03x01 - Summer Fun, Summer Not

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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03x01 - Summer Fun, Summer Not

Post by bunniefuu »

Wait a minute. Excuse me.

But how is a road trip
to Mexico a rite of passage?

Are you getting this, Julia?
You know what?

I say just be supportive
and wave adios

so the two of them
will shut-upo already
and hit the highway.

Send me a postcard.

-[Will] Glad to.
-No, no.

This is not about
postcards, Will.

This is not about
documenting an experience.

It's about having one.

It's about driving too fast
and partying too late and...

And sleeping too long
and living too hard.

-Damn, he's good.
-No, no, no, no, no.

He's just seen
way too many beer commercials.

Because there comes a time
in every man's life

when he has to sit on a beach

and take stock of where
he's been and where he's going.

There comes a time when he just
has to take a deep breath

and swallow the worm.

Swallow the worm?
Is that a metaphor?

A tequila reference, actually.

-[Sarah] Oh.
-Hey, Jule.


Uh, hey,

-I don't understand. When--
-A few days ago.


Uh, how you been?
You look...

I didn't hear from you.

Didn't you get
my letters at school?

-Your letters?

Um, no, no. I...

See, no, no,
as soon as I'd done my time

and my term was over, I was...
I was outta the place.

My roommate's
old man's got, uh,

this shipping operation
down in Florida.

He got me this
merchant marine gig.

My boat's... [sighs]

I just got back from Bangkok.

They got weird food
in Bangkok.


you didn't call or anything.

[stammers] No.


I thought about it.

I decided it would
be a bad idea, you know,

considering how things are
with you and Justin.

We broke up.

Uh, Justin and me,
last spring,

I wrote you.

I... I wrote you all about it.

You broke up?


I didn't know.


I can't believe it's you.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

It's camp themed, see.

A bonfire,
a pine tree, and a canoe.


Anything interesting?

Anything interesting that
isn't from my mother?

Or my father?

You know, in a weird way
you've kind of got to admire

their persistence, though.
I mean, how many people

would continue to write
and call on a daily basis

without any response
from you whatsoever?

"Dear Kirs,
you ruined your life once.

It's gonna happen again."

"Dear Poodle,
the only thing this man

has too offer you
is heartache."

File these with the others,
would you?

[door closes]

-She's back.

-Hey, girl.
-Oh, we missed you.

-Me too.
-Did you have a good time?

Get a load of this.

-It was so much fun--
-You're back.

-Hey! Poison ivy? Poison oak?
-I'm clean.

Hey, Jule, guess what?

Wait a second.

-Have you... Did you...
-Two inches.

Anyway, I wanted
to tell you guys--

Hey, are we cutting into this
because I skipped lunch?

I told you you'd have a good
time and you didn't believe me.

-I met a boy.
-What is that, a cigar?

Uh, It's, um... It's a canoe.

[Bailey] Canoe. Huh?
[Julia] No kidding?

Next time you
make the cake.

I met a boy and I fell in love,

I'm in love.

Just thought
you'd wanna know.

Today, when he turned around
and saw it was you, I mean,

the look on his face.
God. You know, just, God.


So did you guys make plans?

You should invite him
to the bonfire.

Griffin's never planned
anything in his life.

But he'll call.

Probably from some
pay phone somewhere.

And he'll sound like
he just woke up

or like he's totally bored.

And then when
his quarter runs out,

he'll say...
All casually, he'll say,

"So, what are you doing later
because I was thinking..."

[phone rings]
See, I told you.




No, I don't want
to participate in any survey.

He'll call.

So this whole boyfriend thing,

it's, um...
It's kind of out of the blue. I mean, you always seemed
sort of uninterested.

Yeah. I know.
Go figure.

Oh, he is just so cute.

This is the absolute
best picture of us.

You're not in this picture,

Well, we ripped it in half,
and he took the half with me.

But, um, that's my arm.

You know,

it's really too bad Bailey
didn't get to meet Byron.

Yeah. Byron's parents were,

pretty much
the first ones there.

Bay missed them by,
like, ten seconds.

