07x16 - Matters of the Heart

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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07x16 - Matters of the Heart

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ With the edge of
surrender in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]
I'll be ready ♪

♪ [Never you fear]
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Energetic piano solo]

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]
I'll be ready ♪

♪ [Never you fear]
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here.

♪ It's summertime

♪ But nobody seems
to be taking it easy ♪

♪ There's no time

♪ Lately it's making me
kinda uneasy ♪

♪ Work all day and night

♪ Trying to do
something right ♪

♪ But baby it's high
time we stopped ♪

♪ Make time for each other

♪ Oh, baby it's high time
we tried [it's our time] ♪

♪ I don't even know you

♪ How are you
supposed to know again ♪

♪ If I never talk to you

♪ Memories are always shared

♪ You become a mystery

♪ Time becomes our enemy

♪ I just want you
here with me ♪

♪ And I'm telling
you it's high time. ♪

-Cody: hey, ready
for that cpr class?

-Huh? Yeah. Take
a look at that.

-Cody: what?

-Neely: don't you see it?

-Cody: mitch and
sam washing a truck?

-No, look at the way they're
looking at one another.

-Cody: what? They're smiling,
so what's the big deal?

-They're in love, cody.

-Mitch and sam? [Chuckles]

Not a chance.
-They're in love.

-Oh, they're
friends, that's all.

-It's changed, trust me.

Body language doesn't lie.

I mean, look at the way
his hips are thrust forward

And his legs are
slightly spread.

You see? She just
caressed his arm.

-She accidentally
touched him, neely.

-That's no accident.

I can smell the hormones
all the way up here.

-You know, you should
get a 900-number.

The neely capshaw
psychic love line.

Come on, let's go.
Newmie's waiting.

-Mitch: hey, hey.
Whoa, look out!

There's a spot, there's
a spot right there!


-My line of work, ese.

[Serious guitar music]

What you looking at, ese?

-Blue trunks. He's riverside.

Used to be my homeboy.

-Your homeboy?

Looks more like a beach boy.


-Quit talking, get to work.

-You're gonna have your
work cut for you today with these guys.


-Hey, how, many are
taking the cpr class?


-Manny, we're gonna use
you as a victim, hon.

-Aw, man.

Boy, I hope at
least gonna wash up

After picking up that trash.

-Not likely.
-Hey, quit complaining.

Making them learn cpr is a part
of their community service.

It's a great idea.

-Yeah, they tag walls
and vandalize stores,

And we get the punishment.

-Look, I'm sure most of
them are pretty good kids,

Just got into some trouble.

-Hey, chula.

Hey, you better watch where
you're going, eightball!

-I'm sorry, pepe.
I didn't see you.

-Sorry too, ese,
I didn't see you either.

-Yo, man, what's up?


[Serious music]

-Hey, cut it out!

-Cody: they're kids, right?
-Newmie: yeah.

-Stay here, make sure
everything's okay, alright?

-Cody: hey, break it up!

[Grunting and rabbling]

-I'm calling the cops.
-Let's go, huh?

-Ese! Let's end it
now, chango, let's go!

-You want some of
me? Man, what's up!

-Hey, holmes. Been a long time.

-You want them
to call the cops?

You want to both
to end up in jail?

-Man, he stuck me, man!
Man, what's up with that?

-It was an accident.
-Wanna get down, punk?

I'm gonna punch you
in the face!

-Quiet down!

-You know what, chango!
You're going down, ese!

-Let's go!

-Cabrone, you
ain't nothin', ese!

-Take him, throw him in
the water if you have to.

Any more "accidents"

And it'll be the cops
dragging you away.

Next time, you're
gonna do time, buddy.

And get out of here!

-Pulga: okay, barbie
doll. [Devious snicker]

-Now, I think they're ready
to learn how to save lives

Instead of waste some, okay.

-All right.
Everybody on the beach.

-All right.

-Man, why you're
here, man, what you do?

-Why am I here?

Why are you here, holmes?

-I'm doing something
with my life, man.

I wanna be a lifeguard.

-Yeah, you better
be a lifeguard,

If you ever come
back to the barrio.

-Newmie: all right,
find your partners

And settle down, let's go.

-Neely: all right,
everyone, pay attention.

