06x22 - Go for the Gold

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x22 - Go for the Gold

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here

-Naomi: lucas, check out
that coast guard cutter.

-They may be after us,
they're turning our way.

I say we make a run for it.

-Yeah well their radar's
not locked onto us.

-Lucas: we're dead.

-We're not dead.

-They're gonna board and
search the boat naomi,

They're gonna find a half a million
dollars worth of cocaine.

How you gonna explain that, huh?

-I'm gonna tell them that
you're a really heavy user.

-Oh, very funny.

Hey hey, what are you doing?

-Nothing to worry about lucas,

They won't find anything
if they do board us.

-[Dramatic music]

Now, we mark the coordinates,

And come back tomorrow.

Look, you idiot
they're turning away,

They weren't even after us.

-Lucas: let's get out of here.
We'll come back tomorrow.

-Naomi: all right, go.

-[Rock music]

[Gentle music]

-They've been down
there for 45 minutes,

That's cutting it pretty
close on a 3,000 pound t*nk.

-Well part of the drill
is keeping your cool

When your t*nk is depleted.

-Do you think
stephanie's teaching him

How to buddy breathe?

-She better not.


-[Gentle music]

-How was it down there?

-Awesome. [Laughs]

-Hey, cody, how come you
cut short the search?

-Cody: 'cause I found this.

What does that look
like to you guys?

-Looks like gold to me.

-You better believe it.

-It looks like an
oatmeal cookie.

-If that's a spanish doubloon,
it's like worth a fortune.


-Cody, this was supposed
to be a training exercise,

Not a treasure hunt.

-It caught my eye while I
was searching the bottom.

What was I supposed
to do, leave it there?

-Let me see that.

-Hobie: was there
anything else down there,

Like an old shipwreck
or something like that?

-I didn't see
anything, but I came up

Right after I found it.

-Looks like a piece
of oxidized metal.

-Or fool's gold.

-I know a place where you
can get that checked out.

-Stephanie, have you seen
my turquoise necklace?


-I put it on this hook.

-You sure?

-Positive, it's my
favorite necklace.

I always keep it here.

I think somebody's taken it.

-Neely, let's not jump
to conclusions here.

It must be in there somewhere.

-It's not, I have looked.

It's gone, stephanie.

Just like c.j.'S silver choker,
it disappeared last week.

How about caroline's bracelet?

If I were you, I would never
take this ring off my finger.


-Hey, steph, have you seen
my toothbrush in there?

-No, why is it missing?

-Yeah, I thought c.j.
Might have borrowed it.

-Oh, so you two are
sharing a toothbrush now.

I'm just kidding.

I think it's great
you two are together.

It's just that the
olympic training camp

Starts in two weeks.

-Well, I'll be ready.

I mean hell, I'm
ready right now.

-I know, I just wanna
make sure you stay focused.

-Don't worry.

-Hey stephanie.
-Stephanie: yeah?

-They need you
upstairs right away.

-I'll be right there, lynch.

Hey, don't forget you
have an 11:00 curfew.

-[Whispers] okay, mom.

Hey, what about my toothbrush?

-[Rock music]

♪ You can't stop the ocean
from it's loco motion ♪

♪ Or make the day turn into night ♪

♪ But if you find the emotion

♪ The natural devotion

♪ It's up to you to see the light ♪

♪ Give it your all
to cross the river ♪

♪ Give it your all
through the highest tides ♪

♪ Give it your all
nothing's gonna stop you ♪

♪ Give it your all ♪

♪ Like it's do or die

♪ Watch for the sunrise
dig a little deeper ♪

♪ Because it's buried deep inside

♪ Your heart beats in rhythm
your hands fill with iron ♪

♪ And leave the furnace set on high ♪

♪ Give it your all
to cross the river ♪

-♪ Give it your all
through the highest tides ♪

♪ Give it your all
nothing's gonna stop you ♪

-♪ Give it your all

-♪ Like it's do or die

-♪ Give it your all
to cross the river ♪

-♪ Give it your all
through the highest tides ♪

♪ Give it your all
nothing's gonna stop you ♪

♪ Give it your all

-♪ Like it's do or die

-♪ Give it your all
to cross the river ♪

-♪ Give it your all
through the highest tides ♪

♪ Give it your all
nothing's gonna stop you ♪

♪ Give it your all

-♪ Like it's do or die

-So, how was your workout?

-Uh, it was okay.

-Well, I can see
you're not in the mood,

I'll leave you alone.
-No I'm exhausted, that's all.

I mean the olympics
are around the corner

And I've just been
training really...

Really hard, that's all.

Oh, I don't wanna distract you.
I know you're in training,

And I've been told
not to distract you.

-No, no, c.j., C.j.,
Really, it's not, it's fine.

-Okay, I'll wash your back.