Ten seconds? Hmm.

And he didn't want to wait
around to meet your family?

He was in a rush.

Hmm, all those letters home,

and not one mention of this.

You think that's weird?

It's like...
It's like you're this...

This sea turtle

because there's something
inside of you.

Something unspoken.

Exactly. Exactly.
This-- This...

This unspoken voice
that just says,

"Go back to the sea.

Go back to the sea."

Hmm, isn't that romantic?


You're gonna be gone
for how long now?

-Six days.
-Four days.

Hey, I got stuff to do
to get ready for college.

Let me get this
straight, Willie.

You're spending
the last few days of summer

before you go off to school

with Bailey?

That's, like, wow.

-Sorry. That's just...
-Well, you wanna come?

What? What...

What happened to this
being a guy thing, Will?

Well, so now i-it's a two guys
and girlfriend thing.

Hello? Wait a second.

Yeah. Wait a second.
If you...

If you think
I'm going down to Mexico

-with you and your girlfriend--
-So Sarah goes too.

Yeah. Damn right she goes too.


[both] Great.


[doorbell rings]

How much do you want to bet
it's the mailman

with a letter b*mb
from your folks?


I'm not talking to you.

Charlie, who is it?


What are you doing...

I thought about calling first,

but I got tired
of being hung up on.

Don't I, uh, get a hug?

Not if you've come
to criticize.

Charlie and I don't
want to hear it anymore.

So you might as well
get used to it.

Because what you see here
is the way it's gonna be.

We love each other.
And, okay, yeah,

so we're not getting married,
but we are together.

So you just better
get used to it.

That's not why I'm here.

Then why are you here?

Yeah. Why are you here?

I'm here because

I have no place else to go.

Because my marriage is over.

[breathing deeply]

[guitar music playing]


Hey, how's your mom doing?

Oh, I still don't know
what my dad did,

and she refuses
to let me call him.


they can be heartless bastards
sometimes, can't they?

Byron, he claimed he forgot
to give me a goodbye present.

His tennis bandanna.

He must have stuck it
in my duffel last minute.


He knows just how to toy
with my emotions.

You know, Claud,

I was remembering
my first time
at sleep-away camp.

I think I was exactly your age.

Oh, yeah?
It's the best, huh?


Except when everyone
started coupling up,

and I was kind of shy and...

And totally boyfriendless.

And-- And all I really
wanted was just to...

To be like everyone else.

So I started telling
the girls in my bunk

all these stories about Keith

my boyfriend back home,
who I totally made up

just so I wouldn't feel
left out of everything.

I can see why you'd have
to do something like that.

I mean, hey, the peer pressure
at camp can be kind of intense.

Exactly. Exactly.

I just wish that
I had someone to tell me

it was okay
not to have a boyfriend.

That I didn't have
to make up stories or anything.

That my time would come.

You poor thing.

I mean, how awful for you.


It still smells like him.


[Will and Bailey]
♪ La cucaracha
La cucaracha ♪

♪ Hey, da-da-da-da-da-da-da ♪

♪ La cucaracha
La cucaracha ♪


♪ Hey!
Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da ♪

Hey, amigos, hello.
Can we, like, stop singing

and go get
something to eat here?

Are you crazy? Look
at the progress we're making.

I'm gonna be sick.

Willie, the same thing happened

when my family went to see
my cousin Mindy

in a production of The Best
Little Whorehouse in Texas.

We were too late to grab dinner
and I ended up barfing

four times on the way
to Sacramento.

Okay, whatever, but we're
only stopping for ten minutes.

Right. We want to get there
in time

to stake out
a place for the night.

Speaking of which, look,
I just found a great one

-right here in the guidebook.

There's an outdoor pool
and a buffeteria.

Will, you want to help
me out here?

Forget it. Forget it.

There's an in-room coffeemaker.

Now, that's nice. I mean,
that saves time and money.


Out of the question.
We're sleeping on the beach

-under the stars.

I don't think so.

That was the whole
point of the trip, Sarah.

What? To sleep outside
where we could get robbed

-or m*rder*d or bug bites?

