01x13 - Beyond the Sea

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The X-Files". Aired September 1993 - March 2018.*
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Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
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01x13 - Beyond the Sea

Post by bunniefuu »

Are you gonna leave this up all year?

Yup. All year.

You always made us take the tree down the day after Christmas.

I'm making up for lost time.

If your idea of a good time is to pick up dried pine needles, treat yourself.

As if he's an authority on having a good time!

That's OK, Mom, I got that. Oh. OK.

OK, Maggie. Let's shove off.

Oh. OK.

Thank you for having us. Dinner was delicious, as usual.

Thanks, Mom.

Good sailing, Ahab.

Good night, Starbuck.

How's work? Good?

Yup. It's good.


Well, drive carefully. Uh-huh.

Good night, Daddy.

Here on "Incredible Inventions", you're not going to spend $110 for it. You all know that.

You're not even going to spend $100.

There 's an approximate one month supply here.

And all you'll spend for this entire package is just $39.92...


I thought you guys left.

Where's Mom?




Mom? What's the matter?

He, um...

We lost your dad.

He had, uh... a massive coronary about an hour ago.

He '3 gone.

I swear! Christmas Day!

My whole family's opening presents an' all.

And I'm just sitting there in my own little world, thinking, "I just wish Jim were here."

I know.

Oh, man! Busted!

Yes, sir? Out of the vehicle, please.

Sir, I'm... I'm sorry. We'll be on our way.

I said, out of the vehicle.

Keep your hands down.

Let's see some ID.

No, not till I see yours.


Last time you were that engrossed, you were reading Adult Video News!

I didn't think you'd be in today.

How are you, Dana?


I'm fine, thank you. What are you working on?

Two days ago, a couple was kidnapped at Jackson University.

Elizabeth Hawley and James Summers.

Both nineteen.

Last year another couple was kidnapped.

Except that abduction occurred at Duke University.

One week later, they found both students' bodies - dead.

They were kept alive and tortured during that period.

No arrests were ever made.

Police believed it to be a one-time offender. Now it appears to be a serial incident.

If he holds true to form, we have five days to find those kids.

That's a grim deadline.

Here's another grim deadline.

In one week, Luther Lee Boggs will take a seat in the North Carolina gas chamber.

How is he related?

He claims to have information relating to the kidnapping.

He described Hawley's bracelet exactly.

This is information that only family members could have known.

Or the kidnapper.

Boggs feels that if his talents help save these kids,...

..his sentence should be reduced to life in prison.

His "talents"?

He claims to have obtained this information through psychic transmissions.

Mulder, do I detect a hint of scepticism?


Boggs has been there before.

In the chamber.

My profile helped send him there.

He was actually strapped to the chair, before receiving an executive stay.

He claims that this experience activated in him the ability to channel spirits and demons.

I believe in psychic ability, without a doubt.

But not in this case. Not Boggs.

So you believe that Boggs is orchestrating the kidnapping from the inside?

A scam to save his life?

At the age of six,...

..Luther Boggs slaughtered every pet animal on his housing project.

When he was 30, he strangled five family members over dinner,...

..and then watched the Detroit-Green Bay game.

Some K*llers are products of society.

Some act out past abuses.

Boggs kills because he likes it.

And they've requested you speak with him?

Actually, he's requested to speak to me.

Why you?

He read my profile on him...

..and he feels like I'm the only one who truly understands what he is.

I leave for Raleigh this afternoon. I'll go with you.

The funeral's at noon.

I think you should take some time.

I need to work. I'm sorry about your father.

I'll see you later. OK.

As a captain, he was entitled to burial in Arlington, with full ceremony.

This is exactly the way he wanted it.

Just the family.

This song was playing when his ship returned from the Cuban blockade.

He marched right off, up to me,...

..and he proposed.

I know that you and Dad were...

..disappointed that I chose the path I'm on, instead of medicine.

But I need to know,...

..was he at all proud of me?

He was your father.

..that we will be beyond the sea...

The soul... of Luther Boggs...

..drowns in hell's sea of fire.

We have him now.


You mean the souls of your victims?

The dead.

The living.

All souls are connected.

And you're the conduit?




..please understand that from here we can return to the past,...

..we can see the present,...

..we can know the future...

"From here"? Where exactly are you?

Mr Boggs must be made redemptive...

..for his transgressions.

That's exactly what the State of North Carolina intends to do next week.


Let's deal.

Boggs' life... for the kids. You know what I'm saying?

First you gotta prove you're telling the truth.

Don't get me wrong, Luther.

I wanna believe.



Ohhh... God! No!

Must stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!!


I'm in... pain. Terrible pain.

Uh... the boy...



He's tied with, uh... twine.