Hi, my name is neely capshaw
and this is cody madison.

We're here to teach
you how to save a life.

-All right, I want all the
victims on the blue towels

To lie flat on your back.

Now the rescuer, you're
gonna find the hollow area

Under the rib cage of
your partner's chest.

-cody: find the hollow area.

-I'm ticklish, holmes.

-Now measure up three
fingers from there,

Put your hand above it,

And your other hand
on top of that one.

Now feel your partner's
heart beating.

-Really feel it, each beat.

Picture blood
pumping through it.

-Oh, yeah, I feel it.
-Through the entire body.

-Now put your
hands in the sand.

What do you feel?


What kind of trash
beach is this?


-The kind you're
here to clean up.

[Laughing and hooting]

-What you feel is
the absence of life.

No matter what you do,
you can't breathe life

Or pump life into the sand.

But you can breathe
life and pump life

Into another human
being who is dying

Or are already dead.

You guys can bring
him back to life.

You hold that power
in your hands.

-All right, put your hands
back on your partner's chest,

Find the spot, three
fingers up, let's go.

-Cpr can save
a person's life.

The odds are it's gonna be
a relative or a loved one.

Learn it.

If you ever feel
like taking a life,

Maybe you'll have
second thoughts.

-Hey, are you listening?

-The judge said
I gotta be here.

Didn't say
I gotta listen, fool.


-Well, I say you gotta
listen, so pay attention.

-All right, all you
have to remember is abc.

breathing, circulation.

The first thing you do,
is clear the airway.

Tilt the head back,
lift the chin.

-Do it, now.
On your partner.

-Now, look, listen and feel.

Place your ear near to
your partner's open mouth,

And look at their chest.

-I rather look at your
chest, barbie doll.

In your pink corvette.

-Hey, that's enough.

-Anyone who fails this
course won't get credit

For anything today,
so you better know what to do.

-All right, now, you have to
look at your partner's chest

To rise and fall.

And listen and feel
for breath, alright?

If they're not breathing,
give two ventilations.

Keep the head tilted back,
pinch your partner's nose,

Place your mouth over
his and blow twice.

-Now, do it.

-Kiss me and you die, ese.


-Hey, hey, hey, alright,
alright. That's it.

Hey, we're gonna switch.

You're gonna go over here.

You, over here.

-Hey, anyone but him.
-Hey, get over it.

You, over to this side.

-I ain't going over there.

-Yes, you are.

-Get off me, man.

-On your knees,
right here. Go on.

-No way, man. Ain't no way--

-Newmie: shut up.

Hey, it's this or
jail time, buddy.

-Look, you guys,
this isn't kissing.

This is breathing
air into empty lungs.

Now two ventilations, let's go.

-Do it!


-Hector, come on
man, just try it.

Pinch my nose and
inflate my lungs.

-You better watch it, smoke.

-I hate this as much as you.

More than you.


-This guy's got
bad breath, holmes!

-You son of a--!

-Don't let him
bait you. Cool it!

-Get off me, man.

-Do it.

-Dog breath, holmes.

-Hey! Can we continue now?

Now next, we're gonna
check the victim's pulse.

You'll do that by
placing your fingers

On the carotid
artery in the neck.

-If there's no breath
or pulse, you begin cpr.

If you're alone,
you do 15 and two.

15 Chest compressions,
then two ventilations.

-Once you start
cpr, you never stop.

Never stop until
second aid arrives.

You're first aid.

You keep going until a more
qualified person gets there

Such as a paramedic, or
a lifeguard, alright?

-All right, find a
spot, three fingers up,

Then press down with
15 hard, quick thrusts.

-Newmie: keep
your arms straight,

And over with your fingers.

-One, two, three, four, five,

Six, seven, eight, nine,

Ten, eleven, twelve,
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.

Now two ventilations.

-Hey, man! This vato just
spit in my mouth, man!

[Angry rabbling]

-Get off me, man!

I'm gonna bust your
ass, man! Come here!

-Beach boy.
-Get off me!

-Man, what's up, I'm
gonna punch you out.


Wait up, man.
-What do you want?

-Kick it with me
for a little bit.

-I did what I had to do
and I'm out of here.

-Hey, hector, man.

Come and have dinner
with my jefita and me.

