02x04 - Sleepless

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The X-Files". Aired September 1993 - March 2018.*
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Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
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02x04 - Sleepless

Post by bunniefuu »

We can expect mild weather along the Atlantic seaboard. Here’s Matt with his report.

Stock prices fell for the third consecutive session today...

..amid worries about the prospect of higher interest rates.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell almost 14% points to 3837,...

..bringing the blue chip index's losses over the last three days to just under 100 points.

911 operator. This is Dr Saul Grissom.

There's a fire outside my apartment. Are you at 700 East 56th Street?

Yes, apartment 606. For God's sakes, hurry! Fire units are being dispatched.

Somebody help! Help!

Keep right. Please keep moving, sir.

I don't see any smoke anywhere.

Get a crew up to the roof!

This is Lieutenant Regan. We have a possible 2-3 false alarm in apartment 606.

Let's confirm that location. 606.

Yes, that's affirmative. 606.

It's cold. Let's do it!

I'll take the bedroom.

He looks dead.

Nothing here.

911 operator. Police emergency. This is Dr Saul Grissom.

There’s a fire outside my apartment. Are you at 700 East 56th Street?

Yes, apartment 606. For God's sakes, hurry! Fire units are being dispatched.

Please stay on the line.

The article makes no mention of a fire.

Yes, Agent Mulder, I can read.

Grissom's company had government contracts, so this investigation would be within the Bureau's jurisdiction.

But that's not why you want the assignment.

I think that the circumstances surrounding Grissom's death warrant a closer look.

NYPD won't even talk to me unless you get the Attorney General to sign off on it.

Where did you get the tape?

Presumably someone has led you to believe there's more here than is being reported.

My source, the only one I've ever trusted, is dead.

I'll look into this further and, uh... let you know.

In the meantime, you have 24 hours of wiretap tape to transcribe.

You comin’ over or what?

You said you was comin' over two hours ago.

I'm waitin’ here like some bimbo who ain't got nothin' better to do..

..waitin' here like some bimbo who ain't got nothin’ better to do...

..than just sit around and wait for you.

Agent Mulder?

Yeah? It's your 302.

Assistant Director Skinner just approved it.

There's a mistake. Another agent has been assigned to the case.

That would be me.

Krycek. Alex Krycek.

Skinner didn't mention taking on a partner. It wasn't Skinner.

I opened the file two hours before your request, so technically it's my case.

You already talked to the police? Yep.

Just hung up on the officer in charge a few minutes ago.

A detective named... Horton.

Seems Grissom called 911 to report a fire. I heard the tape.

Did you hear that Forensics found a spent fire-extinguisher on the floor?

Grissom's prints were all over it.

The walls and floor in his living room were covered with ammonium phosphate.

But no trace of fire? Not even a burnt match.

Is that all you know? Yeah. So far.

What do you think it means? I appreciate the show and tell,...

..and I don't want you to take this personally, but I work alone.

I'll straighten things out with Skinner. It's my case, Agent Mulder.

Look, I may be... green,...

..but I had the case first and I'm not gonna give it away so quickly.

I'll tell you what. I got some work to finish up around here.

Why don't you go to the motor pool and requisition us a car? I'll meet you there.

That's all? You don't have a problem with us working together?

Hey, it's your party.

I'll, um... I'll get the car.

Electrocution affects electrolytic conduction,...

..disrupting the heartbeat and most of the autonomic systems.

Death actually occurs from tissue damage, necrosis in the heart itself,...

..particularly in the sinus and atrioventricular nodes.

Agent Scully. Sorry to interrupt. You have a call from a George Hale.

Says it's urgent. Excuse me.

Where are you? National Airport.

Catching the shuttle to LaGuardia.

Wanna join me in the Big Apple for an autopsy?

What's going on? I was hoping you could tell me.

I can't today. My last class isn't over until 4.30.

That's fine. I can have the ME wrap the body to go.

Mulder... You'll get it by five.

What's the name?

