08x07 - Out of the Blue

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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08x07 - Out of the Blue

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ Its gonna be alright

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
[i'll be ready] ♪

♪ Never you fear
[no don't you fear] ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
[i'll be ready] ♪

♪ Never you fear
[no don't you fear] ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Radio: scarab 6525
requesting you make

The following
preparations for hoisting.

-Taylor: 6525 -
scarab, go ahead.

-Radio: lower all masts and
booms that can be lowered.

Provide a clear
area for hoisting,
preferably on the stern.

-Taylor: we're all clear.

-Radio: change course
to place the wind

30 Degrees on
your port bow,

And continue at
standard speed.

Use the steadying line to
guide the rescue device.

Remember to discharge
the static electricity

Of the rescue device.

-Taylor: april,
manny, get ready.

-Manny: I got it!

-Radio: do not move
the rescue device

From the hoisting area with
the hoist cable attached.

If the cable is unhooked,
do not, I repeat, do not

Attach the cable to any
part of your vessel.

-April: we're clear.

-Taylor: cable is clear.

-Manny, victim's secured.

-Radio: when the
vessel is ready to hoist,

Give a thumbs up
signal to the aircraft.

Make sure someone's
holding the line

To keep the rescue
device steady.


-Scarab 6525,
can we go again?

-Radio: scarab
6525, negative.

We've just been
diverted for a medevac.

-We're ready to
bring back the litter.

-Taylor, I'm sorry.

-It wasn't his fault,
I knew I didn't have

The straps down tight enough
and connected properly.

-It's alright, it's alright.

We all make mistakes, as
long as we learn from them.

Believe me, I have.

Don't just stand there,
go get your victim.


-Go on, go for a pass.



-Nice arm.


-How's it goin?

-Ah, slow, water's
pretty cold today.

What's goin on?

-Well, if you don't
mind, I'm thinking about

Having john watch your
water, we need to talk.

-Is there something wrong?

-No, no nothing's wrong.

It's just that
something's come up.

Jordan, I got a call from
a private investigator.

He said that he was
hired to find you

By a woman claiming
to be your mother.

Look, we really haven't talked
that much about your family,

So I really don't know
what to make of this guy.

-I knew this would happen.

Mitch, I was
adopted at birth.

I never knew my real
mother or father.

I never saw them, I
never heard from them.

As far as I was concerned
they didn't exist.

And if it's all the same, I
prefer to keep it that way.


You sure about that?

-Mitch, I've gotten along
for 25 years without her,

And I don't see any
reason to change that.

I just don't.


-Mitch, look, I've
got two loving parents

Who've always been there for
me, and I don't need a third.

-But aren't you the
least bit curious

As to why she tracked you
down after all these years?

-Oh yeah, probably to
hit me up for some money.

Look, I know it sounds cold,

But that's just the
way I feel, okay?

She never wanted
anything to do with me,

And I certainly don't want
anything to do with her.



-April, she stiffed us.


-She stiffed us.

We didn't get
tower assignments.

-You mean we
don't work today?

-You got it.

You know what this means?

This means we're in the
lieutenant's doghouse.

-[Rock music]

-Hey, caroline, got a minute?

-I might.


Drama-logue, thought your
acting days were over.

-They are, I just
found it in the sand.

-Not supposed to be reading
while you're on duty.

-Come on, it has been
so dead out there.

Nobody's even
been in the ocean.

-It's okay, I won't tell.

So you closing
up pretty soon?


-Got plans for tonight?

-Well um, you know,
cody's out of town, so um,

I don't know,
I thought I'd have

A nice quiet
evening at home.

Make a little dinner,
maybe watch a movie.

-Sounds like fun.

-You're welcome to
join me if you want.

-No, I don't think I'll
be back in time for dinner.

Friend's letting me
take out his catamaran.

-Oh, are you
gonna go sailing?

-Yeah, you're
welcome to join me.

-Oh, well, I'm not
much of a sailor.

-I'll teach you everything
you need to know.

Come on, it'll be fun.

-[Rhythmic music]

-♪ Lost in the night, runnin' on empty

♪ Miles to go, hearts keep on shifting

♪ Close my eyes and steer
whisper in my ear ♪

♪ Take me there

♪ Take me there

♪ Take me there

♪ Take me there

♪ Take me there

♪ Take me there

♪ Take me there

♪ Searchin'


-[Dramatic music]


-J.d.: Caroline!


