06x11 - The Incident

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x11 - The Incident

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrenders in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here

[Theme music playing]

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and alway

♪ I'm always here

-You know you're
gonna have to do this

If you're gonna
pass the recheck.

Cody, you're terrific
in the water.

You're like half
fish or something.

What is the big deal about a
little swim through the pier?

-These big 'ol hard cement
pilings are in the way.

-No. Now, see, that is
your classic psych out.

You gotta refocus.
Think of it as a game.

-I already do. Pinball.

-No, that is the wrong game.

Come on, close your
eyes. Close your eyes.

-Woo! Yeehaw!

-Let's go, let's go!

-Picture positive thoughts.

See yourself swimming.

You know, you're steering
through those pilings.

Now, once you get
all those good,

Strong thoughts
in your head,

All you gotta do is get your
body to do what your mind sees.

-You sound just like stephanie
when she's coaching me.

-Yes because we like to
give advice in this family.

[Exhales loudly]

-Cody, olympic skiers
do this. You can do this!

-All right, all right.

Swimming, steering.

Ow, oh, ah!
[Caroline laughs]

[Both laugh]

All right, all right.

Did it!


Now, all you gotta do
is, you know, do it.


[Eerie music]

-Back away! You're too close!

You're too close! Get back!

-Come on, guys! And put
away the beer, all right?

We're gonna have
to confiscate it.

-Cowboy, check it out, man.
Check it out, check it out!

-Save me ma'am, I'm
drunk in my suds.

Please help me.
Save me. [Laughs]

-Hey, caroline.
-Caroline: hi.

-Are you on night shift, too?

-Oh yeah, I am, but I'm
actually looking forward to it.

I love to watch
the sun set.

-See you later.

-Boy: hey, man.

-How you doing?
-Boy: all right.

-About time.
-Boy: oh, look what we got.

-Here we go.

-Did he card ya?

-Yeah, but the i.d.
Worked. Brewskis, let's go!

-Hey, cowboy! Cowboy,
time to get up!

-All right.
-Boy: we got the beer, man.


-Hurry up, buddy.

-Hey. Hey, guys.
Look at this.

[Whistling and cheering]

-Hey! [Whisting]

-Hey, guys, why don't
you call it a day, huh?


-Come on!

-295 From baywatch scarab 1.

I'm on patrol northbound
out of marina del rey.

-Come on, let's do it!

-Here we go!
There we go!

-All right!
Come on, cowboy!

Get up, cowboy,
you're missing it man!

-Boy: cowboy, come on. Get up.

-There we go.

-Come on.
There we go.

-Hey, guys. The
canopy's on fire.

Let's get outta here!

get up, cowboy!

-Baywatch headquarters
from rescue scarab one.

-Voice on radio: this is
baywatch, send your traffic.

-There's a boat on fire

Just north of the
marina jetty entrance.

There are kids drinking beer
and sh**ting off fireworks.

Please send backup. There
are victims in the water.

I'm going in.

-Voice on radio: on it's way.

I'll contact the coast guard,

Get a chopper out for you, too.

Be careful, caroline.

-Come on, cowboy.
Come on, get up!

Come on, man!


-Help me! Help!

-Help me! Help

-Help me! Help me!

-Boy: right here, man!


-You got it? You got it?
-Boy: yeah.

-Grab it, man.


-I saw someone go
down over there!

-Caroline: okay.

-Okay, I got you.
Hold on the the can.

Hold on to the can. Come
over this way with me.

-No pulse. Begin cpr.

-One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

Two, three, four, five.

-You're gonna be okay. Okay?


-Okay, wait right here.

Relax, we'll be right back.

Get his legs.

-No pulse. Begin cpr.

-One, and two, and
three, and four, and five.

One, and two, and three,
and four, and five.

One, and two, and three,
and four, and five.

One, and two, and three,
and four, and five.

-Okay, cough it up.

You're gonna be all right.


How many were on the boat?


-Newmie, how many
victims do you have?

-I got two on board here.

-Barnett: four. We got 'em
all, let's get outta here.

-You're awesome.

-Both scarabs lighting
up everything.

-I was like diving
in the water.
-I know.


-Would you excuse us, please?
-Stephanie: sure, sure.

-Thank you.


-Yeah, mitch. Is
something wrong?

-I just got off the phone with
captain walker at south bay.

Those kids were pretty
drunk and pretty scared

To make much sense of
anything last night.

There was another
guy on board.

They called him cowboy.

They just found his body.

-Help! Save me!




-You okay?

-Yep. [Chuckles]

I'm fine. I'm great.

-Listen, just want you to
know that if you need anything,

Somebody to talk to, or...

Well, I'm here for you.

-Cody, I'm perfectly
fine. All right?

I just wish people
would leave me alone.

-I'll see you guys at
practice after I get off work.

-All right.

-Response time was minimal.

Four saves, one cpr and
a defib, both successful.

I'd say a great job.

As a matter of fact,

I'd say a terrific job when
you consider the elements.

You got darkness,
a boat on fire,

Multiple rescues in the
water at the same time,

And the physical
condition of the victims.

