08x11 - h*jacked

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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08x11 - h*jacked

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music plays]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm
always ready ♪

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready,
I'll be ready ♪

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready,
I'll be ready ♪

♪ Whenever you fear,
no don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Upbeat music]

-Mitch: well, utah
was always in the picture.

I mean, stocking
to belong.

-Donna: yeah.

-Mitch: but I don't
know, my money's on the lakers.

-Donna: oh, me
too! Shaq's the man, huh?

-Mitch: he's the man.

-Hey, what's that barge
doing so close to shore?

-That's a good question.
Let me borrow the binocs.

Looks like he's anchored
right in front of

The sand and sea club.

-That's funny.

Well, have you
talked to neely

Since she started
working there?

-No, no, I thought she was
still stayin' at your condo.

-No. She moved out.

I don't know
where she's living.

-Well, I think it's time to
have a little talk with her.

Here ya go.

Have a good day, huh?

-See ya.

-[Soft rock music]

-Here, girl,
keep the change.



-[Rock music]

-Hey, you really should
watch where you're goin'.


-Hey, caroline!


Uh, lieutenant, hi.

-Caroline! What
are you doing here?

-Well, I'm on hiatus.

-But you're not on
the soap any more?

-Oh, I am. My character
went off to europe.

So, I have a
couple weeks off.

I was hoping to
get in a few days

So I could keep
on active roster.

-Yeah. I've seen you
on shannon's hope.

-So, do you think you can
fit me into the schedule?

-Ya know what,
you're in luck.

Newmie called in sick.

I can actually put
you in a tower today.

-Oh, that's great!

Oh, but please not
mother's beach.

-I think you're ready
for the real thing

As long as you're
not too jet lagged.

-Not at all. I slept
the entire flight.


Well, go change and I'll let
ya know where I need you.

-Thank you.


-All right. Steady.

-You okay?

-Thank you. Thank
you. Thank you.

-Sure. No problem. See ya.

-'Scuse me guys.

-Man: see ya.


-Mitch: hey,
how ya doin'?

-Good! How are you?


Quite a display
you got goin' on.

-Oh, them? Just
tryin' to be friendly.

-No, no. Meaning the
fireworks display.

The barge out there.

-Oh. That.

Yeah, one of the members
is getting married.

-Well, I hope you
got all the permits.

-Yeah, they're on
file in the office

If you'd like
to see em.

-No, no, no, I
don't need to see em.

I just want you
to be careful.

Any time you got a barge
moored that close to the beach,

You've got lots of
problems with swimmers,

The jokers, the surfers,
you just do me a favor,

Keep an eye on it.

-You got it!

-Late night?

-Oh, no, the bride had
a bachelorette party.

I'd never been to one
before and now, I know why.

-You know, I've hardly seen
you since you've been back.

I mean, what's
goin' on?

You like it here?

-Oh, are you
kidding? I love it!

They're actually talkin' about
making me social director.


-Well, I better
get back.

Make sure to say hi to
everyone for me, will ya?

-I will.

-Neely, glad things
are workin' out for ya.


Hey, do you know
if my disability

Check has come in yet?

-No, but I'll check.

I'm on my way back
to headquarters.


Hey, mitch!

You should stop by
for a drink sometime.

-I will.

-[Soft music]

-Jd: I guess
the rumor's true.

-What rumor is that?

-Jd: that the toast of
new york is back in la.

-Did you miss me?

-[Door closes]

-Well, well. That
didn't take long.

Caroline, you're
at tower 25.

-Oh, we're
doubling up.


-I thought I
was at 25.

-That was before I caught
you in the ladies locker room.

Now, you're working
the switchboard.


-[Ominous music]

-[Firework expl*si*n]

-[Jd on phone]:
baywatch headquarters.

-Jd, this is donna.

Can you ask the
lieutenant if there's

Supposed to be fireworks
on the barge right now?

-Jd: they're
just testing.

-Just testing.
All right, thanks.

-[Ominous music]

-Jd: baywatch,
go ahead.

-This is donna. There's been
an expl*si*n on the barge.

We need fire boats on
the scene off avenue 24.

-Anyone hurt?

-One man down.
Neely's on it.








[Coughing and grunting]

-Neely, get him
away from the barge!



-[Suspenseful music]


-[Suspenseful music]


-You okay?

-Get her back
to the beach!

-Neely: he's
still under!