Oh, no, you know--
I can't do this.

I don't want to distract you.
-C.j., Come here.

-It's okay, I won't bite.


What's on your mind?

-I'd like to find out what's
underneath all this crud.

-C.j.: He thinks
it's a spanish doubloon.

-Is that so?

Well don't get your
hopes up too high.

Let's have a look at
what you got here, boy.

It ain't no coin, laddie.
It's a medallion.

Back in the 1700's, the spaniard
wore this around his neck

To show that he was a gentleman.

At one end was a sharpened tip,

And he used that
to clean his teeth.

The other end was a little
scoop to clean out the ears.

-Well how much is
the ear-scooper worth?

-No beating around
the bush for this lass.

Cuts right to the chase.

I'll give you $3,000 cash,
and not a penny more.


We'll take it!

-Cody: I'll think about it.


-Come on.
Come on, come on.

Let's go.

-3,500 Is my final offer!

-Come on.

-I hope that was part
of a negotiating ploy.

Cody, $3,500,
that could pay

For next semester's
entire tuition.

I can't believe you'd
walk away from that.

-Maybe I just got lucky.

Maybe finding this was
a million in one shot.

And again, what if it's just
the tip of the ice burg?

-What are you talking about?

-What if there's more?

What if there's an old ship
down there filled with gold?

-Just because you found
that little medallion

Doesn't mean that you're
gonna find buried treasure.

It's probably been
floating around

In the current for 200 years.

It probably came
from a shipwreck

About half way around the world.

-Or, it could have come
from a spanish galleon

That sunk right here in the bay.

-You're crazy, you know that?

-I thought you liked that.

-I do.

See you later.

-Hey, newmie, have you
lost any personal items

In the locker room lately?

-Just my hair, but I
always clean out the drain.

-That's not what I meant.

-Hey listen, I heard
about your crime wave.

I'll keep an eye pealed.

-Thanks a lot.

I was hoping to find you here.

-Hey, what's up?

-My turquoise
necklace is missing.

I suppose you don't
know where it is.

-Well if I found
it don't you think

I would've given it back?

-It's a very expensive
necklace, logan.

-Are you implying that i...


-What's wrong?

What? What is it?

-What happened?
-You didn't see it?

-See what?
-The rat.

-The rat?
-You saw a rat?

-Yes, running along the wall.

Well if you don't believe me
go look behind the weights.

-All right. All right.


-Son of a g*n.

Hey, that's my watch
you little bugger.

Hey, come back here you
little beady eyed thief.

Where'd he go? Come on, then.

-Oh, there he is!

Come back here!

Got you cornered.

-Did you catch him?
-Get me a laundry basket.


-Looks like you
forgot something.


-Oh! What happened?

-He bit me!

-I'm out of here.

-Lucas: come on,
what's taking so long?

-Naomi: the homing device,
it isn't working.

-Lucas: how are we
going to find the pod?

-But it shouldn't make
that much of a difference,

Because this is exactly
where we dropped the pod.

-Ever heard of an
underwater current?

It could've drifted for
miles, in any direction.

-Okay, so it might take
longer than expected,

But there's not much we can
do about that right now.

Unless, you've got the
power to rev it up.

-Remember, we're on company
time, so no messing around.

-What's that supposed to mean?

-Well c.j. Told me
how obsessed you are

With that gold piece you found.

All right, don't forget,
how you're training to be

A lifeguard diver,
not a fortune hunter.

-I'll be a good boy, I promise.

-They're lifeguards.

-What are they
doing this far out?

-They're getting ready to dive.

-We're going over
underwater search techniques.

You should be able to cover

100 Square yards in
under three minutes.

-What if I finish early?

-No, you cannot go
diving for gold.

-Radio: kmf two-nine-five
to scarab one,
come in scarab one.

-This is scarab one,
go ahead two-nine-five.

-Radio: code three in
the catalina channel.

Aircraft spotted a
vessel taking on water.

Four nautical miles due
west of bright's point.

-Okay, we're on our way.

-Bright's point.

-Let's go.

-Naomi: looks like
they're leaving.

-What do you think?

-Naomi: I don't
like the feel of this.

Let's get out of here.

We'll come back tomorrow.

-[Dramatic music]

-Stephanie: there it is!

Bare right!

She's going under fast.

-All right, all right.

-Man: help! Quick!

-Woman: help!

-Kid: help!

-Man: okay, help us out!

Get my son!

-I'll get you too, bud.

I'll help you out.
These guys are here to help us.

-Stephanie: just hang on.

-Man: everything's fine.

-Stephanie: grab 'em cody.

-Cody: I got ya,
you're gonna be all right.

All right, swim to the boat.

Give me your hand.

What happened?

-We hit that oil drum.

-Cody: where'd that come from?

