01x14 - Sabrina Through the Looking Glass

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch". Aired: September 27, 1996 – April 24, 2003.*
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Based off the comic book series, Sabrina a magical witch and her black talking cat Salem navigate the teenage years together.
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01x14 - Sabrina Through the Looking Glass

Post by bunniefuu »

Now, stretch and focus.

Can you feel the blood
rushing to your brain?

No, but I feel my lunch
making a move.

This is no fun.

If you don't enjoy yoga,
you don't have to do it.

It's easy for you to say.
You're winning.

There is no winning and losing in yoga.
It's different from other sports.

It's more spiritual.

And you can't get hit
in the face with a ball.

Now let's move on to a meditation.
Assume the lotus position.

Can you assume
I've assumed the lotus position?

Now, let's chant.



- Um, what do we do now?
- We empty our minds.

That, I can do.

Now release your burdens
and lighten your load.



- Zelda.
- What?


I thought you said
this was low impact.

My biosphere.
Just what I needed. Ow!

What was that?



SALEM: Hilda, would you be a love
and check my stocks?

Not me, not today!

- She's stomping already?
- I don't believe this. Look.

- Look!
- Wow, who's your friend?

It's her first wart as a witch.

- Let me get the camera.
- No, it's gross.

How did I get it
and how can I make it go away?

Usually they're caused by stress.
Just calm down and it'll disappear.

I'm calm, I'm calm.

It's still there. I can see it.
What am I gonna do?

Harvey and I are to supposed to
report on the rain forest.

But I am not going to school
like this.

You can't skip school
because of a wart.

- It's part of being a witch.
- It happens to all of us.

I once had one on the end
of my nose for a decade.

Actually, it wasn't that funny.
I wanted to die.

Just be glad you can cover yours
with a baseball cap.

SALEM: Orioles? I didn't know
your were a baseball fan.

I'm not. I'm a Brady Anderson fan.

He is so hot.
I love those sideburns.

SALEM: Yeah. I may be a house pet,
but I totally see it.

Now, you're all set. Off to school.

I feel like a balding,
middle-aged man.

Only more bitter. Are you sure
I can't just make it a snow day?

- No.
- But everything's going wrong.

Look, I even broke my biosphere.
And my magic won't fix it.

Oh, I bet it's number seven plastic.
It repels magic and it can't be recycled.

Great, great, great.

- That's the spirit.
- I was being sarcastic.

So was I.

Oh, great. Great, great, great.

Sabrina, I need your help.
I have a burning question.

Now is not a good time.

I was supposed to meet Harvey
in the library five minutes ago.

So can we talk about it at lunch?

Sure. I'll just save
my burning question until then.

Good morning, Sabrina.
Hey, you're an Orioles fan.

What? Oh, yeah.

Oh, love that Brady Anderson.

Bet he hits another
homers this year.

Wouldn't that be great?
Great, great, great.

He's not here. Great.

Where were you? I've been waiting.

Sorry, my bus was late.

Hey, cool hat.
I didn't know you liked the Orioles.

I do today.

- Can I try it on?
- No.

Okay, let me show you
what I made for our project.

First, this biosphere
was going to show

how the rain forest is a perfect
self-supporting ecosystem,

but I dropped it.

So now it shows the devastation
caused by greedy timber companies.

- It's just a jar of dirt.
- It's called deforestation.

Okay, okay. Now, I have
something to show you.

It's just what our project needs.

He's the last of the spider monkeys,
but you can call him Marty.

- Hi, Sabrina.
- A puppet?

See, I think our message
will be much stronger

if we give the tragedy of extinction
a voice and a name.

- Marty?
- You can change it.

The point is, he lives in the rain forest.
He has credibility.


See my prehensile tail?

It's a feature found only
in New World monkeys.

I'm trying to like it.

I'm making every effort.

I hate it.

But it's a guaranteed A.
Mr. Pool will eat this up.

- We're sticking with the biosphere.
- You mean the jar of dirt.

It's a biosphere.

As you pass the biosphere around,

I think you'll see
what Sting is so upset about.

- It's just a jar of dirt.
- That's enough, Libby.

Please continue with your project.

That is the project.

What's the point?

Yes, what's the point
of the rain forest?

Well, it's--

It's home to millions of insects,
plants and animals,

including the spider monkey.

