08x06 - Lifeguard Confidential

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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08x06 - Lifeguard Confidential

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]
I'll be ready ♪

♪ [Whenever you fear]
oh don't you fear ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]

♪ Forever and always,
I'm always here ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]
I'll be ready ♪

♪ [Whenever you fear]
oh, don't you fear ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]

♪ Forever and always,
I'm always here ♪

-[Upbeat music]

-Announcer: and now,
for channel 10 news,

Here's riptide roger pelton
with the surf report.

-Riptide: the surf sucks!
But there's still some geniuses

Out here waiting
for a swell. Why?

Because they don't
watch me in the morning!

-[Rock music]

Don't come to the
beach for the surf,

Come for the rush! [Cheers]

Rush hour traffic on
pch, there is none,

This isn't a rush hour, I
don't get up that early.

Everyone knows you don't
watch for the surf report,

You don't watch for
the traffic report,

You watch for the
lifeguard report! [Laughs]

-[Rock music]

That's the only reason
you choose a beach.

Forget the surf, you can
tan in your backyard,

You choose the beach
with the lifeguard

That fulfills your
fantasy of a lifeguard!

Whatever it is, that's
where you wanna be.

Ooh! There is the
lifeguard that has

Stimulated my
fancy this summer!


Ow! That woman is so hot!

I would die and go
to hades just to have

Donna give me mouth to
mouth, I'm serious, I would.

Let's take a look at who's
truck she's getting in.

Ah, looks like j.d.,
Alias jack darius,

Alias the daytona pier
k*ller, who's equally hot.

If I was a woman,
I would absolutely

Plant my booty at the
base of his tower.

Ah, and there's newmie!

Newmie, this guy's
always workin' out,

I guess it works
for him, this yutz

Is going with a girl
with the most luscious

Lips I have ever seen on
a woman in my entire life.

-Riptide: and there it
is, the hive, the haven,

Baywatch life
guard headquarters,

Where the tanned and
toned bodies put on

Those luscious red
bathing suits, oh!

-Get that helicopter
out of here!

-Riptide: ah, there's
lieutenant taylor walsh!

I just go weak for
a woman in uniform,

You gotta love that
red, fiery hair.

Well, look at the expressions,
that woman wants me.

She's just too terrified
of my raw, animal sexuality

To let it show, so it
comes out as anger.

[Laughs] ooh! Don't
you love the way

She moves her can
around like that?

Move it, honey! Yeah!

Lordy, lordy, lordy!

-Hey look, it's taylor!

-I hate this guy.

-Why? He's funny.

-Riptide: no one's
actually seen the guy.

Rumor has it
that taylor wants

Everyone to think
she's engaged, so--

-What is taylor
doing out there?

I told everybody to
ignore that idiot.

-Riptide: you'd
think these lifeguards

Would be more
worried about riptide

In the surf than
riptide roger pelton.

Uh oh, I knew he'd show up!

Captain mitch buchannon!

-Come on inside!


-What do you mean,
no? Come on inside,

You're playing right
into his hands.

-This just sounds
freaky to me.

Mitch, a captain. As
legendary for saving lives

And breaking hearts, but
I understand he's ready

To settle down, so those
of you looking to land

Lifeguard numero uno, send
your marriage proposals

To mitch buchannon, care
of baywatch headquarters.

Pictures and
resumes, of course.

-I'm not backing
down in front of

100,000 People
watching on television.

-News dispatch: chopper
10, please respond to a

Three vehicle
accident on highway 1,

North of your location.

-We just got a report of
a three car pileup on pch.

I know the one thing all
of you love more than

Lifeguard gossip, it's
car wreck carnage.

I can't look, let me see,
can't look, let me see.

And no one gets
you closer to the

Carnage than riptide
roger pelton!

-There. He blinked first.

-Tanner, you can't
let being on television

Come between
you and your job.

-He's trashed our
professional image

As well as
our personal lives.

-I know, and his ratings
are going through the roof.

-Somebody here is
feeding him information.

We have a spy at
baywatch, mitch.

We gotta find out who
it is and stop the leak.