-[Dramatic music]

-[Quiet sobbing]

-Caroline, you okay?

What is it?

I can't help you if you
won't tell me what's wrong.

Caroline, what is it?

-That's how stephanie died.

She got hit by the
mast of a sailboat.

-Caroline, I didn't know.

I mean, i...

I'm sorry.

-I wasn't there.

Mitch was, you know,
so he told me and i...

I just keep seeing it
over and over in my...

In my head.

You know, the mast
is falling and...

Except it's not at
me, it's at her.

And she has this look
of terror in her eyes.

I just keep
seeing her face.

It hits her.


-It's okay.

It's okay.

-[Gentle music]

I've got an early shift.

There's coffee on the table.



-I'm really glad things
didn't work out in new york.

It's good to be home.

-I'll see ya at the beach.

-[Rock music]

-Hey lieutenant.

-Hey, good morning j.d.

-You ever get reports of
rogue waves around here?

-Not that I'm aware of, why?

-Caroline and I went out
sailing and all of a sudden,

From out of the blue, we get
dumped by a 10 foot wave.

-Perhaps it was closer
to a six foot wave,

And your hands were on
caroline instead of the tiller.

-It's no joke lieutenant,
I mean we almost got k*lled.

-I'll call the national
ocean service and see if

Their satellite picked up
any irregular wave patterns.

-Thank you.

-Manny: hey april.

-What is that?

-It's my portfolio
from school.

Our final project
is due next week,

We have to design our
own line of clothing.


-I was just headed
down to the beach

To work on my sketches.

-I bet they're really good.

-You wanna see?


-April: so, what do you think?

-April, these are even
better than I thought.

-This one's my favorite.

-Oh yeah, this is
mine too, I like it.

-You hate em don't you?

-No, no, no, I really
really like them.

They're really good.

Look, what do I
know about fashion?

-Manny, I need
you to be honest.

I mean brutally
honest if necessary,

This is half of
the semester grade.

-They're a little
bit too wisconsin.


-Yeah, look it's just not
what people are into out here.

Look, have you ever
checked out the stores

On the venice boardwalk?


-Come on, let's
go for a walk.

I'm gonna show you
what I'm talking about.


-[Rock music]

♪ Let's get real
everybody wants to come here ♪

♪ To stake their claim under the sun ♪

♪ Get you a piece
a house right on the beach ♪

♪ And let's have fun until we're done ♪

♪ There's a million of us
wanting to go there ♪

♪ There's a million of us
sitting at home ♪

♪ I could travel the world
but I wouldn't want to see it without ya ♪

♪ I could travel the world but
I wouldn't wanna see it all alone ♪

♪ I wanna stay here by the fire
right next to you ♪

♪ Pull me close to the fire

♪ Pull me close to the fire

♪ Pull me close to the fire

♪ Pull me close to the fire

♪ I wanna stay here by the fire
right next to you ♪


-Do you remember when
logan and I broke up?

I swore I would never date
another lifeguard, right?

-Oh, I don't think I
like the sound of this.

-Well, I mean those

They never work out.

You don't mix business
with pleasure.

I know all
the cliches, mitch,

Except this
situation's different.

-Of course it is.

-Well it is.

Mitch, we not only work
together, we live together.

Mitch, I eat with him.

-Excuse me, mitch?
-Mitch: yeah.

-Got a second?

-Excuse me.

-Why didn't I get a tower
assignment this morning?

-Oh, sorry, we over-scheduled.

Besides, forecast calls for
the marine layer to be here

All afternoon, so why
don't you take the day off?

-After I came all
the way down here?

I wish someone had called.

-I did, I must have
just missed you.

Look, I'm taking
the day off

So you know it's
gotta be dead.

-Well, you're the boss.


-I thought maybe we
could take some time and,

You know, if you need
someone to talk to.

-Oh no, no thanks.

-Jordan, wait a second.

I realize the issues
you're dealing with

Are really
complicated, okay?

And I'm not gonna tell
you I know how you feel,

Because I don't,
but as a parent,

I think I know how
your mom feels.

When hobie was born, I was
in the delivery room right?

And I held him in my arms, I
thought he was a part of me,

And I was a part
of him, forever.

That little guy was crying his
eyes out, and you know what?

I was too.