-[Fireworks exploding]

-[Suspenseful music]

-[Inhales sharply]

-Caroline, lets...

Let's get him
to the beach.

-Caroline: okay.

-He was fighting me.
I couldn't hang on!

-He's not breathing.

-No pulse. Begin cpr.

-Caroline: one, two.

-Mitch: one, two,
three, four, five.

-Caroline: breathe.

-One, two, three,
four, five.

-Caroline: breathe.

-Mitch: one, two,
three, four, five.

-Caroline: breathe.

-Mitch: one, two,
three, four, five.

-Caroline: breathe.

-Mitch: one,
two, three,

Four, five.
-[Pulsing sound]

-Caroline: breathe.

-[Intense slow music]

-[Loud expl*si*n]

-We got a pulse.
-He's breathing.

-All right, get the
backboard in here!

-Lifeguard: coming.

-Let's go!

-Caroline: okay,
on three.

One, two, three.

-Okay, one, two, three.


-He's in.

-All right, get him
to the burn unit.

-Got it.

Roll on.



[Neely gasps]

What the hell
happened out there?

-His suit was water locked.
He's too heavy for me.

Hey, thanks
for the assist.

You came at
a good time.

-No, no, no, no.

Where was
your rescue can?

Where was
your rescue can?

You listen to me.

You may wanna be the
social activities director

Around here, but until then,
you're still a lifeguard.

Act like one.

-Yeah, I know.
Welcome back.

-I'll talk to
you later.

-[Somber music]


-What's with neely?

-What do you mean?

-You know what
I'm talkin' about.

She went into the water
without her rescue can.

She couldn't
handle her victim

And she damn near
drowned out there.

-Well, maybe she just
lost control for a minute.

It can happen.

-No, she's sloppy.
She's not herself.

There's something
different about her.

Donna, you
lived with her.

Is there something
I should know?

-Mitch, i...

She's my friend.

-If she's in trouble, a
friend would try and help her.

-She's hooked on pills.


-Vicodin, I think.

She started taking them when
she injured her back skiing

And now, she can't
stop taking them.

-That's why she left
baywatch and took the job

At the beach club.

-Yeah, she knew that
someone would find out

If she took the
physical for recheck.

I'm sorry, mitch. I should
have said something.

-Yeah! You should
have said something.

That guy could have
died out there!

Donna, neely could
have died out there.

-I understand now.

What are we going to do?


-Caroline: well, my
shift's almost over,

So I'll meet you
at headquarters?

-I don't get off for
another half an hour.

-Okay, why don't you meet
me in the locker room?

-Twist my arm.

Oh boy. I gotta go.

I'll see you, okay?


-[Phone clicks]

-[Ominous music]

-Busy day, huh?

Wow, you must have
about 10 grand there.

All right, in
the bag now!

Come on!
-Clerk: okay, okay.

-Thief: hurry up!

Come on! Hurry
up! Come on!

In the bag.

-[Intense music]

Come on! Hurry up!

Come on! Let's go!

What are
you lookin' at?

All right.

-Hey! Hey!


-What are you
doing? Crazy!

-[Tires screeching]

[Intense music]

-Keep driving!

-What? What
are you doing?

-Get outta the way!

-Caroline: go?
Go where?

-I don't care.

-Look, I can't.
-Just go!

I'm running out of room!

-Hit the beach.

-What? I can't hit the
beach. Not at this speed.

-I said hit the beach.

-[Tires screeching]


-What the hell?

-Keep drivin'!


-[Rock music]

They're gainin' on
us. Drive! Drive!

-[g*n sh*ts]
-ah! Ah!

-Thief: woo hoo!


-This is buchannon
headed south

On venice beach in pursuit
of a lifeguard truck.

Possible kidnapping.
Caroline's on board.

sh*ts are being fired.

-Woo! Come on!


-Thief: hey,
watch out!

-[Loud crash]

-[Caroline grunts]

-Stay here!

-Yeah. Okay.


-[Dramatic music]

-I would say he was
about your height,

Very, very thin.

-I could find
that guy myself.

-Yeah, leave it,
it's over, huh?

-She could've
got k*lled, mitch.

-Well, she handled
herself like a pro.

-That's about all
I can tell you.


Ugh, I can't believe I
let that guy get away.

-What are you talkin' about?

The guy had a g*n.

-I could have slammed
on the brakes harder.

I could have rammed
right into the lot

Before we ever
got to the beach.

-Important thing
is you're okay.