He whups him with a coat hanger, a wire coat hanger.



Dark place.



Warehouse, condemned.

An angel...

..of, uh... stone.


Water falling.

It's not a waterfall. Not water.

They're there.

Oh, God... I gotta go.

I gotta go.

I gotta go.

I tore this off my New York Knicks T-shirt.

It has nothing to do with the crime.


..beyond the sea Somewhere... away from me

Did you get my message, Starbuck?

Thanks a lot.

Scully? What's wrong?

Did Boggs say something to you?


It's my father. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's all right.

Why don't you go back to the motel?

We've exposed Boggs as a fraud.

Boggs is not what he claims to be.

He may be orchestrating the kidnapping.

Now he knows we're onto him, he doesn't have a chance with this charade.

I'm gonna wait around and interrogate him.

Hopefully, he'll tell me where the kids are.

Somewhere... beyond the shore We'll kiss just as before Happy we'll be Beyond the sea And never again...

Water falling. Not a waterfall.

An angel of stone.


Liz Hawley's family made a positive ID on the charm you found at the warehouse.

The police are searching the place inch by inch, but haven't found anything yet.

I expected to find you at the crime scene.

Did Boggs confess?

No. No, it was five hours of Boggs's "channelling".

After three hours, I asked him to summon up the soul of Jimi Hendrix...

..and requested "All Along The Watchtower"!

He's been dead 20 years, but still hasn't lost his edge!

I lied to the police about how I found the warehouse.

I didn't notice any "suspicious activities". Then how did you find it?

It was where Boggs said it would be.

Scully, I told you about Boggs!

I didn't go looking for it! I came across an area that had landmarks he spoke of.

That's exactly what Boggs wanted! He could have been setting you up. You could be dead!

Why did you feel you had to lie on your police report?

It was a better explanation under the circumstances.

You didn't want to go on record admitting that you believed in Boggs.

The Bureau would expect something like that from spooky Mulder, but not Dana Scully.

I thought that you'd be pleased that I'd opened myself to extreme possibilities.

Why now?!

After all we've seen. Why Boggs?

Does this have to do with your father?

You said that he didn't approve of you becoming an FBI agent.

It being on the job now makes you feel guilty or uncomfortable or uneasy,...

..I think you should back away.

Because if it's clouding your judgment...

..you're putting yourself in danger.

I love this job. You love your father.

Dana... open yourself up to extreme possibilities only when they're the truth.

That goes for Luther Boggs... and your father.

As for Luther Boggs... he's the greatest of lies.

I know he's working with someone on the outside and they planted that evidence.

We have to be very careful about plotting our next move - he's planned five steps ahead.

The only advantage we have is time.

Scully, take a look at this.

That's incredible!

They found them?

That's exactly what I want Boggs to think. Why didn't the police notify us?

The article is bogus. The Carolinian made it up for us. Only six people know about it.

Later on today, Boggs gets his weekly phone privileges.

Hopefully, he'll call his accomplice.

Phone privileges in two hours.


Turn off that phone. Turn it off.

Mulder, it's you.

Mulder. How come you don 't believe me?

Agent Scully does.

She believes me.

Agent Scully believes what we all believe - that you have the kids.

Now, where are they?


Mulder... even if he is setting us up, we have to follow, because in three days...

Liz Hawley and Jim Summers will be dead.

A day later, our only connection to the case will be pulling up a chair at the gas chamber.

We have to deal.

The kidnapper's aroused by the prospect of becoming a k*ller.

What's the name?

Can't see. Male.

Describe him.



Late twenties.

Skull. Human skull.

Silver grey.

His eyes... cold, very cold,...

..staring at Elizabeth.

God! He's got the wire!

Oh! Please! No!

Where is he?


..over... by the window.

Holding back... holding back his thoughts of k*lling.


There's a small boathouse on Lake Jordan.

You got that?


Don't go near the white cross.

We see you down...

..and your blood spills on the white cross.

No! No!

Sweep the docks!

Federal agent!



We need an ambulance! Officer down!

What have we got? Through and through.

Let's get him on the gurney.




Lucas Jackson Henry, 28.

Did some time at Angola in Louisiana for sexual as*ault, narcotics. Nothing big.

His personal history includes being witness to an auto accident...

..in which his high-school sweetheart was k*lled and his mother decapitated.

The seven-year anniversary of that accident is in three days.

He's reliving it.

That would explain the deadline.

The most important element we found is there's substantial suspicion... that Boggs' last five murders were committed with a partner.

The police in Durham say they could never prove it in court,...

..but they know that partner was Lucas Henry.

You set us up. You're in on this with Lucas Henry.

This was a trap for Mulder because he helped put you away.

Well, I came here to tell you...