-Home again, home again.

-Hey, cody, thanks for
lettin' me stay here, man.

Donna was just worried people
might get the wrong idea.

-As long as riptide doesn't
start a rumor about us.

-[J.d. Laughs]

-No, j.d., Not that room!

This was stephanie's.

Caroline made
me swear I'd leave

Everything the way it was.

-J.d.: My mom did that
with my dad's workshop.

It only makes the
pain last longer.

-Yeah, I know,
but caroline's just

Not ready to
let it go yet.

You can stay in her room 'til
she gets back from new york.

-Yeah, what's
happening with that?

Did she get the part?

-I don't know, she
was supposed to call.

Her audition was
five days ago, and

No one's heard
from her since.

-[Caroline screams]

-[J.d. Screams]

-Caroline? What
are you doing here?

-What am I doing here?
What is he doing here?

-I'm sorry I grabbed
you! It was a reflex!

-Caroline, this is j.d.

-Yeah, we just met.

-Cody: j.d.'S still
looking for a place to live,

So I said he could crash
here 'til you got back.

-Well, tada! I'm back.

-Cody: why didn't you tell
anybody you were coming?

Hey, how did
shanna's hope go?

-Look, I don't
want to talk about

Any of this right now, okay?

I just spent five
days on a bus,

And I'm really tired,
and I'm really cranky!

-Cody: well, why'd
you take a bus?

You had a round-trip flight.

-Look, okay, I just
needed some time

To get my thoughts
together, decide what

I'm gonna do with my
life, maybe that'll

Give you an idea how
my audition went.

-Well, anyway, glad
to have you back.

-Look, I mean,
why don't I go out

And sleep on the couch?
If that's all right.

-There. Now we're even.

Take the pillow.

-If, uh--

-Nope! You keep it. We'll
discuss all this in the morning.

-We'll be quiet,
we won't wake you.

-It's okay, wake me.
I want to get back

To the beach as soon
as [yawns] possible.

-Good to meet you, caroline.

-[Pleasant music]

-[Helicopter blades whirring]

-I can't tell for
sure until I see

Those incredible
eyes of hers,

But it looks like caroline
holden is back on the beach!

Oh! For the love of god!

I would pawn my soul to be
the sand beneath her feet!

That hair flowing like a
horse's mane... [Inhales]

[Laughs] oh man,
will you look at her?

I thought she would
be tired, wiped out

After five days on a bus.

That's not even the tiring
part, listen to this:

Caroline came home last
night to discover that

J.d. Had moved out
of donna's condo

And in with cody and her.

I don't think donna
would be too thrilled

To hear how caroline
ripped the blanket

Off of j.d.,
Checked out his bod,

He was wearing ck's,
black, and the two of them

Ended up sleeping
in the same bed!

What would donna say?

-You can't be serious.

-That's what he
said, the same bed.

-Well, I don't know, I just
can't believe that j.d. And...


-Donna, hi!


-Oh, it's good to see you.

-Caroline: you too.

Hi. I'm caroline holden.

-Lani mckenzie, I've
heard so much about you!

-Really? I hope it was
all about my virtues.

-Well, speaking
of virtues, I heard

You met j.d. Last night.

-Oh, he is gorgeous.
What is his story?

-I don't know, but
I'm hoping to find out.

-Really? What's he like?

-You should know.

-You slept in the same
bed with him last night.

-What? Who told you that?

-Riptide. Roger pelton.

-Caroline: who's he?

-He's a helicopter
pilot who does

The beach report
for channel 10.

-Oh yeah, I think
I saw him outside.

-You did, and he saw you.

-Said you made him drool.


-You see, he also does
the lifeguard report.

You know, who's
in which tower...

-So come on, is it true?

Did you and j.d. Sleep in
the same bed last night?

-No! Well, not at
the same time...

All right, he was in
my bed when I got home,

But then he
moved to the couch.

Who is feeding this
guy all this stuff?

-Well, he has a
spy, it's awful.

-Who do you
think the spy is?

-Well, there's only
three people that knew

What happened in that
apartment last night.

