Johnny Guitar (1954)

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Johnny Guitar (1954)

Post by bunniefuu »

All's clear!

- What's your pleasure?
- Whisky.

- Where's the boss?
- Who's asking?

The name is Johnny Guitar.


I have an appointment with Vienna.

Vienna's busy. You'll have to wait.

- I could use a little dinner.
- Fix him up in the kitchen, Tom.

Right this way.

You ain't paid for your drink, mister.

Now, friend, don't rush the night.
I may be around a while.

Take good care of these.

That's a lot of man you're carrying
in those boots, stranger.

You know,
there's something about a tall man

makes people sit up and take notice.
Yes, sir.

It's a Johnny Guitar.
Says he has an appointment with you.

I'll see him later.

Sam, light a lamp and hang it outside.

Nobody will be in, in this weather.

And if they do,
how can they find the place?

Just hang a lamp.

Never seen a woman
who was more a man.

She thinks like one,
acts like one.

It sometimes makes me feel
like I'm not.

Eddie, that's last month's paper.

How many times do you
have to read it?

I like to know
what's happening in the world outside.

There will be plenty
going on here soon.

Just worry about that.

I never believed I'd end my years
working for a woman...

...and liking it.

- Spin the wheel, Eddie.
- What for? We've no customers.

I like to hear it spin.

Please sit down.

- More wine, Mr Andrews?
- Oh, no more, thanks.

I'd better be getting back to my crew.

We've got a good deal of mountain
to blast through yet.

But you have to wait
till the storm settles.

Tell me,
why did you pick this spot to build?

How could you possibly know
that the railroad was coming this way?

Some time ago,
I ran into your surveyor, and...

...we exchanged confidences.

When the railroad comes through here,

how much do you think
this property will be worth?

- What's Albuquerque worth?
- How would you like to share in it?

I'll need all the help I can get.

I couldn't help you.
I'm not very handy with a g*n.

I'm offering you an opportunity
to get rich.

An opportunity to get k*lled
would be more accurate.

I see you've been influenced
by my friends.

They're determined people,
too determined for my taste,

but I wish you luck, Vienna,
for whatever it's worth.

Thanks, Mr Andrews,
but I'm not trusting to luck.

A good gunfighter doesn't depend
on four-leaf clovers.

And I think I...

- Expecting company?
- Not for dinner.

Keep the wheel spinning, Eddie.

Come on down, Vienna.

- Take a good look, Vienna.
- I'm sorry, Emma.

- Your brother was a very fine man.
- How would you know?

He was one man
who never even looked at you.

He was still a fine man.

We want the Dancin' Kid
and his bunch.

Why come to me?
They don't live here.

- You're one of them.
- Now, just a minute.

We don't need you anymore, Marshal.

We got enough trouble, Vienna.
Don't you give us none.

The only trouble we have here
is what you've brought in.

- Jenks.
- Yes, Mr McIvers.

You were driving the stagecoach.

You saw the k*ller.
And who did it?

Answer the question.

Well, there was four of them...

I didn't ask you how many,
I asked you who.

The sun was shining in my eyes.

A while ago,
you said it was the Dancin' Kid.

- Say it now.
- You said it was the Kid.

I only said it could have been.

- Any more witnesses, Marshal?
- We don't need any more witnesses.

We're taking you and your men
into custody.


you can stop spinning the wheel.

Come and get me, Mr McIvers.

We don't want no sh**ting, Vienna.

I'm not coming peaceably, Marshal.

Now, look here.
This is a hanging matter.

We can't just go arresting people
without proof.

If the Kid was here,
would you ask for proof?

The Dancin' Kid and Vienna
aren't the same.

I say they are.
They both cast the same shadow.

Someone holds up the stagecoach,
your brother is k*lled,

and all you can think about
is hanging the Dancin' Kid.

You know he didn't do it.
You all know it.

- What's your real reason, Emma?
- 'Cause he's a k*ller.

What has he k*lled?
Why do you hate him so?

What did he ever do to you?

Maybe you don't hate him.

If you've got something to say,
you'd better say it, Vienna.

- Let Emma say it.
- I wouldn't spit on him.

Oh, he was always eyeing me.

I never told my poor brother
because Len would have k*lled him.

That's why he held up the stage
and k*lled my brother,

because now he thinks he can get me.
That's why.

You've got it a little twisted,
haven't you, Emma?

- Now you think you can get him.
- She's crazy.

You want the Kid,
and you're so ashamed of it,

you want him dead.

You want me dead, too.

Then maybe you can sleep nights.

I won't sleep till I see
both of you hanged.

You and the Kid
and all of your filthy kind.

Look at her,
standing up there, staring down on us... a somebody.

Go get her! Drag her down!

I've never done a thing
to hurt any of you.

Don't make me do it now.

You're nothing but a railroad tramp.

You're not fit
to live among decent people.

You'd better get out of here
while you can,

you and your men.

We're here to stay, Mr McIvers.
You'd better get used to that idea.

We don't want you here.

This was free country when I came.
I'm not giving up a single foot of it.

You don't hear so good.

We don't want you here.

You don't own the earth,
not this part of it.

You stay, and you'll keep
only enough of it to bury you in.

