03x26 - The Big Move

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Flintstones". Aired: September 30, 1960 – April 1, 1966.*
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Living in Bedrock, Fred Flintstone works an unsatisfying job, but returns home to his wife Wilma and eventually daughter Pebbles.
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03x26 - The Big Move

Post by bunniefuu »

Wilma, what's going on?

Is this what you ordered, Percy?

Oh, no, my dear. I said Terra Tuna with mayonnaise.

Oh. Sorry.

Wilma, who are these people? Just some neighbors, Fred.

All these people can't be our neighbors.

They must have imported some from overseas.

These are the people you wanted us to know.

I wanted to know them, not support them.

[man] Wilma! Coming.

Anyway, Pebbles is learning the right things from this crowd, Fred.

"How to freeload."

Come on, Freddie. Don't just stand there.

Huh? Hey! Hey! Put me down. What the...?

Everybody into the pool.

Hey! Get me out of here. [sputtering] Wilma!

Sorry, you'll have to wait your turn.



♪ Flintstones, meet the Flintstones They're the modern Stone Age family ♪

♪ From the town of Bedrock They're a page right out of history ♪

♪ Let's ride with the family down the street Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet ♪

♪ When you're with the Flintstones ♪

♪ Have a yabba-dabba-doo time, A dabba-doo time ♪

♪ We'll have a gay old time ♪

[Wilma humming]

Now, if you'll be a good girl and take your nap, Pebbles, Daddy will tell you a story.

Once upon a time, there lived a handsome young king in shining armor.

This handsome king searched everywhere for his beautiful daughter, Princess Snow White.

But Snow White had been found, asleep in the forest, by seven dwarfs, who brought her to their little house.

But, alas, the poor little princess had been given a poisoned apple by the wicked queen.

When Snow White took a bite of the poisoned apple, she yawned and fell into a deep sleep.

Until one day, the handsome king arrived, and the dwarfs quickly let him in.

The dwarfs hoped the handsome king could break the queen's spell.

The king picked up Snow White and as soon as he kissed her, she awakened.

[Pebbles coos]

And so the handsome king and his beautiful daughter, Snow White, lived happily ever after.

Well, come on, my little Snow White, it's beddy-bye time.

[Pebbles murmurs] "Ga-ga"?

She talked. She said, "Da-da."



Hey, Wilma! She did it!

All right, who did that?

Wilma, where are you?

Right here, Fred. What's the matter? It's Pebbles, Wilma. She did it.

Did what?

Spoke her first words. Wilma, our little baby can talk.

Really? What did she say? "Ga-ga."


Oh! She was trying to say "mama," wasn't she?

Oh, no, she wasn't.

Come inside and hear what she calls her daddy.

[Pebbles cooing and Dino laughing]


Ga-ga. Ga-ga.

See? What did I tell you? She's saying "papa" clear as a bell.


Um, you were saying, Fred?

[Pebbles murmuring and Fred chuckling]

Well, how else would she say "papa" at her age?

You know, Wilma, I've been thinking.

Yes, Fred?

These days, kids grow up before you know it. You have to plan ahead.

So? Let's go, boys. Knit one, purl two.

So I just sent for some information. Hm.

"Miss Rockingstone's School For Young Ladies."

Pebbles isn't a young lady. She's a baby, remember?

So, she'll grow out of it, won't she? Listen to this.

"Here, at Miss Rockingstone's, we take pride in turning out young ladies of breeding and culture."

How does that sound? Sounds stuffy and expensive.

That's fine, boys. Thank you.

My daughter's gonna have the best of everything.

For her, there's gonna be only one word. Class.

[Barney] Did someone call? Oh, no.

Scooby-dooby-doo. I'm here. Hiya, Fred, Wilma.

Hiya, kid. [Pebbles laughing]

How's tricks, huh? Watch it, Barney.

That's a baby, not a bowling ball. Oh, she ain't?

Oh, Barney, there you go with that "ain't" again.

What's wrong with "ain't"? Oh, let's just skip it, huh, Barney?

What's the matter? You sick or something?

No, just overwhelmed by your display of grammatical ignorance.

Oh, boy, that sounds bad. Hey, I'll tell you what, Fred.

Let's go bowling. Yeah, you'll feel like a new man.

Barney, there are other things in life besides bowling.

There are? Oh, yeah.

Well, uh, how's about a little game of pool?

Hey, what do you say, kid?

