02x22 - Spring Breaks: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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02x22 - Spring Breaks: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Matt kissed me.

Did you...
kiss him back?

You're smothering me
because you want me

to be dependent on you
or something.

If you can't let me
love you the way
that I need to love you,

then I don't know how
to make this work.

Her name is Corey.

She's just a friend.

I need to talk
to someone, okay?

And I can't talk to you.
You won't let me.

I... have a boyfriend.

Why didn't you tell me?

Do you still love me?

Of course, I do.

I'm shutting the place down.

It's not my fault, okay?

Kathleen is buying
the restaurant

to get back at Charlie.
It's gone.

I'm sorry, but how the hell
is that not your fault?

You think that, um...
you'll ever be able
to forgive me for this?

I don't think I can.

I'm just trying to remember
a time when everything

wasn't falling apart,
and that was when
I was with you.

I want you back.

You're too late.

His name is Michael.

We're getting married
next week.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

[indistinct chatter]

Speak of me as I am.

One that loved not wisely
but too well.

I kissed thee,
ere I k*lled thee.

No way but this,
k*lling myself!

To die upon a kiss.


Uh, that's kind of,
like, it.


Good job.
Thank you, guys.

Okay, so, uh, Jake and Rachel,
you're gonna give us

a little Glass Menagerie
tomorrow, right?

[bell rings]

See you tomorrow.

Oh, Julia? Justin?

You guys still
haven't told me

what scene you're gonna
be working on.

-Uh... I don't--
-We still haven't decided.

I need your answer
by tomorrow.

You're scheduled
to go on Friday.

[Justin] Julia...

We should probably
pick something.

Uh, yeah, I know.
I just keep, uh,

not getting around
to thinking about it,
you know?

Okay, well,
maybe we could--

I... I can't after school.

Well, neither can I. I--

-I have the dentist...
-I have a teeth cleaning...


All right, uh, look,
why don't you
pick something?

Anything's fine with me
as long as I don't
have to wear tights.


Sure. Then maybe we can
grab some time
to rehearse during school.

When we're not so busy.


Claud, you should
look around.

If there's anything
you wanna keep,

a menu or something,
say so now.

I don't care.


Sweetie, you wanna
take some pictures?

'Cause after tomorrow night,

this place is gonna look
a whole lot different.


Obviously, uh, dining area,

but I need you to do
the kitchen as well, so...


what are you doing here?

Uh, my,
my draftsmen.

I need some quick
blueprints of the space.

Yeah, well, now isn't
a very good time,
so maybe you could--

Yeah, I... I can't.

See, I... I've got my designer
flying up from LA

to meet me in two days.

You know what?
I think you should do this
some other time.

Okay? This is still
our restaurant.

This is how we're gonna
work things?

I cancel the designer now,
it costs me money.

And I don't want
to start feeling
like a chump

for not calling in
unpaid loans.

um, we'll do this
another time, okay?

I'll see you guys at home.

Don't, uh, bother including
the dimensions of the bar.

That'll be gone.

Sarah around?

Uh, no.

I got this one, guys.

She's not?

'Cause, we kinda had plans.

We were supposed
to hook up at 4.

Well, she just ran down
to McDougall's

to grab me an E string.

She'll be back in,
like, 20 minutes.

You got her running
your errands for you?

She offered, okay?

You gonna be steamed at her
about that too?

What's that supposed
to mean, "too"?

Nothing. I just know
you've been kinda

ragging on her lately,
that's all.

Yeah, well,
why don't you do me a favor

and mind your own business?

-Hey, all right?

I, for one, hope you guys
work this out.

Yeah, I'll bet you do.

No. I mean it.

Sarah's told me
all the lousy stuff

you've been through
in the last two years,

which kind of explains why
you're the way you are.

And I feel sorry
for you too... really.

You want me to tell her
you were looking for her?

Don't bother.

[Claudia clears throat loudly]

This is a good cup
of coffee.

-Oh, yeah?

