08x11 - Newfound Youth?! Piccolo-Daimaō / King Piccolo's Wish

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball". Aired February 1986 - April 1989.*
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08x11 - Newfound Youth?! Piccolo-Daimaō / King Piccolo's Wish

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's go grab them up! The Dragonballs!

One of the most thrilling
secrets in the world.

Let's go seek them out!
The Dragonballs!

One of the most delightful
miracles in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more
than ever, Adventure!

The love of a
pounding chest is GISSIRI,

Multi-colored dreams
rain down DOSSARI,

Somewhere in this world,
they are glowing.

Let's go on out there
and find them, BOY,

All the while pounding on
mutants and monsters,

And we'll fly through the day
on our cloud machine as well!

Let's fly, fly, fly, how mysterious,

Charging through the sky,
while we overcome mountains!

Let's try, try, try,
such an adventure,

Our strange little
journey now begins!

Let's get them in hand!
The Dragonballs!

One of the most formidable
gambles in the world.

Let's go chase them down!
The Dragonballs!

Some of the most enjoyable
drama in the world.

This life is one
big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more
than ever, Adventure!

At long last Muten Roshi
stood before Piccolo Daimao,
whose desire is eternal youth.

In order to seal away Piccolo
Daimao and save the world,

Muten Roshi put his life on
the line to use the Mafuba, but...

I missed!

The Mafuba ended in failure,
and Muten Roshi fell lifeless.

Piccolo Daimao, having at last
acquired all Dragon Balls,

succeeded in summoning Shen Long!


"Will Piccolo Daimao
Become Young Again?! "


Hey! What the hell's goin' on?!

It's night all of a sudden!

It's not an eclipse,
the moon isn't out.

All Dragon Balls are
together in one spot!

Somebody must have
summoned Shen Long!

Muten Roshi-sama and the others?

Or Piccolo Daimao?

Which is it?

This is unquestionably Shen Long!

Shen Long!

At long last my desire
will be fulfilled!

We have to do something!

Chaozu! Can you hear me?!


Listen well.

Muten Roshi-sama sprayed
me with some strange drug.

I keep going in and
out of consciousness.

It's up to you.

You have to say the
wish before he says his!

"Please remove Piccolo
Daimao from this world! "


Speak your wish!

I shall grant you any single wish.

Then here it is.



Please remove...

...Piccolo Daimao...

...from this...



Damn it!

Damn it!

So the old man had help.

That was close.

Speak. What is your wish?

Make me young again!

As I was back when I was
overflowing with power!

Well? Can you do it?

A simple task.

Piccolo-sama's face... !

This is it! This
immense sense of power!

It's mine once more!

I'm young again!

You did it! You're young again!

Hurrah for Piccolo-sama!

Hurrah! Hurrah!

Your wish has been granted.

Fare thee well.

Unfortunately, that
will not be happening!

They've become ordinary stones.

Shen Long is dead.

Now nothing can thr*aten
the life of l, Piccolo-sama!

T-this can't be happening...

This can't be happening!

This is the greatest!
The greatest feeling of all!

We did it, Pilaf-sama!

Now all that's left is for the
Daimao-sama to conquer the world!

I bet you he'll share a big
chunk of the world with us!



This is the greatest!
The greatest feeling of all!

Hey, it's light again.

The Dragon Balls'
signals have disappeared.

So he did summon Shen Long...

Shen Long, huh?

I'd like to see him for myself.

What would a really strong
guy like him wish for?

Hey, I can see it!

So that's Karin Tower, eh?

They disappeared!

The Dragon Balls' signals!

So what the hell happened?!

If it was Muten Roshi-sama and
the others who summoned Shen Long,

Piccolo Daimao should be
gone from our world by now.

He is! I'm sure of it!

Good always triumphs
at the end, after all...

I hope so...

But if Piccolo Daimao summoned him,
what do you think he wished for?

When you're talking
about someone like him,

it would definitely be
something really bad,

like the destruction of the world!

That's true.

Don't say things like that,
it'll bring back luck!