I mean, yeah, sort of.

The point is to take
some chances so that someday,

when we have
to stay in motels,
we can say that...

That for a few days
at least we were
a little bit adventurous.

And we kind
of lived by our wits.

And damn it, we handled
whatever came our way.


Your engine light
just went on.

We're screwed.


Oh, hey.

God, two days in a row, huh?

You looking for me?

No. Uh, no.

I actually have an internship

at a publishing house nearby.

You don't have to explain.

No. I know. I just...

So, are you having a good time
with all your friends?


Been hanging out a lot.

Stayin' pretty busy.

I mean, that's...
That's why I didn't call...

Oh. Yeah,
yeah, I figured.

Anyway, uh,

you all doing something great
again tonight?

Do you wanna get together?

You and me?


Um, definitely,

If-- If you want to.

Yeah. Yeah, I want to.

[laughs shyly]

Did she say anything
to you this morning?

Yeah. She, uh...

She told me
the mattress sags.

I want her out of here,


You're not serious.

I can't believe
that you're serious.

Well, believe. That woman
has made it very clear

just how much
she hates my guts.

I'm not inclined
to be a tower
of support for her,

whatever it is
she's going through.

Well, what am I
supposed to do, huh?

Say, "Gee, Mom,
sorry your marriage is kaput.
Can I call you a cab?"

Uh, for God's sake,
Charlie, she's a mess.

She's a mess,
and she's my mother.

She needs me.

I did some planting,
did you see?

Hydrangeas don't do well
in direct sun.

Mom, if you don't talk to me,
I'm gonna call Dad.

That's all there is to it.

I had an affair
with Howard Laughton.


Howard Laughton.

Well, you remember him.

He and your daddy
played golf together.

He owns the dealership where
we bought the blue Lincoln.

You had an affair?

It was, uh, right when
you went away to college.

I was going through
that empty nest thing.

Your daddy was away
on one of his
selling seminars.

And Howard and I happened
to run into each other
at the club.

-I don't want to hear this.
-He asked me out to dinner--

I really don't want
to hear this, okay?

No, of course not.
I'm sorry.

It was a mistake, Kirsten.

How did--
How did Dad...

Last week he was
fixing my dresser.

The bottom drawer
always sticks.

He found a letter.

From Howard to me.


It was five weeks.

Five weeks, eight years ago.

You hold that
up against 29 years?

Twenty-nine years your father
and I have been together.

Twenty-nine years
and he just

came down the stairs
with my suitcase,

and he put it at the doorstep,
and he asked me for my

house keys back.

Good for him.


[doorbell rings]

Is Griffin coming over?

No. I'm meeting him.
You expecting someone? Coming.

If this is your father,
I'm gonna k*ll myself.

Yeah, listen, Charlie,
I gotta talk to you.

Can I help you?

I'm Byron.
I'm here to see Claudia.

You're Byron?

Well, she told you
I was coming, right?

Uh, yeah, yeah.
I guess we just, um...

We just all assumed that...

What? That...
That I was making it all up?

Is that it?

-No. Claud.

Claudia, no, no.


-What's going on?
-Never mind.

We're going out.

Don't wait up.


What was it
you said again, Willie?

Mexico or bust?
Now, there's irony for you.

Hey, hey, hey.
Don't look at me.

He's the one that wouldn't
check the engine
before we left.

-You know what--
-Go ahead. Beat each other up.

I'm gonna go sit
in the tow truck.

Yeah, me too.

What the hell
are you blaming me
for, Will? -It's your fault.
-My fault?

Hey, you're... You're
the one who invited

the two killjoy sisters along.
And look at this,

they got us snapping
at each other now.

And-- And I am telling you,

it is a whole
glass-is-half-empty mentality.

You're right. No, you're right.
It's very destructive.

Yes, it is.

I mean-- I mean,
so what if...

If we hit a few snags,
a few detours along the way?

So what? You and me,
we take it as it comes.


We kick back.

I mean-- I mean,
look at this place.

Really look at it.

This is--
This is very nice scenery.