You wanna sh**t a little pool with your Uncle Barn?

Ga-ga. Pow!

Pebbles in the side pocket.

Stick with me, kid. I'll learn you all the trick sh*ts.

Scooby-dooby-doo! [giggling]

Cut it out, Barney. You're too rough.

Oh. Yeah, sure thing, Fred. I'm sorry.

So, uh, you don't want to play pool? No, Barney. Not tonight.

A little poker? Nope.

Well, you don't want to play cards or nothing. But it's our night out, Fred.

Hey, you night-out without me. I'm busy.

Oh, I don't get it. What else is there left to do?

I am gonna stay home and read a book.

Oh. Well, okay, Fred.

I know when I'm not wanted so, uh, I'll see you later.

Sure, Barney. Much later.

Fred, that was your best friend you just insulted.

Yeah. It's time I started choosing more educated friends.

Fred, what has gotten into you?

Kids imitate what they hear, Wilma.

Do you want your daughter sounding like Barney Rubble?


Next thing you know, she'll go around saying, "Scooby-Doo..."

Pebbles, what did you say?

sh**t pool? sh**t pool? Oh! No, Pebbles.

Remember, you're a little lady.

Scooby-dooby-doo. [Fred] Pebbles, stop that!

Play poker? Play poker?

Please, Pebbles, say "ga-ga" like you used to. Please.

Scooby-dooby. Enough. That does it.

Wilma, tomorrow, this house goes up for rent.



[Fred] Before my child picks up any more bad habits, we are moving.

[Wilma] What are you talking about?

[Fred] We are getting away from this house and the uncouth neighbors that go with it.

Uncouth neighbors?

Have you ever seen a guy with less couth than Barney?

[growls] And what he hasn't got, he's giving my daughter.

Fred, I hope you're kidding.

I'm not kidding. I've been thinking about it, and I made up my mind.

For Pebbles' sake, Wilma, the Flintstones are moving up in the world.


Well, thanks a lot. We'll get right over there.

Shouldn't we have found another house before we rented ours, Fred?

We did find one, Wilma. I just signed the lease.

Mm. Without looking at it. Now, don't you worry, sweetheart.

I told you the Flintstones were moving up in the world.

Well, there it is. [Wilma gasps]

Fred, have you lost your mind? That's a mansion.

Yeah, and we can move in right away. It's completely furnished.

We can't afford it.

It's a bargain, Wilma.

It's got your own private swimming pool, tennis court, steam room.

And your own private bank, I hope.

Don't worry about it, Wilma. But you signed a lease.

Means nothing, sweetheart.

Old Fred will take care of everything. That's what I'm afraid of.

Hey, get a load of this.

How about them for neighbors? Class, eh?

Ga-ga? Ga-ga.

You see that? Already, Pebbles is meeting the right kind of people.

Fred, we can't possibly keep up with all of this.

I don't feel comfortable up here, Fred, and I miss Betty and Barney already.

Wilma, will you please relax?

For Pebbles' sake, we've got to make new friends.

[man] Hi-ho, there.


Here comes the guy next door. He's our landlord. Now just let me do the talking.

Tenants, anyone? I think that was a sniffy one, don't you?


I am Reggie Van Staten Ill, and you must be, uh...

Frederick J. Flintstone, uh, IV... and this is Mrs. Flintstone. The first.

The real estate fellow told me you were driving up here.

Where's your chauffeur and your car?

You're talking to him and standing in front of it.

[laughs] That's very good. No, I mean, seriously.

Well, uh, our man is on vacation and our car is, um... in the garage. Uh, this is just a loaner. Fred.

Well, shall we go inside?

What about Dino? I was just getting to that.

Say, uh, Van Staten.

I forgot to ask, but dogs are okay, aren't they?

Oh, I'm terribly fond of dogs.

Well, that's swell, because we've got a dog we're keeping with friends until we move.

No pets of any kind allowed!

It is in the lease you signed. Fred Flintstone.

Up, Egbert.

Upstairs, you'll find the nurse's room.

[Wilma] Now all we've got to find is the nurse.

[Van Staten] The butler's and maid's quarters are separate, naturally.

[Wilma] Oh, naturally.

[Van Staten] Down, Egbert.

Down, Egbert. Up, Egbert. Down, Egbert. Can't he make up his mind?

Of course, the pièce de résistance is the game room.

Pièce de who-stance?

Here's the game room.