And you know,
I'm really enjoying it,

while you two are just
reliving exactly what
you did last night.

What's with you?

She's having a bad day.
Family problems.

So, uh, what do you
wanna do next?

Wanna just hang out here?

Or maybe we could
go see a movie.

I don't know.
Whatever you want.

Whatever you want.

-No, whatever you want.
-No, whatever you want.

Let's go see a movie.

I don't know.

I kinda want
to hang out here.

-It's kinda cool.

My brother Bailey
had a girlfriend
who worked here.

[Jim] Does she
still work here?

'Cause, uh, maybe we could
get some free stuff.


-She died.
-[Jim] Oh.

-She's fun.
-[mouthing] Really?

[mouthing] What? Hey, forget it.

You taste like cinnamon.

So? You taste
like chocolate.

Did you get milk
for Owen?


We're completely out.

So? Big deal.
I'll go back out.

Hey, don't get
pissed off at me.
It's your turn.

Hey... You know what?
Save it. Okay, Charlie?

I don't need a lesson
in how to
take care of things,

especially from you.

What the hell is that
supposed to mean?

That's supposed to mean,

nice going
at the restaurant today.

-No. You really stood up
for yourself, for all of us.

You know what, nothing good
was gonna come out
of making some kind of scene.

How about
a little self-respect?

Huh? How about maybe
showing Claudia

that you didn't just,
didn't just
give the place away?

What am I supposed to do?
Tell me what
you want me to do!

No, you know what, Charlie?
This is your problem!

Okay? And I am
sick and tired

of taking care
of everything for everyone

and worrying
about everyone
all the time, okay?

Had it! I've had it!

Wh... what's this about?

This is about something
besides the restaurant, right?


No. This is about you...

Charlie, okay?
And I don't get it,

because if I were you,
I would be spending

every single second
of every single day

trying to figure out
how to fix this.


Do you ever wish
you could jump ahead
to, like, age 40

and look back
at a certain time
in your life and go,

"Oh. So that's how things
worked out"?

What'd you like to know?

I'd like to know
what play Justin and I

are gonna end up doing.

At the moment,
that would help a lot.

Would you like to know
what's gonna happen with us?

I don't know.


Why not?

'Cause it's scary.

Oh, it's not so scary that
you don't keep saying yes

whenever I ask you out.


Why do you think
you do that?

I don't know.


It's like that...

time when you kissed me.

I mean...

don't take this the wrong way
or anything,

but I don't know
if it was nice because
it was different

because you're
a different person

from the person
I'm used to kissing,

or if it was... nice
because it was you.

Does that...

clear anything up for you?

I don't know.

Could you maybe do it again?

[door closes]

Matt says you stopped
by the club.

I missed you by,
like, five minutes.

You couldn't have waited?

I didn't feel like hanging
around there.

Oh, so that's why you said,

"Don't bother telling Sarah
I stopped by"?

Boy, Matt...

Matt's real good
at remembering
conversations, isn't he?

What I told him,
what you told him.

What is it, Bailey?

You mean, this time?


What is Bailey's problem
this time?

Because, because he's always
got a problem with something.

-I didn't mean--
-Well, it's true,

isn't it?

And you know what?
I am sick and tired
of apologizing for it

all the time!

'Cause I don't wanna be
this person that you,

that you have to put up with!

You're not, Bailey.

Look, are you,
are you happy?

Are you, Sarah? Do...
Do I make you happy anymore?

Because I-I really
don't think I do.

Of course you do.
Sure, you do.

I don't, I don't
make you happy anymore,

is that what
you're really saying?

Is it?

Not a whole hell of a lot
makes me happy these days.

Including me.

Say it. Just...

say it, please. Okay.

Including you.

So, what do we
do about that?

How do we fix that?

We don't.

Sarah, when... When...

When things are bad
almost all the time,


and you have
to change so much

to make the other person okay,
that you're not
even yourself anymore,


Then that's
when people break up.


you wanna break up?


