01x03 - In the Blink of an Eye

Episode transcripts for the TV show "7th Heaven". Aired: August 26, 1996 – May 13, 2007.*
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Eric Camden is a reverend, husband and the father of numerous children who faces everyday challenges of raising a family during permissive times.
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01x03 - In the Blink of an Eye

Post by bunniefuu »

-Hi, sweetie. -Hey, mom.

How are you?




Not too much sugar, ok?

Well, thank you very much.

Oh, man! I can't believe it!


Moon rocks! I got moon rocks!

It's a miracle.

No, it's not. It says right here--

"special surprise inside every box."

Yeah, but I didn't know that.

I thought you had to send away for it.

Come on, what are the odds of the prize ending up in my bowl?

Your the only one who eats that stuff.

Yeah but still, this is incredible.

Must be lucky.

Uh,well Simon, you know, I think you are lucky, because your dad and I have another surprise for you.

Bunk beds?


After 10 years, we've taken the hint.

So, while grandma and grandpa are staying here, Matt's gonna move out of his room and sleep on the couch, so-- so, grandpa can have the top bunk, grandma can have the bottom bunk.

I don't mind sleeping on the floor.

We're not gonna make you sleep on the floor.

But you're gonna make me do something, right?


Here's how your mom and I worked it out.

We thought grandma and grandpa would be more comfortable in ruthie's room.

But where's ruthie gonna sleep?

My room?

I sleep walk.


Yeah I know I should have told you guys sonner, but I sleep walk.

I-I might walk on ruthie one night,it just wouldn't be safe for her to move in with me.

Uh-huh am I moving?

Yes, ruthie, you are.

You didn't forget what we talked about, did you?

Of course not. What?

You, know... Dad.

Are you gonna keep him away from me and Jimmy tonight?

-Shh. -Oh, yeah. You got a big date, right?

It's not a date.

We're just gonna watch a video. That's all.

-Mm-hmm -so what's the plan?

I volunteered your dad and grandpa for the church's meals-on-wheels deliveries, and knowing them, I fear that afterwards they'll end up at the pool hall, so...

So not just out of the living room...

But out of the house.

I'm rather proud of this one myself.

Plus, it will give me some time with my mom.

You're the greatest.

Oh, thank you. I try.

So what are you and Jeff up to tonight?

That's right, I'm prying.

It's my job. My duty.My life.

Oh, I don't know.

Oh I don't know,we don't really have any plans.

We just might drop by a party or something.

Oh. Who's-- who's party?

Have we met these people?

I don't think so.

-Is it just for older kids? -I don't know.

Is alcohol allowed?

Will the parents be home?

I'm not sure. It's just a party.

It's not like the guy throwing it handed out his biography or anything.

That would be autobiography, and if he had, you might have had a shot at going.

-Dad! -Sorry, kiddo.

Not gonna happen.

What am I supposed to tell Jeff?

The truth. That we said no.

Yeah. He knows who your parents are.

Yeah. The people trying to ruin my life.

Not only trying, but sometimes succeeding.

So, what time's prince charming swinging by tonight?


Oh, good. I should be back by then.

Uh, honey, you know, if you and dad want to stay out a little longer tonight, I'd love some time with my mom.

Yeah, but then poor Lucy would be left all alone with Jimmy.

So, dad, should I pick up grandma and grandpa at the airport later?

I don't think so, Matt.

Why not?

'Cause you're still on restriction for staying out all night.

You can drive to school and the library.

That's it. 3 weeks. We agreed, remember?

We agreed? I don't think I had any say in the matter.

Oh, and you thought you would.

Everything ok?

I guess so. That was my dad.

My parents aren't coming out until next weekend.

He said that they have some things they want to take care of.

Is it the leukemia? Is she sick?

I don't know.

You know, maybe they just have some things to take care of, like your dad said.

Yeah. Maybe.

I--but I don't have a good feeling about this.

Listen, I'm sure your mom's fine, but if it would make you feel better, why don't you fly to Arizona and check out the situation yourself?

You think so?

Yeah, I do. I can handle things here.

Oh, what about meals on wheels?

Hey, unless you guys want me to drop a pop-tart off on the way to school, I'm not allowed to drive.

