to
finally meet you.

So, what happened?
How'd you guys meet up?

-We ran into each other.

We literally ran into each
other on the way here.

Come on.

Callie, I'd like you to meet
two very close friends of mine.

C.j., Stephanie, this is callie.

-Hi, nice to meet you.
That's a great t-shirt.

-Oh, thanks, it's a
new way I'm thinking

Of exposing people to art.


-Hi, I'm c.j.

At least somebody's
having a happy ending.

-What's the matter?

-C.j.'S dance partner dumped
her at the last minute.

-You're kidding me. Oh.

-Now he's dancing with
his ex-dance partner.

-Come on.

-Whoa, I don't think
they planned that step.
-Concentrate, get up! Come on!

-That's it!

-You mean ex, ex-dance partner.

-Well, they deserve each other.

-Callie: looks like you
have a friend in need, mitch.

-Well, you still wanna enter
the contest, ginger rogers?

-Well, I don't have
my fred astaire.

-No, but you got
mitch buchannon.

And I am your favorite
dance partner, remember?

-[Slow music]





-Mitch: check it out!


-Man: wo-hoo!


-[Melancholy music]



-What are you reading?

-A letter from ron.

He's gone home to
be with his family.

He said he's gonna
send me a photograph

Of all of them together.


-So, why do you have
your can with you?

-I'm glad you asked.

It's my redesign. The
one I've been working on.

The pocket mask
fits right in here,

So it's always there
if you need it.

-That's incredible.

It's a great idea,
logan, it really is.

-I figured, you know,
hey, safe sex, safe cpr.

I am really sorry about the
way I acted the other night.

-Me, too.

-[Calming music]

-You know, dad, I think these

Are my favorite times together.

Just me and you
walking on the beach.

-We've been doing it for
a lot of years, haven't we?

-Yeah. I hope we never stop.

-Me, too, pal.

-You know, now
that I think of it,

For a long time, you've
been calling me pal,

Even though I'm your son.

Why is that?

-Well, I guess
it's 'cause I think

Of you as my best friend too.

-Wow, that's pretty cool.

So, are you gonna
see callie again?

-Mitch: sure, she's
become a good friend, pal.

Everyone needs help from
their friends now and then.

-I love you, dad.

I love you a lot.

-I love you, too, pal. [Laughs]


-[Ending theme music]
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