Did someone say spider monkey?
Who are you?

I'm Marty, the rain forest

- Delightful.
- Harvey, put the monkey down.

We begin our story deep
in the Amazon.

So weep not for me,
weep for the fate of the Earth.

Isn't that right, Sabrina?


Yeah, what the puppet said.

That was terrific. Very creative.
You've really brought extinction to life.

Now, before class ends,
are there any questions?

Yeah. Are you two free
for my little brother's birthday party?


All right, read chapter .

And how about a big hand
for Harvey and Sabrina, huh?

I've never been so embarrassed
in my whole life.

What? Come on,
the monkey saved our butts.

Hey, guys. Can you tell me
how to get to Sesame Street?

- See, everyone thought it was lame.
- Mr. Pool didn't.

Like I care what Mr. Pool thinks.

- Sabrina.
- Oh, great.

I need sugar. I'm going to lunch.

- Can I come too?
- Look, I just want to eat alone.

I was just trying to cheer her up.

Hey, Sabrina.

The Bell Jar, three puddings.
This can't be good.

- It's not.
- You want to talk about it?

No. Didn't you have
a burning question?

Oh, yeah. See,

lately I've been feeling like people
aren't paying attention to me.

Get a puppet.

No, I was thinking of cutting my hair.

Just to shake things up.
But it's a big decision.

- Or , little ones.
- I'm serious.

Sometimes I feel like
I'm a prisoner of my own curls.

Really? That's fascinating.
Please go on.

Well, when people see my hair,
they think--


- Hey, Sabrina.
- Libby, what do you want?

I forgot. There was something
I wanted to ask you about your project.

- Yeah?
- If the Earth's tropical forests

are being wiped out
at a rate of acres a minute,

how come you're wearing
that stupid hat?

- Give it back.
- What is that?

Snow day.


- Hey, wart-face, you forgot your hat.
- And you forgot you're a goat.

Now go climb a mountain.


Great, great, great.

Hello, Sabrina. You stormed in.

Uh-oh. Is that your blizzard?

Yeah. I blanketed the entire northeast.

Oh, and in local news,
I turned Libby into a goat.

Come talk to me.

- What's the matter?
- What's the matter?

I have to be a witch,
I have to be a mortal,

I have to be a teenager and I have
to be a girl all at the same time.

- That's what's the matter.

at least you've still
got your thumbs.

And a door on your bathroom.

Hey, look. I found my
Brady Anderson baseball card.

Who cares?
Brady Anderson is nothing to me.


- How could you say such a thing?
- I'm in a bad mood.

Hey, I know what'll cheer you up.

- Flan?
- The happy dessert.

Everyone loves the custardy
goodness of a wiggly-jiggly flan.

You can have my share.
I just want to be left alone.

But flan--

I can't believe this. It looks awful.

It's huge. If you took it to a movie,
it would want its own seat.

At least someone agrees with me.

I'm so sick of people trying
to cheer me up.

I hate when they do that.
You can be in a bad mood if you want.

No one else thinks so.

Everyone keeps trying
to make me feel better,

and I just want to be left alone,
you know what I mean?

You can come in here.
No one will disturb you.

- Can I do that?
- Sure.

- Step right through.
- Cool.

Wow, everything's flipped around.

Okay, door.

Wrong. Door.

And my desk is over there.

Neetneves magazine.

I didn't know there was
a whole world through my mirror.

Yeah, it's a great place
for quiet reflection.

Good, I need some time to relax.

This is great.

Maybe I'll just look
at the pictures.

- Did you hear that?
- What?

My stomach rumbling.

What's for dinner?

Whatever comes out
of the end of your finger.

I'm too busy working to cook.

Oh, I know what I want. Flan.

It's so wiggly.

SALEM: I don't know whether to eat it
or attack it.

Would you do me a favour
and check on Sabrina,

- see what she wants?
- I'm not sticking my head in there.

She's in a bad mood.
She might bite it off.

- You go.
- No, you go.

- No, you go.
- No, Salem will go.


Good idea. Safety in numbers.

Sabrina? It's dinnertime.

She must be sleeping.

- She's not here.
- Where did she go?

- I have no idea.
SALEM: Mayday, the mirror.

Sabrina must have passed
through the looking glass.

Oh, no. She's trapped
in her own bad mood.

