07x17 - Rendezvous

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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07x17 - Rendezvous

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Bright piano music]

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here.

[Thunder rumbling]

[Water bubbling]

[Thunder rumbling]

[Bright piano music]

[Thunder rumbling]

[Bright piano music]

[Thunder rumbling]

[Energetic electronic music]

[Thunder rumbling]

[Girl giggles]

-That was great. You
qualified for the finals.

And you were stylin' out there.

-I just strike a pose
and point my toes.

Anyway, I just follow todd.
He's the one who makes us work.

-I don't know.

-Does he ever talk about me?

-Oh, me and todd, we
sh**t hoop once in a while.

You know, say hi in the hall.

But me and todd, we don't hang.

-You live with him!

-Kirstie, my mom is
his parents' maid.

I mean, we live in the baby
bear guesthouse in the back.

He lives in
the big daddy bear house.

[Car horn honks]
[funky electric music]

-Hey, there's mr. Wonderful.

Go. What are you doin'?

[Kirstie laughs]

[Funky electric music]

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

-C.j., I'm trying to
slow down my heart rate.

-[Chuckles] oh, sorry.

It's gonna be the longest
four minutes of my life.

-Mine, too.

[Monitor beeping slows]

-Is the sled ready, yet?

-It's ready when he is.

-Okay, he's just meditating.

He should be ready in a minute.

[Monitor beeping]

He's down to 20 beats a minute.

[Cody exhales]

Four minutes, max.

[Monitor beeping slowly]

-You ready?

[Monitor beeping slowly]

[Apprehensive music]

[Metal clangs]

[Electrified guitar riff]

-One minute.

-His heart rate's
dropped to 18.

[Electrified guitar riff]

-Two minutes.

-He should be reaching
the marker now.

[Monitor beeps]

[Electrified guitar riff]

[Light orchestral music]

-I count 14 beats.
He's in his zone.

[Loud wailing]


[Monitor beeping]
-his heart rate just jumped.

-Three minutes.

[Mystical piano music]

[Water bubbling]

-Come on, cody,
inflate the balloon.

[Electrified guitar riff]

-His heart rate's
all over the place!

[Monitor beeping rapidly]


-Cody, are you okay?

-Do you want some oxygen?

-Oh, it's okay.

-C.j.: You scared up half
to death. What happened?

-I uh, I heard
something. [Panting]

Saw something.

-What did you see?

-I don't know. [Panting]

I don't know.


[Man talking indistinctly
in background]


[Car horn honks]

[Car engine rumbles]

-I told you to stay
away from him, kirstie.

-Mrs. Morgan,
I want you to know

That I really like
your daughter.

-I hear you like
a lot of girls.


-I checked, kirstie.
Don't think for one second

That you're the only girl
he's had in that car,

Or taken out in his
rich daddy's boat.

-Stop it!

-Mrs. Morgan, you
got it all wrong.

It's different with
kirstie. I love her.

-You two are too young to
even know what love is about.

Now, leave her alone!

-What are you doing?

-I'm doing
what's best for you.

-How do you know
what's best for me?

-'Cause I know.

-Kirstie, kirstie, it's okay.
-Mrs. Morgan: let's go.

-I'll go.
-Kirstie: no.

-Todd: we'll talk later.

-Mrs. Morgan: inside!

[Car engine rumbles]

-How could you do that to me?

-Because I'm your mother

And I won't let you ruin
your life over a boy.

-Ruin? It's normal
to have a boyfriend!

-What's normal is for
you to go to school.

I want you to become
someone special.

I don't want you to end up
serving meatloaf and coffee

In some greasy diner!

-Todd is sweet.

He makes me feel happy.

He makes me feel good.

-I won't let you become
one of those girls

Who gets pregnant at 15,

And gets married at 16
if the boy doesn't run away

And leave you alone to
raise the baby by yourself.

-It's not fair that
you keep blaming me

For what happened to you!

This is not your
life, it's mine!

[Door slams]

-A mermaid?

-Newmie: there's no such
thing as a mermaid, cody.

-I know, I know.
I must be goin' nuts.

-C.j.: I believe in mermaids.

-Yeah, right, in folklore,
legends of the sea.

-No, in real life,
in the ocean.

-C.j., Half fish,
half woman, please!

-C.j.: You said you heard
a woman's voice, right?

-Yeah, but it's probably
just a gray whale singing.

-Could be. Sound travels
a long way under water.

-Yeah, a whale
sings christopher?

That's what she said, right?

-That's what I thought, but--

-Newmie: it's
oxygen deprivation.

-Your mind's probably just
going nuts at that depth.

-Well, his heart rate went up.
He definitely saw something.

-Maybe it was a sea lion.

