01x11 - Eve

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The X-Files". Aired September 1993 - March 2018.*
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Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
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01x11 - Eve

Post by bunniefuu »

What's she doing there by herself?



You're freezing. Where's your jacket?

Where's your daddy?

In the yard. He told me he needed some time to himself.

I'd say his time's up.

Come on, honey, I'm sure he wouldn't want you to catch cold.


Hey, Joel, the swing set's supposed to be for your daughter, not you!

I'll call 911.


Death by hypovolemia.

75% blood loss.

That's over four liters of blood.

You could say the man was running on empty.

The man's daughter, eight years old,...

..was away from his side for no more than 10 minutes.

She doesn't remember anything.

There was no trace evidence.

It would've been washed away by yesterday's rain.

There were two puncture wounds in the jugular.

Are you familiar with the phenomenon of cattle mutilations?


Since 1967,...

..over 34 states have reported unsolved cases of cattle mutilation.

The trace evidence is remarkably similar.

Incision marks of surgical precision.

The area around the mouth and often the sexual organs has been removed.

There's substantial blood loss...

..with no blood at the scene.

How can that be? Exsanguination.

If you stuck a needle in the jugular, the heart itself would act as a pump.

These animals had their jugulars punctured...

..in the same way as the man from Connecticut.

It's the first time I've ever seen it on a human.

There was no sign of a struggle.

How can a man sit through a blood-letting?

The ME found digitalis,...

..a South American plant that can be used as a paralytic drug.

These X-Files indicate this is a UFO-related phenomenon.

Often there are sightings nearby, surface burns.

Witnesses report time loss, as in abduction cases.

That might explain why the girl remembers nothing.

Why would aliens travel light years to Earth...

..in order to play doctor on cattle?

For the same reason we cut up frogs and monkeys.


..they seem to have stepped up their interest.

Her mother passed away from ovarian cancer two years ago.

There's no other family.

We'll keep Tina here until we can place her with a foster family.

Has she spoken about it? No, not a word.

Any nightmares? No. At least not that I know of.

Can we talk to her now? Yes.


..these are the people we talked about.

This is Miss Scully and Mr Mulder. Do you think you can talk to them?



I know you must be feeling very sad right now.

And scared.

But we wanna find out what happened so we can help stop...

..whoever hurt your daddy, OK?


Did you ever see any strangers with your daddy at home?

Did you ever see anyone yell at your daddy...

..or your daddy yell at them?


Can you think of anyone who might wanna hurt him?


That's a nice bunny, Tina.

Can we talk about what happened that day?

About what happened in the back yard. Yeah?

Do you remember any strange sounds or lights...

..or anything like that?

There was red lightning.

Can you tell me more about the red lightning?

I can't remember.

It... all went dark.

Have you ever seen anything like that before?

You have? When?

The men from the clouds - they were after my dad.


Where? Why were these men after your dad?

They wanted to exsanguinate him.

Thanks. Mulder.


There's been another one.

It's like looking at a mirror image.

"The victim, Doug Reardon, was married with one daughter."

"Cause of death - hypovolemia."

Mulder, this is uncanny.

They also found traces of the poison digitalis.

Puncture wound? Uh... yes.

On the jugular.

Time of death was estimated at 2.30 p.m.

The same day, only three hours earlier than the Simmons m*rder.

That's Pacific Standard Time. That makes it the exact same moment.

It appears we've two serial K*llers working in tandem.

No, serial K*llers rarely work in pairs.

When they do, they k*ll together, not separately.

Nothing beyond your leading questions to Tina...

..substantiates a UFO mutilation theory.

Was Reardon's daughter here when he was m*rder*d?


The police report states that she remembers nothing.

Uh, she's with her mother and family in Sacramento.

When will they be back? Um... tomorrow.

Even money she'll remember red lightning.





She was kidnapped from the Social Services home at 11 p.m. last night.

Looks like someone was afraid she might remember too much.

Someone or something, Scully.

Connecticut state troopers set up roadblocks within half an hour.


Maybe they weren't looking in the right direction!

I told them to contact us in case they find her.



Wh-What's your name?

Cindy Reardon.

Do you live here, Cindy?

Ever since I was born - eight years ago.


This is the ceremonial signing...

