06x17 - Sail Away

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x17 - Sail Away

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear,
no don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear,
no don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Slow instrumental music]

-Caroline: come on,
what's happening?

Let me see, please let me see.

Come on, let me see, let me see.
-No, no ,no.

-Let me. Can I just--

-No, let me see, let me see.


-Cody: very funny, very funny.


-Tony! Hi!


-Cody: I'll get you for this!


-Come on.


That was so much fun.

-Where's your stuff?

-It's over by the
lifeguard tower.

-Race you there.


On your mark, get set, go.

-Go, go, go!


-I was first.

-Who was it?

-Oh, I don't know.

I think it was a tie.

-This is zina.

Zina this is mitch bu--

This is my dad.

I know it's not official yet,

But I like the way it sounds.

-Nice to meet you.

-Same here, zina.

-We're going to
the same school.

Zina's in fourth grade, too.

-Really? That's great.

-Do you want to
have lunch with us?

-Sure, let me go ask my
mom. I'll be right back.

-Nice to meet you.

-Zina: thanks, you too.

-Seems like a nice girl, huh?

-Yeah, she's really cool.

I've never had a
girlfriend my age before.

My mom and I never stayed
in one place long enough

For me to make any real friends.

I just hope she likes me.

-I'm sure she does.

Look, why don't you
get started on lunch.

I'm gonna check my
water one more time,

And I'll be right back.

-[Shouts in surprise]

-You're supposed to keep
your suit on in the shower.

-I thought I was alone.

-That's no excuse.

-What's your excuse? What
are you doing in here?

-We have a match race
with south bay coming up.

-I didn't know there was
a baywatch sailing team.

-Yeah, well there hasn't
been one in a couple of years.

I just thought it'd be good for
morale if we competed again.



What is going on here?

-Anybody else out there?

You wanna bring 'em in?

-I'm recruiting for the
baywatch sailing team.

We're going to the
marina after work.

Cody, can we please
turn around now?

-Just a second.

[Screaming and laughing]

-Are you crazy?

-There, you got that
sand in the tower.

-What are you laughing at?

-It was her idea.
-Stephanie: no, it wasn't!

-It was her idea. It was.
-Cody: really?

-It was. It was.

-Cody: you're history!


-All right, joey! Woo!

-How you doing?

-Other girl: hi.

-Hey. Mitch.

-Hey, what's shakin'?

-I've got something for ya.

-Oh yeah, what's that?

-Well, I'm reviving the
baywatch sailing team.

And as I recall,

You used to be able to jibe
and tack with the best of 'em.

-The operative words
here are "used to."

Sorry, but my plate
is pretty full.

-I thought so.

I just figured I'd ask.


Look at her ride that wave.

-Stephanie: like
father, like daughter.

When does the
adoption come through?

-Actually, we sign the
papers at the end of the week.

-That's great.

She's a very lucky
girl, you know?

-I feel pretty lucky myself.

-Well, I better
get to the marina.

-Well, good luck
with the new team.

-You too.


-Ugh, yuck!

I don't know how you ever
convinced me to do this.

Steph, I don't know
anything about sailboats.

I'm not gonna be much help.

-Just like around the house.

-Ha, ha, ha.

-You realize we're gonna
need at least five people

To crew a boat this size?

-You think anybody
else is gonna show up?

-I don't know.

-Well, did anybody else
say they were going to?


-We've got to be able
to round somebody up.

-Oh my god, quick,
hit the poop deck!

-Cody: uh-oh, it's neely.

-Caroline, I thought we
were gonna try and get along.

-Fine, I will try.

But, I am not
making any promises.

-Ahoy, skipper.

Permission to come aboard?

-Permission granted. Hop in.

-Here, cody.

Thank you.


-Hey, newmie. How are ya?


Let's get one thing straight.

I'm not here to play games,

And I'm not here to
have a great time.

I'm here to win. Period.

Are you in agreement with me?

-Caroline: 100%

-All right, let's get
this place shipshape.

Come on.

-Hobie: all right, two
pairs, read 'em and weep.