-No, it was a dolphin.
You probably saw a dolphin.

-Yeah, with long blonde hair.
Cody, you saw a mermaid.

[Suspenseful music]

-Woman: samantha gilbert
and her parents are at the club

For dinner tonight.

Now there's a young girl
you should ask out, toddy.

-I already have
a girlfriend, mom.

-[Chuckles] you don't
mean that young girl

Who lives in that
trailer park, do you?

-Her name is kirstie.

And yes, you know that's
exactly who I mean.

-This kirstie is a little
younger than you, isn't she?

-A year.

Mom's younger than you.

Anyway, don't worry.

It's not like we're
gettin' married just yet.

-No, I understand.

Anyway, college is
not too far off.

-Let's don't talk about
dartmouth again, okay, dad?

I told you, I don't
wanna go there.

-And I told you I pulled
some very heavy strings

To get you in.

Your granddad went
there, I went there,

And you're going there.

-I don't care if I'm
some stupid legacy.

I already said
I don't wanna go.

Kirstie and I are
thinkin' about santa cruz.

Something small and
close to the water.

-End of discussion, toddy.

No girl who lives
in a rusty old trailer

Is keeping you
away from a career.

-It's about money,
again. It always is.

Kirstie and her mom
don't have much money,

But don't worry.

They're not gonna
try and steal ours.

-Don't talk that way
to your mother, todd.

Where are you going?

-Out of here.

-You stay away from that
girl, todd. Do you hear me?


[Suspenseful music]

[Waves crashing]

[Suspenseful music]

-I hate it.

They think they own me,
like a pet dog or somethin'.

"Don't do that, todd."
"Try this, todd."

"Why don't you take
her out, toddy?"


-Samantha gilbert.


I know who she is.
She's a cheerleader.

And she's pretty.

-Her folks are rich
is what it's all about.

-Do you want to?


-Go out with her?


No, I'm just tired of
people tellin' me what to do

And how to live my life.

-What do you wanna do?

-I wanna be with you.

I want us to be
together. Forever.


-[Gasps] I never
wanna lose you.

I'd be so afraid without you.

-We'll be together.
Forever, okay?

No matter what it takes.

-No matter what.

[Light piano music]

[Slow drum beat]

[Dreamy music]

♪ It's a cool kind of love

♪ It's a cool kind of love

♪ It's a cool kind of love

♪ It's a cool kind of love

♪ It's a cool kind of love

♪ Oh yeah, oh yeah

♪ It's a cool kind of love

♪ It's a cool kind of love

♪ It's a cool kind of love
♪ it's a cool kind of love

♪ It's a cool kind of love

[Cody mumbling]




[Cody groans]

-Cody: what?

-Mellisande, that's what
you were saying. Who is she?

[Cody groans]

-I must have been dreaming.

-About another woman?

-No. I was dreaming
about the mermaid.

-Oh, mellisande.
That must be her name.

-It was a dream, c.j.

-Maybe, maybe not.

Mermaids are very telepathic.
That's how they communicate.

I just read that right here.

-This book is fiction, baby.
It's fantasy, honey.

-Is she pretty?

-[Chuckles] why?

Are you jealous?


[Sighs] is she blonde?

-Look, c.j.,
It was a dream.

Last time it was
oxygen deprivation.

There are no such thing
as mermaids, okay?

-Okay, if that's what you say.

Red head?


-Manny: all right,
todd. Way to go, kirstie.

Yes! All right. You
guys were awesome.


Let's go.
I've got a split shift.

I've gotta be back
to work in an hour.

-But I came with todd.

-I don't care.

-I don't mind taking
her home, mrs. Morgan.

-I told you to stop seeing
kirstie and I mean it.

-Kirstie: you can't do this.

-Yes, I can and I will.
You're not 18 yet.

And I'll call the police
and have you arrested

If you don't stay
away from my daughter.

-I'll keep seeing todd.
I swear to god, mom.

You can't stop me. Nothing can.

-Well, maybe a new
town, a different school

Might be just what
you need right now.

Let's go.
-Kirstie: no.

-Let's go.

[Ominous music]

-Todd and kirstie
really love each other.

I mean, one look
and you can see it,

But their parents won't
let them get together.

-Manny, their
parents are probably

Just tryin' to do what's
right for their kids.

-I know.

They're tryin' to do what's
right for themselves.

Hey, that's todd's car.

"Dear manny, we were both
proud to call you friend.

The car is yours.
Goodbye. Todd and kirstie."

-Let me see that.

When was the last
time you saw them?

-At the house, in the driveway.

Todd was leavin' to get kirstie,

Said they were gonna
go to practice.

Wait. Oh, man.

Todd said they were gonna
go to the diving board,

But I figured they were gonna
go to the swimming pool.

