07x10 - Search and Rescue

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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07x10 - Search and Rescue

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Bright piano music]

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here.

[Ominous music]

[Sirens wailing]

[Fire crackling]

[Sirens wailing]

[Fire crackling]
[indistinct shouting]

-Woman: my baby! [Crying]

[Fire crackling]
[indistinct shouting]

-Help! Help us!
-Girl: mommy!

[Fire crackling]
[indistinct shouting]

Help! Hurry!

[Sirens wailing]

-Girl: mommy!

-Woman: hold on,
I can't get through!

[Fire exploding and crackling]
-girl: hurry, mom!

[Fire crackling]


[Loud expl*si*n]

[Man yelling]

[Water splashing]

[Dramatic music]

[Loud gasp]
[water splashing]

[Dramatic music]

[Sirens wailing]
[indistinct talking]

get the hoses down. Go, go!

-We have victims on the pier.

-Girl: mommy!

[Fire roars]
[loud expl*si*n]

[Man yelling]

[Water splashing]

[Ominous music]

[Dramatic music]

[Water splashes]

[Loud expl*si*n]

[Siren blares]

[Loud expl*si*n]

[Firemen talking indistinctly]

[Loud expl*si*n]

[Pulleys creak]

[Loud expl*si*n]

[Woman screams]

[Fire crackling]

-It's all right.
Let go of the piling.

[Ominous music]

-Katie! Help us!

Hurry, please! Hurry!


-All right, I'm gonna
toss this up to you.

Wrap it around
the rail, tie it off.

[Dramatic music]


[Can clatters]


[Dramatic music]

-All right. Bring
me in, bring me in.

-She's not breathing
-cody: bring me in!

-Woman: my baby's
not breathing!

-Neely's diving.
She has a submergent.

I have a woman and
an unconscious child

At the end of the pier.

Cody's going up after them.

-Samantha: keep me informed.

-Help! Help me!


[Loud expl*si*n]
[man screams]


-Take this guy in. I'll
go back to the other one.


[Dramatic music]

[Siren wailing]

-He's unconscious.
He's not breathing.

-Okay. Lay him down.

-What's the status of
the victims in the water?

-That's paradise cove--

-Jordan and chris
have one on shore.

Newmie has one in tow
of the scarab 1.

And cody's
almost on the pier.


-She's not breathing!
She's not breathing!

-Lie her down! Lie her down!
-Woman: she's not breathing!

-Move, move, move!

[Woman crying]
[fire rumbling]

-Do something.

[Dramatic music]

-Get her in. Go, go, go!
-Fireman: clear.

[Siren wails]

[Woman crying]
[girl coughing]

-That a girl, that a girl.

All right, hold
her here. Hold her.

[Fire roaring]

-Advance the lines!

-Fireman: good try, good try!

-Oh, my baby. [Crying]

-All right, we're gonna put
this over her. What's her name?


-Katie, you're gonna have
to hang on for me, okay?

[Suspenseful music]

-Logan: come on, katie.

All right.
-Woman: careful!

[Suspenseful music]

-Hold on, katie! Hold on.



-Woman: hold on, katie.

-Steady. I got her.


-Cody: c.j., Here she comes.

-Okay, I got you.
You're gonna be okay.

-Cody: okay, katie's safe.

We're gonna have
to jump, all right?

-Okay. Your mom's
gonna be okay.

-Fireman: they might
need some help over there.

[Firemen speaking indistinctly]

-Come on, we gotta go!
[Fire roaring]

-Cody: I got you.

[Water spraying]

[Loud expl*si*n]

-Cody, jump!

[Fire crackling]

-Cody: on the count of
three, we're gonna jump.

One, two--


-Cody: three!

[Woman screaming]


-South of the pier.
Victim coming in.

-Fireman: let's hit it. Go!

[Firemen talking indistinctly]
[siren wails]

-Fireman: that's it.

[Water spraying]

-Captain, get your men in
there and pull some ceiling.