Well, I think we could make an exception.

I'd be willing if you're willing.

I think he's willing.

Well, then we're agreed.



Oh, do you have to do that now?

Why can't you wait until I come home from school to move all your junk in?

I have a lot of stuff.

It's gonna take me all day.

I can't believe they're not gonna let me go to this party.

It's not enough that they're nerds. They have to make me one, too.

What do you think of these?

They look like shoes.

Everyone's gonna be at this party.

So what are you gonna do?

Maybe I'll just see if Jeff wants to see striptease instead.

Isn't that an "r" movie?


You're not allowed.

That's not the point.

The point is to avoid looking like a total geek who does everything her parents tell her to do.


Grandma and grandpa aren't gonna be coming out this weekend, so I thought it would be fun if I flew to Arizona and surprised them.

Is something wrong?

No. Nothing's wrong.

I just haven't been home for awhile, and I kind of want to go.

I'll only be gone a night or two.

Are they gonna come back with you?

I don't know. You know, maybe.

Well, give them a hug for me.

-I will. -Me, too.

You guys take care. And no fighting, ok?

What are you so happy about?

Don't you get it?

Mom's gonna be in Arizona, and dad's gonna be delivering church food.

This is gonna be great.

I forgot to tell you. Matt volunteered for meals on wheels, so dad's gonna be around tonight, but I told dad that Jimmy's your date, not his, and he promised to leave you alone, ok?

Yeah. Great. Thanks.

It'll be fine.

My life is ruined.

I don't know about your life, but your date is.

Thanks a lot.

Hey, remember the first time a guy came to see me?

Dad brought out his guitar and played every country song he knew, and the guy ran out of here like he was on fire.

You can't let this happen to me!

I'm not as strong as you!

I'll be scarred for life!

It's out of my hands. Sorry.

No, no, it isn't. Can't you change your date with Jeff to tomorrow night to keep dad from bugging me? Please, please, please?

No, I don't want to.

Besides, you can handle it.

No, I can't. You have to do this.

I don't have to do anything.

I know you don't have to, but if you would, I'd promise never to mention the "r" rated movie.

You wouldn't.

Yes, I would.

This is the most important night of my life.

Thank you.

Mom, maybe ruthie should wait until next week to move in.

You know, since grandma and grandpa aren't coming till then.

No, I think it'll be a good idea for you guys to have a little extra time to get settled, you know?

Can I go with you to Arizona?

Oh, honey, not this time, but you're gonna be just fine.

Daddy's gonna take care of everything.

Is he gonna cook?

How can a lucky day go so wrong?

Hey, Simon.

No fighting while I'm gone.

Ok. I'll wait until you get home.

Hey, Mary.


What time should I pick you up for the party tonight?

Would it be a big deal if we went out tomorrow night instead?

Well, the party's tonight, not tomorrow night.

I know, but, see, my mom is out of town, and my sister's first real date is coming over, and someone's gotta run interference with her for my dad.

Uh, it's a sister thing.

So I'm just supposed to blow off this party because of a sister thing?

No, you should go, and tomorrow, we'll see striptease.

I already saw striptease with Matt.

You know, if you were gonna break our date, you could have at least told me sooner.

When sooner? I just found out my mom was leaving this morning.

-Yeah, well-- -yeah, well.

Look, I gotta go. Matt's waiting for me.

Mom never does this.


Oh, hey, Mary.

How ya doin'?


So I'll see you later?

I'll pick you up after work.

Ok. Don't be late.


So tell me. Since you're not allowed to drive anywhere except school, how exactly are you gonna pick her up?


Why can't they go in the closet?

'Cause they can't breathe in there.

Well, I don't like them eyeballing me all the time.

I'm sorry they scared you. They don't mean to. They can't help it.

Let's get something straight.

I am not scared of a bunch of dolls.

I just like to have a little privacy.


Ok what?

I should have taught you better.

What do you mean?

You're older than ruthie, Simon.

You're sleeping in the penthouse.

You're top dog now.


What does that mean to me, exactly?

You can make ruthie do anything you want.

Think about it.

Remember my rule of time?

