04x22 - Prince of a Guy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bewitched". Aired: September 17, 1964 - March 25, 1972.*
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Samantha falls in love with and marries Darrin Stephens only for him to find out that his new wife is one of a secret society of powerful witches and warlocks and that a twitch of her nose brings magic.
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04x22 - Prince of a Guy

Post by bunniefuu »

"And then Prince Charming bent over
Sleeping Beauty and kissed her.

Her eyes fluttered and opened.

There was joy and wonder in them
as she beheld the prince.

'Oh, Prince Charming, ' she sighed.

'I've waited so long for you.'

Soon after, their marriage was
celebrated throughout the kingdom...

and they lived happily ever after."

And then what?

- That's all.
- No, read more.

Well, there's no more to read,

They got married,
and that was the end.

The end of the story, I mean.

And you stop stalling, young lady.
Lie down.

Shut your eyes and go to sleep.



Mother, I wish you wouldn't do that.

Not that I mind, but you know
how Darrin objects.

I also know that he's gone out of town
on business.

And I've come to help you celebrate.

I thought a nice weekend
on the Riviera.

You, Tabatha and me.

We would also have to include
Louise and Larry Tate...

and Darrin's cousin Helen
and her boyfriend.

They're coming for dinner.

- Oh, how revolting.
- So it's been nice seeing you, Mother.

You're going to throw me out?

I'd be delighted if you'd stay.
But they'll be here any minute...

- so would you mind changing?
- Of course not.

Oh, lovely.

- Thank you, darling.
- Oh, that is lovely.


And then what happened?

You won't mind bartending,
will you, Larry?

In Darrin's absence,
it's the least I can do.

Especially since you are responsible
for his absence.

If I didn't know you better, Sam,
I'd think you were kidding.

Larry says we've met Helen.
I don't recall her.

You met her. She's the one
that brought that baseball player...

to our Christmas party
a few years ago.

The one
with the great strikeout record.

I thought he was a catcher.

I'm talking about Helen.

Well, the truth is, she hasn't been
very lucky with men, poor girl.

I think she's hoping
to impress this latest candidate...

with the joys of married life.

Remember that.

Don't worry. Fortunately, I've had
quite a bit of acting experience.

- Samantha.
- Yes?

Endora. How are you?

Could you excuse yourself a moment,

Well, Helen and her friend
will be here any second.

Just the same, I think you'd better
tear yourself away.

Excuse me.

Her mother visits her a lot,
doesn't she?

Yes, but at least she waits
until her son-in-law's out of town.

- Hi, Helen.
- Hi.

- Remember me? Larry Tate?
- Of course.

Samantha'll be down in a moment.

This is Ralph.

Nice to meet you, Ralph.

Come in.

And this is my wife, Louise.

- Hi. Hello there. Won't you sit down?
- Hi.

Oh, Mother,
you have to do something.

I can't have him roaming around here
with a house full of company.

There's nothing I can do, Samantha.

For some reason, Tabatha can't seem
to work the spell in reverse.

Tabatha, how often have I warned you
about this sort of thing?

Please, do not blame the dear child.
She was merely curious.

And she's so lovely, so like
her mother in beauty and grace.

Personally, I think the child
is remarkably advanced.

And I'm not saying that
because I'm prejudiced.

You should be very proud
of your niece.


No. Impossible.

The story doesn't mention
where you're from, Prince Charming.

But there must have been
a lot of oil on the property.

For the time being,
would you please step in here?

Of course, dear lady.

That is not going to help, Samantha.


That's why.

Samantha, he has no substance.
Have you forgotten?

He's a product of witchcraft.

- Oh, no. Mother, what am I going to do?
- I hope you won't think me forward.

But it would give me great pleasure
to join your company.

It's so dull being confined
to the pages of a book.

Always the same old faces.

Yes. Nothing against you,
but... Yes?

Couldn't I see the baby
before she goes to sleep?

Just a moment.

I hope you don't mind.

