Red River (1988)

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Red River (1988)

Post by bunniefuu »



who are ya?

Boy! Can ya hear me?

Answer me, son.

Don't you ever
do that again.

It's all right, son.
You can put the g*n away.

What happened, son?

I saw my pa...

And my ma...


Let's go.

With you?

It's gonna be all right.

This it it.

Everything a man
could want--

Good water, grass,

Plenty of land.

Who's it belong to?


Start a fire.

Make two lines like this
for the banks of a river,

And the letter "d."


You gonna put that brand
on my cow, too?

Well, every bull
needs a cow, matthew.

Unless you know
a better way
to start a herd

That's someday gonna
stretch out here

As far the eye can see.

I see a "d" for "dunson"
on that brand.

But that's my cow.
Where's the "m" for "matthew"?

I'll put it on there
when you've earned it.

Fair enough.
I'll earn it.

they're gonna get away!

wherever they go,
it'll be on my land.

come on, come on!

Come on!

Get him on the head,

still don't see an "m"
on that brand.

I'll put an "m" on there
when you earned it.

Fair enough.

Welcome home, matt.hey, buster. Taylor.

I can't believe it!
You're home!

And in one piece!

Look at him!
Look at him!

I've seen more meat
on a jackrabbit!

I figure those
sourdough biscuits
of yours

Should fix me up.

How ya been,
ya old coot?
Ha ha ha!

Never better,
now that you're here.

Well, just don't stand there
after four years, dunson.

Say something!why?

You used up all the words.

'Bout time you showed up.

There it is, matthew.

Your cow and my bull
produced the largest herd
in south texas.

Where they stand,
they're not worth
a plugged 3-cent piece.

What happened?yankees.

The w*r sucked all the gold
out of the south.

Last year
tom sweated b*ll*ts

To fill
army beef contracts.

And what's he got
to show for it?

Confederate paper money

You can't even use
to light a dutch oven with.

Did I tell you
to bellyache for me?

Well, you're the one said
they ain't worth a plugged
3-cent piece!

Yeah, but when you say it,
it sounds worse.

That's 'cause
it isworse!

The only cash market left
is yankee land

Where they can afford
to celebrate whuppin' us

Over a good texas steak.

But that would mean
driving 'em a thousand miles

Through the devil's own hell.

Nobody but tom dunson'd get
such a fool notion in his head.

The first herd
that gets to that trailhead
is gonna bring top dollar.

And just because
nobody's done it

Doesn't mean
it can't be done.

I've put too much work
into this thing to let
anything happen to it now.

We're not the only ones
who are gonna try to be first.

We can't wait
much longer.

He needs another day
to round 'em up.

I figure san saba
to meridian,

Then along the brazos.

The w*r didn't
teach him everything.

Your way is 60 miles longer.

I patrolled that country
during the river campaign.

There's good water
clear to the red.

One way to settle it.


Ha ha ha!

Oh ho!
He beat ya, tom!

He beat ya!
First time!

The boy is a man!
And just a mite faster.

Haven't heard that call
in a lot of years.

This, you claim
to know so much about...

Make a map.

Already have.

You're a mite faster
'bout a lot of things.

This the first time
in four years

I've seen that man
really smile.

Matt! The next one's
a meeker!

Let him go.

Mr. Dunson said
to brand everything.

Isaid, turn him loose!

Put a brand
on him.

He's wearing
a meeker iron.

I can't see it.

Anything that moves,
slap on a red river "d,"
and burn it deep!

Cowboy: yep.

Why not?

Try explainin' it
to meeker.

welcome home, matt.


I understand
you're making a drive north.

I am.

I heard a few of my strays

Wandered over in this direction.

Mind if we take a look?i do mind.

You'd stop us?yeah, we would.

Let's take that look around.

Just hold it right there.

Maybe i, uh,
should introduce you
to my new man.

Who are ya?

Some call me one thing,
some another.

Some call me cherry valance.

I hear you're good
with a g*n.

I stay alive.

What do you say,
mr. Meeker?

What the hell, tom,
all I got's my cows.

Me too. Sure, I've rounded up
a bunch of yours, bill,

And probably
some of the others', too.

I got no time
to separate 'em out.

I'm gonna drive
the whole herd to missouri,

And when I come back,
I'll give you and the others
$2 a head for 'em.

Say, use another hand
on that drive?

We can always find room
for another good man.

Matthew's my ramrod.
He wants a man,
he gets him.

Wage is $10 a month,

It'll be triple that if
we get $15 at the trailhead.

We lose the herd,
you lose your wages.

Fair enough.

Good luck, cherry.
Good luck to all of ya.

Thanks, mr. Meeker.

Take care of your new man.

