06x15 - Caffeine-Induced Aneurysm

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Robot Chicken". Aired: February 20, 2005 –present.*
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American adult animated comedy with a series of pop-culture parodies about everything.
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06x15 - Caffeine-Induced Aneurysm

Post by bunniefuu »

It's alive!

Welcome back to "America's
Best Dance Crow."

I'm Mario Crowpez.

And now performing to "Get Crow," by Crow
Rida, here's four-and-20 blackbirds!

♪ Hey! Crow hit the glass ♪

♪ fell hard on his ass ♪

♪ and he got crow, crow,
crow, crow, crow ♪

One more push, woman!

It is a fine son!

You know, when we were kids,
there were only 150 Pokemon.

Actually, there were 151

Pokemon from the start.




That's how he wanted to go.

And now back to "An American
Werewolf in London."

Oh, yes, me take very many pictures.

Frickin' foreigners!

So, is there a McDonald's
in this country or what?

We all just thought he would keep going
and going and going --

you can stop shilling, mom!

He's dead!

We had a good run, people --
four seasons of "Airwolf"!

Put that on your résumés!

As "MASH."

So, uh, what's gonna
happen to the helicopter?

Air shows?

Nobody cares about this turd
of a series, you idiot.

We'll sell it.

You're off to Germany, old girl.

You pretended to save lives each
week on TV, but now you'll save

lives for real -- as an air ambulance.

I talk and talk, but
they never answer back.

Do not worry, fraulein!

We shall deliver you to
hospital at top speed!

This used to be the famous Airwolf!

For the first time, I have hope.

Tune in next week when we share the story
of the "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers"

actor who tied an elderly couple to
a yacht anchor and drowned them.

I was sentenced to death and tried
to cut off my own penis in prison.

Hi, sad clown!

Why are you so sad?

My wife died!

Uh, that wasn't in the script.

I know!

Yeah, Johnny, get him a body bag!

Hey, what's up with this?

You gonna do some special surprise moves?

Surprise move?


A body bag, Johnny!

That's what you should get him!

You're not gonna do some insane
face kick or something, are you?

'Cause this gorilla thing
looks really suspicious.

It's a crane!

I mean, nothing.

It's not anything!

Johnny! Amazon has great deals on body
bags if you want to get him a body bag!

I mean, it'd be pretty stupid
if I just walked my face into

your foot after you telegraph
some big trick move.

Okay, guys, I took some initiative
and hit up the body-bag district!

Body bags come in lots of colors!

You can even get fancy leather
body bags, depending on what

kind of body bag you want to get him!

I have no idea what you're talking about.


Let's do this, then!



I'll take...one of those... body bags.

Oh, man, this is my first
time at Coachella!

I can't wait!


This is just some guy's lawn, dude!


♪ Missamo la cuchetta ♪

♪ bambino solo notte ♪


♪ Brattzo l'amore ♪

And now back to "An American
Werewolf in London."

Yeah, well, where I come from,
any sport where you can't

use your hands is for pussies!

Yep. Other networks may have
"Shark Week," but that's

expensive and scary and way
too sharky for a webcam show.

So this week on "iCarly,"
it's "Duck Week."

Carly, you're gonna be late for school!

Oh, crap.

Look at the time.

We'll be back later with
more "iCarly: Duck Week."


Okay, and off.

Oh, man, I wonder what the
world record for a shower is.

Oh, God, it's cold!

Ooh, wow!

I didn't know the iCarly
iNipples got that hard.

Wow, those are some glass cutters!

Carly, move it!

Here's the "Duck Week" promo.

Hey, where's Freddie?

He said I could do it this time.

Oh, Gibby, you're so sweet.

You're like a water balloon filled
with high-fructose corn syrup.

I'm gonna get juvenile diabetes.


Time to do some uploading.

Better get comfortable.

Oh, God, it's cold!

Ooh, wow!

I didn't know the iCarly
iNipples got that hard.

Colonel shay, isn't it time
for your daughter's webcast?

Why, so it is.

Thank you, ensign.

I love Carly's show!

It's the best part of the week!

Ooh, wow!

I didn't know the iCarly
iNipples got that hard.

Wow, those are some glass cutters!

I've failed as a father and as a man.

I'm resigning my commission.

You can't, sir.

They'll court-martial you.

Then I might as well do something
worth court-martialing.

Set a course for the Arabian sea!

Let's do what president Obama
never had the balls to do!

Let's do it!

Should've voted for Ron Paul, guys.

Shut up, Larry!

Wow, those are some glass cutters!

My life is over!

Did you see the news?

Carly, I think dad just nuked Iran!


Al-Qaeda strike teams will hunt
us for the rest of our lives!

We got to go off the grid!


Stop poking me with your nipples!

And those will be our
gingerbread muffins, folks.

Now, if you remembered
to grease the pan --

Yeah, Hansel and Gretel style, bitch!

Unh! Smack your witch ass!



Curb smashin'!

Yeah, home invasion, girl!

This is the big day, baby.

Now fly!


Crypty, it's been a great
seven years, but we are

canceling "Tales From The Crypt,"
so thanks for all you've

done for the network.

You're "hell-come"!

Yes, well, you can go now.

You can't just sit around here all day.

You're driving me crazy.

Guess I'll take a look at
the "Help 'Haunted'" ads!

I'm looking.

So, tell me, Mr. keeper, what
do you think you can bring to

this company?

Well, I've always been a
real "Scream" player!


Well, thank you for coming in.

How many job interviews
can one person mess up?

Get a job.

But, sweetie, you know this
economy is "terror-ible."

Start lookin', ya bum!

Hey, Skeletor, you gonna work
or just sit there jerkin' off?

This is some serious boo-

What did you just say?


My mother was right.

I should never have married
a screw-up like you!

Get off my case, you


Wait. That wasn't a pun.

My whole life has been a grave mistake.

Looks like I won't be... hanging around.


And now we shall hear the
eulogy, or should I say

"ghoul-ogy," huh?


And launch!

And now back to "An American
Werewolf in London."

So you guys aren't allowed to
talk or smile or anything, huh?

How about if I do this?


Honey, check it out!

Now, now, be nice.

These guys really don't move at all!

♪ I'm Dr. Noonien Soong ♪

♪ this is a Noonien song ♪

♪ your science is weak ♪

♪ but my science is strong ♪

♪ my station is creation ♪

♪ here's data ♪

♪ I made him ♪

♪ but this treat is not complete
without a big robotic dong ♪

♪ data had a penis in the show ♪

I made a robot with a d*ck, yo!

Top secret!

No, no!

No way!

That happened!

♪ Why'd you do it, Dr. Soong? ♪

♪ his ish had to be real ♪

♪ he had to learn to feel ♪

♪ he has a positronic brain ♪

♪ Poon's positively gettin' slain ♪

I made a robot with a wang!


Straight A's!

♪ But don't ever, never flip
the switch labeled "Turbo" ♪

Wait! I thought I disconnected that part!

♪ Hey! Crow hit the glass ♪

♪ fell hard on his ass ♪

♪ and he got crow, crow,
crow, crow, crow ♪

♪ crow, crow, crow ♪

Crow, crow, crow ♪


♪ Crow ♪
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