02x19 - When Teens Collide

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch". Aired: September 27, 1996 – April 24, 2003.*
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Based off the comic book series, Sabrina a magical witch and her black talking cat Salem navigate the teenage years together.
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02x19 - When Teens Collide

Post by bunniefuu »


You're stuffing my salmon
into your book bag.

That red, flaky sockeye
is all I have to live for.

Sorry, Salem.

The clubs at school are collecting
canned goods for the food drive.

You know, Sabrina,
charity begins at home.

In fact, in my mind,
it begins in the cat dish.

A whole fish.

Oh! You're a good witch, Sabrina.

And if there were another cat
in the house, I'd share it.

Well, there's always
Fluffy next door.

Yeah, yeah, I'll get right on that.

Please remove your shoes
and enjoy our show.

Aunt Hilda?

You gonna drive me to school?
I'm fading fast down here.

I just have to get my violin.

Zelda, watch where you're going.
You just bumped right into me.

You bumped into me.

I am so nervous.

I have an audition for a string trio,

and these musicians
are very serious.

They think Mozart's Requiem
is too lighthearted.

- Aunt Hilda?
- Just help me find my keys.

Aunt Hilda, you have three arms.

Don't I wish.

What? Oh!
How did that get there?

I don't know,
but it doesn't match your outfit.

- Zelda.
- I know. I know.

Aunt Zelda, you only have--

I know. I still have two eyes.

I have an audition in half an hour.

I cannot show up at the conservatory
with three arms.

That's cheating.

We've got a weather advisory
for anyone travelling

from Neptune to Earth
this weekend.

- What's this?
- The Witch Channel.

It's a rip-off at . a month.

Sunspots will be affecting the entire
inner half of the solar system.

Just as I suspected.

What? What did you suspect?

They cause molecular instability.

That's how my arm
got attached to Hilda.

Is this permanent? If it is,
we'll have to cancel the canoe trip.

We have to fix this.

The people at the conservatory
already think I'm a little ditzy.

Wherever would they get that idea?

Well, there was that time
Yo-Yo Ma was soloing

and I screamed,
"Kick up the jams, Yo-Yo."

There's a spell to put our arms back,
but I have to look it up.

Sabrina, you'll have to
take the bus to school.

Oh! But I'll be late.

He always picks up other kids.

I'm sorry,
but I can't do everything at once.

Especially with only one arm.

I don't think I can go to school
with molecular instability in the air.

I mean,
what if one of my arms breaks off

and gets attached to Harvey?

I don't think I could remain calm.

Because you're half mortal,

we don't know how sunspots
will affect you.

You'll just have to be extra careful.

I'm drawing a blank. Now, what was
the upside to being a witch?

Need a hand?

Science Club has
the worst bin in school.

I brought some liquorice.
Does that help?

We're not really
can people at my house.

How'd you do that?

- Do what?
- Your hair.

Oh, no. Gotta go.

Okay, I'm gonna pass out.

Oh, no.

Molecular instability.

- Hey.
- Hey. Hi, Harvey.

I'm not sure God ever meant ravioli
to be stuffed into a can,

but I've got a whole bag of them.

Oh, great, thanks.

What's that? Hair?

Yeah. Uh, fake-- Wig.

If you need to put it back on,
I've got some duct tape in my locker.

The cheerleaders have collected
more canned food than any other club.

I just wish I could get
more excited about this.

It's the idea of charity.
It just seems so un-American.

Well, what if we made
the food drive a competition?

Would that make it more American?

Are you suggesting we pit one
service organisation against the other?

A way of saying:
We're better than you are.

I like the way you think.


Mr. Kraft, this is a food drive,
not a contest.

Sabrina, your wig-thing's
on the back of your jacket.

We're not supposed to be
collecting food for a prize.

We should do it out of
the goodness of our hearts.

Oh, I'm sure that's how it's done,
in Red China.

At any rate, thanks to a wonderful
suggestion from Libby,

the club that collects the most food
will be awarded a lovely prize.

And the rest of you
can just feel bad.

Good luck, children.

- Well, how'd the audition go?
- Fine.

They wanna come over tomorrow
to talk some more.

In other words,
spy on me to see if I'm nuts.

Someone told them about the time
you tp'd Carnegie Hall.

Don't worry. We'll both be charming

and they will love you
for who you are.

Like that's ever worked before.


This is not good.

Oh, no. Molecular instability again.

- I'll get the magic book.
- And maybe a rope?

So, what are you gonna do to Libby?

- Yell? Insult her in front of everyone?
- No, I'm just gonna talk to her nicely

and explain to her that competition
is not in the spirit of charity.

And then whack her with a can?

Hold my hair.

Good, I'm just late enough
to make a perfect entrance.


Watch it, cheerleader.

Oh, excuse me, Sabrina. I'm sorry.

Hi, guys, how are you?