Well, I can tow you into town,
but I can't get that darn thing

running again till tomorrow.

You're stuck.

[both] No problem.

It must have been weird
all these guys

crammed into bunks
with pictures

of their girlfriends
taped up everywhere.

Do you have pictures?

I sent you one of me,

but you never got it.

That's too bad,

So, um, the internship
really sucks, huh?

Mmm. Mostly what I do
is answer phones

and take people's lunch orders.

If the boss doesn't get
hot mustard

with his French dip,
my life is hell.


So I guess
he pretty much deserves

that, uh,
monster comb over, right?

[laughs] Yeah, pretty much.

There's this guy
on the boat.

Man, he could win
awards with his.

When the wind blows
the right way, he, uh...

How do you know
Mr. Conklin has a comb over?

You said.

No, I didn't.

Oh, uh,

I guess I just figured

a lot of old guys
have that lame
hair stuff going on,


I wrote you this letter

describing the people
that I work with.

You-- You got my letters,
didn't you?

So you knew that
Justin and I broke up?

You've known since...
God, last spring.

All those letters,
what did you do with them?

Did you just read them
and throw them away?

I wouldn't do that.

You don't really want
to see me, do you?

No, I do.

It's just...

It's just that you didn't know

how to let me down easy.

Well, don't sweat it, Griffin.

You're off the hook.


I just can't get over it.

A car salesman?

I mean, jeez,
who would have thought

your mom would sleep
with someone

who works on commission?

I don't want
to think about it.

I can't think about it.

It's too disgusting
to think about.

She can spend the night,
but that's it.

I mean it.

First thing in the morning,

you're gonna kick her out?

Kirsten, you know,
she didn't cheat on you.

Yes, she did.
Sure, she did.

You see, I always thought I wanted what my parents had.

It turns out all these years
all they had was this lie

sitting smack in the middle
of their marriage.

Okay. So--
So talk to her about it,

I mean, why it happened,
How to put it in the past.

Work it out.

Work it out?

There's nothing
to work out here.

She had an affair.
She cheated.

Nothing's gonna
change that fact.

And that's it?

Eight years ago
she made a mistake

and you plan on never
talking to her again?

Or forgiving her?

You got it. That's the plan.

I think that's stupid.

Since when are you
on her side, huh?

She doesn't even like you.

I mean, she hates you.
I mean, she really hates you.

Okay, okay, okay.
You made your point.

God, Charlie,

you're the last
person on Earth
who should be on her side.

Gee, wasn't this place
profiled in Travel 'n Leisure?

Yeah, well,
I happen to love it.

This place...
This place has--

One bed.
It's got one bed, Will.

No, no, no, no. The guy
at the front desk said...

Ah. Ta-da.

You know,
the chances of bed bugs

is significantly greater
if the motel does not have

a major guidebook affiliation.

I didn't see
a sticker in the lobby.

Hmm. Neither did I.
But I did see donuts.



Yeah, maybe I could call
my folks and get them

to put another room
on their credit card.

No way. No way.
That's cheating.

Look, what--
What is the problem here, huh?

We're... We're all
friends, aren't we?

So it's a little snug.

So what?

So what?
We're saving money,

and we're having
an adventure.

Hey, Bay, there's a mini bar.

A mini bar.

[both] Yes!

You know, I never knew
I was capable of such
profound hatred.

Staggering, isn't it?

What do you say
the first thing tomorrow

we make them drive us
to the closest bus station
and we head home?

What do I say?

[in deep voice]


So how'd it go last night?


Stay out real late?


Claudia, could we just...

I mean, you don't... You don't think
I'm actually gonna have

a conversation with
you about Byron, do you?

You know, I can't believe
it took me so long

to figure you guys out.
I mean, the way you
were poking around

to find little holes
in my story, or...

Or the way you
patronized me with that

unbelievable story about camp.

Boy, talk about transparent.

I'm sorry, Claud.

-I didn't mean...
-What is it?

I mean, you can't
believe that anyone

would actually
be interested in me?

-No, Claud.
-No, Claud, come on.

Not at all.

Why is this so impossible

that I could
have feelings about...

