01x13 - America's Most Wanted

Episode transcripts for the TV show "7th Heaven". Aired: August 26, 1996 – May 13, 2007.*
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Eric Camden is a reverend, husband and the father of numerous children who faces everyday challenges of raising a family during permissive times.
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01x13 - America's Most Wanted

Post by bunniefuu »

"Girls and boys, come out to play.

The moon doth shine as bright as day..."

Ready to go to bed?

No, we're reading.

Oh, okay.

"Georgie Porgie, puddin' and pie... kissed the girls and made them cry..."

You know I'm going to go to bed now.

I'll leave the night light on so you can see when you come in.

Okay. Thank you.


"Little Boy Blue, Come, blow your horn..."

You know, Mom, if you're tired, I could read to Ruthie in our room.

Honey, would you like to join us?

Why not?

Here, Simon, you read.

Love to.

"The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn.

Where's the little boy who looks after the sheep...?"

Hi, honey.

Oh, hey, Dad.

How was the boxing match?

Anyone get their eyes cut open or anything good like that?

No, Simon, it was just a Golden Gloves tournament.

You know, just kids.

It wasn't really that rough.

How was the kid you went to go see? Did he win?

Yep. TKO, third round.

Are you mad at him for winning?

No, sweetie.

No, I should just avoid sporting events altogether. nobody knew the words to "The Star-Spangled Banner."

Oh, boy.

I know that gets to you, doesn't it, Dad?

It gets me every time.

I can't for the life of me figure out why nobody knows the words to the National Anthem.

I mean, it is our National Anthem.

People should have to prove they know the words or leave the country.

I mean, I'm not talking about the people who just got here.

There are people whose families have been here for like 200 years who don't even know the words.

Good night.

I think I'll finish reading her the story in our room.

This country is going to hell in a handbasket.

I mean, the basic moral fiber's being ripped, torn to shreds.

Half the country probably doesn't even know

"The Pledge of Allegiance."

Half the country probably can't even spell allegiance.

A-l-l... e-g... i-a-n-c-e.

See? That's why I love you.

Forget the book.


We have to learn "The Star Stapled Banner."

It's "Spangled."

You'll learn it when you go to school.

No, I have to learn it now.


'Cause if I don't, Daddy will make me leave the country.

Oh, he didn't mean that. I'll go get him.


Okay, fine.

Listen, by tomorrow, he'll forget he said anything about that.

But what if he doesn't?

I'll have to move.

You won't have to move.

I can teach it to you.

It's a piece of cake.

Okay, go ahead.

We'll start tomorrow.

No, tonight. Please.

Okay, uh...

Just repeat after me--

Who's Jose?

What Jose?

You said,

You want some pancakes?

Pancakes on a weekday? What's wrong?

Did you and Dad have a fight?

I can't take this kind of stress in the morning.

I am completely stressed out as it is.

It's nothing serious.

Your father went to the Golden Gloves last night and...

No one knew the words to the National Anthem.

I'll have three.

Yeah, me, too.

My stomach can only take one at the most.

Okay, how's the essay on The Crucible coming?

It's not.

What? I'm not in a bad mood.

Good, I need to ask you a favor.


I'm kidding.

What, what is it?

Mary and I would like to go to dinner with John and Keesha, if that's okay?

We'll be home early.

Well, what's uh, what's the occasion?

No occasion.

We just haven't seen John and Keesha for awhile, and we thought we'd grab a burger together, that's all.


The Varsity.

He's now covered who, what, when, where and why.

Well, I guess it's okay.

Could we have 20 bucks?

Do you both know the words to the National Anthem?

Give 'em the 20 bucks, hon. They both know the words.

Wait a minute, why isn't Lucy going with you?

She's got a paper due tomorrow.

Of course, they could go another night but why wreck my middle-child- always-being-left-out syndrome by including me now?

Well, she's got a point.

Okay, where were we?

Oh, oh, yeah.

♪ What so proudly we hailed... ♪

♪ What so proudly we... hmm. ♪ I can't say that word, it's a bad word.

No "hailed" isn't a bad word, and neither is "hell" unless you say something like...

Go to hell.

What did you say?

Um, I was just trying to explain that "hell" is not a bad word, it's just how you use it.

Like if you say something like there's a heaven and a hell.

That would be okay, right?

That would be okay, but that's not what I heard you say.

I'm guilty of using a bad example.

And a bad word. Sorry, Dad.

Me, too.

