06x18 - Lost and Found

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x18 - Lost and Found

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't your worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Upbeat music]

-♪ Hearts beating on the boulevard

♪ People searching for a brand new start ♪

♪ Come on baby let me see your cards
what do you ♪

♪ Hope is written in the stars?
-Jess: faster.
-Man: what's the rush?

-Surf's up, dude.

♪ Everybody's chasing a dream

♪ Everybody's got a fantasy

♪ Bring the fire
light it up for all the see ♪

♪ I wanna feel your energy

♪ Desire coming out bring the heat

♪ It's our time

♪ To burn bright yeah

♪ Bring the fire
light it up for all the see ♪

♪ I wanna feel your energy

♪ Desire coming out bring the heat

♪ It's our time

♪ To burn bright yeah

-Dig in.

-Look, I know it was you.

Coney island last year.

Memorial day weekend
if memory serves.

-I've never been
to coney island.

-Hey, I remember it
was you because I came

Out to you real strong
and you didn't like that.

But hey, forget about it, you
know, I'm totally changed.

I'm not like that any more,
you know what I'm saying?


-Man: so why don't
you meet me tonight

At gold's den.

Hey, it doesn't have to
be a date or anything.

A little popeying together.

All right, all right, maybe
it wasn't coney island.

Oh, I know, the andrew
dice clay concert.

At the garden on
the fourth of july.

-Listen, you've got me
confused with somebody else.

Now, please, leave me
alone. I'm on duty.

-Yeah? So, when do you get off?

Ah! Ah!

-Sorry, didn't see you.

-You're lucky
you're in that chair.

-I tell myself
that all the time.

Adios, goober.


Boy, you took a big
chance doing that.

-Nah, who's gonna hit me?

-Well, thank you very much.

-I'm jess, what's your name?


-C.j., Tell me how to
get down to the water.

-Well, there's a beach
access down in santa monica.

-No, here in venice.

-Oh, I'm sorry, we don't have
enough money in the budget

To put beach access
on every beach.

But santa monica's beautiful.

-It has to be venice.

-Why venice?

-It's personal.

-Over radio: baywatch
headquarters to all units.

Capsized rental boat on
side venice break water.

In need of immediate assistance.

-Well, that's me,
I'm sorry, I gotta go.

-[Sirens screeching]

-There they are.

-A rental boat again.

-[Group shouting]


-Newmie: mitch,
they don't speak english.


-That boat was meant
for two people not four.

I want that rental
company shut down again.

-Yeah, this is their
third violation.

Hopefully this time they'll
be shut down for good.

Here you go.

-Excuse me, have
you seen this man?

It's an old picture.

-No, no, I haven't.

-No? Okay, thank you.

-I had a good bite
on the barracuda.

-Hi, I was wondering
have you seen this man?


-Thank you.


Have you seen him?
He's older now.

-Sorry, no.

-Hey, hey, hey!

Please, please
stop! Please stop!
-Hey, slow down!

-Please, please stop!

Wait, wait, please wait!

-Man: hey! Somebody help her!

Person over board!

Girl in the water!

-[Upbeat music]

-Cody: hey!

-Hey, what are you doing here?

-Working, fixing some bikes.

I'm building myself
a custom beach bike.

-Beach bike?

-Yeah, come here and see.

-How's your hand?

-It's getting better.

-Can you swim?

-I don't know, steph
wants me to test it out

But I haven't got
the guts up yet.

So, what do you think?

-C.j.: Wow, god,
these tires are huge.

-Yeah, it's so I can
ride my bike in the sand.

It'll be an
incredible leg work out.

-I love it. I didn't know
you could build things.

-Yeah, I love to
work with my hands.

-I can't believe you hit
that guy protecting caroline.

-Yeah, well, he started
it, I just ended it.

-Were you jealous?


-Were you jealous because
caroline was hanging

Out with that cute biker guy?

-No, I was just
trying to help her.

I mean, she was vulnerable.

I'd do the same
thing for any friend.

-So, that's how you feel
about caroline. She's a friend.

-Yeah, friend and
someone I work with.

