02x06 - Analogies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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02x06 - Analogies

Post by bunniefuu »


How would you
describe that?

Really, really...

Be honest.


-Adequate's good, though.

Adequate gets the job done.
Adequate's right up there.

[doorbell chimes]

-Who could that be?
-It's probably the paperboy.

No, no, no.
Come back here.

Bay'll get it.

We've never gone
11 days before.

Yeah, well,
we've been busy.
We've been stressed.

I'm never that stressed.

Okay. I'm gonna make up
for a little lost time here.

Try to get that

pleasure barometer
back up over adequate.

Kirsten, could you
come down here?

In a minute!

In a minute.
You know, I'm not 16.

Come on, Charlie.

Bailey can wait. Okay?

[Kirsten giggles]

Doesn't this worry you?

The fact that we, like...
Lately, we...

God, we recycle
more often than we make love.

That's not true.


Oh, Charlie...


Bailey, I'm coming.

God, Bailey,
what is it?

Mom? Dad?


[theme music playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

You couldn't have, like,
I don't know,

like, maybe called.

[Gene laughs]
If we had,

you would've pretended
you weren't still mad at us

and told us not to come.

And after that dreadful
wedding gown debacle.

I don't know
if Kirs told you,

but she and I had a little to-do
about the dress.

Nope. Didn't say a word.

Not a word. Really.

We just wanted
to make sure that's all
water under the bridge

so that when you walk down
the aisle on your wedding day,

you are not still angry at me
for insisting

that only
a very small percentage

of the female population
can carry off flounce.

-Actually, no.

Oh, Gene, Gene!
It's not decaf.

So Ellie, Gene,
what's the plan?

You guys gonna stay for a while?

Or just the weekend?

Well, we're certainly
not gonna expect you

to drop everything
to entertain us.

In fact, if we could grab
a few hours,

I was kind of hoping
to take your mother up to Napa

on one of those
wine-tasting tours.


we talked on the plane
about the wine-tasting.

The whole point of coming here
was to spend time with you.

Now, I wanna hear
every single detail
about the wedding.

We could rent clubs,
play a little golf.


And we're staying
in a hotel.

Really. We insist.

[bell rings]

Did you remember
to bring the shoes
we're gonna wear
to the wedding,

so she can do our hems?

Got 'em.

-What's he doing here?

He's gonna drive us.

I thought you said
we were gonna take the bus.

Yeah, well,
the bus takes forever,

and Griffin's got a car, so...

I thought
he had a motorcycle.

So what did you do?

Steal this?

-[Griffin] No.

Actually, this is
my dad's car.

You said it was
just gonna be
the two of us.

Oh, for crying out loud, Claud.
He's just trying to be nice.

Now, listen, the dressmaker
is expecting us in 20 minutes.

So just get in the car.

-I said, get in the car,

I'm sorry about that.

It's all right.

Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.

Shut up, Will.

Listen, Bay,
Claud's being a real pain.

And someone's gotta take her
to the dressmaker.

Oh, my God. You got
your SAT scores.


Nine hundred.

-Five bucks. Come on.

Nine hundred flat?

It's 900 flat?


-Eat my dust, McCorkle.

-Fork it over.
-I was positive you'd get 950.

-What are you doing?
-Check the verbal
for me, will you?

Four forty-five.


-I can't believe you--
-Come on!

You bet on how bad I would do?



It's no big deal, Bay.

All you need to get into S.F.
is to sign your name.

You have
a 500-point cushion.

You're scholarship
material at S.F.

You're lucky you don't have to
sweat any of this college stuff.


Do you mind?

I have to watch a documentary
on our vanishing wilderness,

and it starts in two minutes.

So can you please...?

What's going on?

He's interrupting.


Well, why don't we
watch it together.

Yeah, right.

-I'll watch upstairs.



I got you something.

It's a bracelet.

Well, it's a weird
piece of metal I found.

And I don't know,
I thought you would,
think it was kind of cool.

I don't wear bracelets.


-Oh, forget it.
-I will not.

Claudia, get back here!

Let go of me!

What is your problem?

He's trying to be nice to you.
Why can't you be nice to him?

'Cause I don't like him. I like Justin.

And it's my house, so...
I can be nice to whoever I want.

I am sick of you
being like this. No one asked if you liked
Griffin or Justin.

It's none of your business
who I go out with.


Claudia, you think
you're grown up.

You think you're smarter
than everyone else.

But you're not.

