07x12 - Fortified

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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07x12 - Fortified

Post by bunniefuu »


Sorry we're late, Lester, but

the heat's been burning
up the upper pastures.

We had to move the herds.

Major. How is he?

As good as can be expected.
Doc dug the b*llet out of him.

Old warhorse wouldn't
let us move him.

- Hi, Ben.
- Oh, my goodness gracious,

what are you trying
to do with yourself?

Well, I was standin' just
outside the door there

when they come galloping up.

Soon as I seen that one
of 'em was Carver Lassiter,

I yelled to Johnny here
to get my scattergun.

Well, Carver recognized
me and opened fire and...

then Johnny started sh**t'.

And never hit a
single one of 'em.

Well, it all happened too fast.

Well, at least they didn't
get what they come after.

We still got Harry Lassiter

locked up in there
behind them bars.

How many men
tried to break him out?

I believe it was four, Ben.

There's still five days
before the hanging.

They're gonna try again.

And that's for sure.

How many men do you
have backing you up?

Ben, that's just the troub...

Ooh, Johnny, will you
stop fussin' over me?

I ain't no woman.

That's the trouble, Ben.
There ain't very many men

in this town that's willing to
stand up to them Lassiters.

Ain't that the way of it?

Everybody cries out for justice,

they want a nice,
clean little town, but...

soon as trouble comes
along, everybody heads out

for a hiding place like a
desert rat in a sandstorm.

Well, Roy, you're
certainly in no shape

to go after them yourself.

That's why we sent for you, Ben.

We want you to take Roy's place.

That-That's if you're willing.

Harry Lassiter k*lled
my son in cold blood.

Judge Simpson
sentenced him to hang for it

and I intend to
see that he does.

Major, I think you're forgettin'
that the rest of them Lassiters

is equally determined
that Harry don't hang.

We need help, Ben.

And it's gonna be
awful hard to get men

to fight them
Lassiters, believe me.

Those murdering jackals
have got to be stopped.

All right, Hoss, you better
get on home and help Joe

and the others get that
herd through Eagle's Pass.

No, Pa. You're
stayin', I'll stay with you.

Joe can handle that by himself.

All right.

In that case, I hereby
appoint you a deputy.

Roy. You gonna go on home

or are we gonna have
to carry you home?

No, I ain't going home and
you ain't gonna carry me.

Now, this cot is just
as good a place as any

to keep off my feet, and that's
all that doc said I had to do.

All right.

Well, I guess we
better get to work, boys.


You mean a whole
town full of people

and nobody shows up but us?


Ben, you tellin' me
that nobody else

answered your call for help?

Well, fellas,

looks like you talked
a little bit too soon.



Are these the only
men that showed up?

Yeah, I'm afraid so, Reverend.

Reminds me of some
of my congregations.

The greater the need,
the less the response.

If there's anything
I can do to help...

We've already sent a telegram
to the Army. If we can just

get some troops in here,
we can smoke them out.

It's my father;
they're gonna k*ll him!

Please help him.

Please somebody do something.

Reverend, please,
you have to help him!

- Shh. Quiet, quiet.
- They're gonna...

Just take it easy now.

What-what happened
to your father?

Well, Carver Lassiter
and three other men

came riding into the yard,

and they pulled their g*ns,

and they marched
right into our front room,

and they forced my
father to go with them.

And they told me to
bring the sheriff this.

"Judge Simpson is number one.

"Every day at sundown,
there'll be another.

"If Harry Lassiter hangs

"five days from now," they hang.

"All five of them.

You better believe we mean it."

You better believe it,

or there's gonna be a shortage

of a lot of important
people in this town!


Well, this is it. Get down.

- Here, Judge, I'll help you.
- Just...

Well, there you
are, Judge Simpson.

You can't say we didn't
give you a nice, safe journey.

Might I ask just what
you intend to do with me?

Well, now that,
uh, that all depends.

Yes, sir, that all depends.

Now, you do be careful.

Come on, Judge.


Yes, Ma.

What's holding
you? Bring him in.

Oh, Mrs. Lassiter.

Judge Simpson.

By what right have you
had me brought out here?

I demand that you...

You're not sitting in that
courtroom now, Judge.

Remember that.

Mrs. Lassiter, you are
going to regret all of this.

The only regret we're gonna have

is keeping you
alive four more days.

Don't worry, Judge.

You're gonna have
plenty of company.

Unless they set my son free,

you're just going
to be the first of five

hanging from that
tree over there.

Now tie him up.

Do you seriously
believe that Mrs. Lassiter

intends to go through
with her threats?

I sure do, Reverend, I sure do.

Elizabeth Lassiter
became a very bitter woman

when her husband died.

But five, Ben?

Five lives for one?

