03x15 - Flash g*n Freddie

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Flintstones". Aired: September 30, 1960 – April 1, 1966.*
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Living in Bedrock, Fred Flintstone works an unsatisfying job, but returns home to his wife Wilma and eventually daughter Pebbles.
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03x15 - Flash g*n Freddie

Post by bunniefuu »

This is what we pros call an action shot.

Cameraman ready? Ready.

Have you got the food, Mrs. Milrock? Coming.

There you are, mother's little darling.

Now, do what the nice man says. Step back, everybody.

When I get her to smile, snap her picture quick, Barney-boy.

Now, my little angel, smile. Coochie, coochie, coochie.

Come on, give me that great big smile. Boo-boo-boo!

Come on, give it to me.

She sure gave it to you.


Boy, what a way to spend a vacation. Trying to take Dino to the vet for his shot.

There's only one way to grab a wily dinosaur.

And that's to sneak up on him when he's snoozing.

One mention of the word "shot," he'll be off like a herd of water buffalos.

Easy now.

Fred, haven't you taken Dino for his shot yet?


Thanks, Wilma, you're a big help.

Fred, why don't you give up? We can have the vet make a house call.

Nothing doing. This is a challenge.

No dinosaur's going to make a donkey out of me.

It's no use, Dino. You may as well give up.


Gotcha. Okay, Dino, I'm taking you in.


I can last as long as you can. You better give up.

Uh-oh. Hold it. Hold it!

At least I got you. I'm not letting go until we get to the vet's.

Thanks, doc. I'll pick him up later.

Boy, if it isn't pick up Dino, it's pick up meat at the market.

Now look who wants to be picked up.

Going my way? Hop in, Barney.

Thanks, Fred. Come on. Thank me some other time.

It was nice of you to pick me up.

If I do much more picking up, somebody will have to pick me up off the floor.

Staying home on our vacation is the best idea we ever had, Fred.

Uh, it will save us a lot of dough.

Yeah, but I didn't figure we'd have to do the shopping.

What's the difference? We didn't have nothing to do anyway.

Maybe you didn't, Barney. This was going to be my put-and-take week.

"Put-and-take"? What does that mean?

I was going to put a couple of points on my bowling score, and take a couple off my golf score.

Here we are, Barney-boy. The Bedrock Drugstore.

They're having a dollar sale. Yeah.

I think I'll buy some if they're cheap enough.

Well, afternoon, Barney.

Long time no see.

Maybe you ought to have your glasses changed, Harry.

Barney, you are the one.

How's your charming wife today? As charming as usual.

And your friend, old fatso Flintstone?

I notice he still hasn't found out where the public library is.

This ain't a free reading room, you know.

It just so happens, wise guy, I ain't reading.

I'm looking at the pictures.

Say, now, this looks interesting.

Wow, "Real Horrible Tales."

They don't have to make them that real.

Hey, hold it!

What do you think you're doing? I'm buying a comic book.

Not that one, you ain't, I was just gonna look at it.

But this is the one I want.

The rules of this game, sonny, is first come first serve.

Well, I got it first. But I seen it first.

Oh, yeah? We'll see about that. Don't they teach kids manners anymore?


Hey, wait a minute, I'm not finished yet.

I have a paying customer for this magazine.

Do you mind? Thank you. Snitcher.


Say now, I've never seen this magazine before.

"Profits in Pictures for Amateurs."


"Why not turn your leisure-time hobby into cash?"


That's a great idea. Hey, Barney. I got it, Barney!

You have? Maybe Harry can give you something to get rid of it.

I wish I had something to get rid of him.

All right, never mind the cracks.

Just let me see the best camera you've got.

You really want to buy something for cash?

And money is no object. Maybe not to you, but I'm stingy.

This is an instant Polarock. That looks pretty good.

I don't think your friend can use it. You got to know how to count to 10.

All right, wise guy, we'll take it. We?

Don't argue, Barney. Pay the man.

Yeah, that's my buddy. When he buys, I pay.

But, uh, Fred, we don't know nothing about photography.

What's to know? You point the camera and snap the picture.

How do you know what to point the camera at?

It tells how in the book.

The best pictures are subjects that excite the photographer most.

It's easy.

You mean you can make a living just taking pictures of food?

You're asking for it.

The boys will be back soon, Betty.

We need more errands for them. Yeah.

First day of vacation, and they're getting underfoot already.

Isn't it the truth? Oops. Out of water again.