Doctor Grissom's alpha wave analysis defined the standard.

He revolutionised the way we think about sleep.

His death is a tremendous loss to science.

How many other kinds of sleep disorder did he treat?

There are 38 different dyssomnias and parasomnias.

Doctor Grissom treated them all with an unprecedented success ratio.

Maintaining that kind of batting average must have taken its toll.

Excellence demands certain sacrifices.

Did he show signs of psychological stress? Not really.

Except for his own occasional bout of insomnia.

But he was never delusional? Of course not.

..prevent him from cycling out of REM sleep into the more restful slow-wave sleep.

It's still experimental, but we're trying to modify his brain wave patterns externally.

How do you do that? Electrical stimulation of the occipital lobe...

..creates visual and auditory hallucinations.

It's possible to alter somebody's dreams? In theory, yes.

I paid off your cab.

I don't like being ditched like a bad date. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

What's with this attitude? You don't know the first thing about me.


You know, back at the academy... some of the guys used to make fun of you.

Stop it or you're gonna hurt my feelings. But some of us followed your work.

Because we knew there was more out there than they were telling us.

Yeah. Dr Grissom didn't die from cardiac arrest.

What is it? I think you should take a look for yourself.

I haven't even started on the chest and the abdomen and I'll have more to tell you then.

I can make it in two hours.

Where are we going?

I was just about to start on it.

Oh, uh... this is Alex Krycek. We're working the case together.

Good to meet you. You too.

Notice the pugilistic attitude of the corpse.

This condition generally occurs several hours after death.

It's caused by a coagulation of muscle proteins...

..when the body is exposed to extremely high temperatures.

Like fire? This degree of limb flexion...

..is observed exclusively in burn-related victims.

There was no fire. And no epidermal burns to indicate that.

But when I opened up the skull, I found extradural haemorrhages...

..which can only be caused by intense heat.

Somehow this man suffered all of the secondary...

..but none of the primary physiological responses to having been in a fire.

Any theories?

I can't even begin to explain what could have caused it. I mean, it's almost as if...


As if his body believed that it was burning.

..with sapphire and cubic zirconium baguettes, all in a 14-carat gold band.

Now, normally this ring retails for 1350.

Well, I think it'd be a value at 900.

I saw it in a big department store last week for $1,000,...

..but you will not believe what we are offering it to you for.


I mean, isn't that wonderful...

You left the door open, Willig.


Not a good idea leaving your door open in this neighbourhood.

You never know who's gonna drop by.

Damn! What are you doing here?

How long you been in town? Not long.

You want a beer?

How you doing, Henry? Huh?

Huh? How you been?

How am I doing? I'm, uh...

..trying to forget. You know? I'm trying to get it out of my head.

No luck, huh?

No. I‘m, uh...

..still fighting it, you know.

I keep seeing the faces.

Every day I see...

Ah, what's the difference?

We're all going to hell, right?

Where you think we've been the last 24 years?

But after this, wherever he sends us is gonna seem like...

Like a Hawaiian vacation.

What do you want here, Preacher?

You k*lled him, didn't you?

You k*lled Grissom. I saw it on TV.

He had to pay, Henry.

All of us have to answer for what we did over there.

We can't get away from it.


"He retains not his anger for ever, because he delights in mercy."

"He will turn again; he will have compassion on us."

"He will subdue our iniquities," Henry,...

.."and he will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea."

It's all right, Henry.

It's all over now.

The victim was Henry Willig. Unemployed, lived on disability.

No indication of forced entry or struggle.

No abrasions or contusions or trace evidence in the body.

Cause of death is being listed as... burst aneurysm.

Why did your friend from Homicide call us? Because a medical examiner called him.

The autopsy revealed 43 internal haemorrhages and skeletal fragments...

..which doesn't happen spontaneously.

Not without corresponding external trauma. What does the ME have to say about it?

He said if he didn't know otherwise, he'd swear they were g*nsh*t wounds.

What's this scar right here?

His records say the only surgery he had was an appendectomy.