Hey, ruthie, want to go downstairs and get my backpack for me?

I can't. I'm doing something.

Well, you have to. It's not 5:00 yet, and you're 5.

Everything before 5:00 is your responsibility.


Very good, grasshopper.

I'll clear my throat-- and that'll be the signal for you to get dad out.

I wasn't raised by wolves. I'll know when to get dad out.

I know. I'm just nervous about being kissed.

Kissed? What do you mean kissed?

His lips, my lips. Sparks, passion.

No, no, no. You are way too young to be getting kissed.

Too bad.

I wouldn't have even been thinking about it if you hadn't made it sound so good.

What made it so good was waiting so long to do it.

I'm 14, and I just got kissed.

Well, I'm not 6' tall, so I don't have to wait.

You begged me to cancel my date so you could suck face with Jimmy moon?

There's no way mom or dad would ever let you go to that party, so if you want to be mad at someone, be mad at them.

You guys need anything?

It's not 5:00 yet.


And I'm 5.


Simon says I'm responsible for everything before 5:00.

Oh, really? Well, go tell Simon, "nice try," but you're not his personal valet.






You have no patients registered by that name?


Ok. Thank you for checking.

Oh, Annie.

Annie, what are you doing here?

I've called every hospital in this area code.

Oh, Annie.

You had me worried out of my mind!

What, you're upset because I'm not in a hospital?

No, no. It's just that when you called and cancelled, I was afraid something was wrong.

And then when I got here and you weren't here, I thought-- ok, I understand, but, honey, I'm sorry you had to fly out here for nothing.

I didn't fly out here for nothing.

Mom, I'm glad to see you.

Well, me you, too.

I was also hoping that, you know, maybe I could help you here, and you could come back with me, because I have a whole house full of people who want to see you.

Well, we could cancel the hot air balloon.

We'd lose the deposit, but what the heck? Sure.

Ok, wait a minute, wait a minute.

Do you have any water parks near your house?

2. Why?

Ok. It's all settled. Let's go.

Wait a minute. Now?

Why not?

For one thing, we don't have reservations.

Oh, please. First class is never filled.

First class?

It's the only way to fly.

So what are we waiting for? Come on. I'm starved, and we've heard there's a new restaurant out there that's just wonderful. It'll be fun.

No, wait a minute. The last flight is at 6:00.

There is no way that we can eat and pack.

We won't pack.

We'll just take the kids to the mall tomorrow and buy a few things.

Ok, heck. We'll buy a whole lot of things, ok?

Wait a second. Mom, don't you need to rest first?

I'll be resting soon enough.

Ok, come on. Let's go.

Come on. Come on.

Here's your bag.

I wish she'd stop joking around.


I mean, I love you, kid, but you're slowing us down.

The kitchen's on third street.

They know what to do, and they're expecting you.

Don't worry. I can handle this.

I know you can. Just stick to the map, and if you get lost, you know, call, because a lot of people rely on this service.

I got it, dad. You told me.

Right and uh, tell Mrs. Michael's I can get her a ride for the sunday service, but she's got to be ready by 10.

Mrs.michael's..ready by 10.

You know...

I know that driving the meals on wheels Van isn't high on the list of things you want to do tonight, but I really, really appreciate it.

You're doing a good thing.

I'm proud of you.

Dad, is there any way I could get off car restriction just a little sooner?

Yeah, let's not wallow in all this sentiment.

Let me just say no.

So, anyway, so the guys in the seminary and I, we would just clear out the refrigerator and throw everything into one big bowl, cover it with cheese, because--

'cause cheese covers a myriad of sins.

Right. And that's how-- combat casserole was born.

Those guys were something else.

Yeah. So you said.

Um, hey, dad, I think this could use a little salt.

Oh. Hang on. I'll get it.

Happy. Happy, come here.

Happy, come on.



By the way, the pizza will be here in 5 minutes, so, you know, don't fill up.


Hi. Uh, glenoak community church.

You want to come in?

Sorry. I'm on a tight schedule.

See ya!

We don't have to rush.

Our flight won't be leaving for an hour.


Now, this-- this is nice.

I liked the montrochet we tried yesterday better.

When did you start drinking wine?