A little more pressure, please. Wow .This makes the tenth snoot-full.

They must be washing every dish in the house.

Oh, I wish we had enough saved for a dishwashing machine.

Say, that reminds me, I saw the one you wanted at 50 percent off.

[Betty] Really? Mm-hm.

Right after lunch, we'll get my money out of the bank and buy it.

Please do. I'm getting dishpan quills.

[Fred] Wilma, baby. We're home.

Mm. Fred sounds pretty cheerful. Yes. It worries me.

How would you like to be the wife of a very wealthy photographer?

Uh-uh. I'd rather stay married to you.

This is our ticket to fame and fortune.

Wait till I get it in focus. This is what we pros call a head shot.

[squawks] Oh, well, half a head's better than none.

Just take a look at this. Hm. Very nice.

Uh, Fred, how much did you pay for that camera?

I have not spent one thin dime. Barney?

What could I do? I was outvoted.

You take it right back. Just a minute, Betty.

Boys, will you excuse us for a minute?

It's not an expensive camera, Betty. Let him keep it. I'll pay for half of it.

It will keep them out of trouble for the rest of their vacation.

Wilma, you're a genius.

Fred, if you and Barney want to be photographers, go ahead.

I'm glad you see things my way for once.

Shall we, uh, take our leave, Mr. Rubble? Uh, yeah, let's take it.

[both scat singing]

They look like they're going to enjoy their vacation.

I don't know about them, but I know we will.

Out, Dino.


Okay, okay, okay!

You can come along, but be a good boy.

Okay, partner, where do we start? What's it say in the photography book?

Let's see. "Page 1. Baby pictures."

"No parent can resist having a picture taken of his lovable youngster."

Yeah, that's it.

Who do we know who's got a lovable youngster?

Barney, to parents, all youngsters are lovable.

Even as you and me once were. True.

Didn't Harvey Milrock's wife just have a baby?

That's right. A little girl. What are we waiting for?

The sign says "mail." You said it was a female.

Do you want to be a professional photographer or an amateur comedian?

Uh, did I hear a car, dear?

It's that noisy Fred Flintstone and his shadow Barney Rubble.

Oh, boy. Probably with another one of their harebrained schemes.

Don't you dare let them in.

The Milrocks must have moved.

There's a family named Quarantine living here now.

Hey, Harv! It's Fred Flintstone.

I come to take a picture of your lovable youngster.

Absolutely free of charge.

That ought to get him out here. Sorry, there's nobody home.


That's getting the old foot in the door, Fred.

It's a free picture, Harv. Did you say "free"?

I did. Come right in, old buddy. Come in.

Look at the little darling. You must admit she's very pretty.

Yeah, and very slippery, too. Remember, Fred, you said it was for free.

Absolutely. Of course, there will be a small charge for the hundreds of copies you'll probably want for your friends and relatives.

Don't expect ordinary-type baby pictures.

We do the unusual-type poses.

Get this, Barney. Hurry, get a close-up. Right, Fred.

Now, we give it a little bit of hocus-focus...

A little watch-the-bird y, and then we clicket y-click.


And here, my good friends, is a picture you'll be proud to send to all your friends and relatives.

This is what we pros call an action shot.

Cameraman ready? Ready.

Have you got the food, Mrs. Milrock? Coming.

There you are, mother's little darling.

Now, do what the nice man says. Step back, everybody.

When I get her to smile, snap her picture quick, Barney-boy.

Now, my little angel, smile. Coochie, coochie, coochie.

Come on, give me that great big smile. Boo-boo-boo!

Come on, give it to me.

She sure gave it to you.

These, uh, candid sh*ts are really our specialty.

[baby cooing]

I think we got a masterpiece.

Give her back that bar of soap, Barney. That will make a cute picture.

Right. I guarantee this to be a real knockout.


The things some people try to send through the mail.

Get me out of here. Get me out of here!

I hope you're not going airmail, Mr. Flintstone.

At the new rate per pound, you'd cost a fortune.

This will make a great shot. Hold still now, Dino.

Get ready, Barney.

Hey. Isn't that dangerous? No. The baby won't hurt Dino.



Dino, come back.

My baby. Fred Flintstone, you bring my baby right back here.

I'm going to sue you for every dime you've got!

Dino, come back here!


Dino, wait! Hold it!

Do you think Harv will really sue you, Fred?

What for? I got his kid back, didn't I? Forget it.