Come on jordan, let's
get out of here.

-[Roaring engine]

-Okay, okay.


That's great.

-Alright, up here.

Okay, now hold it right here.

You're all tangled up here.

-Oh mitch, why couldn't
we have just gone to lunch

Or taken a walk on the
beach or something?

-Well, whenever I need to
get away I come out here.

You know, no phones,
no distractions,

Helps me put things
in perspective.

Besides, it's the
prime halibut season.

-Yeah, I knew you had
some ulterior motive.

-And last but not least,

I've got you trapped
for three hours.

Jordan, i...

I spoke to your
mom this morning.


-I spoke to your mom, I
told her to meet us here.


You have no right to interfere
in my life like that.

-Jordan, she brought
you into the world,

It's the least
you could do.

Look, I told her
how you feel

And she's not
expecting any miracles.

-Okay, fine, alright.

Where is she?

Where is she?

-I don't know, I only
spoke to her on the phone,

I have no idea
what she look like.

She said her name is
rena, rena jaffey.

-Yeah, well you know, I
don't see anybody on board

Who looks like me, okay?

-Well, maybe she
went below deck, huh?

-Or maybe she didn't come,
that would be my guess.

-Excuse me, jordan?

Jordan tate?

I'm rena jaffey, your mother.

-[Somber music]

-It must be some mistake.

-No, no it's true.

I've been searching
for you for six months.

-This is crazy, I
don't know what to say.

-I know that this must be
quite a shock for you jordan,

Your father was an
african american.

We met at a concert
at golden gate park.

I was a flower child,

He was the handsomest
marine I'd ever seen.

We fell very much
in love, jordan.

And then he was
shipped to vietnam

And the night I went
into labor I found out

That his platoon had been
ambushed and he was dead.

-[Somber music]

-Hey, hey, hey!

-Sorry, sorry.

-You're getting me wet.


-What? It's an accident.

-Yeah right, you
did it on purpose.

I'm warning you.


-Caroline: get away from me!

Get away from me!


Please, please
don't wet my hair.

I said it was an acci...



-J.d.: It's an accident.


You have a phone call.

-I do?
Who is it?

-It's selma, from new york.

-Who's selma from new york?

-It's my agent, I
called her last week

To let her know that

Her services were
no longer required.

And now she's
calling me back.

-By the way, I just
got off the phone

With the national ocean
service, and they detected

Seismic activity off
the continental shelf.

-What did I tell ya?

-Could be what
produced your big wave.

Anyway, they said to watch
out for possible recurrences.

So, look out for
those aftershocks.

-Selma, hi, it's caroline.

-Selma: are you sitting down?

-No, why what's up?

-Selma: just got an
offer from shannon's hope.


Selma, wait a second.

They laughed at
me in my audition.

-Selma: well, they
changed their mind

And they want someone
who could do comedy.

Bottom line is, you've
got to be back here

Next week to
start rehearsals.

-Selma, wait a
second. I don't know...

-Selma: what do you
mean you don't know?

This is your big break,
sweetie, don't blow it.

-[Gentle music]

-I don't blame you
for hating me jordan,

If I were you I'd probably
feel the same way.

-I don't hate you.

I just, you know,
most of my life

I've tried not
to think of you.

Because, I just
can't understand

How someone can
give up a child.

-I did it so that you
would have a future jordan.

It was a different
time then.

It was 1972, people were
a lot less tolerant.

I came from a little
town in oklahoma.

I couldn't go home
with a black baby.

-Oh, and what happens now?

After 25 years you expect
to be part of my life?

-I had no intention of ever
looking for you until i...

-Until what?

-About six months
ago I was diagnosed

With huntington's disease,
it's a brain disorder

That affects the
central nervous system.

there's no cure.

-Rena, i...

-The disease is hereditary.

If a parent has it there
is a 50 percent chance

That their
children will get it.

That's why I had to
come and find you.

So that you could
get tested to see

If you've got the
defective gene.

-What about you?

-Doctors say I
have about a year.

-[Somber music]

-Hey guys.

I'm sorry that I came down
so hard on you last week.

-Yeah, we deserved
it, at least I did.

-I'm gonna try to schedule
another training session

For sometime next week.

In the meantime, noaa has
asked me to go check on

One of the
weather data buoys.

It'll give us the opportunity
to work on a few things.

-Just let me go change.

