01x07 - Hall Monitor/Jellyfish Jam

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SpongeBob SquarePants". Aired: May 1, 1999 - present.*
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A square yellow sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, in the city of Bikini Bottom on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.
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01x07 - Hall Monitor/Jellyfish Jam

Post by bunniefuu »

Are you ready, kids?

aye, aye, captain!

I can't hear you.

( Louder ):
aye, aye, captain!

♪ Oh... ♪

♪ Who lives in a pineapple
under the sea? ♪

♪ Spongebob squarepants! ♪

♪ Absorbent and yellow
and porous is he. ♪

♪ Spongebob squarepants! ♪

♪ If nautical nonsense be
something you wish... ♪

♪ Spongebob square pants! ♪

♪ Then drop on the deck
and flop like a fish. ♪

♪ Spongebob squarepants! ♪

♪ Ready?
Spongebob squarepants! ♪

♪ Spongebob squarepants! ♪

♪ Spongebob squarepants! ♪

♪ Spongebob squarepants! ♪

( Laughs heartily )

( plays airy tune )

And nickelodeon]

Mrs. Puff's boating school

Where diligent students learn
the rules of the road.

Mrs. Puff:

Put down your books

Because it's time to pick out
the hall monitor of the day!

Let's see here.

This week's hall monitor
will be...

Bart, jimmy, no, no

Tina, ralph, hmm... ( Gasps )

( In quaking voice ):

( Chair squeaks )

It's jimmy.

Jimmy's the hall monitor.

Mrs. Puff, I've done it already.

( Chair squeaks )

Oh-- phil?

No way,
mrs. Puff.

Uh, tina--
you're the hall monitor.

Hey, I've done it
three times already.

( Chair squeaks )


she graduated.

Henry! ( Squeak )

Vera! ( Squeak )


( Chair squeaking
repeatedly )

( Sighs )

All right, I guess
I have no choice.

( Gulps )

The hall monitor of the day

Oh... Spongebob.


Hall monitor spongebob

for duty, ma'am.

I'm ready
to assume my position

In the hall.

I will protect all
that are weak... In the hall.

All rules will be enforced...
In the hall.


Just take the hat and belt.

I can't accept
that yet, ma'am.

I have to make my speech.

You can't make this easy,
can you?


Who am I to deserve
such a great honor?

Why, I would
be nothing

Without mrs. Puff.

Give me a break.

And to my public

All I can say is I'm touched.

And furthermore

I will carry
out my duties...

Crime and punishment,
punishment and crime

In the hall.

Which reminds me
of an extremely
long speech

Written by the
greatest hall monitor

Of all time.

"Friends, students,
juvenile delinquents

Lend me your ears."

( Snoring )

In conclusion
and without a moment to spare

I will put on this uniform
and assume my duties as...

Hall monitor!

Wish me luck, mrs. Puff.

Oh, and I will be...

( Bell dings )

Spongebob, are you okay?

I overdid the speech again,
didn't i?

I'm afraid so.

Aw, tartar sauce!

I guess I won't be needing this.

I hardly knew ye.

Uh... Spongebob?

Yes, mrs. Puff?

I can at least let you
wear it until tomorrow.


Thanks, mrs. Puff.

What are the consequences
of what I've just done?

( Shudders )

( Sighs )

( Humming )... Hall

( Humming )... Monitor.

( Humming )

( Horns honking )

Broken traffic light.

Who's to say
my monitor duties should end

Just because the bell rang?

I can be helpful anywhere.

This looks like a job
for the hall monitor!

( Blows whistle )

( Blowing whistle rhythmically )

What would this town do
without you, spongebob?

my legs!

My legs!

♪ On patrol ♪

♪ I'm on patrol... ♪

Uh-oh, an open window.

More seaweed medley,

The fools.

They've left themselves
susceptible to danger.

I must show them
the error of their ways

Through example.

( Spongebob screams )

I'm the open window maniac!

( Both screaming )

I hope you learned
a valuable lesson!

♪ On patrol ♪

♪ I'm on patrol ♪

♪ I'm on patrol... ♪

( Gasps )


Another crime.

