03x27 - Swedish Visitors

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Flintstones". Aired: September 30, 1960 – April 1, 1966.*
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Living in Bedrock, Fred Flintstone works an unsatisfying job, but returns home to his wife Wilma and eventually daughter Pebbles.
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03x27 - Swedish Visitors

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ When the band is swinging ♪

♪ We both feel like singing ♪

♪ It's not the kind of music That makes us very proud ♪

♪ When we say it's pretty We mean pretty loud ♪

[theme music playing]



♪ Flintstones, meet the Flintstones They're the modern Stone Age family ♪

♪ From the town of Bedrock They're a page right out of history ♪

♪ Let's ride with the family down the street Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet ♪

♪ When you're with the Flintstones ♪

♪ Have a yabba-dabba-doo time, A dabba-doo time ♪

♪ We'll have a gay old time ♪

Well, we could go to the beach along this road and spend our vacation there.

That'd be nice.


Or we could go this way and try the mountains.

I'd like that too. [cooing]

[knocking, then door opens]

[Barney] Hiya, Fred, Wilma.

What are you doing? [Fred] Hi, Barney, Betty. Come in.

We're trying to decide where to go on our vacation.

Oh, there's a pretty lake near Stone Mountain.

Yeah. Or you could go, uh, water-skiing at Hyannistone.

[Wilma] And there's always Niagrarock Falls.

[Barney] Yeah, that's a good place.

It's a lovely drive to Brick Creek. [Barney] That's another goody-good place.

Hey, look. I win.

Hey, you want to play best two out of three, Fred?

[both laughing]

Hey, you know what I'd really like to do? Stay right here for the whole week.

Stay here? Sure. We got a nice place.

I could have a whole week of peace and quiet right here. What's wrong with that?

But, Fred. And what's more... the 80 bucks we saved up could go in the bank.

[Wilma] I think that's wonderful. You do?

Absolutely. It's your vacation, and you do anything you want.

Wilma, you are a peach.

Take the money down to the bank right now before you change your mind.

Yeah. Yeah, good idea. Come on, Barney.

All right, Wilma, what's going on?

Oh, it's just that I'm a thoughtful wife.

Anxious to do anything that pleases my husband.

Mm, sure.

And then there's the one about Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Come on, tell the truth.

Well... Come on.

Well, there's a fur neckpiece in Stack's window, and it just happens to cost $80.

[gasps] Wilma Flintstone, you're just terrible.

Why couldn't I think of something like that?

It's perfect.

Fred gets his cozy vacation at home, and I get that cozy fur neckpiece.

Wish me luck, Betty. [giggling] Good luck, Wilma.

Yes, sir, that Wilma's a great girl.

You see how quickly she agreed with me? You know how that makes me feel?

No. But it would make me feel very nervous.

Your trouble, Barney, is you're too suspicious. Come on, let's go.

Just a minute, fellas, you've got company.

Here we are. Bedrock National Bank.

I wonder if they give free samples? [laughing] Come on, Barney.

Let's get into the bank before this parking meter takes all my money.

I hope Stack's still has that fur piece.

I wish I had more than this.

I don't know, Fred. You know what they say about money.

It only turns your head.

Sure, and I like facing in that direction.

Morning, Mr. Flintstone.

There you are, 80 big ones to add to the Flintstone family fortune.

Uh, how much does that give me all together?

Counting this 80, you have...

81. I'll put it in the vault.

You just yabba-dabba-doo that. Okay, Barn, let's go.


Phew. [panting]

You want to put something into the vault?

Uh-uh. Good.


Now, what can I do for you?

I'm Mrs. Flintstone. I'd like to take out $80.

Oh, no.

[panting] This is not going to be my day.

Who needs to go away for a vacation? Right, Barney?

Right, Fred. You have everything here.

A jug of cactus juice, a tiger-skin hammock, and me.

Yes, sir.

Old Fred's smart brains have beat the system.

Eighty clams in the bank and a week of peace and quiet.

[yawns, then snores]

It says here, a convention's coming to town.

Hundreds of musicians from all over the world.

There will be all kinds of marching bands and parades.

[marching bands approaching]

Hey, that must be them coming now.

Boy, I love a parade.

[marching band playing]

What the...? Hey! Help!


Get me out of here! Help!


Gee, my best friend swallowed by a tiger. I'll save you, Fred!

[Fred] Hurry up, will you?

Hang on, Fred, I'll clobber him!

Boy, I really flattened him, didn't I? And I'm gonna flatten you.

[whistle blows and drums play]

What's all that racket?

There's a musicians' convention in town. They'll be having parades here all week.

All week? [whistle blows]

If that's going on all week, I'm not gonna be here.

I'm getting that dough back out of the bank, and we're taking our vacation out of town.

How do you like my new fur piece, Betty?

I like it fine, Wilma. The question is, how is Fred going to like it?

Oh, he'll like it.

After all, we weren't using the money for anything.

[Fred] Wilma. I'll run along.

Okay. And thanks for watching the baby.