About, you know, guy stuff?
I mean, just because...

I don't know...
I may be small for my age.

Well, I do. Okay?
I do have those feelings.

So you better
just get used to it.

[upbeat music playing]


Oh, yeah, incredible.

So, what's the plan?

I don't know.

The girl who
sold me these beers

told me about this...
This cockfight tonight.

This back-alley kind of thing.
It sounds pretty colorful.

She wrote the directions
on my hand.

That's cute.

You see,

this is the way it should have
been from the start, Will.

I mean, Gina and Sarah
are great, they are, but...

But it's no fun hanging
with people whose...

Whose primary travel objective
is finding a clean bathroom.

Am I right?


I'm sorry? What?


That is so smart.

I should be doing that,
keeping a journal.

You know, writing down
my thoughts, my feelings,

of the local scenery.

Hi. How's it going?

So go on, read me something.

No. It's stupid. Forget it.

No, I mean it. I mean it.
I wanna know.

I want to know
how you're seeing
this whole trip.

Let me see.

"Lava lamp, lacrosse stick,
Bob Marley poster?"

Just stuff I need to pack
for school when we get back.


how about this weather, huh?

Yeah. How about it?

Did you have lunch?


Uh, uh, no.
I'm not hungry. Okay, so how about
if I bring up
something for you anyway?

Is there no one else
in the house

that you can have
a conversation with right now?

Is that why you're here?


This is called
trying to be polite.

Yes, I see that.


I don't know.

All of a sudden
it seems like we
have a little bit in common.

I mean, we both made
some mistakes and hurt people.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

All I'm saying is that I know
what it feels like to...

To want to just be forgiven,
you know,

for that one stupid mistake

that you would take back
in, like, a second.

I don't see how
we have a thing in common.

You gotta be kidding me?

You know, just because
I'm having a problem
with my husband,

don't look at me
like you understand,

like we are somehow the same.

I don't make promises
and break them,

-over and over again.
-Cut it out, okay?

I am trying here with you.

And I'm the only one.
Your husband's not

and Kirsten's not,

but I am trying.

Doesn't that count
for anything?

No, not in my book.


Man. Can I talk to you?

I only get 30 minutes
for lunch. I gotta go.

It'll only take a minute.

It's a five-minute walk
to the office.

So you'll be late, okay?

I just...

I just want to let you know
that I didn't toss
your letters.

Well, I'm touched.

I read them.

I read every one of them,

over and over.

I nearly drove myself
crazy reading them.

Like, um...

This one. Six pages
on how hard it was

for you to break up
with Justin.

Or, uh...
What was it, uh...

This one is,
uh, three pages on

taking Claudia to camp.

Well, I'm sorry
I was boring you.

No, that's not...

You don't--
You're not getting it.

I just kept waiting
for you to write, uh,

"I miss you,"
or, "I wish you were here,"


I don't know,
"I love you," or something,

but you didn't.

It was always,
"Hope you're okay,"

or, uh,
"Write me if you feel like it."

That's the stuff
you write to a friend.

You know, just a friend.

So I didn't know what you were
thinking about me.

You know that, uh,

letter about Claudia?

It's the one
with the picture in it.

Yeah. It's...

It's okay
to put that by your bed.


I'm telling you, Bailey,
this is not the street.

We drove past here
an hour ago.

That, "Gringo, go home"

-does it ring any bells?

So it's not a great
neighborhood, Will.

So what? We're not going
to visit your grandma.

We're going to watch roosters
peck each other to death.

Do you see a number?

What are we looking for?


What, do you need some
change or something?

The address of this place,
that girl wrote it on my palm.

Ow, ow.
Take it easy, Will.

I can't read it.
It's all smudged.

Couldn't have copied it on
a piece of paper?

Okay, okay. So I'm not
as a**l as you are

about writing stuff down.
I'm sorry.

Okay, remind me again,

the problem with stopping
and asking for directions is...

Directions are for people

who only care about where
they're going,

not where they
are in the moment.

-Directions are for people...
-I get it.

Okay, Bay? I get it.

