02x00 - Special - Cast Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Andi Mack". Aired: March 10, 2017 - July 26, 2019.*
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Life goes from normal to a roller-coaster ride overnight for artistic teenager Andi on the eve of her 13th birthday.
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02x00 - Special - Cast Party

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on Disney Channel Cast Party"

we're hanging with the cast
of "Andi Mack"

for amazing interviews,
super fun games and challenges,

surprise guests, an unforgettable
musical performance,

and so many baby taters.

Oh, my God!

Hey, everybody!

The party of the year is finally here.

I'm Lilan, your host,

and welcome to the first ever
"Disney Channel Cast Party"

with the cast of "Andi Mack."

Let's welcome out Joshua Rush.

We've got Sofia Wylie!

Asher Angel.

And Peyton Lee!


All right, guys, Who's ready to party?


What do you guys think of the set, huh?

- This is awesome.
- This is so cool!

What does it remind you of?

- The Andi Shack.
- Yeah? Yeah.

The Andi Mansion. That's it.

- Andi Mansion.
- Yeah, that's it.

- The big house.
- And the Andi Macksion.

- Ooh.
- Wow.

Guys, I have some questions
that I want to ask you...


And all of our activities
today are in a special box

that you might recognize.

The memory box.

The iconic box.

But instead of my ex-boyfriends,

I have some questions
from my friends here.

So let's get started.

Okay, who's got a favorite scene
that they shot and why?

Oh, goodness, I think we could
all say the whole entire season

- because we love it so much.
- It's so much fun.

I know, for me, I really liked sh**ting,
like, the ice cream fight with Bowie.

- Oh, I loved that.
- That was, like, so much fun.

- Oh, my gosh, yes.
- And the cookie fight.

Oh, my gosh, the cookie fight!

- That was amazing.
- That was fun.

That was awesome.

I wish I could have been a
part of the cookie fight.

You guys were all there
at cookie fight day, right?

- Yeah.
- Did you guys just get covered?

- Yeah, we got head to toe.
- Yeah, pretty much.

And then we had, like,
cookie in our hair and stuff,

- and we had to go to lunch.
- Yeah.

But they couldn't, like, take it off
because we had to come back and sh**t,

so we were, like, eating lunch
with, like, cookie all over...

People were still eating
cookies off the ground.

I had it in my hair.
It was great.

I just really wanted to,
like, you know, lick myself.

But then I was, like, ooh, that
might not look good in the public.

Josh, I heard had nicknames
for everyone.

- Oh, he has nicknames.
- Oh, no.

'Cause I don't know my nickname.

Okay, wait, so who's
everybody's nickname?

Okay, so Asher's Ashy Boy.

Ashy Boy, that's cute.

Peyton is Pepe, which then got shortened

or lengthened, really, into Pepperoni.

- Pepperoni.
- Don't know how that happened.

I think you were hungry
when you made that one, yeah.

I may well have been.

- I'm J Rizzle.
- Yeah.

- Ya Boy J Rizzle.
- Ya Boy J Rizzle.

- Sofie Sopherson.
- He has so many for me.

- Soferino.
- Sofifi.

- Sofifi?
- Yeah. I'm just everything.

I just... I just turn around
to every name.

Tell me who's the prankster on set.

It's a little bit of all of us.

- Yeah.
- Sofia and Josh.

It could be a toss-up between us two.

You like to do everyone. I just like...

I just get on Josh and I scare him.

I get, like, behind a little corner

- and I always get him.
- All the time. All the time.

- I have so many videos.
- There's a video out there...

- There's many videos.
- of her just scaring me a million times.

I took one on my phone one day,

and it's so cute.
You see, like, Sofia hiding,

and then Josh is just walking
along, da-da-da,

and she jumps out, rawr!
Josh goes, "Ahh!"


All right, are you guys ready
for our first game of the night?

- Oh, boy.
- Let's do it!

- Whoo!
- Oh, boy.

Now it's time to see how well
you guys know your own show.

- Uh-oh.
- Yeah, the pressure is on.

We're gonna play a game called...

Mack or Whack

- Whackadactyl.
- Whackadactyl.

- Double whacker...
- With cheese.

Whack to the future.

And Shark-a-whack.

Some things written
on these cards are true,

and some things are very not true.

- Okay.
- I'm gonna read them out loud.

If it's true, then you say "Mack."

But if it's not true, you say "whack,"

and you tell us
what the real thing is, right?

All right, so everybody
look under your seats.

- Oh!
- Ooh.

You should have...

- Okay, Sofia, you're up first.
- Okay.


Oh, uh, no. No, whack.

Whack, and what is it?

It's the Renaissance Boys.

Ah, yeah!

That was right.

Peyton, "Buffy's new nickname for Marty

is also his track record time
she pledges to beat: . ."

Mack or whack?

Come on! You can...

- Mack?
- It's Mack!



The name of the librarian-themed
horror movie

Andi watches with Bex is...

"Returned Books of the Cursed."

Mack or whack?

- I know the answer.

Do you remember what it is, Peyton?

- It's called...
- "Shh!"

Oh, we just all spit so much.