They said at the hospital,

The blood alcohol
content was point 1-8

In over three of the victims.

-Too drunk to walk,
let alone swim.

-Yeah. Fireworks, daddy's
boat, a couple cases of beer.

Great combo.

-The uh, the other one.


I saw him earlier that
day at the marina.

I saw him.

-Caroline, the police
interviewed the kids

And they all said that cowboy
was asleep on the deck,
passed out.

There was no way you
could've seen him.

-I saw him with them
earlier that day.

-But they could've
dropped him off somewhere.

How would you know?

-He had a cowboy hat on.

On a boat.

And he was flirting with me.

I shouldn't have forgotten him.

-The purpose of this debriefing

Is to review everyone's
involvement in the incident

To see if anything
was done incorrectly.

No finger pointing, no blame.

Caroline, you did
everything you could.

-There were five, mitch.

There weren't four and I knew.

I knew it.


You wanna talk?


What good is talking gonna do?

A young boy died. Talkings
not gonna help him.

-If you don't get
your feelings out,

They're gonna eat you up.

Believe me, I know.

Caroline, there are
counselors for this kinda--

-I gotta go.

-Caroline: anywhere.

I just, I can't breathe here.


♪ It's a darker place

♪ It's a lonely place

♪ Without you

♪ I'm sinking down

♪ Down to the core ♪
♪ of my heart

♪ Is all my pain

♪ Here to stay in vain? ♪

♪ Even the fire won't

♪ Put out my rain

♪ And I know

♪ I'm stuck below

♪ Below the flames

♪ And I know

♪ I'm stuck below

♪ Below the flames

♪ And I know
♪ I'm stuck below

♪ Below the flames

♪ And I know

♪ I'm stuck below

♪ Below the flames

-Uh, she just woke up.

No, I don't know, yet.
I'll call you later.




It's okay.

-It's far from being okay.

-Look, caroline.

You were involved in
a traumatic situation.

What you're feeling,
what you're going through

Has got a name.

It's called critical
incident stress and it's--

-I don't want to
talk about it.

-It's best if you do, caroline.

-Stephanie, how do you
know what's best for me?

You're not my shrink.
You're not me.

You didn't let that
boy die. I did.

-You didn't let anybody die.

-He died because of me.

-No, no. Four boys are
alive because of you.

-Stephanie, I
don't wanna do this.

I don't wanna play this game.

-It's not a game. It's
very, very serious.

Now, you can't believe
this is your fault.

You can't blame yourself.

-You know, stephanie, you
wanted me to be a lifeguard.

You got me into baywatch.

If it wasn't for that,

I never would've
been there that night

And I wouldn't
have screwed up!

-What do you say?

Two day ride there, the weekend
at the lake, two days back.

-Eddie, it sounds
great, but I'm working.

I'd have to call in sick.


-Yeah, right. Right.

Well, look at this.

Little miss priss herself.


-Well, well. What a surprise.

-Yeah. Pretty unexpected, huh?

Hi. I'm caroline.

-Hey there.

-Neely: what are
you doing here?

-I am hanging out.

You know, a little change of
scenery, breath of fresh air.

-What's going on, ed?

-Eddie: hey, rawley.
Say hello to caroline.

-Hi, caroline.

-Could I join you guys?

-By all means.

-You uh, you want
a beer or something?

-Oh, no. I don't really dr--

Yeah. Yeah, I'd love one.


-Beers all around, please.

-Woman: two long necks, please.

-Stephanie: what are
they doing down there?

-They're sh**ting
some kind of commercial.

What's going on with caroline?

-After she ran out last
night, she never came back.

-Did she show up
for recheck today?

-I don't know.

I don't know where she
is, what she's doing,

Who she's with.

She's just hurt, angry,
scared, all at the same time.

I'm really
worried about her.

-Ah, it's the syndrome.
She's going through it.

You know, you helped
me through it.

Why don't you talk to her?

-I tried. She's
not listening to me.



-Good morning.


-Caroline: yeah?

-Are you all right?


-Uh, caroline.
-Caroline: hmm?

-Good luck on the recheck.



-Stop it.

-All right, listen up.

It's that time of year
we all love. The recheck.

For those of you who are
first year lifeguards,

Remember, this test is
not suppose to be a race.

Just a pass fail,
examination of your mental

And physical conditioning.

-But for those of you that
have taken this test before,

You know that it is a race.

So we're gonna start out
with the run, swim, run.

Then, the dive off the
scarab, the pier jump,

And finally, the swim
through the pier pilings.

Good luck.


-I still feel--
neely: I know.

-Mitch: go!

♪ It'll take awhile

♪ This fire to burn through

♪ We've run for miles,

♪ But I want to fly

♪ Away with you

♪ Oh,

♪ This used to be so easy ♪

♪ Oh,

♪ This used to be a breeze ♪

♪ Where have you gone

♪ Where have you gone

♪ I miss you

♪ I miss you

♪ Where have you gone

♪ Where have you gone

♪ Where have you gone

♪ I miss you

♪ I miss you

♪ I miss you

-Hey, what's going on?