The airline.

I'll be out of your hair
first thing in the morning.

Where are you gonna stay
when you get back to Chicago?

Your sister has that
room over the garage.

Might be a good excuse
for her to dust.

I expect I'll get the same
kind of reception from her.

This is what
I don't understand.

You and Charlie,

all the terrible things
he did to you

and you've forgiven him.


Because I love him.


Don't you love me? Mom.

Because I love you, Kirsten.

So much.

And your sister
and your father so much.

I don't want
to lose any of you.

Please, please,
do not walk away from me.

I mean,
if you can forgive a man

who left you at the altar,
why can't you forgive me?

I don't know.

I've been trying
to figure that out myself.

Maybe I don't feel
like being generous, Mom,

because what you want from me
you can't give in return.

I don't know what you mean.

Why can't I forgive you?

Why can't you forgive him?

Well, please, no, that...

That's different. It's...

No, it isn't.
It's exactly the same.

Do you know how much
I want you and Daddy

to be together and happy?

Well, I do, Mom.
More than anything.

But I want you to wish
the same for me and Charlie.

And I want you to go first.

Gee, I always thought that
was just a figure of speech,

but, you know,
chickens really do run around

for a long time
without their heads on.

Yeah, I kind of had trouble
enjoying the scene after that.

Where'd we leave the car?

I thought it was right here.

You don't remember
where we left the car?

I remember, Will,
it was right around here.

What the...

What's that?


It's your window, I think.


No way.

Oh, no.

I don't believe it.

Damn it.

[glass shatters]

Is there-- Is there something
you want to say, Will?

Huh? You want to clue me in
why you're acting like

it's my fault that
my jeep just got stolen?

Of course
it's not your fault, Bay.

Just because you got us
wandering around here

in the middle of the night
searching for some

animal t*rture event

just because some idiot girl
came on to you.

You know what, Will?
If you didn't want to do

anything more daring
than watch videos
and eat popcorn,

why didn't you
just stay home?

Good question,
'cause you're going nuts.

I don't know what you're trying
to prove. I don't wanna end up
in a body bag.

I gotta go to college
in a week.

See, now, now we get
to the real point.

You're going to college.

You don't give a damn about
this trip, Will.

-You never did.
-You're right. You're right.

-You just figured me out.
-So why don't you
just go home?

-Just point me
to the bus station.
-Point yourself.

I'm gonna keep going.

Really, Bay?

Yeah, really.

You got no stuff, you got
no car, you got no money.

This trip's history.
You're done.


You want to go somewhere?


This is nice.

This is nice,
don't you think?





What's the matter?

Don't-- Don't you
want to do this?

Don't you want to kiss me?

I don't know. What?


God, Griffin,

what is going on with you?

I mean,
this afternoon I thought...

I don't know
what you want from me.

What are you talking about?

I'm in love with you.

So, what are you doing,

Are you playing
games with me

because I-I don't understand.
I really don't.

This afternoon

when we talked,
It made me happy.

I mean, like,
really, really happy.

You don't even know.

Then I started thinking
about it.

Thinking about us.

I kind of freaked out


you see...

All this time
that there were...

There were all these things
that were in the way,

you know,
now there's nothing.


Now it's just up to me.

And if I don't
get it right this time,

it's over.

I have nothing.

Griffin, you can't--

I don't want to have nothing.

[guitar music playing]

[people talking indistinctly]

Hey, Jule.


Aren't you supposed
to be in Mexico?

So, what's your point?

Well, when did you get back?
I didn't see the jeep.


I had to take
the damn bus back.

Oh, yeah?

No. See, that's--
That's a big deal.

The jeep was stolen.


Where's Griffin?


Where's Griffin?


I don't know.
I haven't seen him.

Maybe he's out there.
Maybe he's on one
of those ships.

One of those could be his.

So I'm guessing things
didn't go so great.

I don't know.

Maybe it's not
such a bad thing, huh?

I mean,
it's like what's past is past,

and now I'm completely open
to meeting someone great.

I mean, maybe
I'll meet someone
great at this party.


Or maybe I'll just
take a breather.