We'll pick that
up on our way in.

-Man: hey, thanks
for getting here so quickly.

-Cody: no problem.

That's our job.

-You guys okay?

-C.j., I want you
to listen to this.

While 13 historical
wrecks have been found

Within one nautical mile
of the channel islands,

It is estimated that at
least 22 remain unfound.

Perhaps the most intriguing
case is the santa ynez,

A spanish galleon
that was returning

Laden with silver and gold

Taken from the indian
tribes of california.

The santa ynez never
reached port in spain

And is thought to have gone down

In a storm off catalina
island in 1756.

Though no trace of the
ship has ever been found.

We were diving pretty
close to catalina.

-If the santa ynez
is actually down there

Don't you think someone
would have found it by now?

-No, not necessarily.

I mean, it could've been
covered with sand and silt.

The ocean goes through a
lot of changes in 240 years.

-Well what makes you think
that the gold piece you found

Came from the santa ynez?

-I'm not saying it did, all
I'm saying is it might have.

-Cody, the only gold you
should be thinking about

Is the gold medal you're
gonna win at the olympics.

-Come on, c.j., You're starting
to sound like stephanie.

-Oh, speaking of stephanie,

She gave me the
day off tomorrow.

-Does that mean you'll
go diving with me?

-Oh, let's go horseback riding.

-Come on, c.j., Just let me
get this out of my system.

If we don't find anything,
that's it, I swear.


On one condition.

-What's that?

-That you close that book,

And you put all this
out of your mind.

-You drive a hard bargain.

-Plus we only have an hour
until stephanie gets home.


-Woman: hi.

-Hey newmie, how's
it going mate?


-Oh I'm sorry, I forgot you
had to get a tetanus shot.

So what's the latest
on the rodent front?

-He's still at large.

-Logan: that's not good.

Some of the girls are
a little shook up.

Neely said she won't set
a foot in headquarters

'Til the little rat's
been caught.

-Well all I know is, I got
a personal score to settle.

-Perhaps I can be of some help.

I've nabbed a few
rats in my day.

-I'm sure you have, let's talk.

-Stephanie: I'm sorry
c.j. Couldn't make it.

Hope you don't mind
diving with me.

-Cody: well, you'll do.

♪ Falling deep
falling deep ♪

♪ Falling deep
into these ocean eyes ♪

♪ Underneath
underneath ♪

♪ This underwater paradise

♪ Falling deep
falling deep ♪

♪ Falling deep
into these ocean eyes ♪

♪ Breathless I'm hypnotized

♪ Underneath
underneath ♪

♪ This underwater paradise

♪ Who knows what treasures we'll find

♪ But I know this feeling
brings me to life ♪

♪ I see colors so bright ♪

♪ Its like I'm dreaming every time

♪ Falling deep
falling deep ♪

♪ Falling deep
into these ocean eyes ♪

♪ Breathless I'm hypnotized

♪ Underneath
underneath ♪

♪ This underwater paradise

♪ We let go the further we dive

♪ It's like we're floating under the sky

♪ So free together we rise ♪

♪ Don't know where we're going

♪ But roll with the tide

♪ Falling deep
falling deep ♪

♪ Falling deep
into these ocean eyes ♪

♪ Breathless I'm hypnotized ♪

♪ Underneath
underneath ♪

♪ This underwater paradise

♪ Paradise

♪ Falling deep
falling deep ♪

♪ Falling deep
into these ocean eyes ♪

♪ Underneath
underneath ♪

♪ This underwater paradise

♪ Paradise

-We've got company again.

-Well, it doesn't matter
if they find it first,

As long as we have it last.

-[Dramatic music]

-We better get down there fast.

-For once I agree with you.

-[Dramatic music]


-[Lively dramatic music]

-You okay?

-Come on, get back to the boat.

-Come on.

-Now don't take it personally,

But you're just in the wrong
place at the wrong time.

-Where's your friend?

-Unfortunately she got
caught in the kelp bed.

-Stephanie: you
just left her there?

-She would've done
the same thing for me.

-How much air
does she have left?

-Five, ten minutes, max.

Don't waste your time,
she's not worth it.

-I'm going back down.

-Cody, don't be a hero.

-Cody: we can't
just let her die.

-Look I'm gonna call
headquarters, okay?

They'll send a dive team.

-They'll never
get here in time.

-Cody, think about it all right?

You've been down too long.
You're gonna get the bends.


-Tell them to get the
recompression chamber ready.

-Stephanie: cody, don't!

Mayday mayday, this
is the medophra.

We have a major emergency

Four miles west
of white's point.

-Radio: roger medophra,
understand you have

Possible injured divers and need

Law enforcement assistance.

We're en route to your position
and a cutter is on the way.

Coast guard six-five-three-five

-You okay, no
trouble breathing?

