02x15 - My Brother's Keeper

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air". Aired September 10, 1990 - May 20, 1996.*
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Will's mom sends him away from his rough Philadelphia neighborhood to live with wealthy Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian in Bel-Air.
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02x15 - My Brother's Keeper

Post by bunniefuu »

[instrumental music]

It is so nice to have
the house all to ourselves.

Ah. It sure is.

Now, why is it
that we wanted kids?

Because of the way you get them.


♪ When the saints ♪
♪ Oh when the saints ♪

♪ Go marchin' in ♪
♪ Go marchin' in ♪

♪ Oh when the saints
go marchin' in ♪

♪ Oh how I want to be
in that number ♪

♪ Oh when the saints
go marchin' in ♪

♪ Who dat? Who dat? ♪
♪ What? What? What? What? ♪

♪ Who dat say
they're gonna beat Will Smith? ♪

♪ What? Bop-bop ♪
♪ Who dat? Who dat? ♪

♪ Who dat say they're gonna beat
Will Smith? ♪

- Yeah!
- Alright.

Hey, hey, Aunt Viv,
Uncle Phil, we did it.

We won again. We're 4 and 0.

And at our next game,
there's gonna be a recruiter.

- From Georgetown University.
- Oh, that's great, kids.

Why don't you go upstairs,
get my wallet

and take your friends
to the movies

in Pittsburgh?

Sorry about
the unexpected guests, dad.

And as manager of the team,
I take full responsibility.

That's very honorable, son.
You're grounded.

Philip, I think it's nice
that the kids feel welcome

and wanna be around us.

Actually, we got kicked out
of six other people's cribs

and a 7-eleven parking lot.

But you-you mind if we just
hang around here, you know

order a couple of pizzas
or somethin'?

Well, it is a very special
night for you, Will. Sure.

Thanks a lot, Uncle Phil.

Hey, you know what, man?
Uh, t-this just feels great.

'Cause I remember a time
you know, me and you

didn't get along so good,
you know?

All the yelling and screaming..

...you telling me get on
the first plane back to Philly.

Hey, but this is now,
and that was this morning.

[theme song]

♪ Now this is a story
all about ♪

♪ How my life got flipped
turned upside-down ♪

♪ And I'd like to take a minute
just sit right there ♪

♪ I'll tell you
how I became the prince ♪

♪ Of a town called Bel-Air ♪

♪ In West Philadelphia
born and raised ♪

♪ On the playground is where
I spent most of my days ♪

♪ Chillin' out maxin'
relaxin' all cool ♪

♪ And all sh**t' some B-ball
outside of the school ♪

♪ When a couple of guys
who were up to no good ♪

♪ Started makin' trouble
in my neighborhood ♪

♪ I got in one little fight
and my mom got scared and said ♪

♪ You're moving with your auntie
and uncle in Bel-Air ♪

♪ I whistled for a cab
and when it came near ♪

♪ The license plate said Fresh
and it had dice in the mirror ♪

♪ If anything I can say
that this cab was rare ♪

♪ But I thought nah forget it
yo homes to Bel-Air ♪

♪ I pulled up to a house
about 7:00 or 8:00 ♪

♪ And I yelled to the cabbie
yo homes smell you later ♪

♪ I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there ♪

♪ To sit on my throne
as the prince of Bel-Air ♪

[instrumental music]

Yo, Ty, man,
what took you so long?

Hey, you ever try going to seven
fast-food joints

on a city bus?

Uh, no, I'm saving that
for prom night.

- You got your ribs.
- Ah.

Oh, man.
You got your fried chicken.

Yes, sir.

- Your hot wings.
- Yeah.

Your smokey links,
your barbecued kielbasa

and a bean pie
fresh from the corner.

Yes, sir.

You want some hot sauce on that?

Oh, yeah.

- Mm.
- Mm.

Mm. Mm!




- Needs a little bit more.
- Mm-hmm.

Will, you shouldn't be eating
that garbage.

Everyone knows
while you're in training

no fats, no chocolate
and no women.

Then I should probably
cancel my date

with that fat chocolate woman.

Will, you pitiful
Maalox poster child.

Get that grease buffet
out of here

and let's go to the game.

Malibu Prep is playing
Brentley High tonight

and I want you to check out
Malibu's guard, Marcus Stokes.

I'm from Philly, homes,
ain't nobody from Malibu

gonna beat me in basketball.

Besides, I'm the greatest

I'm a bad man, and I'm pretty.

- Hoo!
- Hoo!

Will, you better listen to me if
you want me to be your manager.

My manager? I don't even
want you to be my cousin.

I didn't hear that.

He said he don't even want you
to be his cousin.