I intend to be buried here... the 20th century.

You'll never see a train run through.

Now you said it.

It took a long time for the truth
to come out, didn't it?

You and McIvers own the whole town
and every head of beef...

...within 500 miles.

But that isn't enough, is it?
You've got to own everything.

You can't stand to see
anybody else live.

Well, you're going to.

You're going to see
a whole new town...

...right where you're standing,

a town you don't own.

The railroad's sending in people
by tens, twenties,

hundreds and thousands,

you can't keep them all out.

- Tell them, Mr Andrews.
- I think you put it rather well.

- You're not building no depot here.
- That's for Vienna to decide.

Vienna decided.

Now, get out!
Get out, all of you!

That's big talk for a little g*n.

You can't sh**t all of us.

Two of you will do.

You don't have the nerve.

Try me.

Stop pushing, Emma.

Put down that g*n, Vienna.

Put down the g*n.

Down there,
I sell whisky and cards.

All you can buy up these stairs
is a b*llet in the head.

Now, which do you want?

All right, break it up here, men.
Break it up.

I'm going to k*ll you.

I know.

If I don't k*ll you first.

You wanted the Dancin' Kid, Marshal.
Here he comes.

Could you spare that smoke, friend?

I'll trouble you for a light, friend.

There's nothing like a good smoke
and a cup of coffee.

You know, some men got the craving
for gold and silver.

Others need lots of land
with herds of cattle.

And there's those that got the weakness
for whisky and for women.

When you boil it all down,
what does a man really need?

Just a smoke and a cup of coffee.

And who are you?

- The name, sir, is Johnny Guitar.
- That's no name.

Anybody care to change it?

I hired you to play the guitar,
not insult my customers.

Well, if these are your customers,
I'm not so sure I'll take this job.

That's pretty strong talk
for a man who doesn't wear a g*n.

It's also bad manners.

You must be the Dancin' Kid.

That's the name, friend.

Care to change it?

No. I like it.

- Can you dance?
- Can you play?

I'm sorry, Emma.

Where you boys been this afternoon?

- How does that concern you?
- Relax, Bart.

The Marshal
is only trying to do his duty.

I'm still asking.

Where were we this afternoon, Corey?

Same place we are every day,

working in our silver mine.

What mine? You got a silver mine?
Nobody ever saw it.

Where do you think
we get our money?

Stealing. k*lling honest folks
that work for theirs.

That's harsh talk, Mr McIvers.

You boys don't ranch.
You don't farm.

You got no business.

Still, you always got
plenty of money to spend.

I told you,
we got a silver mine.

Maybe you better show us
that silver mine.

And have every man within 500 miles
stamping on our necks?

What is this?
We just did a day's work.

We came in here for a few drinks
and a little cards... we do every Friday.

Isn't that so, Vienna?

They never miss a Friday.

She's lying, that tramp.

Anyone else think I'm lying?

She's one of them.

I say string them all up.
All of them.

Me, too, Emma?

Jenks, how many men
held up that stage?

I think there was four.

- Come here, Jenks.
- What for?

Take a good look at these men.

- You recognise any of them?
- I told you, the sun was in my eyes.

Jenks, you got me and a dozen men
behind you.

You don't have to be afraid
to tell the truth.

I ain't afraid, Mr McIvers.
I told you, they wore masks.

How could I recognise anybody?

You, come here.

- I got a name, mister.
- I said come here.

Well, say it nicer.

Don't start anything.
Go talk to him.

- Where are you from?
- Albuquerque.

You come over the trail this afternoon?

You see anything?

Yeah. Yeah.
I saw the stage being held up.


From high in the mountains.
Couldn't make out any details.

Why didn't you ride down
and help them?

With what? This?

- Where are your g*ns?
- I don't wear any.

Maybe you got rid of them
right after the sh**ting.

You have a suspicious mind, mister.

How come you don't go armed?

Because I'm not the fastest draw
west of the Pecos.

They're laughing at you.

Is that what you came here for?
To be laughed at?

Now, listen, everybody.

Listen good,
'cause I'm only going to say this once.

In 24 hours, mark it, 24 hours,
this is going to be closed territory.

We got a saloon in town.
We don't need one out here.

I'm passing a law against
gambling and drinking

anyplace outside the town limits.

That law goes into effect in 24 hours.
That's all.

Well, it was nice meeting you all.

You don't own
this whole territory, McIvers.

You got no call asking us to leave.

I'm not asking. I'm telling you.

- Supposing we don't?
- You got 24 hours.

He can't make his own laws.

Tell him, Marshal.

Now, Mac,
you know we can't pass a law like that.

- Twenty-four hours.
- Just a minute, Mac.

Don't cross me, Marshal.

I give these people fair warning.

If they don't pull out,
I suggest you go fishing...

...till it's all over.

Sounds like the storm's
all over, boys.

Let's go.

Mr McIvers,

I believe you owe me
for one bottle of whisky.

I don't want to owe you anything.

Don't you ever forget that, Mr McIvers.

Come on, Emma.

And when they go... better go with them.

♪ Her name was Emma Small ♪

♪ Was Emma Small ♪

Twenty-four hours, the man said.

