05x21 - The Runaways

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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05x21 - The Runaways

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ Its gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Light rock music]

-Hey watch out!



-Matt: well how do you like
that, saved by the blimp.

-[Rock music]


-Hey, wait a second.

I'm on switchboard again?

That's twice this
week, stephanie.

-I know.

-Well do you wanna tell me why?

-I need you there.

-That is completely
unfair, stephanie.

You're not supposed to
get stuck on switchboard
more than once a week.

You know, stephanie,
I really feel like

You're taking advantage of
me because I'm your sister.

You wouldn't do this
to matt or c.j.,

Why am I getting the
short end of the stick?

-Look, I know you got a lot
of experience while I was away,

But I've been noticing
you're still prone

To making rookie mistakes.

-Rookie mistakes?

What does that mean, stephanie,

Do you want to
give me an example?

-Don't take it so personally.

You've come a long way in
a short period of time.

I'm really proud of you.

-But you don't trust me.

-I think you need
a little seasoning.

-And I'm supposed to get
that on switchboard duty?

-I'll put you on a
tower tomorrow, okay?

Now let's get to work.

Hey, can I give you a hand?

-Got it, okay on three,
one, two, three.

Any word on the other scarab?

-Yeah, should be out of the
shop by the end of this week.

-I'm gonna need it
sooner than that.

-Why? We seem
okay with one boat.

-Ever heard of richard branson?

-Richard branson,
I don't think so.
Is he a lifeguard?

-No, no, no, he's a british
businessman, you know,

Across the atlantic
in a hot air balloon.

-Oh yeah, I've read about him.

He's a big daredevil, he does

All these crazy
stunts and everything.

-You're not gonna believe
what he's up to now.

-Something tells me
I don't wanna know.

-He's gonna water
ski behind his blimp.



-Long beach harbor.


-He wants to be in the
guinness book of world records.

-For what, giving
lifeguards gray hair?

-Nope, the longest water
ski behind an air ship.

-Mitch, I can't believe
you agreed to this.

-I didn't, the chief
assigned me to it.

He wants us to stop by in
case anything goes wrong.

-Water skiing behind a blimp.

-No, while water skiing
behind an air ship.

-What is the difference?

-Uh, well the blimp
is big and round--

-[Lively music]


-I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

-Oh, it's okay.

What now, did I bring
you the wrong order?

-No, no.

-No? Then what's the problem?

-I just wanted to tell ya,
this is a k*ller tuna melt.

-Really? You like it?

-Best thing I ever had.

-Yes! That's maurice.

-Who's maurice?

-He's my new cook.

-Hey maurice!


-Come on lads, have a heart.

Surely you can spare
a few tens or 20s.

Let's go, come on, cough it up.

-I'll be back.

-Watch where you're going, love.

-Excuse me, but I own this
restaurant and I really don't

Want you hitting up
on my customers, okay?

-Perhaps you'd like to make
a donation on their behalf.

How about you captain?

Every little bit helps.

-Tell you what, if you're
hungry I'll buy you lunch.


Come on, it's okay.

My name's molly, molly kasten.

Though I'm thinking
about changing it

When my album comes out.

-Your album?

-I'll be making it any day now.

I'm about to sign a big contract

With a major record company.

-Oh, 'til then you're
panhandling on the beach.

-Oh, this isn't for me,
this is for a friend.

That's not to say I
couldn't use a spot of cash

To tide me over til
my ship comes in.

-Have you ever waited tables?

-Six years at my mum's
pub in white chapel.

Oh, the customers loved me.

-[Chuckling] there you
go kaye, sign her up.

-You're looking for
someone to lend a hand?

when can you start?

-I'll knock you up first
thing in the morning.

-I beg your pardon?

-Oh, I'll be here
at the crack of dawn.

-Your troubles are over.

-Thank you so much.

-[Ominous music]

-Hobie: hey dad, check
it out, is that a blimp?

-Mitch: it's actually
called an airship pal.

-Hobie: what's the difference?

-Mitch: um, ask stephanie.

-Hi, you must be lieutenant
buchannon, I'm richard branson.

-Mitch: nice to meet you.

-Richard: and you.
-My son, hobie.


-Hi hobie, you all right.

-Nice to meet you.

I can't believe you're
doing this water ski thing,

It's awesome.
-Well, not really.

-Mitch: we're gonna
need to see a layout

Of the whole operation so
we can block the area off.

-Well I have a blueprint
for the entire operation,

Do you wanna come and look?

-Mitch: absolutely.

-Richard: come
and have a look.

-Main issue here
really is just safety.

-Well I couldn't
agree with you more.

Safety's quite important to
me, but believe me, mitch,

If we weren't absolutely
certain we could pull this off

We wouldn't be here.


-Woman: call
for you, mr. Branson.

-Would you excuse us?
I've just got a quick call.

-No problem.

-Hello richard, there you are.

-I've been looking
for you everywhere.

-Richard: hello gladys.

How are you?

-What are you
doing in california?


Well I've got this world
record-breaking attempt

That we're having a
go at today, which--

Why don't you come down?

-Love to, but
I'm in rehearsal.