Cindy really is a beautiful little girl, Mrs Reardon.

Doug and I wanted to spoil her.

We wanted to protect her from everything horrible in the world.

She was daddy's little girl. Is she an only child?

May I ask... was Cindy adopted?


I gave birth to her...

..at San Rafael General.

I assume you have the documentation, birth certificate...

Of course I do. Was she the only child delivered?

What the hell kind of question is that?

Look, I have told the police everything I know.

Mrs Reardon, have you ever seen this man before?

Is this your suspect?

No. Did he do something to Cindy?

No, h-he... No.

Mrs Reardon,...

..this is not your daughter.

That girl's name is Tina Simmons.

She lives 3,000 miles away in Greenwich, Connecticut.

That man, her father, was k*lled in the same way as your husband.

Cindy is my daughter.

I can show you videos of her birth.

We tried for six years to become pregnant.

In vitro fertilisation?

At which clinic? Luther Stapes Center...

..down in San Francisco.

Do you still believe...

..this is UFO related?

Cindy didn't see red lightning. I don't know.

The only thing similar about these girls seems to be their appearance.

There is the possibility they have an unrelated likeness.

Both just happen to see their fathers exsanguinated.

I'd like to get the odds on that in Vegas!

The girls are the one and only link between identical murders.

And one girl was just abducted. Kidnapped.

Potato, po-tah-to Where are you going?

If the murders were committed by the same person,...

..part of the pattern is kidnapping the daughter.

You expect the pattern to continue.

I'll keep an eye on the girl. Check out the clinic.

See if the Simmons were in the same programme.

I'll call the San Francisco Bureau and get someone to relieve you.


In vitro fertilisation is a procedure in which we implement fertilisation...

..and implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

Could a patient believe she was receiving her own egg...

..but receive another without knowing?

Not here. We have very strict controls.

Have you ever had patients named Claudia and Joel Simmons?

Any patient information is confidential. It's our policy.

The Simmons are dead. Their daughter has been kidnapped.

I'd say any information that could help would override your policy.

You had copies of their records...

..transferred to Greenwich, Connecticut in 1991.

They came here nine years ago under the supervision of a Dr Sally Kendrick?

Is there a problem?

Dr Kendrick was nothing but a problem.

Hello. Welcome to the Luther Stapes Center for Reproductive Medicine.

I 'm Dr Sally Kendrick,...

..a specialist in the exciting field of in vitro fertilisation.

She was a resident here in 1985.


First in her class at Yale Med where she got her MD...

..after completing her doctorate in biogenetics.

We were thrilled to get her.

And now you don't sound so thrilled.

We have reason to believe...

..Dr Kendrick was tampering with the genetic material of fertilised ova...

..in the lab prior to implant.

Experimenting with eugenics.

Did you report this to the AMA? Of course.

I fired her. I also requested an investigation from the US Health Department.

And what happened? The AMA censured her.

My request for an investigation was denied.

Dr Kendrick... disappeared.

We know the pain of infertility, and we are ready to help.

In the next half-hour...

Kendrick was the supervising physician...

..in the Reardons' and the Simmons' IVF programme.

It seems she was experimenting at the clinic.

And maybe now she's trying to erase the results?

..but with our scientific advances, a little luck and a lot of hope,...

..miracles can happen.

She must've had an accomplice...

..to have done both murders.

You think this is a vendetta she and a colleague have against the Center?

Does this mean you've abandoned your UFO connection?



Just a couple of clicks. Must be a wrong number.

I tell you what, I'm gonna sleep on it...

..and we'll talk about it in the morning.

Mulder, you're rushing me out of the room.

No, I'm not.

Do you have a girl coming over? What's a girl?

I got a movie I wanna watch on TV.

Sleep tight. I'll see you in the morning.

Are you certain she hasn't followed you?

Yes. What are you doing here?

Well, I thought we might take in a Warriors game.

Actually, I was... uh...

..just in the neighbourhood and...

..wondered if I had ever told you about the Litchfield experiments.


No, you haven't.

Well, it was a most... interesting project.

Highest level of classification, all records have since been destroyed,...

..and those who knew of it...

..will deny knowledge of its existence.

In the early '50s, during the height of the Cold w*r,...

..we got wind the Russians were fooling around with eugenics.