Fine. I'll just go
to the game myself.

And when I get back,
I'll tell dad that little circle

in your wallet's
not your lucky half dollar.

Hey, hey, shall we take my
or the Volvo?

[instrumental music]


(man on PA)
'Malibu leads by 10.'

'Stokes passes to Jamison,
Jamison back to Stokes.'

'Stokes calls time-out.'

(female #1)
'Oh, my God, it's..'

I'll say one thing for Malibu.
The babes areprimo delecto.

Surf's up.

And that ain't all,
that must be jam

'cause jelly
don't shake like that.


Yo, slimmie, need some help

your African-American studies?

We can go to my place
and let freedom ring.

[buzzer buzzing]

(man on PA)
'We're in the final quarter'

'of this ball game.'

'Stokes will take the ball
out at half-court.'

'He passes it to Miller.
Miller back to Stokes.'

'Stokes sh**t the jumper.
Bingo! This kid doesn't miss.'

'Brentley down, sh**t.
No soap.'

'They've been throwing up
dead bricks all night.'

'Pelicans rebound,
Marcus the great'

'brings the ball downcourt.'

'He looks left, spins right.'

Stokes is a one-man game!'

Wow. Did you see
Marcus Stokes jump?

- Poof. Luck.
- How was that luck?

He's lucky I'm not out there.

the brother's from Malibu.

The only tough break he had

is when the Izod shop
ran out of pink.

God, I hate when that

Hey, Coach Smiley,
what's going on?

Shut up, Smith.
Can't you see I'm incognito?

Give me 20 laps
first thing Monday. Oh,

I don't want you hurting
your legs before the big

Banks, do his laps for him.

- So what do you see, coach?
- Not a damn thing, Will.

It's part of the disguise.

(man on PA)
'Stokes has the ball.'

'He moves to his right.
Drive to the hoop.'

'A reverse lay-up! He scores!'

'Stokes dribbles. Takes a pass.'

'Takes it strong
to the hoop again! It's in!'

'Stokes has done everything
tonight except sell hot dogs.'

'Stokes steals the ball,
drives it..'

'Oh, my goodness!
How sweet it is!'

Marcus! Marcus! Marcus..

(man on PA)
'Three seconds left.
Stokes with a jumper.'

'Swish! The game is over!
The game is over!'

'In my opinion,
Marcus Stokes is gonna be'

'one hell
of a college basketball player!'

Hey, Marcus. What's up, man?
Will Smith.

You probably recognize me
my picture in the sports

Uh, they said that I'm
a superbly well-oiled

with the face of an angel
and the body of a god!

May-maybe that's not
an exact quote, uh, but..

No, I don't recognize the face,

but I do recognize them ears.

They covered up
half of "Dear Abby."

[all laughing]

Hey, you had a pretty cute game
out there tonight.

Oh, man, I'm glad
you enjoyed it, brother

'cause I'm gonna do
the same thing

to your butt next week.


Hey, I'm glad
you're familiar with that

because my butt
is the only part of my anatomy

you're gonna see next week.

Oh, really? Well..

I'll bring a couple of umbrellas
for you and that scout

'cause I'm gonna be
raining jump sh*ts.

- Yeah!
- Whoo!

Alright, hold on, hold on,
I'm the only reason

that scout is coming
in the first place.

Only scout looking for you
trying to sell you some cookies.


- Hoo!
- Hoo!

I like your style, Will,
I definitely like your style

but let me be the first to
congratulate you ahead of time

for being voted
most likely to bag my groceries.

Yeah? Well, I got just one thing
to say to you, Mr. Hotshot.

Uh, you may be tall
and good-looking

and-and a good basketball player

but you're not that nice!

You back again
for another pre-game haircut?

How you doing, young blood?

Ah, just a poor black man

trying to make it in Bel-Air,
Mr. Nelson.

So what do you say, Joe?


Hey, hey. Somebody want
to know the future?

- The girls like it.
- Yeah, I'm sure they do.

They can check
their make-up in it.

I heard about your last game.

Boy, you was awesome.
How may points you score?

Uh, a mere 30 points,
an insignificant 18 rebounds

a minuscule 14 assists.

In other words, for a small fee

I might be persuaded
to date y'all daughters.

Boy, you ain't never gonna
that good.

Boy, back in my day

we used to play basketball
down in North Carolina.

We ain't had no sneakers

so we played
in high-top combat boots.

And we ain't had no basketball,
so we used a brick.

And we ain't had no hoop,
so Cousin June Bug

would hold his arms
out in a circle like this

and all day long, we slam-dunked
that brick off June Bug's head.

Them was tough days, boy.

Good thing
y'all wasn't into archery.

