07x22 - Nevermore

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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07x22 - Nevermore

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Piano solo]

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here.


[Ominous music]

-Forget it, man!

I'm not going in there,

This place
gives me the creeps.

-Then you can just forget
about being in the club.

-Come on, clifford,

We all had to go through
the same initiation.

But if you don't wanna
be in the club...

-No, no.
I wanna be in the club.

I'll do it.

-That's better.

the last pylon and back.

Then you'll officially
be one of us.



Ricky! Help!

Help! Help!

Please, someone! Help!

-What's that?

come on, I need help!


-What are we gonna do?

He'll k*ll him,
we gotta go for help!

-You go! Hurry!


There's a monster
and he's after clifford!

Come on!

-Come on, there's a monster!




-Are you ok?

-He was huge!

-He was hideous!

His hands were like,
had these gloves on that were,

Like wrapped in gauze.

-He had some kind of mask on.

-He was the ugliest
thing I've ever seen.

-Whoever or whatever
he was sure scared him.

I've never seen my
little bro so frightened.

-Did he say anything?


-He just came out of nowhere,

Then just disappeared again.

-Well, the important thing
is that you guys are ok.

-And no more club initiations
under the pier, all right?

-Thanks for bringing
'em down, billy.

-I didn't know what else to do.
-No, you did the right thing.

-Come on, guys.
-All right, see ya.

-Whoever he was,
he saved my life.

I wish
I could've thanked him.

-I'd like to thank
him for you, clifford.

See ya.

-You can get to your
car just over there.

-Billy: ok, thanks.

-Ricky: bye.

-See you guys.

Bye, clifford.
-Clifford: bye.

-They couldn't
be making that up.

-No, no, I think they're
telling the truth.

-So who do you think
this creature is?

-I haven't the slightest.

Maybe we have ourselves
a phantom lifeguard.

-Hey, you guys still
on for dinner tonight?

-Oh, sure, cody would
never miss a free meal.

-Well, then stop pigging
out on the chips.

We're having lasagna
and I want big appetites.

-Go easy on those,
they may be my only
company this weekend.

-You ok?

-Cody's going on one of
those jock getaways again.

He's gonna go surf the wedge
at newport this weekend.

-Hmm, big storm
coming in from mexico.

Hear the surf's up.

And I'm guessing
you're a little down.

-If he's not paddling
with the guys,

He mountain biking
with the guys.

-Well, does he ever
ask you to go along?

-Yeah, but I just want to
spend time with him, you know?

-Hmm, absolutely.

That's why I am kidnapping
mitch this weekend.

-Really? Where
are you taking him?

-I don't know if
you can handle it,

It's pretty romantic.

-Go ahead, I can handle it.

-We are driving up
the coast to carmel,

Staying in this great place

With private hot tubs
that overlook the ocean.

Just one night, but I plan
to make it unforgettable.

Hey, maybe you can get cody to
take you there next weekend.


-Yeah, right.

Rollerblading on saturday,
kayaking on sunday.

Give that up for something
as boring as romance?

Not gonna happen.

-Oh, these are
beautiful flowers,

Where'd you get 'em?

-Oh, cody left them at
my tower this morning.

-Maybe he's changing his ways.


-Come in!

-Hi, ladies.

-Hey, I've been looking
all over for you.


-Yeah, uh, have you
seen my rollerblades?

-Cody, I think you
picked the perfect time

To surprise c.j.

-Oh, yeah? How's that?

-Well, I don't think
that she expected

To get flowers from you.

-She didn't.

But you know
I love you, babe.

-Don't call me babe.

-Well, if they're not from
cody, who are they from?

-I don't know.

-Right around here.

I didn't see the thing,

My little bro and
his buddies did.

-So where is he?


-Oh, don't worry,
he'll show.

When he does, we're gonna make
big bucks off this ugly dude.

Front page
of the enquirer, man!

Hard copy!

-So let me get this straight.

You want me to just hand
around here with my camera?