Since I gave the last one to Asher,
I'm gonna give this one to Josh.

Oh, boy.

Oh, boy.

Okay, how am I supposed to know that?

If you got this right,
you'll get all the...

I know what it is.

- Do I get a hint?
- No. Mack or whack?


Okay, I've got, like, a /
chance of getting this right.

It's this one. It's whack.

It is whack.


Wait, wait. What color is it?

- What color was it?
- What color is it?

I'll give you a hint, fluorescent green.

- It's fluorescent green.
- Yeah!

We'll be right back with
a Mackpack design challenge.

We're back, and we're
teaming up with our fans

for the Mackpack design challenge.

All right, guys,

we need four volunteers
for this challenge.

Let's see. You, miss.

You're gonna be Team Buffy.

Oh, yeah!

You, sir, you're gonna be Team Cyrus.


You're gonna be Team Andi!

Whoo! Nice to meet you. Are you excited?

Ooh, you, miss,
you're gonna be Team Jonah!

On your tables are a backpack
and bedazzling items.

We want you to work together as a team,

but you're not gonna have all day.

- I will be timing you.
- Uh-oh.

- No.
- Everybody ready?

- No.
- Great.

Your time to turn a boring backpack

into an awesome Mackpack starts now!

Let's hear it for these guys, guys!

I want to see cool designs.

I want to see creativity,
inspiration, joy.

Sofia, are you competitive as Buffy is

- in the show right now?
- Oh, you know it.

Ooh. We got a nature theme going on.

We got birds and flowers.

Backpacks, Mackpacks, no whackpacks.

Hey, Team Jonah, ooh,
are you spelling words on this?

- Yeah.
- All right,

give us a clue on what
the word you're spelling is.

Andi, yeah.

- The clue is Andi.
- The clue is Andi.

It might also be the word.

We've got glitter to the wazoo.

To the who?

Wazoo. It's like a magical place where
Mackpacks live and play and breathe.

Mackpack! Mackpack!

Andi! Andi! Andi!

We only have ten seconds left.

Oh, keep it going.

Seven, six, five, four,

Three, two, one!

Mackpack down!

All right, y'all, I'm gonna hold
up each of these Mackpacks.

Now, whichever one of these teams gets
the loudest applause is the winner.

How does that sound?

Let's give it up for Team Buffy!

Okay, how about Team Cyrus?


- Whoo!
- All right, going over to Team Andi!

They won.

And last, but not least, Team Jonah!

I think the winning team based
on the audience cheering is...

Team... Team Andi!

Congratulations, you guys.

You all did such an amazing job.

Guys, that was so much fun
with those Mackpacks.

So, as we learned earlier, Josh throws
out some pretty cool nicknames.

And this next guest might just
have the best nickname yet.

Let's welcome our first surprise guest,

Emily Skinner!

Who wants a T-shirt?
Who wants a T-shirt?

- Good job, Emily.
- Hey, guys!

Well, as we all know, Emily plays
Amber on the TV show, right?

And she was recently nicknamed
the Snorpion.


Half snake, half
scorpion, all mean girl.


You know, I've heard some people say
or wonder if you're really like Amber.

- Are you really like Amber?
- Well...

Amber and I are very different.

I... I don't abandon people
at the top of ferris wheels.


But, you know, we share some
of the same insecurities...

- Are we sure?
- Like most teenage girls do.

Except that when you're insecure,

you just think about it
and then become a...

I don't take it out
on other people, you know?


I want to know, is it
hard to play this character

that crosses over
to the dark side a lot?

Yeah, I mean, it's definitely
been a challenge for me

because it's not really like
anything I've played before.


Yeah, I mean, I've
played some, you know,

bratty mean girls, but I feel like
she's so much more than that.

She has so many layers, and
it's cool to play a character

- that has so much behind her.
- Whoo!

I know that sometimes you and Peyton

go out together and you guys
are recognized in public.

What's that experience like?
I'm curious.

It's so hard for me because
so many people are like,

"Oh, we want to take
a picture with you!"

And then they look at Emily
and they're like, "Oh..."

They're like, "Oh, um...


And I'm like, "I promise
you she's really nice!"

They'll walk up,
they'll be like "Hi, Andi!"

And they'll be like, "Hi, Amber..."

And they'll kinda, like,
walk away, and I'm like, "Hi."

All right, guys, you knew it was coming.

- Oh, boy.
- And now it's here.

It's time for some big
time fun with baby taters!

Taters! Taters! Taters!

Taters! Taters! Taters! Taters! Taters!

Okay, guys, so everyone here
knows how baby taters

- are a huge thing on the show.
- Oh, yeah.

And dipping those baby taters
in interesting sauces,

chocolate milkshake, am I right, Sofia?

- Oh, yeah. Highlight of my life!
- Yeah!

Well, now we're gonna find out
who is the baby tater champion.

It's time for...

Over here, we have...


And on this side, we have...
we're gonna call 'em...

Everybody put on your eye masks.

- Wish us luck.
- Trust me.

Guys, give your heads a little shake
just so we can see those eyeballs.

Pretty good.

Bring out the sauces!


- Stop it!
- I'm so scared.

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!