Anyway, we can't stand
around idly like this.

Bulma, give me the Dragon
Balls' precise location
before they disappeared.

I'm going to go check it out!

Not so fast, Yamucha!

If the Turtle Hermit and the others
were the ones who summoned Shen Long,

they should be contacting
us any time now!

We should wait here!


Damn it!

I can't stand sitting
around doing nothing!

Man, am I hungry...

Hey. Will there really be a lot
for me to eat when we get there?

Yeah, definitely.

So this guy you wanna see,
what's he like?

He's a god of martial arts,
his name's Karin-sama.

He trained me a long time ago.

God of martial arts?

Who's stronger, him
or Piccolo Daimao?

I'm not really sure...

Not really sure?! He's that strong?

What's he look like?

His face isn't like a person's...

His face isn't like a person's?

Hey now, should we
really be doing this?

He won't eat us or
anything, will he?

Don't worry.

The time for me to take grasp
of this world has finally come!

We've been waiting so long
for this, "Mr. President"!

Now fly us to King Castle!

You're going straight
to King Castle already?

Do you have a problem with that?

No, it's just that King Castle
has really modern weapons...

Perhaps we should arm
ourselves somewhere first...

No, I don't doubt your
strength in the least!


It makes no difference what
sort of weapons they have,

they won't affect the
rejuvenated Piccolo-sama one bit!

Oh yeah?

Oh yeah!

In that case let's
hurry to King Castle!

I implore you, Your Majesty.

Our village has been in a
drought for over half a year now!

At this rate, our village is doomed.

Isn't there anything you
can do, Your Majesty?

I understand. Do not worry.

So then, you'll... ?!

I will dispatch the water
supply crew at once.

Thank you so much.

Think nothing of it. The people's
happiness is my happiness.

Complete worldwide peace
is my lifelong dream.

Your Majesty...

Muten Roshi-sama...


You'll pay for this!

You'll pay for this, Piccolo!

But as I am now...

...I can't beat Piccolo Daimao!

What should I do?

A Denshi Jar!


That's... ?!

The Mafuba...

If I could just use the Mafuba...

We will arrive at King
Castle in minutes.

From what I hear, the current
king is a pacifist at heart.

I'll put an end to his
life after making him
suffer slowly and painfully.

I- I can't wait!

And then I will control
this world as I see fit!

I, Piccolo Daimao-sama,
shall be the new king!

I will change this planet into
a magnificent world of evil!


Piccolo Daimao-sama,
future king of the world...


By the way, concerning
our prior agreement...

About how much of the world do you
suppose you will bestow upon me?

/ , no, / is just fine!

Ah, yes.

Piano, go down and tell
the other to come up.

You'll pilot the
ship in their place.

Yes, sire.

Thank you very much.

Um, so what region
might you be giving us?

Get lost.

Get lost! I no longer
have any use for you!

What a funny joke!
Don't scare us like that!

I am not the joking type!

Get it?

Y-you can't be serious!

Didn't we help you
out all those times?!

And we were the ones who
brought you back to this
world in the first place!

Get out of my sight at once.

Or do you prefer to die?



Get lost!

Understood! Getting lost!

We'll just be leaving now,
could you land the ship?

Didn't you hear me?

I just told you to
get out of my sight!


What about parachutes?

We're here. This is the place, right?

Yeah, right. Is there really
any food in a place like this?

This brings back memories!

It hasn't changed one bit!




I'm so glad! It's
been such a long time!

You've been doing well,
you've grown so much!


Father! Father!

It's Goku-san!

Goku-san is here!

Listen up now, don't be forgetting
your promise to get me lots of food.

Okay, okay.

Oh! Son Goku!





Don't you think we're total losers!

Shut up!


Soon I, Piccolo Daimao-sama,
shall scorch the entire
planet with the flames of evil!

Piccolo Daimao has
finally become young again.

What is the fate of the world?

And will Goku be able to thwart
Piccolo Daimao's ambitions?

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the
mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even
more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance,
I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me
you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance,
I'll give you a romance,
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