You're a brat. You know that?

You're a 12-year-old brat.

It's no bother at all.

-Right, Charlie?
-No. No bother at all.

-Right, Jule?
-None at all.

I love sleeping
on the sofa.

Listen, we're so sorry
about today.

But you know how
impossible it is

to agree
on one thing to do.

Mother, please. Charlie and I
see each other all the time.

Anyway, it was fun
splitting up

and each taking one of you.
Right, Charlie?


Oh, dear.


I just didn't even
think to ask.

What's wrong?

It's just that,
there's only one of them.

One bed?

You guys sleep in--?

You knew that.

Oh, well,
it's the only way

either one of us
can get any sleep.

I mean, your father
just rolls around
like he's on the deck

of the Titanic.

Your mother's
a very polite sleeper.

I guess one of you

could stay in Jule's room.

Nonsense. Nonsense.

We just won't make a fuss, Gene.

-This is fine.

Separate beds.

My parents
sleep in separate beds.

It's like some crummy sitcom
from the '50s.

God, do you think they don't,
you know, do it anymore?

They must. No one just stops
doing it altogether.

I mean, they must
still do it sometimes,

don't you think,

I'm trying very hard
not to think about it.

Charlie, stop.

I'm way too hot.

That's kind of the point.

Charlie can you
turn around, please?

You're breathing
down my neck.


[Kirsten sighs]

Separate beds.

Can you believe it?

Starting to.

Now, how about this one?

Wang Ping's on Grant.

"Scallion pancakes
to die for." Five stars.

Oh, no, the dim sum's
on Saturday only.

Now that won't work.

Because Saturday, I thought
we'd go to Sausalito,

maybe drive to Mill Valley,
do some shopping.

Then there's this restaurant
I read about in Sonoma.

Which means, if we're
gonna do Chinese,

today is the day.

Aren't you coming?

No, you guys go ahead.

Why don't we just find
some great local joint

that isn't overrun
with tourists.

Sounds good to me.

Hey, remind me to send you
all our Mexico guidebooks

before you take
your honeymoon.

Ellen's got a whole shelf.
All the good places circled.

I kind of wish we were going
someplace a little further away.

We really wanna go
to Europe one day.

Maybe when Owen's
a little older.

Don't just talk about it.
You gotta set a date, Charlie.

Even if it's years away.

Otherwise, I don't know,
it just...

kind of gets away
from you.

March, '96.

That's my date.

[hits golf ball]

Employees of the good old
Sevenson Insurance Company

are gonna give me
a gold watch and a cake.

I'm gonna clean out my desk.
And then we are off.

Off where?

You follow baseball, Charlie?

I wanna see a game

in every major-league park
in America.

-We're gonna do it.


That sounds great.

We'll have
a general plan, sure.

A vague sense
of the route, absolutely,

but no schedule.

We'll just see
where the road takes us.


Detours. Detours
are where it's at.

You're a man
after my own heart, Charlie.


You're away, kiddo.

Miss Beaton?

E-I or I-E?
Does that...?

Doesn't that look
wrong to you?

I keep having this
recurring nightmare

where the Board of Education

finds out I can't spell
worth a damn

and yanks my license.

I need your signature.


You're transferring?

Into wood shop.

It was the only elective
that had a few open spaces.

I got a 900.


Well, that's disappointing.

Yeah, but let's be honest,
not a total shock.

Probably about how well
you'd expect me to do.

So I'm just gonna apply
to State and get it over with.

Stop torturing myself applying
to all these Eastern schools.

Okay, well,
that's good to know.

What's good to know?

That that's your thinking.

Because the worst thing
is investing in someone

who's gonna split
at the first sign of trouble.

Lesson I took
from my sordid love life.

Look, it's nothing
personal or anything.

I mean, you're
a really good teacher.

I know that.
No, I know I'm a good teacher.

I'm a great teacher.

I can just be

a really bad judge
of character, sometimes.

I mean, a student laughs

at some dumb joke of mine

or does a "Yes!"
when they get a question right,

and I think,
"They're mine."

And I thought
I had you, Bailey, but,

you got away.

Maybe it was the wontons.

It wasn't the wontons.

Could have been
the Peking duck.

It wasn't the Peking duck.

Maybe it was that beige stuff.

Oh, look, it wasn't
the beige stuff, okay?

The beige stuff
is their specialty.

The beige stuff was delicious.

We all had four helpings
of the beige stuff,

and you don't see
the three of us parked

in the toilet
for 30 minutes, do you?