There's this other place
the local kids call the--

-Diving board,
palos verdes cliffs.

I know the place. Come on.

-Todd, could we just
go somewhere?

Run away?

-No. I know they'd find us
and bring us back.

This is the only way, kirstie.

This is the only way
for us to be together.

What'd you write?

-"I don't want to
live without todd.

"If you won't let us
be together here...

We'll go where
you can't stop us."

[Ominous music]

What did you write?

-"I know that I have
to be with kirstie,

Or I have no reason
to be at all."

[Ominous music]

I love you.

-I love you, too. Forever.


[Sorrowful orchestral music]

[Dramatic music]


[Water splashes]


[Dramatic music]

Todd, todd, todd.

Todd. Please don't die.

[Boat motor humming]

-All right, I got him.
Let him go.

-No, don't take him!
-Mitch: let him go!

-He's got him.
-Kirstie: todd!

-Okay, he's got him.


-Todd. Todd!

Todd, no!

-Listen to me.
Listen to me.

Do you want him to live, huh?
[Kirstie crying]

Okay, then let
them do their job.

-No pulse. Begin cpr.

-I'll get us outta here.

-Mitch: one, two, three--

-Baywatch one
to headquarters.

Have paramedics and ambulance
meet us at the marina.

Notify saint john's. We're
in route with a full arrest.

-Four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.
[Boat motors rev]

One, two, three, four, five.

Come on!

One, two, three, four, five.
-Kirstie: is he gonna die?


-If he dies,
I wanna die with him.

I don't wanna be without him.

-Look, this isn't
about you dying.

It's about him living.

-One, two, three, four.

-How can you do this? How?


Can you possibly imagine how
I felt when the police called?

Where are you going?

-To see todd.
-Mrs. Rose: that's her.

-Kirstie, come back here!

-She did it to him,
that little tramp.

-Don't you call
my daughter that!

I tried to keep your
spoiled little brat

From seeing kirstie.

He almost k*lled her!
I'm filing charges.

-Are you trying to get
some money out of this?

my attorney will eat you

And your daughter for lunch!

-Our son had
nothing to do with--

-Knock it off!

-Who are you?

-I'm the lifeguard that
pulled your children

Out of the surf today.

They tried to k*ll themselves.


No, not my son. Not todd.

-They jumped off
the cliff on purpose.

-I don't know what
she was thinking.

-Well, you better find out.

Look, you better get these
kids into counseling,

Talk to 'em.

Find out what their
lives are about.

Give 'em a chance.

[Light piano music]

[Indistinct talking
over speaker]

[Monitor beeping]

-How's he doing?

It's really good
that you're here.

-Do you think
he knows I'm here?

He was always so good to me.

I never did anything right.

I was heavy and clumsy.

He taught me how to dive.

He'd tell me I was pretty.

He made me feel pretty.

[Kirstie crying]

I'd be so afraid without him.

I'm so afraid he'll hate me.

-Why? Why would be hate you?

-I chickened out.
I went into a tuck.

-No. You decided that
you wanted to live.

-But we agreed to be together.

We made a pact.

-Well, there's no
togetherness in death.

[Kirstie crying]

I know there's nothing.

There's no holding
hands, there's,

There's no romance,
there's no love.

It's emptiness. It's
emptiness where you used to be.

I think that if
there is a heaven

Or some sort of
an after life, [sighs]

Well, I guarantee you that
you would not be rewarded

For tryin' to take
your own lives.

[Kirstie sniffles]

Kirstie, no matter
how bad it seems...

Or how much it hurts,

There's always hope.

There is as long
as you're alive.

-I was down 300 feet, c.j.

I used
a sled and the balloon.

-Oh, you won't have
to dive that far.

If mellisande's down
there, she'll find you.

She'll sense you.

-[Sighs] all right.

Aren't you gonna dive with me?

-No, I'm gonna
wait on the boat.

If she senses I'm with you,
she might not show.

-All right. You stay
and guard the boat.

I'll go talk to the mermaid.

-Go ahead.

-This is good.

Here I go.

[Water splashes]

[Suspenseful music]

[Water bubbling]

[Dreamy music]


-My name is cody.

[Dreamy music]

-Come with me, christopher.

-I can't.
I'm running out of air.

[Dreamy music]

How can I stay?

No, mellisande, no.

-I have worn this a hundred
years, since the storm.

I have waited for
you, christopher.

Don't you remember?

You gave me this.

[Soulful humming]

We promised to be
together, forever.

[Water splashes]

[Suspenseful music]

-Cody: mellisande!

[Suspenseful music]

Mellisande, mellisande!

[Water bubbling]

[Oxygen t*nk rasping]

-Come on, tell me.