-Don't look at me, I mean,
I didn't tell anybody.

-And it couldn't be cody,
he hates roger pelton.

-Guess who that leaves?

-Lani: j.d.

[Rock music]

-Riptide: this is
riptide roger pelton,

And there he is,
ladies and gentlemen,

The bold and bodacious
michael "the stud" newman!

Being driven to work
by his love goddess.

Them, there.
What'd I tell you?

Does chantal got
the greatest lips

You have ever
seen in your life?

I would k*ll to be kissed by
those lips, look at newman!

He's actually trying
to get out of the car?

What kind of a
moron is this guy?

If I were in his shoes,
I'd never come to work!

-Oh you guys, I cannot wait
to be assigned to a tower.

I'm gonna ask mitch
for breakwater.

That was
stephanie's favorite.

-The surf pounds out
there, and there's

Always dangerous rips
around the rocks.

-I know that, that's
why she loved it.

She loved to be
where the action is.

It's definitely where I wanna
be, where the surf pounds.

-Mitch doesn't
assign towers anymore.

Lieutenant walsh does.

-[Upbeat guitar music]

♪ I know there must be more than this

♪ But life can be so hit or miss

♪ I want to be running wild
and running free ♪

♪ I want to build my way up to the top

♪ Holding on to all I've got

♪ Feeling so secure in my destiny

♪ All I know is life's a journey

♪ Give me a chance
before the day is over ♪

♪ I'm so much wiser
and so much bolder ♪

♪ Give me a chance
to prove myself to you ♪

♪ Give me a chance
to show you who I am ♪

♪ I've got a lot to learn
but I know I can ♪

♪ Do anything- I'll prove myself to you

-Mitch! Hey! Hi!

-God, I missed you!
Hang on, hang on.

No hugs on duty.

-Oh right, sorry, sorry.

So how did your
committee meeting go?

-I had to pinch
myself to stay awake.

-The price you pay
for becoming captain.

God! Look at you, you
big stud! You look great!

-Well, still getting used to
wearing a tie on the beach.

I'll tell you what,
why don't you come over

To the house tonight,
I'll cook you dinner,

We'll catch up on everything,
including the hugs.

-Okay, but one night
won't be enough.

-You're right.

-[Caroline laughs]

-Well, you can take the
captain off the sand,

But you can't keep the
sand off of his toes.

-Got that! Listen,
you ever see me wearing

These crab stompers
on the beach,

sh**t me in the leg,
put me out of my misery.

-Okay, only if you put me
out of my misery first, mitch.

Please, you gotta get
me off this beach!

Come on, everything
is going on out there

And that new lieutenant,
what's her name? Taylor...

-Mitch: walsh.
-Caroline: yeah.

Come on, she
stuck me out here.

-Caroline, it's
your first day back,

Lieutenant walsh just
wants to make sure you

Get your feet wet here
on mother's beach.

-Mitch, that's the only
thing I can get wet here.

Come on! Hey! You're the
captain, override her.

-I'm the captain,
lieutenants give out

The tower assignments,
I can't change a beach.

-Mitch, this isn't
even the ocean here!

Come on, it's for rookies.

-Hold on a second.

-Dispatch: we have a
capsized sail boat caught in

The surfline, drifting toward
del rey peninsula beach.

Sos reported four
people on board.

-Lifeguard: with jet one,
en route from venice pier.

-Hey, I'll see you tonight
at seven, I gotta go!

-Well wait, let
me come with you!

-You can't leave
the beach unguarded,

I'll see you tonight
at seven, relax.

-Fine. It's not fair!

-Life isn't fair!

-[Intense rock music]


-[People clamoring]

-Lani: cop car on approach.

Three victims coming
out of the water,

One appears to
be unconscious.

-The mast hit him in the head!

-He's not breathing.

-No pulse.

-We don't know what
happened to ramona.

-Lani: was she below deck?

-Female victim: no, she was
on board when we went over!

-Start cpr.

One! Two! Three! Four! Five!

-Wake up, please wake up!

-One! Two! Three! Four! Five!

