10x18 - Callie Greenhouse in: Fun. Sad. Epic. Tragic

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Robot Chicken". Aired: February 20, 2005 –present.*
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American adult animated comedy with a series of pop-culture parodies about everything.
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10x18 - Callie Greenhouse in: Fun. Sad. Epic. Tragic

Post by bunniefuu »

It's alive!

Hey. You can understand
detective pikachu, right?

All I hear is "pika, pika."

why? What do you hear?

k*ll john lennon.



Repeat after me.

The rain in Spain
stays mainly in the plain.

The rain in Spain

nobody is gonna believe
you're human

if you sound like that.

Try again.

The rain in Spain
stays mainly in the plain.

The rain on Spain

stays mainly in the plain, ugh.

Good! Good, again!

The rain in Spain
stays mainly on the...

Get down!

you said, "get down,"
and I understood you!

By george, I think
you've got it!

This 1932 bordeaux
is quite jejune.

I would have preferred a 1931.

Yeah, that is definitely
a very human thing to say.

goodbye, old friend!

Hey, no dumping!

Rules don't apply to me!

I'm emily elizabeth!

Bam, bam, bam, bam!

Good morning,
disney villain descendants!

Today, we have a new student
joining us.

My name is laura,
and my dad is wolverine.

Wolverine is not disney.

Or a villain.

Wolverine is marvel,
and marvel is owned by disney,

and he kills people
with razor-sharp claws, so...

Well, if you want to hang
with us,

we need to know
if you're wicked to the root.

Or all you all talk?

wow. That was actually really...

Ah! Ugh!

Why the
would you k*ll him?

If I didn't, I'd be all talk.

How are the power rangers
doing this?

They're only teenagers!

Ugh! Think, rita!

This calls for
a different approach!


Ugh! I can buy you booze!

- aw, man!
- Yes!

- wasted!
- Alcohol!

Stop! Rangers, you must
save the earth!

Shut up, dad!

Whoo! Ay, ay, ay!

Robot ride, tiktok.

oh, shit.
Somebody called the cops!

I, uh, can't get arrested again!

Your parents are going to be
very disappointed in you!

Coming up in the exciting new
season of "ice road truckers,"

global warming changes
all the rules.

Global warming my ass.

The river has frozen solid
enough to drive

on every year since my daddy...


And announcing our new show
"ice road helicopters"

because copters don't sink
into rivers, or do they?

Fridays at 8:00.

I'm don lemon lime.

And I'm wolf spritzer.

Today, a city bus smashed
into a baby carriage

filled with cans.

Warning, this footage may be
too graphic for some viewers.

We go to our reporter
on the scene.

Thanks, wolf.

The speeding bus was going
just over 50 miles per hour.

Bystanders report hearing
someone on the bus say, "whoa!"

in other news, authorities
have discovered

yet another mass grave.

And now, would anyone like to
say a few words about jeffrey?

No one? Okay.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.


No one has anything
to say about me?


You're alive?
Uh, hell yes, I am!

I faked my death to see
what people would say,

not much, I guess!

That is so messed up!

Uh, messed up is watching you
text at my funeral, linda!

Jeffrey, you are
completely insane!

You didn't cry one tear,
not one!

That is completely insane!

How could you do this?
You're a jerk!

A monster! assh*le!

You back away!
I am the victim here!

Dude, that's up! Yeah!

I... I had to take off
work for this.

Get away! My chest hurts!

Ah! Gah! Ugh! Ah!

Ah! Ah!

Ashes to ashes.

They're grrrreat!

My teacher says h*m*
used bandannas in the '70s

as code for sex acts.

Red is for fiiiisting!

But we should report
your teacher.

You're up, felicity hopman!

Listen, the birds sense
the monster is coming.

Come on!

ow, my skull! Don't look.

ow, my head, ow. Ow.

I'm calling child
protective services!

Quick! We have to find our
blindfolds before we see...

'sups, gangs?

Anyone know where to get some
fresh peanuts in these woods?


...This bird's
disgusting vag*na.

The sight of it is what's making
people k*ll themselves.

It's literally this bird's box.

Hey! My box is primo, mwah,
just needs a little

summer's eve or something.

Ew! Why is there pus
coming out of it?

I'm so sorry, kids!

I can't let you live in a world
having seen that.

Bang, bang, bang!

Whatevs, b*tches.
I'ma just be me.


I should probably get tested.

We shall play until the end.

We shall serve drinks
until the end!


Thank you.

We shall wash dishes
until the end.

We shall look out for icebergs
until the end.

And no breaks this time.

okay, kids.
Today, we'll be going over...

Hi, glen.

time to face your ultimate fear.

ah! I'm naked at school!

Not that, I'm talking about me,
yah, your ultimate fear!

look at glen's balls.

Oh, man,
they're different sizes!

With moles!
They're supposed to be!

That's how god makes balls!

This is a nightmare!

No, I'm the nightmare!

Witness all the souls
I consumed!


Look at that guy's d*ck!

Please k*ll me!
Just get me out of this!

Just k*ll me, man!

Now I don't even
want to k*ll you.

You're scary!
You're... you are a nightmare!

That sweater is terrifying!

Please, get back here
and k*ll me!

- you!
- And your ugly balls!

Good night!

Don't let the bedbugs bite!

I won't, daddy.

what did I tell you?!

I'm sorry!

You had one job!

Oh, my god, I'm sorry!

All right, everybody!

It's time to play
"family feud: Ent edition."

all right, everybody. Calm down.

Let's start the show.
Thank you. I love you, too.

We've got birchseed and
treebeard here to start us off.

Name a color that a wizard
might wear.

Still looking for a color for...
For a wizard, you know,

maybe something that...
A color for his robe, you know?

Wizards wear hats,
wizard hat color,

wizard shoes, you know,

whether they be like a dress
shoe or a wizard-y tennis shoe?

Oh, good, good. Okay, okay.

The trees are moving.

Hurry up. Come on.

There they go.

Look like we got a race.

Sooner or later, one of y'all
gonna come down,

and that first one to do so
gets to answer!

Don't use your muscle power.

Just let it... let it go limp.

Let gravity take over.
Don't fight it now.

Just let it...

and that's all the time we have
for "family feud: Ent edition."

hey! Do you have the new
air jordan 3s in mocha?

Yeah, I guess... yeah,
I guess these are cool, too.

It was supposed to be
a routine mission.

Predator wilson to headquarters,
do you copy?

Ugh, there's no signal, jesus.

Stranded on
an unforgiving planet...

Oh, thank god, civilization!

what the

...A planet of monsters...

I don't want to die!

No! Get away!

I'm so... I'm sorry!


- I need you to shut up.
- Ow!

...Hunted by
bloodthirsty humans...

Ah! Oh, thank god,
marjorie packed me

a first aid kit, oh, my god.

If it bleeds, we can k*ll it!

I hope they're not
talking about me.

Ugh, I might never see
my family again.

Ah, surprise!

...Ruthlessly beaten
and left to die

but not before having
the last laugh.

Please enjoy this joke while
your self-destruct warms up.

What's the difference between
a zleeborg and a clorvax?

One is a zargok.

The other is a buck buck!

Coming this mating season
based on a true story, "human."

that looks scary!
Nope. Nope.
Not for me.

No thanks.

ba-gawk! Bawk.

Stupid monkey.
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