02x06 - Sabrina, the Teenage Boy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch". Aired: September 27, 1996 – April 24, 2003.*
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Based off the comic book series, Sabrina a magical witch and her black talking cat Salem navigate the teenage years together.
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02x06 - Sabrina, the Teenage Boy

Post by bunniefuu »

Sabrina. What took you so long?

I had to fight a family for this booth.

I stood by my locker for minutes
waiting for Harvey,

but then he decided to go hang out
with the guys at that stupid garage.

Let's face it.

We've been ditched
for loud things that go fast.

What do guys talk about
when we're not around?

- Girls?
- Guts.

Guts are way grosser than pus.

Oh, no way, dude.

What's gonna make you yak
in a movie,

a few measly guts
or a geyser of pus?

All right, but generally speaking,
guts include pus.

- Oh, yeah.

To be or not to bee. Bzz-zz-zz.


Hey, guys. The Slicery was dead,
so we thought we'd hang here.

Free country.

So how's the car coming along?

We're just having trouble
getting it to, you know, start.

Are you using the right key?
Because that's messed me up before.

My aunt Zelda just got
her alternator replaced.

- Maybe it's the alternator.

Well, it sure looks rad.

Yeah, you don't see too many
low riders in Westbridge.

What does it do exactly?

Rides real low.


Well, see you.

Let's never do that again.

SABRINA: Salem, what do boys talk
about when the girls aren't around?

- Boys or boy cats?
- Is there a difference?

Not really. Cats might be
a tad more political.

Sabrina, when the womenfolk
aren't around,

men can relax and open up
about the big stuff.

- Tell me what the big stuff is.
- Sorry, honey,

but in the words of the immortal bard,
that's for me to know

and for you to stay up nights

because you'll never find out.

- Men.
- Women.

- Cats.
- Ah.


I got it. I got it.

Hello? Yes, it is.

Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.


Why didn't you get it?

I'm a lazy bum.

- It was Sabrina's vice principal.
- Is Sabrina in trouble?

No. He wants to see me again.
I can't believe it.

Last time we went out,
I pepper-sprayed him.

And next time,
why don't you try this:

"I wanna go home now"?

You got a sec?

- Just one. I've got a lecture to get to.
- I'll make this quick.

What's the mystery of men?

Let me get my calendar
and see if I can clear the next decade.

To truly learn how men think

you have to be accepted by men.

- Which can't be done.
- Unless...

You could try
a turn-yourself-into-a-boy spell.

- You're kidding. We can do that?
- No, absolutely not.

The last time she tried a boy spell,
she got lost for years

because she refused
to ask for directions.

Sabrina, I'm against it.

No boy spells. Got it?

Snips. Hmm.


- Some puppy dog tails.
- Ugh.


Add a drop of those.

- Ear of newt? There's a new one.
- Mm-hm.

- "Boy Brew."
- Drink it.

Now, if I drink this will I have
boy thoughts or my own thoughts?

Well, you mostly have
your own thoughts.

You just look like
how you would have been

if one of your chromosomes
lost a leg.

Okay. Here goes.


Yikes. I'm so sorry.

Don't be.
Just means that it's working.

- Really? I don't feel any--
- Mm-hm.

Oh, boy.



Do I wanna look in a mirror
or is this too weird?

Are you kidding? It's fabulous.

- Dude.
- Do you feel different?

Yes and no.
I mean, I still feel like me,

but for some reason I also sense
that SportsCenter is on.

Now, Sabrina, this is very important.

- Each Boy Brew only lasts two hours.
- Gotcha.


Hey, cool chronograph.

Hey, I know what a chronograph is.

Cool. Heh.


It's just me.

Forgot my notes.


Do I smell sweat socks?

No. I bought cheese.




Salem, my man.

Whoa. Adolescence is
not sitting well with you.

I'm gonna walk among you guys,
see what makes you tick.

Freeze! Don't squirt that perfume

unless you want to be a boy
who gets beaten up.