I figured you'd never hire
another buck on the prod.

Unless you're like me...
Lookin' for danger.

I'm not lookin' for
anything but a good cowboy.

Well, then,
I appreciate it...

Yeah, well, you may
be cursin' me instead

Before we ever get
this herd out of texas.

Probably will.

That's a good-lookin' piece
you were about to use
back there.

Can I see it?

Maybe you'd like
to see mine.

Ain't nothing
more beautiful
than a good g*n.

Except a swiss watch

A woman from anywhere.

You ever had
a good swiss watch?

Go on. Try it.

All right, I will.

Keep it goin'.

You're good.

Maybe as good as me.

Puts two of us
on top of the hill.

I'd leave room
for a third.

Yeah, who?dunson.

He that good?

He taught me.


Guess whose bones
got picked?

Whoever knocks
at a bunkhouse door?

Come in.gimme the cards.
Gimme the cards!

If I can't beat an injun,
even a smart one...

Yeah, well,
the chief's just
an old wolf.

Get the wax out of your ears!
Come in!

Excuse me, gentlemen,
I don't mean to intrude,

But could somebody tell me
where I might find
the trail boss?


Who wants to know?

Well, I hear tell
you're running a trail
up to missouri.

I thought maybe
I could--you thought wrong.

We're full up.


Thank you.

Matt: jack byrd.

Ha! Luke hanna's place,

Yes.i used to ride over there
before the w*r

Just to see you
go up on a mean one.

Never saw anything like it.

You were lookin'
for a good horse fighter.

We'll talk about it.

I sure ain't ridin'
with no n*gg*r.

Don't even think it,
mr. Dunson.

that's right.

Seems my ramrod wants him,

And I need him.
So the man's hired.

Anybody doesn't like it,
find the door.

Let's talk about
a few other things
while we're at it.

Most of you are itching
to get up that trail

'Cause you got no job,
no pay, no choice.

We got a thousand miles to go,

And I expect at least
twelve miles a day.

You can expect rain,
dust, heat, indians,

A backside that'll be
crying out for a hammock,

Half-wild cattle that'd rather
gore a flank than eat.

We get to missouri,
there's gonna be border gangs.

Some of you may get hurt,
maybe k*lled.

But nothin's gonna stop us.

We're gonna get there
on strict trail discipline.

My word's gonna be
the only law there is.

When you sign on,
you agree to go all the way.

There'll be no quitting--
not by you, and not by me.

There's no hard feelings
if you don't want to sign on,

Mr. Dunson,

My wife hasn't
been feeling to good--

It's all right, hank.
No need to explain.

Thanks. And good luck.

Me, too.

All right, taylor.
Grant. Go ahead.sorry.

Anybody else?

Dunson: good.

Matthew here'll sign ya on.

We leave at sun-up.

Ready, matthew?


Take 'em to missouri.






About time!

Sixteen years
of hard work.

They said we couldn't
make this drive.

They could be wrong.

They better be.

Now, once we clear
indian wells,

We'll strike out northeast.

But why missouri?

We could avoid
the border gangs

By turning north
at the red

And heading
straight for kansas.

There's a railhead
at abilene now.

If you're right
and we change direction
at the red--

we're goin' to missouri.

I've seen buyers and cash
in sedalia.

What have you seen
in abilene?

Well, actually,
I wasn't there myself.

This little gal mentioned
a railroad there.

'Course, she mighta had
other things on her mind
at the time.


Well, we're still
goin' to missouri.

come and get it!

The man says come and get it.
Let's go get it, boys.

I suppose if I was
to tangle with him...

I'd have to take you on,

You'd find him a handful
by himself.

Here ya go, jack.

Matt: all right,
what are we eating?

Time you showed up.
I was about to feed yours
to the coyotes.

Well, yes, sir,
mr. Groot.

Only a fool sasses a skunk,
a mule, or a cook.

Get your hand
out of my sugar!

Never forget, cal,

This here chuck wagon
is mr. Groot's domain.

Why, 50 feet around it
is holy ground,
and he is the almighty.

Why you wanna
fill the boy's head
with such folderol?

Stoke the fire
under the coffee

And see that everybody's
got enough.

Yes, sir.and don't "sir" me to death.

No, sir.

How's that remuda look?


It'll do just fine,

But you're not sure.

Well, you can't never
have too many

Now, those appaloosas,

They look plumb wore out
from this trail drive.

See, I figures on
going down and snaggin' me
a bunch of wild mustangs.

I'll work on 'em when I can.

Makes sense.

Jack, um...

Keep an eye on our nighthawk.

He's a mite young.

His pa was with me in the w*r.
Didn't make it back.

If there's a way
you can teach him
about horses

Without anybody
noticing too much...


