03x20 - Chirlaxx

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Robot Chicken". Aired: February 20, 2005 –present.*
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American adult animated comedy with a series of pop-culture parodies about everything.
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03x20 - Chirlaxx

Post by bunniefuu »

It's alive!


Sarah Michelle Gellar.


Sarah Michelle Gellar!

Sarah Michelle Gellar!


Ice cream man!
Ice cream man!

Ice cream man!

Taste pokey flame Charlax!

The C.A.A. Daily threat
assessment report, sir.

Aw, bor-ring.

Your personalized daily comic
book, sir.

Hey, hey, you got
my attention now.

Dang it, no time to actually
read this thing

got to make a snap decision.

Watch your ass Middle East!

Captain Texas is coming!

For your ass, yippie-kay-yay.

What the...

Sorry that information is on a
need to know basis.

What the...

Burning alive!

You said we were using nuclear
technology to help children.

Yes, to help children die!

All the children in the world!

No way, Jose.

You can't stop me.

f*ck those guys.

The U.N. Was wrong,
and Iraq in the wrong

for our children's future.

Now come get your whipping!

You can not stop the missiles,
only I have the codes

So you must...

Negotiating with t*rror1st is for

I'm George W. Bush,
and the "W" stands for...

Well here comes your ass

Aw man, I shouldn't have thrown
that little waiter

in the fire so quickly,
daggone it.

Aw, there's a saying in Texas,

"k*ll two birds with one bush".

Ah, "bush in the bushes, is
worth one in the... "

Aw, f*ck it!

One Middle East parking lot
coming up.

So long,
threat to America's economy!

Or as you say, adios!

Yeah, f*ck you sun!

Ha ha, yeah!
I'm the President!

And that's how I'm gonna fix

global warming, too.

Captain Texas style.

Whoa, whoa... no!
I'm burning alive!

Here I go!


Thanks for tuning in
and welcome to a special

celebrity edition of
Double Dare.

Let's say hello to the red team,
Dare Devil...

I just heard someone fart in the

And Stevie Wonder...

I'm feeling very
superstitious baby.

And now I smell it.

And let's welcome the blue team,
Marlee Matlin and Helen Keller.

Are you ladies excited to play?

When are we starting?

First question.

What animal makes this noise?

A cow.

Correct, points!

Is someone going to signal me
when we are starting?

Next question.

Identify this object.

The object is a TV monitor.

Hey look a basketball.


Next question.

What is the noise that this
animal makes?

I'll take geography for
please Alex.

Helen wants to say she is
incredibly confused

where she is and seriously,

if anyone could let me know when
we're starting, that would be great.

As neither team could answer

Helen Keller will now have to do
the physical challenge!

Helen will have to jump through
these flaming hoops

on this tricycle.

And go!

Oh, and straight into the pile
of slime.

That's unfortunate.

Red team wins!

Ah, man! Who is that?
Who is that?

Running across Canada in the

months, raising awareness...


"I Regret" is the new game
you'll regret if you don't play.

Ok, ok, I'm up, I'm up.

I regret, last night Julie.


I wanted to see you naked
and I did and now

I just don't want to
be with you.

Uh-oh, I Regret!

From Gabloo!

Space Pirate Monkey,
from Pluto!

To King Arthur!
And Camelot!

So Bedivere,
how goes the quest?


Well then, Sir Lancelot?

This is a disaster.

Can't anyone help?

Yo! What's up King Arthur?

Sir Mix-a-Lot!

# This table is long but it
should be round #

# King Arthur can't
hear a sound #

# When a knight has a talk,
that brother's gotta walk #

# About half a frickin'
block to be heard #

# Can't hear a word, 'cause this
table is so absurd #

# 'Cause knights got much to
discuss #

# But this table's ridiculous #

Don't be ridiculous.

# Bedivere can't hear #

# Yo, can you pass
me some beer #

Say what?

# It's feet by #

# Can't even flirt with ladies #

# Better have long arms when
your having a meal #

# If you're trying
to cop a feel #

# We need a new proportion, to
bring our kingdom fortune #

# I got an idea that
might work for ya #

# I'm gonna make this
mother circular #

# Sir Galahad #
- Yeah.

# Percival #
- Yeah.

# Do you want to hear
the other talk #

Hell yeah!

# Then bring it in,
sit it down #

# It's like
King Arthur's crown #

# Table be round #

# Table be round #

# Now with this circulation #

# We can have
nice conversation #

Can you hear me now?

I can hear.
- Holy cow.

# Make every knight say #
- Wow!

# Now you know that
we can not fail #

# When we're looking for the
Holy Grail #

# on the perimeter and you
know hoes like diameter #

# Table be round #

# Yeah #

# Table be round #

# And this for
the circumference #

# Table be round #

Yeah man, f*ck Percival, that
mother owe me money anyway.

Come on man.

Come on man,
where you win this shit at?

sh**ting dice?

What the hell wrong with you?

Crown wearing mother fucker.


Ah, this is a pickle.


Daddy, daddy, look.

Glow Worm is glowing.

Hey, thanks, you show me that
thing like once a day.

Uh, the fuse must have blown.

Ah, damn it.

Oh, hell I never got batteries
for the flashlight.

Daddy, what about Glow Worm.

Fine, just, just give it to me.

Ow! Ass packing,
f*cking end table, shit!

Daddy, was Glow Worm hurt?

No, daddy's knee cap was
shattered like a dinner plate

but Glow Worms a-okay.
Don't worry honey.

Honey, be careful on the
basement stairs.

Oh really, 'cause I thought I'd
go down backwards.

Hoping on one foot, but...
Oh shit!

Ow! Ow! Ugh! Ugh! Oh! Ah! Ah!
Ah! Ah! Ah!

f*cking stairs.

Where's that f*cking thing...
stupid fuse box.

Oh, come on work, damn it!

Honey, I think the power's out
for the whole block.

It's a black out.

Th... mother fucker!
Damn, damn it, damn it!

Damn it! Damn it!

Stupid black out!

I'm back,
thanks for all your help.

Daddy, where's Glow Worm?

Here's Glow Worm.

He's not lighting
up when I hug him.

Hi, I'm Robot Chicken
executive producer Seth Green.

And I'm executive producer
Matthew Senreich.

As our rd season draws
to a close

we'd like to take a moment

to remember those we lost
along the way.


Oh, god!


Oh! Uh!

That's it?
Only two?

Jeez, the Oscars always have a
billion of those things.

Hey guys, sorry to interrupt,
I've got your java juice.


My beautiful face!



Three's pretty good right?

Yeah, pretty good, but I think
we could do better.

What the hell was that?

You brought the card up too

What you think you're gonna
f*cking k*ll me?

Not if I f*cking k*ll you!


I am Robot Chicken!

I am Robot Chicken!

Stupid partner!

Jesus! What the f*ck!

Why? No!

Now what in tarnation is all
this commotion in the hen house?

Hey everybody it's
Adult Swim President, Mike Lazzo.

Just look at all the dead folk
laying around here

like possums on
the side of the road.

Our insurance is going to sky
rocket ya'll!

Wait, do you mean we...

Hell yeah, fellas!

Robot Chicken is cancelled.

Is cancelled, cancelled.

# Bawk bawk bawk #
# Ba-bawk bawk bawk #

# Ba-bawk ba-wawk ba-wawk
bawk-bawk-bawk #

# Bawk bawk bawk #
# Ba-bawk ba-bawk #
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