What are you grinning at, Harpo?

Fish sticks again?

Couldn't there be an executive side
to this cafeteria?

Oh, there's Valerie.
She's gonna sit with us.

She always sits with us.

She's so clingy.
Don't you think she's clingy?

Are you okay, Sabrina?

- Hi.
- Hi.

What? What did I do wrong?



Hi, guys,
I'm gonna go get some dessert.

Anybody want some? My treat.

Sure, that's so nice of you, thanks.

Oh, why don't you just marry her?

Hey, Emma. Nice outfit.


Oh, no.

- Mom was wrong again.
- You guys.

- You're hurting her feelings.
- What?

Did you see what Emma's wearing?

I mean, all that's missing
is a big red nose and yellow shoes.

It doesn't matter what you wear.

What matters is
what's in your heart.

"What matters is
what's in your heart."

Put it on a sampler.

Wait, you wanna go to the mall?

I guess.

Hey, not so hard.

You're petting a cat,
not polishing andirons.

Excuse me?

Boning up on your magic?

Duh. I have all this power,
I never do anything with it.

Maybe the captain of the football team
should grovel at my feet.

I can't quarterback without you.

I'll get back to you.

Hm. Focusing on
the self-serving spells?

- Got a problem?
- Moi? No way.

I tried to use my powers
to take over the world, remember?

Hence the fur.

- Put a sock in it. I'm trying to read.
- You're kidding, right?

You're not kidding. I'm still talking.


Coming through.

Sabrina, on behalf of the food drive,
I'm giving you this plaque for--

- Excuse me.
- Oh, boy.

Can I have everyone's attention?

Mr. Kraft has an award to present.

The Science Club collected
the most canned food,

through some miracle,

and the award goes to--


- Thank you, Mr. Kraft.
- Sure.

I'd like to thank all the little people
who worked so hard to help me.

But the truth is, I did it all by myself.

So my deepest,
sincerest thanks to me.

They didn't even put my name
on this stupid plaque.

It just says Science Club.

Like the Science Club would
even exist without me.

I'm telling you,
if I was running this school--

I wish you were running the school.

You know, the way Libby used to--

Help the blind?

--before she changed.

Yeah, everyone's always liked you,

but we were all afraid of Libby.

Now everyone's afraid of you.

- They are?
- Oh, yeah.

You've got the power.

I do, don't I?

What are you looking at?

I can use my power for anything.

For the good of mankind
or for the good of me.

Oh, Miss Spellman,
I believe it's time for class.

Okay, folks, show's over.


What happened to you?

I'm afraid a small black hole
just formed in the sink.

More molecular instability?

It just sucked the kitchen table

and a whole platter of tea cakes
into oblivion.

Well, what are we gonna do?

Marie and Claude
will be here any minute.

They're mortals.
They don't do black holes.

What's going on?

Oh, a small infinite chasm
in the sink.

Nothing to worry about.

Well, you guys
seem stressed today.

Is there anything
I can help you with?

No, no,
but how sweet of you to offer.

Anything for two wonderful aunts.


Well, I'm glad to see molecular
instability hasn't affected her.

But what about the trio?

We'll have to keep them
out of the kitchen.

Oh, and off the sofa
and out of the chair.

Gee, this isn't gonna be
awkward at all.

What's up?

Looking for a spell
to take over my school.

Really? You know, Sabrina,
I've noticed you've become

so much more confident and assertive
these last few days.

I can turn anyone into a goat.

- Why wouldn't I be confident?
- Precisely.

But since we're thinking
about takeovers,

why waste your efforts
on some rinky-dink little high school?

With your powers,
you could do so much more.

How much more?

Perhaps it's time to think globally.

- Won't you come in?
- But not too far.


First, we'll take over the school,

then the state.

Then I cast a spell over Congress,

making them declare me
president of the United States,

and at I go live on Larry King.

That's when you know
the world is yours.

What a lovely porch.

You feel at home
before you're in their home.

I hope Sabrina's feeling better.

She was acting
really weird at school.

We can fix that.

Nothing turns a frown upside down
better than apple brown Betty.

And her good friend whipped cream.

We hope you don't mind
having tea around the piano.

Hilda's just so dedicated to her music,
she can't bear to be separated from it.

- Too bad we're not having Chinese.
- Why's that?

Because then she could play


Excuse me.

Oh. Ha-ha.

Hi, Harvey, Libby.

Um, it's a hologram.

The door was never actually here.
You know, Zelda's a physicist.

She's always playing
pranks with lasers.

You know me. Wacky Zelda.

- Is Sabrina home?
- Why?

I came by to see her.

Oh. She's in her room. Come in.

All right.

If there's opposition, we crush it.


- Resistance, we demolish it.
- Yeah!

If there's fish, we eat it.

Sabrina, you have visitors.

- See who it is and get rid of them.
- Right.