They're probably
rag that poor boy
to death

If they figured out
he was learnin' something
from the likes of me.

I appreciate you
understanding that.

Well, mr. Garth,
I think I'm the one

Should be doing
the appreciating.

I been shut out
every place I went

Before I came
to your spread...

And I sure do want to
do right by you.

You will.

Evenin', sir.evenin', jack.

Matthew, best not
to rile your crew

By being partial
to some black cowboy
hasn't proved himself yet.

I just wanted him to know
how it's gonna be.

Well, I tell you
what it's gonna be like--
we gotta push 'em harder.

Well, today was about it.

You can do better.

We get to indian territory,
all hell could break loose.


Yeah, but you best tend
to your trail boss first.

Age before beauty.

Oh! Damn, boy!

It's all right,
don't look so scared.
I don't bite, ya know.

You can't prove that by me.ain't scared, sir,

Just sorry I wet
your britches.yeah. All right.

Well, look at that.

Yeahh! Yahh!

How come
we're goin' so slow?

I figure it's good
to let 'em mosey a bit
in this afternoon heat.

I don't give a damn
about the afternoon heat.
Keep these cattle movin'.

Come on!

Boys, move 'em.
We gotta gain what
we lost yesterday.

And move 'em hard!

That's dunson talkin'.two weeks
on the trail,

Can't even take the time
to wet your whistle.

Come on! Move 'em!
Come on!

it's dry.

Listen, cal...

Dan'll nighthawk for ya.

Tomorrow you're going
mustangin' with
jack and simms.

What's the matter?
Don't you want to?

My pa said you could
never trust a n*gg*r.


Was your pa
always right?

No, sir.yeah.

I'll tell ya something.

I wasn't much older than you
when I first saw that man
fight horses,

And he was the best.

You might learn
a thing or two.

Yes, sir.

now, that's the way to live--
wild and free.

Sure are pretty
to look at.

And devils to ride.

But me and simms
gonna rope 'em.

And you snub 'em
'til we get us a string.

What's "snub 'em"?

I'm gonna show ya.


Jack: take it easy, now.

Take it easy. Good...

Good boy. Yeah, boy.

Never seen no horse
trussed up like
a thanksgiving turkey before.

You want to see me
bust him like the old days?

Pure guts and strength.

Ramrod says you were the best
when you was a sl*ve.

Yeah, I learned the hard way.

Before I had more broken bones
than there are stairs to heaven.

I fights 'em with my head now.

Your head?

Look, you want to learn this
my way, you come on over here.

Otherwise you ride on back there
to that ramrod

And you tell him
you 'fraid this black
gonna rub off on you.

Or you can't stands my smell

Or whatever it is you white boys
says about n*gg*r*s.

First thing you gotta know...

Ain't no two horses the same.

Whoo! Ha ha!

Oh boy!

Oh, yeah!

How's it look?

Ah, sweet water!
Nice and cool!

Take yourself
a good bath in this!

What are we
holding up for?

The crew's a little ragged.
I think we oughta have--

Let me do the thinking.
There's more water
five miles ahead.

I wanna get to it.
Keep movin'.

Buster, we're movin' on.

What about those horses
jack caught?

It takes a while.i want 'em ready
by next week.

You ain't very social

Yeah, I'm just tired.

Of him.

Well, he always was
a hard man.

Now he's too hard
on everybody.

Especially you.

Cows seem a little spooky
the last couple of days.

Only human
he'd start to worry.


He's been worrying
about one thing or another
for 15 years.

What do you mean?

Ain't a day goes by
he doesn't think about annie.

How maybe she'd be alive

If he hadn't left her
with that wagon train.

And then you
going off to w*r.

He was afraid
he'd lose you too.


That man
really missed you.

I missed him.

When it gets too bad,
I'll say something.

He'll listen to me.
He always has.

Who's that?easy, boy.

Mr. Dunson.

Look, cal,

Probably best not to
practice your fast draw
out here at night

Till you've mastered it.

If the g*n went off,
might start the herd.

Sir, I'm powerful sorry. I--

It's all right.

As far as the coyotes
are concerned,

Don't try to use your g*n

If ones coming at ya,
you just ride
straight at him,

Nice and slow.

That way he'll just
back off.yes, sir.

Now, as far as
your singing,

You want to sing to 'em
loud enough so they can hear ya,

But not so loud
that you spook 'em.

Kinda like, uh....

Somethin' like that.



Lester, come on!

Get up ahead!go on! Heeyaw!

Get 'em! Get 'em!

Get 'em down
into the wash!




Whoa, whoa!



Dunson: matthew!

We lose anyone?

He didn't have a chance.

Poor devil.uhh.

Jack: cal!