Oh, God, please don't be soy sauce.

Okay, no one can see anything.
It's all a big, big secret.

- Oh, it smells.
- Oh, gross.

- It smells so bad.
- Smells so bad.

All right, you'll each
take a tater, swirl it around,

slop all that super yummy...

mystery sauce, take a bite,

and guess what the sauce is.

Each table has their own unique sauce,

so you guys can't cheat off each other.
Does it make sense?

- Oh, man.
- When a table guesses correctly,

they get a point.

Let's begin!
We're gonna take that baby tater

and dip in the first sauce.

- Make sure you get it...
- Ahh! I lost it!

- Ahh!
- I got it! I got it!

- Chomping, chomping!
- I got it.

- So think about your guesses.
- Oh, it's so sticky!

- I'm about to throw up.
- Oh!

Okay, so we'll do Team Pasher first.

- What?
- Cream cheese.

Cream cheese. What do you think, Peyton?

- Spicy cream cheese.
- Spicy cream cheese.

- Peyton? Okay.
- Is it yogurt?

Spicy cream cheese and yogurt.
I'm not telling you yet.

- Can I put this here?
- Okay, what we got over there, you guys?

- You guys got this.
- This is guac. This is easy.

- Guacamole for sure.
- All right, that's a point for Team Emosh.

All right, ready
for number two, you guys?

Here we go. Dip, yum, yum.

Take a bite.


All right, let's go
with Team Emosh first.

- What do you think your guys' is?
- What is it, bro?

- Oh, it's disgusting, whatever it is.
- I don't know.

- I honestly have no idea.
- Broccoli puree?

Broccoli puree. What do
we think your guys' is?

- Vanilla?
- That's a point for Pasher!

- You're welcome!
- Next tater! Next tater!

- Next tater, dip, swirl it.
- Ew! Sick!

- I'm not doing this.
- Yes, you are. Yes, you are.

- Yes!
- Oh, my God!

- I won't eat it!
- Get it in there, Josh.

- Why is it fishy?
- Mine's fishy, too!

- I can't, I can't, I can't.
- Oh, my God!

- Oh, there's a spit bucket.
- I mean, I can't!

- Oh, my God!
- I just had some barf come up.

- What do we think?
- It's sardines.

Sardines. We'd also like
to guess sardines.

That's a point for Emosh!

- Next answer.
- Yours was anchovy paste.

- Ew!
- Oh, my God!

The first ever winner

of "Disney Channel Cast Party's"

first Baby Tater Topping Taste-Off

is... Team Emosh!

Yes, my baby!

Sofia, what are you doing? Give them
back their trophy. They earned it.

Let's hear it for the blue team!


We'll be right back
with another surprise guest

and a special musical performance.

Welcome back to the
"Disney Channel Cast Party."

All right, everybody!

Okay, guys, we got something
super special...

Pizza delivery.

Pizza? Who ordered pizza?

We're still full from the taters.

Oh, my goodness, you
guys, it's Trent Garrett,

who plays Bowie, Andi's dad,
and he's brought pizza!

I want pizza!

- Hey!
- Hey.


Will you?


- Say something!
- Anything, anything.

Share this pizza slice with me?

- Whoo!
- Yes, I will!


- So good.
- It's a Disney Channel Cast Party with us.

Now it's time to play...

Asher, "Who, if they could
trade places with anyone,

would pick their cat because,
'it would be super interesting

to see all the things, you know, but
through a cat's point of view'?"

- Peyton.
- Who?

- Peyton.
- Peyton!

The "you know." It was the "you know."

- Josh...
- Oh, boy.

Which cast member said

that if they had a chance
to be any other character

from the show, they'd want
to be you, Cyrus?

I think it's you, Trent.

You're right!

He winked at me!

- Yeah.
- You cheater.

Sofia, whose most
embarrassing moment

came in second grade

when they tore their pants

and spent the whole recess
hiding behind a trash can?

Oh, my gosh.

Asher? Is this you?

It's the only one
who's giggling over here.

It's Asher!

Oh, my gosh, so funny.


- Okay, this is easy.
- Oh, this is easy.

I think he's the only person
who said "ambient."

- Who is it?
- Josh.

It's Josh!

It's actually... I'd like to set
the record straight.

It is hours and minutes.

Oh, my goodness. That's so much
classical and ambient music.

I have listened
to the entire thing twice.

Last question for the cast...

Oh, I do.

Oh, do you?

No, I think we all know
the answer to his one.

- Ready?
- One, two, three.


- Whoo!
- Asher...

would you want to sing the "Andi
Mack" theme song for us...

- Yeah.
- ...here, right now?

Yeah, sure.

You guys ready?

- Yeah!
- Let's do it.

Sing it!

Second verse, here we go.

Thank you guys so, so, so much.

I love you guys, but I think...

I really think we can
bring this up a notch.

- ♪ Here we go ♪
- You guys get up and dance, too!

I had so much fun hanging
with the best cast around,

and I hope that you guys
had an amazing time, too.

Thank you so much
to all the amazing friends

everywhere for helping us throw

the most awesome Disney Channel
cast party ever!

♪ Here we go again ♪
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