It's not working.

It's not. Us.

And, and when things
aren't good anymore,

then that's when it should
be over, so...

So, yeah.

Yes, I do.

[door opens]

[footsteps approaching]

I gotta hand it to you, Charlie.

You're good at intrigue.

Hey, Jake.

Can't meet at the house,

too complicated to discuss
on the telephone.

You got me wondering.

How you been?

Oh, I can't complain.

At least I haven't got
a going-out-of-business sign

stuck to the side
of my restaurant.

I'm guessing that isn't just
an advertising ploy, huh?


No, it's, um...
It's kind of bad.

I mean, it's...

It's really bad.

And, uh, I can't figure out
any way out of it on my own.

Hm? So you called me.

But... I'd have figured
I'd be the last person--

Well, you're
a businessman, right?

And maybe there's some way
to fix this, some...

Some angle that
I haven't seen.

You're thinking
that I called you

just because I need
something, right?

Are you gonna
tell me different?

I'm sorry.


I don't know
what else to do.

Tonight's the last night.

Joe's closing the place,
so this is it.

And if I don't come up
with something fast,

I mean, before
that sale goes through,

then it's...
It's gonna be gone.

Just gone.



So did you read it
over last night?


Hey, you were busy too.

Okay. Fine.
Well, um, let's just...

start with where
they say goodbye, okay?


What is that?


thing under your collar,
under the turtleneck,

which you are wearing
even though it's
78 degrees outside.

-Julia, wait a sec--
-'Cause it looks
like a hickey to me.

Tell me, I'm wrong, Justin.
Tell me, it's not a hickey.

Just a friend, huh?

Someone to talk to,
'cause you can't talk to me?

All right, all right,
fine, yes.

We fooled around
a little bit last night.

It just kinda
happened, and...

Julia, it's been
a long time, and I...

Look, I don't know
what it meant, okay?

Yeah, right!
It didn't mean anything.

It just happened
because she's fun, right?

And willing,
unlike some people.

She probably doesn't have
any stupid moods either,

unlike some people!

And you don't have
to be careful of her.

Who needs that, right?
Is that what
you were thinking?

Julia. Julia...

[playing violin]

Hey, Claud.


Ross, I, um,
I didn't hear you.

What are you doing?

I just heard about
the restaurant closing.

I thought you might...

Just wondering
if you were okay.


I'm okay.

It's been a long time
since I heard
you play that piece.

In fact, it's been a long time
since I heard you play.

I wasn't playing.

I was just, uh,
trying it out for a second.

I just wanted to see how much
I remembered, that's all.

That's all.

[smooth jazz music playing]

Wow. A lot
of people, huh?

Yep. We're booked
until midnight.

All the regulars.

We had a couple of guys
fighting over

who gets to keep
the last menus.

That's nice, I guess.


Dad'd like that. So, the regular table?

I'm not that hungry.

Me, neither.

I think... I think
I'm not gonna stay, Joe.

Yeah, what's the point?

Joe, can I ask you a favor?

Uh, can you manage without me?

'Cause I don't think
any of us wanna be around

when you turn
off the lights.


I'll call you tomorrow?

We're still on
for Friday dinner, right?

[phone ringing]

You gotta be kidding me, man.

[Bailey] Nope.

It's the best thing.

How can it be
the best thing?

'Cause it's what I want.

'Cause the whole thing just...

It wasn't fun anymore.

It wasn't fun anymore?

What's your problem, Will?

My problem is that
she loves you, Bay.

Right, right. She loves me
because she feels
sorry for me.


Yeah, and I'm
following her around

like some kind
of pathetic jerk.

But, you know what?

You know what?
I don't need it.

That's what I finally
figured out, Will.
I don't need it.

It's like I've been spending
my whole life worrying

about everybody else
around me.

You know, is...
Is Sarah...

Is she safe?

Is she happy? Is she gonna
be okay when I'm gone?