You were down there for
eight minutes, cody.

I know something happened.

-C.j.: You saw her?

-Cody: she gave me air!

-I knew she was real.

-We talked. I don't know
exactly how, but we did.


She thinks I'm someone,

Someone named christopher.

Some sailor who's ship sank
in a storm a hundred years ago.

-Oh, that's so romantic.

[Mystical music]

-Christopher, no!

[Todd coughing]


Oh! Thank god
you're all right.

-What happened?

-What we tried
to do, k*lling ourselves,

Was wrong.

It was so wrong.

-My parents. Do they--

-They're down the
hall with my mom.

Everybody's yelling
at each other.

-I gotta get out of here.

-No, todd. You're too weak!

Where are we gonna go?

-Someplace. Someplace
where we can be together.

-Todd, I don't want to.

-Not that.


[Dramatic music]

-We've gotta find them fast.

He could suffer
secondary drowning.

-What's that?

-When somebody almost
drowns, like todd,

They inhale salt water.

-But he woke up, he's okay.

-I know, I know, but the
salt is still in his lungs.

-So the body manufactures
fluid to dilute the salt.

-So what are you saying?

-I'm saying that if we
don't find todd quickly,

He could drown internally.

[Ominous music]

-We've gotta go back.
I'm scared, todd.

[Todd coughs]

Todd, I'm scared.

Your cough is getting worse.

-[Gasping] I'm okay.

-Todd, please.
I don't want you to die.

I don't wanna die.

Not now.

-[Coughs] I'm gonna show them

That they can't control my life.

[Todd gasping]

-You're using this to get even
with your parents.

-No. [Coughs]

-The harbor master
says he saw them

About half an hour ago.

-Maybe they're just
hiding on the boat.

-Okay, they said slip 27.

Oh. They're gone.

-Where could they have gone?

-I don't know, anywhere.

Doesn't matter when
you're running away.

Come on, we better get
the coasties in on this.

[Suspenseful music]

[Todd gasping]

-Todd, please. Let's go back.

-[Gasping] I won't.


Todd! Todd!

[Dramatic music]


Please! Can anybody hear me?

Please, help!
Somebody, please!

Can anybody hear me?

[Boat motor humming]

-Baywatch one to coast
guard air, do you read?

-Man on radio:
roger, baywatch one.

-The boat's about
one half mile from us.

-Man on radio: baywatch
one, rescue 6503,

I'm at your six,
one quarter mile out.

-Donna: she said
he was unconscious

And having trouble breathing.

We'll help with the hoist
once we're on the scene.

-Roger, baywatch one.

[Dramatic music]

[Boat motor humming]

-Here, over here!
Hurry, please!

[Dramatic music]

He's up here.
Help him, please.

He can't breathe.
Please help him.

-Manny, help with
the rescue vest.

His lungs
are filled with fluid.

[Helicopter whirring]

-Man: basket away.

[Helicopter whirring]

-Sure you wanna do this?


-All right. Well, if you see
her, what are you gonna say?

-That you're not her
christopher. You're my cody.

[Water splashes]

[Suspenseful music]

[Oxygen respirator rasping]

[C.j. Grunts]

[Water bubbling]

[Ominous music]

[Mystical music]

[Ominous music]

-Never lose
your love. Goodbye.

[Mystical music]

-What happened?
-C.j.: I'm not quite sure.

-Are you okay?



-But wait a second,
this isn't mine.

Oh, my god, cody.
That looks just like you.

-This must be christopher.


-Now we can finally prove
that we're not crazy.

That there are such
thing as mermaids.

-No. No, we can't do that.

-Why? What do you mean?

-We can't tell anybody.

Haven't you ever seen
that movie, splash?

I mean, they-- they put
the mermaid in that cage

And they did all sorts of
awful experiments to her.

That's what they're
gonna do to mellisande.

We can't do that to her.

-Ah, I guess you're right.


Never lose your
love, mellisande.

[Light orchestral music]

[Mystical music]


-Hey, newmie. Newman.

I just got off the phone
with the coast guard.

They said that todd definitely
got to the hospital in time.

-Ah, great, good. Now the
real healing can begin.


-Hey, guys.

Where you two been?

-Nowhere, just diving.

-See any mermaids?

-Mermaids? Are you nuts?

-There's no such thing as
mermaids. Everybody knows that.

[Audience clapping]

-Announcer: the final
dive for kirstie morgan

And todd rose.

They need a 9.8 to win.

[Audience clapping and cheering]

[Inspirational music]

[Audience cheers]

[Inspirational music]

[Audience cheers]

-Great job.


[Audience cheers]

-We're so proud of you.

[Kirstie yells]

-Way to go, son.

[Closing theme playing]
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