Want me to help you pack?

I threw away my trunk
when I came here.

McIvers has over 30 g*ns
riding for him.

What are you gonna
hold him off with?

A guitar?

- Mr Guitar.
- Yes, ma'am?

Still want the job?

Well, a man's got to
plant roots somewhere.

This seems like a nice, quiet place.

Friendly, too.

I like him.

I like you, mister.

Maybe you'd care to work for me.

Just what is your business, sir?

I'll find one.

All you have to do is
play that guitar for me.

- I like the first offer better.
- It's better you work for me.

Let Mr Guitar
make up his own mind.

All of a sudden,
I don't like you, mister.

Now that makes me real sad.

I always hate to lose a friend.

That's the way it goes.
Lose one, find one.

Play something for me, Mr Guitar.

Anything special?

Just put a lot of love in it.

He ain't gonna play so good
all stretched out on that crap table.

What's eating the fancy man?

I don't know.
What's your trouble, Kid?

I'm in no trouble, he is.

Fooling with a strange woman
can bring a man a lot of grief.

You a strange woman?

Only to strangers.

What's going on with you two?

Just what you see, friend.

Oh, you picked the wrong place
to come to, mister.

The lady sent for me, not you.

Heads, I'm gonna k*ll you, mister.

Tails, you can play her a tune.

Play me a tune.

Play something else.

Play what you was playin' before.

Lady didn't like the tune.

A troublemaker!

You want something?


I want to study you some more.

Have a drink.

- Thank you.
- Don't go.

Have another.

No, thanks.

- Yes, thanks.
- I said, no, thanks.

I'm setting them up.
All you got to do is drink 'em.


Maybe he don't like
your company, Bart.

Yeah, the guit' box man
is fussy who he drinks with.

Your health, gentleman.

Have one more.

I thank you kindly, mister,
but I had enough.

I'll say where's enough.

Empty it.

Up and slipped.

When a man can't hold
onto a glass,

he should drink like a baby,
from a bottle.

Open your mouth, guitar man.
I'll feed you.

Want me to stop him?

I don't think so.
Not just yet.

I said open your mouth,
guitar man!

Outside, please!

Bart, leave your g*ns.

- Seems I've lost some of my charm.
- All of it.

I always wanted
to sh**t me a guitar man.

That's a worthy ambition.

What's the matter with me?
Now, tell me.

- What do you see you don't like?
- Nothing.

As a matter of fact,
I like you.

- But not enough, huh?
- Not that much.

I remember different.

You remember. I don't.

That's the way it goes.

If you're smart,
you'll ride out of here...

and keep on riding,
and you won't come back.

That's what I should do,
but I never do what I should.

Well, it's your funeral.

Don't bury me yet.

Put him on his horse.

You made a big mistake, mister.

Bart's not a man to forget.

He'll be getting back at you.

Thanks, Vienna,
for a real nice time.


Yes, Turkey?

You know,
after what happened today,

I don't guess
we'll be seeing you anymore.

- I'm sure going to miss you.
- I'm going to miss you a lot, Turkey.

You know,
you've been about my only friend.

If you're going to stay here,
you're going to need somebody to...

...sort of look after you.

I'm staying with you.

If you look after me,
who's going to look after you?

You talk like I was a boy.
I'm a man.

Every man's entitled to be a boy
for a little while.

- You were cheated, Turkey.
- I'll prove to you I'm a man.

That was good sh**ting, Turkey...

for a boy.

Give me that g*n.

You're still g*n-crazy, aren't you?

No. I thought the youngster
was trying to sh**t up the place.

Frank, Eddie and Sam
didn't think so.

I guess I acted a little hasty.

If I hadn't stepped in front of Turkey,
you would have shot him.

- Where are your g*ns?
- In my saddlebag.

Suppose you leave them there.
I'll tell you when to use them.

You're the boss.

You haven't changed at all, Johnny.

What made you think I had?

In five years,
a person should learn something.

Five years ago, I met you in a saloon.
Now I find you in one.

- I don't see much change.
- Except I own this one.

Come here for a minute.

Do you know what this is?

- Looks like a lot of towns I been in.
- This town will be here next year.

You can own part of it.

Share and share alike
with Frank, Tom, Eddie and Sam.

- Why me?
- Maybe I'll need a gunfighter.

Albuquerque's lousy
with gunfighters.

But I sent for Johnny Logan.

I don't use that name anymore.

Oh, so you changed your name and
thought that would change everything?

You hired me to do a job.

Is that all you came here for,
to do a job?

No. No. I wanted to see you again.

- Heard you had a little luck.
- Luck had nothing to do with it.

I was being polite.

I'm not ashamed of
how I got what I have.

The important thing is,
I've got it.

- That's the way most people look at it.
- Except you.

- What right have you to judge?
- I once loved you.

A man takes a pride
in something he really cares for.

He hates to see it trampled.

A man can lie, steal
and even k*ll,

but as long as he hangs onto his pride,
he's still a man.

All a woman has to do
is slip once...

...and she's a tramp.

It must be a great comfort to you
to be a man.

It was more of a comfort to think
that you were waiting for me.

Did you honestly believe,
after five years, I'd be waiting for you?