You know what? That's--
That's not my problem!

It's the same thing
with the restaurant!

Not my problem.

Charlie, not my problem.

Okay, okay. S... so things
are tough right now, but...

This is Sarah, Bay.

It's over.

And you know what?
That's fine.

That's fine, 'cause I'm...

I'm outta here
in September, anyway.

I'm gonna leave
all this crap behind.

I'm done.

[slams ball]

[slow pop music playing]

Are you meeting her?


You just here
to make me feel worse?


Julia, I'm--

You don't have to explain,

'cause, I kind of think,
I know what happened.

'Cause it happened
to me too.


I met someone too...

at that photography class,

and... I've been kind
of spending time with him.



So, anyway...

do you love her?


I don't think so, no.

Do you love him? No.

So, what's going on
with us?

I... can't...

make it go back
to the way it was.

I don't know why.

Why can't I?

I want to, I do,

'cause it used to be...

whenever I looked at you
or just...

hearing you say my name...

But I can't get past
all this stuff.

I can't.

Well, neither can I.

Is this...

So, uh... this is it?


Yeah, I think so.


I wanna know.

I just...

Just, just tell me, what,

What were you thinking?

What was going through
your mind when, two days,

two days before my wedding,

before my wedding
to another man, you go and send me
six dozen roses?

Seven. Seven dozen.

It was, it was kind of
a buy six, get one free
kinda thing.

Six, seven, whatever.
It's sick.

What are you trying to do?

Are you trying to...
ruin everything?

No, look, I... I...

I just think you're
making a huge mistake

by marrying this guy.

You think?!


Since when do you
even get a vote?

I mean, this is so...

What about me, huh?
What about what I want?

You want Michael.

You're in love with Michael.

Why is that so hard
to believe?

You... you've never
even met him.

How do you know he isn't
the perfect man for me?

Well, let's see, uh,

a nice guy in his 30s,

who just happens
to have a child.

You know what?
He sounds like

the perfect man
for you, Kirsten.

But you better be in love
with more than
his qualifications.

And I think you're moving
way too fast
to know for sure.


Why don't we just stop acting
like this is about me

and just admit that
this is really about you?

You only want me back,

because you know
you can't have me,

and you're afraid
of losing me.

Yes, I am.

Because I love you.

And I think-...

I think... if you love me,
then we can be happy together.

So, do you?

Love me?

I'm getting married, Charlie.

That's not an answer.


Do you love me?


And you wanna be with me?


And you're ready for
all the things

that you weren't ready
for six months ago?

I am.

And you think
I'm kidding myself?

Ask yourself this, Charlie...

Would you be doing
any of this,

feeling this way,
wanting me so much,

if you weren't watching
everything else in your life

go down the drain?

[inhales deeply]


Oh, hi.



Uh, yeah.

Miss Wilkerson.
I'm screwed.

Well, remember Gary B.


Greece, Albania, Romania,
Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.

-The Balkans.

Remember, when I was helping
you study and...

-we came up with that.

Oh, I've got study hall
next period

if you need quizzing
or something.

That's okay.

Bailey, can we talk, please?

-Maybe if we tried--
-Sarah, don't.

-Don't what?
-Come on, you know.

Don't make it harder.


So you planning on
going to class?


Yeah, eventually.

I saw you and Sarah
in the hall this morning.

Oh, yeah?

I was kind of confused,

but Will kinda filled me in
on what was going on--

I don't wanna talk
about it, okay, Julia?

It's hard to explain,

a... and you wouldn't
get it, anyway, so...


Justin and I broke up.


And this is the weird thing.

I really love Justin.

But it turns out
that's not enough.

Yeah, exactly.

-You're right.

Don't agree with me, Bailey.

It's... it's... different
with you and Sarah.

And Justin and I
had reasons.

Something happened.

And it's so hard to find
the exact right person,

you know.

So, the idea of looking
for reasons to split up...

[bell rings]

You just can't be
that stupid, Bailey.