-Riptide: riptide roger
pelton, over the scene of

A sailboat capsized
near shore.

Okay, let's see who we've
got responding here...

Looks like lani and
j.d. On the beach,

Tending to a victim, and
newman and cody hot-dogging

To shore with a couple of
waverunners, this is great.

I'm gonna be able to put
you right over ground zero.

-[Helicopter blades whirring]

-[Jetski engines revving]

-J.d.: One! Two!
Three! Four! Five!

There's one missing
in the water!

-Riptide: cody and
newman are in the water,

Apparently looking
for another victim.

-Get out!

-Three! Four! Five!
Come on! One! Two!

-[Helicopter blades whirring]

-Riptide: very impressive.
You gotta hand it

To 'em, these guys
are pros at this.

Look at lani and
j.d., Struggling to
save that guy's life.

No wonder these
lifeguards are

All over each
other after work.

-Dispatch: we have a
report of a news helicopter

Hindering the rescue
operation, please advise.

-Now listen, get the
coast guard, the air force,

A swat team, I don't care,
I want the helicopter

At least 100 yards
from the rescue scene!

-[Heavy breathing]

-Cody: I can't find anyone!

-[Intense music]


-Under the sail!


-I'll get the mainsail.

-I'll take the jib!

-Go on, get out of here!

-Well, look at him! Trying
to use me as an excuse

For not stripping off
his captain's uniform

And proving that he can't
cut it in the water anymore!

-Damn it!

-Four! Five!

One! Two! Three!
Four! Five! Come on!

-[Victim coughs]

-Female victim: oh, thank god!

-He's breathing, I'm
gonna go help mitch.

-Lani: okay.

-[Helicopter blades whirring]

-Riptide: now let's get
down a little lower here,

And see what we can see.

-[Rock music]

-[Lifeguards grunting]

-Go! Get out!

-Oh my god!

-[Intense rock music]

-Give me a paddleboard!

-Get a paddleboard in here!

-She may have a back injury.

-[Heavy breathing]


-[Heavy breathing
and grunting]

-All right. Get
her to the hospital.

Let me know how
she is, will you?

Go on!


-[Rock music]

-[Pleasant jazz music]

-I called channel
10, I told them that

If they didn't fire
this guy, I'm gonna call

Every sponsor,
the faa, the fcc--

-I know, I know.

Cody said he'd never
seen you quite so angry.

-This riptide guy is very
lucky that girl pulled through,

If not, I'd have
knocked his head off--

-Look, look! The good thing
is he's off the beach, okay?


-He can't start any more
vicious rumors about us.

Who do you think
the baywatch spy is?

-I don't know. When I find
out, I'll fire them, too.

-[Caroline laughs]

-Well, since you're on
this wonderful firing kick,

How about giving
lieutenant walsh

The boot and
giving me her job?

-Since when did you want to
become a career lifeguard?

-Since I figured
out it's probably

The only career
option I have left.

-What happened in new york?

I thought you went
there to do broadway,

To be a soap star, I
mean, return to california

The triumphant movie star.

-Yeah. Really
triumphant, all the way

Back to california
on a bus, ugh!

Mitch, it was awful.

-What happened?

-I get this great audition
for shannon's hope, right?

New character, sophia
the italian heiress.

I go in there,
mitch, I am sophia.

In the middle of my audition,
the producers start to laugh.

It's supposed to be this
serious, emotional scene

And the producers
are cracking up!

-[Mitch laughs]

So at the end of my
audition, they say,

"Thank you for breaking
up the monotony,

"But basically, don't
call us, we'll call you."

-I'm sure
you're exaggerating.

-I wish I was. I think
it was the defining

Moment of humiliation
in my life.

-Caroline, you can't let
one audition k*ll your dream.

-I don't know what
my dream is anymore.

The entire bus ride
back, I kept on thinking,

"What would stephanie
want me to do?"

-You never listened
to your sister.

-I know, it's my
problem, if I had,

I wouldn't have been
in so much trouble.

-Stephanie would tell
you to follow your heart.