I called because I want you
to come to my opening night.

-I'd love to do that.

I look forward to
seeing you then.


-Dad, wait a minute,
wasn't that...

-Mitch: uh, yeah.

-Impressive machines,
these, aren't they?

-Yeah, very cool.

About how much do you
think one of those costs?

-Don't even think it.

-Looks like a little bit more

Pocket money's gonna be needed.

-It was worth a try.

-What do you say we
all jump on the scarab

And check out the course, huh?

-Let's do that.

-Annette russell, kcop news.

-[Phone ringing]

-Yeah, hello, tower 14.

-Stephanie: have
you noticed that
a surf's been building all day?

Could be a lot of rips in
this section of the beach.

-Yes stephanie, I know.

Now do you mind not
looking over my shoulder,

It's driving me crazy.

-I'm just trying
to help you out.

You know if you'd listen
to some of the things

I'm telling you, you might
actually learn something.

-Yeah, I doubt it.

-What'd you say?


Now do you have any more
pearls of wisdom for me,

Or can I get back to work?

-No, that's it.

-All right then,
I'll see you later.

Wait a second.

-Stephanie: what is it?

-I'm gonna go make a
preven on these people.

-What people?

-Right there,
right in between us.

The guy and the girl stephanie.

-You may need
more than a preven,

That guy's in trouble.

Back me up!

-No, you back me up!

-[Dramatic music]


-Take it easy.

Calm down, I've got you.

-Stephanie: need some help?


-All right, let's go.

-Oh that's lovely.

What flavor is it?

-This is my specialty,
tutti frutti.

Good golly miss molly,
you shouldn't do that.

-How's my blt doing?


-Wait a minute,
it's not ready yet.


It's ready.

-What are you doing here?

Okay, go ahead.

That's all I can spare.

You can't be hanging around
here, I've got work to do.

Look, I'll come
by when I get off.

I'll bring you
something special.

I've gotta go.

Here you are captain.

-Thanks molly.

Whoa, ho ho.

There's only half a sandwich
here, what happened?

-Well that can't be right.

How the devil did that happen?

Let me go talk to the cook.

-Oh molly, molly,
who was that girl

You just shared
mitch's lunch with?

-What girl?

-The one that was here all day.

I mean, who is she?

-We met a couple of weeks back

When I was working on
the boardwalk in venice.

I suppose I just took
her under my wing.

Well she's been like
my shadow since then.

-What's her story?

-All I know is
she came to venice

Because of the shelter house.

-The runaway shelter?

-Yeah, and that
closed last month.

They lost their funding.

-That's why they're living
on the streets right now.

A whole pack of 'em.

You wouldn't know
they were there

Unless you knew their
secret hiding places.

I was about to take
her my tip money.

-You mind if I tag along?

-Why not?

But let me get your
sandwich first.

-[Ominous music]



-Where's caroline?

-I saw her in the locker
room a few minutes ago.

She was lacing up boxing gloves.

-Boxing gloves?

-Yeah, it seemed like she had

Some frustrations to work out.

She and logan having problems?

-No, not that I know of.

-Well somebody's
got her pretty upset.

-Oh yeah, probably me.

-Ah, that was my next guess.

-Look, she's just
mad at me 'cause

She thinks I'm holding her back.

-Well are you?

-No, rookies are supposed
to prove themselves.

-Stephanie, she
has proven herself.

Maybe not to you, but to
everybody else around here.

Think about it.

I'll see you later.

-You look like you're
ready to step in the ring.

Keep your guard up when you jab.

-Are you aware that you're
always telling me what to do?

-Guess after 22 years I
figured you'd be used to it.

-You know I've worked really
hard at becoming a lifeguard,

And I'm not saying I know
all there is to know,

But I think I'm pretty good.

-You're very good, caroline.

I guess that's the problem.

-Why is that a problem?

-I don't know, I guess i...

Still wanna think of
you as my little sister.

Not some young hot shot
who beat me to a rescue.

-I don't think of us as being
in competition, stephanie.

-All lifeguards
are in competition.

I mean the fastest
swimmer, strongest runner,

Just comes with the territory.

I just don't want it
to come between us.

-It won't, I promise.

-Hope you're right.

-Maybe next time I'll
let you make the rescue.

-Don't push your
luck, little sister.

-Make sure we got rescue
cans, life jackets,

Here's the first aid kit.

-And what are you gonna get?

-Uh, coffee and donuts.

-Matt: cream and sugar please.

-Well what do you mean
the whole thing's off?

You said it was
written in stone.

Can't we take it to
another record company?

You said I was gonna be a star.

Oh shut up, I don't wanna listen
to anymore of your rubbish.


You know, kaye, I made a
couple of calls last night

And you know it turns out
that there's a group of people

Who are trying to raise money

To reopen the venice
runaway shelter?

-Yeah, and you
told them I'd stage

A benefit concert
at the sandy cay.

-How'd you find out?

-They called me this morning.

-Well the kids do
need a place to stay.

-Don't worry, I said yes.

As a matter of fact,

I've lined up
somebody really big.

Molly, oh molly, what happened?

-My record deal fell through.

Seems I won't be cutting
my own album after all.