-Yesterday. -Yesterday.

Small house salad.

Thank you.

And 2 filet mignons.

Oh, this looks wonderful.

Aren't you supposed to be watching your cholesterol?

Not anymore I'm not.

Hoowie only goes to Mary's games

'cause he likes the hot dogs they sell there.

How many did you eat last time?

Oh about 100.

Who are you talking to?


I don't see any hoowie.

We don't see him.

You hear him because he snores.

Don't worry. Happy and I won't hear him up here.

How's happy gonna get on the top bunk?

Pack it up, sister. You're moving to the penthouse.

No. I'm not your personal ballet.

-Hey. -Hi.

I'll be done in just a minute.

I just have to punch out.

No problem. Take your time.

You know, I've been wanting to go out with you for a long time.

How'd you get off restriction?


Oh. All yours.

-Hi, Jimmy. -Hi.

Um, come on in.


You remember my dad?

Oh, yeah. The god guy. Hey.

I can see how you charmed my daughter.

So did you bring your little videos?

Well, actually, it's the director's cut of a French film that hasn't been released yet.

Well, that sounds interesting.

Maybe I'll pull up a bowl of popcorn and join you.

Not necessary.

Copied one for you.

Ok, ok, jimbo. You've drawn first blood, but it's only the first round. It's early.

Boxing metaphor.




Can I get you something for your throat, luce?

Um, no. I'm fine.

Besides, I know you were on your way upstairs, so...

Oh, sure.

Ok. Well, I'll see you later, Jimmy.

See you, reverend.

Enjoy the movie.

Sorry. My mom was supposed to take care of him.

Ok, how about this?

I'll move everything, and I mean everything, for you.

Uh-uh. I don't want to sleep up there.

But hoowie, he'll be up there with you every night.

Uh-uh. Sometimes he loads luggage at the airport.

Ok. I'll give you my moon rocks.



No, thank you.

What is wrong with you?

We are talking about moon rocks here.

From the moon!

French fry?

Any idea where your brother is?

Maybe he got lost.

Well, maybe.

What are you doing with that?

Well, I was just downstairs by the love den, and I think now is a really good time for some of your greatest hits.

Gee, Mary.

If I go down to the love den and play the guitar, I might wreck the date. I'd hate to cramp jimbo's style.

Just a suggestion.


Are you kidding? It's inspired.

See, that's why you're my favorite.

-Really? -Yeah, sure. Right now.

Come on.

Hey, excuse me. Can I help you with something?

I smell Salisbury steak.

Hey, you got Salisbury steak in there?

Uh, not anymore. We're not in service.



Oh. Thanks.

No problem.

That was amazing.


The way you handled that.

Like a man.

You realize this is what I'm driving?

I don't care.


Want one?

Uh, no, thanks. I'm the designated underage driver.

♪ Won't you come home, bill Bailey? ♪

♪ Won't you come home? ♪ No.

♪ Someone's in the kitchen with dinah ♪

♪ someone's in the kitchen-- ♪

-No. -No, no, no.

♪ Froggy went a'courtin', and he did ride, uh-huh ♪

♪ uh-huh ♪

♪ froggy went a'courtin', and he did ride, uh-huh ♪

♪ mm-hmm ♪ -everybody!

♪ Froggy went a'courtin', and he did ride, uh-huh ♪

♪ uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪

-Yee-haw! -Everybody.

♪ Rode up to miss mousey's door, uh-huh ♪

Just ignore it.

I can't.

You made him do this, didn't you?


Come on. It was just a warning.

Dad, ruthie won't move.

He's trying to make me sleep on top.

-What?! -Mary's going to an "r" rated movie.

-What?! -I am not!

Is the date over?

Thanks a lot. You always ruin everything.

I guess so.

Well, come on.

I'll drive you home.

Oh, it'll be fun. We'll talk, we'll laugh.

One of us might cry.

Hello? Matt. Where are you?

Are you all right?

I'll be right there.

Ok. Your turn. Call your parents.

They're not gonna like this.

I know. I've done this before.

Yeah. Me, too.

Aren't you the minister's son?

Yes, sir.

Thought you were on restriction.