Well, I had a long ride up here
from Albuquerque.

I had to think of something,

but it was kind of nice
to know that we'd be together again.

Well, that's very generous of you,
Mr Logan.

- Is that a proposal?
- A man's got to stop somewhere.

This seems as good a spot as any.

That's just about the most touching
speech a woman ever listened to.

I'm overwhelmed.

Maybe it's rushing it a little, but...

...that's the general idea, isn't it?

No, Mr Logan.
That isn't my idea at all.

- Suppose you tell me.
- Oh, it's a sad story.

I listen good to sad stories.

Five years ago, I loved a man.

He wasn't good,
he wasn't bad, but...

...I loved him.

I wanted to marry him,
to work with him,

to build something for the future.

They should have
lived happily ever after.

They didn't. They broke up.

He couldn't see himself
being tied down to a home.

Looks like the girl did a smart thing
in getting rid of him.

She was smart, all right.

She learned not to love
anybody again.

Five years is a long time.

There must have been quite a few men
in between.


What do you suppose would happen
if this man was to come back?

When a fire burns itself out...

...all you have left is ashes.

I'll do that.

Thank you.

Why us?

Why, every time, us?

Why don't you try and figure out
who held up the stage?

There must be 100 gangs
hiding out in Mexico.

They hit and run,
and we get the blame.

Got more than the blame this time.

McIvers says
we got 24 hours to get,

in case any of you disremember!

Our silver mine's all played out.
Wasn't much to begin with.

We might as well pull out.

What do you say, Corey?

The Kid will tell us what to do.

- I asked you your opinion, Mr Corey!
- I told you...

The Kid will do the tellin',
Mr Lonergan.

Seems like the Kid has other things
on his mind.

- Meaning what?
- Vienna. You're still soft on her.

That's what's keeping us all here.

- You want to go, go.
- You can't stay without a fight.

McIvers don't make small talk.

Seems you lost your taste
for fighting, Bart.

Depends on what I'm fighting for.
Sit down!

And no woman's worth it.

You really think so, huh?

I've known plenty.

They're all the same.
No good.

You know, you and Emma
would make a fine couple.


What do you mean?

Bart, you don't drink.
You don't smoke.

You're mean to horses.

- What do you like?
- Me. I like me.

And I'm taking good care of me.

Maybe you're right, Bart.

This dust and sand is bad
for Corey's lungs.


How would you like to come home
with me, Corey?

- Where's your home?
- New York.

New York? I've been there.
Stinks of fish!

And where you come from
don't stink... much.

Well, let's decide.
We've got to go someplace.

- I know of a place.
- I just decided.

We're going to California.

- The horses won't last.
- We'll buy fresh horses on the way.

- Did I hear you say "buy"?
- That's right.

Only idiots steal horses.

With what are we going to buy
all these fresh horses?

With gold, Mr Lonergan.
With gold.

We haven't any gold.

We hardly got enough silver
to plug up the holes in Bart's teeth.

We stay around here,
we'll wind up hanging.

I'd hate to be run out
for something we didn't do.

So let's do something,
something they can hang us for.

- Well, that's only justice, ain't it?
- Sounds like justice to me.

Having fun, Mr Logan?

- I couldn't sleep.
- That stuff help any?

Makes the night go faster.

- What's keeping you awake?
- Dreams.

Bad dreams.

Yeah, I get them sometimes, too.

Here, this will chase them away.

I tried that.

Didn't seem to help me any.

How many men
have you forgotten?

As many women
as you've remembered.

Don't go away.

I haven't moved.

- Tell me something nice.
- Sure.

What do you want to hear?

Lie to me.

Tell me all these years,
you've waited.

Tell me.

All these years, I've waited.

Tell me you'd have died
if I hadn't come back.

I would have died
if you hadn't come back.

Tell me you still love me
like I love you.

I still love you
like you love me.


Thanks a lot.

Stop feeling so sorry
for yourself!

You think you had it rough?

I didn't find this place.
I had to build it.

How do you think
I was able to do that?

- I don't want to know.
- But I want you to know.

For every board, plank,
and beam in this place...

I heard enough.

No, you're going to listen.

I told you,
I don't want to know any more.

You can't shut me up, Johnny.

Not anymore.

Once, I would have crawled at your feet
to be near you.

I searched for you
in every man I met.

Look, Vienna.
You just said you had a bad dream.

We both had,
but it's all over.

- Not for me.
- It's just like it was five years ago.

- Nothing's happened in between.
- Oh, I wish...

Not a thing!

You've got nothing to tell me
because it's not real.

Only you and me,
that's real.

We're having a drink at the bar
in the Aurora Hotel.

The band is playing.

We're celebrating because
we're getting married,

and after the wedding,
we're getting out of this hotel...

...and we're going away.

So, laugh, Vienna, and be happy.
It's your wedding day.

I have waited for you, Johnny.

Oh, what took you so long?

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- Well, what are we waiting for?
- Where are we going?

To town.

Like the man said...

all a fella needs
is a cup of coffee...

...and a good smoke.

- Bank's closed, Vienna.
- Why? It's no holiday.

They're all down at the cemetery
for Mr Small's funeral.