Mr. Matt!

Over here.

Bring a saddle blanket.

Just hold still.

...bring nothing
into this world,

And for certain we can
take nothing out.

The lord giveth
and the lord taketh away.

Blessed be the name
of the lord. Amen.

Buck kennelly!

You started all this.

Stealin' sugar like a kid.

Well...they whip kids
to teach 'em a lesson.

Mr. Dunson, uh--

Two men injured,

A millstone of a kid,

Devil knows how many
wind-broke horses
runnin' around,

One of my top hands dead,
nothin' but a bag of meat
and bones!

I-i'd give my right arm
if I thought I could--

I don't want your arm.
I want your back.

You're gonna take a whippin'.

Don't do it, mr. Dunson.

I was dead wrong,
but nobody's gonna whip me.

You better turn around,
or you're gonna get it
in the face.

No. No.

No, sir. Don't make me--


You'd have k*lled him!

You're damn right.

Now, you put the b*llet in him.
You dig it out.

I want him out this camp
by sunset.

The rest of ya go on out
and round up the strays.

Cherry: you're fast.

But your heart's soft.

Might just
get you k*lled someday.

I wouldn't count on it.

Move it!

Come on!

Heeyaw, heeyaw!

Heeyaw, heeyaw,
heeyaw, heeyaw!

Man: come on, groot.groot: aw, wait your turn.

Food ain't goin' nowhere.

Come on on up here, jack.

Get your grub.
You got the first watch.

Hey, you ain't
servin' him
before me.

No good horses
is so lazy

You gotta
saddle him tonight

If you want to
work him tomorrow.

Ha ha ha!

What's the matter?
I was just joshin' him.

What'd you do?
Scrape the mud
off our boots

To brew this swill?

Me and nature
done best we could.

Can't make burnt grain
taste like coffee.

Teeler: I'd like to
gimme some coffee.

Tell dunson what?

That stampede. The injuries.

Low on food. A man k*lled.

And now this crazy weather.

We'll get to hell
sooner than missouri.
We shoulda turned back.

Yeah, but we didn't.
And we're not gonna.

Even if there was
a trading post around here,

I couldn't replace
what I've lost. I'm broke.

So you're gonna be on
short rations and bad coffee

Till ya get the drive finished.

And you're gonna
finish it.

Like it or not.

That's it.

Well, now,
that stallion's just my meat.

That bay's only half-broke.
You can't ride him.

You wait for jack,
if you know what's
good for ya.

Ain't a horse born
that I can't ride!no, jack said--

I don't care
what your boy said!

This is my horse!wait!



You're gonna
break your neck!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

No you don't!

Get off me!

Cherry: hey!

Break it up!

Get up!
Get up!

You do that again
and I'll k*ll you!simmer down, boy!

You asked for it,
runt! Let's see
who kills who! Draw!

Nobody's gonna draw
on nobody!

Hands clear of
those g*ns! Now!

now, what the hell
is going on?

A little disagreement
over the bay.

Everything's fine now.

You think this is a game,
like when you're little?

Slap leather and go bang,
fall down and get up again?

It ain't that way
in real life!

It's k*ll or be k*lled!

And you're a damn
long time dead!

Now, don't let this
happen again, you hear?!

Yes, sir.

Who are ya?

Cotton grogan.

Ramrod of the circle k.

Who rope-dragged ya?

Missouri border g*ng.

Stampeded our herd
and drove 'em into the river.

Knocked my boys off
one by one

As we tried
to get our cows back.

Those of us that survived

They rope-tied us
to our horses.

I guess I'm lucky.

Mine got snarled up
and broke...

And I hid in the bush.

I shoulda listened to that
half-breed jess chisholm.

He said he blazed a trail
straight on up through
the nations into kansas.

Nothin' to worry about
except indians.

Where in kansas?

He said the railhead
reached abilene, kansas.

That's what cherry said.

Did he say he sawit?

I can't rightly remember.

Want to join up with us?

Nah. No, I've had enough.

and I've had enough.

Two months on the trail,
we're all goin' round the bend.

Listen to what the man says!

Ain't none of us
gonna get to missouri alive.

I'm headin' south.

Unless you want to try abilene,
mr. Dunson, like cherry said,

I'm gone, too.

You men signed on
to finish this drive.

I'm gonna hold ya to it.


I don't wanna
have to k*ll ya.

With what?

Groot: tom!

You wanna head south, teeler?

There's a quitter
to be buried.


Go ahead. Say it.

You didn't have to do that.

You were ready
for teeler there.

If he'd of tried to draw on me,
you woulda k*lled him.

I owed you that.
But you were wrong.

Hell I was.

You let one man
get away with that,

Half the crew'd be gone
by morning.