( Smacking his lips )

Hmm... Strawberry.

I must act.




My ice cream-- it's alive!

( Screams )

Patrick, down here.

Oh, spongebob, it's you.

Patrick, come down here.



I'm down here.

You look funny.

Hi, spongebob.

That's "hall monitor"
to you.

Sorry, officer.

Sorry's not good enough,

You've just
committed a crime

And I'm taking you in.

What crime?

I'm a bad person.

( Sobbing )

Newspaper boy
( in high voice ):
extra! Extra!

Maniac strikes
bikini bottom!

City paralyzed with fear!

( In gruff voice ):
tell your friends.

Arm yourselves
with knowledge.

Extra! Extra...

Hmm... "Maniac...
Bikini bottom...

Car wrecks... Break-in."

Who better to bring
this maniac to justice

Than me...
The hall monitor!

But I can't handle
this case alone.

are you ready

To give up
your life of crime?

I want to be good!

Hmm... Now you just need
a symbol of authority.


It is our duty
to catch this maniac

And bring him to justice.

But how to proceed?

Listen, deputy,
you're an ex-criminal--

What would you do?


I'd get an ice cream.

( Both licking loudly )

Okay, now what?


This isn't working.

We've got to do
something else.

Something with...

( Squeals )

And now duty calls.

All right, deputy,
I'll go that way

You go some
different way.


( Imitates police siren )

( Police siren approaching )

( Tires squeal )

Afternoon, son.

Hello, brothers.

Son, we're looking
for the maniac.

Have you seen this man?

( Screams )

It's the maniac!

Take him away,
take him away.

Calm down, son,
it's just a drawing

Not the real thing.

Now we're
going to show you

This picture again
and you'll tell us

If you've seen
this guy, understand?

Yeah, uh-huh.


( Screams )


( Screams again )

( Stops and starts
screaming repeatedly )

Stay indoors, son.

And take that cone
off your head.

( Both chuckle )


Come in, spongebob.


Spongebob here, patrick.


I don't want to be
a policeman anymore.

I'm scared.

Get a hold of yourself, deputy.

( Patrick sobbing )

I want to go home!

Poor rookie.

All right, I'm on my way back.

Hurry, spongebob.

I think it's getting...


Just put on your siren,
I'll be right there.

( Imitating weak siren )

( Imitating loud siren )

Spongebob, I see him.

Where is he, patrick?

At the intersection
of conch and coral.

that's where I am.

He's right on top of me,
but I can't see him.

What's he doing?

Uh... He's just
standing there...


Get out of there, spongebob!


That's his maniac shriek.

He's going to attack.

( Whining and sobbing )

He's acting all crazy.


Hide behind that building.

No, he's behind that building.

Quick, hide behind
that street sign.

No, wait!

The maniac just went
behind that sign.

Quick, get under
the street light.

No! Wait!

He's there, too!

Run for your life!

( Screaming )

( Sighs )

( Muffled radio transmission )

Say again, deputy?

The maniac's in the mailbox.

( Screams )

( Screaming and babbling )

Huh-- this guy's not
half-bad-looking for a maniac.

Wait a minute, patrick.

I'm the maniac.

( Patrick screams )

( Sirens wail )

We'll take that as a confession.

Spongebob squarepants,
there you are!

I turn my back on you
for one minute

And you destroy
half the city!

You should be ashamed
of yourself.

You know
this guy?

Of course I do.

I'm the one who gave him
the uniform in the first place.

He's my responsibility.


Mrs. Puff:
and in conclusion, students

Red means stop,
green means go.

And spongebob...

Yes, mrs. Puff?

I'd like to see you
after class

Six months from now.

( Door slams )

Ah, jellyfish fields.

Here we find spongebob
once again

Stalking the wild jellyfish.


Hello? Spongebob?

Hmm-- he's supposed
to be here somewhere.


( Jellyfish buzzing like a bee )

Safety first.


I finally got you.

( Splatting )

( Jellyfish moos )

( Buzzing )

( With french accent ):
ah, there is nothing better
than the taste

Of natural jelly
from a jellyfish.

