07x21 - Golden Girls

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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07x21 - Golden Girls

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here.

[Uptempo music]
[waves crash]

♪ I can handle the feelings

♪ The sun is brighter when I do

♪ I know you can see it ♪

♪ I don't mind crashing into you

♪ Follow me

♪ Don't get swallowed up by the sea and ♪

♪ Honestly I'm holding on so tight I can't
breathe ♪

♪ No no no, I'm in deep ♪

♪ I lose myself

♪ Inside the waves of you
and me ♪

♪ I try to keep you chasing

♪ Can you match my speed?

♪ Spinning in and out of time ♪

♪ Oh we can never seem to beat the tide

♪ I lose myself inside the waves of you
and me ♪

♪ I'm in deep

♪ I'm in deep

♪ I'm in deep

-Girl: whoa.
-What was I thinking?

I can't believe
I entered this tournament.

I can't compete
at this level.

-Trust me,
you're a natural.

-No, no, no, no.
Jamie duncan is a natural.

I'll never touch that.

-Hobie: jamie duncan hasn't
won a tournament for months.

-She's ranked number
one in the world, hobie.

-Yeah, but not for long.

She's been lagging
big time, lately.

And from what I hear, she's
gonna lose all her sponsors.

And if that happens,
she's history.

So you gotta remember the
two most important things:

Confidence and rhythm.

Stay with the flow
of the wave.

[Neely sighs]

-All right,
here goes nothing.

-Charge it!
[Hands clap]

[Beachgoers shout]
[waves crash]

[Doorbell rings]

-Hey, you, come on in.
-Samantha: hey, ready to go?

-Ooh, yeah, you want
a piece of toast?

-Oh, no thanks, not
much of a breakfast person.

-Come on, breakfast is the
most important meal of the day.

-Yeah, that's what I hear.
So, where's hobie?

-Hobie is coaching neely

In the wild wahine
body board tournament.

-So, we have the
place all to ourselves?

-Well, we do have to be at
headquarters in 20 minutes.

-Guess you'll have
to skip breakfast.

-Mitch: I guess you're right.

[Mitch moans enthusiastically]
[samantha laughs]

[Beachgoers chatter]

-Newmie: all right, let's see
what we have going here, today.

Oh, my,
what have we got here?

-Let me see, let me see.


-Manny: come on,
newmie, let me see.

-All right, kid,
but make it quick.

-Manny: oh, que buena!

Oh, she's a babe!

-That is not a babe.

That is a goddess.

Hey, cody, come here.

Come check this out.

-You should take a cold dip
and quit torturing yourself.

-Hey, this is different.

This girl is everything
that I have ever dreamed of.

I think I'm in love.

-I'll be the judge of that.
Let me in there.

Move it, rookie.

-She's fine.

-Newmie: what do you think?
[Cody laughs]

-Forget it, newmie.

No offense, but she's
way outta your league.

-Good morning, guys.

-Yeah, that is definitely
a big rip developing.

-Good morning, captain.

-Uh, newmie,
I hope you don't mind,

Manny's gonna join you for
a little on-the-job training.

-No, not at all.

-Okay, you will
be in tower four.

-Is that a problem?

-Well, all the action's
gonna be here at 14 today,

That's where you're gonna want
your most experienced people.

-"The action."

What sort of "action"
would you be referring to?


Rips and stuff.

-Newman, I'd like to
see you in my office

When your shift at
tower four ends.

[Cody and manny snicker]

-"Rips and stuff"?

[Cody laughs]

[Telephone rings]
[radio chatters]

-Heard you came down
real hard on newmie.

-His job's to save lives,
not pick up chicks.

-Mitch: he's been a
lifeguard for 20 years,

I'm sure he knows
what his job is.

-All the more reason for him
to act like a professional.

Especially around manny,
we're supposed to be

A positive influence
on the junior guards.

-Mitch: why are you making
such a big deal about this?

-Samantha: because
it is a big deal.