Come on, pack your bags.

We're gonna spend our vacation in the country.

[stammering] What?

There's a noisy music convention in town. So we're getting out of town.

Where are we going now? Down to the bank to get our 80 bucks out.

Hey, what's that you're wearing?

What? Oh. Oh, this old thing? Oh. It's just something out of the attic.

Oh. Well, I'd better go get our vacation money.

Oh, dear. Maybe Betty can help me.


Betty. Betty! Oh, hi, Wilma.

I'm just trying my new steam iron.

Hot stuff. Watch it, hot stuff.

Betty, I'm in terrible trouble.

Do you think you could lend me $80?

[giggling] Eighty dollars? Are you kidding?

As the wife of Diamond Jim Rubble, I don't have 80 cents.

Oh, dear.

Fred's decided he wants to go away on a vacation after all.

Well, he can always spend two glorious weeks admiring your new fur.

Be serious, Betty. Fred will be leaving for the bank any minute now.


Oh, excuse me, Wilma, someone's at the door. Yes?

Good afternoon. I am Ingemar Erockson.

This is my brother, Ole.

Yeah. Yeah. Ole Erockson, at your service.

And my brother, Sven.

Uh, Ole Erockson, at your service.

No. He is Ole. You are Sven. Uh, he is Ole. You are Sven.

Oh, boy.

We are wondering if you have a room to rent until Sunday?

A room?

Yeah, we come from Sweden for the music festival, and the hotels are all filled up.

We will pay anything. Anything.

Um, the house next door is available until Sunday.

Could you pay $80? [Ingemar] Oh, that is a little expensive.

Isn't it, boys? Yeah, that is expensive.

Say something. I is Ole. You are Sven.

I is Ole. You are Sven.

Oh, boy. Okay, we take it.

[Wilma] You can move in, in an hour. Good. We go get the bags.

Thank you very much.

I is Ole. You are Sven. He is Ole. You are Sven.

He is Ole. You are Sven.

Hurry, Betty, I've just got to get to the bank before Fred.

Well, there he is, up ahead.

Hang on, Wilma, we'll pass him.

Wow, what was that?

[tires screech]

I'll be right back.

Flintstone, $80 deposit.

Oh, promise me you're not gonna take it out again.

I promise. Good. I'll deposit it for you.


Hurry, Betty, we made it just in time.

[panting] Oh, no.

The name's Flintstone. I want my 80 bucks.

Oh, I knew it. I knew it! [sobs]

Well, there it is. How do you like it?

I rented it from the Rollingstone Trailer Company.

It's lovely, Fred. Let's go.

We can drive up to Jellyrock Park. It'll be nice and quiet there.

Stop at the Flintstone place just ahead, driver.

Yes, sir.

If we're going, let's go, Fred, come on. Okay. Okay, Wilma.

Quiet vacation, here we come.

Flintstone residence. Everybody, out.

♪ Over hill, over dale, we will hit the dusty trail ♪

♪ As our trailer goes rolling along ♪ Yabba-dabba-doo.

Attagirl, Pebbles.

♪ As our trailer goes rolling along ♪

Fred, it's beautiful.

Yes, sir, this is it. Peace and quiet.

Howdy, folks. Oh, howdy, Mr. Ranger.

Just wanted to tell you they're building a new road, and they'll be, uh using a little...



How long will that be going on?

Not long. Just another week or two.

[rumbling and clanking]

What's that?

We'll also be thinning out the trees for the next few weeks.

Cutting down the trees? [groans] And I wanted a quiet vacation.

Come on, Fred, there's a nice supper in the picnic basket.

Oh, boy, at least this noise hasn't affected my appetite.

[man] Timber!

Oh, boy, what else can happen?

Now you see why I'm smarter than the average Fred Flintstone, Boo Boo?

The fastest way I know to get a picnic basket.

Fred, the basket's gone. Oh, it figures.

[thunder rumbling]

You folks, all right? Yeah. Yeah, thanks.

I never heard such thunder.

That's not thunder, that's dynamite.

Now that's thunder. Enjoy your vacation.

Oh, sure. Peace and quiet.

Wilma, let's go home.

Home? But we can't go... [stammering] I mean, we shouldn't.


You want to spend a week here, listening to that thunder?

Dynamite. Okay, dynamite.

[thunder rumbles]

That was thunder. You mean you really want to stay here?

Well, we'll get used to it. No point in rushing home, not until Sunday.

Why don't you get some rest? Rest? Oh, boy.

Yes, sir, that Wilma sure is a spunky girl.

Sticking it out here, just so she won't ruin my vacation.

It kind of chokes me up.

Imagine going through all this, just for me, but I know she'd rather be home.

So that's exactly where we're going.

Sleep tight, honey, you'll wake up in your own little bed in the morning.

Isn't that cute?

No point waking them. I'll let them sleep.

Mm. I'm starved. Think I'll go in and have a little snack.

[clattering and Fred humming]



Ole is hungry.

It's sure good to be home.

Oops, need a knife and fork.