How? I'm a housecat.

You have teeth, don't you?

Wow. I love a woman
who can take charge.

Don't sit down. No, no--

You haven't seen
our new issue of PennySaver.


I see you have a cat.

I hope you're not allergic. If you are,
we can just throw him outside.

Oh, no, don't.

I love cats.

Of course, I love all living things.

Oh, this is wonderful.

Sabrina used to stroke me this way.

Now, what was it
I came down here for?

Curse this short attention span.

Is anybody else beginning to wonder
whether Sabrina heard you call?

- I'll go up and get her.
SALEM: What? Wait.

Don't go up there.

You and your sister have
a lovely home, Ms. Spellman.

Would you like a tour?

Oh. We'd love one.

Just keep your hands
inside the bus.

That's a joke. It's not ditzy.

All right, let's do it.

Dear, didn't you hear,
Harvey and Libby--

- Sabrina.
- Uh-oh.

As you can see, we have
very serious, sombre wallpaper.


Excuse me.

Hey, watch it.

Sabrina Spellman,
by order of the Witches' Council,

you are under arrest.

What's the charge?

Plotting to take over the world.

I might as well let them
sit on the couch now.

Watch it.

Overdue library books.

Let's go back to the living room.

But where did those
policemen come from?

There's a doughnut shop upstairs.

Sabrina, I don't understand.
What's gotten into you?

I want a lawyer.

Why do I think you had
something to do with all this?

Um. Well, I--


Ms. Spellman,
in view of what we've just seen--

I know,
it's back to playing square dances.

Oh, and, by the way,
"Chopsticks"? Not funny.

It was just so special meeting you.

Sabrina's trial starts in five minutes.

But I didn't mean to do anything wrong.

Oh, would you get a grip?

We'll deal with you later.


Order. Order, order, order.

Sabrina Spellman,

you have been found guilty of
plotting to take over the mortal world.

Oh, sure, it's mostly water.

It's all they've got.

You have anything to say
before sentence is passed?

Your wig looks silly.

Sabrina, that's not what I meant
when I said grovel.

Maybe it's all that sugar she eats.

Then this council has no choice

but to sentence you to years
as a witch familiar.

Let's make her a cat.

- I object.
- On what grounds?

On the grounds that you're mean.

Why did I talk her into it?

I want my old Sabrina back.

The one who used to make me
feel all safe and loved.

Maybe that Libby girl is downstairs.

She's got a gentle touch and--

Wait a minute.



But that's not right.



That's it. Sunspots.

All Sabrina's goodness

has somehow gotten into Libby
and vice versa.

I have to get to that trial.

But how? I can't open the door.

Maybe I can use molecular instability
to crash my way through it.


Okay, time to go to plan B.

Ooh. Scary mask.

Any last words?


Oh, I can't watch.

Remind me never to do that again.

The phone. But who can I call?


Other Realm Pizza,
seconds or it's free.

Will this be for pickup or delivery?

I want a pizza as fast as possible.

What kind of toppings
would you like, sir?

Let me see.
Fish heads would be nice.

No, I don't have time.

Just bring me anything you got
lying around and bring it now.

And don't forget the crazy bread.


- Somebody order a pizza?
SALEM: Just leave it.

I have a life to save.

Pay in fur for the crime
you have committed.

SALEM: Wait, stop, don't touch a hair
on that innocent golden head.

- What's that?
- Salem Saberhagen.

I turned him into a cat years ago.

- Hey, Jimmy.
- How's it going?

Your Honour, I have new evidence
which will clear Sabrina of all charges.


I hate it when this happens.

I'm sure Sabrina will be here soon.

- Sabrina, we were getting worried.
- Ew.

Now, all three of you
close your eyes.

I'm confused.

Take it from someone
older and wiser.

You're gonna spend
most of your life confused.

Are we playing a game?

What a dweeb.


No spells in front of
the M-O-R-T-A-Ls.

Right, then we'll just have to do it
the old-fashioned way.

Can I open my eyes yet?

Yes, Harvey.

- So, Sabrina, you feel any better?
- I feel great.

It was so nice of you to come over.

- Maybe we could still be friends.
- In your dreams.

This house gives me the creeps.

Oh, and the front-door hologram
looks completely fake.

I have to get out of here.

I have such a headache.

So you wanna pick up
Valerie and get a pizza?

Works for me. I'm starved.

Nice camouflage.

Did I by any chance try
to take over the world this afternoon,

get caught by the Witches' Council,

get put on trail
and almost become a cat,

or did I just dream all that?

- Do you really wanna know?
- No.

- I'm sorry about the trio.
- Me too.

Wanna go drop some big things
down the sink?

Love to.

Where's Salem?

I wanna thank him
for saving the day.

And yell at him for starting
the whole thing.


Double cheese, double toppings?

What was I thinking?
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