I mean, that's all it is so far.

-How do you feel about me?

Think about it.


-Woman: hi, mitch.

-Caroline: hey, mitch.

-Do you remember that girl
you rescued at the pier?

-Yeah, sure.
-Well, the doctor
who's been treating her

Has been trying to reach you.
-Did he say why?

-Apparently she hit her head
and she's suffering from,

I think he called it
traumatic amnesia.

You're the only person
she can remember.

-I'm supposed to be meeting
ryan and garner at knight's.

-Doctor said he'd like to
see you as soon as possible.

-Doctor vogner,
pacific trauma center.

-I'd really like
to go with you.

-All right, let's go,
just let me change.

-Thuy is suffering from
traumatic retrograde amnesia.

She remembers her distant past.

For example she remembers
she was an only child

Born to a single
mother, but beyond that,

She can't remember any
of the events prior

To her injury.

Thuy? This is mitch buchannon
and caroline holden.

They're l.a. County lifeguards.

-Hi, there.


-Hey, how you feeling?

-Grateful, when
I saw your face,

I knew my life was not over.

-Well, I was glad to
see your face too.

You speak english very well.

-My mother worked as a
nanny for an american family

In hong kong.

That, I can remember,
but I can't remember

What happened to me yesterday.

Do you know?

-Well, all I know is that I
saw you at the end of the pier

And suddenly you
fell in, that's it.

-I noticed you walking
on the pier earlier,

And I remember thinking
you looked very upset.

You have no idea
why you were there?

-I don't even know why
I'm in this country.

Or even how I got here.

-Immigration's running
a trace on her now

But that could take days.

At this point, we
don't even know

If she's in the country legally.

But the only thing I do know
that is a natural recovery

From her amnesia is better
than the alternative

At the hands of ins.

-Is there anything to do?
Is there any way I can help?

-This is all we found on her.

Maybe they could
lead to something.

-Kendall a. Larsen, pfc.

-The night shift nurse
also said she kept repeating

The word ventura as if it
meant something important.

-Did you ask her?

-Yeah, in the morning,
she couldn't remember.

-All right, doc, thanks a lot.

We'll do what we can.

-Okay, good luck, mitch.

-Can't imagine what it'd
be like to lose your memory.

-Well, maybe we can
help her get it back.

I'll check these out, why
don't you see what you can dig
up on the youth hostels.

-As far as I know, there's
only three in the area.

If she was at one,
I will find it.

What about you?
What are you gonna
do with the dog tags?

-Thuy's amer-asian.
The right age.

Kendall larsen, pfc,
served in vietnam.

-What, you're thinking
that's her father?

-Well, yeah. Five to one says
she came here to find him.

-No, thanks, but even
money says you do, mr. Pi.


-Man: hey! Hey!

Help! Help me, I'm drowning!


Please help me!

-[Dramatic music]

-C.j.: Here, take the can!

-I knew you'd come for me.

-Prompting a false
rescue is a crime.

-You can't bust me
for that. I love you.

Hey, come back. I'm drowning
in your sea of love.

Okay, I could take a hint.

-[Gentle music]

-Jess, it's not safe to
park here on the bike path.

-I'm not parked, I
wanna be first in line

In case you build a
ramp to the water.

-Well, that's not
going to happen today.

-It's not going to
happen ever unless someone

Makes it happen.

-Okay, I'll try, I'm
gonna do my best to get

You wheelchair
access to the beach,

But until then--

-Until then.

-Jess, what are you doing?

-I'm exercising my
first amendment rights.

-Jess, I'm on duty, you
have to take these off.

Where are the keys?

-Out there in the sand.

Why don't you go get them?

-Okay, jess, you
made your point.

I understand, but, please
we have to take these off.

-Sorry, this is the
start of my protest

Not the end of it.

-[Gentle music]

-Thank you, guys.

Jess, I promise I'm gonna
do everything I can.

-It'll be too late.
I leave in two days.

-You don't live here?

-I'm a comedian a sit
down stand up comic

In town for a
limited engagement.

-That's great.

I mean, not that you're
leaving in two days,

But that you can find
humor in the situation.

