02x16 - Drippy Pony

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Robot Chicken". Aired: February 20, 2005 –present.*
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American adult animated comedy with a series of pop-culture parodies about everything.
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02x16 - Drippy Pony

Post by bunniefuu »

It's alive!

Stop it! Mine doesn't work!

Stop! St...!
Sir, mine doesn't work!

Argonauts "A" through "K"
report to Jason.

Argonauts "L" through "Z"
go with Jesus.

Good luck, Jason.
I hope you find the Golden Fleece.

Good luck to you, Jesus.
I hope you find...

a storyline that doesn't end
with you getting crucified.

Argonauts! Turn the other cheek!

The other cheek, Argonauts!
Turn it, now!


I wish I'd gotten to go on Jason's boat.

You three and Jason,
we are now your sex slaves.

Sounds fair to me.

Come on, Argonauts,
really rub that cream into their sores.

How many lepers
does this colony have?

The meek shall inherit the earth!

Argonauts, get meek, now!

All right.
Treat thy neighbor as thyself.

Steady, Argonauts, steady!
Treat him like thyself, now!

Dad damn it.

Are you Deep Throat?

Oh, no, no, I'm Rim Job.
You want level P .

New from the makers of My Buddy,
America's favorite best friend.

¤ My stalker, my stalker ¤

¤ His obsession still remains,
even though he's court restrained ¤

¤ My stalker and me ¤

¤ My ex-girlfriend, my ex-girlfriend ¤

¤ Even though I said we're through,
she sticks to me like glue ¤

¤ My ex-girlfriend and me ¤

Look. I don't want to go
to the hockey game with you, OK?

I'm married now. I have a life!

- Honey, is everything all right?
- Margaret, go back inside!

¤ My friend I once experimented with
at summer camp ¤

¤ The one you think
of being night and day ¤

¤ And not the one who made you gay ¤

¤ My friend I once experimented with
at summer camp and me ¤

Is there anything to eat?

Not unless you want a Band-Aid
sandwich with a tall glass of iodine.

- We're going to starve to death!
- Not if I have anything to say about it.

Who the hell are you?

I'm world-renowned actor
Orlando Bloom.

But you may call me
Orlando Bloomin' Onion.

- He smells delicious!
- Try one.


Orlando Bloomin' Onion,
you win the Academy Award...

for flavor!

Sometimes, nature's miracles...

can be found
in the most amazing places.

The Penguin will rise each morning...

to greet the sun with renewed vigor.

After fortifying himself
for his morning ritual...

he will spread his plumage...

and release yesterday's catch
to begin the day anew.

Renewed, the Penguin will leave
his nest in search of sustenance.

He will make this walk each day...

a route burned into his very soul.

He searches for the only nourishment
he's ever known.

The trek is seven blocks each way...

but when the ice thaws in summer,
it feels like only two.

Soon, he will feel a stirring in his loins.

The Penguin must seek out a female...

and it is in that search
that nature will reveal its greatest miracles.

His tenacity has paid off.

The female has heard his call
and has arrived to lie with him.

The Penguin has chosen
an older, heavier female...

as he often does,
to guarantee a mating.

The Penguin mating ritual
can last for up to two hours...

for two minutes.

Spent, the proud Penguin falls asleep.

Sleep rarely
brings peace to the Penguin.

Callings more important than slumber
make their demands.

The Penguin will stand...

keeping his newborn surprise warm
between his legs for hours.

It's not yet ready
for life on its own.

Something smells like shit!

Who wants ice cream?
OK. All right, calm down, kids.

You just line... Now, kids, you gotta...

OK, look, I can't help you
if you don't quiet down and get in li...

What are you? Don't shake the!
What are you doing?! Oh, my God!

The noble Micronauts,
heroic beings from the Microverse...

scale an earth mountain
in pursuit of glory.

The path is long
and treacherous, however...

Shut up, Pharoid.
It's getting old.

Fatigue sets in...

turning the micronaut called Eddie
into a total ballsack.

Shut it!


Oh, God! Andy!

This rope didn't break, it was cut!

This mountain belongs to me.

- It's Acroyear!
- Yeah? I mean...

I thought it was pronounced Acro-year.

You're both wrong! It's actually...

Sons of b*tches!

Did you really think
you were any match for?

I'll just use my time chamber
to go forward in time.

I'll be the first one to the top.

See you in the future, assholes.

Who's been using
my time chamber as a port-a-john?

Sorry, dude.
Any port in a storm.

Why, you!

I did it!
I did it, I'm the king of the world!

King of the world!

- Eddie! Is that you?
- Dave?

Sorry, man, I guess
I went up the wrong mountain.

We were doing the south peak
today, the south peak!

Damn Micronauts!

Every night with this!

This is the life.

This life sucks, Phil.
It smells like cow chips...

and them damn Indians
is always trying to k*ll us.

But we're cowboys, buddy!

Who cares? We can be
whatever the hell we want to be.

Let's check out
some of the other play sets.

- It's magnificent!
- For $ it better be.

The queen's a whore!

Get off of my damn lawn!

A play set where you can pretend
to wait around the airport.

Damn it! Our flight's been delayed
due to an engine problem.

No, wait.
Now it's a pilot strike.

OK, now our airline's gone bankrupt.

The Playmobil mansion!

Let's be cool, let's be cool.

to the Playmobil mansion, boys.

A real, live, Playmobil bunny.

Am I allowed to touch you?


Excuse me, miss.
Which way to the grotto?

Well, hey, everybody!

More guys. Great.

Could someone at least
pretend to be a girl?

Holy smoke!
Hugh Hefner!

- It's such an honor to meet you.
- I'm glad you boys could make it.

- And do these lovely ladies have names?
- I'm Hef's girlfriend, Holly.

- I'm Hef's girlfriend, Bridget.
- I'm Hef's girlfriend, Kendra!

Three girlfriends? How's that work?

Very, very well.
Ladies? The flow chart.

I get Hef to myself Mondays
and Thursdays.

Alternating Wednesdays
are group Jell-O wrestling!

Sunday afternoons
are when we do our quilting bee.

- Not a big fan of the quilting bee.
- Hef!

Make yourselves at home. Playmate
performance of Macbeth in ten minutes.

Forsooth! Forsooth, forsooth.

- I love that man.
- Now this is the life.

Turn a blind e...
I can do this all d...

Could you just give me
a second before you...

OK, look,
Gilmore Girls starts in about an...

OK, look, could you seriously stop that?

OK, I'm getting a little pissed off right now.
Do you know who my dad is?

Merry Christmas, everyone!

As is our tradition,
NORAD is tracking Santa Claus' journey...

down the North Atlantic
towards New England...

on his yearly rounds to give presents
to all the boys and girls.

He hasn't responded to our request
for a cargo list and passenger manifest...

so, as per current security regs,
we're ordering him to divert to Canada.

Ho, ho, ho, boys!
Merry Christmas!

Yes, presents down the chimneys,
that's what I'm doing.

Target -Niner degrees and - .

Captain Miller's a bad boy!

Sorry, Charlie,
I'll make it up to you next year.


Mission accomplished, gentlemen.
The system works.
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