07x09 - Buried

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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07x09 - Buried

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ The edge
of surrender in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's going to be alright

♪ Because I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Piano playing]

♪ Because I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here.

[Dramatic drums]

[Rock music]

♪ I'm looking at a vision

♪ Are you for real

♪ Like the other
let me do it ♪

♪ My heart you would steal ♪

♪ You are an angel

♪ I'm here at a crossroad

♪ Do I take a leap of faith ♪

♪ Searching for the motherlode

♪ Reaching out for grace

♪ You are an angel

♪ Or are you the devil

♪ You are an angel

♪ You are an angel

♪ Or are you the devil

♪ You are an angel

♪ Or are you the devil

♪ You are an angel

♪ Or are you the devil

♪ You are an angel

-Alright, what do we got?

Okay, o2 is up, we got
1500 pounds in the cylinder.

-This is not your
everyday lifeguard truck.

-Well, the call car
is like an ambulance.

It's equipped to
handle a wide range

Of medical emergencies.

-How do you get to
go out in this thing?

-You take a six-month
training course

And become
a certified paramedic.

If you're interested,
stop by my office.

We'll arrange a time
for you to ride along.

-Oh, that would be cool!

-Manny, hey, come on let's go
to move the flags.

-Oh, I'm sorry, hey, what
about the paddle board?

-I'll, I'll get it.

-Anybody seen manny?

-Last I saw,
he was in the garage

Kissing up to
captain thomas again.

-Give it a rest, bryce.

-Hey, I admire the guy.

He's doing whatever it takes
to become a lifeguard.

-Okay, every event in
a lifeguard competition

Is designed to be
more than just a game.

Beach flags is a
test of agility,

Quickness, and reflexes.

But it also trains you
to keep your eyes focused

While running full
speed through the sand.

Okay, in the first
heat we're going

To have four competitors
going for three flags.

The one left at the end
of the run without a flag

Is eliminated.

Alright, let's have
richie, travis, bryce,


on the line, let's go.

Okay, everybody line up,
let's go, move, move, move.

That's right, single
file, here we go now.

Everybody down to
push up position.

Ankles and hands together.

Heads up, heads down.

[Whistle blows]


-Nice try, gutierrez.

Some sand on your face there.

Better clean that up.

-That was a cheap shot artist.

His name is bryce armstrong.

-What's he got against manny?

-See that cute girl over there?

-Bryce used to go out with her
until she discovered manny.

-They're looking more and more
like real lifeguards every day.

-And I suppose all
three are signed up

For the trip this weekend.

-I hope mitch is still coming.

-Are you kidding?

Two and a half days
with a bunch of

Hormone crazed teenagers, he
wouldn't miss it for the world.

heads up, heads down, go!

-There you go,
you should be fine.


-Help, somebody call
an ambulance, help me!

What is going on, help.

-Dispatch: 201, 295.

-Go ahead, 295. This is 201.

-Dispatch: respond to tower 12,
lifeguard reporting

A victim with chest pains.

[Siren blares]

-Hey, his name
is lester beeper.

I don't know exactly
what happened,

He seems okay though.

-That's okay, caroline,
I can handle it from here.

Go back to your tower.

-Good luck, guys!

-Okay, sir, what's the problem?
-He's having a heart attack.

-Please, ma'am,
let the victim respond.

-Talk to them!

-Well, I got this teeny
little pain in my chest.

I don't know what she's
making such a fuss about.

-Where does it hurt?

-Where does it hurt?

-Oh, well...

-Sir, I'm over here.

-Oh, yeah, well it
starts in my chest

And it goes up to my jaw.

-What brought it on?

-I think it was
something I ate.

-Ate, shmate, that's
what brought it on.

Right over there!

-Your husband's heart rate
has stabilized, mrs. Beeper.

We're sure he's not
in any immediate danger,

But he will be given a complete
examination at the hospital.

-There she is again.

She should be arrested for
attempted manslaughter.

I am telling you, these
skimpy bathing suits,

It's not safe to come
to the beach anymore.

-Please, mrs. Beeper,
get in the car.

-Shame on you!

[Siren blares]

-Well, do you think
we should say something to her?

-Oh, come on, you don't think
she caused the heart attack?

-No, but according
to county policy,

Thong bikinis are
banned from the beach.

-True, but technically,
that's not a thong.

It's a brazilian bottom.

The difference is subtle,

But it does cover a tad
more than your basic thong.

-I didn't realize you were
such an expert on the subject.

-Well, next time you need
a judge for a bikini contest,

I'm your man.

-Cody, come on,
you're hogging it, man!

-Hey, careful,
you'll tear the pages!

Come on, man, I ain't
fooling, back off!

-Whoa, you got it in,
you really did it.

I can't believe it.
It's awesome.