Uh, Dad, you're not still mad about that whole National Anthem thing, are you?

You know, Simon, I hate to admit it, but I am.

Simon, school! Let's go!

Got to run, Dad. See ya.

Me, too.

And Judge Danforth represents what in the play?

No one?

No one sees Danforth representing power?

Unyielding authority?




I'm a little behind on my math homework.

My concern is with this class.

Have you written your essay yet?

Is there any possibility that I could get one extra day to turn it in?

I know it's due tomorrow, but when I went to the library this morning, I couldn't get on a computer to look anything up because they were all taken.

You went to the library this morning for a paper that's due tomorrow?

I've been kind of busy...


Oh, not busy with boyfriend stuff.

It's just that I've had a lot of homework lately and with cheerleading and all, I got a little behind.

The paper is due tomorrow.

You're flirting with my girlfriend again.

I can't help myself.

I told you how I feel about her.

Well, stop.

Hey, where's Mary?

Working on her free throw. She'll be out in a minute.

Great. Thanks.

She's running out of time, you know.

The athletic banquet is next week.

Yeah, I know. Mary's the only one on the team who hasn't stolen anything from The Varsity.

Don't worry, she's going to take care of it.

The most coveted item is the glass with The Varsity logo.

Thanks for the tip.

Is it me or is that Corey chick a pain?

She's a pain.

You know, we really appreciate you guys letting us use you as a cover, but you really don't have to go.

We're going.

We want to see it.

Besides, if we were to cancel, my dad would know right away something was up.

Right now, the worst he thinks is that we have an underground civil rights movement going on.

Okay. Then we'll see you tonight.

And don't be late. The manager has to be there for it to count.

Who makes up these rules?

The cool group.

Yeah, right.

I'm never going to get this paper finished.

I got absolutely nothing accomplished at lunch time.

Hey, I had Mrs. Penn in the eighth grade and I think I still have the paper I wrote for her.

You could use my bibliography for the research.

This won't help.

I can't go to the library now.

You can use all the same quotes and you'd have the references.

Just write a new essay.

You ready?

Yeah. Good luck on the paper.

Have fun.

We'll take you with us next time, promise.

You guys have a good time, but be home by 10:00.

It's a school night.

Dinner's ready, Luce.

Thanks, but I'm going to eat in my room so I can finish my paper.

You know, you really don't have to do this.

Yes, I do have to do this.

Every kid on every team in the entire school has something from this place.

So, man, you ever taken anything from here?

No. I never really saw the point.

I'd be too afraid I'd get caught.

Oh, now come on, everybody knows that if anybody gets caught, I'm the one they'll blame.

Okay, I want everyone to go to the car.

If anyone is going to be caught, I want it to be me.

We're not quite finished yet. Thanks.


Take it now.

If we get up and leave, everyone in here is going to know what you're doing.

All right, now, put this box in the trunk and drop if off to Lucy at cheerleading practice this afternoon after school, okay?

What's this?

That's a glass.

Did you buy it at The Varsity?

No, I didn't buy it.

Did you take it without paying for it?

Dad, everybody takes something from The Varsity.

It's like a school ritual.

It's like stealing.

No, no, it is stealing.

Take it back.

Okay, I'll take it back.

And apologize to the manager.

And you and I will talk about what the consequences are of taking something that doesn't belong to you.

Look, Dad, don't you think you're making way too big a deal out of this?

I mean, the glass is worth... what? Two bucks?

This isn't about what the glass costs.

This is about taking somebody else's property.

What's going on?

Oh, Dad found out that I took the glass from The Varsity and now I have to take it back and apologize, that's all.

Did you know about this?



I know how anxious you were about this paper, and I see how tired you are today, so I made a point of reading your essay first.

It's very good.

Especially considering you didn't start writing it until yesterday.

Thank you.

Really, thanks.

Hi, I'd like to speak to the manager, please.

Mr. Ryland?

Can I help you?

Uh, look, I'm very sorry, but I took this glass last night and I feel really badly about it, so I'm returning it.

It was the wrong thing to do.

Apology unaccepted.

That's right, un-accepted.

I'm pressing charges.

Jimmy Moon called.

And Dwight called three times.

And Matt forgot to drop off the refreshments.

Oh... well, he, he probably had a lot on his mind.

Oh, well, I'm sure Lucy will understand.

Actually I'm a little worried about him.

He's not home yet.

Well, you know, you have to keep in mind that for us, a trip to the diner is a trip to the diner.