What's it say on Page 2 of that book? Let's see.

"A sense of humor is important for a photographer."

If there's anything I got, you know it's a sense of humor.

You sure broke me up taking those baby pictures.

Gag pictures. That's the angle. Look at that.

Get the camera, Barney.

Oh, boy, what a shot.


Uh, you mean that sign that says "men at work"?

Yeah, but what's this guy doing? Just sleeping, that's all.

Hey, that's funny.

Yeah. Shh. Shh. Now, be quiet.

I don't want to wake him up and spoil the shot.

A picture like this should be worth a bundle.

Now, to make sure I got everything in, and the focus is just right.

A picture like that could lose me my job, wise guy.

Very funny. You think that's funny, you should have seen him taking baby pictures.

This is what we're going to specialize in. Nature pictures.

Yeah. Here, you can't get clobbered. Shh.

What's up, Fred? You hear anything?

[dinosaur squawking]

Well, uh, just birds chirping.

Just birds? There's a pterodactyl nest around here.

Don't that mean anything to you?

Yeah. It means there's a mother pterodactyl around some place, and I'm getting the heck out of here. Barney, come here. I found them.

Now, there's a picture you don't see very often.


[Barney] The less often, the better for our health.

And I know just how to get that picture.

You do? Yup, from the tip of that branch.

That branch won't hold you, Fred. You're too heavy.

Yeah, I think you might be right, so you get out there.

Here's the camera. Come on, I'll give you a boost.

[grunting] You know something? You might be a little too heavy, too.

But we got to take that gamble.

Will you be careful? I don't want to lose this picture.

How about losing me?

Hey, I just had a thought. How am I going to get back up?

We'll worry about that after you get the picture.

First things first.

[pterodactyl screeching] Uh-oh.

It's the mother pterodactyl.

Duck, Barney! You got to be kidding.

[screeching continues]

Careful, Barney. Careful with that camera.

You're telling the wrong one to be careful. Help!

Don't panic, Barney!

[screeching continues]

Say, as long as you're up there, why don't you get some aerial sh*ts?

She's heading right for you. Smile, and I'll take your picture.


How's this?

You all right, Fred? Get off my back.

Gee. I hope the camera didn't get busted. Ah, there it is. It looks okay.

Forget it, Barney.

As of this moment, we're retiring from the photography business.

Hey, look. The camera must have snapped our picture when it hit the ground.

Come on, Barney. Let's go bowling.

Say, that was great. That was the funniest thing I ever saw.

Imagine, a human being bombed by another human, that was dropped by a pterodactyl.

The only trouble is, nobody would ever believe it.

The picture, Barney. Seeing is believing. [Barney] Right.

Great. Just great. I'm a reporter on the Bedrock Gazette.

My editor will pay money for a picture like this.

You interested in making a deal? Are we?

Take us to your leader, Mac.

Now, just let's get one thing straight.

You ain't dealing with a couple of amateurs.

Oh, I could tell that in a minute.

You don't get the picture for a cent less than 2 bucks.

It's a deal. I was ready to give the chump $200.

Uh, anytime you get more pictures like this, we'll buy them.

Just keep the cash handy. We work fast.

[Editor] You better get new equipment, that camera's no good for newspaper work.

Funny you should say that. We were on our way to get a whole new outfit.

Where we going to get the money for a new outfit, Fred?

You got some loot in the bank, ain't you?

Yeah, but that's Betty's dishwashing machine money.

So borrow it for a while. Oh, I don't know, Fred.

It's simple arithmetic, Barney. It don't add up for me.

Look, it took us a minute to get that picture, right?


At $2 a minute, this is the chance of a lifetime.

Now, come on, let's get that dough.

Do we really need all this equipment? Like what, for instance?

Like this submersible lens for taking pictures underwater on nights when there's a full moon.

Barney, how long is it going to take me to convince you that I know what I'm doing?

I'm sorry, Fred. I was only asking.

Put that stuff in the car, and let's go home.

Right after lunch, we'll hit the road to fame and fortune.

Gee, I wouldn't want to miss that sale.

I hope the boys aren't late for lunch. Are you kidding?

The last time Fred was late for a meal was, um...


Come to think of it, he's got a perfect eating record.

[Fred] Wilma.

And still undefeated, Fred Flintstone.

Hiya, girls. What's for lunch?

The usual, a five-pound brontosaurus steak.

When you gonna have something different?