-Ooh, very cool.
-Look, look, look.

-What's going on?

I don't really thinking
that's appropriate

Reading material
for the work place.

-Normally, I'd agree with you,

But in this case I think
you might make an exception.

-Would you ask donna to
come see me in my office?


-Yeah, hobester, I'm
be home before dinner.

Cool, yeah.

-You wanted to see me?

-Come in, sit down,
and close the door.

Turn off the tv and
go to homework, bye.

-You're upset.
-I'm not upset.

-Yes, you are.
-Why didn't you tell me?

I knew what you'd say.

Look, believe me, I did
a lot of soul searching

Before I agreed to do this.

I weighed all the pros and cons.

-You realize the chief
is going to have a cow

When he sees this.

-Well, you know, I'm not
a fulltime lifeguard, mitch.

I do have the right to
earn outside income.

-That's not the issue.
-What is the issue?

-When you became a lifeguard,
you took an oath

Not to discredit
the department.

-You think I'm
discrediting the department?

-I don't think this is
the image of lifeguard

The county wants to project.

-You didn't
answer my question.

-Personally, whatever
you do in your own time

Is nobody's business
but your own.

As long as it's legal.

-What about captain thomas?

-Captain, they need you in
the first aid room right away.

-Morning, baywatch headquarters,
I'll be right with you.

Thank you for holding.

Well, she's not here right
now, may I take a message?

Is that the radio
station or the tv?

I'll give her the message.

-Phone hasn't stopped
ringing all day,

The fax machine is
jammed, this is turning

Into a full scale media circus.

-That's not how you do that.

-And to make matters worse,
I just got off the phone

From the mothers of
the junior guards.

She wants to come and
pick up her daughter.

-Can you blame her?

If I were a parent,
I'd feel the same way.

We are supposed
to be role models.

Whether we like it
or not, the public

Holds us to a higher standard.

-Wait a minute,
are you telling me

You don't trust donna
with those kids?

-I didn't say that.
-Well, then what are you saying?

-That donna posing in the nude

Shows a disturbing
lack of good judgment.

And to be perfectly frank,

It makes me wonder
if she's capable

Of being a good lifeguard.

♪ Hold tight were coming in fast

♪ Watch out ain't coming in last

♪ Head first diving in deep

♪ Hard work because cause we don't get no
sleep ♪

♪ You know

♪ You know

♪ The falling down is always how you grow

♪ Get set ready rock it and roll ♪

♪ Forget the silver because we're going
for the gold ♪

♪ We'll make our mark and now you don't
forget it ♪

♪ Know what we want and we're going to get
it ♪

♪ Hey hey we're gonna get it

♪ Hey hey we're gonna get it

♪ Hey hey we're gonna get it ♪

♪ Hey hey we're gonna get it

[Electric guitar]

♪ You know

♪ You know

♪ Hey hey ' we're gonna get it

-It's not like you to
settle for second best.

-He's not that far behind you.

-Yeah, he's got to
win that last event

To get first in the overall.

Somehow I just don't
see that happening.

-Okay, the final event
of the competition

Is a simulated rescue.

You'll swim out, make the
save, and haul the victim

Back into shore.

-So we're going to start with
the even numbers as victims.

Out in the water!

[Whistle blows]

-Let's go, let's go!

-Watch yourself.

-Okay, everybody ready?

Victims to the water!

-Rescuers to the line!

On your marks, get set...

[Whistle blows]

[Water splashing]

-Faster than
a speeding b*llet!

Oh, very smooth!

-Take the can!

[Manny groans]

-It's okay, I got you.

-What's going on out there?

-Hey, what's the matter?

You got the wind knocked out?

Come on, you can
make it to shore.

Got to be prepared, gutierrez,

Never know when a victim is
going to panic on you, right?

[Bryce groans]

-Hey, hey, hey!

[Both groaning]

-Knock it of, knock it off!

Get off, knock it off!

Walk it off!

-Get to shore!

-Get to shore!

Knock it off!
In the shore!

-You know, I don't
see how we can

Take them both on the
survival training exercise.

I mean, they'll beat
each other's throats

Before we're out
of the parking lot.

-They'll be fine once they
learn to respect each other.

-And how are we
supposed to arrange that?

-Oh, no, you can't arrange that,

You just got to let it play out.

Last thing they need is one
of us getting in the middle.

-I just came from
the chief's office.

I'm afraid I've
got some bad news.

-How bad?

-He's ordered a
full investigation

Of your extracurricular

He'll be interviewing
all parties involved.

-I don't know what
the big deal is here.

We all work around
half naked anyway!

-In the mean time
while the investigation

Will be conducted,

You've been suspended
without pay.


Without even getting to
tell my side of the story?

That's not fair!