-Yeah, I'm sure I'll do a
routine about this some day.

The keys are in my shirt pocket.

-Jess, wait. I'm gonna be at
the sandy cafe after my shift

Around 5:00.

It's right beside
lifeguard headquarters

And if you wanna talk some
more, that's where I'll be.

-[Melancholy music]

-Hey, guys, excuse
me, you know a man

Named kendall larsen?

-Mitch: thanks.

Hey, you know a kendall larsen?


-Either of you guys
know a kendall larsen?


-All right, thanks.

Buena ventura.

Buena ventura, that's
good voyage, huh?

-What do you want?

-Are you kendall larsen?

-Who wants to know?

-My name is mitch buchannon
and I'm a lifeguard.

-If it's about the
leak in my manifold,

Go ahead, write me up.

I can't pay the last fine,
I'm barely making ends meet.

I can't even afford a crew.

-I'm not here to cite
you, sir, I'd just like

To know if these are yours.

-Kendall. [Laughs]

No one ever called me
kendall until I got drafted

In the army.

-Mitch: then they
do belong to you.

-No, that fella
died a long time ago.

-What, do you go by a
different name or something now?

-Wolf, jack london, sea wolf.

I've gone by it since
I was nine years old.

-Well, wolf, aren't you
curious where I got these?

-I know where you got 'em.

-Then you know you
have a daughter.

-No, I've been getting
letters from a girl

Who thinks she's my daughter.

-Well, that same girl fell
off this pier yesterday

Looking for you.

-She all right?

-Well, she's in the hospital.

She's got partial amnesia.

Why does she think
you're her dad?

-'Cause I knew her mother.

There were letters, snapshots.

A lot of men in my
unit knew her mother.

Get the picture?

-I don't know what her
mother did during the w*r,

Probably what she
had to to survive,

But what I do know is
that there's a young woman

Lying in a hospital
bed right now

Because she was
trying to find you.

Now the least what you could do
is come with me and see her.

-Look, maybe I'm her
father, maybe I'm not.

What if I am? I can't
take care of her. I--

I can't do anything for her.

-Yes, you can.

Seeing you might
help her remember.

-[Upbeat music]


So close but so far away.

-Hi, jess. I'm
glad you could come.

Can somebody help me
move the table over here?

Come on, jess, just tell me
why it's so important for you

To get into the water
at venice beach?

-Would it make a difference?


-Would it get them to
build an access ramp?

-Probably not, but I
can get some lifeguards

To carry you down to the water?

-Doesn't work for me.

-Well, we'll figure
out something.

Now tell me why
it's so important.

-I used to swim on that beach,

Played football in the
sand with my brother.

-How old were you?

-Seven, and then a drunk

Ran a red light and
changed everything.

We moved away.

I booked that club gig

Here, so I
could ride a wave

One more time.

-Can you swim?

-I can't even float,

But I can strap myself
to a bogey board

And sh**t through the
water like a rocket

Or sink like a rock,
one of the two.

-I don't think
this is a good idea.

-Why not?

-I'm here because she can't
remember, that's it, right?

-That's part of it.

-Well, I don't
want to remember.

All I wanna do is forget.

-This isn't really
about you right now.

-Intercom: nurse
webster to recovery.

Nurse webster to recovery.

-[Melancholy music]

-She looks like her mother.

-Anything like her father?

-Like I said, there were
three other guys in my unit.

Any of them could be her father.

-Where are they now?

-There's a list of their names

On the vietnam w*r memorial.

-You're gonna walk
out on their legacy?

-I can bury it with them.

Burn it and bury it
once and for all.

-[Mellow music]

-♪ We gave our hope and all our reasons

♪ To this world at such a cost

♪ So many fields we've crossed ♪

♪ Although I'm broken I'm still breathing

♪ So many moments have been lost

♪ But I still gave my heart ♪

♪ When will we mend?

♪ When will this great divide come right,

♪ Come right again?

♪ When will we mend?

♪ When will the good days gone come back
to us again ♪

♪ When will we mend?

♪ When will we heal and feel again?