-Joey: not so fast.

Three jakes

-Hey, hey, hey, what
are you guys doin'?

You're supposed to be
reading, not playing cards.

Come on now.

-At least we're
not watching tv.

What do ya got there?


-Right there.

-Joey: right there.

-Oh, right there.

Oh, you mean this.

Well, this is a doll.

You see I have a friend who
makes very pretty dolls,

And I told her I have
a brand new daughter,

So I thought I'd
bring it home for you.

-She's beautiful.

-I thought she would
fit in real well

In your new room.

-Thanks, dad.

I love you.

-I love you, too.

-[Knocking on door]

-I'll get it.
-No, no it's okay, I know
who it is, it's ryan.

-Your detective partner?

What's she doing here?

-She is working with a
lawyer on your new adoption.

-[Knocking on door]

-Hey, come on in.


-Wait a minute.

I know that face. What's wrong?

-Joey has relatives.


-Her mother's
parents are alive.

We located them in milwaukee.

They had no idea that
their daughter had died,

And they're flying in
tomorrow to pick up joey.

-Just like that?

I just gotta give her up?

I've got no say in this?

-Yeah, that's what
your lawyer says.

According to the law,
mitch, they get custody.

-I don't believe this.

-I'm really, really sorry.

-And when the princess
leaned over to kiss the frog,

The frog turned into
a beautiful prince.

Do you want to read with us?

-I'd love to, uhm...

We gotta talk about
something right now.

-What? Did I do
something wrong?

-No, you didn't
do anything wrong.

-Well, then what's the problem?

-Joey, your
grandparents are coming.


What grandparents?

-Your mother's parents.

-Well that's impossible.

She said they died
when I was a kid.

There's got to be some mistake.

-Well, there's always
that possibility.

-Well, what if it's true?

What's going to happen to me?

Will I have to live with them?

-I don't know. I--

-They can't make me go if
I don't want to, can they?

Can they?

-Not if I can help
it, sweetheart.

Not if I can help it.

-You know what I don't get?

Is how come two total strangers

Can just walk in
here and take joey.

They might not even
be her grandparents.

They could just be
some con artists

That heard she was
up for adoption.

-Well, we'll find
out soon enough.

Ryan's running a
background check.

-They're here.

-[Knocking on door]

-Hey, come on in.

-Mr. Buchannon?

Yes, yes, please come in.

-My name is george jennings,
and this is my wife, cleo.

-Cleo: hi.
-Mitch: hi, cleo.

Please call me mitch.

This is my son, hobie.
-Hobie: hey.

-How do you do?
It's a pleasure.

-Hi, hobie, how are--

Oh my, and you must be joey.

-George: looks just
like kyla did at that age.

-Oh my goodness.

Hi, honey.

We're your mommy's parents.

-She told me you were dead.

-Well, we had a falling out,

But we loved your
mommy very much.

She was our only child.

-She must've really hated you.

-Mitch: joey.

-Joey: why else would
she say they were dead?

What did you do to her?

-Oh, honey, come here honey.

-Let me alone.


-Hobie: I'll go.
-George: mitch.

It's okay, let her alone.

It's a very delicate
time for her.

We didn't expect her to
accept us right away.

-Hey, put some more elbow
grease in that, sailor.

-Aye aye skipper.

-Man: hey, isn't that
neely capshaw over there?

Let's go say, hi.

-Helm's over.


Let's bring it in.

Okay, right here.


-No problem.

-So, this is the competition?

I'm shakin' in my boots.

-Who's that jerk?

-That's kurt daniels,
lieutenant from south bay.

-Oh, old flame, neely?

-I used to sail with him,

'Til he found himself
a new first mate.

-Hey, neely, you sure you
don't want to come back

And sail with the old crew?

We always got room
for you, babe.

-Neely: in your dream kurt.

-See you guys later.

That's if you make
it off the dock.

-Oh, nice taste in men.

-Let's hoist that jib.


-Kurt: good luck, baywatch.

-Stephanie: all right, you
guys, let's get to work, okay?