For Matt, it's an excursion, a vacation, it's free transportation to Fantasyland.

He'll be fine.

Matt forgot to bring refreshments.

As if my life isn't bad enough already.

What's wrong?

I'm thinking about quitting basketball.


I just am, that's all.

It's too much pressure.

Just hang in there.

It'll be okay.

Look, I don't need any of your cheerleading right now.

Actually, I'm thinking about dropping cheerleading.


Because I'm quitting the basketball team?

Can't you do anything by yourself?

I have a confession to make.

This is really ridiculous.

We can't both cry at once.

I can't help it.

Fine, then I'll stop.

So, what do you want to confess?

I took your paper on The Crucible and I paraphrased it.

That wasn't such a great idea.

We both had the same teacher.

She's gonna remember my paper.

She didn't.

I wish she had, but she didn't.

And I got a B plus and I feel guilty.

Yeah, I'm having the same problem.

It's not your fault.

You were just trying to be helpful.

No, that's not what I feel guilty about.

Don't answer it.

I think it's Dwight.


Are you okay?

Is it Matt?

We'll be right there.

Is he okay?


He's at the police station.

He's been arrested for petty larceny.

The glass?

I think I'd like to talk to Matt, alone.

Oh, sure.

Matt, I'm sorry this happened.

You wanted to teach me a lesson, I got a lesson.

You should be happy.

I didn't know this was going to happen.

I'm going to go down to The Varsity and talk to this guy.

I think he's taken this a little bit too far.

Forget it.

I'm trying to be on your side here.

I'd appreciate it if you'd cut me a little slack.

Like you ever cut me any slack?

I can't think about anything but Matt.

Yeah, well, I feel terrible.

It's all my fault.

How is it your fault?

Hey, Matt, we heard what happened.

Can I talk to you alone?

Matt, I can't let you do this.

I have to tell Mom and Dad that I took the glass.

No, the guy would probably have you arrested and I can't let that happen.

I'm older, I'm a guy, I can take it.

Well, I can take it, too.

Look, I don't know what's going to happen when I go to court, but whatever it is, I don't want it to happen to you.

I should have never let you take the glass in the first place.

Yeah, well, I should have never asked you to help me.

It's so stupid.

I don't even want to be on the basketball team anymore.

I'm just going to quit.

You're not going to quit.

Not after all this.

Oh, I get it.


By tomorrow, everybody's going to know I got arrested and they're going to think I stole the glass for you.

You don't want to look like a jerk, so you have to quit.

That's not why I was quitting.

I was quitting because I don't like feeling pressured into doing stuff like this.

But you know what?

Too bad if I don't fit in with the rest of the team, I'm still as good a player.

And after all this, I'm staying.

I think you should.

Hey, Matt.

I just wish I would have felt like this before I got you into trouble.

Don't worry about it.

I'm in trouble all the time anyway.

I see.

Well, maybe that'll work.

You want me to go with you?

Okay. Well, good luck.

That was Eric Camden.

Tell me everything you know about a glass being stolen from The Varsity.

No, son, I asked you first.

Then I'm going to ask your sister, and I'm not kidding around.

The manager of The Varsity decided to press charges and Matt got arrested.

Matt didn't steal anything.

No, see, I know Matt didn't steal anything.

I said to tell me everything you know about it.

Dad, you're putting me on the spot.

I mean, Keesha, too.

Oh, I'm sorry about that.

You want to tell me everything you know?

All I know is I didn't take anything.

And I didn't either.

No, you both know more than that and so do I.

Every year, when they ask me to be the Chaplain at the athletic banquet, I notice that it looks like the diner catered it.

Matt's not playing basketball or football, is he?

So Matt didn't take the glass.

Mary took the glass.

Dad, you didn't tell Reverend Camden about this, did you?

No, but that doesn't mean I won't.

I don't know what I'm going to do yet.

Don't make any plans for the next three weekends.

You know, you two went along for the ride, knowing what was going to happen and thinking it would be real cool to be in on it.

You don't sit by and let a friend do something stupid, much less encourage them.

I think I'd better warn Matt.


Hey, man, I heard about the bad news.

How? I just got home.

Your dad called my dad.

My dad knows that Mary took the glass.

We didn't tell him.

My dad does the athletic banquet every year.

You know, he just put two and two together.

Did he tell my dad?

No, but I wouldn't put it past him-- I mean, he restricted us for three weeks just for being there.

I'm really sorry.

It's nothing compared to the trouble you're in.