-Mitch: it's not a big deal.

-It's happening.
-What's happening?

-Exactly what
I said would happen.

Becoming romantically involved

Is affecting our ability
to work together.

-It's not affecting anything.

-This is how it
started with adam.

We started bickering
about little things.

-We're not bickering.

-Samantha: yes, we are.
-No, we're not.

-What do you call this?

[Mitch sighs]

[Piping music]
[people chatter]

[Man grunts]

-Man: are you
crazy or something?

[Jamie yells]

-Jamie: you coward!

[Jamie yells]
-man: ooh!

Oh, ow! Oh, stop!

-Why are you following me, huh?

Who sent you, huh?

My grandfather?

-What the hell's
wrong with you?

Help! Stop!

-Jamie: answer me!

-Jamie: I said, who sent you?

-Whoa, whoa!

Cody, back up.
-Cody: what?

-Take a look at that.

[Jamie yells]
-man: help!

-This should be fun.

-Man: help!
[Siren wails]

[Jamie screams]

-What's wro-- ow!


-Oh, my god,
it's jamie duncan!

-Cody: you know her?

[Jamie screams incoherently]

-Neely: jamie, stop it.
-Cody: what's going on?

-Man: I don't know.

-Neely: calm down,
jamie, I've got you.

-Man: I'm bleeding.
-Cody: let me see that.

-Jamie: what do you want?
Who are you? My mother send you?

-It's okay, I'm your friend.
-You're not my friend.

I've never seen you
before in my life!

Let go of me.
Let go of me!

Let go.

[Rubber tires skid]

-Cody: you're gonna be
all right, you're all right.

-Man: how's my nose?
-Cody: what happened?

-Man: my nose, is it broken?

-Cody: nah, it's all
right. Sir, what happened?

What happened?
-Man: I don't know.

This girl,
she started beating on me,

And I think
I dislocated my shoulder.

-Are you sure that was jamie
duncan the body boarder?


-You think she's on
dr*gs, or something?

-I don't know.

-Tell you one thing,

I'd hate to take off on
a wave in front of her.

[Dramatic music]

-Hey, newmie, guess who's back?

-She's all yours, kid.

-What? Wait a minute.

What are you talking about?

Yesterday you were
in love with her.

-Hey, you heard
cody the other day,

She's outta my league.

10 Years ago maybe, but now?

That's strictly fantasy time.


Newman, you're a lifeguard, man.

You're a hero.

You're supposed to get the girl.

[Newmie scoffs]

-Hate to tell you this, kid,

But it doesn't always
work out that way.

-What are you
talking about, man?


[People chatter]

-All right, starts in
a couple of minutes,

Gotta make a seven
or more to qualify.

Good luck.
-Woman: thanks a lot.

-Neely capshaw.

-Is that with a c or a k?

-Here we go.

I don't have any more
shirts, but uh...

You look pretty good
in black and purple.

Here we go, qualifying round
starts in a couple minutes.

You need a seven or more to
make the cut, any questions?

-Yeah, is jamie duncan around?

-I wish.

You a friend of hers?
-No, no.

I'm just a fan.

-Well, if you see her,

Tell her to get her
butt down here, okay?

I had a tv interview
and a photo sh**t

Lined up for this morning,
and she stood me up.

Free publicity right
down the drain.

-Is she okay? Is everything...

-I don't know what's
gotten into her.

I guess all the success has
just gone straight to her head.



[Mitch sighs]

-I can't believe you
didn't follow up on this.

-I'm sorry, I thought
you were handling it.

-Because you
didn't read my memo.

-Why do you have
to send a memo?

Why can't we just talk?

-All you had to do
was look at your desk.

-Oh, we're bickering again.

-With good reason.

You let a promoter
stage an event

Without even
checking his permits.

-You know, maybe you're right.

-Thank you.

-No, no, no, not
about the permits.

About working together.

[Guitar music with a beat]


-Hey, you guys
are just in time.