Man, that was close.

It's not enough to look like a dude.

You have to start thinking
like a dude.

- You picked a name yet?
- Kirby?

We're back to
getting beaten up here.


- Hey, Valerie.
- Hey.

Do I know you?

Oh, right. The name's...

Jack. Heh.

We sat next to each other one time

when homerooms were combined
for an assembly on the Boer w*r.

I don't remember you.

I don't even remember
that assembly.

Well, it was nice to see you again.

I hear some dudes
are customizing some wheels.

- Don't wanna be late.
- Right.

Hey, did anyone say anything
about that w*r being on a test?

Sweet ride. You guys need a hand?

Who's asking?

The name's Jack.
I just transferred to Westbridge.

Hey, Harvey Kinkle.

This is Dolrimple, Ramage
and over there is Baines.

Jack what?

Jack Spratsky.

Well, just don't stand there.
Give Kinkle a hand.

He got his wrench

stuck in his purse strap.


Hey, any of you clowns
check the alternator?

Good idea.

So I told him that I felt the answer lies

in magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
You'll never guess what he said.


I got it.

Oh. It's him.

- Thought you turned him down.
- I did.

He must be one of those
resilient losers.

I'll be your best friend
if you tell him I'm not home.

I'd love to help you in your life.

If only you had feigned
some interest in mine.


Okay, Mr. Never-Say-Die.

This calls for drastic measures.


Ohhh. Women.


Oh. I'm here to see Hilda.

- Says who?
- Says me.

I mean, I-- I say. Who are you?

Name's Sonny.

I ride with the Marbleheads
out of Marblehead.

And you ain't seeing Hilda.

- Excuse me.
- What?

You mind terribly if I ask why?

Because she's my old lady,

Now, if I were you,
I'd make like a tailpipe and blow.

I am terribly sorry.

And-- And may I say also

that you people just did a swell job
at Altamont.

Keep walking, four-eyes.

Keep walking.

You guys check out
Troy Aikman last night?

He is so hot.

What's that supposed to mean?

Three hundred and twelve yards,
four TD's and no I-N-T's.

Yeah, what did you think I meant,
his butt?

ALL: Ha-ha-ha.
- His butt.

Uh-oh. Uh-oh.

Harvey, you sick?




No one is coming close to that.

There was greatness there
and yet...


Hey, Spratsky, are you in?

Yeah, let's see what you got.


- Whoa.
- You're ready for the X Games.

We gotta hang out.
How about tonight?




My dad's making me learn
how to take inventory.

Kinkle, what's your story?

I might be doing something
with Valerie.




Can you believe it?

- Harvey wants to date Valerie.
- I thought you and Harvey

did agree to see other people.

Sure. Nitpick.

You're positive
he's gonna ask her out?

Salem, he told me to Jack's face.

What am I gonna do?

Plan A: Mope.

Plan B: Pick up the phone
and beat him to the punch.

I recommend the preemptive strike.

It's how I took Yugoslavia.

I'm not asking a girl out on a date.

Not you. Jack.

It's so unfair. Why does the guy
always have to call?

This is one time
when being a cat is better.

Being in heat
eliminates the guesswork.

Valerie, what's up?

- Who's this?
- Jack Spratsky.


Remember, we met in the hall?

The Boer w*r? Heh-heh.

Oh, yeah. Hey, do you think
I could borrow your notes?

I didn't take any.

I was too busy looking at you.

- Really?
- Smooth.

You wanna go to the Slicery
with me tonight?

Yeah, I'd love to.

Okay, : . Be there. Ciao.

She said yes.

And you said, "Ciao."

I know.

Eww. I have a date with a girl.


- Hello?
- Sabrina?

You'll never guess
who just asked me out.

Go with the grain of your fur.

I-- I mean beard.

Dare I say it, Sabrina?

You look fly.

Salem, when was the last time
you had a date?


Whoa. Mama, hearts will be broken.