I mean, I wish Keesha and I had just used better judgment.

Yeah, tell me about it.

You may want to talk to my dad while he's still deciding what to do.

Oh, you know, I don't know.

It's just a suggestion.

Well, I'll have to think about that one.

Well, I just wanted to let you know, you know, so you won't be all surprised.

No, I appreciate it. Thanks.

No problem.


I didn't mean to pry, but I saw the grade and normally I'd be very proud of you.


But if I'm not mistaken, you took this from one of Mary's old papers.

I remember because she compared the Salem trials to the McCarthy hearings.

I'm surprised Mrs. Penn didn't remember.

Yeah, me, too.

Sit down.

I think maybe you're taking on too much this year.

You have got to understand that cheerleading and Jimmy Moon come second to your education.

I kind of broke up with Jimmy because of the Dwight situation.



Why didn't you just tell Dwight that you want to be friends with him?

You do just want to be friends with Dwight, right?

Well, it's kind of nice that he likes me.

Do you think that's fair to Dwight or Jimmy?

No, but Dwight doesn't seem to mind.

Sure he minds.

Okay, I'll tell him.

You also have to tell Mrs. Penn that you copied Mary's paper.

Couldn't I just never do it again?

Fine. I'll tell her.

But could we leave Dad out of this one?

He's already on overload with Matt and everything.

I don't like to do that, but you're right, he's stretched to the limit right now.

So, just this one time.

I don't know how I got myself into this mess.

I'm so stressed out.

You know what I do when I feel stressed?

I prioritize what I need to do, and tackle one task at a time.

What could you possibly be stressed out about?

You think it's easy taking care of five kids, a house, a husband and three dogs?

Well, yeah.

No, I can't sing anymore.

I'm done, I'm finished, I'm kaput.

Fine, who needs you?

♪ Whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪

♪ Through the... ♪

♪ Hmm, hmm, hmm, fight. ♪ It's perilous fight.

What's perilous mean?

It means dangerous.

Why don't they just say that?

Because that's how they talked in the olden days.


I don't know why. I just want to get some sleep.

♪ Through the dangerous fight... ♪ You can't change the words.

It's our national anthem.

But nobody understands it.

It's not meant to be understood.

It's like... it's like... opera.

I understand Oprah.

I watch her on TV.

Can I help you?

Yeah, hi, I'm Eric Camden.

I'm Matt's father.

I'm not dropping the charges.

Just hear me out first.

Okay, but I'm not dropping the charges.

My son knows that he was wrong.

That's why he apologized.

Matt's learned his lesson.

That's not the problem.

The problem is the rest of those kids haven't learned anything.

I lose thousands of dollars every year.

If I raised the price of the food to cover the losses, I'd have no customers.

Kids shouldn't steal, and they should learn if they do, there are consequences.

If I let Matt off the hook, they'll think they can get away with anything.

This isn't about all those other kids.

They didn't come in here and apologize to you.

This is about my boy.

Matt tried to do the right thing and he's getting punished for it.

What kind of message is that?

It says there are consequences if you break the law.

That's a message I'd like to get out.

You got a problem with that?

Yeah, I do.

Isn't the law supposed to be about justice and mercy as well as punishment?

I guess we'll find that out tomorrow in court, won't we?

I guess so.

Even if the charges aren't dropped, the judge can't be too hard on him because Matt's never been in trouble before.

Never been in trouble before?

I can't believe you'd see it that way.

From where I'm looking, he's been getting into more and more trouble, only now he's just plummeted into the legal realm.

Do you want me to talk to this diner guy?

Forget it.

He's not going to change his mind.

And part of the reason why kids get such a rush out of taking his stuff is because Bob's such a jerk.

Oh well, as long as they have a good reason.

Look, I'd like to leave early for school.

There're some things I need to take care of.

Like what?

Well, if you have to know, I feel like I need to talk to somebody about everything that's happened.

Like a counselor or something.

Why can't you just talk to me?

Because it's you I need to talk about.

Look I just... want to talk to somebody who will be more objective.

Matt, I'm right here, I'm listening, talk to me.

I can't.

I mean you're always telling kids to talk to you when they can't talk to their parents.

Why can't I talk to somebody?

Okay, fine.

I'll take the other kids in, and... just be home right after school.

We have to be at the courthouse at 4:00.

I'm well aware.

I don't know where I went wrong.

Well, he's not talking to me either.

Yeah, but you two aren't having a problem.

Do you really think there's a teenage kid anywhere on this planet who's not having a problem with at least one of his parents?