That still doesn't make it a holiday.

It's 10:00 Saturday morning,
and I want my money.

Wait here.

I guess
we can accommodate you, Vienna.

Thank you, Ned.

Why are you closing your account?

Now that Len's gone,
I'm not doing business with Emma.

- You want it in gold or notes?
- Notes will do.

No one else, Jake.

- Bank's closed, son.
- I want to make a deposit.

- Come back in an hour.
- Well, can I leave this with you?

I don't want to carry it around.

Just hand it over...

Stay where we can see you, Ned.

Well, it looks like I got me
a front-row seat at the show.

You want to be a hero or stay alive?

I got a lot of respect for a g*n.

I'm a stranger here myself.

Unhitch the horses
and keep him covered.

Help Corey!

- You got a g*n?
- No, not this morning.

You didn't tell them
what happened?

You picked a bad time
to do business, Vienna.

You must be crazy.

Now they will hang the stage k*lling
on your neck.

Call your men off and get out of here,
no one will know.

Ned, tell him
you'll forget about it.

I promise you, Kid.
No one will know.

But I want them to know
and to remember.

I'm going to leave this town so broke,
they'll never forget the Dancin' Kid.

Emma will never let you
get away with it.

You don't know her. I do!

Hurry it up in there!

That funeral ain't
going to last all day.

Listen to me.
So far, you've done nothing wrong.

You heard McIvers. We got to go,
but we ain't going empty-handed.

He told me to go, too,
but I'm staying.

Give this up, and
you won't have to go.

And what have I got
to stay for?

What would make you give this up?

You. And if I give this up,
could I hold on to you?

For how long?

Sorry, Kid.

What's taking you two so long?

- You can't stop me, Vienna.
- I'm going to.

Don't try.

- You'll have to sh**t.
- I will.

Keep them up, Ned. High!

Don't push me, Vienna.

Time's up! Let's go!

- Bart!
- I was only going to wing him

- so he couldn't follow.
- Yeah, I know.

He's not going to follow.

Now where to?

Let's go home.

Come on!

Was I dreaming,
or did I just see a bank held up?

The Kid's no bank robber.

McIvers forced his hand
by giving him 24 hours.

McIvers didn't put a g*n in his hand
and wheel him up to the bank.

That was the Kid's idea.

- I tried to stop him.
- Who's going to believe that?

Don't you?

- What I think doesn't matter.
- It does to me.

What are you thinking?

You and the Kid,
hitting the bank at the same time,

that don't look good.

He didn't take your money,
did he?

No, he didn't.

This is all Emma needs.

- Why does she hate you so?
- She's in love with the Kid.

Last night, she was trying
awful hard to get him hung.

He makes her feel like a woman,
and that frightens her.

By now, Emma's all worked up,
and she's started on the others.

- We've got to get out and get out fast.
- Where do we go?

We can't worry about that now.

We'll keep going
until we're out of the valley.

I still want to go home.

It's a rough climb over those mountains.

It's the only way out.

We'd make better time
through the desert.

Look, Corey, once we're into it,
the closest water hole is 400 miles.

I'm not chancing it.

Maybe we ought to split the money
and separate.

We're riding together.

What about it, Corey?

We're riding together.

Well, let's go!

They took it all! All of it.

- The Kid and his bunch.
- And Vienna.

- No. Vienna tried to stop him.
- She's one of them.

- I tell you. She wasn't.
- She was here, wasn't she?

- Yes, but...
- Jake!

Vienna got you to unlock the door,
didn't she?

- Yeah, but they came later.
- How much later? A minute?

They planned this thing
from the very beginning. Together.

You come with me, Jake.

We're going to bring
every cent of it back.

And Vienna was one of them.

Well, I did see him kiss her.

Here. Take a g*n.

- We won't need you, Emma.
- I'm coming along.

- You'll only be in the way.
- It's my money they got!

- I'm going after it.
- They got a lot of my money too, Emma.

The Marshal's right.
You'll only slow us up.

I'm riding with you,
and I'll be riding first.

They're closing the pass.

If you're thinking of running,
it's a little late.

I've got a hunch the posse
will be dropping in on you before night.

Same people
who paid you a visit yesterday,

only they won't be the same.

A posse isn't people.

I've ridden with them,
and I've ridden against them.

A posse is an animal.

It moves like one
and thinks like one.

They're men with itchy fingers

and a coil of rope
around their saddle horns,

looking for somebody to hang.

And after riding a few hours,

they don't care much
who they hang.

You haven't told me
a thing I don't know.

- I haven't finished.
- Finish, but be brief.

A posse feels safe because it's big.
They only make a big target.

I can ride around 'em,
pick off a few.

The rest of them will lose their guts,
turn tail, break up and go home.

I hired you for protection.
I won't have any k*lling!

What do you think
they're coming to do to you?

Make up your mind.
To stay is to fight.

I'm going to stay.
I'm going to fight.

But I won't k*ll!

To fight, you've got to k*ll!
I don't know any other way.

You are g*n-crazy.

You'll never be any different.

It was a mistake
to send for you, Johnny.

You can pick up your pay now.


You and your smart ideas!

I'm all right.