Let me see this.

Matthew, sometimes
when you're in the right,
you have to k*ll a man.

If the south thought
it was in the right,
so did the north.

Now half a million men
won't see another sunrise.

Has to be a better way.

You know...i think
maybe cherry was right.

w*r has made you soft.

Ya feel too much.

I'll take your orders.

I'll do your work.

But don't tell me
how I should feel.

What's wrong?teeler, loredo
and kelsey are gone.

Did they take anything?

Grub and cartridges.

Cherry, take two men with you.
They must have headed south.

Find 'em,
bring 'em back.

One'll do. Catch up to ya
the other side of the red.

I don't want
to hear any excuses

About being
short-handed, either.

This outfit's
gonna move.

I hope those guys make it.

Keep a narrow line!
Narrow line!

Straight across!
Straight across!

You were supposed
to bring back three.

Kelsey figured
he'd fight.

It was his last.

You men are worse
than deserters.

You're common thieves.

The law might see it

I'm the law here.

Teeler: I know
what you mean to do,

But first I'm gonna say
what everybody's
afraid to admit.

You're crazy.

Like a blind mule,
you'll plow ahead to missouri

With the high, low,
and jack against ya.

Yes, I signed a pledge.

I shouldn't have run away.

I should have stayed
and put a b*llet in you.

You finished?

Now you can get your bible
and read over us

After you sh**t us.

I'm gonna hang ya.

No, you're not.

Who's gonna stop me?

I am.

Gimme a g*n, damnit!

I want a g*n!
I'll k*ll him!

I want a g*n! Come on,
somebody give me a g*n!

I'll take care of the problem!cherry, give teeler a g*n.

Go on, you got
what you wanted.
Do it!

Try it,
and you got me to face.

You're gettin'
as crazy as him!

You all want to
finish this drive?

Man: where we goin'?abilene.

Who's headin' up?i am.

What about him?

He stays here.

We're takin' the herd.

That's good enough for me.

Man: I'm too.

You've become dunson's men...
You want to stay with him?

I'd like to see
the end of things.

I'll finish the drive.

Me too.

You was wrong, tom.

But it's been you and me
for a lot of years.

So right or wrong,
that's the way I still want it.

Well, I don't.
You're as much a traitor
as the rest of 'em.

Thanks for makin' it
easy for me.

I'm comin' with you, matt.

All right,
let's move 'em out.

North to kansas.

Let's move!


Give him a shovel, a g*n,

Spare grub
and his horse.

hitch up them mules!

If there's a chance...
Any at all...

We'll get your herd
to abilene.

I'm gonna k*ll ya, matthew.

You shoulda let teeler k*ll me,

Because now I'm gonna k*ll you.

Every time you turn around,
expect to see me.

I don't know where or when,

But one time,
you turn around,
I'll be there...

And I'm gonna k*ll ya.

you're the new ramrod.

I'm yours, boss.

All: yee-haw!

Come on, now!

Let's go, now.keep 'em movin', boys.

Keep 'em movin'.

Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa!

You're crazy!

Jackson gonna ride you
all night long!


Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

We're in for a long day,

Ride you till
one of us drops!


Look, jack,
I was wrong.

Give up on him.
He's never gonna
make no kind of horse.

I promised him to ya...

And you're gonna have him.

All right, hoss,
you done got me mad.

Whoo! Whoo!
Whoo! Whoo!

what's the hold-up?

Trace strap broke.
I almost lost the team.

We can't wait for ya.
You're gonna have to
catch up.

You're gettin'
bad as dunson.

Look, even if he picks up
some deputies in preston,

He ain't gonna be able
to catch up to us
anytime soon.

You ain't sorry
you done it?

I don't know.
He was wrong.

I just hope I'm right.

I hope there's a railroad
in abilene.

Cherry and laredo
ain't back yet.

We gonna go fightin'
some indians?

you better pray not.

That's the last thing we need.

Yeah. Somethin'
must have happened to 'em.

I'll take the scout and jack
and go look for 'em.

You and buster
keep 'em moving.yes, sir.

Couple of dozen at least.

The three of us
ain't gonna make
much difference.

But I'll tell ya what,

A few more chips
just might change the game.

Cut out a hundred or so
of the front-runners
and hurry 'em up ahead.


How ya doin'?

Runnn' a little low.

You may be short of amm*nit*on,

But otherwise...
You got everything
a man could ever want.

How can you even think
about such things

At a time like this?

Anything better
to have on your mind

When eternity
takes you in her arms?

Mr. Valance,
we are all very grateful.

I'm sure we'd be dead by now

If you and your friend
hadn't happened along.

But haven't you got
anything better to do?

I would if you'd be willin'.