See you later!

Oh... Oh, my glasses.

Thanks, little guy.


I can't play anymore, jellyfish.

I got to get home.

No, you can't come home with me.

( Steps squeaking
like spongebob's )

you've got to stay here.

( Buzzing )




( Jellyfish giggling )

Jellyfish, for the last time,
you cannot come home with me!

Aw, what the heck.

Squidward, hey, squidward!



Squidward, look at my new pet.

That's no pet,
that's a wild animal.

No, he isn't.

Watch this.


How many fingers
am I holding up?

( Hums deeply
three times )

Play dead.

( Bell tolls )

I wouldn't let that thing
in my house

Even if it was potty-trained.

( Humming casually )

I didn't need to see that.

Well, we're going
to my house

To have a little fun.

How can you possibly have fun
with a jellyfish?!

( Techno music
with heavy bass playing )

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

( Techno music
continues blasting )

Spongebob is the only guy I know

That can have fun
with a jellyfish...

For 12 hours!

Ugh... Wow!

You sure like to dance.

Well, that's enough for tonight.

It's time to go to bed.

( Jellyfish buzzing )

( Music blasting )


You've got it all wrong,
little fellow.

( Music starts again )


Repeat after me, "bed."

( Buzzing )

We'll just keep you right here.

( Meows )

Quit worrying, gary.

He'll be just fine.

Good night, everybody.

( Snoring )

( Droning loudly )

( Snoring )

( Meows )

( Buzzing gibberish )

( Meows )

( Giggling )

( Meows )

( Rooster crows )

Mmm... Good morning, gary.

Good morning, jellyfish.



Here, jellyfish!

Oh, jelly!

( Meows wetly )

Oh, jellyf...

( Yelling )

( Techno music playing )

Where'd you all come from?

Okay, that's it.

Party is over!

You guys have overstayed
your welcome.

This music is way too loud.

( Screams )

Very funny.

I'm serious.

( Rumbling and crackling )

( Grumbling )

18 Hours!

I'm going to give that
spongebob a piece of my mind.

( Phone ringing )

( Garbled ):

listen to me

You square-headed
as*ault on my ears.

I've had enough of this!


Two can play at this.

( Inhales deeply )

Come on, guys

Enough is enough.


( Clarinet playing squeaky
version of "row your boat" )

( Screams )

Hey, take it easy! Ow!

Okay, I'll talk to him.

would it be possible

To play your clarinet
a little... Better?

I don't think
the jellyfish like it.

The jellyfish don't like...

Wha... Why sure, pal,
I can play better.

Okay, he said he'll play better.

( Squidward inhales deeply )

( Playing loud, blaring note )

Uh-oh, that's not better.

Hey, take it easy with that!

( Playing gurgly rendition
of "row, row, row your boat" )

( Clarinet squeaks )

uh, wait--
I can turn it down.

( Squidward yelling,
electricity crackling )

( Knock at door )

Everybody's a critic.

You won't be hearing
from me anymore.

Hey, now, that wasn't nice.

( Boat horn blows )

Okay, that is it!

Everybody out!

( Groaning )

( Groaning again )

( Music stops )

( Gulps )

( Buzzing )

Uh, wait... Hold on.

Uh, wait.

Ow, ow...

Ow, ow, ow...

( Yelling )

( Electricity crackling )

( Yelling )

Come on, gary.

( Deep rumbling )

Gary, you were right.

Thanks for not rubbing it in.

( Buzzing loudly )

( Teeth chattering )

( Clicking )


They stopped?

( Clicking )

Gary, don't stop shaking it!

( Jellyfish humming peacefully )

( Gurgling in tempo )

( Rattling in tempo )

( Clicking in tempo )

( Playing bass riff )

( Singing )

( Slide guitar playing )

( Trumpets join in )

( Clicking )

( Everybody strumming,
clicking, rattling or singing )

Today spongebob has learned one
of the sea's harshest lessons--

Wild animals can throw
very wild parties.

( Screeching with pain )

Ooh, I felt that.
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