Unless they got to his appendix through his neck.

Maybe it happened in Vietnam. Willig did a tour with the marines in 1970.

I'm sure they didn't keep the best of records. Willig was a marine?

So where do marines receive basic training on the East Coast?

Parris Island?

Where Grissom was stationed from 1968 to 1971.

Which means that he and Willig were there at the same time. 24 years ago.

There we go. Willig was assigned to Special Force and Recon Squad J-7.

Of 13 original members, he's one of two survivors.

Till yesterday.

Which leaves us with one person who can tell us what happened at Parris Island.

I've been supervising Mr Cole’s treatment since I admitted him 12 years ago.

I'm afraid you won't find him very cooperative, though.

We just want to ask him a few questions about his military service.

He doesn't respond very well to... authority figures.

Is that why you put him in isolation?

We've had to house Mr Cole in this section...

..because he was interfering with our treatment of other patients.

How was he interfering? He was disrupting their sleep patterns.

With psychiatric patients, the circadian cycles must be maintained.

Excuse me, but exactly how would Cole disrupt their sleep?

Here we are.

Mr Cole! There are some gentlemen here who...

You discharged him two days ago. I certainly did not.

Don't you think I'd remember if I did?

I was on shift, and you signed the order yourself. That is your signature, isn't it?

Let's get Cole's face out on the wire.

Mulder. Mr Mulder.

I've obtained information that might assist your work.

But you must exercise discretion when we meet.

If anyone follows you, I won't be there.

Who are you? Who I am is irrelevant.

Why are you trying to help me? You think I want to be here, Agent Mulder?

I don't want to be here.

What is this? Data from a top-secret military project...

..born of the idea that sleep is the soldier‘s greatest enemy.

Grissom was conducting sleep-deprivation experiments on Parris Island.

Not deprivation. Eradication.

Why? Why else? To build a better soldier.

Sustained wakefulness dulls fear, heightens aggression.

Science had just put a man on the moon,...

..so they looked to science to win a losing w*r.

And Willig and Cole were the lab rats?

Lab rats with the highest k*ll-ratio in the Marine Corps.

4,000-plus confirmed kills for a 13-man squad.

Is Cole behind what's happening now?

I'm not here to do your thinking, Agent Mulder.

All I know is Augustus Cole hasn't slept in 24 years.

There's someone else you should see.

Another squad member reportedly k*lled in action.

I thought Cole was the last. His name is on the envelope.

How do I contact you? You can't.

I may need more. You still don't get it, do you?

Closing the X-Files, separating you and Scully, was only the beginning.

The truth is still out there,...

..but it's never been more dangerous.

The man we both knew... paid for that information with his life.

A sacrifice I'm not willing to make.

Where were you?

Someone matching Cole's description just robbed a drugstore. He's in a nearby motel.

Is he alive? He was when the night manager saw him.

So where were you?

Detective Horton?

I'm Agent Krycek. This is Agent Mulder.

I've been waiting for you. I tried holding the SWAT guys back, but they're getting antsy.

Cole didn't steal dime one from that drugstore. Just some pills.


Inside! Now!

Officer down!

We got two officers down. Both critical. Request emergency vehicles immediately.

Roger, I copy on your officers being down...

What's going on here, Mulder?

These two officers. They shot each other.

Also described in the report is an experimental neurosurgical procedure,...

..designed to induce a permanent waking state.

The procedure involved cutting part of the brain stem in the midpontile region,...

..which would explain Henry Willig's scar.

A similar scar should also be evident on Augustus Cole.

Postop treatment included a regimen of synthetic supplements...

..to replenish the organic deficits caused by prolonged lack of sleep.

This is consistent with the antidepressants Cole robbed from the pharmacy.

These dr*gs maintain serotonin levels in the blood,...

..serotonin being the primary substance produced during sleep.

It is theoretically possible that this procedure diminished the subjects' need for sleep,...

..but I can neither quantify nor substantiate its success without further evidence.

Scully. The second officer is still in a coma,...