Dear lady, to make you happy
is the object of my existence.

Come in.

I hope you don't mind,
but I haven't seen the baby since...

Mother, Mother,
this is Darrin's cousin, Helen.

- Hi.
- Helen, this is my cousin, Charlie.

How do you do?

It's a great pleasure to meet you,
dear lady.

Oh, my. I just know I'm blushing.

Do you mind if I say that the bloom
of your cheek rivals the rosy dawn?

Oh, no. Go ahead and say it.

Helen, did you wanna say
good night to Tabatha?

Who? Oh, of course.

- Hi.
- My, how she's grown.

Helen, I really think we should
go down and join the others.

I just love the English,
especially English men.

Mother, haven't you any suggestions
at all?

- Just one.
- What's that?

Set another place for dinner.

Guess who dropped by unexpectedly?

My cousin, Charlie.

This is Louise Tate.


Samantha, where have you
been hiding him?

This is Larry Tate.

- A great honour, sir.
- Hi.

And you must be Ralph.
My mother.

- How do you do?
- And cousin Charlie.

- A great pleasure to meet you, sir.
- Likewise.

Well, dinner won't be too long.
Please sit down.

- Larry, would you freshen this drink?
- Yes.


Oh, dear ladies,
as I cannot divide myself...

suppose I give you instead
my undivided attention?

Oh, what a marvellous sense
of humour.

You're very kind,
but a sense of humour is useless...

until it falls on a receptive ear.

I can't get over the feeling
that I've seen you before.

How happy that makes me.

For is not familiarity
the doorstep to friendship?

- What'd he say?
- You got me.

I have to do something to divert
Helen's attention from the prince.

Well, I'd suggest an earthquake,
but I doubt if it would work.

- I think I'll try some nice loud music.
- Yes.

Oh, good. I was just in the mood
for dancing.

I thought Larry didn't like to dance.

He doesn't.

Oh, that one's perfect.
Oh, Charlie.

You're making a fool of yourself.

- Jealous?
- Of him?

You could learn a couple of things
from him.

What? How to smile
and say nothing?

It would be an improvement.

Can I get you another drink?

Thanks. Could you make that
a double?

Can I ask you something?

Is that guy for real?

Oh, what a marvellous dancer
you are.

And may I say that you, dear lady,
dance as if the air were your home.

- What do you mean?
- He talks and he talks...

but he doesn't say anything.

Well, for your information,
he won't be staying long.

That makes two of us.

You know, you're just too good
to be true.

Oh, look, a full moon.
Let's dance out there.

She may have problems,
but being shy isn't one of them.

If she isn't careful,
she's gonna be shy one man.

Excuse me.

Where's Ralph?
I'd better find him and talk to him.

He might be a little upset.

Too late. And he was.

- What do you mean?
- He just left.

Oh, no.

You're a regular David Niven.

- Helen.
- Yes?

I think you should know,
Ralph just left.

Ralph who?

Well, it's wonderful
to hear your voice, Darrin.

Oh, everything's just fine.

Cousin Helen?

Oh, she had a wonderful time
last night.

You're coming home when?
Late tonight?

Well, if I sound funny,
it's just because I miss you.

Me too. Bye.

- Did you hear that?
- I did, and I thought it was revolting.

Mother, he is coming home tonight.

You've done nothing
about getting the prince in the book.

Well, please don't get overwrought.

And above all,
don't lose your sense of humour.

There's a funny side to everything.

Oh, really? Can you see the look
on Darrin's face...

if he comes home
and the prince is still here?

See? There is a funny side.

Hi, Sam. Sorry to bust in on you
so early, but...

Oh, good morning, Endora.

But I just had to speak to you
before I went to the office.

- About what?
- Your cousin Charlie.

I tell you, I couldn't sleep a wink
last night.

Oh, Larry. Well, you don't think Louise
was seriously interested in him?

No, but she was pretty darned
intrigued, wouldn't you say?