Alright. Now, here's my hero.

- How you doing, Marcus?
- What's up, everybody?

- 'Hey-hey-hey.'
- Yo, Joe, nice hair, man.

You keep saving these up,
one day you'll have a sideburn.

Just because the roof blew off

don't mean there ain't a log
on the fire.

So what is up, little Willie?

Ah, ain't nothing to it, shorty.
I see you slummin', man.

What you doing
down here in the 'hood?

Oh, man, this might be
the 'hood to you, brother.

- But this is home to me.
- What you talking about?

I live two blocks away
from here, man. Born and raised.

Wait, wait, I thought
you lived out in Malibu.

Oh, I know you thought I did.

You thought I was some
snot-nosed, candy-pants preppie.

But I'm your worst nightmare
on the basketball court, money.

I'm a homeboy, just like you.

So, wait a minute.

You ride a bus 20 miles a day

to Malibu Prep?


I run.

Bingo. My main man.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

[door opens]

Will, what you doin' back
so soon?

You know my haircuts
don't have no warranties.

Yeah, well, you know
tonight's the big game.

I wanted to come in
and get a special trim.

Hey, don't cut me too short,

I don't want you to give me
no Hair Jordan.

Well, if the people say
you look pretty tonight

be sure and mention
Nelson's Golden Shears.

Our motto is, "It may be nappy,
but we'll make it snappy."

Hey, um, has-has, uh,
Marcus been around?

I've seen him once or twice.

He got his game face on?

Afraid so.

So he wasn't fronting, huh?

Hey, he really does live
around here?

Yeah. He grew up
right around the corner.

Come from a good family, too.

Got six of the prettiest sisters
you ever see.

I believe that oldest one think
I'm kind of cute.

Marcus been playing ball
over at Harriet Tubman Park

since he was six years old.

Tough little rascal he was, too.

He used to play on the asphalt
in his socks.

Mother couldn't afford sneakers,
you know?

Hm, sound like
he was about as tough as I was.

I-I used to play barefoot
on glass.


Marcus' mother been working
at the phone company

ever since I can remember.

And the kid's got so many jobs,
he could be Jamaican.

my mom had about four jobs

a-and I had three myself.

I was the only kid in preschool

who knew how to downshift
a big rig.


Hey, and I'm gonna amaze
that Georgetown scout tonight.

A few years from now, I'll be
dunking basketballs in the NBA

and Marcus will be dunking
doughnuts in a deep fryer.

Which pro team
you wanna play with?

My daddy says
I can play with a pro team.

Not so fast, junior.
You got a ways to go yet.


Yeah, Will. This is my son.

[instrumental music]

[birds chirping]

This is my son.

My son.My son.

Well, here we are.

Got the house all to ourselves.

All alone, just you and me.

[baby bawling]

[door opens]

Will, I got Tyson

Holyfield, Dr. J.

Dr. Ruth and Dr. Pepper.

Only in America.

Sorry things didn't work out
at the doughnut shop.

And another thing,
take this $1000 bill

and wipe your baby's nose.

[baby bawling]

'Go, Will! Go, Will!'

'Go, Will! Go, Will!'

'Go, Will! Go, Will! Go, Will!'

'Go, Will!'


Wait a minute. This is whack!

Hey, I don't even know
if this baby is mine!

Hey, yo, dada.

Hey, you come play with me.


Will. Will.

Will, wake up.

Come on. It's time for the game.


Oh, man.

I dreamed you had hair
like Don King.

Did I look taller?

So you ready to show that scout
what we're made of?

- Yeah, I guess so.
- Guess so?

What kind of attitude is that
for a champ? Come on!

Hey, hey, Carlton. You-you think
it's rough having a kid?

I don't think so,
you just hand out cigars

and hope its head rounds

[instrumental music]

[indistinct chatter]

Alright, men,
we've come a long way

and I just wanna say good luck.

That, and pass it to Will.

One, two, three, Bel-Air!

Come on, guys!

[crowd cheering]

Alright. It's show time, baby.

Yes, sir. And I am
the master of ceremonies.

(man on PA)
'And here's the tip-off.
Look at Will Smith leap!'

'He taps the ball to Jones.
Jones back to Smith.'

'And Smith draws first blood
for Bel-Air Prep.'

'Marcus Stokes has the ball
for Malibu.'

'Driving the lane and scoring!'

looking for the open man'

'takes the jumper
for two points!'

'Will Smith coming right back
at it. In your face!'

'Call the fire department.
Stokes and Smith are smokin'.'

[crowd cheering]

'Smith steals the ball.
Driving the lane.'

'A lay-up!
He's poetry in motion.'

'Marcus has the ball.
He drives. Switch!'

