03x02 - Boy Was My Face Red

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch". Aired: September 27, 1996 – April 24, 2003.*
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Based off the comic book series, Sabrina a magical witch and her black talking cat Salem navigate the teenage years together.
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03x02 - Boy Was My Face Red

Post by bunniefuu »

- I'm so happy I could plotz.
- Not on the kitchen table.

You can say goodbye
to this furry little punim.

What's with all the Yiddish?
Are you going into show business?

I'm online with a camel in Jerusalem
who used to be an Amway salesman.

Why'd the Witches' Council
turn him into a camel?

He used to be an Amway salesman.

Anyway, he was wandering through
the desert and found a scroll

that says witches like me
can be turned back

into their former selves
if they're kissed

by someone who loves them.

Why can't you just play
Solitaire like regular cats?

One little kiss and I can
once again be a man.

I'll no longer be a shlemiel.

Salem, don't trust chat rooms.

Besides, you little yutz,
who are you gonna get to kiss you?

- Pucker up.
- If I help turn you into a man,

the Witches' Council
will turn me into a cat.

What a sad, pathetic
existence that would be.

Moving on. I love you, Zelda.

I love you too,

but I'm not in love with you.

Oh, Sabrina...

Not until you find a new way
of grooming yourself.

Mean. There must be
somebody out there

who's not so stingy with kisses.

Oh, Lord,
he's got toilet-water breath.

I feel udderly ridiculous.

Look at all the great stuff
I found for Physics.

Our jet propulsion project's
really gonna take off.

Not even a mercy laugh.

I just want you to know I'm not
one of those creepy girls

who drops all her friends just
because she's dating a guy.

- You and Justin are dating?
- No.

- He asked you out, right?
- No.

- But you met him, right?
- I don't know.

I've imagined
so many conversations with him,

I can't separate fiction from reality.

Hey, guys,
the soda machine's broken.

You can get
all the free drinks you want.

Hey, give me soda.

Hey, I'm open. Oof.

- Isn't that kind of like stealing?
- Oh, great.

Now my soda's tainted.

I never associated root beer
with a moral dilemma before.

There he is.

Do you think
he'll ever ask me out?

Why don't you ask him out?

- That's just a nice way of saying no.
- You can ask him out.

We're modern women.
We know about jet propulsion.

- We do?
- We will.

I can't. I'll get too nervous.

When I get nervous, my mouth
dries out and I can't speak.

Take your soda, and every time
your mouth gets dry, just take a sip.

All right, I'll do it.



So, Justin...

So, Valerie...

You wanna go out Saturday night?



Well, at least she broke the ice.

And the sound barrier.


Valerie? Valerie.

Help me to the emergency exit.

Come on.
You gotta give Justin your answer.

- Don't blow it.
- I already blew it.

Right in his face.

He's a guy. They study burping
as a second language.

Besides, nobody else heard.

You heard, and you were
across the room.

I was being a good friend
and eavesdropping.

Trust me. No one heard.
Now, come on.

Don't make me start
the speech from Ice Castles.


Everyone, a big welcome
for Valerie Burphead.


They're just jealous.
You're so mean.

HILDA: Come on. Let's go see Titanic.
We could change the ending.

Oh, Hilda, no one's gonna pay $

to watch you kiss
Leonardo DiCaprio.

Besides, I have a date Friday night,

and I'm cleaning my ears.

Last chance to throw yours in.

I just cleaned my ears. They're fine.

Well, at least no locusts this year.

Help! I need help!


Salem, caught with your head
in the cookie jar?

Hurry. Please, hurry.

I've been in here for over an hour.

Why didn't you call us sooner?

It wasn't a problem until
I ran out of peanut brittle.

Salem, is this
a desperate cry for help?

No, this is.
Help! I'm running out of air!

Zap it off and give me

Salem, you just want a kiss.

My lips are sweet with brittle.

I guess we should remove it.

Do you want to drive him
to the vet, or should I?

Not the vet. Cold hands, cold table.

And the probing. Oh, the probing.

Perfect way to teach you a lesson.

I should have suffocated
when I had the chance.

I bet they didn't even
disinfect the table.

I'm gonna get a disease.

Salem, this is a mortal vet, be quiet.

And start acting like a cat.

You want a cat? I can do cat.