-I don't make the rules.
-Oh, no, you just enforce them.

-Donna, perhaps if
you would've considered

The consequences
of your actions

Before you went and took them,
none of this would've happened.

-Well, perhaps
if I had a little support

Around here, it wouldn't
be happening either.

-Okay, hi, everybody, hi.

My name is caroline
holden, for those of you

Who don't know me,
and I will be accompanying you

On this very exciting
little adventure.

-What happened to donna?

-She can't make it.

-How come?

-Caroline: well...
-Oh, you didn't hear?

She got suspended
for posing naked.

Heck, I would've
promoted her to captain.

-That position is already
filled, mr. Armstrong.


-You going to be okay
with these animals?


-Captain: well, the only
advice I have to give you

Is remember what it was
like when you were 17.

-Oh, yeah, watch out for
those two-man sleeping bags.


-Okay, okay, let's go, let's go!
Everybody on the bus, okay!

Let's go! Go, go!

Alright, you got everything?

How you doing, cool,
good, good, good.

I know, I owe you.

-You owe me several, buddy!

-Thanks. Alright!

-Does that little fan
really work?

[Kids talking]



-I'm sorry about that.

-You're such a jerk.

-It was an accident!

Are you going to
give me that back?

-Hey, mitch, just found
this on the floor.

-Do you want me to go back
and sit there with them?

-No, no, no, it's okay.

We just got a couple
more miles to campsite.

-We want donna, we want donna!

We want donna, we want donna!

[Laughing and oohing]

-Speaking of donna,
you know what's

Going to happen to her?

-No, sam and I are meeting
with the chief next week.


Word has it that
sam wants donna out.

-No comment.

[Shower running]

-Hey, donna.
-Hey, sharon.

-Wow, a diamond pendant.

That's gorgeous.

Where'd you get it?

-Donna: from this romantic
man I've been dating.

-If I had a diamond
solitaire necklace,

I'd never take it off.

Be careful, you know the rule
about jewelry around here.

-Okay, I will.

-Hey, good luck.

-Okay, thanks.


-Oh, don't, don't worry.

I was just cleaning
out my locker.

-I know you're mad at me,

But I just think what
you did was wrong.

-And you're entitled
to your own opinion.

It's just so
hypocritical coming from

Someone who sponsored
a bikini contest at the beach.

-I don't think that's
a fair comparison.

-And I don't think
me being in playboy

Should have anything to do
with me being at baywatch.

Look, all I know is I busted
my butt to get this job

And I'm not giving it
up without a fight.

[Window rattling]


-What was that bump?

-Yeah, these roads
are pretty chewed up.

-Did you feel that?

[Laughs] my first earthquake!

-Male reporter: according
to cal tech seismologists,

The tumbler which
registered an estimated 4.0

On the richter scale was
centered in the calabasas area

Of the san fernando valley.

Those apparently
not on the same fault line

As the devastating
northridge quake.

We're still waiting
for reports of any damage

Or injuries
which will cap...

[Cell phone ringing]

-Captain: mitch, are you okay?

-Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, why?
-We had an earthquake.

-Mitch: oh, really, we
thought it was a pothole.

It's an earthquake.

-It was a 4.0
centered in calabasas.

-Really, that's the direction
we're heading right now.

-I know, that's why I thought

It might be a good idea
if you turned back.

Some of the parents might
be worried about their kids.

-No, no, no,
everything is fine.

We barely felt it.

Shouldn't have any problems.

-Captain: I know,
but still it might...

-Hang on a second, we're
going through a tunnel.

I might lose you.

[Items rattling]


-What is that?

[Rocks tumbling]

-What's that noise?

-I don't know, sounds
like a rockslide.

[Rocks tumbling]

-Everyone down in
their seats now!



-You okay?

-You okay?
-I think so.

-Anybody got
a light back there?

-Give me a flashlight.

Here, mitch.

-Anybody hurt?

-You alright?
Does your head hurt?

-I'm okay, my arm.

-I'll get him.


-Good god.

-Mitch? Mitch?

-What's up, what happened?

-I lost him, he said he
was going through a tunnel

And he never came back on.


-Manny, toss me a jacket!

-Give me a jacket.

Come on, hurry up!

Here, mitch.

-Mitch, I think
his arm is broken.

-We're trapped.

-Alright, everybody stay
in your seats, please.

We're probably working
with a limited air supply

And I don't want anyone
to overexert themselves.

-I got to set that arm.
Now, that's going to hurt.

You know you might want
to bite down on this.

Did you ever see those
old john wayne movies?


-Alright, okay,
on three, alright?

One, two, three.


Easy, easy, okay, alright.

-Male reporter: our chopper is
heading for the malibu hills

Where the chp is reporting

Extensive damage
from rockslides.

-I can't get through to them.