She'd love to see you, man.

It's like back in
the days, remember?

-Yeah, well those
days are over.

You moved away.
You, not me.

So, don't think I want to
be your long lost brother.

-Man, if you remembered,
you were like my brother.

-Yeah, well not anymore.

You're in malibu.

I'm still back there
in the barrio, holmes.

-Man, we live in
a guesthouse, yo.

-It doesn't make
a difference.

You turned your back on us.

-Man, come and have
dinner with us, man.

-Nah, ese. I'm going
with my homeboy.

-Eh, let's go, ese. Vamanos.

Watch out with the
paint job, man.

Later, ese.

-Hi, mom.

-Hi? That's it?

-What are you doing?

-Oh, I'm loading some
new corporate spreadsheets

Into mrs. Rhodes' hard drive.

-You run her house
and her business.

You're superwoman.

-And if I see you using
my cape without permission,

Wow, look out.


-Oh, nothing.

I'm hungry. What do we have
in the refrigerator?

-Oh, you didn't open
up your mouth to eat.

What did you want to say?

-I saw hector today.

-Hector molina? At the beach?

Mijo, how is he?

-Ma, he's changed.

He's hanging with the g*ng.

Wanting to be a real ese vato.

-Ever since his mama died.

-And we moved away.

-If I could've brought
him with us, I would have.

-I've gotta go talk to
him. I gotta find him.

-No, manny, I don't
want you to go there.

I moved you away from there
so they couldn't get to you.

-I'll be okay.

-You know, I've
spent too many nights

Waiting for you to
come home, worrying.

No, senor.

-Ma, hector's my best friend.

At least he was.

I've gotta go and help
him, I've just got to.


But I'm going with you.

-Listen, I love hector, too.

I know those boys,
half of them I babysat.

And they know
they'd better listen

To what I have to say.

Or else I'm gonna put on
my cape and crush them.

Come here.

-Okay, we'll go together.


-You know, it's
hobie's 16th birthday,

And I gotta get him
something special.

-Sixteen... Well, there's
only one gift. A car.


-A car? You mean like an
engine and four tires, a car?

-Seat, steering
wheel, the whole deal.

And top of the line
cd player.

-Well, I can probably
afford a cd player,

Maybe one tire.

You know, a bike.

Maybe I'll get him
a new mountain bike.

-Oh, he's got one.
-Yeah, but not a new one.

I mean, he doesn't
ride his old one,

Because it's too small for him.

-He doesn't ride it,
because he's gonna be 16.

He wants to go to
football games and movies.

-I can drive him, you know.

Spend some quality
father-son time.

-Mitch, he wants to
go out with girls.

With you in the car,

The quality is gonna
be a little frosty.

-I know, I know, I just can't
afford a new car right now.

-Go to the police auction.

They sell a lot of great cars
confiscated from bad guys.

You can get
a really good deal.


-I'll find out when
the next one is,

And we'll get him
a really cool car.

-You know, you're a genius.

-Samantha: so it's a date?
-Mitch: it's a date.

Hey, neely.

-Hi, mitch.

-Samantha: hey, neely.


So, you and mitch
going out on a date?

-Oh, we're getting
hobie a birthday present.

-Ah, of course.

You seeing anyone new?

-No one special.

-So you're not
seeing anyone at all?

-What is this interest in my
social life all of a sudden?

-You and mitch are having
an affair, aren't you?


-I can tell by the way
you look at one another.

By the way you touch.


-Rosy glow in your cheeks,
the sparkle in his eye.

You are in love with
him, aren't you?

-I am not.

-Sam. You can tell me.

I mean, mitch is a great guy.

He's handsome, he's
sexy, he's fun.

-And I love him.
As a friend.

We're friends, that's it. We're
friends, not lovers. Friends.

End of story.

-Don't worry, you can trust me.

I won't tell anyone.

-They know.

-They don't know.

-Neely does.

-She's guessing.

-She can tell.


-Body language.

-What body language,
we're not doing anything.

-Well, I read
that body language

Is 50 percent
of communication.

Words, 30 percent, and tone
of voice only 20 percent.


Tell me, what am I saying?

-I don't know. Say it again.

I love the way you talk.

-Have we talked that
way in front of neely?