Help me on my horse.

We're not going to get through that.

- Is there another pass?
- No.

- If we ditch the horses?
- We'll never make it on foot.

- Then we'll have to try the desert.
- We can't stay here.

- We'll go back to the lair.
- What?

It'll be safe there.

Maybe we can't get out,
but they can't get in.

Why, it's like walking into a trap.

Well, what's your ideas, Mr Lonergan?

I said we should have taken
the desert route.

That was before.
I'm asking now.

Pete, you and your men
cover the desert trail.

The rest of you boys,
come with me.

You each have enough money

to stake you for six months,
wherever you go.

If I'm still here by then,
I'll expect you back.

You'll each have a share,
like I promised.

If I'm not here,
just keep wheeling and dealing.

The 24 hours aren't up yet.

If you run into the posse,
they'll let you through.

You'd better get started.

Good luck, Vienna.

See you, Vienna.


This is for Tom.

Find him and take him with you.

Mr Logan.

That's for your trouble.

Vienna's is closed, Mr Logan.

Where's Turkey?

Well, he was right behind me
when we came over the bridge.

Then he's somewhere between here
and Vienna's. Come on!

Turkey must have passed out.
We got to go back!

- We can't go looking now.
- We've got to find him before they do!

These woods
are gonna be full in a minute.

- We'd better get inside quick.
- We go back for Turkey,

they'll cut us off from the lair.
We got no place to hide!

- How does that help Turkey?
- He took his chances.

Kid, it could have been any one of us.
Besides, he's better off alone.

- You two go in. I'll look for him.
- You're coming with us!

Take your hand off.

You said we ride together, remember?

Bart's right, Kid.
We got to stick together.

Turkey will have to make it back
as best he can.

They couldn't get through
the mountains.

That fancy engineer said
the redhead Turkey got hurt trying.

- Let's go to Vienna's.
- Why should they go there?

Hey, Pete!

We're wasting time.

You just can't push these men, Emma.

We got to get to Vienna's.

The men aren't ready yet.

Well, get them ready. Or let me do it.

My men are not K*llers.

They got to be cold, tired and hungry
before they get mad.

How long does that take?

You've got five years of mad in you.
You can give them another five hours.

There's no signs
of them trying the desert.

They've holed up somewhere.

Probably in that place
they call their silver mine.

Any of you men have an idea
where that mine is?

I watched them leave Vienna's.
They followed this creek.

Then the camp's got to be
between Vienna's and Furnace Ridge

'cause there's nothing beyond the ridge.
I know that.

If they got a camp up there, I'll find it.

I know this stream good.
I panned every inch of it.

Let's go.

Wait a minute, boys. I got a better idea.

I'll say when, and I'm not saying it yet.

All right, Lou. You know this country
better than anybody else.

Go ahead. We'll follow you. Come on!

Wait a minute.

Hey, someone's coming!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hold that horse steady.

Hey, that's one of their horses.

Yeah. Looks like
they never got to where they were going.

Well, one of them didn't make it.

Find him, and you'd find them all.

The only place between here and town
is Vienna's.

Reckon maybe you've been right
all along, Emma.

Of course I was right!

But you wouldn't listen, none of you,
the last time, either.

There wouldn't have been
any bank holdup.

The stage wouldn't have been robbed.
My brother wouldn't have been k*lled!

I've been right about that woman
ever since she came.

I wanted to run her out
before she ever got in,

but you wouldn't listen, none of you.

The Marshal says
he has to have legal cause.

Mr McIvers thinks he can do it with talk,

and the rest of you
can't make up your minds!

Well, what are you waiting for?

You heard her tell how they're going to
run the railroad through here,

bring in thousands of new people
from the east.

Farmers! Dirt farmers! Squatters.

They'll push us out.

Is that what you're waiting for?

You're acting like she's some fine lady,

and doing nothing
makes all of you fine gentlemen.

Well, she ain't, and you're not.

So you better wake up,

or you're going to find
you and your women and your kids

squeezed between barbed wires
and fence posts.

Is that what you're waiting for?

Well, I'm not.

One of you boys better stay here.

Clem, you stick around.

Tom, what are you doing here?
Why didn't you leave with the others?

We've got a visitor.

- You shouldn't have come back, Tom.
- I won't be in the way.

I can't have anyone here.

Nobody notices me.
I'm just part of the furniture.

Why do you think I sent you away?
All of you.

What are you going to do with him?

- Well, I can't keep him here.
- He can't travel.

Then I'll have to turn him over
to the posse.

But they'll hang him. He's just a boy.

Boys who play with g*ns
have to be ready to die like men.

Let me take him.
I'll hide him out in the cottonwoods.

It's too late.
You'll have to turn him over now.

Help me.

Help me, Vienna!

- We came for the Kid and his bunch.
- That's what you said yesterday.

We came for you, too, Vienna.

I had nothing to do with robbing a bank.

Every man here knows that.

I don't have to hold up banks.

All I have to do is sit here and
wait for the railroad to come through,

and that is my intention.

What was your business at the bank
this morning?

If you remember,
McIvers gave me 24 hours to close.

I drew out my own money,
paid off my boys,

and I'm closed.