You know
what a sensitive stomach
your mother has.

Come on, Dad!

Let's not pretend
we don't know
what's happening.

This is her revenge
for letting you
pick the restaurant.

Well, I'm worried.
She's been in there too long.

Since you refuse
to look in on her,

I just hope
she didn't faint.

You know what this means,
don't you?

We shouldn't bother
taking the leftovers home?

The Dee Young exhibit
starts at three.

We're never gonna
make it in time.

And plus,
she's not gonna wanna schlep

all the way to Chez Panisse
for dinner after this.


Okay. Okay,
here's what we do.

We get a dinner reservation
at Kuleto's for nine o'clock.

If we leave in 15,
provided she's not dead,

we hop a cable car
down to the wharf,

check out Ghirardelli,
go back home,

nap a couple of hours
before we head out to dinner.

What do you think?

What do I think?

Feeling much better now.

I think you sound
exactly like your mother.


She's fine. Not to worry.

-What's that mean?
-[Ellie] I am so sorry.

You know, they had
the loveliest mural

in that ladies' room. [Julia giggling]

You know, we're not
gonna be quiet.

So if that's what
this is about,

you should go work
somewhere else.

Do you know anything
about radios?


I mean, Griffin.

We have this school project
to do something scientific,

so I bought
one of those radio kits.

Yeah, I got that.

But I only have
one good hand,

and two hands are
kind of the bare minimum

you need
for radio building.

So I was wondering...

Yup. You got it
hooked up all wrong.


Look, Justin and I
were friends.

That's all.

I mean, that's...
That's the only reason...

You know...


I'm sort of
an acquired taste anyway.

Oh, yeah?

That's what people say
about me too.

Is that right?


I'm kicking my car.



I was just thinking
that I...

sort of know how
that car feels right now.

I wasn't
that hard on you. Anyway, you completely
deserved it.

Listen, can I ask you
a huge favor?

I have strategically
locked my keys inside my car.

Can I get a lift?
I have an extra set at home,

and I'm just
through the Presidio.

-Hop in.

A jeep, huh?

Maybe I should get
one of these, change my image.

I guess.

I was thinking that...

maybe I should take

the SATs again.


Bailey, that's great.
That's great!

I had a feeling
about you.

I had a feeling
you'd come around.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. We can start
prepping tomorrow.

Why don't you come
to my place?

Your place?

Yeah. I'll make lunch.
We'll make it fun.

I'm really happy about this.

I think you're gonna
do great. I guarantee it.

Well, thanks, Miss Beaton.

Oh, it's Maggie on weekends.



I can't believe it!
We did it!

Let me tune it in
for you.

This is
so cool!

She's cute.

It's been two hours.
Can we...?

Oh, right, right. Hey, I gotta go.


You're welcome.

Come on.

Why don't we...

Why don't we
make it a threesome.

Maybe we'll get a pizza
or something.


-Yeah. Sure.

No. We're not
gonna do that.

-[Griffin] Why not?
-[Julia] Because we're not. Because
we have to go...

to that club
and see that band

that you wanted to see,

that are playing tonight,

and you're too young.





How about that time
we made love
in the laundry room?

I give up.
How about that time?

Well, it was pretty
spur of the moment, wasn't it?


That was last year.

And, I mean,
deciding to get married.

For crying out loud,
that's a huge thing!

That's huge!

I mean, it's not like
we even debated about it.

Where are you going
with this?

I don't always
make plans.

I mean, I was supposed
to call about the wedding
napkins today.

And you know what?
I didn't.

-What the hell?

And I listen to you.

I mean,
I never roll my eyes

when you're telling me
something really important

or talk about you like
you're not even in the room.

Right? Right?

Right. You don't.

You don't ever do that.

And I touch you.

All the time, don't I?

I mean,
she never touches him.

She never looks at him
like she really wants him.

And I want you. I'm nothing like her.


Okay, you see?

You see how you keep
wanting to go with the answer

that uses
the same kind of word?

"Ocean, tide, wave, raft."

Yeah, that's gonna almost
always be wrong.

So like D?

"Temperate is
to stormy."

He's got it.

By George, he's got it.

Okay, this is where
we jump around singing

"The Rain in Spain."

My Fair Lady?

God, I'm old.

You're not that old.

My guess would be...

23, 24...

24, right?


My brother's 25.

you're not gonna try

and fix me up with him,
are you?

With Charlie? No.