-Then how does she know?

-Rosy glow in my cheeks.

The sparkle in your eye.

That's what happens
when you're in love.

-Are you in love?

-Are my cheeks rosy?

Are you in love?

-Are my eyes sparkling?

-So, what do we do about it?

I mean in front of them.

Do we tell them?

-No, I haven't even figured
out how to tell hobie yet.

-When does he get back gale's?

-Day after tomorrow.

-You know, this could just
be a fling between friends.

We could decide tomorrow
that it's all a big mistake.

I mean,
it's crazy, we're both--

-I know, I know.

-And if everyone knew, it
would just add to the pressure.

-And then we just
won't tell anyone.

-What do we do about neely
and her body language?

-Neely wants body language,

Then we'll give
her body language.

-Tomorrow, not tonight.

[Funky bass music]

♪ Yo

♪ Ain't nothing like a bad boy

♪ 'Til you bring it home

♪ Bad blood

♪ The place has changed

♪ Bad blood

♪ Never be the same

♪ Bad blood

♪ When you walk that way
you walk away, you walk away ♪

♪ Bad blood

♪ Gone up in flames

♪ Bad blood

♪ I feel the pain

♪ Bad blood

♪ Man it's such a shame
the way it's wasting away - hey! ♪

♪ Tell me what are ya fighting for?

♪ When you close your mind and you lock
the door ♪

♪ Tell me, won't you tell me what you're
fighting for? ♪

♪ This neighborhood's ain't worth settling
another score ♪

♪ Settling another score, settling another

♪ Settling another score

♪ Bad blood

♪ Such a long hard road

♪ Bad blood

♪ Everybody knows

♪ Bad blood

♪ Easy come and go
when they get in your face ♪

♪ Tell me what are ya fighting for?

♪ When you close your mind and you lock
the door ♪

♪ Tell me, won't you tell me what you're
fighting for? ♪

♪ This neighborhood's ain't worth settling
another score ♪

♪ Settling another score

♪ Settling another score

♪ Settling another score

-That's a phat jam,
ese. The deliquentes.

Odelay, look who's back
in the neighborhood.

-We're here to see hector.

-Hey, well, hector
don't want to see you.

-Is that true, hector?

-Look, go back to malibu
and leave me alone.

-You'd rather stay here on
a car seat in an empty lot?

-I got no place better to go.

-Come with us,
hector. Come on, mijo.

-I said hector ain't going
nowhere with you, puta!

-Oh, what are you
gonna do, sh**t me?

You deserved to be
slapped for what you said.

-No, I ain't gonna sh**t you!

I'm gonna sh**t
your angelito here.

What, ese? What!

So what are you gonna do, vieja?

You'll watch while I bust
a cap in your angelito?

-Oh, it's so easy
for you, right?

You just point, sh**t and k*ll.

You know, that's not the way
a man takes care of business.

Be a man, put that g*n down!

-It's all right, pulga!
-Shut up!

-Let me talk to them.

-I'll be back.
I'll be right back.

Get out of here. Go home
before he kills you.

He's crazy. Esta loco.

-Then why, man?

Why do you want to hang
out here with them?

-Because he's my homeboy.

He's like my brother.

He's all I have.

-No, hector, he's
not all you have.

You have other choices.

-Yeah, you do, maybe.

And him.

But not me.

-Hector, let's
go, ese. Vamanos.


-Cody: heh, so much
for your love theory.

-Neely: it's not a
theory, it's a fact.

-If they were in love,
mitch would be helping her

Pick things up.
There'd be glances.

-Neely: exactly, they're
playing that scene out

For our benefit.

Me thinks they doth
protest too much.

-Me thinks thou doth
are out of your mind.

-Neely: all right, fine.

Go ask mitch,
see what he says.

-All right.

-I will.

-Hey, mitch, how's it going?

-So what's new?
-Ah, nothing much.

Let's see, hobie's coming
into town tomorrow.

It's his birthday.
I got him a car.

-A car? Alright, what kind?

-I don't know yet, sam's
taking me to a police auction.

-You and sam been seeing a
lot of each other lately, huh?

-Not really.

-Anything going
on between you two?

-Yeah, sure. We work
together, we're friends.

-Mitch, I've always been
upfront with you, right?