Billy, what if this guy
doesn't show up for hours?

Or days?

If he even shows up at all?

-I'm not lame, brett.

Can you just hook up
a remote control camera?

-Well, yeah, my dad owns
a surveillance company.


Why don't you go get
some long play tapes,

Go home, come back,

Check out what it tapes.

Phantom of the pier.

This is better than
getting video of bigfoot.

Come on, let's do it.


[Dramatic music]

It's great, it really is.

-Thank you.
-Hey, big swell coming through.

The surf
is supposed to be awesome.

-I heard!

-Awesome means dangerous.

-I wish you were
coming with us, buddy.

-Well, I've got
some awesome plans

Lined up
for mitch this weekend.

-Does awesome mean dangerous?
-Only if you resist.


-So what's up, kid?

Looks like you had
a rough day, huh?

-No, just weird.

-What do you mean, "weird"?

-Someone left c.j.
Flowers at her tower today

And she's a little
ticked it wasn't me.


-Flowers and a poem.
-A poem!

Sounds romantic.

-It's not about romance.

Guy are always leaving
gifts at c.j.'S tower.

-Well, girls leave
things for you.

-Yeah, but I don't keep them.

-So what'd the poem say?

-I have it right here.

"It was many
and many a year ago,
in a kingdom by the sea,

"That a maiden there
lived whom you may know

"By the name of annabel lee.

"And this maiden she lived
with no other thought

Than to love
and be loved by me."

-Mitch: edgar allen poe.

-I would like to know
who this mystery man is.

-Me, too.

He's certainly romantic.

-Or a nutcase.

-Well, whoever it is,

It sounds like you got a little
competition there, cookie.

-Yeah, it sounds like
c.j.'S got herself

A secret admirer.

-Billy: is there enough light?

-This is made for surveillance.

It's infrared sensitive.

-This is gonna be great, dude!
-I don't know, billy.

This is weird. I mean,
we're tracking monsters here.

-Hey, monsters that mean money.

Big money.

Is it ready?

-Yeah, it's ready.

-Well, turn it on.

-Let's get the ladder.

Come on.
-Let's go.

[Upbeat music]

♪ I don't need anything

♪ Except what I have in front of me

♪ I give it all I've got ♪

♪ And go to the extreme

♪ I'm never afraid

♪ I'm never afraid

♪ I feel alive

♪ I feel free

♪ When I get a little crazy

♪ I feel alive

♪ I feel free

♪ When I get a little crazy

♪ I love the sound

♪ When the waves come crashing down

♪ My heart beats faster

♪ As it all comes back around

♪ I'm never afraid

♪ I'm never afraid

♪ I feel alive
♪ I feel free

♪ When I get a little crazy

♪ I feel alive
♪ I feel free

♪ When I get a little crazy

♪ Just living it up
♪ just living the dream

♪ When I get a little crazy


-Are your sets all done?


-Woman: bye!
-Jordan: see ya!

-Woman: bye.

-C.j.: See you, guys.

-Woman: hey, c.j.!


-This is a weird one.

-Well, it looks
like we're gonna be

The last ones out of here.

-I'm almost done.

-The phantom lifeguard?

-Yeah, that's what
we're calling him.

-Jordan: what's that?

-Um, he saved a little
boy's life at the pier

By the old power plant.

-Do you know who he is?

-No, the kid said
he's gross, he's ugly,

He's gnarly, his hands
are all bandaged,

He wears a mask.

Hey, if you're not
doing anything tonight,

Do you want to go to the
pier and check it out?

See if we find anything?

-Oh, c.j.,
I'm sorry, I can't.

I'm already late for a date.

But uh, I'll be happy to check
it out with you tomorrow.

Can you close up on your own?


See ya.

-Looks like I'll
be doing everything

On my own this weekend.

[Dramatic music]




-Stay there, you're hurt.

Don't try to move.

-Who's there?

-Don't be afraid.

-C.j.: Where am i?
-My home.

You had
an accident at the pier.

One of the pylons fell over.