♪ So many lines that we have crossed

♪ While men of faith and men of grace ♪

♪ Will they keep us safe

♪ And save us from ourselves

♪ When will we mend?

♪ When will this great divide come right,
come ♪

♪ Right again?

♪ When will we mend?

♪ When will the good days
gone come back ♪

♪ To us again

♪ When will we mend?

♪ When will we heal and feel again?

-Hey, what are you
still doing here?

-Oh, um...

-She was having bad dreams.

I didn't want her
to wake up alone.

-Mitch, you are the best.

-What you got there?

-Yeah, I found her suitcase
in the second hostel I tried.

I talked my way in just
like I was the fbi.

You know you should make
me one of your operatives.

-Give me a break, will ya?

Your sister's already mad
at me for moonlighting.

-Mitch, I am telling you,
I would make a great pi.

-What did you find?

-Okay, okay.

She's on the visitor's visa.
Good for about another month.

This is all the money she
has left in the world I bet

And this seems like
the address of a cousin

Some place in bell.

-Yeah, it's in vietnamese.

-I know that, I
had it translated.

I am telling you, I am as
good a detective as ryan.

-What else you got?

-Photographs, but
I haven't determined

Their identities yet.

-One of them could
be her father.

-What, kendall larsen?

-No, no, no, none of these
guys are kendall larsen.

I found him, he was
here, but he could be one

Of the possibilities.


-Hey, hey, it's
okay, it's okay.

-Uh, uh--
-you're in the hospital,
you're all right.

-It was a dream.

-A dream? What? What
did you dream about?

-That my father was
here standing by my bed

Looking at me.

-Caroline found your suitcase.

When you feel up to it,
why don't you go through

Your things, and see if
something restores your memory,


-[Gentle music]


-Boy: come on, jess,
let's get another wave.

Come on.


-Hey, I'll watch your water
if you wanna get lunch.

-Oh, I'm not hungry.

-What's wrong?

-Is he still here?

-Who? That jock who
faked the drowning?

-No, jess, that guy
that's in the wheelchair

I told you about.

-Yeah, he stopped
on the bike path.

-I know he blames me
for being stuck out there

Like an outcast.

-So, you're hiding from him?

-No, I just feel bad.

He's leaving tomorrow and
I haven't done anything

To help him out.

-Let me see what
I can do, okay?


-Hey, jess. I'm cody.

-I work with c.j.

-Don't believe the rumors,
we're just good friends.


-Okay, look, how would you
like a ride down the water?

-I have my set of wheels,
I just don't have a road.

-Well, my wheels
don't need a road.

Come on, you can get in back,
and I'll drive you down.

-Do you have time to drive
every crippled in the water?

-Probably not, but I could
at least take you down.

-I appreciate the offer,
but I cannot accept.



-What happened?

-She remembered.

-How much?

-She remembered everything.

We were sitting, we
were looking through

Her old photo albums
and all of a sudden

She started to cry.

She remembered that her
mom had just died, mitch.

She doesn't have
anybody left there.

She came here because her
ancestry's half american.

-Caroline, you know we left
thousands, thousands

Of kids behind to
fend for themselves?

-Well, thuy says she
wants to stay here.

Even if her father
won't acknowledge her.

All he's got to do
is sign these papers

And declare her as his child.

-Well, looks like I
better have another talk

With private kendall
a. Wolf larsen, huh?

-[Upbeat music]

-♪ On our knees we pray tonight

♪ Hope heaven hears the tears we cry

♪ Oh but we're just earthly skin

♪ Only god can wash away the sin

♪ Askin for forgiveness

♪ That our wrongs all be made right

♪ Can I get a witness

♪ For this crazy life

♪ Asking for some guidance ♪

♪ That he can light the way

♪ But we're only human bound to make
mistakes ♪

♪ So we hold out for heaven

♪ Hold out for heaven

♪ Hold out for heaven

♪ But it's too far away

♪ To hold out for heaven

♪ Hold out for heaven

♪ Hold out for heaven

♪ How do we live for today

♪ Live for today

♪ Hold out for heaven

♪ On our knees we pray tonight

♪ Hope heaven hears the tears we cry

♪ Oh but we're just earthly skin

♪ Only god can wash away the sin

♪ Askin for forgiveness

♪ Hold out for heaven

♪ Hold out for heaven

♪ Hold out for heaven

♪ But it's too far away

♪ Hold out for heaven

♪ Hold out for heaven

-[Dramatic music]

-Baywatch one, this is
buchannon on scarab rescue two.