Something has happened.
We should be out there.

-Male reporter: reports that
a tunnel has caved in

Burying a school bus
in the rubble.

We'll try to get
more information...

-Let's go!
-Hey, what about donna?

She's the best rock
climber we've got.

-She's not an active
lifeguard, we can't take her

On a rescue, it's
against regulations.


Who gives a damn
about regulations.

People's lives are at stake.

-Captain: I can't
force you to come.

-You don't have to force me.

Come on, let's go, we've
wasted enough time already.

-Find a way out of here.

[Creaking noise]


-Mitch, do you want
me to go with you?

-No, no, alright, I'll get
back here as soon as I can.

Leave this thing steady.

One false move,
trigger another slide.

[Empowering pop music]

-Boy: something is
wrong with bryce, man.

-Girl: caroline

-Caroline, bryce can't breathe.

[Labored breathing]

Hey, are you okay?
What's wrong?

Hey, let me get in there, okay?
Are you okay?

No, no, no, come on,
come on it's okay.

-Easy, bryce, easy.

-Are you claustrophobic?

-Oh, no, do you
hear that wheezing?

I think he's got asthma.


-Yeah, probably from
all the dust in here.

-Okay, if he has asthma,

That means you have
an inhaler, right?

Is your inhaler
in your backpack?

-Caroline, he might
not have an inhaler.

This could be the first time
he's ever had an attack.

-Anybody have an inhaler?

-Boy: no, ma'am.

-What do we do?

-Erin, where's your fan?

-Caroline: okay,
try and breathe.

-We got to rig
an inhaler for him.

Who's got water?
-Girl: I do.

-Who's got water?

Hold on, man, hold on.

-What are you doing?

-Putting water, I hope
this is damp enough.

Prop him up.

-Okay, here,
let me prop you up.

-Hold this in
front of his face.

He needs to breathe
humidified air.

Okay, bryce, breathe.

Breathe, breathe bryce!

Breath, bryce!

Come on, breathe!

[Siren blaring]

Come on, breathe, man.

Breathe, there you go.

Breathe, there you go.


You'll be alright.

[Suspenseful music]

-Scout team's
on their way in.

-Let's start digging.

-Wait, wait, wait, shah.

Listen, do you guys hear that?


-This looks like an opening.
-No, don't do that!

-Careful now!

Hey, mitch, mitch!

-Mitch, mitch, can you hear me?

-I've got to find mitch.

Manny, you're in charge.

-Mitch, mitch, mitch!

-We're coming!
-Can you see anything?

Be careful.

-Mitch, mitch, mitch.

-Can you see anything?

-Wait a second,
I think I found him.

-Is he alive, is he alright?

-Hang on!

-Cody: donna, what's going on?

-I found him,
he's not breathing!

-Does he have a pulse?

Make sure his airway is clear!

-Mitch, come on, I'm going
to get you out of here.

-Captain: is he okay?

We got you, that's it.

You're almost there,
just a little bit longer!

-Help him out!

Mitch, are you okay?

-What took you guys so long?

-Where's the kids?

-They're still alive but
they're running out of air.

-Let's go.

-Let's go, let's go!

We're coming, hang in there!

-Caroline, caroline!

-Mitch: newmie, mitch.

-Newmie on radio:
everybody okay?

-Yeah, we're alive.

Got a lot of walking
wounded here, pal,

Why don't you send us
another vehicle?

Couple more guards.

-Newmie: you got it.
-Alright, thanks.

Good work in there, huh?

-She's okay,
her knee's a little banged up.

-Buddy, how are you
doing, hanging in there?

-Thanks, man.

You saved my life.

-Hey, nobody's perfect.

-How did you know
how to do that?

-My father has got asthma.

Guess I've been
around it all my life.

You know?

-Guess I'm sort of
lucky you were around.

Hope it stays that way.

-Hey, no problem, bro.

[Soothing music]

-Just came from
the chief's office.

You got your job back
if you still want it.

-You mean, just like that,
the chief is willing

To forgive and forget?

-Well, we made him realize that,

That losing a lifeguard
of your caliber

Would do far more
damage to the department

Than any
of your photographs.

-And what about you?

-I'm willing to accept
that, that what you do

On the job is much
more important

Than what you do off the job.

-Thanks for standing up
for me.

-What do you say
we go back to headquarters

And work out
your new schedule?


-Oh, I should mention, you're
not totally off the hook.

-What do you mean?

-The chief did insist
on issuing a letter

Of reprimand that will stay
on your permanent file.

-I can live with that.

-Oh, he did have
one other request.

-Your autograph.


-Donna: so how should
I make it out, "dear, chief..."?

What's his first name?

-Captain: clarence.

-Donna: okay, I'll
just put "dear, chief".


[Closing theme playing]
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