Somewhere along the line, Matt and I got off track and it's like there's no getting back.

We have these little periods of time when everything's fine and then, bam!

Something goes wrong again.

It's always two steps forward, one step back with this kid.

Now he won't even argue with me.

He wants to talk to somebody else.

Well, don't worry.

Whatever's wrong, the mother usually gets blamed.

Maybe the counseling will help.

Yeah, maybe.

Hey, Matt.

Hi. Is Mrs. Hamilton home?

No, she's already left for school.

Did you want to talk to her?

No, actually, I wanted to talk to you alone.

Come on in.

You sure you shouldn't be talking to your father?

I can't.

I don't know if I'm going to be any easier.

Yeah, I know.

I just thought I'd give it a sh*t.

Okay, go.

Look, I just wanted to ask you not to tell my dad that Mary stole that glass.

You know, sooner or later the truth has a way of coming out.

Your dad might find it easier to hear it coming from you and Mary.

He might find it easier not knowing it at all.

Look you don't know my dad as a dad, you only know him as a friend.

Matt, the court issue is going to be resolved today, but you're stuck with your dad for the rest of your life.

Now maybe you should throw all the cards on the table, tell your dad what really happened.

Then tell him how you feel about getting blamed for it.

I... I can't.

Not until after the hearing.

But you will talk to him?

Yeah, I guess.

Yeah, yeah, I'll talk to him.

Okay, if you promise you'll make an effort to straighten things out with your dad, I'll see what I can do about making that court hearing go well for you.

Fine, I promise, but how are you going to do that?

I have a plan.

Whether it will work or not is another matter.

Does your dad know you were coming to talk to me?

No. Are you going to tell him?

No. You can tell him... when you tell him everything else.

I have a confession to make.

I took Mary's old paper and I paraphrased it.

I deserve an "F" instead of a B-plus.

I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.

I'm prioritizing my life and this class is at the top of my list.


How refreshing.

I'm very proud of you, Lucy.

Now, you could take an "F" for plagiarizing or you could go home tonight and write another paper, hand it in tomorrow.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you!

Okay, here's how it is.

Jimmy, I like you as a boyfriend.

And, Dwight, I like you as a friend.

Deal with it.

Why aren't you at cheerleading practice?

I told them I had family obligations.

I'm going to court to support Matt.

Look, I think it's best if Mary and Lucy stay home.

I'm not staying home.

I thought you would baby-sit Simon and Ruthie?

Mom, I want to be there with Matt. Please.

I do, too.

Maybe it would be good for you to be there.

This really isn't necessary.

I know, but I'll see if Mrs. Romero can baby-sit.

Wait. Shouldn't me and Ruthie be there?

Well, I think you're a little too young.

Come on, let's go call Mrs. Romero.

Wait, listen.

When we go to court, keep your mouth shut, and let me handle this.

Fine, but after court, I'm telling Mom and Dad.

'Cause I can't take this anymore.

No, no I'm going to be the one to tell Dad.

You can talk to him and Mom afterwards.

What if they send you to jail?

Well, then I guess I don't have to talk to Dad for a long time.

Matt, this isn't funny.

Yeah, I know.

I just can't wait until it's over.

Are mother and father present?

This is the third time you've been caught...

Dad, can't this wait?

I'm sweating b*ll*ts here.

Yeah, I know you must be.

I just, I just want you to know I'm on your side.

No matter how much trouble you get into, I'll still your father, and I care about you more than you seem to know.

Then how come I never feel that way?

I always feel like you're waiting to yell at me, just waiting to bust me on something.

I'm really not as bad as you think I am.

I don't think you're bad.

I think you sometime exercise bad judgment.

There's a big difference.

It doesn't feel any different.

It feels like you've been mad at me my whole life.


That's the same way I feel about my dad.

He's always telling me what I should do differently, what I should have done differently, what he would do in the same situation.

I never realized I was doing the same thing.

I'm much better at talking than listening when it comes to you.

I know I screw up a lot, but sometimes you yell at me even when it's not my fault and I feel like I can't defend myself without making you madder.

Okay, I hear you.

But I just hope you realize that whenever I'm angry with you... your fault, my fault, nobody's fault... it doesn't mean I don't love you, okay?

Look, Dad, when this is all over, there's something I have to tell you, and you're really going to be mad at me, but look, I'll keep in mind.... you know, what you said.

Is there anything that I could have said that would make you want to tell me whatever it is now?