Thank you.

Hold your fire!

One of ours comin' in!
Hold fire!

It's about time.

I figured
you'd turned around

And gave the herd
back to dunson.

Who's in charge?


Colonel pruitt,
captain garth.

You two might not have been
in the same army in the w*r,

But you are now!

What's the situation,

We got plenty
of food and water,
but we're low on amm*nit*on.

Can you hold out
two or three more hours?

Not if they come at us

Well, they figure
you're helpless to escape,

So they may just
bleed you a while

Till you're ripe
for the plucking.

And that'd give us time.for what?

Bring part of our herd up.

We may be dead by then.


Sarah, stay here.

Back off, friend.
She's mine.

Ain't no brand on her.

you ain't got a prayer.

She ain't exactly partial
to johnny rebs.

What's that make you?

A man who loves a challenge.

What do you know?
So do i.

All right, boys!
There they are!

We got here in time!move them cattle!

Everybody get ready!

Matt: prepare to move out
on my orders!

Get those children
up on the wagons!

Everybody into the wagons!
Let's go!

Ready? Let's go!

They're goin' after the cattle!

you're gonna be fine,

Thank you.

Never seen stars
so bright.

Mr. Valance.
I-i didn't see you.

Or course,
they ain't as bright
as the two of you.

Her mother's waiting.

Last thing we see before we
drift off to sleep at night
is them stars.

That's why cowboys
know a lot about 'em.

We really
have to get back.

Here, take a look.

See that?
That's the big dipper.

Cowboys tell the time by it.

Sarah, tell your mommy
your leg's gonna be all right.

Mr. Valance,
what's a remuda?

That's a bunch of horses
you passed comin' here.

Look, I ain't through
tellin' you about the stars.

Can I walk with you?

No. Thank you,
mr. Valance.
I'll be fine.

Good night,
mr. Valance.

Least you can do
is call me "cherry."

Good night, cherry.

It's a great horse.

Can't tell you how much
it means to me, sir.

I sure am grateful.

jack did all the work.

My pa was dirt poor.

Now, I don't know, but maybe
that's why he thought slaves

Were just a bunch
of lazy n*gg*r*s.

And I used to think that too,
but now...

Now I hate it
when boots and all the others

Talk about him like that.

Because jack--


You gotta treat a man
the way you find him,

No matter how he looks
or he dresses...


If he's a good man,
you'll know it.

And if he's not...

Well, you'll know that,


Jack's a good man.

I didn't mean to intrude.

I was just
walking back to camp

And I wanted to see you
for a moment.

Uh, calvin burnett,
this is mrs. Millay.

Evenin', ma'am.

If you'll excuse me,
uh, I'm nighthawk.


I'm sorry for
the way I was today.

You were only trying
to get us out of there alive.

Anyhow, I wanted you
to know I'm grateful.

Well, I reckon
I wasn't behaving
much like a gentleman.

I'm glad
you understand that.

Would you like me
to walk you to your wagon?

If it wouldn't be
too much trouble.

I'd be honored.

The stars
sure are beautiful.

What's the matter?

Your mr. Valance
just said that to me.

He did?

Something like it.

And you're both right.
They are beautiful.

I couldn't help
but overhear

What you said
to that young cowboy.

And yet you risked your life
in a w*r to preserve sl*very.

I never wanted that w*r.

And I didn't join up
to keep sl*very.

It's just there are
certain things worth
fighting for--

Your land, your family...

I once thought that
that included pride


I'm not so sure anymore.

Your husband was k*lled?

Last thing I did
before I headed west

Was to find
the union cemetery
he was buried in.

They had the records
all mixed up.

I never did figure out
which grave was his.

I guess it doesn't matter.

He's still dead.

Would you like me hold you
for just a little while?

I'm sorry.

Thank you for
walking with me.

Good night.

If dunson picks up
some men in preston

He could be
close as...

Four or five days away.

So what you gonna do
about that wagon train?

They can't slow us
that much.

Another two or three days
they'll be clear of
the comanches.

That first day...

I'd have k*lled you
without blinking an eye.

Ain't gonna be so easy now...

Now that we got
something between us.

What's that?

She's a quality woman.

Lyin' here, I mostly
been thinking of her.


She does seem
a whole lot prettier

Than the first time
I saw her.

I had my share
of pretty women, now,

You know, give 'em
a shiny trinket or...

Dependin' on the kind she is,
some hard cash.

You could have her all night.

But a quality woman, now,

That's a different proposition.


You got to give something
inside yourself,

Something you ain't willing
to give to nobody else.

But I ain't never had me
a...quality woman.

r*fle casings and indian signs
on the other side of the river,

Wheel tracks,
and now this camp.