No, no, no, no, no.

Anyway he's getting married.

And, besides,

he's not nearly
good enough for you.


Okay, let's talk
sentence completion.

Sentence completion.

Sentence completion.
I'm kind of fried.



Nope. You're not fried.

We've only been
at this three hours.

You're not allowed
to even approach fried.

Bailey, you can do this.

It's not impossible.
It's not even very difficult.

It is for me.

No. You...

You can't think like that.

See, it's a question

of coming at a problem
from a new direction.

The key is to not rule
anything out because...

sometimes the last answer
in the world you'd expect

turns out to be
the right one.



I got us tickets
to the car show

at the Cow Palace.

The car show?

That sounds right up
your alley.

This is for him?


That's cool.


I've never had
an ice cream for lunch.

I've never been
on a motorcycle, either.

Yeah, well, there's
a first time for everything.

After this, I'll take you
to the sh**ting range.

sh**ting range?

I'm kidding. Jeez.

Hey, you see that guy
up there?

The one
with the racing forms?

-[Claudia] Yeah.
-He just got out of jail.


Ten years
in San Quentin.

k*lled a man
with his bare hands.

You know him?
He did, really?

He did not.

You were
making that up. Hey, that chick over there
with the bad dye job.


She's breaking up
with her boyfriend because...

Well, see, last night
they were doing it, right?

And he called her Sheryl.

Her name's Edith.


All right. You try.

That guy over there
with the gloves.

Okay. Okay, okay,
let's see.

He's wearing gloves


Well, because he...

-Tick, tick, tick...

Because he doesn't want
his date to know

that he lost his,
pointer finger,

trying to dig,

a paper clip out of
the garbage disposal,

while it was running.


You get extra points
for seriously gruesome.

I'm wearing my bracelet.

Did you see?

First one to the rock rules.

No fair. You got a head start.

So for the ceremony,
we'll just set up chairs
in the back yard

and we'll put the flowers
over the arbor...

Gene, I gotta
show you something.

It's my dad.

And his dad.

At Ebbets Field.

He was just a kid, you know,
before the Dodgers left.

Ebbets Field.
How about that?

Yeah, it just made me think

that before they tear down
all the great parks,

you gotta make
that trip of yours.

-What's this?

Gene was just telling me
about your plan.

You know, to visit
every park in the majors.

Every park in the majors?

-Sounds like fun, Dad.
-Doesn't it?

Oh, please!



I haven't heard
this one yet, dear.

At least it doesn't require
us selling the house.

Why don't we
change the subject?

Have you told Charlie

about that scheme
to buy shares in golf courses?

Your daddy
was gonna retire early

and become
a golf course landlord.

We would have lost thousands
if I had not stepped in.

-Would you please stop?
-[Ellie] Why? It's adorable.

I married the original
Innocent Man.

[slams counter]


I apologize.

I don't know
what's gotten
into your father.

I can't stand it.

I can't stand the way
you talk to him,

the way you criticize
and nitpick and belittle!

How dare you?

How dare you?
I love your father.

How? By embarrassing him?

Oh, please.


Do you know
how many times a year

I walk in
on a conversation like that?

Where your father
has told someone

that we're gonna
sell the house

and set out
on some new adventure?

We're gonna go
to Africa or Alaska

or visit every b*ttlefield
of the Civil w*r.

And everybody
is always onboard,

because there's just
something about a dreamer.

And then it's my turn
to come in and say,

"No, dear.

We are not selling the house.

We are not going to Alaska,

because you don't make the kind
of money to retire like that."

"And besides, you've never
been able to make a decision

for more than a day ahead."

So that makes him the good guy
and me the bad guy,

even with you
and your sister.

That's not true.

Always said yes to you.

Yes to the dress.
Yes to the car.

Even when you
had too many dresses

and we couldn't afford the car.


he got your love.

But I'm the one
who made you responsible.


I'm sorry, Mom.

About what?

That's who we are,
your father and I.

That's the bargain
we made with each other.

He dreams, and I pull him
back down to earth.

I make sure that he has
a house to come home to

and that there's
food on the table

and the same program
on the television.

Because that is what
really makes him happy.

And you know what?

I have a feeling it's the same
with you and Charlie.

Hold on, you little monkey.

I just got a few more
steps to go.

Sixty-nine, 70, 71.

One more!

You weigh a ton.

[Griffin and Claudia laughing]

You were out with her?

Julia, we were
playing this game--

Shut up, Claudia.