I got a boat on fire
about two miles west

Of malibu pier, request back up.

-Over radio: ten-four,
mitch, back up on its way.

-Wolf! Wolf!


Wolf! Come out, man,
the boat's on fire!

Come on, come on!

-Kendall: what happened?

-Come on, we gotta
get out of here!

-No, it's my boat,
I can't leave it.

-It's near the gas
tanks, come on!

All right, all right,
we're okay.

All right, let's
get out of here.

I told him your memory had
returned and all he had to do

Was sign the papers.

-Thuy: what did he say?

-He's still pretty shaken up
about the boating accident.

When he got to shore,
they were all over him.

The police, the fire
department, insurance adjusters.

He's in for a pretty rough time.

-But he survived,
that's all that matters.

He'll take care of himself.

-No, no, no, no, he should
be taking care of you.

-No, I've caused
him enough pain.

Thank you to you both
for helping me out.

It's nice to know that there
are people here who care.

-[Knocking on door]

-I'll get it.

-You know, thuy,
most people care.

I mean, anybody would be
sympathetic to your situation.

-Hobie: can I help you?

-Could I talk to mitch?

-Yeah, dad?

-I was wondering if I could
talk to thuy if it's okay.

-Mitch: don't ask me, ask her.

-Would you mind if--
I mean, could we talk?


-We'll give them
a little privacy.

-That guy looks
pretty weighted down.

-I've a feeling the vietnam w*r

Did that to a lot of people.

-Why was that w*r so different?

My history teacher told me
it tore the country in half.

-Because we were fighting
two wars at the same time.

One against the communists
in south east asia

And one against
ourselves here at home.

A lot of people protested,
didn't think we should've

Be there in the first place.

-Were they right?


When someone dies
for their country,

They don't wanna think
they died in vain.

It's taking a long time
to heal those wounds.

-Hobie: looks like you
helped him find a way.

-Yeah, you were right, man.

Everything you said.

Money doesn't matter if
she's my flesh and blood.

They're our legacy and
we got a responsibility

To take care of them.

-So what are your plans now?

-Thought I'd take
the insurance money

And go back there
together to 'nam.

Try to sort things out
and hopefully come back here

And make good things happen.

-It was a pleasure meeting you.

-Thank you.
-Mitch: good luck.

-Thanks for everything.

-Unless you buried
it, I don't see a ramp.

-Well, I'm sorry, jess, but
a ramp just wasn't practical.

-You said you'd
solve the problem.

-Well, the problem is
that we can't put a ramp

On every beach, but
we can provide access

To anyone who wants
to reach the water.

Check it out.

-Hey, hey.

-Jess: what is that thing?

-Cody: come on, jess.
It's all yours.

Here it is. Meet the future.

The amazing new, ultra light,
bubble tired beach chair.

Hopefully some day every
beach will have one.

-Get me out of thing
and into that now.

-You got it, jess.

-All right.

-[Cheerful music]

-C.j.: Woo!
-Cody: surf's up!

-Jess: yeah!
-C.j.: Woo!

-Cody: come on, jess!
-Jess: yeah!

-Cody: here we go, jess.
Come on!
-C.j.: Yeah!

-C.j.: Okay, jess,
one more time.


-I was in south
central and the sting

Wanted me to become a member.

Not because they
thought I was tough,

They just wanted to be
able to park

The getaway car in
handicapped parking.


-People think that
since I'm handicapped,

I believe the world
who owes me a living.

Well, no, but a cd player

Would be nice.


I was in a restaurant
the other night,

I started choking.


-Wouldn't you know it?

I accidentally proposed
to a deaf girl.


-[Theme music]
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