Stop standing around.


What are you doing
with that magazine?



-Hey guys.



What'd you dig up
on those turkeys?

-Well, not so much as
an unpaid parking ticket.

These guys are a norman
rockwell painting.

Cleo's a teacher,
george sells insurance,

They pay all their
taxes on time,

They go to church every sunday.

-How could I possibly
be related to them?

-Well, as it turns
out you may not be.

-What do you mean?

-Well, in 1986,

George and cleo jennings
legally disowned your mother.

Now, I don't know
the particulars as
to why they did it,

But I know that they did.

-So, technically, they're
not her legal grandparents?

-Yeah, which gives you grounds

To contest the custody ruling,

But you should know,

That you're in for a
pretty messy court case

If the grandparents
decide to fight it.

-Well, who cares as long as
we get to keep her, right?


-Does that mean I get to stay?

-Mitch: looks that way, kiddo.


Tell george and cleo
we'll see them in court.

Way to go, ryan.

-Hobie: you're
staying right here.

-Hi, mitch.


-I checked at headquarters,
they said I might find--

Have you got a minute?

-Yeah, just ah,

Let me towel off.

Come on, come on.

What's on your mind?

-I, uh...

I just wanted to tell you...

Some of our family history.

When my wife was
pregnant with kyla,

Complications came up that
made it so she could never

Have any more children.

And naturally kyla became
the sole focus of our lives.

She was a difficult child.

When she'd reached puberty,

She'd already been picked up

For-- for shoplifting, for
stealing things from
the neighbors,

For taking things from school.

And cleo and I

Didn't know what to do.

And imagine that you
have a child like that, and--

It tears you apart.

When she was 17,

Kyla stole my credit cards,

And ran away from home.

I'm still paying.

At that point on, we decided to

Try the tough love approach.

-So, you disowned her?

-From that day on,

We never talked to kyla again,

And then one day,

A stranger showed up at my door,

And said my little
girl was dead.

I never even got the
chance to say good-bye.

See, I'm telling
you this, because

As much as my wife
and I love joey,

And we want her,

We don't have a lot of money

For a long-drawn-out
legal battle,

And we wouldn't want to
put joey through it anyway.

So, if you're going to
contest our right to custody,

We won't challenge.

If that's the case,

She can stay here with you.

Thanks for your time.

-[Slow instrumental music]

-[Kids playing on beach]

-It looks like he's goin' down.

Oh, no wait, oh, here we go.

He dives for it and touchdown.

The crowd goes wild.

An incredible run by buchannon.

All right, yeah!

Wanna make dad some lasagna?

It's his favorite.

-Okay, and we can add
some peanut butter,

Gummy bears, and pickles.

-Okay [laughs].

Oh, hey, dad.
-Mitch: hey.

-Hey, dad.

Which do you like better?

Dad or daddy?

-I like 'em both.

-Yeah, but which do
you want me to call you?

-Come here, kitten.

Let's sit down for a
second, I wanna talk to you.

Now, you know how we
feel about you, right?

I mean, hobie and i,

We love you more than we
ever thought possible,


I can't be your dad.

-What are you saying?

-George and cleo,

They're your real family.

-No, they're not.

You're my family.

-Mitch: no matter
what we feel about you,

Or what some judge might say,

They're your flesh and blood.

They're your real family.

And they deserve a
right to raise you.

-You're gonna make
me go with them?

I think it's the
right thing to do.

-You care more about
them, than you do about me.

-No, that's not true.

-It is too.

I don't know why you just
didn't put me in a foster home.

You don't want me.
You never wanted me.

You're a liar and I hate you.

-I can't believe you
backed down like that.

I'm never gonna forgive you.


Joey, come on!



-Kurt: let's see how these
jokers are doin'. [Laughs]

Well, looks like you
got the boat ready.

Now all you need's a crew.

-Neely: shut up, kurt.

It just so happens that
we're gonna kick your butt.

And I'm gonna love
every minute of it.

-Hey, dollface, if
you're so confident

What do you say we make
a little side bet?