-We have to get those
walls. All right, let's go!

-Fireman: come on,
boys. Watch yourself!

[Dramatic music]

-Fireman 1: they're
moving in now, sir.

-Fireman 2: I don't see anybody.

[Ominous music]

[Firemen talking indistinctly]



-How long was he down?

-Oh, two to three minutes.

-I'll take ventilation.

Not breathing!

[Exhales loudly]

No pulse. Start cpr.

One, two, three, four, five.

[Exhaling loudly]
[siren wailing in distance]

-One, two, three, four, five.

[Exhaling loudly]
[siren wailing in distance]

-One, two, three, four, five.

-[Exhaling loudly] come on!

-One, two, three,
four, five. Breathe.

One, two, three,
four, five. Breathe.

-Stephanie: lift.

-Fireman: all right.

-Let's go!

-All right. Lock him down.

-Resume cpr.

One, and two, and three,
and four, and five.

[Siren wailing]

-You were really amazing.

-[Sighs] just a good
day to be a lifeguard.


-Hey, thanks for your
help. I really needed it.

-You can't leave now.

-What do you mean?

-We held a life in our hands.

The least we can do is
get to know each other.

-[Sighs] neely capshaw.

-Terry mcfarland.

-Nice to know you,
terry. I'll see ya.

-Maybe tonight?

I'm workin' a half shift.

-Over at buenos.

-Maybe. We'll see.

[Light music]


-I am so sorry to
keep you guys waiting.

[Group laughing]

But this news is definitely
worth waiting for.

I just came from a meeting

With the fire department
chief and the lifeguard chief.

They were blown away
[neely squeals]

By how well our departments
worked together today.

And I gotta tell ya, I was, too.

You guys were
incredible out there.

-Well, what is it?
What's the news?

-They wanna put together an
elite search and rescue team.

It will be made up
of three lifeguards

And three firefighters.

As a test, to test program.

And if it works,
they'll keep it.

-Well, how do you get
to be one of the six?

-You've gotta be
under 40 with hair.

[Group laughs]


[Group laughs]

-No. Any lifeguards
who volunteer

Will have to train
with the firefighters

And pass all their tests.

And the firefighters
will train with us.

Now, three people
from each department

Will be selected from
those who qualify.

-If we're picked, do we still
get to work as lifeguards?

-I don't think the
department will allow it.

So I want all of you to think
carefully before volunteering.

[Indistinct chatter]

-May I have your
attention, please.

Settle down, please.

The search and rescue
unit will be supplied

With the most sophisticated
rescue equipment available.

The van in the
unit will be housed

In a facility to
be constructed here

With access to
lifeguard headquarters.

-Plans are being drawn,

But nothing will be
built until we can prove

That a blended unit like this
can work to save lives

Efficiently and effectively.

-Now, tomorrow you will begin
cross-training each other.

It will be up to you to
teach your counterpart

Everything you can
about the job you do.

And then, train him
or her to do it.

-Now, both
departments and unions

Have agreed to wave
seniority requirements

And let us put together
a compatible team

Made up of individuals
with specialized

Search and rescue skills.

-In other words,

Team chemistry is as important
as individual ability.

So rivalries and
any other issues

You may have with one another,

Better be checked at the door.

-Competition is healthy,
but cooperation and trust

Is essential if we wanna
pull this thing off.

So before you guys
go home today,

Introduce yourselves to
the people you don't know.

Take some time to get
to know each other.

-Victim's lives
may depend on it.

-Woman: hi, how are you?

[Indistinct chatter]

-Hey, hi. Rick jenner,
lifeguard catalina.

-Hi, nice to meet you.
Jordan tate.

I work baywatch.

-Cool. Hey, I also import
bathing suits from brazil

That would look
extraordinary on you.

Jenner's, right on
the venice strand.

-I can't say that I've
ever heard of that.

-Yeah, yeah. Jenner's right
on the strand, near pearl.