-How long have I been here?

-All night.

-I have to go.

I have to get out of here.

[Crow squawks]


-Don't hurt me!

-I don't think it's broken,

But don't try
to move it, anyway.

I suppose I should
have taken you

To the hospital, but uh...

-You took care of me.


-You're very gentle.

-Crow: hello!

-I'm sorry, I've been rude.

This is max.

-Hi, max. I'm c.j.
-Max: hello!


-My name.


Aiden masters.

-Hello, aiden.

You're the one who saved
the little boy, aren't you?


-Who are you?

-You mean who was i?

-Jordan! Have you seen c.j.?
-No, I haven't.

-What time's her shift?
-Well, it started an hour ago,

But she hasn't shown up yet.

That's why I'm calling her.

There's no answer.


-I just got back
from surfing.

She wasn't at home,
her bed hasn't been slept in.

She didn't come home
last night, jordan.

And now she's late for work?

She's never late.

She's always early.

"We loved with a love
that was more than love,

"I and my annabel lee.

"And neither the
angels in heaven above

"Nor the demons
down under the sea

"Can ever dissever
my soul from the soul

Of the beautiful annabel lee."

-Where'd you get
all these books?

-Well, my father was
an english professor.

He left me his
collection when he died.

They are
my only companionship,

Other than max.

-How'd you find max?

-Oh, uh, he found me.

I get so tired of
seeing the fear and...

Pity in people's eyes,

So I quit looking into them.

Max accepts me as I am.

-Annabel lee, annabel lee.


-Max man, please.

-Max: annabel lee!
-Aiden: shh!



Look at me.

The poem and the flowers,

It was you, wasn't it?

The woman in this photograph,

She looks so much like me.

And the man--

-Is who I used to be.

You reminded me
so much of her.

I never thought I could
feel that way again.

-C.j.: What happened?


She died.

Everything died.

-Trust me.

I won't hurt you.

-It's been years since
anyone has touched me.

I'd forgotten
what it felt like.

-Billy: whoa, look at him.

This dude's awesome!

-Brett: yeah.

Yeah, we ought to call
the cops or something.

-No way, man!

We're gonna film his capture.

-What are you, crazy?
This guy could be dangerous.

-So get will and
bobby d. To go with us.

It'd be four against one.

We'll catch the monster,

Rescue the beautiful
damsel in distress.

Heh. Heroes and
millionaires. Film at 11.

-No, i, I am no hero, ok?

I'm not going.

-That's bad, dude.

We'll just have to split up
your share of the money.

-"For the moon never beams

"Without bringing me dreams

"Of the beautiful annabel lee.

"And the stars never rise,

"But I feel the bright eyes

"Of the beautiful annabel lee.

"And so, all the night-tide,

"I lie down by the
side of my darling,

"My darling,

"My life and my bride,

"In her sepulcher
there by the sea.

In her tomb
by the sounding sea."

-"In her tomb by
the sounding sea."

Oh, no!

-Excuse me,
there's this problem

You really need to know about--

-What kind of problem?

-Well, there's this freaky
guy down by the pier.

He took this girl.

-What'd she look like?

-Blonde, she's beautiful.

-Where'd he take her?

-Well, he carried her off
to the abandoned power plant.

-Hey thanks, man!
-Sure. I saw--

In fact, I got it on video tape!

-Poe was misunderstood
as a poet.

Most thought he was
a macabre and morbid writer.

-"Annabel lee" is
beautiful and romantic.

And very sad.

-For poe, the death
of a beautiful woman

Was the most tragic,

Most poetic topic
in the world.

He lost his wife.

Her death tormented him.

He could never accept
the fact

That she would come
back him nevermore.

-Max: [squawks] nevermore!

-Mitch: hey, hey,
what's going on?

-Mitch, sam, thank
god you guys are back.

He's gonna k*ll c.j.

-The abandoned power plant.

We gotta get there fast!

-Aiden, tell me about her.

-I had everything any
man could ever want.