..that if he dies because of what you've done,...

..four days from now, nobody will stop me from being the one that throws the switch...

..and gases you out of this life for good, you son of a bitch!!


..you're the one that believed me.


No, I do not believe you!

You don't believe me?

Maybe you'll believe yourself.

There was that one time when I was fourteen...

..and my parents had gone to bed.

I snuck downstairs all alone...

..and got one of my mom's cigarettes and went out onto the porch in the dark.

I was so scared.

My heart was beating - they would have k*lled me if they knew.

But I was so excited.

Not because of the cigarette - I mean, it was gross -

..but because I wasn't supposed to.

That could be a moment from any kid's life.

I know what you want.

And I know who you want to talk to.

Why don't you just go ahead and ask me?

I'll believe you...

..if you let... me talk to him.


No! No! No!

No... body talks to anybody until I get a deal.

Don't... underestimate my fear of dying,...

..and don't downplay my terror of going back to that chair.

I know my hell's going to be to go on back to that chair over and over again for all of time.

But in this life, my one and only life,...

..I don't ever want to go back again!


The last time that I went to death's door and looked inside...

I ain’t never talked to a minister before in my life. Ever.

Till that day.

And he said, "He who doth not love...

..remains in death."

"And he who hates his brother... is a m*rder*r,...

..and no m*rder*r has eternal life abiding in him."

My family, who I k*lled after their last meal,...

..was right there to watch me over mine.

And their... fear...

..and their horror...

..that I made them feel when I k*lled them...

..was injected into me!

And their collective fear alone was this long taste of hell.

And then I felt myself leave my body.

But I thought they’d already k*lled me.

And I saw...

..thousands of souls rushing at my body.

It is a cold...

..dark place, Scully.

Mulder's looking in on it right now.

It may be a cold, dark place for you,...

..but it's not for Mulder.

And it's not for my father.

I'm sure he'd like to tell you hisself.

But I'm not gonna let him.

Nobody speaks till you give me a deal.

I don't believe you.

Oh, well, there's plenty of room in that cold, dark place for liars, Scully.

You go ahead and play it like you need to,...

..but I know you believe me.

But if you need to convince a judge I'm in on it with Lucas, go ahead.

Cos either way,...

..whether I'm running the show with Lucas or I'm channelling,...

..no information's coming till I get a deal.

I got nothin' to lose!


If I die...

..that boy goes to a cold, dark place.

The Governor and the Supreme Court of North Carolina...

..do not intend to make a deal with a mass m*rder*r.

Especially one who I know is orchestrating a capital offence...

..two days before his capital punishment.

Yes, sir.

All Boggs will get from me is a timely death.

And it's an overdue one at that.

We're running out of time.

There's still no sign of Lucas Henry or Jim Summers.

The Raleigh police said... No matter what, don't believe him.

Boggs created this whole charade to get back at me for putting him on death row.

You'd be the next best thing.

Mulder, I never thought I'd say this,...

..but what if there's another explanation?

Don't... deal with him.

He could be trying to claim you as his last victim.

All right, Mr Boggs,...

..you got your deal.

Thank you, ma'am.

Thank you.

All right, where are they?



Let's see, like, uh...

Uh... circles.

Uh... I don't know, like... barrels.

No. No, bigger,...

..like, uh... huge, uh... vats.




..Old... Blue...

..Devil Brewery, out by Morrisville.

Ah, God, he's getting... he's getting ready.

He... He...

He's getting ready to, um... um...

He's getting ready to k*ll the...

Luther, if you really were psychic...

I'd have known you lied.

That there never was a deal.

I know you tried.


Avoid the Devil.

Don't follow Henry to the Devil.

Leave that to me.


Federal agents! We're armed!

Drop your w*apon.



You come to say goodbye?

I believe...

..that if you had orchestrated this kidnapping,...

..Lucas Henry would have been aware of the danger you warned me about.

He never would have crossed that bridge.

So you saved... Jim Summers' life.

But you saved mine as well.

You come for some unfinished business.

You want your father's message.

Not now.

You be there tonight - my witness.

When they got me in that chair and they...

..open up that shield,...

..you'll get your message.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

Would you like to make a statement?

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory,...

..for ever and ever. Amen.

I was considering Boggs.

If he knew that I was your partner,...

..he could have found out everything he knew about me - about my father...

Scully. "Beyond The Sea" played at their wedding.

Visions of deceased loved ones are a common psychological phenomenon.

If he knew that my father had... Dana.

After all you've seen,...

..after all the evidence,...

..why can't you believe?

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid to believe.

You couldn't face that fear?

Even if it meant never knowing what your father wanted to tell you?

But I do know.


He was my father.

I made this!
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