Looks to me like
some wagon train
ran into comanches.

And now they're trailing
along with the herd.

That's why we're only
two or three days behind,
boys. Let's go.

I got that wheel there!

I'm telling you, matt,
they're slowing us down.

Why don't you let us lead?

And have all these
women and children
eating our dust all day?

Two or three days we'll be
out of injun territory.

Then we'll see.

If you say.
You know dunson
better than I do.

A few more hours
and we'll stop for the night.

Officer garth,
I haven't cried

Since the day the soldiers
came to tell me.

I don't know
why it happened.

You were a stranger.
I had no right to
burden you.

I'm glad you did.


"The prince lifted her
in his arms

"And placed her
on his white horse,

"And off they rode together,

To live happily ever after."

Now, off you go.

This is my favorite
desert flower.

I don't even know
what kind it is, but...

It puts me in mind of you.oh, cherry--

Don't. Don't say anything.
Just take 'em.

Thank you.

I put it in there

Dirt roots and all

So it'll go on livin' for ya.

I don't know what to say.

I-- i-i don't beat
around the bush, ma'am.

You're the kind of woman

I could spend
the rest of my days with...

Stop rovin', put down my roots,
just like that desert flower.

Cherry, i--you're gonna need a man.

You could do a whole lot worse
than cherry valance.

Cherry, I'm flattered,

Honored that you'd feel
the way you do about me.

But it's too soon
for me to even think

Of pledging myself
to another man.

Not even...matthew garth?

Certainly not to a man
who served in an army
that k*lled my husband.

Now, please,
I appreciate the flower--

You know you want me...

Just like I want you.

And you might
admit as much.

If I was some big cattleman
with a fat 20-bucks-a-cow herd
in myhip pocket--

You don't understand.

Now that I have found you...

I ain't about to lose you.

No matter what.

Maybe that storm
ain't comin' in tonight.

They know it.

They ain't
payin' it no mind.

What's the matter?

I'm tired of bein'
somebody's hired g*n.

This may be
the only chance
I'll ever have.

What are you
talkin' about?

I'm going to make
matthew garth draw on me...

k*ll him,

And take the herd.

Arkansas river!

It's six miles
up ahead!

We've already crossed
the border!

We got the first
cattle into kansas
since the end of the w*r!

Well, ride on back
and spread the good news.

All right!

Long stretch
to night camp.

See if you can't
tighten the march.

Do it yourself.

I ain't your ramrod
no more.

What are you
talking about?

Demoted myself
to cowboy, that's what.

That's the way I want it.

Ho! Ho, ho, ho.

One more day.

Why'd you look at me
like that?

Like what?

You gave me a bad look.

I did not.i say you did.

Anybody calls me a liar

Better get ready
to go for his g*n.

Now, you back off.

He didn't look at you

Or call you nothin'.

You sayin'
my friend's a liar?

I think you

And your
little yellow pup

Better get down
on your knees

And tell my friend
you're sorry.

You touch that r*fle,
old man,

You've made your last
sourdough biscuit.

Ain't got nothin'
to do with you boys.

Just him and me.

Matt! It's cherry!

All right, you head
on back to your wagon.

Go on!

You heard me.

On your knees.

I ain't gonna do that.

You think
you're a man?


I ain't gonna do it.

Give him your g*n.

You strap that on

And you be a man.


Stay out of this,

I don't want
to k*ll you.

He was a sl*ve.

He wasn't allowed
to even handle a g*n.

Next time I look...

That n*gg*r
better be gone,

Or he's dead.

Mr. Garth...

I think it'd be best
if I just leave.

Ain't no use
in nobody dyin'
over this.

Nobody's going anywhere
but the man who thinks
he can push people with a g*n.

You callin' me
a dirty k*ller?

You apologize. Now.





Matthew, wait!

Oh, matt, I am so sorry.

I don't know
what you did to cherry
to make him crazy,

But no woman
is worth dying for!

...dust to dust.

In sure and certain hope

Of the resurrection
unto eternal life.

We brought nothing
into this world,

And it's certain
we can take nothing out.

The lord gave,

And the lord
hath taken away.

Blessed be
the name of the lord.


Matt: boots.

You don't have
to run me off, mr. Garth.

I'm gone.

You are gone
if you say another word

Against jack
or anybody else.

But if you still want
to go with us to abilene,

You'll get your pay,
just like the rest.

Thank you,
mr. Garth.

Mr. Groot told us
about dunson.

You've done all that needs
to be done for us.

Please, push on ahead.

Does there have to be
more k*lling?

Get your herd to market,

And then decide
what to do about dunson.


'Evening, gentlemen.
What's your business?

You traveling
with a trail herd?

Who wants to know?