I know.

The answer to your
wire just came, Ben.

Oh, thank you.

The army can't
get here for a week.

Well, that's too late
to do us any good.

I guess it's up to us.

Well, I'll stay here with Roy.

You fellas get ready to start
combing the back country

early in the morning.

Get some rest, gentlemen.

See anything?

We deployed for several
miles along the river,

but if anybody had
ridden that way,

they certainly knew
how to cover their tracks.

Yeah, we didn't
see nothing either.

Like trying to find a
needle in a haystack.

Mr. Deets, you
got any more ideas

that the army taught
you as a scout?

Yep, let's call it quits for
the day and get on home.

It's almost sundown.

That was the threat...
Somebody else each sundown.

We better get home,
protect our families.

Let's go, men.


Careful, Ben,
he's slick as a fox.

Don't try anything.


A little early, ain't it?

What, the cook at the hotel
want to get home before sundown?

'Cause if he did, why, uh,
ain't no place he can go.

If they want to get him,
they're gonna get him.

Mmm, that's good.

That-that is very, very good.

You seem to be enjoying this.

Wouldn't you?

I'll tell you
something, Cartwright.

You and me, we just
naturally think different.

I mean, you and
that family of yours,

you, uh, you got everything.

Me, Ma and Carver,
we ain't got nothing.

I mean, it just figures
that we gonna hate you

and you gonna hate us.

I don't hate you, Harry.

But I sure do
feel sorry for you.

Well, thanks, but
I can do without it.

It's a long, lonely
walk to the gallows.

Aw, you out of your mind.

You know I ain't
gonna take that walk.


Sorry to inconvenience
you, driver.

I understand you
have a passenger

for Virginia City aboard.

I got several.

You flagged me down just to
ask a fool question like that?

Nah, this is a particular
one I've got in mind.

His name's Merrick.

L.B. Merrick.

I understand he's the
prosecuting attorney in town.

I'm L.B. Merrick.
What do you want?

Uh, this is an
emergency, Mr. Merrick.

Maybe you, uh, better
step out and read this.

As you can see, it's
very serious, Mr. Merrick.

Now, if you'll just
mount up, Mr. Merrick.

Yes, sir.

Of course.

I, uh, wonder if I could
impose on one of you gents

to deliver this note to
Sheriff Coffee in Virginia City.

Indeed. I'd be happy to, sir.

I'd appreciate it.
It's rather important.


Where is the sheriff's office?

Right down there, sir.

Sheriff Coffee?

Oh. Oh, no. Uh, well,
Sheriff Coffee's just...

recovering from a wound.

I'm taking his place
temporarily. Name's Cartwright.

Hugh Gwylnedd.


I'm the hangman.

The condemned man?



Been years since I was
called to Virginia City.

Uh, I'll be building the
gallows across the street,

and I'll be posting a
notice on your wall outside.

Uh, with your permission.


Oh, I almost forgot.

I was asked to deliver
this note to the sheriff.



First Judge Simpson.

Now L.B. Merrick.

Two of our leading citizens.

Yeah, and who will
they try and get next?

We can't assure the
safety of everyone in town.

Not with just the eight of us.

Seven of us.

Well, there must be
something we can do.

Yeah. Yeah.

We can track down the Lassiters.

- That is going to take a bit of luck.
- Mm.

'Cause all we found
today was deer tracks,

cougars and a
couple of wagon trails.

Yeah, they're a
clever bunch, all right,

especially that Ma Lassiter.

Well, what are we gonna do?

Set around here
all night jawin',

or go out and put a hustle on,

try to find those hostages?

No, we're gonna get some
rest, that's what we're gonna do.

We need it.

We only have three days left.

- Yeah. Night.
- Night, Sheriff.

- Night, Hoss.
- Good night, gentlemen.

- Good night.
- Good night, boys.

- See you in the morning.
- Night, Major.


Morning, govenor.

Didn't you get any helpers?

It seems they
think a dollar a day

is not worth
antagonizing the Lassiters.

Well, you gonna
be finished in time?

Oh, that I will, you
can depend on it.

I've never missed an
engagement for a hanging yet,

and I've officiated
at quite a few

these past 15 years.

We better split up again.

Well, what chance have we got

against the Lassiters
if we split up?

Violates basic military tactics.

Major, we ain't
got much time left.

We can cover a whole lot
more territory in two groups.

Come on, fellers.


Same time in the morning?

We meet here at dawn.

Now-now don't go counting on me.

This gout of mine has
been k*lling me all day.

I don't know how much
more of it I can stand.

Another thing... I'm
beginning to think

I haven't seen my
family in weeks.

You're not the only one
with personal problems.

See you in the morning.

Major, don't you
want to talk to Pa?