You can't buy a drink or turn a card.

I'm sitting here in my own house,
minding my own business,

playing my own piano.

I don't think
you can make a crime out of that.

- Are you satisfied they're not here?
- No! I'm not satisfied.

If they're not here,
she knows where they are.

Ask her to tell you, Marshal.

How would she know?

She and the Kid
spent a lot of time together.

They didn't spend all of it here.

He's back in the lair,
and she knows how to get there.

Now ask her.


- I can't help you, Marshal.
- You mean you won't.

I said I can't.

- Either you side with them or with us.
- I'm not taking sides with anyone.

You can't stay on the fence no longer.
It's not just Emma and McIvers.

The men are fed up.

Show us the way to the lair
and save yourself a lot of grief.

I gave you my answer, twice.

We won't take that.

And just what do you think
I've been taking from you?

Who are you and you and you
to break into my house

with your angry faces and evil minds?

Why do you come here?

I knew you would, but why?

I held up no stagecoach,
I robbed no bank,

but you're here again.

I know, and I know you know,
I'm innocent.

Yet you stand there
in your funeral clothes

like vultures waiting for another corpse.

Why, you miserable, you hypocritical...

Where's the rest of the bunch?

Where are they?

You've got a rope
around your neck, son.

You'd better talk.

It was Vienna's idea, wasn't it?

Tell us! Don't be afraid.
We'll protect you.

I got a rope around my neck.
How are you going to protect me?

Tell us the truth if you want a trial.

He's my prisoner. I'm taking him.

We're gonna get
the truth out of him first.

Vienna got Jake
to open the bank for you, didn't she?

Come on, Turkey. Tell us.

I'll give you my word you won't hang.

- Stop making promises you can't keep.
- Stay out of this, Marshal.

Just tell us
Vienna was one of your bunch,

and we'll give you a chance.

We might even let you ride out of here.

You're only a boy!
We don't want to hurt you.

The truth, son. That's all we want.

Just tell us she was one of you, Turkey,
and you'll go free!

Better talk, boy. You'd better talk.

What should I do? I don't want to die!
What do I do?

Save yourself.

What will you do to her?

The law will take its course.

You don't have to say anything.
Just nod.

Was Vienna one of you?

Well? Was she?

He's a liar! You scared him into lying.

You heard it
from Turkey's own lips, men.

What are you going to do now?

What do you say, Mr McIvers?

- Hang them!
- No! No!

No! No! No! No!

Let Mr McIvers say it.

All right. I'm for it.

Her, too?

Her, too.

I'll sh**t any man that steps up here.

I'm taking Vienna and Turkey to town,
and I'm holding them for trial.

You can take Turkey, Marshal,
but not Vienna!

- Put that g*n away, Tom.
- Not till you all get out of here.

All of you.

Why did you do it, Tom?

You'd do the same for me.


Everybody's looking at me.

It's the first time I ever felt important.

You said I wouldn't die! You promised!

You promised me I wouldn't die.
You promised!

Mr McIvers, you promised.

You said I wouldn't hang.
You promised me!

- Hurry it up, Jenks!
- Do you want to do it yourself?

This isn't my idea, Vienna.

Never mind the talk.

Get it over with, Pete.

What do you say, Mr McIvers?

- Maybe we ought to...
- Maybe we ought to what?

- Nothing.
- All right.

I can't...

Not a woman.

It's up to you.

Not me.

I'll give $100!

You'll have to do it yourself, Emma.

Follow me.

- Why did you come back for me?
- First chance I ever had to be a hero.

- I couldn't pass it up. Why did you...
- There's a mineshaft down here.

It'll take us out on the other side.

Taking you out of here in that dress
is like carrying a lantern.

- Vienna!
- Johnny!

This place looks pretty safe.
Why can't we stay here?

They know about this mine.

When the fire burns down,
they'll come looking.

We'd better start thinking
of some other place.

I have, but the Kid's there.

Well, that's why you brought us here.

You and the Kid under the same roof?

How long do you think
you'd both be alive?

- Which one are you worried about?
- What's your guess?

I only know what I saw.
He didn't act like any stranger.

- I never said he was.
- Or even like a friend.

- He was more.
- Now tell me it was all one-sided.


No, it wasn't, but I never lied to him.

He knew there was someone else.

There always would be,
even if you hadn't come back.

How do I make sure?

If you're not sure by now,
telling won't help.

You better wait.
They may double back this way.

That's Turkey's horse.

It's Vienna and Johnny Guitar.

Tell him to put his hands high.

- Where's the Kid?
- He's in the cabin with Bart.

Bart ain't going to be happy
to see you, mister.

We're going to die here. That's for sure.
They'll find a way in.

We'll have a chance
to sh**t our way out.


Some chance.

If you don't like it here,
you can take your cut and get.

Oh, no. I'm sticking right with you.

When I get it,
you're going to get yours, too.

If you keep talking,
you're going to get yours a lot sooner.

Drop it!

- How'd you get in?
- Corey let us by.

What did you bring him for?

There was a lynching last night.
He saved my life.

Who'd they hang?

- Turkey.
- Turkey?

They hung Turkey.

- And we could have gone back for him.
- Sure. Then we'd all be hanging now.