Can't believe how comfortable I am.

I'm never wearing a bra again.

I can't believe you asked me out.

I mean, I haven't had a date
in practically a year.

I mean, I never get asked out.

[THINKING] Listen to yourself.
This is not what a guy wants to hear.

And second dates? Forget it.

You'd think I had
an unlisted number.

I don't.

It's the same number you called
for this date.

So I was just wondering,
you know,

if anybody else asked you out
for this weekend.

You're not a very good listener,
are you?

Huh. So he didn't ask her out, yet.

Hey, Val.

- Dude.
- Dude.

I didn't expect to see
you two out together.

Maybe I can scare him off for good.

- Excuse us a sec.
- Sure. The place mat has games.

Kinkle, I hope you don't mind me
asking Valerie out.

- No. It's cool.
- Good, because, you know,

Val and I are kind of going out now.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

But don't tell Val that.

I mean, you know how they are
when they get comfortable. Heh.


Well, I'll check you two later.

You the man, Kinkle.

Oh. Are we going Dutch?
Because I only brought $ .

I thought I got rid of you.

Yes, well, this may be what we
in the civilised world call bad form,

but I have to follow my heart.

Well, did you have to follow it here?

Look, I did not see a ring
on Hilda's finger.

Therefore, I must conclude
that it is open season.

What if I told you
we're common law in Montana?

Ah. She can do better than some slob
in a pair of chaps

that haven't fit since Watergate.

Hey, aren't you supposed to be home
watching some musical on PBS?

And shouldn't you be using
your unemployment cheque

to buy raisin jack?

I am not going anywhere
until you find Hilda and let her decide.

Don't waste your time.
She's not worth it.

Hey, that's enough.

When Hilda isn't spending my money
she's yapping all the time.

You take that back.

- Make me, haircut. Oh!
- I will.

- Hey, that was my mother's.
- Uh-oh.

You're going down!


This is better than pay-per-view.

What does she see
in a slow-witted endomorph like you?

There is more to love
than book learning.

Well, I rue the day we met.

What is going on? Time out.

Break it up.

Time out.

Who are you?
And what are you doing in my house?

Oh, dear Lord, it's you.

- He started it.
- Did not.

Look, you want me
to call the police?

Because I have a very good feeling
about some outstanding


That won't be necessary.

All right. In that case, I will go.

Please give my regards to Hilda.

And next time I'm pulling
your ponytail, suzy.


Did you have to stop it, Zelda?

I had bucks on biker boy.

Why is it every time you're a boy,
you have to start a fight?

So how did your big date go?

Great. We totally hit it off.

I think he really likes me.

That's great, because, you know,
I know a lot of times on first dates

I make the mistake
of talking too much

or acting really desperate
or putting myself down.

You shouldn't do that.

Okay, I'll try better next time.


Hey, Val.

You wanna go to the Slicery
with me tonight?

- I'd love to.
- Cool.

- Pick you up at seven?
- Cool.

Hey, do you mind if I go to the Slicery
with Harvey tonight?

- He asked you out?
- Oh, no.

I should have asked you first.

No, it's okay.

Harvey and I are seeing
other people.

It's just I thought
you were dating Jack.

Well, I can juggle two guys.

Wow. Two guys.

This new deodorant rocks.

I don't know what feels worse,

Valerie dating Harvey
or Valerie dumping Jack.

I guess I'm just not ready
to see Harvey date other people.

Can I give you some advice,
man to man?

- I'll try anything.
- Go to the Slicery

and mark your territory.

Well, that may be the cat talking,
but it works either way.


This must be your lucky night.

How do you figure?

Senior I'm dating got grounded,

so you get the privilege
of escorting me into the Slicery.

Just chew with your mouth closed

and don't let my Diet Coke
go empty.

I can handle that.

Little did you know
you'd be on a date with me.

Little did you know.

You short guys should wear a sign.