-So, you can be
upfront with me.

You and sam, are
you together or not?

-Define "together."

-Are you in love?

-I think so.

-Neely was right.
-No she's not right.

I mean, I don't
know if she's right.

Look, maybe she is,
maybe she's not,

But we're not even sure yet.

-What happened?
I mean, how'd you two...?

-Well, the whole thing
started a couple of weeks ago

On a strand in venice.

There were reports of
pickpocketing and some muggings.

We saw some guy grab a lady's
purse and take off running,

So I took off after him,
sam was right behind me.

He headed toward all
the fortune tellers

Near the pavilion.

I caught up with him first.

He swung the purse
at me, I hit him,

And then sam tackled us
both like a linebacker.

We all went flying into
a table with tarot cards

And a crystal ball.

The mugger
was knocked out cold,

The crystal ball
landed on my stomach.

It actually took my breath away.

When I looked at sam, she
took my breath away even more.

It was weird, I knew
she felt it too.

I mean, we both did.

It was like we saw each other
for the very first time.

The fortune teller
picked up a tarot card

That landed on sam.

She looked at the card,
looked at both of us,

And then she said,
"I see love for you both.

"All-consuming love,
it's in the cards."

And that night, she
turned out to be right.

-You uh--

-"All-consuming" is
the operative word here.

Look, that was
two weeks ago.

We still haven't figured
out what's happening here,

So we really don't want
anyone else to know.

-Hey, I hear you, man.

-Especially neely.

-I won't say a word,
but I don't know

If you can hide it from her.

She's pretty observant.

See you.

-Pulga: eh, fool!

There's that eightball
that spit in my mouth, ese!

-Hector: pulga no,
man! Let him go, man!

Pulga, stop!

-Let's go, ese!

-Hector: hey, ese,
put the g*n away.

Pulga, man, what's
wrong with you, man?

Don't do this, don't
sh**t him, holmes.

-Hey, hey, hey,
where you going, ese?

Hey, get back
in the car, ese.

Leave him, fool. He's dead.

-Hector: maybe not.


[Suspenseful music]

-Come on, man. Let me feel it.

[Sirens blaring]


You're breathing, man.

I got his heart started, man.

I did cpr, he wasn't breathing.

[Sirens blaring]

-Look, cody knows and
neely suspects, alright?

Working side by side like
this is driving me crazy.

Why don't we just
tell them all?

-Or, end it now before
anyone gets hurt.

-Anyone like who?

-Like us.

-You can't be serious.

You mean just end
the whole thing,

And pretend like none
of this never happened.

-I just...

I'm just afraid that
if we work together

And have a relationship,

That at some point one of
them is going to have to end.

-Neither has to end.

Sam, there's no reason
we can't have both.

-That's what adam said.

-Adam? Your ex?

-It was the same situation.

We worked together
five days a week.

We started
a business together,

And then we fell in love.

When things got
complicated and confused,

And six months later,
I sold him half of my business

And ran back here to the
beach just to get away.

Mitch, we didn't want to
hurt each other, but we did.

-That won't happen with us.

-I came here to get
away from complications,

And now I feel like I'm
right back where I started.

-You're with a different, man.

Sam, I'm in love with you.

I never thought I'd
feel this way again.

I don't want to lose it.

-I don't either.

-You know, honey, when I was 17,
I could've bought a dress

For what it costs
to clean one today.

-Better close the door,

There's a lot of
bad dudes out there.

-How'd you know where we lived?

-Not, many homies
live in malibu.

-How did you get in here?

-I took a class in school.

Lockpicking 101.

-Man, what's up with you?

You shined us out there,
now you show up here?

-I got
a little trouble, man.

Pulga, he shot at that
guy who he did cpr with.

-Ay, dios!

-He hit his arm,
and he missed him,

But he crashed into
a telephone pole.

-Was he k*lled?

-I think so, but I
did that cpr stuff,

And he came back.

His heart started beating,
he just came back, man.

-Way to go, man!
See, you did it.

-Yeah, but the paramedics
id'ed me with the cops.

Man, pulga knows I'm the
only one who can rat him out.

I got
a double dose of it, man.

Everyone's looking
to close me out.

Is it okay
if I stay here a while?