-What do you have in mind?

-He doesn't have a mind.

-If you guys win,

I'll be your sl*ve for the day.

If we win,

You're mine.

-Get lost.

-You're on.

-Okay, now we got
some action goin'.

Better get that french
maid outfit ready.


-Kurt: let's hit
it guys. [Laughs]

See ya.

Fire up that engine.

-Just so you know,

It's gonna take a miracle
for us to beat them.

-It's all right.

I believe in miracles.

-[Laughs] how else
do you explain her
becoming a lifeguard?


Joey not coming down?

Oh what? Are you giving me
the silent treatment too?

-Joey never wants to
see you again, all right?

I don't blame her.

-[Rattles the door handle]

-Joey? Come on, honey, open up.

-[Rattles door handle]

Joey, get away from the
door, I'm comin' in there.

-[Dramatic instrumental music]

-Hobie: hey, here
comes my dad. Come on.

-Do all the lifeguards
know what joey looks like?


-What about the police?

-My dad gave them a description

And they're running an apb.

Aw, no luck, huh?
What did trapper say?

-She hasn't tried
to contact him.

He said he'll call if she does.

-Hobie: yeah right.

-Who's trapper?

-A local con artist.

-Yeah, and joey's ex-partner.

-Oh, dear.

Oh, that poor little girl.

George, we've got to find her.

-We will, we will.

-You checked the pier?

-Yeah, I just got back from
there, nobody's seen her.

-Mitch: what
about the catwalk?

-That's the first
place I looked.

I was thinking about goin'
back there on my bike

And checking it out.

-Okay, do me a favor, look,
stay on this radio,
I'm on channel one.

Keep me posted if you
find her, all right?

-Can I go with
you, would you mind?

Waiting around here's
making me crazy.

-No problem, you gotta bike?


-In there, there's
one in there. Go ahead.

-Hobie: in the garage.

-Would you call me
if you need anything,

Or just let me know.
-George: I will, good-bye.

-I'll be upstairs.

-Hobie: hey, wait a minute.

-George: what? What
is it? Do you see her?

-No, but that's
her friend, zina.

-Well aren't you
gonna stop her?

She may know where joey is.

-If I'm guessing
right, all we gotta do

Is follow the big mac and fries.

Come on, let's do it.

-That tide's coming
in pretty strong.

You can't stay here much longer.

-I know. It's okay.

I know some people in
venice that'll put me up.

-This is zina's bike.

There they are.

Dad, come in, this is hobie.

-Mitch: what's up, pal.

-We found her.


-Hobie: the rocks
of leo carrillo.

-I'm on my way.

-[Siren blares]


-Oh no.



Joey, please!

-[Dramatic instrumental music]


-Hobie: joey,
what are you doing?

Joey, come on!

-George: joey!


Please don't run away.




-It's okay.



-Joey, I'm comin'!

I'm on my way, joey!






-George: hobie,
I can't get her.

I can't get her, hobie. Help me.

Hurry, hobie!

Help her, hobie.

-Joey: help!
-Hobie: all right, joey.

I gotcha.

-Come on, dad!

-You okay?

-Yeah, joey's all right,
but you gotta get george.

He's off the rocks,
right out there.

-All right, keep an eye on her.

-All right.

All right, he's got a pulse.

-All right, spit it up.

Okay, easy, now just
rest in my arms. Okay.

You all right?


Joey? Is joey okay?

-She's okay. She's okay.

Lean back, just take it easy.

-I got him.
-Thank you.
You stay here with him.

I'm gonna go call it in.

-Hobie: all right,
just take it easy.

-Kurt: all right,
guys, let's take 'em up.

-Cody: watch out, steph.

He's trying to push
you over the line.

Ten seconds to the g*n.

-Okay, trim for speed.

-Five, four, three, two, one.

-Man: way to go. We nailed it.

-We're in their bad air.

We'll have to tack.

-Kurt: nice start, neely.

-Prepare to come about.

Helm's down.


Get that jib in, quickly.

-Newmie: turn the main
and start heading back up.