'It's been Smith and Stokes
all night.'

'Jump shot Will Smith.
He's got 30 points.'

[crowd cheering]

'Stokes sh**t the jumper.
It's money in the bank.'

'Stokes falls back on defense.'

'This has been
an old-fashioned barn-burner.'

'Bel-Air Prep by two points.'

'Stokes and Smith could start
their own pro team.'

'Holy mackerel, another
two points for Will Smith.'

'Stokes comes right back
at him.'

'He drives and lays it in!'

'These two kids
are magnificent!'

'Have you ever seen anything
like it?'

'Smith dribbles upcourt.'

'He stops, he pops, it drops!
Two points!'

'This one is too close to call'

'and the fans are loving
every minute of it.'

'Stokes looks tired,
but there's fire in his eyes.'

'Smith is playing
the game of his life.'

'Stokes sh**t.
In your face, Will Smith!'

'It doesn't get any better
than this!'

'Smith bringing the ball

'his face,
a mask of concentration.'

'He drives toward Stokes.
He fires the rock.'

'In your face, Marcus Stokes!'

'Bel-Air Prep by one point,
time-out with 15 seconds left.'

Alright, men, now think defense.
Will, Stokes is your man.

I want you to stick to him
like white on rice.

Sorry. It's a bad analogy.

- Let's go.
- One, two, three, Bel-Air!

Let's go.


[whistle blows]

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[buzzer buzzing]

[instrumental music]


Hey, what's going on,
Uncle Phil?

You okay?

Yeah. Yeah. Uh, you know..

Guess I really blew it in front
of that scout tonight, huh?

Son, you can't come down
on yourself for losing.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you
lose. There'll be other scouts.

I don't know. I-I just felt like
I really let everybody down.

My game just wouldn't
come together tonight.

Trust me, Will, I know it
doesn't feel like it right

but what they say is true

"Winning really
isn't everything."

Yeah, well, it is
to Marcus Stokes.

[door opens]

[door shuts]

How you doing, sir?
I'm Marcus Stokes.

I'm Philip Banks, Will's uncle.

- Nice to meet you.
- You play a hell of a game.

- Son.
- Thank you, sir.

Will, we'll see you
at home, huh?

Hey, man, I was waiting around
for you in the locker room.

Why did you let me
go around you like that?

What, you trippin', man?
I didn't let you go around me.

I know your game, Will.
You let me go around you.

If you were gonna play
like that, why didn't you just

sit in the stands?

Look, come on, man.
Look, you impressed the scout.

You'll go to a division-one
college, then you'll go pro.

Uh, you'll be able to give
your kid everything, man.

What you beefin' about?

Oh, I get it, 'cause I got a kid

I'm some kind of charity case?

Well, let's get something
straight, homie.

My situation does not define
who I am.

I define who I am.

Look, man, I got lucky, alright?

You know, I got a rich

A lot of brothers
come from where we come from.

I mean, they don't have
the same opportunities, man.

That's your ticket.


You know something,
my Bel-Air brother?

You've been watching
too many made-for-TV movies.

Hey, look, man. I'm from Philly.
I know it ain't easy to make it.

What, to make it to the pros?
It's damn near impossible!

Look, I'm better than good,
till I break my ankle, that is.

Then I ain't worth a dime.

I'm not depending on this!

I'm depending on this.

My B-ball scholarship
is gonna get me

a free education in engineering

so that I can provide
for my family with my mind!

Well, y-you don't even
wanna play pro?

Yo, I ain't no fool, now.

If somebody offer me a million
dollars to dribble a basketball

you better believe
I'm gonna take it.

With all due respect, my brother

I don't think
nobody gonna offer you

no million dollars.

What I'm saying is, the odds
of that happening are slim.

Me getting a education
that's gonna last me a lifetime

are the odds that I'm taking.

You know,
you're a pretty deep brother.

Yeah. And I'm a better
ballplayer than you, too.

Ah-ha. Them's be fightin' words.
Let's do it.

'I thought you'd never ask.'

Hey, that's what you want,

You sure that's what you

Alright, you're driving.

Now, you sure
this is what you want?

Give it to me
as hard as you can.

You gotta tell 'em
what I did to you, right?

- You know that, right?
- Let's go, baby.

What do you say? I'm gonna
give this to you real hard.

- You realize you're smooth.
- Ooh, ooh, ooh.

Where you going? Aah!

Oh, no!

Hey, look at you.

Smith has the ball.
Smith has the ball.

He dribbles, he drives
between the legs. Stop!

He pops, and it's good!

Oh! Smith hurt his ankle!
He hurt his ankle!

It's over. He cannot play!
Smith wins one to nothing.
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