Thought I put some food there. Oh, well.

Uh, hey, where you get that? In the living room.

Oh. Needs salt.

Oh, boy, Sven is hungry.


What? I must have eaten it. But I'm still hungry.

[groans] I'd better get to bed.


[stammering] Is that you, honey?

Uh, he is Ole. I am Sven.



Wilma? Wilma? Where are you, Fred?

[stammering] I'm down here. There's a prowler sleeping in my bed.

There's no one in your bed, Fred.

I mean, in the house. I drove home while you were asleep.

Oh, no.

Hello, there. [Fred] Who's he?

[Wilma] That's your prowler, Fred. Wait. Come back.

I can explain everything! I don't need any explanation.

I'm just gonna pick him up and throw him out of the house.

Mm. All right, Wilma, if you insist.

I'm ready to listen. Well, it's a long story, Fred. You see...

It just isn't right, Barney.

I gotta stay in my driveway while three strangers live it up in my house.

But I promised them, and there's nowhere else they can go.

Hey, wait a minute, Fred, I got a great idea.

Pull the trailer over, and you can live in my driveway.

Oh, that's great. You're a lot of help.

Well, uh... Hey, how about sic'ing Dino in there to chase them out?

Hey! Now that is an idea, Barn. Dino! Dino boy!


Go sick them, boy. Get in there and chase them away.


Don't know why I didn't think of this before.

Hey, it's awful quiet in there. [laughs]

They're probably petrified with fear.

I'll go in and hold Dino and give them a chance to run for it.


Isn't that cute?

The little pooch likes Swedish meatballs. You want another one?



[Dino growls] No, no, no, Dino!

How do you like that, my own dog, a traitor? He was gonna bite me.

[laughs] Dino probably mistook you for another meatball.

Hey, there's one thing we haven't tried.

Suppose it's so noisy around here, they can't sleep?

They'll be glad to move out.

We make the noise, huh? Sure.

We'll give them a serenade. You on the horn, me on the skins.

Hey, uh, where will we play? Right here, in the garage.

Okay, I'll go get my horn.

All right, we'll blast them right back to Sweden.

One and a-two and a-three.


♪ When the band is swinging ♪

♪ We both feel like singing ♪

♪ It's not the kind of music That makes us very proud ♪

♪ When we say it's pretty We mean pretty loud ♪

Come on, Barney, let's go over to your house.

Listen to that racket. They'll have the cops here.

Hey, that's what we should have done in the first place.

We'll get the cops to yank them out of there.

You're gonna call the police? No, you're gonna call them.

After all, I can't ask the police to raid my own place.

But, gosh, Fred...

Nothing can go wrong, Barney. I'll back you up all the way.

[siren wailing]

[music stops]

It worked. The cops are putting them in the paddy wagon.

Now, look, Barn, Wilma and I will go right down to the police station.

You wait a few minutes, then come busting in and make the complaint.

Remember, you gotta be mean and mad.

Mean and mad. Oh, okay, Fred, I'll be mean and mad.

All right. What's the charge?

These men were disturbing the peace, Your Honor.

They sure were. Now, Fred.

Who are you? I own the house, where...

Please, sir, it was not his fault. He is our friend.

He's a wonderful man. How's that?

We are strangers in this country. Far from our home and people.

This man and his wife took us into their home.

He has been very kind to us.

He gave us his little pet, Dino.

He serenaded us with music and all on his vacation time.

[stammering] Uh, but, fellas...

[Ingemar] And now, he and his wife have come out tonight to try and help us.

All I know is that the world would be a better place, if there were only more kind people, like the Flintstones.

But this charge, the noise?

[Ingemar] Well, we did not realize it was so late, Your Honor.

We were busy making up a song about the Flintstones.

Really? Let's hear it.

Okay, boys, hit it.


[singing in Swedish]


[singing in Swedish]


I'd like to get my hands on the crank who had these talented boys arrested.

His name was Rubble, Your Honor.

My name is Rubble. I'm mean, and I'm mad, and I demand justice be done.

I agree with you. Five days in jail.

Five days, huh? Well, that ain't half enough.

Uh, how am I doing, Fred? Barney, shh!

You're right. Make it 10 days. Take him away.

Hey, what's going on?

You heard me. Ten days, or $50.

Fred, how much of our vacation money is left?

But, Wilma... Oh, well.

Your Honor, I'll pay his fine.

Release the prisoner.

You see, friendly Fred Flintstone, helps everybody.

Three cheers for Fred Flintstone.


Uh, he's Ole. I'm Sven.

[singing in Swedish]

♪ Flintstones, meet the Flintstones They're the modern Stone Age family ♪

♪ From the town of Bedrock They're a page right out of history ♪

♪ Someday, maybe Fred will win the fight Then that cat will stay out for the night ♪

♪ When you're with the Flintstones ♪

♪ Have a yabba-dabba-doo time, A dabba-doo time ♪

♪ We'll have a gay old time ♪

♪ We'll have a gay old time ♪ Wilma!
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