Hello. I'm Dr. Werner.


And this must
be Salem Saberhagen.

- You have different last names.
- When we adopted him

he didn't want to change his name.

And to hyphen it
just seemed ridiculous.

Don't worry. I'm a crazy cat-lady too.


Oh, I think kitty was
playing Pooh Bear.

I love it when they talk baby talk.

Ow-- Uh, meow.

I'll be right back with some lubricant.

I love her.

Hello? She's a woman,
and she's not in love with you.

Please. All vets love animals.

And once I get her to kiss me,
I'll be a man.

Quick, British Sterling
behind both ears.

All right, this shouldn't hurt a bit.

There you go.

Oh, there.

Boy, he sure is a nuzzler.


SALEM: Kiss me, pretty lady.
Turn my world around.

Hey, the soda machine's fixed.

I put in a couple extra quarters

to clear my root beer-soaked

Well, that should cover
the sodas you had.

- Have you seen Valerie?
- No.

I haven't seen or heard Burpzilla
since the incident.

Someday your body
will betray you, Libby,

and we'll be waiting.

I'm worried about Valerie.
You think she went home?

Well, she did seem to have
some gastric problems.

She really should be here
so that we could taunt her to her face.

Libby, why do you get so much
pleasure out of other people's pain?

I'm just a positive, upbeat person.

How could Dr. Werner cone me?

Salem, it'll keep you
from licking your wound.

You're the one who cut
your head on peanut brittle.

I'll never get kissed like this.
I look like a Victrola.

Good idea. Then we won't have
to listen to you complain.


You know, there's this newfangled
invention called the hi-fi.

So how was your day?

I'm a little worried about poor Valerie.

I mean, she burped at lunch
and I haven't seen her since.

Then I guess you wanna hear about
the time I burped in high school.

Not really. I gotta go call Valerie.

You know what
I haven't heard in ages?


Hi, is Valerie there?

I'm over here.

It was a rhetorical question. Bye.


How'd you get in my house?

It was weird. Someone slipped
a key under the door,

but no one was home but your cat.

Oh, yeah, my cat let you in.

Anyway, you're here because...?

Because I can't go back to school.
I'm so embarrassed.

I keep replaying the whole ugly thing

over and over in my mind.

There are so many
unanswered questions.

Why a burp? Why with Justin?
Why at school?

Why my closet?

Because I feel safe here, Sabrina.

Look, every morning
I'll pretend to go to school,

hide here all day
and relive the incident

as I rock back and forth in the dark.

That sounds like a fun solution
to your problem.


Stop the music.

Thank you, Sabrina.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I need to remove a crank
from my butt.

I need an anti-embarrassment
spell to help Valerie.

Oh, I'm sorry, honey.
There is no such spell.

The only way to get rid
of embarrassment

is to just ride it out.

Or put poison in the town's reservoir.

Just a suggestion.

I'm sorry, Sabrina.

It's one of life's lessons,

and even witches can't tamper
with life's lessons.

I want a world where you can escape
your problems and not learn anything.

Like we don't?

SALEM: Whatever's on
the clothesline is scaring me.

Oh, no. Your ears.

Hilda, I should never have asked
you to dry my ears.

You don't hang ears.

You reshape them and dry them flat.

Sorry. I was never good at laundry.

Come on. You're young.
They'll shrink back.

In a day or so.

I hope so, because I have
a date Friday night,

and I can't wear these.

You know, I feel
another song coming on.

Do your ears hang low?

Do they wobble to and fro?

Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them--?

Oh, wait, this is my fault.

You're a good friend.
Thanks for standing by me.

Of course I'd stand by you.

I've never seen so much
laughing, mocking, name-calling.

I think you've had enough.

Look, you can hang out here
as long as you want,

but I'm gonna get back to work
on our jet-propulsion project.

Oh, I completely forgot
our project's due tomorrow.

That's okay. I don't need any sleep.

Look, I can't dump
that whole thing on you.

What? We're gonna do
a satellite feed from my room?

No. I'll just have to face
that one class for you.

You'd do that for me?

Well, you're sharing
your room with me.

Oh, hey, by the way, can I borrow
this weird, jewelled book?

No! Mine.

Oh, that's right. You're an only child.

Yes, Dr. Werner.

May I call you Jean?