You can't look for problems

-when there are already
so many as it is.
-[bell rings]

That was pretty lame,
walking out on us
like that the other day.

Yeah, I'm surprised
you even noticed.

This isn't my fault.

I tried to find a guy for you,
and I tried to include you.

Yeah. Don't do me
any favors.


Make your own plans.
Get your own boyfriend.

I can't, okay?

Why not?


Because I... I don't wanna
do stuff like that yet.

I mean, making out and stuff,

and all these things you have
to do when you get a boyfriend.

Anyway, it's not like guys are
gonna be interested in me.


Guys like girls
with boobs and...


Like this is my problem?

I'm having fun.

I'm not gonna stop
just 'cause you're not ready.

And you have no right walking
around pissed off all the time

like what I'm doing
is so terrible.

Like you wouldn't do
the same thing if you could.

I know.

I know. I just, um...

kinda miss you.


you don't miss me because you
have something else going on.

So, now what do we do?

I don't know.

See you around, I guess.

Guess so.

[toilet flushes]

[door opens]

The town gave us
a lunch today...

with champagne.

The mayor gave a speech.

I ate and listened,

but my heart was here
with you.

I've, uh... I've...

Become accustomed.

I've... become
accustomed to you.

Will we ever
see each other again?

I don't think so.

Tomorrow, it'll
all be a memory.

And I suppose,
we'll start a new life.

Nothing ever happens
the way we want it.

What can I say
to wish you farewell?

Life is hard.

To many, it is blank
and hopeless.

But still, it is slowly
becoming easier and brighter.

And the time
is not far off...

The time is probably not far off
when it will be quite cloudless.



I still have a key,
but I didn't know

how you'd feel
about my using it.

What are you doing here?

Well, at the moment,

I'm trying
to get my breath back,

after climbing those steps.

I was wondering if I might have
a cold glass of something?

Uh, yeah.

I was talking to your brother
this afternoon

about the restaurant.

You were?

I guess he felt that
with all my business experience,

I could be of some help
to you.

Yeah, well, he... he
shouldn't have done that.

He shouldn't have come to you.

That is his fault.
His mess.

And it's too late. There's
nothing anybody can do about it.

Anyway, if you're here
to see him,

I don't think he's here.
I didn't see his truck.

Well, actually,
I came to see you.

I have a proposal.

[piano playing
elegant music]

You shouldn't be here,

They're about
to start the toasts.

I know.

It's just, um,

what you said yesterday,
about... about me wanting us
to work out

only 'cause at the moment
nothing else is?

Well, you were wrong,

Charlie, I've gotta...

How do you know that?

Because I love you,

and I know that in a way
that I haven't known before.

And... and yeah,
maybe it took me needing you

a-at a really bad point
in my life

t-to realize just
how much I love you, but--

What's going on?

Who's this?

-Is this--
-It's... it's okay.

What's he doing here? Kirsten--

It's okay, Michael.

Go back inside.

You got a lot
of nerve, pal.


Coming here?

-I ought to punch--

Michael, stop it,
please. Just...

Just go back inside.

I can handle this.

I'm asking you.


I'm taller than he is.


Where was I?
I kinda lost my... my flow.

How I was wrong about you?

Right, right.

Um, Kirsten, the thing is,


there's-there's no way for me
to prove that to you.

I mean, I could
wait until things
are straightened out

with the restaurant
and come back to you and say,

"See, everything's going great,
and... and I still love you."

But... but who knows how long
that's gonna take?

And... and things may never
work out with Salingers.

And I know that
you need guarantees, 'cause of what happened
last time.

But the truth is I...
I can't give you any.

I... I don't know how
to make you certain about me.


Ch... Charlie--

So here's
what I came to say.



Marry him.


Marry Michael.

If you... if you know
that he loves you

and you definitely know
that you love him,

then do it, Kirsten.

'Cause I can't ask you to...

It... it's not fair for me
to ask you to...

to take a chance on me.