You go in, you tell
'em you know me,

They will give you a great deal.

Hey, hi. Rick jenner
and this is jordan tate.

-Oh, we know each other.


Hey, rick jenner.
How you doin'?

-How old were you?

-I was five. My father fell
asleep smoking a cigarette

And I woke up, there was
smoke and flames everywhere.

And then, this fireman
literally broke through the wall

And carried me out. [Chuckles]

I knew then, that that's
what I wanted to be.

-There weren't many women
firefighters back then.

-I know, but just
like your department,

They finally realized that
women could do the job.


So uh, how are you
in the water?

-I can swim, but I'll need
help to qualify as a lifeguard.

-Don't you worry,
you're in good hands.

We'll get you through it.

-Hey, newmie.
-Newmie: hey.

-I'd like to
introduce you to terry.

-Hey, terry.
-Terry: how are ya?

-This is the king of the beach.

-I see you've met the
queen of the beach.

-Yeah, she rules
with an iron fist.

-And a velvet glove.

-I haven't felt that, yet.

-Only qualified
lifeguards get to.


-So anyway,
I got this one here

into the malibu fire.


-This one's from
the l.a. Riots.

-Oh, my gosh, what happened?

-They shot at us.

What can I say? The
fires were the safe part.

-[Scoffs] well, how'd
you get this one?

-The northridge quake.

-[Chuckles] your body is like
a road map of l.a. Disasters.

-Hey, I tell ya what.

I'll let you see my
pasadena mudslide scar,

But I gotta get to
know you better, first.

-Well, isn't that what
we're suppose to be doing?

-Hey, jordan. We keep
bumpin' in to each other.

Rick jenner.
Lifeguard, catalina.

-How you doin'? Clay tiernan,
l.a. County firefighter.

-Okay. Soon, we will be

Rick, clay, jordan, jenner,
tiernan, tate county sar.


Hey, hey, rick jenner.
I haven't met you, yet.

[Metal clanking]


Mitch! Hey, are you okay?

-Never better.

-[Sniffs] oh, what's
that smell? [Winces]

-What smell?

-You smell like garlic.

-What's up with the cross?

-Uh, backup for the garlic.

-What happened to your neck?

-I cut myself shaving.

-Wait a second.

You got a wound on your
neck, you smell like garlic,

And you're wearing a cross.

What are you doing?


-Come on, mitch. It was
a full moon last night.

You were on one of your weird
cases again, weren't you?

[Hums quietly]


-Tell us!
-Caroline: hello?

-Come on!

-See, the thing is,
is that you believe

In all that weird stuff.

-Of course I do.

-That's because firefighters

Are in much better
shape than lifeguards.

-Hah! No way,
not even close.

Eight ball in the
corner, one rail.

Lifeguard two,
firefighter zero.

-[Chuckles] this
isn't about pool.

We're talkin' about who
will have a tougher time

Making it through the other
department's training.

-You will.

-[Chuckles] more firemen
will qualify as lifeguards

Than lifeguards as firemen.

-You know,
I wouldn't bet on that.

-If I'm right,
you're mine for a day.

If you're right, I'm yours.

-[Inhales loudly] I don't
gamble on other people.

Let's just make it you and me.

If I'm picked for the
team and you're not,

I own you.

If we're both
picked, status quo.

-You left out me bein' picked

And you being left in a
heap of dust on our course.


-Okay, if that
happens, I'm all yours.

But don't fantasize yet,
'cause it's not gonna happen.

[Light rock music in background]

-To fantasies.

-To survival of the fittest.