Neely's gonna head out.
-All right.

-Do you know where
the promoter is?

-Yeah, um...

He's right over there.

-I can't believe it.

-Mitch: what?

-That's adam.

-You mean, "adam" adam?

-Who's adam?

-My ex-fiance.

-Adam: hey!
-Samantha: hey.

-Adam: this is a
surprise. How are you?

Is this your beach?

-Uh, yep.

I hope you have your permits.

-Actually, I'm on my way
to city hall to get 'em.

-Well, I would like them on
my desk by this afternoon.

-Yes, captain.

By the way, you look
outstanding in your uniform.

-Uh, mitch? Hobie?

Meet adam hersh.

-Hobie: hey.
-Adam: hey.

-Hobie: how's it going?

-How you doing?

-Hobie: looks like
neely's heat's up.

-Mitch: all right, neely!

[Rock music]
-samantha: there she goes!

-Hobie: there we go,
neely, go for it!


-Yeah, look at her duck under
that wave, I taught her that.



-Hobie: all right,
neely, nice line, come on!

Go for the barrel
roll, you got it!

All right! Oh!

-Oh, that hurts.

-She's finished.

[Low, slow guitar music]

-Mitch: hey, hey, good job!
[Hands clap]

-Hobie: nice try.
-Better luck next time.

-Doesn't she get another try?

-You only get one
chance to qualify.

-Well, that's ridiculous.

One bad ride and she's
out of the competition?

How are you supposed to
develop new talent that way?

-Samantha, you're not
running the show anymore.

-Well, that's pretty obvious,

Judging from your
pathetic turnout.

Women's body boarding is
huge all over the world,

And this is all you could draw?


-What happened out there?

It was like your head
was somewhere else.

-It was.

Mitch, I need to ask a favor.

-Mitch: sure.

-One of the girls from the
competition may be in trouble.

Her name is jamie duncan.

Did you read my incident
report from yesterday?

-Yeah, about that incident that
happened on the venice strand.

-Right, well anyway, she was

Supposed to be
here this morning,

And no one has any
idea where she is.

Do you still handle
cases like these?

I mean, I know there
are no aliens involved.


-I'll see what I can find out.

Sorry about that, huh?


-Man: captain?
-Samantha: yeah.

-Man: there's someone
here to see you.

-Here are the
permits, as requested.

I hope they meet your approval.

-Well, everything
seems to be in order.

Don't forget you are
responsible for crowd control.

Not that that
should be a problem.

-As a matter of fact, I did
want to talk to you about that.


-I'll make it short and sweet.


I think I'm on the verge
of going under, sam.

I can't run the
business by myself.

I'm sure you'd be
the first to admit

I have no sense
of organization.

-Well, if you're here
to ask me for money,

Don't waste your breath.

No, I'd never ask you for that.

-Then what do you want?

I want you.

I want you back.

As a partner,
as a business partner.

-You can't be serious.

-We made a great team.

-We weren't a team,

We were a traveling
bar room brawl.

-It'll be different this time.

We're not in love anymore.

Our relationship would
be purely platonic.

We could focus all
energies on the business.

You're one of the best
promoters I've ever seen.

You can't just sit there

And let those god-given
talents go to waste.

-Nor can I just walk away,
I have commitments here.

-Is mitch one of
those commitments?

-That is none of your business.

-Well, if he is,

I would give my offer
serious consideration.

After all,

You've never been very good at
mixing business and pleasure.

-Cody: sorry to hear you didn't
qualify for the wild wahine.

You must be pretty bummed out.

-Oh, it's not the
end of the world.

-The important thing is
not to get down on yourself.

My first swim meet, I finished
dead last in every event.

But the very next day,
I was right back in the pool.

-It's all about dedi--
-did you find her?


No one at the hotel has seen
her since she checked in.

--Chambermaid said her bed

Hasn't been slept in
the last two nights.

--She's out on the streets.

-All of her belongings
were still in her room.

-Including this.

-What is it?