I really, really want you
to be happy.

You son of a bitch!

Where've you been?


And I'm going to bed.

Want you
to see something.

You got into college?

Hampshire State?

Yeah, I got in.

It's... it's big, huh,
for someone like me?

A... a... and a real school,
not just like a little...

Not a little
community-college thing.

Bailey, that--

It's even better
than that.

'Cause, how are we gonna
afford to send me to college?

So, I actually got someone
to pay for it too.

Jake was gonna pay for it.

He was putting away money
so that I could go to school.

Man, that's... why didn't
you say something sooner?

We gotta celebrate, Bay.


Only here's the thing,

Jake came to see me today,

and he told me
that you went to him

to ask him for help
with the restaurant.

He came to see you?
Why would he--

He said that he could
take care of things,

that he could...
he could pay off
the owners of the building,

kind of a bribe not to sell it.

He could save the place,

or he could send me to school.

One or the other,
but he can't do both.

And he left it up to me.

He left it up to me.

Bailey, I... I had no idea.

He said he was gonna look
into some possibilities,

and he hadn't
gotten back to me--

You know what...
you know what, Charlie?
Sometimes I hate you so much.

This was it.

This was finally it.

I was just gonna take care
of myself for once.

For once.

And I was gonna get outta here,
and I was so close.

So, go.

-Just go.

Yeah, I'll explain that
to Julia and Claudia.


No, look,
no one's gonna know.

Okay? This is just between
you and me and Jake,

and it never happened,
all right?

The restaurant is history,
and you're going away to school.

And... and I'm sorry,
'cause you're right.

You deserve to get away,
and you should go.

I want you to go.
I'm telling you to go, Bay.


[floor creaking]


Oh, I'm... I'm sorry.

I know I shouldn't
do this anymore.

-I shouldn't be here--

No, it's okay.

Wh... Did...
did something happen?

I don't know how to do this.

How to do what?

I don't remember how
to be alone.

Mm. How did I do it before?

How did I get through the day?

And it's like
"Justin and Julia."

"Justin and Julia."

It... it's this one word
that I have heard for so long.

And when it's just my name,

it... it feels like
something is missing.

I don't know how
to be apart from you.

I don't think I... I can.


Look, Julia, I...


I think that it's supposed
to get easier.


How do you know?
I mean, maybe it... it won't.

Maybe this is a mistake.

Maybe we shouldn't break up.


I don't think that
we should stay together

just because it's too hard
for us to be apart.

I don't think
that's a good reason.

I keep thinking...

that one day, you're gonna
fall in love with someone else, some other girl,
someone who isn't me.

I hope so.

God, I hope so.

But, you'll always be

the first one
I ever loved, Julia.

So, is everything okay?

Nothing's okay,

I mean,
the restaurant's closed,

and I kinda just
lost my best friend.

Not really, but... pretty much.

That sounds bad.

Yeah, and I...

I heard Charlie and Bailey
talking last night, and...

I think Bailey's going away
to school... far away, and...

I can't say anything,

'cause I don't want them
to know that I know.

And I don't want him not
to go just because of me.

I don't want him to go.

I don't want him to go away.

So, you're playing again?


Only I don't want
everyone to see

because...then they'll get,
like, all excited,

and then there'll be, like,
all this pressure, and...

I don't want pressure.

All I wanna do
is play the violin.

That's all. I mean...

I think I wanna start again.

And I think I need to.

Well, I get that.

I do.

So, let's start again.

That sounded pretty before.

Let's see how much
you remember.

Come on.

[plays festive music]

[wedding march playing]

And step together,
step together.

That's it.

And step together,
step together.

Very good.

Remember to smile.


You all right, sweetheart?

Why? Why do you ask?

Well, to be honest?

You look a little
on the green side. Heh.

Uh, I need... I need... just...

Could you just...

There's air outside, right?


[car door closes]

What, Bailey?
What do you want?

You left this note for me
in my locker, and...