Rather primitively, I might add.

Trying to cross-breed top scientists, athletes, you name it,...

..to come up with the superior soldier.

Naturally, we jumped on the bandwagon.

The Litchfield experiment.

Mm-hm. A group of genetically controlled children...

..were raised and monitored on a compound in Litchfield.

The boys were called Adam...

..and the girls were called... Eve.

There's a woman you should see,...

..and I'll make sure that you can get in.

Agents Mulder and Scully here to see Eve 6.

Deposit your firearms.

Sign for these. What are those?

Panic buttons. I can't let you inside without one.

Whaddaya want?

Why the flashlight?

She screams and screams if we turn the overheads on.

No-one's ever got a good look at her.

We'll be right outside.


So, I guess you've found what you're looking for.

One of us, at least.

Sally Kendrick.

Unlock the chains, then we'll talk.

Probably there for a good reason.

No,... a bad reason.

I paid too much attention to a guard.

Bit into his eyeball!

I meant it as a sign of affection.

You here to give me an IQ test, by any chance?

I think I can top 265.

We're very bright, we Eves.

It runs in the family.

Where are the others - the Adams and the Eves?

We're prone to su1c1de.

All that's left is me...

..and Eve 7 - she escaped early on.

Eve 8, she escaped 10 years later.

Are you Sally Kendrick?

That's not my name,...

..but... she is me and I am her...

..and we are all together!

Did you work for the Luther Stapes Center in 1985?

In 1985,...

..I'd been tied up like this for two years! And for what reason?

No reason! I did nothing!

I'm just me!

They made me, but did they suffer?

No, no, I suffer!

I suffer!

They keep me alive...

..for the Litchfield Project!

They come in, they test me,...

..they poke me to see what went wrong!

Sally knows what went wrong.

You and you,...

..you have 46 chromosomes.

The Adams made the Eves.

We have 56.

We have extra chromosomes.

Number 4, 5, 12, 16 and 22.

This replication of chromosomes also produces additional genes.

Heightened strength,...

..heightened intelligence...

Heightened psychosis.

Saved the best for last.

You don't believe me.

I have proof. Look on my wall.

My family album.

My God, it's the girls!

We were close,...

..we were very close!

Sally Kendrick was using the clinic to carry on the Litchfield experiment.

She was cloning herself.

Now I lay me down to sleep,...

..I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

If I should die before I wake,...

..I pray the Lord my soul to take.

God bless Grandma and Grandpa Stenner,...

..Irma and Irmapop,...

..and God bless Mom,...

..and please take care of Daddy up in heaven.

You're such a special little girl, Cindy.

Good night, honey.

If Eve 6 is right and there are two other Eves out there,...

..that could account for the two identical murders occurring at exactly the same time.

Sally Kendrick does have an accomplice - herself.

Until I heard that, I'd begun to suspect the girls.

No, it seems the two remaining Eves are doing away with the parents...

..in order to keep Tina and Cindy in the family.

Do you suppose the girls have any idea of what they are?

I hope not.

Let's go!

I'll take the back!

There's someone upstairs. Wait outside!

FBI! I'm armed!

Which one are you - Eve 7 or Eve 8?

Drop it.

You know I'm capable.


Very slow.

The suspect's name is Sally Kendrick.

Early 40s, five foot eight, 135 pounds.

She may have an accomplice similar in appearance.

Kendrick is driving a light-blue '93 Corolla.

She has exceptional strength for her size...

..so consider her armed and dangerous.

Quite possibly she'll display severe psychotic behaviour.

The Oakland Bureau will orchestrate the search across the bridge.

What if... What if she kills her?

First Doug, now Cindy.

The fact that Kendrick and her accomplice just abducted the girls...

..tells us they want them alive.

I'm sure Cindy's alive and we'll find her.

And then what do we do?

I'm sorry you have to meet this way,...

..but it's the best for all concerned.

Tina Simmons,...

..meet Cindy Reardon.

Agent Scully?

They found the Corolla in the parking lot of San Francisco International.

Start a check on every single passenger list...

..for every flight that left in the past 12 hours.

Check every terminal, make sure she's not hiding out for a later flight.

Remember, she may have an accomplice.

A motel in Port Reyes has a guest matching Sally's description.