I don't see Sabrina. Oh, I wish
we could make these clouds lift.

There's nothing we can do. Only she
can get herself out of a bad mood.

I hope it doesn't take too long.

Oh, and I hope our counterparts
aren't too rotten.

- Me too.
- Well, let's go.

Remember that time I got stuck
in my own resentment

and you didn't lift one finger
to help me?

At least you got over it.

No, I didn't.


Seven a.m.?

I must have slept straight through.

- Hey, my wart is gone.
- You must have calmed down.

I feel so much better.
But I look like a mess.

There. Well, thanks for everything.
I'd better get home and go to school.


- What's going on?
- You're stuck.

Remember, you wanted
to be left alone.


Oh, no.

Help me, help me.
Someone help me!

- I got it, I got it.
- Who are you?

- I'm Brady Anderson.
- The baseball player?

- You've come to help me?
- I'm thinking about it, but I'm not sure.

I mean, you did say
I was nothing to you.

I didn't mean it. I was in a bad mood.
Everyone was bugging me.

Well, if everyone was bugging you,
did you consider that maybe

the problem wasn't
with the rest of the world?

- That maybe it was with you?
- No.

I mean, the things
that happened weren't my fault.

- And I was under a lot of stress.
- I know about stress.

Yankee Stadium, playoffs,
million viewers.

High school, science project,
very big wart.

Okay, you win. But only because
of the very big wart.

My point is, we all live with stress.

That's why you have to learn
to control your emotions,

and not let your emotions
control you.

Isn't that a lot to ask
from a teenager?

Yeah. And it will take you
about years to get good at it.

But you should start now.
I mean, if you want to get home.

I do. I don't like it here. I mean,
for one thing, I'm right-handed.

I'm a lefty myself. I fit in fine.

Okay, the first thing you have
to do is make amends.

Easy, I'll just tell everyone I'm sorry.

Oh, and I'll turn Libby back
from a goat.

- Good. You've got a game plan.
- But I'm locked in.

- Here you go.
- How'd you do that?

I choked up on the knob.

- Good morning.
- Do you mind?

I'm working on an article.

Sorry. I just wanted
to get some breakfast.

- There, have some porridge.
- Thanks.

Oh, it's cold.

I'm sorry, Goldilocks.
The kitchen is closed.

Okay, I'll just go look for the others.

Good morning, Salem,
checking your stocks?

Yes and they're all down.
Down, down, down.

Well, you know,
what goes down must come up.

Thank you, Louis Rukeyser.

But if my stocks don't rally,
I'll have to go back to dry food.

Now, please, I'd like some privacy.

Oh, great. Great, great, great.


- Aunt Hilda?
- What do you want?

I'm a little under the weather.

Maybe I'll come back later.

Hey, good news.
The living room drought is over.

Sabrina, I need to talk to you.

Good. Because I know you wanted
to talk yesterday, and now I'm all ears.

So am I.

- What happened to your hair?
- It's gone. And it's all your fault.

So I wanted to talk to you
and say I'm not talking to you.

Wait? How is it my fault?

As my friend, you shouldn't
have let me do this.

I'm sorry. I was in a bad mood
yesterday and I wasn't really listening.

My life is over.

Jenny, what you need
is some perspective.

Okay, first of all, it looks good.
No, it looks better than good.

It looks fine.

And second, it's gonna grow out.

That's right. I forgot. Hair grows.

Now, just keep saying that
and you'll feel better.

Hair grows.

Hair grows.

Now, I've gotta go find Harvey.
You wanna have lunch?

- Okay.
- Good.

- Oh, hair grows.
- Hair grows.

- Hey, Harvey.
- Sabrina, no, stay back.

- What's wrong?
- You shouldn't be seen with me.

No one should. Not after
how I embarrassed us both in biology.

You mean with Marty the monkey?

Don't even say that name.
I'm trying to forget.

- But he was cute.
- He was lame. You even said so.

Because I was in a bad mood.
But today, I love puppets.

Where is the little guy?

We had a fight.

- He's over there on the floor.
- Oh, no. Marty, are you okay?

I'm fine, but I'm worried
about my friend Harvey.

Well, let's go see if we can
cheer him up. Okay.

- Hey, Harvey.
- What, Marty?

Sabrina's sorry. Very sorry.