-Hey, throw me that rope.

Just in case you're
still feeling frisky.

-Radio: six-five-three-five,
coast guard point bridge,
we're in pursuit

Of suspect vessel headed south
from white's point, over.

-Radio: roger point bridge,

We'll handle the dive emergency
at white's point, out.


-Hey, what's going on?

-My skin itches.

-Do your joints hurt?

-Yeah a little.

-You're getting
decompression sickness.

-Shut up.

-Look, she's right okay.

Dry cough, itchy skin, yeah
those are the initial symptoms.


-Whoa, what is that?

-I'm losing my
peripheral vision.

I can only see straight ahead.


-Stephanie: sit
down, sit down.


Coast guard, I have one diver

With decompression
symptoms, over.

-Radio: roger, stand
by for immediate hoist.

-C.j.: Cody, the coast
guard caught her partner.

At least they're
both in jail now.

-Cody: good.

-Doctor: don't talk,
just keep breathing.

Just breathe.


-What are you doing?

There is nothing wrong with me.

I'm fine now.

-We still need to treat
your previous symptoms.

-Why? What's the point?

-Cody please let
them take care of you.

-This is a waste of time,
there is nothing wrong with me.

-How long has he been
so highly agitated?

-Ever since he came up.

That's not a good sign is it?

-Not usually.


How are you treating him?

-We're gonna take
him to a 60 feet depth

And give him pressurized
air for five minutes

Followed by 20
minutes of oxygen.

We'll repeat that
pattern three times.

-And then what?

-Then while he's on oxygen
we'll reduce the pressure

To a 30 foot depth over
a 20 minute duration.

If there are no ill
effects at that point,

He should be in the clear.

Okay, let's bring
him up to 30 feet.



-What's happening?
Why is he doing that?

-His blood pressure just
dropped to 60 over 20.

Take him down 165 feet
as fast as possible.

His compression sickness
is worse than we thought.


-Oh my god.
-What happened?

Can't you do something?

-We're doing the best we can.

Hopefully once we
get him to 165 feet

His blood pressure will come up

And he'll regain consciousness.

But, that's a best
case scenario.


-His blood pressure's
coming back up.

If we're lucky he'll snap
out of it in a minute or two.

-Come on cody, you can do it.

-Wake up, wake up.


-What the hell happened?

-You just staged an amazing
comeback, mr. Madison.

You came within an eyelash
of losing your life.

-Cody: am I okay?

-You will be, in
about six hours.

-I'm gonna spend another
six hours in here?

-Believe me, it's a
small price to pay.

-Thank you.

-I love you.

-I love you too.

-I gotta hand it to you
logan, you got a way with rats.

-It's a little-known
fact that rodents

Are attracted to shiny objects.


-And now for the grand finale.


-Oh man!

Come on, watch out.

He's gotta be in here someplace.

He's quick, just not that quick.
Look low.

Ah, ha! No.


-Did you hear that?


-Well what do you know.

-There's my watch, neely's
necklace, and c.j.'S choker.

-There's caroline's
bracelet, and her eyeliner.

-So there was a thief.

-He's a pack rat,
they're very resourceful.

They'll make a nest from
whatever's available.

-Looks kinda cute
there doesn't he?

-Yeah, they make very good house
pets given half the chance.

-No thanks, he's all yours.

-[Gentle music]

-Hey, let's go, we got
a workout scheduled.

I feel like I could swim
all the way to catalina.

What's wrong?

-Ah, cody, I just got off
the phone with your doctor.

They've been monitoring
your condition and they--

-They what?

-They detected an
abnormal heart rate.

It's a common after effect
to decompression sickness,

And no one is overly concerned.

But your doctor says that you,

Can't do any rigorous
physical activity

For at least six weeks.

-What are you saying?

That I can't compete
in the olympics?

-Yeah, that's right.

-There's no way.

There's nothing wrong
with me, stephanie.

-Your health is more important.

-I don't care what you
or some damn doctor says.

-Stephanie told
me what happened.

I'm sorry.

-Steph was right, I shouldn't
have tried to be a hero.

-No, you were right.

You couldn't have just left her.

-You know, it seems like
the last ten years of my life

Have been a total waste.

Everything I've worked
for, dreamed of,

Gone, just like that.

And for what?

-You saved a life.

-A drug dealer's life.

-It doesn't seem fair does it?

This is awful.

I can see how
disappointed you are.

But you know what?

I bet, that if we were
in the same situation,

You would do exactly
what you did.

And that's what
makes you special.

And that's one of the many
reasons why I love you so much.

And cody.
-Cody: yeah?

-Your underwear is really
comfortable as shorts.

-Cody: what?

-Come here, you.
I'll get you, c.j.

-nope, you can't have 'em.

-[Theme music]
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