-I really want to be as good
a lifeguard as stephanie was.

-That's gonna be tough.

She was one of a kind.

But, if anybody can be
as good as her, you can.

-So, does this mean I'll be
working breakwater tomorrow?

-Why do you keep
asking me that?

I don't do tower
assignments. Hey hey hey!

Say the secret word,
you win 100 dollars.

-[Caroline laughs]

-Mitch: welcome back.

-[Glasses clink]

-Come on, man. Come with us.

-It's the best club in la!

-J.d.: Naw, I'm
wiped. You guys go.

I'm gonna stay
and read this.

-What is that, a script?

-Shannon's hope.

Gage falls in love with
an italian heiress.

-Soaps are not as much fun
as real life! Come with us!

-Ah, let him stay. Who
needs the competition?

-Cody: later.
-Chantal: bye.

-Newman: okay, who's driving?

-[Somber piano music]

-Oh, hi.

What are you
doing with this?

-What? Oh, I found
it in the trash.

The scene with gage
is really good.

I liked the way
you broke it down.

-[Caroline scoffs]

These are daring choices.

-Yeah. So daring that
I didn't get the part.

What do you know about
breaking down a scene, anyway?

-I studied
acting in college. Hey!

You can't burn this.
This is shannon's hope!

Here, sit down.

-What? What for?

-Just sit down.

-[J.d. Sighs]

-It doesn't matter to me
how much your inheritance is.

You could be broke for all
I care. I'd still love you.

-[Scoffs] what are you doing?

-I'm gage! Go on,
read your part.

-I don't have a part.

-Yes you do, you're sophia.

Don't think about it,
just jump right in.

-Why? So you can
feed more stories

About me to riptide roger?

-Hey! That guy called me
the daytona pier k*ller

Because I lost a
victim there last year.

The only thing I'd feed
him is rat poison, okay?

Now, do you need the script
or do you know your part?

-What is with you? Why do
you want me to do this so bad?

-Because, you
should always get

Back on the horse
that bucked you.

[Caroline sighs]

-[Pounding dance music]

-Dj: somebody scream!

-[Dancers scream]

-Now get off my dance floor,
and don't come back

Unless you think you
can keep up with kyla!

-What's going on?

-It's a dance contest.

Whoever can keep up with
kyla the longest wins.

-Who's kyla?

-[Throbbing dance music]

-[Audience cheers]

-That's lani!

-Newman: you're
right! [Laughs]

Hey, where you going?

-To get a better view, man.

-[Newman laughs]

-Contestant 1:
money, right here!

-Bouncer: you're done, pal.

-Contestant 2:
here, I want some!

-[Audience cheers]

-Cody: hey, lani!

Sup? I didn't know you
danced here! [Laughs]

Hey wait, I was just
gonna talk to her!

What's the big deal, I was
just gonna talk to her.

-Not unless you put up 10
bucks to enter the contest!

-Cody: you take checks?

-[Crickets chirping]

-Last time I felt
this way, I was 16.

In love with
my biology teacher.

She rejected me,
broke my heart.

-Well, I'm sure
it's mended by now.

Oh, your heart's
beating so fast!

-Because of you.

-Oh, that makes me happy
to know that I excite you.

-Don't break my heart.

-[Romantic piano music]

-[Door slams]

-Should I come back later?

-Nope. No, no. We
were just rehearsing

A scene from shannon's hope.

See, I'm sophia,
and he's gage.

-And I'm steven
spielberg. [Laughs]

-[Door opens]

-[Door closes]

-If roger riptide hears
one word about this,

You don't have to worry
about me breaking your heart,

Because I'm gonna
break your legs!

-[Romantic piano music]

-Goodnight, sophia.

-[Door opens and closes]

-[Upbeat rock music]

-Lani, hey.

-Lani: hey.
-Cody: whoa!

What happened
to you last night?

-Nothing, I just went home.

-We waited for you
to come back out.

-I went out the back way.

-Why? What's goin' on?

How come you kept dancing
there such a big secret?