[Upbeat rock music]

♪ Come on and get it done

♪ We're gonna rise like the morning sun

♪ Don't forget you're ♪
♪ gonna break a sweat

♪ Come on baby ain't that fun

♪ Two is better than one

♪ When you've got to get the job done

♪ It's gonna be hot, so ready or not

♪ Baby watch out cause here I come

♪ Cause I know we're gonna
♪ rock this dream

♪ Gonna make 'em scream

♪ All night long they'll be
♪ singing our song

♪ Cause together we'll rock this dream

♪ Yeah no one wins alone

♪ When they try to make it on their own

♪ Well I'll help you
♪ in everything you do

♪ But girl you gotta help me too

♪ Cause two is better than one

♪ When you've got to get the job done

♪ And it's gonna be hot,
♪ so baby ready or not

♪ Now watch out cause here I come

♪ Cause I know we're
♪ gonna rock this dream

♪ Gonna make 'em scream

♪ All night long they'll be
♪ singing our song

♪ Cause together we'll rock this dream

♪ Cause together we'll rock

♪ Cause together we'll rock this dream

♪ Cause together we'll rock

[Light rock music]
[jet ski bumping over water]

[Bar patrons talking


-All right, that's one.

-Oh, all right.

You just wait 'til we
get you on our course.

-Piece of cake.

-You'll beg for mercy.

-Oh, please.

I'll do all day what it
takes you all day to do.

-[Scoffs] oh, man,
what? Listen to this.

-You'll pray we let you drown.

-Hey, I helped you swim.

-That's right, sucker.


-Jordan: look who's talking.

[cody gasps]

-Oh, what's a matter?

You can't handle
firehouse chili?

-Ha, ha, ha. Wait 'til you
taste a lifeguard sandwich.

-Hey. Didn't I rescue
you once in catalina?


Maybe not.

-All right, two a piece.
This one's for all the glory.

Ready, set, go.


-Hey, that's cheating!

-No, that's
lifeguard back up.

-Right on!
-Newmie: thank you.

-I know you. Rick
jenner, remember?

Lifeguard, catalina.
I rescued you once, didn't i?

I'm sure I did. Catalina.

She must really love popcorn.

-See, the trick is to keep
the tension with your left hand

So you don't pick up speed.

-How tall is this tower?

-90 Feet...
[Women talking indistinctly]

But when you're up there
it seems like 1,000.

-Great. [Scoffs]

[Women laugh]

What are you guys talkin' about?


-What's she sayin' about me?


-I'm just talking about how
much in love you are with c.j.

And how devoted you
are to each other.

-[Stammers] thanks, jordan.


[Ominous music]

[Light drum beat]

♪ Here we are, we won't give in

♪ We will fight until the end

♪ Do or die

♪ Running through the fire

♪ All we need is a reason to believe

♪ Do or die, you make me want to fly...

♪ Through the fire

♪ There's a line that we can draw

♪ We can cross it and go beyond ♪

♪ I'm pulling for you

♪ You're pushing me higher

♪ All we need

♪ Is a reason to believe

♪ Do or die, you make me want to fly

♪ Do or die, you make me want to fly...

♪ Through the fire

♪ All we need

♪ Is a reason to believe

♪ Do or die, you make me

♪ Want to fly higher than high

♪ All we need

♪ Is a reason to believe

♪ Do or die, you make me want to fly

♪ All we need is a reason to believe

[Group talking indistinctly]

-Everyone, gather
around, please.

I'd like to congratulate
each and every one of you.

You made our selection
process very difficult.

-If you're not one
of those chosen,

It has nothing to do with
your skill or ability.

All of you are more
than qualified.

-The firefighters selected
for the sar unit are

Clay tiernan,
-clay: yes, yes!

-Jessica lapeer.
[Yells excitedly]

Terry mcfarland.
[Neely laughs]

-The lifeguards selected:

Cody madison.
[Loud applause]

Rick jenner.
-Rick: hey, that's me!

-And neely capshaw.
-Oh! Yes, yes!

[Crowd clapping]

-Watch out!

-Better luck next year!

Hey, c.j.!

[Crowd talking indistinctly]

C.j., C.j., Whoo!
[Exclaiming loudly]

[C.j. Yells]

I made it. I did it, I'm in.

-Great, but uh,
cody, I'm on duty.

-Oh, sorry.


Okay, then face the water.