Okay, so Dr. Werner,

I know you don't
normally make house calls,

but it would really help
Salem's recovery

if you could come by
and smother him with kisses.

Salem, get off the phone.

Valerie's such a great friend.

She's gonna face school just for me.

You got me off the phone with
the future Mrs. Saberhagen for that?

Do you think there's any way I could
help her get rid of her embarrassment?

Well, there is a spell.

Not according to my aunts.

For one teensy kiss, I'll let you in
on the little-known fact

that embarrassment
is cross-referenced

in the magic book
under Gerald Ford.

Thanks, Salem.

Wait, I didn't do that right.

"To remove embarrassment,
one must laugh at one's self.

Add a pinch of ha-ha root."

We have it, and yet
we're always out of vanilla.


A banana peel?

"The embarrassee must slip
on this peel in public

to remove embarrassment."

"If dissatisfied,
exchange for a seltzer bottle"?

I feel like everyone's staring at me.

They're not staring at you,
they're staring with you.

Hi, Valerie. Love your belch.

I mean belt.

Just ignore her.
I have a feeling sometime real soon

we're gonna laugh about this.

Not in this life.


Come on, laugh at yourself.


Here, let me give you a hand.


Yeah, I'm starting
to look at clown colleges, heh-heh.

- You know, Valerie, about Saturday--
- Yes. When I burp, it means "yes."

When I spit milk
out my nose it means "no."

- Great. So I'll pick you up at ?
- Mm-hm.

Ugh, great. I had banana goo
on my butt

when I was talking to Justin, didn't I?


Oh, who cares?
We better get to Physics.

And they say you can't
get rid of embarrassment.

It's a classic.

So by definition,
it's the momentum derived

from ejection of exhaust stream.

- Sabrina?
- Thank you, Valerie.

"Another form of jet propulsion
is the rapid flow of gas

from within a propelled body."



Oh, the humanity.

Most people just use visual aids.


Uh, "so the different examples
of propulsion

are the rocket, the fanjet--"

Yeah, we could use a fan
right about now.





Go, go, go!

Hold me.

Boy, is your face red.

Oh, no.

You cast an anti-embarrassment
spell on Valerie.

Yeah. The one you said didn't exist.

Honey, did it ever occur
to you just to listen to us?

The cat said...

You can't get rid of embarrassment.
You can only displace it.

It's left Valerie
and been transferred to you

since you cast the spell.

Oops. I blame it on the cone.

Oh, honey, you got a little
spinach in your teeth.

That's the least of it.

You don't know
the embarrassment I've seen.

Oh, Sabrina, everyone has
embarrassing moments.

It's happened throughout history.

Even the most famous people
have lived through humiliation,

but that's not what
they're remembered for.

Let's roll tape.

Historical Moments Not in History.

Queen Victoria greets
her loyal subjects.


On this fateful day,
not even Camelot was Camelot.


Guinevere, avert your eyes.

NARRATOR: We declared our
independence, but not without a fight.

MAN: Hancock.
- You had to show off with the K.

Better order dinner. Now we've
got some real writing to do.

The master da Vinci suffers for his art.


And that's
Historical Moments Not in History.

See? And they were all
remembered for their greatness.


But none of them were
in high school.

- Sabrina, I have to talk to you.
- I know why you're here.

To try to talk me
into going back to school.

No! Don't go back.
You can't go back.

The laughter is deafening.

Look, even if you change your identity
and became a brunette, they'd find you.

Look, I shouldn't even be here.

Trust no one.

There's nowhere to go.
There's nowhere to hide.

There's gotta be somewhere to hide.

Let's see, I've got a bedroom,
a bathroom, a vortex...

Wait a minute.



Wow, this is great.

I should have gotten embarrassed
last summer.

Can I get you something?

Yeah, I'd like one of those pretty drinks
with the umbrellas in it,

and throw in a cherry, my good man.

The best fruit smoothie
in the Other Realm coming right up.

"Dear Valerie. Hello from the islands.

Wish you were here.
I've told you too much already."

So where are you from?
You look like a girl with a story.

No story.
I'm not escaping from anything.

You been here before?
You look familiar.


Hey, you're Sabrina.

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- No, no, no.

You're Sabrina. Hey, hey.

Hey, look, everyone, it's Sabrina.
Ha, ha!