-Hey, you're gonna
get another chance.

Don't give up on yourself.

-Yeah, who knows,
you might wait on some

Big time record producer
right here at the sandy cay.

-Fat chance.

What'll it be?

Come on, I haven't got all day.


-Robert: molly!

Please wait!

-[Rock music]

Damn, where did she go?

-Hey, what's going on?

-I'm looking for my fiance.

-Your fiance?

-Where did I go wrong?

Why would a woman
choose to travel

Halfway around the world
rather than marry me?

-Molly didn't come here
to get away from you,

She came here because
los angeles is the center

Of the music business, and
she wants to be a singer.

-Yes, well that's
just preposterous.

I just can't understand
why she insists

On pursuing this
childish dream of hers.

-Why don't you share her dream?

-Molly has a lot of talent,

And you should be
her biggest fan.

-I wanna be her husband!

-You need to get your
head screwed on straight.

-Woman on phone: hello?
Hello, who's there?

Hello, who's calling?


-Excuse me.


-Woman on phone: hello.

-Who's this?

-Over phone: this is
phyllis evans, who's this?

-Hey, you know
where the gps is?

I need an exact location.

-It's in the hull, I'll get it.

-All right.

-What the?

-Fancy meeting you here.

-Matt: where'd you come from?

-It's a bit cramped down
here, give us a hand.

-Molly, I don't believe this.

-What are you doing in there?

-Well it was the only
place I could find to hide.

How did I know you'd be
shoving off right away?

-All right,
we're turning around.

We're taking her back.

-Mitch, what about
richard branson?

-He'll have to wait.

-Did you say richard branson?

Why, he's a living legend.

What's he doing here?

-He's water skiing
behind his airship.

We're here on safety standby.

-That sounds like our
richie, I can't miss that.

-[Fake laughing] I'm
afraid you're gonna have to.

-Oh please captain, I won't
get in the way. I swear.

Can't you find it in your
heart to let me stay?

-Oh you're breaking
my heart, here.

-Mitch, if we go
back it's gonna

Throw off everybody's timing.

-Ah, all right, all right.

Just sit down, shut up,
and don't even squirm.

-Oh yes, sir!

-I'm gonna regret this.

-Reporter: can I ask you
a couple of quick questions?

-Richard: of course.

-So richard, are you nervous?

How do you...

[Laughter] good luck!

-Thank you.

-Right now, richard branson

Is getting onto the boat
that is going to take him

To his airship where he will
attempt to be entered into

The guinness book of world
records for water skiing.

Multi-millionaire richard
branson is no virgin

When it comes to
daredevil stunts, he's set

Transatlantic speed
records in his power boat

And he's the first man to
have crossed the atlantic

And the pacific ocean
in his hot air balloon.

But that's just a set up
for his next daring do,

Water skiing while attached
to his own air ship

Which will be traveling
about 70 miles per hour.

Annette russell, 13 real news.

-[Rock music]

-Is that beautiful
or what, huh?


-[Dramatic music]

-Go richard!


-Look at that, he's crazy.


-[Rock music]


-That's it mr. Branson,
we broke the record.



-He got it man, he got it.

-Stephanie: yeah!
-Caroline: yes!

-He set the record.

He just did it.


-Wait a minute.

Matt, he's not coming up.

All right, let's go.

-I'm going in.

-We're gonna go back.

-[Dramatic music]

-Give me the knife!

-I'll get it.

-Molly, wh--

What are you doing?

-Matt: hand me the knife.

-[Dramatic music]


-Richard: my foot is caught.

-It's okay mr. Branson,

We'll get you out of
this mess in a jiffy.


-Congratulations mr. Branson,
once again you're going to be

In the guinness book
of records, well done.

-Yeah, well done.

-Mitch: congratulations, mate.

-Thanks to you lads, I'll be
around to savor my
moment of glory.

-No worries mate,
all in a day's work.

-Well just the same,
is there anything

Maybe I could do for any of you?

-Well, actually, there
is something you could do

For me that is.

I'm a singer and, well I was
hoping you'd listen to my song.

-Well, since you
helped save my life

That's the least I can do.



-You quit?

What do you mean you quit?

You can't quit.

-As much as I've grown
attached to this place,

I'm afraid I've
had a better offer.

Richard branson's got
me a record deal!

-Oh, molly, that's terrific!


-Thanks, kaye.

-That's great.

Did you have that
talk with your fiance?

-Yeah, I'll be recording in
london so we can be together.

What can I say?

The poor boy's lovestruck.

All of a sudden he wants to
be involved in my career.

Next thing you know he'll
want to be my manager.

-Don't they all.

-There's someone
I've gotta talk to.


-Are you going away?

-Yeah, I'm going home,
where I belong.

You should think
about doing the same.

-No, I can't.

My parents hate me.

They'll never take me back.

-You've gotta give
'em a chance, kit.

I'll bet they miss you
as much as you miss them.

You can't go on living this way.

You need somebody
to look after you.

-Woman: come here, hun.

-[Gentle music]

-That's her family?


-Well how did they find her?

-Thank your boss for that.

-We love you.

-[Ending theme music]
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