-Because I don't
want riptide roger

Announcing to the world
that my dance career

Is the equivalent of a
mechanical bull riding contest.

Whoever lasts
the longest wins.

-Why? There is nothing
to be ashamed of.

-You don't know
this dance business.

-Taylor, caroline deserves
to work a more active tower.

-She's been off the beach
for almost six months now.

By all rights, I should have
made her wait until next

Month's recheck before I
assigned her to a tower at all.

-Mitch: if you're
insecure about her ability,

Put her next to
newman's tower.

-Taylor: is that an order?


If you think caroline
needs to work

Mother's beach
that's your call,

I am out of it, it is
totally your decision.

-Is that manipulation?

-No, no! Not at all,
I mean, you know,

If you don't think
she's experienced enough

To have an active
beach, then that's fine,

I mean, that's
totally your call.

-[Upbeat electronic music]


-Hey, mitch!

-Donna: come here.

You're not gonna believe this.

-News anchor: now, a new
feature, our exclusive

Eye in the sky reporter--

-Tell me it's a rerun.

-It's on cable access.

-I'm back!

-Damn it.

-[Upbeat rock music]

-Wait for me, I'm coming!

-Come on, let's go!

-Riptide: this is
riptide roger pelton,

Flyin' lean and
mean over the beach,

No more fancy remote
cameras, just artie,

My good
old-fashioned cameraman.

-[Helicopter blades whirring]

Let's see who
we got down here.

Why, it's lani mckenzie!

Play your boombox real
loud at lani's tower,

Maybe she'll forget
which job she's at

And dance for us right
here on the beach.

Oh, and call her
kyla. That's the name

She dances
under at club rio.

Who else we got
comin' up here?

It looks like
captain's truck.

What's the
difference between

Mitch buchannon
and a sea turtle?

Well, a sea turtle
runs faster across

The beach and
knows how to swim!

-[Suspenseful music]

-Shark off tower 12!

Attention, attention!
Everybody out of the water!

Please remain calm!
Everybody out of the water!

-Well, looks like
we got somethin'

Going on up at tower 12,
and what do you know? Wow!

Looks like caroline holden is
back in the heat of battle.

I've been heatin' just
watchin' her, that's for sure.

-Artie: I got something.


It's a shark! All right! I
love the respect a shark gets!

Man against man-eater, I aspire
to that same kind of respect.

People see me comin'
and start to run.

Let's move on in and get
a good look at this beast.


-[Artie screams]

Artie! Artie, grab on! Artie!

-[Suspenseful music]


Artie! Artie! Grab the strut!

-[Riptide grunts]

-[Helicopter controls beep]


-[Controls beep wildly]

-[Beachgoers clamoring]

-[Electrical pops]

My harness is stuck!

-[Heavy breathing]

-[Metallic clunk]
-[taylor grunts]

-I can't get out!

-[Jetski revving]

-[Suspenseful music]

-[Heavy breathing]

-[Riptide grunts]

-Lifeguard: got
him! I got him!

-[Heavy breathing]

-[Girls moaning
and shouting]

-[Heavy breathing]

-[Riptide grunting]

-[Suspenseful music]

-You okay?
-Caroline: yeah.

-[Suspenseful music]

-[Mitch and newman
gasp for breath]

-[Somber music]

-[Riptide coughs]

-Oh man, I
thought I was dead.

Thought I ate it for
sure. Thanks, man.

I take back everything
I said about you.

-I'm regretting
this already.

-Chantal: sweetie!


Are you all right?
I was so scared!

-Riptide: yeah, I'm good.

-I was so worried about you!

-Mitch: guess
we found our spy.

-I think I'm
gonna be sick.

telegraph, tell newmie.

-Hey, I only told her
things other people told me.

-Loose lips sink ships.

-She was so beautiful.

-And buoyant.

-Thank you, cody.

-Aw, thank caroline.
She got to you first.

I'm really glad you're
back at baywatch.

-So am i.

-[Pleasant music]

-Mitch: meet our
spy, newmie!

-Cody: newman? It was you?!

Newmie! Come on,
get him, caroline!

-[End theme plays]
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