Just 'til things
get quiet out there.

-And run forever? No.

-Wait, who are you calling?

-The police.

Hector, you've got to
tell them the truth.

-You calling the cops on me?

You hate me that much?

-No, hector,
I love you that much.

-Manny: hector, where
are you going, man?

[Exciting music]

Hector, you didn't do
anything wrong, man.

You saved that guy's
life. Pulga's too.

-Pulga? Are you crazy?

-If you didn't save
that guy's life,

Pulga would be up
for m*rder, man.

-Let me go, manny!

-I'll k*ll you, manny!

-You have to. You
didn't do anything wrong.

You did the right thing.

Do the right thing again.

Turn yourself in
to the police.

It's the right thing
to do, man.

Think about it.

-What time does
hobie's flight get in?

-7:40, One of his buddies
is going to pick him up.

-What his mom get
him for his birthday?

-She said she got him
a laptop computer.

Not bad, huh?

But, you can't drive it.

-Hobie: see you later,
rick, thanks for the ride.

Hey, dad!

-Mitch: hey, man,
I missed you so much.

-Missed you too.
Hey, sam, how are you?

-Samantha: welcome home.
-Good flight?

-Yeah, it was great.
Mom sent you some cookies.

-Double chocolate chip?
-Of course.

Check out my new
laptop computer.

-Yeah, she told me.
Come on, sit down.

We got you some nice presents,
but your bigger present

Arrives tomorrow.

-"Arrives"? What
do you mean arrives?

What is it?

-Well, you'll just
have to wait and see.

I want you to be at baywatch
tomorrow morning, 10 o'clock.

-So, then I can
open these now--

-Before we go into these,
I just wanted to have like

A little man-to-man talk.

[Clears throat]

Actually a little
man-and-woman-to-man talk.

-Sure, what's up?

-Well, while you were in ohio,

Some things sort of happened.

-Happened? What do you mean?

-Well, sam and I fell in love.

-Cool, that's great.
Congratulations, you guys.

-That's it? I mean,
you're not shocked?

-Come on, dad, I'm not blind.

I saw this coming
a long time ago.

-You saw it coming?

-Sure, I mean you guys
are perfect for each other.

You love the same
work, same fun.

I mean,
you guys fit together.

But I think if this
is gonna work out,

Me and you need to
talk about something,

And I need you to be honest.


-What's my present
that's arriving tomorrow?

-No! No way! 10 O'clock, you
wait tomorrow. 10 O'clock.

[Cheerful music]


[Serious music]

-Working hard, lifeguard?

Who's guarding
your life now, ese?

-What do you want?
-I'll tell you what I want.

I want you to take a
message to your boy hector.

And you tell him if he
gives my name to the cops,

Your mamacita's going
to pay with her life.

-Neely: are you okay?
-What is it?

-You'll find out, hang on.


Hey, come on what are you doing!
That's my kid's car!

-Follow that car.

[Action-packed music]

Get next to him,
get next to him.

He's turning. All right.

Closer, closer.
Alright, hold it steady.

Turn it off!

Hey, that's my son's car.

So what do you think, pal?

-This is the greatest car
ever, thank you so much, guys.

-Happy birthday.
-Hobie: I love you guys.

-Man, you deserve it.

Now listen, you've
got your seat belt on?

Remember, four on
the floor, okay.

-Dad, I have my license,
I know how to drive.

-Okay, okay, I'm just
being your dad here.

Look, you be careful, huh?
This thing can haul.

-All right. Go for it.


-Hey, hey, hey!
Slow down! Slow down!

I think this is the biggest
mistake I've ever made.

-Ah, you think too
much, he's gonna be fine.

And so are we.

-You ready?
-Ready as I'll ever be.

-Alright, let's do it.

-Hey, neely, you got a minute?

-Sam tells me that you think
we are having an affair.

-Well, you know I just
thought that maybe you--

-We're not.

-Told you.


-Affairs are sort
of clandestine things

That take place
behind closed doors.

-We want to put this rumor
to rest once and for all.

-The doors
are officially open.

-I knew it!
I knew it, I knew it.

I'm always right. Always.

[Speaking spanish]

-Okay, muchachos. Let's eat.

[Speaking spanish]

[Closing theme playing]
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