Okay. Just so I know.

What are you doing?

I'm making a present for Daddy.

It's a flag.

You think he'll like it?

Sure, but I thought you wanted a flag so you could sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" and you don't know "The Star-Spangled Banner."

I could teach it to you, Ruthie.

No, you don't understand.

I've been trying to teach her for a week.

She just doesn't get it.

Hmm, do you two know the story of how the song was written?

No. No. When'd you learn it?

When I studied to become a citizen.

Was it hard?

Yes, it was hard.

Do you want me to tell you the story?

Is it long?

No, Simon.

A man named Francis Scott Key wrote the song.

He was a lawyer and he liked to write verses, but he didn't do that for a living.

It was just a hobby.

Mr. Key was on a ship and saw the British attacking Ft. McHenry in the Baltimore harbor.

It was night.

And in the morning, he saw that the American flag was still waving.

Oh, you mean by the dawn's early light?


Matt Camden.

Are mother and father present?

Yes, we're both present.

Please, come forward.

Is this the first time you've stolen something or the first time you've gotten caught?

This is the first time he's stolen anything and he returned it and he apologized.

Oh, I see, it's the Reverend Camden.

This is my courtroom, not your church.

I'm sorry.

But as long as you feel like talking, maybe you can explain how your son came to be such a bad example to the community.


I can't let you do this.

I stole it.

I took the glass.

And you are?

Matt's sister, Mary Camden.

I took the glass to take to the athletic banquet.

It's sort of an initiation.

Matt was just covering for me, but I can't let him do it.

I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

Were either of you aware of this?


Hey, arrest them!

That's all my stuff!

Well, we haven't seen this before.

Please, approach the bench.

All right, coming through.

Gangway, coming through, coming through.

Your Honor, they're all a bunch of little thieves.

I'm pressing charges. I want them all in jail.

Could I say something, Your Honor?

Oh, this time you're asking first.

I like that. Be my guest.

Do, do you need any help at The Varsity?

Because I just have a feeling there's a bunch of kids I might be able to get to volunteer to come over and scrub the place down, clean the parking lot, pick up trash, if maybe you'd be willing to drop the charges.

I'm not willing to drop the charges.

Do you want your things back, Mr. Ryland, or should we just hold them in evidence until we get around to trying all these young men and women who volunteered to step forward and do the right thing?

Fine. I'll drop the charges.

But I want my stuff back.

And you shall have it.

Okay, all of you, hand over the merchandise and sign up with the Court Clerk so the Reverend knows how many volunteers he has.

And then I never want to see any of you in my courtroom again.

Court adjourned.


Thanks, everyone, thank you!

Don't thank us.

We're the ones that got you in trouble. Sorry.

Is this what you were going to tell me about?

Matt, I'm sorry.

I jumped to the wrong conclusion.

No wonder you were so angry.

I... I...

It's, it's okay, Dad.

I love you, too.

Oh, Dad, there's something else you should know.

Oh, boy.

Um, it was Reverend Hamilton who I talked to this morning.

I hope you don't mind.

If you were going to talk to somebody, he'd be first on my list.

Well, come on.

We better sign in.

I don't know how to thank you.

Are you kidding?

I owe you a few favors.

You're quite the miracle worker.

It wasn't that hard.

I just went to the school and talked to a couple of the coaches.

No, the miracle is that Matt and I actually had a conversation that could change the way we relate to each other.

Good conversation today, bad conversation tomorrow.

You know how that goes.

Yeah, but let me at least hang onto my dream for an hour or two.

Mom, should we tell Dad about the paper?

I'm rewriting it and everything, but still it was wrong.

I think we've heard all the confessions we can take today, Luce.

So why don't you volunteer to clean the diner when Matt and Mary go down there?

I'll be there.

You know, I'm proud of Matt for being such a good brother, and of Mary for being honest under some very frightening circumstances.

Could you do me a favor?


I'm new at this sort of thing.

Can I be the one to tell them how proud of them we are?


Oh, so they didn't send you to jail.

Nope. Me, neither.

You wouldn't believe it. It was great.

First, they called Matt up, and then Mary confessed to taking the glass and then...

Look, I know how happy you were to be included, but can't this wait?

Me and Ruthie got a surprise for you guys.

Simon, I don't know if I can honestly take another surprise today.

Oh, sure you can.

Come on.

Come on, guys.

Look, I know you're supposed to stand, but to get the full effect, you have to sit over there on the couch.



Hit it, sister!

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