-Lithium, a full prescription.

-Cody: what's lithium?

-It's used to treat
manic depression.

If she stopped taking this,
this could explain her behavior.

-My sister was
a manic depressive.

I thought I recognized
the symptoms in jamie.

The delusional
behavior, the paranoia.

We've gotta find her, mitch,

Before something
terrible happens.

[Dramatic music]

[Trash can bangs]

[Men muttering]

-Woman: any luck, fellas?

-Hey, shut up over there,

I'm trying to get some sleep!

Stupid losers!

Get a real job.

What are you, deaf?

Get the hell outta here!

-Man: get outta here!

[People chattering]

-Woman: oh! Hey...

what are you doing? Rude!

-Hey, hey!

Hey, what do you
think you're doing?


Come on, lady, put
that stuff back.

I don't want any trouble.
Come back here!

[Jamie grunts]
gimme those shirts!

I don't want any trouble.
-Jamie: they're mine! Not yours!

-Man: hey, get back here!

Get back here!
What's the matter with you?

-Jamie: get away from me!
Get back!

Get away from me,
I'm warning you!

-Lady, I just want my t-shirts!

[Jamie laughs, manically]
-no, never!


-Man: just give
me my t-shirts.

-Jamie: get back.
-You, just gimme them!

[Man yells]

Come back here!

Hey, stop her!

Stop her!

She's got my...

She stole my t-shirts!

Somebody help! Stop her!

Stop this girl!
Stop her!

Somebody help!
Get her!

Don't let her get away!
-Cody: neely, look.

-It's jamie.

-Let's go get her.

[Siren wailing]

-Man: stop her!
Don't let her get away!

Stop! Stop her!


-Neely: jamie!
Jamie, stop!

[Jamie yells]

-Cody: whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hey, hey, calm down.
Calm down!

Knock it off!

-Stop it!
Stop it!

-Cody: get her, get her in!

[Jamie yells]
-let go!

-Cody: that's enough!

-Jamie: let go!
-Neely: stop!

-Jamie: let go!
-Neely: stop it.

-Jamie: let go! Ah!

-Cody: how did she go
from being so hyper

To being so zoned out?

-Well, that's what, manic
depression is all about.

You swing back and forth

Between euphoric highs
and debilitating lows.

It's caused by a chemical
imbalance in the brain.

-Well, her vitals are fine.

Aside from a few
cuts and bruises.

[Velcro rips]

I think she's gonna be okay.

-So what're we
gonna do with her?

Call the police?

-I'm gonna contact
her family, first.

-She's from hawaii.

-Captain, if she's
anything like my sister,

She probably leads a normal life

When she's on her medication.

-Yeah, but how you
gonna get her to take it?

I mean, look at her.

-Well, first,
we need to find out

Why she stopped taking it.

You're safe now, jamie.
No one's gonna hurt you, okay?

We're here to help.

-I don't need your help.

And those aren't my pills.

Are you in charge, here?

You're holding me
against my will.

I wanna go home.

-Look, where do you live?

-None of your business.

[Dramatic music]

-Cody: whoa, whoa, whoa.
-Neely: wait, jamie!

-Jamie: let go of my arm!
-Neely: stop it!

-Jamie: let go!
-Neely: stop it.


-Let's get her in the showers.
-You can't keep me here!

-Jamie: no! No!

Why are you doing this to me?
[Water runs]

[Jamie sobs]

You're the best body
boarder in the world.

-And I'm not gonna let
you throw your life away.

Jamie, I care about
what happens to you.

Even if you don't.

Be careful, it's hot.


Did she look like you?


-Your sister.



We had the same eyes, but
her hair was dark like yours.

-What happened to her?

-Well, uh, she was a musician.

She wrote the most
beautiful songs.

But she was difficult to live
with, as you might imagine.

She said her mood swings

Were part of her
creative process.

And even after she was
diagnosed as a manic depressive,

She refused to accept it.

So she, too, stopped
taking her lithium.