Do you know what time it is?

I mean, do you have any idea
how long I've been
waiting for you?

We had tickets
to that stupid car show.


Oh, man! Right.

Get out of here, Claud.

-But he--
-Get out of here!

See you.


I'm like...

I am doing somersaults
to get your attention.

But it's like everything is
more important to you than me.

I mean, you're doing
all this stuff
to make Claudia happy.

Why can't you do that for me?

I mean, why can't you
do something for me?


Look, I'm sorry.


Can you leave?

I want you to leave.

Why are you being like this?

I mean, at first you wanted me
to be nice to him,

and now you get so angry

any time he wants
to do something with me.

What, are...?

Are you jealous
or something?


That is the stupidest thing
I have ever heard, Claudia!

Why would I be jealous
of you and Griffin?


What, do you have, like,

a little crush on him
or something?

That is so--

Shut up, Jule.

I promise you,
he is not interested.


I mean, the reason
he's hanging around with you

is because he feels
sorry for you,

because you have a broken arm,
and you have hardly any friends.

That is not a date,

it's called baby-sitting.

Nine hundred?
That's exactly the same.

But if you look, you'll see
you did much better
on the verbal.

I thought what happened was
you got tired--

It's exactly the same.

Bailey... You see, I...

You should've
listened to me.

I can't do this stuff, okay?
I'm just not good at it.


Kind of stupid is what I am.

You're not stupid.

You're having trouble
with the test.

We've worked on it
for one day.

Would you cut it out?

You are
part of the problem here.

You don't have to lie to me.

I can handle it.

I'll just apply to State,

And that's that.

I wonder what things
are like for you at home.


I know things have changed.

Things are fine, thanks.

Yeah, I'm sure
they are.

You come to school every day.

You're healthy.
You're taken care of.

But nobody holds you
accountable, do they, Bailey?

I mean, if you screw up,
or you fail, or you quit,

does anyone mind?

Does anyone tell you
that you can do better?

Hi, Gene.

Getting some tips
on bathroom placement.

Ellie and I are adding on
to the house.

Space for the grandkids. That's great.

After you get back
from all those ballparks, huh?

I don't think
that's gonna happen.

It's a good idea.
You gotta do it.

Come on.

You've been working for what,
30 years? You deserve it.

Charlie, listen.

Every month,
National Geographic comes.

I sit in my chair, and I read.

And there's some article about,
I don't know,

state fairs in America,

or floating down
the Mekong River.

And in my mind,
I sell the house,

I cash in my jumbo CD

and I'm gone.


A few weeks of daydreaming.

That's good enough.


Why does that have to be
good enough?

I mean, it's not inevitable

that you're gonna have
to give up on every idea.

So it's a little crazy.

So what?

And this one is possible, Gene.
This one you could really do.

This is better.

This is what Ellie wants.
She's right.

Charlie, there are worse things

than growing old in the house
where your children were born.

Why does it matter
to you so much?

I don't know. It just does.


You hiding down here?

I'm looking
for the waffle iron. Ellie woke up with a craving,
bless her heart.


So I was thinking that...

I don't think I'm gonna
take the SATs over again.

How did you do?

Nine hundred.


I think that's about what I did.

Yeah, so you took it.

Don't put yourself through
that stress again, man.
Who needs it?

So that's it?

You're not gonna...

You're not gonna
give me a hard time?


Hey, Char. When you dropped out of school,

did anyone, like,
try and talk you out of it?

Are you kidding, man?

You could hear Dad yelling
from across the bridge.

Yeah, I do, kind of
remember that.

It was like he was... He was
expecting me to disappoint him.


dropping out was just
one more item on the checklist.

But, Mom, she...

She knew the Berkeley thing
was just about me
running scared.

She left me alone
for a couple of months.

I don't know how she did it.

Did what?

I was gonna re-enroll
for the spring semester

when the accident happened.

But you knew that, right?

Yeah, Mom, she...

She had that complete faith
thing going.

Well, you remember.

So, what is this,
an apology?


It's a necklace.

Man, you're really into this
say-it-with-jewelry thing, huh?

First Claud, and now me.

It was Jill's.

Are you sure you wanna...?


Yeah, I'm sure.

You know, this was...

This was, like, the first thing
I bought her that... wasn't, like, a tambourine
or a doll or something.

Put it on?

She was...

She was always
following me around
when we were kids.

Like, everywhere.

Drove me nuts.