-Cody: okay, got it.

Okay, steph, you're clear.

Let's get this boat movin'.

-Kurt: come on, guys,
let's have some fun here.

-We're on starboard tack.

We've got right-of-way.

-I know, they have to yield.

-Yeah, but do they know that?


-Kurt: everybody hold tight,

No way are we ducking them.


-Hold your course, skipper!

We've got plenty of room.

-All: starboard!

-Cody: what's
wrong with you guys?

-Kurt: hey, chill out, pal.

We're getting headed. Tack now!

-Man: tacking on!

-Got it, go, go, go!

-They're not making the mark.

Just hold it a little longer.

Hold it. Hold it.

Okay, tack.


-Man: all right,
we're on the layline.

Helm's over.

-Woman: pull the line.

-Man: got it.

-Neely: ten boat
lengths to the mark.

Ready on the foredeck, cody.

-Stephanie: okay, everyone
get ready for a jibe set.

Helm's over.

Watch the boom!

Oh my god, caroline!

-She's hurt.

-Here, caroline, grab this.

-Stephanie: let's
turn this boat around

And pick them up
on the port side.

-It's okay, I've got you.

-Kurt: looks like they're
havin' some trouble.

-Neely, grab the rope.

-Kurt: watch
out for the boat.


-Newmie: come on,
neely, come on, grab on.

-Cody: hold on,
caroline, I got you .

You're all right, hang on.

-Kurt: hold off on that

The wind's shifting again.

-I'm okay.

No, no, no, no, no,

I'm fine, let's keep going.

-What's the use?

We're not gonna
catch 'em anyway.

-They're heading north.

If we play the wind shift,
we can get right back in it.

-Come on, we can't quit now.

-That'a girl.

-All right, let's
get that spinnaker up.

-All right, let's do it.

-Come on!

-Hey, I thought all you cared
about was winning this race.

-Kurt: hoist that baby, now.

-Halyard's goin' up,
start trimmin' the guide.

-Stephanie: looking
good, guys, she's up.

Okay, now ease the pole ahead.

Now trim it.

-Kurt: they're
startin' to catch us.

We need to bear off a little.

-Man: tighten the line.


-Neely: what're you doin'?

-Stealing his air.

-Kurt: they've got our wind.

-Cody: we got 'em.


Wooh, good job! [Laughs]

-Kurt: I don't believe it.


-[Horn blows]

-[Cheering and applause]

-Stephanie: baywatch rules!


-After you do all the floors,

You're gonna do the
bathrooms, the showers,

The garage, and the stairs.

-Hey, give me a break here.

-Hey, stephanie, you must
have something for kurt to do.

-Ah, let's see.

You know what?

He could clean the shelves
of that case over there,

'Cause that's where
our trophy's gonna go.

You know you really should
have kept your mouth shut.

-You know somethin'?

You're kind of cute
when you're cocky.

-Hey, kurt, got
somethin' for ya.


-I think it suits you perfect.

What do you think, steph?

-I think you look beautiful.

-Start scrubbin' buddy.

-Would you like some
high-heels to go with that?


-Neely: I think he
needs to shave his legs.

-Steph: yeah.


-This is, uh--

This is the book
we we're reading.

She likes me to read
to her every night

Before she goes to bed.

Oh, and, um...

She also likes to sleep
with the lights on.

She's still a little
scared of the dark.

You don't have a cat, do you?


-She's allergic to cat hair.

She also likes--

-I'm ready.

-Aren't you even gonna
go and say good-bye?

-No, let's just go.



I know you're still mad at me,

But I got a little going
away present for you.

I hope you'll take it.

-[Slow piano music]

-You gonna be okay?

-He risked his life to save me.

I guess there must be some
pretty strong feelings there.

-You know they
love you very much.

You just gotta give them
a chance to show it.

-Can I come back next
summer when I'm on vacation?


It's part of the deal.

-I love you.

-I love you, too.

-You know, dad?

I'm really sorry about what
I said, never forgiving you.

You were right.

-Thanks, pal.

-[Theme music]
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