Well, maybe. But I don't think
you have to worry about Louise.

Well, who's worried about her?

You're not? Then what kept you up?

Well, that's what I wanna talk
to you about.

Can we go into the den? Excuse us.

- Helen.
- Hi. I hope you don't mind...

my dropping in
so early in the morning.

- But I think I left my gloves here.
- You weren't wearing gloves.

No wonder I didn't have them
when I got home.

Well, as long as I'm here, do you mind
if I stay to have a cup of Charlie?

I mean, coffee?

You don't understand these things.
Take it from me...

this cousin of yours is dynamite.

I won't deny he's got something.

But how can you and Darrin use it?

One of our big problem clients,
and Darrin's the account executive...

is Abigail Adams Cosmetics. Know
how many guys they turned down...

to do their commercials?

You don't mean
you're gonna recommend him...

to do their commercials.

No, I'm going to recommend him
to work in the mailroom.

- That would be better, Larry.
- Sam, come on, get with it.

We've got hold of a guy
who's dynamite with women.

Yes, it's certainly worth
thinking about.

Why don't you wait and discuss it with
Darrin when he gets back tomorrow?


Sam, I'm so sure of this,
I've set up a camera audition...

for 11:00 this morning.

This morning?

Today, this morning?

The client will meet us
at the studio.

With his wife, at my suggestion.

Tell Charlie to grab his coat
and come on.

Now, wait a minute, Larry.
I mean, don't you think...

you ought to find out
if Charlie's interested?

I thought you said
he was between jobs.

- Well...
- You realize what kind of income...

these commercials bring?

Now, come on,
let's stop wasting time.

- Would you like some coffee?
- Thanks, but no time for that now.

- Where's Charlie?
- Out on the patio with Helen.

Excuse me.

What's going on?

I just love a man who loves children.

I think it's such an important quality
in a husband... Father... Man.

There you are. Good morning.

Charlie, may I tell you
what a lucky man you are?

They're going to put him
in front of a camera?


That should be delicious.
I'd love to be there when it happens...

or rather when it doesn't happen.

- What do you mean?
- But a prince can't appear...

on the telly. He has no substance.

Oh, Mother, this is no time
for character analysis.

Samantha, I've never known you
to be so dense.

Haven't I already told you
that the prince is only a projection...

that he is a creature of witchcraft?

You put him in front of a camera,
and there won't be an image.

Well, then he won't get the job and...

You mean the screen will be blank?



Isn't it exciting about Charlie?

Where is he? Did he go upstairs?
Did Larry go with him?

He went with him,
but they're not upstairs.

- Where are they?
- On the way to the TV studio.

- Oh, no. Mother.
- What?

Mother, will you please watch
Tabatha. I have to go after them.

Could I possibly drive down
with you?

I'm not driving. I've got to fly.


I don't very often go out on a limb,
but I can practically guarantee...

this fella will put Abigail Adams
Cosmetics in the number-one spot.

- Believe me, Mr. Blumberg.
- Well, I'm willing to be shown.

But I wish you'd brought your wife
along. She'd prove my point.

But I did bring her.

As far as I'm concerned,
I think you'll be perfect for the job.

If I can merely approach
your expectations...

it will be my special joy,
dear lady.

In fact, I think you'll be
more than perfect.

See what I mean?
Why don't you go get your wife...

and let's go into the booth?

I'd have waited for you if I'd
known you wanted to come along.

Well, it isn't that I wanted to...
They haven't started yet, have they?

Just about to.

What is it, Sam?
You seem a little upset.

Who, me? No, no.
I'm perfectly relaxed and calm.

Larry, you have to call off
this audition.

Well, why?

Now, look, it's something about
Charlie. Don't ask me what it is.

But if you put him before a camera,
you're gonna be very embarrassed.

And this is very confidential.

What is?

What I just told you.

What did you tell me?

- Okay, Al, put him in the chair.
- Right.

I want to wish you all the luck.