Then one day
I just got used to it.

Like, her being one step
behind me all the time.

It was nice.

Like, this one time
when I was, like, 14,

I wore these
different-colored socks.

Totally by mistake.

And then she started
doing it too.

Like it was cool.

Like I was cool.

Go figure, right?

And at the breakfast table,

We used to play this game
called Make Me Laugh.

Claud and I play that.


it's different...

with a girlfriend.

That's all I'm saying.


With a girlfriend, it's...

It's just


She was my little sister,
you know.

So if we push
this wall out,

it gives us
a family room.

Plus the extra bedroom.

-That sounds great.

That's great.

Yeah, except now
we need to find space

for another bathroom.

Right. Okay, well,
what about here?

Well, we thought
of that, but I think
that's a bearing wall.

-[Kirsten] Oh.
-[Gene] Remember bearing walls?


So, what do you think?

Can we pull this off
for under $50,000?

I wouldn't know.

You don't like me much, do you?

Come on, Ellie.

You're angry with me.
That's pretty clear.

Think I took something
away from him?

I promise you, Charlie,

he's not giving up half as much
as he's getting.


You know, for what it's worth,

I completely understand
why Kirsten loves you.

It's the same quality I fell
in love with in her father.

That feeling of always being
just a little bit lost

and constantly restless.

Yeah, well, I don't think
you understand me at all.

I mean, I don't know
if Kirsten's told you
about my plans--


I know about the restaurant
and the house-building

and the furniture business.

I'm not lost, okay?
I'm just looking.

It's not the same thing.

I'm just...

not finished looking yet.

And Kirsten
understands that.

I mean, she's looking too.

And when I figure out
what I want...

What we want.

It's gonna be
exactly what we want.

It's not gonna have
anything to do with settling.

So, I mean,

you and Gene,
you do whatever you need to do.

I just...

I shouldn't have
gotten involved,

'cause it really
has nothing to do with me.

What you doin'?


I'm just gonna drop my stuff
in my tent.

Where are you going?

I'm leaving.

I won't bug you, I promise.

You should stay.


I'm gonna go. I've gotta...

do some homework.

I really don't get it.

Oh, come on, Claud. Give me a break.

I'm trying to say I'm sorry.

I guess I can get,

kind of mean
when I get jealous.

And I wish I could take back
everything I said,

but I can't.


You two should
do something together.

You don't have to baby-sit me,
you know.

What are you talking about?
I just got dumped here.

I'm lucky to have the date.


So, what do you say?
You wanna hit the park again?

Been there, done that.

Yeah, right.

[drums fingers]

You got a piano.

One hand.

Makes two.

No way! You have
the easy part.


Did you have a piano
growing up?

Yeah. Yeah, I used
to do this all the time.

A long time ago.

[playing bass part of
'Heart and Soul']

[playing melody part of
'Heart and Soul']

She's got it.


She's got it.

I'm sure you'll be
relieved to know

for the wedding weekend,

Ellie and I have already
booked a room at the Fairmont.

Really, Gene,
are you sure?

Can I confirm
that reservation for you?


[woman over PA]
Flight 97 direct to O'Hare
is now boarding...

That's you.

What happened to...


Mom, what are you doing?

We're gonna see each other
in a couple of weeks.

I know.

Now, look, I know we don't
always see things the same way,


I am not the easiest person
in the world to get along with.

That's okay.

Mom, it's okay.

I love you too.




We'll call and let you know
we got home safe and sound.

Collect. Only don't--

Accept the charges.
I know, I know.

See? I taught her
very well.

Goodbye, Charlie.

Safe flight,

[flight announcements over PA]


Well, that wasn't so bad,
was it?


Where have you been
the last four days?

Well, okay.

For the most part,

yes, it sucked.

But there were moments.

They're actually happy.

I mean, they don't need
anything else.

Just each other.

And I understand that.

I know how that feels.

'Cause everything
I want in the world...

I have right now.

Let's just stay
until they take off, okay?


When someone is gone
from your life
for a really long time,

you start to forget stuff
about them.

Like, you forget what
their voice sounded like.

Or how they loved you so much

and how everything you did
was completely okay with them.

And how that meant,
in a weird way,

that you could actually
do amazing things.

I'm not a very good student,

and applying to college
isn't so easy for me.

So right now, what I am doing

is I'm trying very hard
to remember my mother's voice.

Because I really need
to hear it now.

I'm listening for her
to say to me

what she always used to say:
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