Uh, like what, Mr. Flintstone? Like a 10-pound brontosaurus steak.

Look, would you boys mind driving Wilma and me downtown after lunch?

With the greatest of pleasure, Mrs. Rubble.

Uh, what are you gonna do downtown? Well, there's a big sale at Gimrocks.

I'm going to take our money out of the bank and get that dishwasher.

We'll not only drive you down, but we'll pick you up.


You're going to the bank? Let's go, Barney.

Fred, where are you going?

We just remembered an important appointment.

Oh, for goodness' sake. Now we'll have to take the bus.

Now we're really in trouble.

Look, Barney, it will take the girls at least two hours to get downtown by bus.

So we get a bunch of news pictures, collect our dough, and beat them to the bank.

But where are we gonna get the pictures?

Uh, if you was going to be news, where would you be?

Dropping from a pterodactyl onto your head.


It's always me who has to do the thinking.

Fred, I've been up here for an hour already.

This ain't news unless I break the flagpole-sitting record.

Well, what's the record? One hundred and four days.

[groans] Now he tells me. Get down from there, fathead.

That's what we'll do.

We'll go to the bank, get a loan on our equipment, and have the dough back when the girls get there.

Will they lend us enough? For this valuable stuff, are you kidding?

Are you kidding? I'm a bank manager not a junk dealer.

Out! Out! Out!

There's a secondhand store just down the street.

Hey, uh, shall we try the store, Fred? Nah, we couldn't get enough.

Why do you let me con you into these nutty ideas, Barney?

Because we are friends, and friends got to listen to friends.

Well, from now on, Barney... Watch where you're going, Mac.

How'd you like a fat lip, bud?

Hold it, Rocky. We don't want any trouble with this guy.

Oh, yeah. Uh, I'm terribly sorry, sir.

Please forgive me. It won't happen again.

Okay. Now, let's see, where was I?

Oh, yeah. From now on, Barney, you got to promise you'll never listen to anything this friend says. Nothing.

Okay, Fred, if that's the way you want it.

[alarm blaring]

[man] Help! Police! It's a holdup! Stop them!

It's a holdup. Give me the camera, quick.

Sorry, Fred, you told me not to listen to you.


Don't be technical. This is the chance of a lifetime.

Smile, gentlemen.

Got it. Yabba-dabba-doo!

Somebody just took our picture. Who?

That goon y-looking guy getting into the car over there.

Uh-oh. Those robbers are coming after us. We'll outrun them.

Take the camera, Barney. Guard it with your life.

Gee, Fred, I think we should have stayed with taking pictures of lovable youngsters.

Hang on, I'm gonna turn down this side street.

Now, we got them. They turned into a dead-end street.

Good. Block the entrance.

Hide the camera, Barney. Oh, sure. But where?

Any place. Here they come. Let's get them, Knuckles.

Right, Rock jaw.

[Fred and Barney grunting]

[Rock jaw] Okay, hand it over.

We give up. Here's the camera. Thanks for the cooperation.

[siren wailing]

It's the cops. Let's beat it, Rock jaw.

Wait a minute. I'll bust the camera first.

Oh, Barney, I told you to guard that camera with your life.

Sorry, Fred, but I did save a little something.

A picture.

[Fred] Yabba-dabba-doo!

Bedrock Bugle-Gazette, here we come.

Oh, boy. 10, 20, 30, 40.

Just enough, Barney. We can put Betty's money back now.

Oh, I hope they don't get to the bank before we do.

Let's go.

Well, we made it, Barney.

Yeah, Betty will never know we used her money.

Now, let's go home and enjoy our vacation.

After today, we need one.

[groaning] Oh, my aching back.

Oh, boy. I got bruises on top of my bruises.

So help me, Barney, I've had it. I'll never take another picture.

Yeah. That goes double.

[Betty] Oh, Barney. In here, Betty.

You awake, Fred?

Sure. Sure, you want Barney and me to bring in Betty's dishwasher?

She didn't get one. Uh-uh.

We put our money together and got a surprise for you both.

A surprise? Uh-huh.

Stand up, close your eyes, and hold out your hands.

So you both can enjoy your vacation together, we got you these.

Cameras? [Wilma] Yes, the best we could buy.

Gee, uh, thanks. Thanks a lot. Yeah. It's swell.

Come on, Fred, let's go get clobbered... I mean, take some more pictures.


Why didn't I pick a safe hobby like wrestling saber-toothed tigers?

Oh, boy.

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