Since I've met you,
fortune has already smiled.

If you ask me,
he's some kind of nut.

You should be such a nut.

What's happening?
Why isn't he in the chair?

- He is.
- I mean the black leather one.

That's the one he's in.

- What do you think?
- Of what?

How does he look to you?

Frankly, I don't know
what they see in him.

Me neither.

How you doing?

We're having strabismus trouble,
Mr. Tate.

I'm afraid we'll have to postpone
the audition.

Mother. Oh, there you are.

- How did it go, darling?
- Fortunately, it didn't.

They thought their equipment
was wrong.

What a shame. It would have made
a delightful conversation piece.

Yes, and when Darrin found out
about it, he would've had a fit.

As I say, what a shame.

Have you made any progress
with Tabatha?

Who had a chance? Elena hasn't
left me alone for a moment.

- It's Helen.
- Well, whatever her name is...

she certainly knows how
to keep a conversation ho-humming.

Is she upstairs?
Well, I'll get rid of her.

We have to get the prince back
before Darrin gets home.

Please, I beg of you,
don't send me back.

Sorry, Charlie,
I don't have any choice.

You'll be much happier there.

No, I won't. I like it here.
Everyone's so kind.

Especially the ladies.
I don't want to go back.

Well, for your information,
you don't have any choice either.

Samantha, I hate to say
you're wrong, but you're wrong.

- Pardon?
- I realize what the problem's been...

all along. It isn't that Tabatha's
not performing the spell properly.

But it can't work
if he doesn't want to go back.

Mother, I hope this isn't another one
of your questionable jokes.

If I'm not telling the truth, may I never
enjoy another glass of wolfbane...

on the rocks.

Well, what about Sleeping Beauty?

- Who?
- Now who's joking?

No. No, I don't think he is.

I'll be back in a minute.

Gad, you're beautiful.
If only you were a little more inhuman.

I'll go right down. Would you mind
if I call my mother in Buffalo...

and reverse the charges? I really
ought to tell her about Charlie.

Helen, why don't you wait till later?

You mean when the rates change?

Well, when something changes.

Do you have any objections
to a big wedding?

Mother, would you and Charlie
come up here for a minute?

Very well.

Mind if I borrow him
for just a little bit?

Oh, no.

- Will you see who that is, please?
- Oh, of course.

- How did you know I was here?
- They told me at the hotel.

I just wanted to...

Anyway, I'm sorry I left last night
without saying anything.

- Well, that's okay.
- No, it's not.

I shouldn't have left without saying
you're one of the rudest girls I ever met.

Well, I'm sorry you feel that way.

Well, that's the way I feel.
I'm just glad I found out in time.

Look, if the only reason...

What do you mean,
"found out in time"?

You think I wanna
marry somebody...

that runs after every pretty face
she sees?

Marry? Ralph, dear,
don't stand out there.

You'll catch your death of cold.

It's who?

Sleeping Beauty, who else?

You see, Tabatha zapped him
out of the middle of the book.

He didn't know about the end
of the story.

See what you get if you go back?

Well, go ahead.

You still wanna stay here?

As you people say,
"Are you kidding?"

In that case.

All right, sweetheart.

Very good.

And they lived happily ever after.


Now it's my turn.

Now, remember, Tabatha,
under no circumstances whatsoever...

are you to do that again.
Do you understand?

- Do you understand?
- Yes, Mommy.

Well, it could've been worse.

Suppose you'd been reading her
one of the Babar books?

Well, at least Helen wouldn't have
flipped over an elephant.

Which reminds me. How am I
gonna tell her about Charlie?

My suggestion
is straight shock treatment.

- Behave yourself.
- Yes, Mommy.


- Helen?
- Yes.

Charlie is gone, Helen,
and he's not coming back.

Charlie who?

I've got something to tell you too.

Guess who's getting married?


Would you say she's rather fickle?

Maybe so. But I'm sure she'll never
forget cousin what's-his-name.
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