And then one day,

She was having a fight
with her boyfriend,

And she ran into the
middle of the street

To get away from him.

And uh...

The driver of the car
never saw her coming.

I'm sorry.


Why did you stop
taking your medication?

-You know, when I first
started body boarding,

It was for the fun, you know?

The rush.

And now it's
endorsements and sponsors,

Press agents, lawyers.

I don't know, I just...

There's so much pressure.

I couldn't handle it, i,

I guess I just lost control.

-Well, hey, you seem
pretty in control now.

Feels good, doesn't it?

-Mitch. Mitch.

How's jamie doing?

-Much better, neely got
her to take the lithium.

-Oh, great.
-As a matter of fact,

She might be competing in
the tournament tomorrow.

-Well, not until
she sees a doctor.

I'm not gonna let her compete

Without a clean bill of health.

-How can you stop her?

-I'm promoting the tournament.


-Adam and I are going back
into business together.

-Whoa, wait a minute, here.

Does this mean you're
quitting baywatch?

-I can still work weekends
and fill in occasionally.

-Don't you think we shoulda
talked about this, first?

-Mitch, this solves
all our problems.

Now work won't interfere
with our relationship.

-What about adam?

Won't adam get in the way?

-You don't have to
worry about adam,

It's strictly business.

He's on the verge of
bankruptcy, he's desperate.

And I'm buying back my
share of the company

For a third of what
I sold it to him for.

-Sounds like you
got a heck of a deal.

-I've gotta go compose
my letter to the chief.

Please understand
why I'm doing this.

[Melancholy piano music]

[Uptempo background music]


Gary, I'd like you
to meet my partner.

This is adam hersh.

-Gary hall.

-The olympic gold medalist?

-He will be presenting the
trophy to the winner, today.

Are you hungry?
There's so much food.

Go ahead and help yourself.

-Gary: thanks.

-Nice meeting you, gary.


-You are incredible!

I'm in awe.

-You are in debt.

Just put $10,000 on
your line of credit.

-That's okay, we'll
make twice that today.

We really do make
a great team, don't we?

-Uh, there's jamie.

-I gotta get it together
with this princess.

-You know, adam,

It might be a good idea
if we left her alone,

She's got so much going on
without you hounding her.

-Hey sandy, sandy!

I'd like you
to meet adam hersh.

-So, are you ready for this?

-I guess there's only
one way to find out.

-Well, hey, you just go
out there and have fun.

It doesn't matter
if you win or lose.

There's no pressure.

It's just you and the waves.

-I wish you were
gonna be out there.

-Oh, well, maybe next
year I'll qualify.

[Light rock music]

♪ I've spent some time wondering why

♪ When you look at me ♪

♪ The world dissipates

♪ It's like there's something
in your eyes ♪

♪ Only I can see

♪ And I can't make myself look away ♪

♪ Oh today isn't gonna be the day

♪ I figure out

♪ Figure out how I'm gonna get to you

♪ I'm just one step away

♪ From making you mine

♪ We'll never have to be afraid ♪

♪ This kind of love

♪ Can be so hard to find

♪ I don't have you yet

♪ But I'm only step away

♪ Imagine how life would be

♪ All we could do

♪ Just us each day

♪ We could take our love out to sea

♪ It's up to you

♪ The world would be ours to take

♪ But today isn't gonna be the day

♪ I figure out

♪ Figure out how I'm gonna get to you

♪ I'm just one step away

♪ From making you mine

♪ We'll never have to be afraid

♪ This kind of love

♪ Can be so hard to find

♪ I don't have you yet

♪ But I'm only step away

♪ I'm only one step away



I thought you were supposed
to be a role model?

Gonna let the love of your
life walk away like that

Without even trying
to talk to her.

Man, that is lame!

-Actually, I was
just about ready

To go down and introduce myself.

Oh, my, man!

That's it, bro!

You got the eye
of the tiger, now!

All right, man.