Come on, I wanna play Alley Fight

before the eighth graders
get the buttons all sticky.

Here's a quarter.
Get yourself something pretty.

Very funny.

VALERIE: I mean,
I never get asked out. Never.

There was one time
when a guy who works for my dad--

I wish you would learn
that it's never a good idea

to turn yourself into a boy.

Oh, there was no harm done.

Except for those
four cheese steaks I ate.


Why don't I get rid of Mr. Kraft
before we're featured on Cops?

Nope. That's okay.

I'm kind of starting to like him.

Well, he fought
to defend my honour.

Hello, Hilda.

Come on in, slugger.

Sorry I missed you before,
but here I am.

Yep. But I'm actually here
to see Sonny.

I-- I just want to apologise
for the donnybrook

- and maybe buy him a beer.
- I'll go with you.

Oh, boy, that would still be
my first choice.

But, no.
I-- I have to clear the air with Sonny.

Otherwise I won't feel right or safe.

So if he's not here,
I guess I'll just be going.

Oh, he's here.

Yes, he's in the dining room.

I just fixed him a plate of turkey.

- Zelda.
- Hilda, there's no harm.

Then I guess I'll get him.

- How've you been?
- I've been very good.


Sonny, that's disgusting.

Well, you won't be

hearing it much longer.

Hey, man.
What it is and what it ought to be.

Absolutely. Brewski?

We'll take my hog.

So I guess we're back to never.

I don't know what you're talking about.
I can't hear the ocean.

Keep trying. It's amazing.

HARVEY: Yeah, never's a
really long time to go without a date.

Listen, there's something kind of
personal I need to talk to you about.

What is it?


Forget it. Mine's broken.


Here. Try the hot sauce.

Get a grip.

Big boys don't cry.

Oh, hey.

Hey, Kinkle.

Jack, are you crying?

No. I just got a wicked whiff

- of some of that pine disinfectant.
- Drag.

So how's your date going?

Oh, it's not a date.

- Can you keep a secret, Sprat-man?
- Sure.

I just wanted to talk
to Valerie about Sabrina.

- You did?
- Yeah. She and I used to go out.

We're still tight, but lately...

I don't know.

Sometimes I just miss her.

Maybe you should tell Sabrina.

No. I mean,
we decided to slow things down

and if I told her,
she might feel pressured.

I don't wanna do that.

Harvey, you're the coolest.


- It is kind of piney in here, isn't it?
- Yeah.

Little word of warning, Jack.

Your mascara's running.

Oh, no. Girl stuff.


I don't have a problem with it,
but the guys will be all over you.

Thanks, brother.

Gotta go.

Nice chronograph.

My right side shouldn't be in here.

Please wear off. Please wear off.

Please wear off.

Huh. I'm glad to be back.

Ooh. I'd better hurry.

- Hey, Libby, looking for someone?
- Jack's been in the bathroom forever.

You'd think he was a girl.

Sorry, Libby, but I saw Jack
leave about minutes ago.

Sprat split?

I listened to pepper for him.

Doesn't he know who I am?

Hey, Sabrina. Over here.
Come have a seat.

- Hey, Val. Hey, Harvey.
- Hey.

You know what? I almost forgot.

I have to bring some scungilli
home for my dad.

Will you two excuse me?

- What's scungilli?
- I don't know.

- You wanna try some?
- Yeah.

Sabrina, you're the only girl I know
with the guts to try gross food.

You know what's really gross?


So was it worth it?

Yep. I learned that the mystery
of men is there is no mystery.

If you wonder what they're thinking,
it's whatever they're eating.

- Any more pork rinds?
- I ate them all.

When is this male-pattern
behaviour gonna stop?

Soon. By tomorrow,
you'll be a total priss.


- Come on, you have to catch that.
- He quit on the ball.

He heard footsteps.

If you can't take a hit,

if you don't wanna pay the price,
then go play soccer.

- Am I right, ladies?
- Dude.

Just call me Buzz.
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