To summer fun.

Summer fun.

I've got a cab waiting.

I just came to say goodbye.

And to thank me
for my hospitality, right?

Look, um, I've got
a lot of work do, so...

I hope
you're happy, Charlie.

Wow. No, no.

I mean,
I hope you'll be happy.

You and Kirsten.

You do?

Since when?

I'm sorry

about yesterday.

I'm going to get
off your back,

No more letters
and no more insults.

-I promise.
-That's great, Ellie.

That's just great.

I thought that's
what you wanted?

I guess I'm kind of past the
point of being grateful to you

for not telling me
what a loser I am.

Oh, for God's sake,
Charlie, I never meant--

It's not enough to stop being
negative, Ellie.

Then what?

What is it you want?

I want you to give me
some credit for once.

Just actually say,
"Yeah, Charlie, you...

You've made mistakes,
but you're
turning things around.

And you're doing okay.

You're being responsible,

and I can see
why she loves you."

You know?

It just would have been
nice if you...

Well, it just
would have been nice,

but I guess
that's just the way it is.

I hope.


I hope that my husband loves me

as much as my daughter
loves you.

I hope so too.

I don't know.

I guess--
I guess I just figured

it was our last
hurrah together,

mine and Will's.

But you know what?

He didn't need one.

And you did, huh?

Hey, you know,
I was thinking,

if you want
maybe in a couple of weeks,

we could drive up to Yosemite,

do some hiking
before the weather turns?

Yeah, maybe.

You and I can make all kinds
of plans together if you want.

I mean, you know,
we can do stuff

that you'll remember
for years.

Hey, I can...
I can learn how to chug beer

and belch
and do guy stuff like that.

You know,
slap you on the back a lot,

stop expressing my feelings.

That'd be good?

That'd be great.

Wouldn't be the same,
but it'd be great.

Yeah, yeah, I know,
big shoes to fill.

But I don't know,

I kind of like the idea
of being your best friend.

You're my best friend.


Let's get started.




I can do this.


[both laughing]


[rock music playing]

Coach says I gotta drop

my goals-against average
this year.

That means I gotta focus
more on the fundamentals.

Fundamentals? Great.

What are the fundamentals?

Hey, are you cold?
Do you want my jacket?



Okay, So, uh...

So where was I?

The fundamentals.

Oh, right, right.
Well, there's
a bunch of them.

There's speed, stamina,
uh, ball-handling,

shot-blocking and effective
play-making technique.

That last one's
kind of my best thing.

The coach says
I still need to make

more of my own
opportunities, you know?


They were running out.


You're an incredible jerk,
you know that?

Yeah, well, I could say
the same thing about you.

Really? I swear to God
my mother is taking

this college stuff
better than you.

'Cause she can't wait
for you to get the hell
out of her house.

That's true.

Look, Bay,
I know what you're thinking.

You're like, "Oh, man,
he gets to go away,

start again,
the whole thing."

But really
you've already done that.

You know, y-you, like,
grew up years ago.

You sort of had to.

And now I'm just
kind of catching up.

Look at this.

This is ridiculous.

We're standing by the ocean

in the freaking moonlight.


Pretty soon the violins
are gonna start playing.

[both laugh]

[sighs] I don't know.

Ten years, one best friend.

That's pretty impressive.

I mean, that's never
gonna happen again.

It's not gonna change, Bay.

Some stuff
just doesn't change.

[slow rock playing]

They're out of beer. What?

I mean, who throws a party
and runs out of beer
before ten o'clock?


What are you doing, Griffin?

Are you dropping by to kvetch
or are you...

I was planning on staying,

But after this whole
beer thing, who knows.



You know,

it's not like this isn't scary
for me.

It's not like I'm not taking
a big chance with you too.

I mean, you flake out,

and then you drop back in
and then you flake out again, -and I really wish you--
-I'm staying.

I'm staying.
Okay, Julia?

I mean, I just can't--
I can't not.

So whatever happens,

I'll risk it. Okay.

I wonder if one of those little
dots out there is my ship.

Ah, who cares.
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