I wish I had something
to talk to him about.


Well, here you are, friend.

Hope you find your
new room to your liking.


You remember me, Little Joe?

What's happened to you?

Why are you doing all this?

Why, I'm gonna
k*ll you, Little Joe.

And them, too, unless
that sheriff gets some sense

and lets my boy go.

Mrs. Lassiter, they're
not gonna let Harry go.

Now, what good is
it gonna do to k*ll us?

Might help even the score.

You don't think I forgot

what your pa and the
rest of them noble citizens

did to destroy my husband?

Oh, now, hold on, Elizabeth.

The bank did what it
had to do with that loan.

It had to turn it down

because Will was too
deep in debt already.

Everyone on the
board of directors

at the bank agreed on it!

And forced him
into going bankrupt.

He wound up k*lling himself.

Yeah, and we've been running

like wild animals ever since.

Now, you don't think

I'm gonna let them take
my boy Harry, too, do you?

Go on, tie him up, Carver!

Ferago, Blackie,
give him a hand.

You bluffing, ain't
you, Elizabeth?

I meant every word I said.

Well, whatever you
say will be done.

You ask me to ride my
horse off a cliff, I'd do it.

You know that.

But this... doesn't
make any sense at all.

Kirt, when you were
working for Will and me,

were you in the
habit of telling us

what we did didn't make sense?

'Cause if you
did, I don't recall it.

No, I kept my mouth shut...

even if I disagreed.

Which, I admit,
wasn't too often.

But, Will, most of the time,
knew what he was doing,

and you did, too.

But that boy in there is right.

That k*lling them...

isn't gonna solve anything.

Elizabeth, listen to me.

Robbing banks is one thing.

Holding up stages,
raiding towns,

all that was for a purpose...

To be able to buy the land that
Will promised you and the boys.

And sometimes we had
to k*ll to accomplish it.

But this.

I'm begging you, Elizabeth.

Don't ask me to.

Not in cold blood.


Why me?

Why have I got to
die because of a feud

that started years before I
ever came to Virginia City?

Relax. Nobody's
dead yet, Mr. Merrick.

No, but I will be...

if they don't do what she asks.

In two months, my wife's
going to have a baby.

Is hanging Harry Lassiter
worth my child growing up

without a father?

You talked a different tone when
you demanded the death penalty

for Harry Lassiter
at that trial.

Are you trying to say that
verdict should be reversed

just because your
life is in danger now?

If it was in my
power to make a deal

with Mrs. Lassiter
right now, I'd do it.


All right, you stand on
principles if you want to.

I'm more interested in living.

Mr. Merrick, we're
all interested in living.

Hey, Cartwright, come here.

This you got to hear.

It's gonna k*ll you.

They got Joe, Pa.

Pa, that stinkin' little
animal in there ain't worth it!

All right, Hoss.

What would you suggest I do?

We let him go.

We can always put
a posse on his trail

after we get Little Joe
back safe and sound.

The decision's
yours, Mr. Cartwright.

Little Joe's your son.

We got no choice, Pa.

Roy... Now, Hoss, you look here.

Harry Lassiter, in
there, has been tried,

convicted and
sentenced to be hung.

And it is my sworn duty

to see that that
sentence is carried out.

Now, if you or anybody
else lets him go,

I've got to arrest them
for obstructing justice

and helping a
prisoner to escape.



Morning, Major.

Sorry to hear about Little Joe.

How's Ben taking it?

Well, he figures we'll go
ahead with the hanging.

Reckon Mr. Weems decided
not to go with us today, huh?

Gentlemen, we're wasting time.

We've got exactly two days
to prevent a mass slaughter.

What's your neck
size, Mr. Merrick?

What do you mean?

Well, your time's
running out, boy.

You ever seen a man hang before?

It ain't very pretty.

Your face turns blue.

What do you want of me?


I just like to see you squirm.

You squirm real good.

But can you squeal?

You see my friend over here?

If he starts anything,

you squeal real loud, hear?


What's the matter, Ma?

What you been up to in there?

Just arranging for a
little, uh, extra insurance.

Well, you better get
them horses saddled.

It's almost sundown.

Come on, Kirt,
we got work to do.


Be careful.

Yeah, sure, Ma, I'll watch it.

You and Harry are all I got.

You see?

There they go again.

There's no way to stop them.

If we were all like you,
Mr. Merrick, there wouldn't be.

I wonder who'll be next.

Reverend Holmes.

Shut up!

We'll return to tonight's
story of Bonanza

in a moment.

And now the exciting
conclusion of tonight's story.

Don't be foolhardy, Joseph.

I can't believe Mrs. Lassiter

will go through
with her threats.

Well, I'm not so sure
about that, Reverend.