You kept your cool
and you're not hurt.

-No, no, no, no,
he dropped his g*n.

I coulda had him!

-Come on. I'll
take ya home.

-Police said if they
find out anything,

They'll let
us know, huh?

-Is everything
okay in here?



-Ya know, I think
I should call

And see if they've
heard anything.

-They said they'd
let us know.

If they catch the guy.




-When I think about
what could have happened,

I just want
you to be safe.

-I know.

But I guess it can't
always work that way.

I mean, either one
of us could get hurt

Doing what we do.

But I figure there's more
of a chance of me getting

Into a car wreck
on the way to work

Than some crazy
guy with a g*n

Ever doing that
to me again.

I guess I just can't
stay cooped up in my room

For the rest of my life
because something might happen

Out there in the
big, bad world.

-I know.

Come on, get
some sleep.

Welcome home.

-[Soft music]

-Caroline, wake
up. Wake up!

Wake up sleepyhead.

Have a good day!

-Hi! Ya know, you really
should watch where you're going.


No! No!


-No! Get away from
me. Get away from me!

-It's me! It's jd!

-jd: it's me.

-Oh god.

-You had a bad
dream. It's okay.

-It was him. I saw him.

He was on my tower.

-It's okay. You're
safe now, all right?

It's okay.
It's okay.


You're safe now.

-Mitch: you were in the wrong
place at the wrong time.

It was bad luck. Look,
he's not comin' back.

-I know.

-He's probably halfway
to guadalajara by now.

-You're right.

-Okay, you want a
lift to your tower?

-No! Come
on, I'm fine.

-All right. See ya.

-[Soft music]

♪ All around us life
♪ will be breaking soon

♪ And what is calm,
♪ will sour in this crowded

♪ Room will we be left to fight alone

♪ And when the eyes come from the dark

♪ They see a world that falls apart

♪ And you'll be left to ght alone

♪ You'll be left to ght alone

♪ In this dream I can hear
♪ all the lonely

♪ Ghosts of the fate
♪ and the fear and the

♪ Innocent tears drawn by saints
♪ and sinners

♪ There are voices
♪ in the back of my head

♪ And when they come to overthrow

♪ Will we be left to ght alone?

♪ To ght alone

♪ We will ght alone

♪ We on our own

♪ In this dream you were saved
♪ from the ghost

♪ Of fate and fear

♪ As demons hid in innocents tears

♪ All around us

♪ Are drawn by saints and sinners

♪ And everywhere I look

♪ I can see things will be breaking soon

♪ My skin crawls with impending doom ♪

♪ My tears fall with the sorrow

♪ From the past into tomorrow

♪ Are the eyes, where demons hide? ♪

♪ Where its only dark, inside ♪

♪ And will they rush to overcome

♪ And over throw?

♪ Are the eyes where demons hide?

♪ Where its only dark inside ♪

♪ They've come to ever throw

♪ And we'll be left to ght alone ♪

-[Slow music]

-So, what do you want? The
good news or the bad news?

-The good news.

-Good news is your
disability check came in.

-What's the bad news?

-I forgot it. It's
on my desk.

-I'll pick it
up after work.

-You okay?

-Yeah. I'm fine.

-So, what time is
your shift over?


I'll swing by and pick up
the check on my way home.

-Great. See ya at 5:30.

-[Slow music]

-What time is it?

-Almost six.

She's scared
and paranoid.

I bet she's
not even coming.



Taylor told me I could
find ya down here.

She didn't know anything
about my disability check.

-Yeah I know, sorry.

I made that up.

We need to have a
little talk. In private.

-I don't understand.

What's goin' on?

-I told mitch, neely.

-Told him what?


-About your problem.


I don't have a problem.


-I said I don't
have a problem.

I gotta go.

-No. No, please stay.

-You? You're my friend?

-Yes, she is your
friend and so am i.

We wanna try
to help you here.

-I don't need help.

-You're addicted
to pain pills.

-No, I'm not.

-Neely, neely, we
can help you.

You've just gotta
take the first step.


-Neely, I called the
hospital in aspen.

There's no
record of you having

Any kind of
treatment at all.

You didn't hurt
your back skiing.

-Well you must have
called the wrong hospital.

-Let's not go
for games, okay?

The guy on the fireworks barge
could've died because of you.

-Well, he didn't.

-The next one might.

Look, you are unfit
to be a lifeguard.

Now, if you don't
tell the supervisor

At the sand
and sea, I will.