I had catherine.

And we found love.

We had our dream house.

We were planning
on having a baby.

Everything was wonderful,

And we thought it would be

For the rest of our lives.

Catherine was only
being romantic.

She knew how
I loved candlelight.

A curtain must have
blown in the wind.

It caught aflame.

When I pulled up in
front of the house,

It was already on fire.




My god!

God, no!


I lost
everything that night.

The pain of my burns
was nothing

Compared to the pain
of losing catherine.

When I got
out of the hospital,

People were frightened
by the way that I looked.

Even my friends...

Didn't know what to say

Or how to be around me.

And so i, I live here.


I forced myself
to stop thinking.

Stop feeling.

Oh, and then I saw you.

You look
so much like catherine.

You made me remember
how it was to feel love.

-Billy: he's gotta be
around here somewhere.

-Bobby: I guess so.
-He must've gone inside.

Let's go get him.
Don't forget the flashlight.

-Right here.

-I'm very much like poe.

I thought I'd never get over
losing catherine.

This is
the first time in years

I felt
as if I could love again.


-I, I know you
can't love me, c.j.,

But at least I know
I can feel again.

I thought that had
died in the fire, too.


Let me see your face.


No, I can't.


-Don't pity me.

-I could never
pity you, aiden.

I could only envy you.

Being so kind, and so gentle.

The way
people have treated you,

They're the ones that I pity.

If they could live with
what you've had to live with

For just one day,

Wear this on their own face,

They might finally be able
to be kind to each other.

No, I'm thinking of how good,

And how gentle,

And how beautiful this man is.



Whoa, he's in there!
He's got her in there!

k*ll the lights!

god, bobby, you moron!

Why don't you just
tell him we're in here?

-Stay here.


-All right!

Hold him, boys!

Whoa, excellent!


-No! Stop!

-Billy: there he goes!
Let's get him!



-Billy: don't
let him get away!


-Mitch: cody,
grab the flashlight!

-Ah, mitch,
she could be anywhere.

-If she's in there,
we'll find her.

Come on!



-Billy: that's it, bobby!
Come on, get him!


Come on! Go, go, go!
Get out of the way!



I got this freak now!

Come on! Come on!
Get up, you guys, let's go!


Hurry! Up here!

grab him! Grab him!

-Now billy, we got him!
-Use the chloroform, will.

We are here live, filming
the capture of a monster.

-I am not a monster!

Please, I won't hurt you!



-Don't hurt him!

Mitch, you gotta get him,
he's the one who saved me!



-Both: mitch!

-Aiden, I'm just
glad you're ok.

-I am now.

-All right, let's get him to
the hospital and checked out.

-Wait, please.

-Officer: sit right there.

-Aiden: thank you.

-It's ok.

You're gonna be fine.

Come on, let's go.

-Paramedic: easy.

-Sorry I wasn't
here for you, baby.

-That's ok.

Just kiss my knee and
it'll feel better.

-How's that?

-Much better.

-So uh, what do you say,

A couple
of sets of mixed doubles, huh?

-Very funny.

-You're on.
-All right.

How about a little
oysters, you know?

Little shrimp on the barbie?
-Cody: gladstones?

-Mitch: gladstones.

-C.j.: I'm starving.

-Hey, c.j.

-How's aiden?
-Oh, he got a job at ucla.

He's gonna be teaching
misunderstood poe.

-Oh, that's great.

-And he finally
got the courage

To go see a plastic surgeon,

And he had his
first consultation

For reconstructive surgery.

-Look, c.j.,
I've been a real idiot.

I haven't been thinking
about you at all,

And uh, and I'm sorry.

-Well, it's not
that you haven't been

about me that hurts.

It's just that you haven't been
thinking about us very much.

-I am now.

More than ever.

I love you so much, baby.

And if anything ever
happened to you, i...

Well, I could understand
how aiden went nuts

After losing his wife.

-What's this?

-Marry me, c.j.

I want you
to be my wife.

[Closing theme playing]
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