They've got to let
that Lassiter boy go.

Can't you see that?

Shut up, will you, Merrick?

I have a life to
live, things to do.

Why have I got to die? Why me?

Please, Mr. Merrick.

Get ahold of yourself.

I don't want to die.

None of us want
to die, Mr. Merrick.

But all of us, in life,

must face that
possibility sooner or later.

The thing is to
face it with dignity.

Don't give me any of
your theological nonsense.

There's only life
or death, that's all.

Is that what you truly
believe, Mr. Merrick?

Well, what else
is there to believe?

Do you believe at all in God?

What are you doing?

You're going to
escape, aren't you?

Aren't you?

Mrs. Lassiter!

Close your mouth.

Joe, what are you
planning on doing?

I'm planning on
getting us out of here.


No, that-that's no good, Joe.

Unfortunately, the
Reverend Holmes and I

aren't cut out for
this sort of thing.

He's right, Joe.

We'd just get in your
way and slow you down.

Look, I can't just
leave you here.

Why, I don't see that you
have much choice, Joe.

♪ Yes, we'll gather ♪

♪ At the river ♪

♪ The beautiful,
the beautiful river ♪

♪ Gather with the
saints at the river ♪

♪ That flows by
the throne of God ♪

♪ Yes, we'll
gather at the river ♪

- ♪ The beautiful, beautiful... ♪
- Hey, shut up!


Hey! One of 'em got away!


Are you all right?

What happened?

He got away, but he's on foot.

Well, he can't go far.
It'll be light in half an hour.

Hunt him down.

I want him dead or alive.

Hunt him down!

Didn't you hear me?

I said, hunt him down!

k*ll him!

Major should've
been here long ago.


They all should've
been here long ago.

Well, we'll give 'em
five more minutes.

What do you suppose
happened to 'em?

Same thing that's
happened to this whole town.

Look at that street.

This hour of the day,

there ought to be
people out there on it.

Where's Albee and Deets?

They aren't coming, Hoss.

Why not?

They've got wives and
children to think about.

What do you expect?
They're scared.

The whole town's scared.

What about you, Major?

Hoss, I've led men into battle

and seen 'em die all around me.

I've k*lled men myself

and I've been shot at more
times than I care to remember.

I wouldn't think it
possible for me to be...

scared of anything, but I am.

I reckon that means
you ain't going with us.

No, I'm not.

I've lost one son already.

I don't aim to lose another.

I'm staying here to protect
the rest of my family.

Well, that's the difference
between me and you, Major.

Part of my family's
out there somewhere.

I'm gonna go find him

if I have to go alone.

Hoss, it's plain foolishness

for you to go out there alone.

He ain't going alone, Major.

I'm going with him.

You can't.

What'll the town say
about the rest of us?

Well, I reckon that's sort
of your problem, Major.

- Come on, John.
- Hyah!


Look up in that scrub brush!

I'll go around.


You're a dead man!

There he goes!

He's still running.

Over to your left. I hear him.

I see him!


Are you up there?


Stay with him.

I'll take this side.

There he goes!

Blackie, over your way!


All right, Cartwright!

Give it up!

You can come out
breathin' or bleedin'!

Make your choice.

k*ll him!

k*ll him!

Get him?

I don't know!

We lost him!

He's down in that draw.

Come on.


You all right?

- Boy, am I glad to see you.
- Joe.

- Let's get him up.
- Come on.

He must be down here.



The sh**ting has stopped.

Mrs. Lassiter...

just what do you
intend to do now?

Unless they free Harry,

you and everybody responsible

for him being in jail will die.

And what will that accomplish?

Will it bring back your son?

They've been my
whole life, my boys.

Everything I've
done since Will died

has been for them.

All I wanted was
to give them a home

and the land they should've had.

Is that so wrong?

Ask yourself, Mrs. Lassiter.

Does any purpose justify

the methods you've used?

The men you've k*lled?

I'd k*ll the devil himself

to save my boy's life.

It's all I have,
it's all I live for!

If they hang Harry,

there isn't anything that
can keep me from k*lling you!

You're wrong, Elizabeth.

There's been enough k*lling.

Stay out of this, Kirt!

Stay out of it, Elizabeth?

No, I've stayed
out of it too long.

It's gone too far.

Carver's dead.

Give me that g*n!

I've got to k*ll 'em all!

I should've done
that a long time ago.

Maybe then we both
would've had a chance.

Carver's dead...

and now they'll hang Harry.

All because of me.

Oh, Kirt, what have I done?

It's me they should hang.

Where's Mrs. Lassiter?

She's inside, Little Joe.

Carver's dead.

She knows.


Elizabeth... whatever happens,

I'll be with you.

Thank you, Kirt.




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