Pool, anyone? [laughs]

sh**t pool? sh**t pool? Pebbles.

[giggling] Scooby-doo.

Pebbles, now just be quiet and play like a good girl, huh?


Oh, the things kids pick up from the servants these days.

One, two, three, four...

[Fred] Say, that's quite a pool table you have there.

Yes, indeed. Always meant to learn this game.

Oh! Would you like me to show you?

Fred. [Van Staten] Would you?

Say, now that's a peachy idea.

Oh, I'd like that. Rack them up, pal.


Eh, let's start with a little game called Eight Ball.

Oh, is it for money? Yeah. I'll tell you what. Just for fun.

Uh, we'll play for this month's rent. Oh, that sounds sporting.

Uh, how do we begin?

Well, you hold your cue like this, and you sh**t like this.

Oh, I get it. You hold your cue like this, and you sh**t like this.


Beginner's luck. [laughs] I'll have another go at it.

[stammering] Boy, you sure learn fast, don't you?

Well, I guess this is just my lucky day.

That's two months' rent, Mr. Flintstone. Yeah, sure.

Well, I must toddle off now.

I'm sure you want to relax and start enjoying your new home.

Oh, I've started enjoying it already. [Pebbles] Ga-ga.

Ga-ga. Ga-ga.

Apparently, so has your child.



Got you.


[Van Staten] That was a priceless antique vase.


Accidents will happen. Right, Mr. Van Staten?

Right, Mr. Flintstone.

Of course, according to your lease, you're responsible for any damage.

[stammering] But Pebbles didn't read the lease. She's only a baby.

Don't worry, Mr. Flintstone. Pebbles won't get the bill. You will.

Oh, boy. [cooing]

Betty, you're kidding.

The man who rented our house moved out?

Mm-hm. He got transferred and left this morning.

Say, Wilma, maybe you could come home now.

Not a chance. We signed a lease. Well, how long can Fred keep it up?

As long as our money and our lend-lease policy holds out.

- Lend-lease? Mm.

We lease the house and lend to the neighbors.

I have never seen such a bunch of freeloaders.


For heaven's sake, answer the door.

It's the doorbell, Betty. The freeloaders are here. Call you later.

Gracious, it's hot. Me for a dip in the pool.

Beastly hot. Wilma, bring us something cool to drink.

Personally, I prefer this tennis court to the Rockville's.

Wilma's a much better cook.

I'm all out of tennis balls. You have some, don't you, Wilma?

[woman 1] I don't know about you, but I haven't eaten. I'm starving.

[woman 2] I forgot to bring back your bathing suit. Have you another I can wear?

[man] How's about some snacks, Wilma, before we eat?

Boy, what a day.

This working overtime is getting rough, but it's worth it.

Just to start Pebbles off on the right foot.

What took you so long? We're running out of ice.


Who's he, Robbie? The delivery fellow.

[woman] At the front door? [Robbie] He must be new.

Now, wait a minute, I... Wilma, what the...?

You'll have to wait.

I've got the crowd by the pool first. What?

Wilma, what's going on?

Is this what you ordered, Percy?

Oh, no, my dear. I said Terra Tuna with mayonnaise.

Oh. Sorry.

Wilma, who are these people? Just some neighbors, Fred.

All these people can't be our neighbors.

They must have imported some from overseas.

These are the people you wanted us to know.

I wanted to know them, not support them.

[man] Wilma!


Anyway, Pebbles is learning the right things from this crowd, Fred.

"How to freeload."

Come on, Freddie. Don't just stand there. Huh?

Hey! Hey, put me down. What the...?

Everybody into the pool.

Hey! Get me out of here. [sputtering] Wilma!

Sorry. You'll have to wait your turn.


Everybody into the pool. Ugh.


Oh, boy.

[Barney] Hey, Fred, how you doing? Barney!

Hiya, Fred. Hold it. I'll be right down.

Hiya, Barn. How's tricks? Oh, about the same.

It's good to see you... I was wondering how you were doing.

[both laughing]

Hey, Barn, about my moving away, it wasn't anything personal, you know.

Sure, Fred.

I just wanted Pebbles to have a chance to meet the best people.

Not that you're not the best, but, uh...

You don't have to explain, Fred. I know I haven't got class.

Well, yeah.

But you're the best friend I ever had. Oh, gosh. Thanks.

Hey, you coming to the bowling tournament tonight?

No, I can't, Barn. Wilma and me... And I are invited to a big fancy dinner.