-You really wanna
do this, don't you?

-Yeah, I love it.

-Then I love it, too.

-Then prove it.

-Prove it? How am I
suppose to prove it?

-Paint me.
-C.j.: Paint you?

-Tonight. Let me know
how you really feel.

-Ooh, yeah. [Giggles]

-But just one thing.
-C.j.: What?

-You gotta use finger paints.

-Oh, really?

[seductive music]

-Oh, baby, you've
gotten kind of heavy.

-It's my can.
-Cody: oh, yeah.

-It's okay, chubs.
-Cody: whoa!

-Female reporter: this is sherry
diaz here on the beach,

Where the monica hotel
burst into flames

After a massive expl*si*n
in the boiler room

Rocked this quiet neighborhood
at 3:15 this afternoon.

-Get that wagon here and
give me a supply lead.

-Fireman: yes, sir.

[Firemen talking indistinctly]

-Dispatch, engine 1
requests a third alarm

To 1279 pch. [Radio static]

Now, listen up.

The expl*si*n tore
open water pipes

That are running through here.

[Fire crackling]
now, the lower basement

Has been flooded and there
are two people unaccounted for

That may be trapped.

-Is there a valve shut off?

-The only access valve controls
the fire protection system

In the rest of the building.

-Can we get down this
stairway right here?

-No, it's demolished.

The only way in is through
the underground garage.

[Fire crackling]
[ominous music]

[Respirator masks hissing]

[Ominous music]

[Respirator masks hissing]


[Gear clanging on metal]

[Electric wire fizzes]

[Flame roars]

[Ominous music]


-Cody: chainsaw
extracting gear.


-Tpl and camera.

-You guys are
lookin' for victims.


-Rick: sniffer,
chainsaw, rope back.

-Check for gas leaks.



-I'm demo hammer.


-Saw and sledgehammer.

[Debris crunching underfoot]

-Cody, check the doors.
-Cody: you got it.

[Water dripping]

[Door clanging]


[Door clanging]


[Metal pipe clanging]

[Water running]


-Any voices?


-Terry, we're gonna
need power in here, asap.

-We need backup in
here. We've got victims.

Give me power, backboard,
scope splitter, the works.

[Drill whirring]

-Inspection hole is ready.

-Checking atmosphere.

[Machine beeps]
we're clear!

-Get the camera.

[Uplifting music]

[Dial clicking]


[Ominous music]

Still nothing.

[Water running]

[Dial clicking]

Wait, wait, wait,
wait. Right there.


We got one!

It's not the tapper,
but we got one!

-Let's get through there.

[Sledgehammer beating]

-Out, down!

[Sledgehammer beating]


[rocks busting]

[Water rushing]
[suspenseful music]

-Okay. There's
victim number one.

I need the lowering system.

-We're on it. Got it.

[Suspenseful music]

-Anchor point ready.

-Lowering system ready.

-Clay: take up the slack!


-Clay: online.

-Guide my t*nk.

-I got it.


-Cody: let him out,
let him out, let him out!

More slack. Let him out.

[Suspenseful music]

-Cody: more slack. Easy.

-More slack.

-Come on.

-Terry: offline.

-Clay: offline. Pull
it up, take it up.

-All right, very good.

-Neely: okay.

[Water spraying]

-Let her up!

[Ominous music]

-I'm down.

[Water rushing]

[Wires popping]

-More slack, lambo.

-Rick: down.

-It's hot in here.
Cut the power!

-Cody: cut the power!


-I got him.

-We'll look for the tapper.

-He's got a pulse.

He's not breathing.

-Jenner, hook us up.

[Exhaling loudly]

[Uplifting music]

-He's breathing.

[Water rushing]


[Metal clanging]

[Dramatic music]

[Metal clanging]

-Tapper's on the other side.

It's getting weaker.

-We can't get around this wall.

-Hey, there's light underneath.

Can we use the same underwater?

-I think so. It's possible.

-I'll go with you.