And it happened in front
of the whole class.


It's a perfectly normal
bodily function.


So, been to
the Other Realm islands?

How'd you know?

Hilda and I spent puberty there.

I was a redhead.

But how did they know?

Witches are always scouring the globe
looking for a good laugh.

Although we just don't get
British humour.

I guess I'm just gonna
have to face my fate:

Home schooling.

Oh, honey, running away
never solves anything.

You will get through this.

Yeah. You just have to look
at the big picture.

At any given moment,

high school students
all across the country

are doing something embarrassing.

Yeah, but did all those people...?


I can't even say it.



You what?


Whoa, that is the queen mother
of embarrassment.

Well, I can teach her music,
and, Zelly, you can teach--

Come on, it doesn't matter
what happened.

Life goes on, and eventually
everything becomes yesterday's news.

In the meantime,
try not to worry too much

about what other people think.

But if I don't worry about what
other people think, what will they say?

Trust me, it's gonna be okay.

Oh, I forgot to call
and postpone my date with Frank.

Why? You're not embarrassed
about your ears, are you?

Well, of course not. I--

I just felt I should be here with you.

Well, I'm fine, and I have Aunt Hilda.

Well, then, okay.
I guess I'll keep my date.

I wouldn't wear earrings.

Somebody? I'm stuck cone down.

Take me to Dr. Werner's. Stat.

I'll take you.

I'm the only member of this family
who can still go out in public.

I do not like this laceration
at the base of his tail.

I think we need to shave him.

Well, we want what's best for Salem,

even if it does mean a bare bottom.

SALEM: But the beautiful doctor
will see my popo.

Yes, I've been working for weeks
on molecular cohesion,

but it's just not coming together.


Zelda, you're so witty, so intelligent,

- and so lovely.
- Oh.

I just wanna whisper
sweet nothings in your ear.


So, tell me about your work.

Well, I guess I'm ready
to face school.

On second thought...

Ah, this is a snugly place
to wait out adolescence.

Come on, Sabrina, get up.

You're gonna be late,
and I want the warm bed.

SABRINA: I'm not going. I can't
possibly be yesterday's news yet.

Come on, you're a witch.

Use your magic to make other
people do embarrassing things.

You can be yesterday's news today.

Something's wrong.
This is kind of making sense to me.

You bet it makes sense.
Now how about a thank-you kiss?

They keep saying how everyone
has embarrassing moments.

I would just be
helping things along, right?

Don't rationalise, mobilise.

You've got to save yourself.

You're right. It's a jungle out there.

Survival of the fittest.
I'm not going down without a fight.

Okay, you're pumped.
Now go to school.

- Thanks, Salem.
- Hey, I owed you one.

I really appreciate you covering

my shaved behind
with these nice pants.

I only did it because the sight of your
chicken skin was making me sick.

Glad I didn't bother
to write a thank-you note.

Look at her.


Well, time to become
yesterday's news.

Sabrina, you're here.

Ooh, I hate to say this,

but the red face
isn't much of a disguise.

Yeah, yeah, I'll work on it.

Okay, where's my first victim?

Aha! Get ready to become
a human dribble-glass.


Ooh. One uncontrollable
runny nose coming right up.

Do it.

Kiss, kiss.


Let's see you try flirting
with bad breath.

I can't. I'll just ride it out
like everyone else.

Hey, Sabrina.

Sorry you got humiliated the other day,
but at least I finally got a day off.

I'm glad I could help.

You know, I always used
to think you were so perfect,

almost like you weren't human,

but turns out you're just one of us.

Yeah, I guess I am.

Huh, well, I guess this doesn't
have any magic anymore.

This is for the football team.

Out of my way.


Laugh. Split a gut.

Well, everyone's back to normal.

My face, Salem's behind,
Aunt Zelda's ears, Aunt Hilda--

Well, someday.


You're grounded.


Salem, I bet it feels good
to get rid of that cone, huh?

Oh, you're such a good kitty.

Come here, little guy.

This is it.

I'm gonna be a big guy.

Nothing happened.
That stupid, stupid camel.

Salem, have you lost your mind?

She'll wake up
and think she's just overworked

and needs a vacation.

Maybe the spell will work
if I kiss her.

Guess it's time to change vets again.
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