Yes, sir. But I have his permission to drive the Van.

Do you have his permission to drink and drive?

Look, I wasn't drinking.

Well, that's an interesting Cologne you're wearing.

Step outside.

When mom gets home and finds out what you did, you're gonna be in big trouble.

Yeah, right. Will that be before or after I tell her about your little idea for the evening, hot lips?

You'd tell her?

I don't have to. Dad will.

Fine, but if he tells her about my kissing, he'll definitely tell her about your "r" rated movie.

I don't care, because sooner or later, Jeff and I are gonna go out and when we do, we're gonna kiss like crazy.

Well, I don't care, either, 'cause Jimmy said he'd call me when he gets home, and when he does, we'll set up another date.

Oh, yeah. I'd count on that.

Who drove Jimmy home?


Game, set, and match.

Dad said go to bed.

I can't. You're on my side.

Wanna know why? 'Cause your side is on the top bunk.

It is not.

It is too.

Don't smoosh me.

Stop breathing all over me.

It's not me. It's happy.

Happy is not the one who is going to leave.

You are.

Happy left.

I can see that.

Hello! I'm back!

Is anybody home?


Hey, grandpa.

Where's dad?

Um, he took Jimmy home.


Hey, what's in the bags?

Oh, just a little something your grandma and I picked up at the airport.

Where's Matt? 'Cause all the cds are for him.

Um, I think he had a little trouble with the Van.


Well, he won't mind if we just open them before he comes home, will he?

Oh, hey, grandpa!

You will never, ever guess what happened to me today.

I got the prize in the cereal box!

Look what it is! It's moon rocks!

Moon rocks!

Those things have been around forever.

They're not really moon rocks, you know.

They're just a bunch of chemicals--

come from the moon.

It's the greatest prize ever. You're a lucky guy.

Yeah. You know, that's what I thought.

Oh, honey, I'm sorry, but it's way past your bedtime.

Say good night to grandma and grandpa.

It's time to go to bed, ok?

I can't.

Yes, you can. You just won't.

I will. Just not where you say.

Hey, you won't even try it.

Hey, hey, hey. What is going on?

Why are you fighting with your sister?

We're not having a fight.

It's just a minor disagreement.

See, Mary and Lucy-- now, they are having a fight.

Is this what happens when I'm not here?

Everyone fights with each other?



Hi, Bob.

You'll be pleased to know the tests showed no trace of alcohol.

Ok, thank you.

What, you get lost, Matt?

I don't remember the diner being on your list of deliveries.

You...stay away from my daughter.

I should've known better-- the minister's son.


Great. Just great.

Do I smell beer?

Dad, I can explain.

Oh, I'm looking forward to it.

None of this would've happened if you hadn't asked me to deliver church food and just let me use the car.

Don't you even think about blaming me.

You are never gonna drive my car again.

I'll take her, dad.

I don't know anything.

That's ok. Ok, sweetheart, it's time for both of you to go to bed.

Wait. I didn't get my ice cream yet.

Get it to go. I'll let you eat it in bed.

Top bunk. I'll have dad put happy up there when he gets home from wherever he is.

Can I still have the moon rocks?


Love you.

Did you get anything out of ruthie?

Not a word. The kid's a clam.

I have no idea where they are.

And then dad left to go get him.

Were Matt and the girl ok?

I think so. He didn't call from the hospital.

Oh, your dad must've been furious.

His head almost came off.

Oh, poor Matt that he has to go through this all by himself.

Well, you know, it's not like he has someone to confide in.

You have each other.

Yeah, I know.

Someone always on your side.

Someone always looking after you.

But it's hard to have to go through it all by yourself.

You're lucky you don't have to.


I didn't know Matt had a date.

I was gonna tell you, but I was too mad.

I wouldn't have told me, either.

In fact, after I told dad about the "r" movie, I wouldn't blame you if you never told me anything again, but I hope you do.

Think grandma and grandpa are acting a little weird?

A little? The whole family's weird.


Hi. Thanks, grandma.

You know I really appreciate your sharing your room with ruthie, so that grandpa and I can have a room of our own.

It's ok.


I know it's been hard, but it's a sure sign you're growing up.