The car's at the airport. She might've ditched it.

The manager says she checked in with a girl.

She left the hotel in the afternoon alone, then returns with the girl.

Someone else could've picked her up without him knowing.

The area is full of families. There are hundreds of kids around.

This kid told him to use chlorine...

..to eradicate the dinoflagellates in the swimming pool.

Does that sound like someone you know? That's it.

I've always kept a close eye on your behaviour, no matter where I was.

The last few years I spent in search of the remaining Eve.

That, however, was cut short by your... "activity".

I hoped my work at the Stapes Center had corrected the Litchfield flaws.

Psychotic behaviour didn't develop in the Adams and Eves until age 16.

Homicidal behaviour at 20.

Imagine my... disappointment...

..when I learned of your accelerated development.

How did you learn of each other's existence?

We just knew.

Did you discuss...

..how you would orchestrate your little... prank?

We just knew.

Why m*rder your fathers?

They weren't our fathers. We have no parents.

We weren't born.

We were created.


You cannot think that way.

You're human beings.

Different, special,...

..but you cannot give in to genetic destiny.

That's why I've taken you.

I was raised by a man who knew what I was.

He was a genetic engineer on the project.

With the proper environment...

..and a programme... of long-term medication,...

..you can become like me...


..not the other Eves.

Wh-What have you done?

Your soda,...

..four ounces of foxglove.


..from a digitalis plant,...

..this much is a lethal dose.

We cultivated them ourselves.


You tell us. You made us.

We're your mistake.

..c-correct... that mistake!

Well, I waited like you told me. No-one's come in or out.

Get the back!

We were all supposed to drink, but we only pretended to drink it.

They tried to poison us.

Who's "they"?

She and another lady.

What did the other lady look like?

Eve 8.

They were working together.

It's all right, we'll take care of you.

You're safe with us.

Looks like the Eves mixed about four ounces of digitalis in each glass.

Their own mini-Jonestown.

Eve 6 said they were prone to su1c1de.

It has a sweet flavour, probably not even perceptible in soda.

We're searching the area, but so far there's no sign of the other suspect.

An officer'll take the girls back.

Maybe it'd be best if we take responsibility for the girls.

We can get them checked out by a doctor.

OK, whatever.

Come on, girls, we're gonna take you back.

Back where? What's gonna happen to Tina?

We'll talk about it in the car, OK?

They've already grown so attached.

It's gonna be hard when Tina's placed in care.


Agent Mulder, I have to go to the bathroom.

Me, too.

Can you hold it? I really need to go.

I could use some caffeine.

H i.

Where's your bathroom? In the back. You'll need a key.


Oh, can I get four diet sodas? Regular.

All right, uh, two diet and two regular to go, please.


Agent Scully, my door's stuck.

Just a second.

Just a minute.

It's OK, my dad will pay for them when he gets out of the bathroom.


Those are the diet? I think these are.

Are you sure? It's really sweet.

Try it. I know it's diet. I saw her pour it.

OK. Let's go.

Come on.

Don't forget the drinks. Right.

How much? $5.

Wanna pay? Sure.

There you go.

You got those?


Tastes syrupy.

Cindy, did you pick up my keys off the counter?


No? All right, I'll be right back.

Scully! What?


Just wanted to open the car door for you.


It's them. They poisoned it. Let's just get them in the car.

I only had a sip.

We didn't drink enough to make us sick.

Scully, I got 'em!

Leave us alone! I got 'em!



What the hell are you doing? I'm a federal agent!

Yeah, and these are America's Most Wanted?

Hands in front. Leave me alone!

Let the girls go! Get in the truck, girls. Get in.

I'm gonna call the police. We are the police!


They went that way!

You seen the twins we were with?

No, I...

There's a bunch of schoolkids just left on that bus.

Forget your sodas?

We didn't do anything wrong. We're just little girls.

That's the last thing you are.

They said they have an excellent programme that can help her.

They can't hide behind a bureaucracy, Mrs Reardon.

You have a right to know what happened, a right to know about your daughter.

All I need to know is she was not my daughter.

She never was.

Hello, girls.

It's so nice to have company.

Sign for this.

Hello, Eve 8.

We've been waiting.

How did you know I'd come for you?

We just knew. We just knew.

I made this!
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