- You're wishing it had been me, huh?
- You read me like a book.

Will you stop it? You'll both get
a chance to hang soon enough.

Dry clothes in there.


Vienna's a good shot.

She'll come in handy
when the sh**ting starts.

What good is he?

I didn't come here looking for trouble,
Mr Lonergan.

Bart's the name.

- All my friends call me Bart.
- Thank you, Mr Lonergan.

Cut it out!
We got enough trouble outside.

Ain't it time you relieved Corey?

- Yeah, it's time.
- Well, what are you waiting for?

I want to thank you for helping Vienna.

- I didn't do it for you.
- I didn't think you did.

- Mind if I thank you anyway?
- No, not at all.

You got some dry clothes
that I could put on?

In here.

What are you so happy about?

Why'd you let the stranger in?

I couldn't risk a shot.
There's posse all around.

Besides, if Vienna brought him along,
he must be all right.

- He ain't all right with me.
- Who is?

Take it up with the Kid.
I'm still riding behind him.

Doors are made to knock on.

I'm knocking.

- So it's the Johnny boy, huh?
- What if it is?

- I don't like it.
- Why don't you tell him?

I will.

What are you going to tell me, Kid?

Well, look at Mr Guitar,

all dressed up
and looking mighty dangerous.

What did you want to tell me?

Well, I'm too scared,
now that you've got a g*n.

You'd better lay off him, Kid.

- I wouldn't hurt him.
- I wasn't thinking of you hurting him.

What do you mean? He might sh**t
himself in the leg trying to draw?


But if I were you, I wouldn't fool around
with Johnny Logan.

- Are you Johnny Logan?
- That's the name, friend.


Pleased to meet you, Mr Logan.

I never shake hands
with a left-handed draw.

- Smart fella.
- That's how I keep alive.

We have to figure a way
to get out of here.

Let's try to work together just once.

Anything for a friend.

Could you spare a little breakfast?

Sure. Sure. Help yourself.

You wouldn't sh**t a man in the back?

In front of Vienna?

Why, she'd never forgive
such bad manners.

You'd better stick to your dancing, Kid.

You'll live longer.

No! No, Bart! Don't sh**t!

I want to talk to you!

Come on in through the falls.


Hold the men.

I'm going in. I can handle Bart.

I was real fond of Turkey.
He was a good boy.

Hanging. That's a mean way to go.

You couldn't have saved him,
huh, Mr Logan?

I had to make a choice.

Yeah. How'd Turkey take it? Hard?

You ever know anyone
to take a hanging easy?

How did it feel with that rope
around your neck, Vienna?

Try it sometime.

- What was you thinking?
- I don't know.

Well, you must have been thinking
of something.

She don't want to talk about it.

I'm asking her. Do you mind?

- Got any eggs?
- Top shelf.

- Get them.
- Let him get them. He's eating them.

Crawling on that bridge
and cutting that rope,

that was a real brave thing to do,
Mr Logan.

How are you going to
thank him, Vienna?

He hasn't asked for any thanks.

Yeah, but he expects plenty,
don't you, Mr Logan?

Sit down, Johnny.

Let him stand.

Look at him, Vienna.

He can't wait to sh**t me,
fingers just itching on the trigger.

Nice fella.

Well, you finally got someone
to do your k*lling for you.

That ought to make you real happy.

Sit down, Johnny.

We've both done a lot of living.

Our problem now
is how to do a little more.

- See anything?
- Nope.

Bart, keep away from the guitar man.

- Why?
- His name is Johnny Logan.

- Just thought I'd tell you.
- You told me.

What's up?

Plenty. The posse's found a way in.
Relax. They're still outside.

- And we got to keep them there.
- Just listen. I just had a talk with Emma.

She don't want us.
She wants Vienna and the guitar man.

What about the bank,
the money we took?

Now, will you listen? Now, listen.

She'll settle for half of what we got,
and we get out of here in open country.

- Did you tell the Kid?
- No, I didn't tell the Kid.

- Well, why not? Why not?
- Well, if you listen, I'll tell you why not.

The Kid is still stuck on Vienna.
He'll never turn her over.

He'll put up a fight and get us all k*lled.

- Now, I got a better idea.
- Well, I don't like it.

You don't like it? What don't you like?
Are you crazy?

I'm offering you a split and a chance
to get out with a whole skin.

I'm sticking with the Kid.
You're going to, too.

You don't make sense, Corey.

I don't like the sense you make, Bart.

I think we ought to have
a talk with the Kid right now.

Some people just won't listen.



That's it!

Let's go!

Lou, I'll tell you
when there's to be any sh**ting!

Looks like
something's gone wrong, Emma.

I'm coming up, Vienna!

I'm waiting!

Mac, me and the boys have had enough
of this k*lling.

So have I.

It's their fight.
Has been all along.

Run and tell the others
there'll be no more sh**ting.


♪ Whether you go,
whether you stay ♪

♪ I love you ♪

♪ But if you're cruel ♪

♪ You can be kind, I know ♪

♪ There was never a man ♪

♪ Like my Johnny ♪

♪ Like the one they call ♪

♪ Johnny Guitar ♪
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