..so I don't think we can count on him to tell us what happened.

I'm going over these reports you faxed me. They're incredible.

The military already sent troops through radioactive clouds. They had to top that.

Sleep eradication doesn't explain the sh**ting of those officers.

Or the anomalous autopsy results on Willig and Dr Grissom.

I learnt at Grissom's clinic what happens to a person's cortex...

..when you stimulate it with electricity.

They have visual and auditory hallucinations. Any med student can tell you that.

What if that stimulus were to come from a remote source?

What if Cole has developed the ability to project his unconscious?

Are you suggesting Cole k*lled those people with telepathic images?

Think about it, Scully. In all those years without REM sleep,...

..maybe Cole bridged the waking world and the dream world - the collective unconscious.

And what if, by existing consciously in the unconscious world,...

..he's developed the ability to externalise his dreams and effectively alter reality?

Even if you're right, you‘ll have a better chance of finding Cole...

..if you work up a profile and try and surmise his next move.

All right. I'll sharpen my pencils and I'll see you later.

I'll be right there, Krycek.

Where are you going? To check on another member of the squad.

See if he can tell us something. Sounds like your new partner's working out.

He's all right. He could use a little seasoning and wardrobe advice.

He's more open to extreme possibilities... Than I was?

Than I assumed he would be.

Must be nice not having someone questioning your every move,...

..poking holes in all your theories.

Oh... Oh yeah. It... It's great.

I'm surprised I put up with you for so long.

You'd better go.

I'll read over this report again and see what else I can come up with.


Clear this up.

Salvatore Matola?

Are you here to sh**t me? You gonna k*ll me?

No. We're with the FBI.

We just wanted to ask you some questions.

Why did you think we were here to k*ll you?

I dunno. You know about Willig and Grissom, huh?

I read about it in the paper. Figured they were finally k*lling us all off.


Hey, Sal, can you spare a few minutes?

Yeah, I guess so. I got a break coming up.

Spare a few minutes. I guess.

They said it'd be like living two lifetimes.

And that... At first, that's what it was like.

Not having to sleep an“ all...

..made us feel like nothing could touch us, you know?


We'd do 24-hour patrols,...

..night ambushes, you know? That type of thing.

And you never got tired? No. Not so that we had to sleep.

And then, nothing that the pills couldn't fix.

Serotonin? Yeah.

How long did this go on?

Quite a while, I'd say.

Quite a while. Until we stopped taking orders from Company Commander in Saigon.

The entire squadron went AWOL?

Yeah. Something like that.

Well, then who did you take orders from? We didn‘t.

We just made up missions as we went along.

Till it didn't matter any more who we were k*lling.

Farmers... women.

Outside of Phu Bai there was this...

..school, and, uh...

They were just kids.

No one ever tried to stop you?

No, sir.

Police suspect Augustus Cole may be behind the murders of Willig and Grissom.

You mean Preacher?

That's what we used to call him - he was always reading from his Bible.

You know, saying this and that about Judgment Day.

Saying that one day we were gonna have to pay for what we were doing.

That's... that's what he said back then. That's what he'd say.

But why Grissom? He was never in-country. He wasn't even part of the squadron.

Sure he was.

He made us what we are.

Him and Dr Girardi. Who's Dr Girardi?

The other doc on the project. The one who did the surgeries on us.

It's because of him that...

..I haven't slept a night in 24 years.

I'm still not clear why you think Cole will go after Girardi.

Cole sees himself as an avenging angel.

He thinks everyone responsible for the atrocities,...

..directly or indirectly, must be punished.

Yeah, but why now? Why after all these years?

Phu Bai was one of the bloodiest massacres of the w*r. Over 300 children slaughtered.

And unlike My Lai, no US troops were ever charged.

The 24th anniversary of the m*ssacre was two days ago.

Mulder. I think I've found Francis Girardi.

He's a professor of neurosurgery at Harvard.

Do you have his number in Boston? Yes. But he's coming to Grissom's funeral.