Thomas dunson.
I'm a rancher from texas.

The herd's mine.

These men here are deputized
to help punish the thieves.

How far ahead are they?

Don't know what the right
or wrong of this is, mister.

They saved us
from the comanches.

I don't know whether
it's right to help you
hunt 'em down,

But you and your men
are welcome to share
what's in our pot.

Well, they can't be
too far ahead.

Mr. Dunson.

I can tell you something.

About matthew garth.

It's your beef in the pot,

So there's no need
to let pride stop you.

All right, boys,
go ahead and eat.

Amy, please go ask
colonel pruitt

For a plate
for mr. Dunson.

You look trail-worn, sir.

I have some
medicinal whiskey.

Would you care for some?

You tryin' to k*ll me
with kindness?

More or less.

Matthew left with your cows
two days ago.

That is what
you wanted to know.

If I can believe you.

I don't care
whether you do or not.


Thati can believe.

You intend to k*ll him,

And you need them
to help you.

No, I don't need
them to help me,

And, yes, I do
intend to k*ll him.

Why? Because he took
your herd to save it from you.

Thank you.


Mr. Dunson, do you really
know matthew garth?

You're damn right.
16 Years.

And yet in a few
days and nights,

I think I know him better.

He hated going against you,

But he did it out of love.

Like hell he did.

I raised him as my own son
in all but name.

Everything was going
to be his--

Land, cattle, all of it,

And he spit on it.

And he spit on me.

Now, a man does that to me,
I'm going to k*ll him.
It's just that simple.


And foolish.

You in love with him?

What makes you think that?

The way you talk.

That g*n you got
over there in that box.

If you thought--

I didn't think anything.

But I would have tried,

Just as you will
when you find matthew.

You know, I had a woman
felt that way about me once.

I lost her.

Now I got neither wife
nor son.

I'm going to go
out there in the dark

And catch a few hours' sleep.

You want to k*ll me...

You'll have your chance.

Buster: I'm beginning
to think we're lost.

Either that, or there
ain't no such a place
as abilene.

We're gonna wind up
in canada,

Driving this herd
up and down an iceberg.

We'll find it.

If we do, be awful tough
if the railroad ain't there.

It's gotta be there.

But if it ain't?

We'll keep driving
till we find it.

Or till dunson finds us.

Whoa. What was that?

I heard something.


Man: make way! Make way!
We're coming in!


Look out! Look out!

Move over!

Move over!

Look out!

Woman: hi, boys!

Whoa. Whoa.

Okay, move along.
Move along.

all right, let's go.

Melville: I hope
you realize what
you've done, mr. Garth.

I don't know what
we would've done

If you hadn't hung out
a welcome sign.

Let's talk
a little business.

Mr. Garth--make that matt.


I am the greenwood
training company
of illinois,

And I'd like to buy
your herd.

The whole sh**t' match?

Every last cow.

What's your price?


I'm kind of new at this.

Can you make me an offer?

All right.


A head?

Mr. Melville,

You just bought yourself
a hell of a lot of beef!

I'd get that conductor
to blow his whistle again
if he was here,

But bein' as he ain't...


Man's got a right
to scream like that

Three times in his life--

When he marries,
when his kids are born...

And when he finishes a job
he was crazy to start.

Well, matt, you've made
tom dunson rich.

That's all you owe him.

You got me
and three saddle mates
right here

If you decide
to ride north.

I know that.

But I'll tell you what,

If I don't get in line
for that bath,

I'm going to hell
smelling like a skunk.

You guys go on
and enjoy yourself.

where's that saloon?

I want to meet
them purdy ladies!

Come in.


What's the matter?

It's just that...

I want you alive.

Come with me.

There's a good life
in colorado.

I know, I know.

I want that too.

But if I don't--

If I can turn my back
on my past, why can't you?

'Cause if
I don't face him,

I'd never be a man
that you could love.

That is such a foolish
thing to say.

I'd love you
no matter what you did.

Then you'll love me
if I have to do this.

Mr. Groot!

Mr. Groot!

He's coming...

And he's alone.

Go tell matthew.

Groot: now hold on a minute
and think about this--

He got you top dollar.

Draft's in your name.

He did it for you, tom.

You stay out of it.

Go on, matthew.


I said draw.

What kind of man are you?

Now, you told me once
never to do that to you again.

By god, I'll get you
to fight.

All right,
stay there in the dirt

If that's
what you want to do.

The rest of you--
you're nothing but
a bunch of cow thieves.

I'm gonna see you all hang!

Go on, get up.

Damn you!

Have you no sense at all?

Look what you're doing--
trying to k*ll
with your fists

The person you love.

Yes, you loveeach other.

Don't you know that yet?
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