-You'd get me fired?

-Yes! I will if it
helps you get better.

Look, you need time to
deal with your problem.

-You can't do
this to me!

If I lose my job, i...

I can't.

-You can't what, neely?

-I can't take
care of her.

-Take care of who?

-My baby.

I didn't hurt my back.

I had a baby.


-How'd you get addicted to
pain pills with a little baby?

-The delivery was hard.

I was alone and afraid.

I kept crying
all the time.

So, I started taking
them to feel better.

And I couldn't stop.

-Where is she?

-She's with my mother.

She couldn't live with
me, not the way I am now.

Ashley, she
doesn't need me.

I'm not a good mom.

-Hey, come
here, come here.

Let me tell
ya a little story.

When hobie was about
three months old,

His mom and i, we
had an argument.

Must have been a
pretty stupid argument

'Cause I can't remember
what it was about.

But, what I do
remember is that

Gayle took hobie to
her mother's house

And they were gone
for three months.

And at that
moment, I realized

That I was a dad.

You know why?

Because I really
needed hobie.

And he needed me.

And believe me,
that little girl

Needs you.

So, what I'm sayin' is,

You gotta get
better, right?

Not just for yourself,

But for that little
girl named ashley.


I know.

-Hey, donna.

-If you're
looking for neely,

I haven't seen her
anywhere near the club.

-I just talked
to the manager.

He said she asked for
a leave of absence.

Personal problems.

-Where'd she go?

-No idea.

-Donna: well,
what do we do?

-Wait. Nothing
else we can do.

Next move's up to neely.

See ya.

-[Soft music]

-[Lively music]

♪ I was ashamed of who I couldn't be

♪ Afraid of what would come

♪ Set adrift upon my endless sea

♪ Afraid to make the jump

♪ This is my breaking point

♪ Gonna spread my wings and soar

♪ Let go what I can't hold tight

♪ Go right into the eye of the storm

♪ The storm

♪ Saving other never could change me

♪ I never learned to save myself

♪ I'll walk straight into my hurricane

♪ To save somebody else

♪ This is my breaking point

♪ Gonna spread my wings and soar

♪ Let go of what I can't hod tight

♪ Go right into the eye of the storm

♪ The storm

-[Music fades out]

-Oh my god, it's him!

This is mobile unit four.

I spotted a suspect
in attempted robbery.

-Caroline, what's
your location?

-Mitch, it's him.
It's the guy.

I'm goin' after him.

-Hey! What are you doin'?

-Jd, get in!


-[Ominous music]

-He's on foot.
I'm going after him.

-No, no, no, caroline!
Stay in the truck!


-[Intense music]

Go get caroline.
I'll cut him off.


-[Intense music]

-Caroline: hey! Stop!

-Jd: caroline!
Wait! Stop!

-[Intense music]

-[Crowd chatters]

Jd: caroline!


Stay back.
I'll get him.

-[Intense music]


-Mitch: all right,
jd. Call the cops.

-Oh my god.
It's not him.


-I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

-It's the wrong guy?

They caught a guy matching
the description you gave

Trying to cross over
the mexican border

In a stolen car.

They want you to come in
tomorrow to identify him.


You know I can
still see him.

I can still feel him
standing right behind me.

-I know.

It's not gonna
last forever.

-I was thinking about
going back to new york.

Try and put this
all behind me.

-But you're
not going to.

-I figure, let this
guy chase me away

From the people and things
that I love and he wins.


-There's no way I'm gonna
let some guy with a g*n

Tell me where or how
I'm gonna live my life.

I decide.

-Thatta girl.

-[Soft music]


-Neely: mitch.

This is my
daughter, ashley.

-[Baby cooing]

-Hey, angel.
She's beautiful!

-Oh, I think she's the most
beautiful baby in the world.

-Who's the father?


-Your ex-husband?

-Yeah. It was
going great.

We even talked about
getting married again.

-Mitch: he doesn't know?

-Well, I didn't
want him to marry me

Just because of ashley.

-So, what next, mom?

-Oh, I love the
way that sounds.


The help that you
and donna offered,

Is it still there?

-Still there.

-Then I'll take it.

You remember?

-Oh yeah, shh.


-Hi, sweetie.

-Yeah. Yeah.

Like ridin' a bicycle.



-Hi, sweetheart.

-Welcome to
baywatch, ashley.

-Neely: yes.


-[Soft music]

-[End theme plays]
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