-And before I opened it,
I wanted to--

Wow, you're not even gonna
give me a chance, are you?

You don't treat people
you love like that.

You just don't.

-Yeah, so we have problems.

I push you away too much,
you're too protective,

I spend too much time
with the band.

You don't-you don't
like me changing.

So what?

So you sit down,
so you talk about things.

Uh, I just...

I hate you feeling
sorry for me.


That's what you told Matt,
that you stay with me

is because you feel
sorry for me. I never said that.

I said that I felt bad
about all the things

you've been through.

God, feel sorry for you?

Bailey, I'm... I'm, like,

completely in love with you.

And, I thought that was enough.

But, I guess it's not.

I guess you want me
to go away,

and you want me to disappear,

so, you can make a fresh start

someplace else
with someone else.


I'm not.

I'm not going.

I'm not going away to school.

It's a done deal.

I'm using my college money
to save the restaurant.

It's complicated.

Jake worked out
all the details.

I don't get it.

I thought getting outta here
was the most important
thing to you.

Yeah, so did I.

But... [sighs]

the problem is...

is that I've spent
two years fighting,

really fighting,

to keep us all together.

And so, the idea...

the idea that I'd be
the first one to leave...

I mean, us being a family
no matter what was...

was kind of the whole point.

And you,

you're the whole point.



And... and I don't know
what happened to me.

Sarah, I don't, but...

it was like for a second there,
it just...

It all just
seemed like too much,

you know, and I,
and I couldn't handle it.

But, the thing is...

The thing is,
I have to handle it.

I have to, because...

because being with you and...

and taking... taking care of
all of them...

that's kind of who I am.

[Claudia] You'd think
since it's the last night,

people would make a point
of being on time.

Is Joe around?

Yeah, he's in the kitchen
making manicotti.

You know, I was finally
gonna tell him,

"Joe, I love you, but, man,
your manicotti blows,"

but... he got
this phone call, so, uh...


-Man, what a way to end it.

Hey. Guys,
I'm sorry I'm late.

I lost track of time.

Sarah and I got
to talking and--

Smooching, probably.

What else is new?


So, you two...

Good. That's good, Bay.


Anyway, listen, there's
something I gotta
tell you guys.

[Joe] Guys, listen to this.
You're not gonna believe it.

This is unbelievable.

I just got off the phone
with Montgomery, and...

get a load of this...

He's not gonna sell
the building.

Yeah, exactly.
How'd you know that?

-Uh, I heard.
-[door opens]

I heard that he wanted
to hold onto it
for a while longer,

so he took it off the market.

-[Claudia] Really?

Really, Bay?

Hey, Charlie, did you hear?

Wait a second.
He changed his mind
just like that?

Yeah, just like that.


[Julia laughing]

Owen! Owen,
we're not going anywhere.

You sure, man?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure.

'Cause I meant what I said.
I mean, it's a lot to give up.


not so much. [door opens]


You said count to 50.


You didn't tell them?

Uh, not yet.

Here's an idea:
Why don't I just go back

to the truck and wait?

No, Kirsten, wait.

[Kristen] No, Charlie.
This was a bad idea.

This... this is a bad time.
This is your last dinner.
You guys should--

We're celebrating, actually.
The owner's decided not to sell.

We're staying put.

You... you two didn't just...

Did you two just...

What did you two just do?

-We... we did not
get married.

Well, I didn't
get married.

I mean, I didn't,
and we didn't.

But... but mainly,
I didn't.

Um, heh.
I was about to,

but I... kinda
changed my mind.

The thing
with me is...

always a bride,
never a bride.



So, what does this mean?

-Beats me.
-Beats us.


But probably...

something good.

Probably something
pretty great.


-Hi, you.


[all laughing]

So, what are the chances
of getting something
to eat around here?

-Manicotti in five.

The table needs setting.

Make yourselves useful.

All right.


[indistinct chatter]

[Bailey] You hate manicotti?

Here you go.

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