[Respirator mask hisses]

[Water bubbling]

-it's too tight.

We're gonna have to
pass the tanks through.

[Water rushing]


-All right. I'll pull him out.


-When I get to the other
side, pass me the air bag.


[Respirator masks hissing]



-Pull him up slowly!

-Man: five minutes!

[Suspenseful music]

[Metal clanging]

-There's our man.

-Help me!
[Metal clanging]

-It's all right, buddy.

We're gonna get you
outta there, all right?

[metal clanging]

-All right. It's okay,
it's okay, it's okay.

-All right. We're
gonna inflate this

And lift this pipe
off you, all right?

-all right. Thanks.

-Jessica: hang in there.

-Clay, inflate the bag.

-Okay. Going up.

Twenty, forty...

[metal squeaks]

-All right. Here it
comes, here it comes.


-One hundred, 120...

[Metal squeaking]

-Clear! Get him out.
[Man yells]


-It's okay.

Come on.
-Cody: I'll get his arms,

You get his legs.


We got ya. Hang in there.

Hang in there, buddy.


Nice and easy.


All right. It's gonna
get a little deep, okay?

-Man: all right.


[Loud bang]
-jessica: oh!

[Loud rumbling]

-Watch your head! Let's go!

Come on!
[Man yelling]

-Oh, jesus! It's goin' down!

[Loud rumbling]


-Cody: clay, let's move!

-This whole place
is goin' down.

Let's get outta here.

-Cody: you got it.

[man grunting]

[Suspenseful music]

-Clay: out on your
helmets. They're over there.

[Suspenseful music]

-Terry, grab the backboard.

-Terry: you got it.

-All right, slide him up.
Let's go, strap him in.

-Terry: got him secured?

-Neely: yeah.
-Cody: secured.

-All right. Let's
take him up, slowly!


All right, let's go.
Everybody up. One at a time.

-Clay: let's go. Come on!

-Rick: ready.

[Dramatic music]

-All right. One,
two, three, lift.


-Cody: first victim
get out all right?

-Rick: paramedics already
too him to the hospital.

-Any others?

-Rick: nope. Area's clear.

-Let's move outta here!

-Rick: all right, let's go.


-All right.
Now, you admit it.

Admit that you're not a vampire

Or I'm gonna open that door

And shove you
through the sunlight.

-What's going on?
-Oh, [stammers] this guy.

He just won't admit
that he's not a vampire.

All right, buddy.
I gave you your chance.


-Both: mitch!

-All right, come on!
[Man screaming]

Okay, all right.
Now admit it.

You are not a vampire.

If you were a vampire,

You would be melting
from the sunlight.

-Burn up, actually.
Uh, vampires burn up in the sun.

Witches melt.
-Caroline: really?

-Yeah. Remember
in wizard of oz,

And they poured
water all over here,

And she went ooh, ooh, ooh?

-Oh, that's my favorite part!

I'm melting, I'm melting!

-All right.
Listen to me.

I'm gonna
let you go this time.

No more
biting necks, all right?

Go on, get outta here.


-So if you had
to make a choice,

Which one of those
uniforms would you choose?

Baywatch or search and rescue?

-Well, I think I'd choose--

-I don't want you to answer
the question right now.

For the time being, you'll
be able to work at the beach

On your days off.

-[Sighs] thank god.

-But we have to choose soon.

-Well, sar is gonna happen.

Thanks to you, and
terry, jess, and clay,

The experiment's a success.

The supervisor's loved it.

Only question now is how
long before it's permanent?

-No, no. That's not
the only question now.

I have a question.

-And that would be?

-Well, do I have to go back
to catalina on my days off

Or can I work right here?

-Hey, that's two
questions. [Chuckles]

-I will answer
them one at a time.

No. And yes.


But uh, not necessarily
in that order.



-If you have to,

Which one will you choose?

-Cody: I don't
know. How 'bout you?

-Neely: I don't know, either.

[Closing theme playing]
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