You know the real Mark of a man is when he will sacrifice and share what he loves the most with his family. See?

You're right, grandma.

Give these moon rocks to grandpa.

Oh, honey.

Oh, he'll be thrilled.

Good night.

Good night, grandma.

Bravo. Bravo. It's time for bed.

Good night, grandpa.

Good night, Lucy.

Good night. Take care.

Good night, mom.

Good night, Mary. I love you.

Sweat dreams, girls.

Good night, grandma.

I love you.

I love you, too.

If you two wanna go to bed, I'll wait up for Eric and Matt.

I think I'd like to stick around. How about you?

Yeah, I'm in.


That was quick.

You missed out on all the fun.

We flew first class and brought presents back for everyone.

My husband.


Where's Matt?

Uh, Matt had a little trouble with the Van.

Should be here any minute, and, uh...

I'm gonna head up, and I'm kind of beat.

Catch you in the morning.

Eric, when he comes in, talk with him and forgive him.

Life is too short.

I--i can't believe that kid.

Oh, give him time, he'll make you madder.

This isn't funny.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I just had such a great time with my parents.

See, happy? I told you hoowie was make-believe.

Good night, Simon. Love you.

Yeah. I love you, too.

We don't have to say it every night.

The kid knows wrong from right.

He understand consequences, and yet, somehow, if there's a bad choice to be made, bam, Matt is right there.

What's your guitar doing out?

Honey, you promised.

I know, I just--i-- I couldn't help myself.

So it runs in the family.

Seems to be the problem with everyone.

They know the right thing to do, but no matter how hard they try, sometimes they just can't help themselves.

And I know I shouldn't be this angry, but I just can't help myself.

Can I talk to you for a minute?

5 minutes.

Thank you.

And tell your sister Jimmy said he'd call tomorrow.

Thanks, dad.

Did you hear what dad said about Jimmy?


After a car ride with dad, that's a miracle.

I know. So when do you think I'll be old enough to get kissed?

I'll let you know.

Yeah, I'll hold my breath.

So how was the party?

It would've been better if you were there.

Uh, listen...

Um, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I got mad about you wanting to stay home with Lucy.

I know how important she is to you.

Yeah, she is, but to tell you the truth, I kind of used her as an excuse to stay home because my parents weren't gonna let me go to the party.

You know how they are.

Oh, yeah.

You should've told me.

We could've gone to a movie or something.

Well, after tonight, I have a feeling that movies are out for a while, too.

I'm sure we can figure out something to do.

Yeah, I bet we will.

Time's up.

She's guessing.

How you doing?

Well, I'm a little tired, but I've had a wonderful day.

I'm so glad Annie came and got us.

Remember when we had to pick her up from camp because she was so homesick?

Oh, and we taught her that silly song to make her feel better.

♪ Hello, mudda ♪

♪ hello, fadda ♪

♪ here I am at ♪

♪ camp granada ♪

I am such a lucky woman.

I have you...

I have Annie...

And I have this family.

I'm luckier.

I've got all that and moon rocks.

Heh heh heh.

I love you very much.

For reasons I have yet to figure out.

I love you, too.



Give me a minute, ok?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you.

Oh, I don't mind being disturbed.

Life is full of disturbances.

Yeah, I'm getting that. How you feeling?

Tired...and very, very happy.

How about you? How are you feeling?

I really messed up tonight.

I don't know how dad's ever gonna trust me again. I'm such an idiot.

Hey, that's my grandson you're talking about.

And he's not an idiot.

He's just a 16-year-old kid trying to find his way.

How long do you think it'll take?

Well, if you're anything like your grandmother, it could take 50 or 60 years, I guess.

The important thing is to keep looking.


Heh heh heh.

Oh. Well, now...If you gentlemen will excuse me, I'm going to bed now.

-Good night. -Good night.

-Good night.

He loves you.

Good night.

Good night.

I don't think I ever apologized to you for tonight.

No, you didn't.

But then, I didn't give you much of a chance.

I'm sorry, dad. It was all my fault.

I'm a total screw-up.

Not total.

I love you, Annie.

But I have to go now.


She's passed on, Annie.

She's gone.
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