When? Tonight. He arrives at Bronx station at 7.30.

Get a photograph to the security desk so we know who we're looking for.

Got it.

Mulder, FBI. You got a photo for me? Right here.

Stay here. I'll cover the other side.

Federal agent! Drop your w*apon!

Drop it!


You all right?

Girardi! Where is he?

I saw him. He was...


You were shouting and waving your g*n around, but Girardi never showed.

No, Girardi was here. So was Cole. We just missed them.

Mulder, if they'd been here, I would have seen them.

I'm telling you, Mulder. They weren't here.

OK, there's nothing here so let's rewind the tape.

Start with a small window of time - say, 1935 to 1945.

If you don't find anything within that time frame, open it up one minute at a time.

With all these cameras, we should be able to see something.

Can we talk for a second?

What's the problem?

You still haven't answered my question about what happened.

I told you, I thought I saw Girardi. Come on. You just about k*lled someone!

And we both know I'm covering for you by keeping it between us.

All right, what do you want to know? Just the truth.

There's things that I need to know. My ideas are usually not very popular.

I told you, I wanna believe. But I need a place to start.

I think Cole possesses the psychic ability to manipulate sounds and images...

..to generate illusions that are so convincing they can k*ll.

How's that for a theory?

Puts a whole new spin on virtual reality, but at least it begins to explain some things.

Agent Mulder?

See this car in the upper-right corner? Yeah.

It wasn't there five minutes ago.

Where is this? That's track 17.

It's a restricted part of the yard.

What are you doing?

This is insane!

You can't do this to me.

You can't hold me responsible.

I was following orders. Just like you.

The Lord hates the lying tongue.

It's the truth.

The truth is what you did to us. What you made us do.

No one made you do anything. You volunteered.

"The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance."

Who is it?

Who's there?

"He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked."

Who is it? I can't see without my glasses.

You don't need to see to know who it is. You know who it is!

"He shall pay as the judges determine."

"He shall give life for life,...

..eye for eye,...

..tooth for tooth, hand for hand,...

..foot for foot, burn for burn,...

..wound for wound, strike for strike."

"As he has d*sfigured a man, so shall he be d*sfigured."

"And he who kills a man...

..shall be put to death."

He's still alive. Put pressure on the wound on the back of his neck and radio for help.


This is Agent Krycek requesting emergency assistance.

My location's track 17 in the freight warehouse.

Step away from the edge.

Corporal Cole, I'm a federal agent. Please step back.

Go ahead.

sh**t me. That's not why I came up here.

I'm putting down my g*n.

I just wanna talk for a few minutes. Then you can do whatever you want.

I'm tired. I know.

No, man, you don't know.

You have no idea. One minute is all I'm asking.

One minute's more than I care to give.

The blood's boiling in my veins.

I can feel the air stinging on my skin.

What the military did to you was wrong. But maybe your testimony can help.

They cut out a piece of my brain.

They made me into somebody else.

And I can never get back what they took away from me.

But I can stop them from taking anything more.

Krycek, put down the g*n and get outta here.

Krycek, I said put down the g*n and get outta here!


Good... night.

He had a g*n. He was gonna sh**t you.

You did the right thing.

They broke into my office. Went through my files, my computer.

I came down as soon as Security called, but the report was already gone.

Someone went to a lot of trouble stealing our copies to keep this a secret.

Without that report as evidence, Skinner's not gonna authorise an investigation.

He said it's never been more dangerous.


That man who leaked us the report. The one who's been helping us.

You actually met with him?

He said closing down the X-Files is just the beginning.

That we've never been in greater danger.

Do you trust him?

Do you know where he got this? Not yet.

But he got it. Which means he's either found another source...

..or another source has found him.

Sir, if I can recommend something?

You'll see that I've outlined several countermeasures.

What about Scully? Reassigning them to other sections...

..seems only to have strengthened their determination.

Scully's a problem.

A much larger problem than you described.

Every problem has a solution.

I made this!
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