-[Scoffs] what do you mean?

-Why'd you bail on the recheck?

-I just didn't feel
like doing it today.

-You've gotta pass
it to stay qualified.

-Oh, I know that, hun.

I can reschedule the recheck.
I can pass anytime I want to.


-I'm worried about you.
-Don't be.

-You're not acting
like yourself.

-No, I'm not, cody.

But I'm doing great,

So why don't you worry
about somebody else?

I know what I'm doing.

-Hello, baby.

-Neely: all right, let's go.

-Neely: woo!

-Cowboy: help! Save me!

-One more lifeguard

And I bet we can get a
group rate on our beer tab.

-Why'd you bring her here?

-To have some fun.

Do you have a problem with that?

-Yeah. I know all
about you and your fun.

-Who's this guy?

-Caroline: forget about him.

-I heard about you.

Drinking on the job,

Getting matt brody slapped with
a sexual harassment charge.

-Why don't you
stick to the olympics

And stay outta my life?

-And you stay
out of caroline's.

-Listen, she asked to be
here along for the ride.

If she wants to start
having some fun in here life

And quit being the
little princess that
she is, I can help.

-She doesn't need
your kind of help.

She needs a friend.

-You're the one that's
telling her what she should

And shouldn't do.

I'm letting her
do what she wants.

Who's the real friend, cody?

-Oh, please.

-If he comes over here, I
promise not to make fun of him.

-Caroline: hello, cody.
Want a beer?

-No, let's go.
I'll take you home.

-No. I'm not ready to go home.

-Come on, caroline.
You don't belong here.

-She said she doesn't
want to go, man.

-Stay out of this. It
doesn't involve you.

-Oh, it does now.

-Go away, cody!

I don't need you and
I don't want you help!

Leave me alone!


-You know damn well.

You know, I've been
trying as hard as I can

To be sympathetic
and understanding.

But you know, I just
can't do it anymore.

-Do you have a problem with me?

-Stephanie: yeah, I do.

-Well, please, do tell.

-Let's see,
where shall I start?

You're god knows
where at night,

You quit in the
middle of a recheck.

-You sound like mom.

Don't forget,
stephanie, you're not.

-Yeah, but I'm your
boss and I can fire you.

-Stephanie, I will
take the recheck

And I will pass, all right?

What is the big deal?

-The big deal is
you're acting stupidly.

-Why, because I
have new friends?

-You've turned your back
on work, on your friends.

For what? So you can drink?

Hang out in bars? Ride
around on motorcycles?

Caroline, what you're doing,
don't you see it's dangerous?

-I had a few
beers, stephanie.

Since when did it become
a crime to have some fun?

-You didn't even
ask about cody.

-What about him?

-You know that
fight he got into?

Well, he sprained his wrist.

He might not be able to
swim in the olympic trials.

And he's on light duty

Because he can't work his tower
until it heals completely.

-Well, he shouldn't have
interfered in my life.


-He was outta line, stephanie.

-He was worried about a
friend, so he tried to help her.

You don't even care, do you?

You are so selfish.

Look, what happened to
those kids, that was awful.

I know what you're
going through.

-Come on.

Nobody knows what
I'm going through.


-Mitch, please
don't make me talk.

It's not gonna make any sense.

I've been over and over it
a million times in my head

And it never makes any sense.

-It will.

The hell you're going
through right now,

You gotta go through it.

It's part of the
healing process,

But it'll get better.

-I don't think
I'm gonna make it.

It's--it's too scary, mitch.

It's just too hard.

-Caroline, before
you came to baywatch,

Something happened to me.

Something I never thought
I'd get past, either.

There was this little
boy. His name was bobby.

He and his brother were
pulled out in a rip.

I could only get his
brother. Bobby went down.

He was under for three
and a half minutes

Before we found him.

I blame myself.

The guilt ate me up.

Took a lot of time and a lot
of people helping me through it

To get over it.

But I did and you will, too.

-The difference is, mitch,

Is that your boy
lived and my boy died.

I'm scared it's
gonna happen again.

I'm scared I'm gonna freeze
up, and I'm gonna fail,

And somebody else is
gonna die because of me.

I can't do it, mitch.

I quit.

-Rawley: beautiful,
huh, huh? [Laughs]


-Rawley, come on!

-Woo hoo hoo!

Woo hoo!

-Rawley: that's a
tag, eddie. You're it.

-Caroline: watch out! Eddie!

-Rawley: oh my god.
I don't see.

What do we do, caroline?

Caroline, wake
up! What do we do?

-Help! Save me!

-Uh, call, call 911.

Have them notify baywatch that
there's a biker in the water

Off point dune.

Go, hurry!

-I'll bring it around!


-Here, grab the can. Grab it.


-Mitch: you all right?

-Caroline: yeah.

-Mitch: you're all right.

-Hello, cowboy.

Um, I'm caroline.

You don't know me,

But I am never
going to forget you.

That night on the boat,

I really, really tried.

So I just want you to
know that I'm very sorry.

[Ending theme music]
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