-Watch closely, kid, you
may wanna take some notes.

[Beachgoers chatter]

-Excuse me.

This was just blowing
away, is it your magazine?

[Speaks spanish]

-You don't speak english?

-Uno momento.

Hey, manny! Come here.

-Manny: what's going on?
-Ah, she only speaks spanish.

I need you to translate.

-sh**t, go ahead.

-Well, uh, ask her if she'd
like to have dinner with me.


-What did she say?

-She said that she finds
you very interesting.

-You're supposed
to be translating.

-She says that she would
love to have dinner with you,

But she's very busy tonight.

-Well, uh, what
about tomorrow night?

tomorrow night, um...

[Susie gasps]

-I'll be right back.

[Exciting music]
-susie: help! Help!

Help, help!

are you in trouble?


-Man: it's
getting rough out there!

-Newmie: it's
okay, I've got you.

Hang on. I'll get you in.

-Oh, my god.

-Woman: oh, my baby!
Oh, god!

Oh! Susie, sweetheart!
-Newmie: you okay?

-Woman: oh, baby, honey.

Are you okay?
Oh, my baby.

Sweetheart, what were you
doing out there by yourself?

[Uptempo music]
[waves crash]

[Onlookers applaud]

-All right, jamie
needs a 9.5 to win this.



All right!
-Neely: jamie, whoo!

[Onlookers applaud and cheer]

Yes! You did it!

Are you okay with all this?

-Yeah, I think I can handle it.

[Cameras click]

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.
[Crowd cheers]


-Adam: so, how does it
feel to be back in action?


-To a job well done.

Brings back
memories, doesn't it?

-You know, I kept thinking about

That over-the-line
tournament in san diego.

-Don't go getting
sentimental on me, okay?

-Why not?

We had some great
times together.

-Adam, don't do this to me.

We agreed this was gonna
be completely platonic.

That was part of the deal.

-Yeah, still, I thought,

Maybe we could do
a little renegotiating.

-No, I don't think so.

-I can't help it.
I still love you.

-No, you don't.
-Yes, I do.

-We have an ideal
situation, here,

Why are you trying
to screw this up?

-I'm sorry.

I thought it was
over, I really did.

And then I saw you
the other day

In that uniform, and i...

-It is over, you know what?

It is over on every level,
in every way, shape and form.

Have a nice life.

-That's what I get
for being honest.

[Easy listening music]

-Samantha: bad news.

-Mitch: oh, no, what now?

-Samantha: I'm not quitting.

-Mitch: oh, really,
what happened?

-Samantha: it's a long story.
Let's just say that I found out

That sometimes the
solution to a problem

Can be worse than
the problem itself.

[Mitch laughs]

-I coulda told you that.

-I just wanna let you know

That I'm gonna do
everything I can

To make this thing work.

Off duty, and on.

I've rearranged our schedules

So we only have
two shifts a week together.

-That sounds manageable.

-Samantha: I hope so.

-Me too.

-I don't suppose hobie's
going out tonight, is he?

-No, no, he's got
a ton of homework.

But I do know a little um,

Secluded cove around the corner.

Race you.

[Both laugh]


Cody, would it be
possible for you

To take newmie's schedule
the next two weeks?


Then I can put jordan
and donna in your spots,

And then switch c.j.
And caroline,

And that should work out.

-What's wrong with newmie?

He finally going in for
that knee operation?

-You didn't hear?

-Cody: what?

-Remember the girl
in the binoculars?

-Cody: yeah.

-She is taking him home

-To meet her parents
in guadalajara.


You're kidding me!
-Samantha: uh-uh.

Actually, they are
just about to leave.

If we hurry,
we might just catch 'em.


-What's manny
doing in the back?

-He's going along
as a translator.

-Guess I must've
written him off too soon.

-Yeah, well, guess he's
still got the touch.

[Piano music with a beat]

-Adios, amigo!

-Vaya con dios!

[Both laugh]

[Closing theme playing]
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