And she thanks you
for saving her butt.

- You know, he is kind of cute.
- And he's the reason we got an A.

When you put it that way,
I feel bad that I ripped his eyes out.

- Hey, Marty's used to tragedy.
- Hey, that's my homework.

- You're eating my homework.
- Libby?

Okay, Libby, I may not be able
to stomach saying this to you

after I undo the spell,

so I'm sorry.
I was in a bad mood yesterday,

but that's no excuse
for turning you into a goat.

Even though you totally deserved it.


Then we understand each other?

What am I doing in the girls' room?

- You were gonna wash your hands.
- I was?



So I was just wondering.
Is everything cool between us?

It never was, freak.

Good to have you back, Libby.
Gotta go.

- Oh, I'm up.
- Brady, you're at my school.

How do you have time
to follow me around?

I'm your spirit guide.
And it's the off-season.

I think you should know, I've been
making amends left and right.

I mean, right and left.

Anyway, Jenny, Harvey
and Libby are all fine.

I'm afraid that's not enough. You see,
your bad mood had a ripple effect.

- It spread further than you think.
- Like to Guam?

No, but beyond those three.

Frankly, you have to cheer up
the whole school, including Mr. Pool.

- What happened to Mr. Pool?
- You might want to check.

- Mr. Pool?
- Is it morning?

- Yeah.
- I survived.

Survived what?

My car wouldn't start because
of the blizzard, so I got stuck here.

And guess what.

- They turn off the heat at .
- That's terrible.

What's worse was that
I kept hallucinating

that there was a goat
running around the school.

I know this sounds weird,
but the goat was really snotty.

Forget about your horrible,
twisted dream.

I know something
that'll cheer you up.

Sabrina, trust me.
Nothing could make--

Brady Anderson?
Oh, I don't believe it.

I'm your biggest fan.
What are you doing here?

I'm in town for some
motivational speaking.

- To what group?
- Sabrina.

- Would you sign my brain?
- Sure.

Look, I need to go.
There's something I need to do.

Which hemisphere?

Just right along the cerebellum
is fine.

You look different.
Are those new earrings?

- Actually, they are.
- People tell me I'm not perceptive.

SABRINA [ON PA]: Attention, students.
This is Sabrina Spellman.

I'd like you all to know
I was in a bad mood yesterday

and I just want to say I'm sorry.

And to make it up to you,
I have a surprise in the cafeteria.

So if you'll please proceed
in an orderly fashion.


- It's beautiful.
- I've never seen anything like it.

It's flan. And there's enough
for everyone.


Here, Libby, have some flan.

No, thanks. I'm not hungry.

- All right, party time.
- Oh, Sabrina, I'm working.

Okay. Then I'll just put this flan
down over here.

Flan? I haven't taken a break
in six hours, but I will for flan.

SALEM: Did someone say flan?
- I could go for some flan.

Never underestimate the power of flan.

I'm going home.


- Solid contact.
- Brady?

I came to say goodbye.
I'm really glad it all worked out.

Thanks. I couldn't have done it
without you.

- You really put things in perspective.
- That's the key.

Now, get back to the real world.
And remember, life is a team sport.

Life is a team sport?
How stupid does that sound?

I'm home.

- You got out of your bad mood.
- Good girl.

SALEM: What did you bring me?
- A big kiss.

Hey, hey, I can groom myself.

I'm sorry I made
such a mess of everything.

We cleaned it up.
We even kept the blizzard going

so all your friends
could have a snow day.

And we changed Libby back
from being a goat.

But not before taking a Polaroid so you
could treasure the memory forever.

So the real world kept going
without me?

- Teenagers.
- Then there's a call I have to make.

You don't have to order me a pizza,

but make it half sausage, half clams.

Hello, Jenny? Did you cut your hair?

No. Good. Don't. It would be
the biggest mistake of your life.

No, a trim would be fine. Look, I'll call
you later, we'll discuss every hair.

Okay. Bye.

- I'm in such a good mood.
- Well, then, we should celebrate.

And there's no better way to celebrate
than with a woggly-joggly flan.

This is great.

Great, great, great.

I was being sincere.




- Yuck.
- Enough.

I'm not gonna stand here
all day watching you.

Wait, come back.
Which sweater did you like?

Hey, how am I supposed
to figure this out without you?
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