-April: I'll be two minutes.

-What's up cap?

-Oh, I just got a report
that there's seismic activity

Off the coast, and
they're requesting

That all boats
go back to port.

-Are you okay?

-Oh yeah, I just
need my medication.

-Where is it?

-It's in my bag down below.

-Oh, I'll go get it.

-No, no, no that's
fine jordan, really.

I need to stretch anyway.

I get stiff if I stay
in one place too long.

I'll be back.

-Seems like a
pretty neat lady.

-[Dramatic music]

-Mitch, look.




-Oh my god.




-Mitch: jordan! Jordan!

You're okay, you're okay.

-Jordan: I've got you.

-Radio: baywatch to windjet,

We have a code r
off san pedro dock.

-Windjet 1295.
-Radio: over and out.


Manny, april, come
on, we have a code r.

Come on.

-[Dramatic music]

-Here, hang on.

-Mitch: you alright?


-Captain said he got off a
mayday before we capsized.

-Have you seen rena?
-Mitch: no.

-She went below deck.

She hasn't come up, what if
she's trapped down there?

I'm gonna go find her.
-Mitch: alright.

-[Dramatic music]

-Oh my god!





-Jordan! Jordan!

Jordan! Jordan!



-[Dramatic music]

Jordan! Jordan!

-You guys alright?
You okay?

-Okay, I've got you.

-I found her.

I need spare air.

-Three of em!

Come on manny!

-Three of em
coming up, hold on.

-Mitch: give me two.

Alright, let's go get her.

-[Dramatic music]


-[Crashing water]

-Take this, breathe normally.

On three we go down, okay?

I'll get you out of here.

Ready, one, two, three.

-[Dramatic music]

-Radio: this is coast
guard helicopter 6525,

We'll be on scene
in five minutes.

Is there anyone needing
immediate medevac?

-Manny: 6525 windjet,
we're recovering a victim...

-Come on, manny,
get her onboard.

-Radio: baywatch
6525, roger,

We're ready for
the litter box.

-She's in
respiratory distress.

Manny, get that chopper down
here with a litter asap.

-Manny: coastguard,
this is baywatch windjet,

I need you to lower
the litter right now!

-Manny, heads up!

-Manny: there's
no grounding line.

-Manny, no, you're
gonna get shocked.



-Easy, easy let's
get her down.


-All secure?

Alright, take her up!

-Careful, that's my mother.

-[Dramatic music]

-[Blasting horn]

-[Dramatic music]

-I'm gonna cook
you a nice dinner.

I can make you steak, pasta.

-You know what, I'm
not even that hungry.

-Well how about like a
light salad or something?

-Well whatever
you want is fine.

-Are you upset
about something?

-No, no, no I'm not upset.

-Just not hungry?

-Just not hungry.


-Selma: caroline, it's
selma, where are you?

I just got a call
from shannon's hope.

You got the part.

Caroline, caroline, pick up.

Okay, I'm gonna try you at
your work number, call me asap,

And congratulations!

-Why didn't you tell me?

-I was going to.

-So when do you leave?

-Well, soon I
guess, a couple days.


Well it was fun
while it lasted.

-But wait a second.

You could come with me.

You want to?

I bet you've never been to
new york , you'd love it.

-Caroline, I can't
leave baywatch.

I just got here.

Besides, it's not my dream.

-I'm sorry.

-Me too.

Look, you've probably
got a million things to do,

So I'll just get
out of your way.

-J.d., Can't you at
least be happy for me?

-I am happy for you.


-I like your outfit.

Did you make that?


-Now see, now
that is california.

-This is for you
for all your help.

-Mitch, mitch,
where have you been?

I've been looking
all over for you.

My flight leaves
in 45 minutes.

We've gotta get to
the airport, let's go.

-I'm not taking you.

-What do you mean you're not
taking me, you're taking me.

-I'm not taking you,
I'm not taking you.

This is taking you.

We wanted to give
you a big send-off.

-You guys.

-Remember us when you're
rich and famous okay?

-Knock em dead.

-Thank you.

Oh, wait wait
wait, not that.

I found this while I was
packing up stephanie's room.

I thought you might
like to have it.

-Mitch: thanks.


Well, I guess this is it.

-Now go on, go on
get out of here.


Don't forget to
watch me on tv.

-A star is born.

-[End theme playing]
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