Oh. Well, uh, have a good time. So long, Fred.

Remember me to the guys at the Lodge! Up, Charlie.

Gosh, what a swell little guy.

My son tells me you're in construction, Mr. Flintstone.

Huh? Oh. Yeah, you might say I'm pretty big in rocks and gravel.

Rocks and gravel? Ugh. Sounds awfully messy.

I'm sure he doesn't actually go down to the place, Reggie.

Do you, Mr. Flintstone? Uh...

No. No, of course not.

I, uh, just phone my instructions in. Naturally.

We so rarely have an opportunity to talk to someone who actually works for a living.

Well, it's not that I need to, you understand.

With me, it's just sort of a hobby.

That does it. I'm going home, Fred. Wilma, wait!

Wait for me! Wilma!

Let's face it, Flintstone. Wilma's right. We don't belong up on that hill.

I pretend to be someone I'm not and make a complete fool of myself.

A big fool! A big, fat fool!

So, who's arguing?


Quitting time.

I'm going straight home and tell Wilma that we are going back where we belong.

Wilma, I'm home.



This place would make a mausoleum seem like an amusement park.

Used to be I'd come home, and old Barney would be raiding my icebox.

Up, Egbert.

Pebbles would be crying nice and loud.

Dino would jump all over me and knock me down.

I didn't know how good I had it.

Wilma, I want to talk to you. I've been thinking.

Oh, no. Don't tell me we're going up in the world again.

I refuse to keep house in a palace. Not up, Wilma, and not down either.

Just back to where we belong.

Oh, Fred! You mean, we're going home? Back to Betty, Barney, and Dino?

If they'll have us. Oh! I'm so happy.

What changed your mind?

You were so determined to have the best for Pebbles.

She has the best.

You're her mother, aren't you? And I'm her daddy. What more does she need?

Not a thing, Fred.

Oh! I can't wait to call Betty and tell her right away.

Uh, wait a minute. We can't move back. We signed a lease.

Yeah. I've been thinking about that too.

So, tomorrow night, we are gonna have a dinner party.

Oh, Fred, I can hear those wheels turning now.

[both laughing]

Strange, Reggie. No lights on in front. Come on around the back, folks!

[laughs] The rest of the company is in the kitchen.

The kitchen? What in the world?


Hiya, folks. Come in and meet the family.

This here's my cousins, Betty Sue and Barney Lou.

[in southern accent] Howdy. My word.


[in southern accent] Howdy. Eight rock in the corner pocket. [laughing]

Mother. [Mother] Courage, Reggie.

Remember, you are a Van Staten.

Took them longer than usual to find us this time.

Find you?

Yeah. Every time we move, they find us and move in.

[Mother] But why?

Well, they don't believe in working either.

And seeing as they're family, we get stuck with them.

It's the way of the hills.

Sit down and relax, folks. We're just one big family.

Here, have something to eat. [grunts]

[yapping] Oh!

Oh! Oh! Call off this monster.

That there ain't no monster, lady. That there's my dog.

Best dang bird dog we ever had. [grunts]

Mr. Flintstone, I told you no pets were allowed in this house.

Dang, he ain't no pet. He's one of the family.

Where we go, he goes, and we're here...

To stay. They found us fair and square. We can't get rid of them now.

Why not? Because...


It's the law of the hills.

And we upholds the law of the hills.

Reggie, I want these awful people out of here by tomorrow.

All of them. I quite agree, Mother.

Here's your lease, Flintstone.

I expect you and this menagerie out of here by morning.


Help! Help!

[barking continues] Go get him, boy, yippee!

Best darn hound dog I ever had.

[all laughing]

[Barney neighing and Pebbles cooing]

Oh, thank goodness we're back where we belong.

Yeah, with Betty and Barney Rubble.

[neighing and cooing continue]

The most wonderful neighbors in the world. What do you say to that, Pebbles?



[laughing] You said it, sweetheart. You said a mouthful.

♪ Flintstones, meet the Flintstones They're the modern Stone Age family ♪

♪ From the town of Bedrock They're a page right out of history ♪

♪ Someday, maybe Fred will win the fight Then that cat will stay out for the night ♪

♪ When you're with the Flintstones ♪

♪ Have a yabba-dabba-doo time, A dabba-doo time ♪

♪ We'll have a gay old time ♪

♪ We'll have a gay old time ♪ Wilma!
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