03x09 - Nobody Nose Libby Like Sabrina Nose Libby

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch". Aired: September 27, 1996 – April 24, 2003.*
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Based off the comic book series, Sabrina a magical witch and her black talking cat Salem navigate the teenage years together.
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03x09 - Nobody Nose Libby Like Sabrina Nose Libby

Post by bunniefuu »

I just love that new
Other Realm Grocery.

Yeah, if there are more
than three people in line,

they just clone the cashier.

What'd you bring us?

Honey Frosted Fruity
Cocoa Sugar Clumps,

made with real candy.

But I asked for something sweet.

- And for you.
- Bubble gum?

So this is all part
of a nutritious breakfast.

I don't believe it.

Send in just box tops

and get a genuine replica
of the Epsilon III free.

Will anyone join me
in saying, "Who cares?"

The Epsilon III was
the first spaceship ever used

in an Other Realm Earth landing.

I must have that spaceship.

Well, it'll take boxes,
and you're a cat without a job.

Then I'd better start crunching.

I've never had Other Realm gum.
This grape is pretty good.

But it can be pretty loud.

- It also comes in berry.
- What?

- It also comes in berry.
- What?

- Teenagers today just don't listen.
- What?

Let me get that spot.

Have you come up with suggestions

on how to spend the money
the alumni board donated?

How about a candy machine
in the cafeteria?

- We already have one.
- Well, I'm good then.

I suggested a poetry bash.
We could have

an after-school coffee shop
where kids can read their poetry,

and we could have famous poets
come read their work.

Cool. So they're not all dead?

SALEM: If they can build a replica
of the Epsilon III,

you'd think they could make
scissors a cat could use.

Salem, I need your help with a bow.

- Where did all this cereal come from?
- The good things in nature?

Okay, I kind of told
the manufacturers

I found a rat in one of their boxes,
and they sent me ten free ones.

- What? Salem, no more lies.
- Yes'm.

Salem, these just came for you.

"Hope this fulfils
your dying friend's last wish for cereal."

Wasn't one of you coughing up blood
and craving--?

Oh, forget it.

Didn't we agree not
to exchange gifts

for Pearl Harbor Day?

It's for Willard.
It's a leather detention-slip holder.

It's almost
our two-month anniversary.

Wow, it's so great that you two have
stayed together for two whole months.

I know.

You know, there's a sweet, kind,
intellectual side to Willard

that he almost never shows.

Yeah, usually he's just a big jackass.

You know, Sabrina,
I've been working on a poem.

How sweet. Can I hear it?

Sure. Ahem.

Two showers dripped
in a yellow locker room,

and sorry I could not
bathe in style.

I looked at one
as far as I could

to where it disappeared
in the mouldy tile.

So it's not a love poem?

Okay. Attention, everybody. Ahem.

Your suggestions
on how to spend the alumni money

were surpassed in their dullness

only by their lack
of grammatical accuracy.

In fact, the only one that had
any merit was the suggestion

that we buy a new throne
for the homecoming queen,

by the homecoming queen.

- Milady.
- Milord.


KRAFT: Unfortunately,
the other member of the committee

liked "poetry bash,"
submitted by Sabrina Spellman,

so there will be a brief campaign,
and you students will vote.

- Great.
- How will you lose?

Oh, let me count the ways.

SALEM: Hilda?
- Yeah.

We're out of cereal.

I'm gonna need you to pose
for the botulism picture.

- What you doing?
- I'm trying to find a potion

that will make Zelda realise
how awful Willard really is.

Then she'll break up with him,
and he can get back

to the painful but necessary
task of getting over me.

I know a little Other Realm
candy shop

that sells the best
annoyance-amplifying sweets around.

That's perfect.

Zelda eats a chocolate,

and all of Willard's
already annoying qualities

will be amplified.

- Where's the phone number?
- It's yours.

I know a cat who needs cereal.

Yes. I'd like to order
a one-pound box

of your annoyance-amplifier
chocolates. Yeah.

I'll take, uh, some,
"His voice makes my skin crawl,"

and give me four of,
"He dresses like a polka bandleader."

Throw in a couple,
"He smells like feet."

You got that?
Okay, and you do deliver, right?

That long, huh?

That was awkward.

We used to date.




"Mr. Kraft is a golf ball."

That's "goof ball."


- "Throne."
- So I guess your coalition

of freaks and nerds
never materialised.

Well, don't you worry. They will.

This is all my fault. My poetry stunk.

- No, no, no.
- No, no, no.

No, this is all your fault.
You bought all those votes.

I bought them fair and square.

You know, why don't you
surprise us all by changing,

and doing something good
and kind for once?

Why mess with success?

I think Zelda is meeting Willard
this afternoon.

I have to get her to eat a couple
of these before she sees him.

Yeah, yeah. When it gets here,

can I store my Epsilon III
in the garage?

Salem, something arrived for you
from the Other Realm.

Once again,
you owe me the tip money.

Finally, my ship has come in.

ZELDA: Well, I'm off to join Willard
at the homecoming pep rally.

That reminds me.

He came by earlier
to drop off your anniversary gift.

Oh, Willie.

Oh, he knows I love chocolates.
Oh, I can't wait to thank him.

No, don't.
I wasn't supposed to give it to you

until the actual day
of your anniversary.

I guess I should wait till our
actual anniversary to eat them then.

No, don't. Why deny yourself?
Have some.

Take a few for the road.

Well, what's the harm?

And I did miss lunch.

And nougat is an excellent
source of potassium.

SALEM: This can't be it.
I can't pick up women in this.

- Who does Libby think she is?
- Maybe it inflates.

Sabrina, flip that switch.

She only cares
about one person: Libby.

- Flip it.
- I know Aunt Zelda says

you shouldn't change a person, but
I would pay money to change Libby.

In the name of all that is dear
in this world, flip the switch.


We're inside the ship.
We're inside the ship.

Get us out of the ship.
Get us out of the ship.

Where's the stupid hatch
on this thing?

We're shrinking. We're shrinking.


Liftoff. We have liftoff.


Yee-haw! Rev it up. Let's see
what this baby can do.

Oh, I hate driving stick.

- Libby.
- Hi.

Sorry to just drop in like this,
but Sabrina left school

before they announced
the winner of the campaign.

Oh, she won and you wanted
to congratulate her?

No, sadly.

She lost and I thought
I should be the one to tell her.

How thoughtful. I'll see if she's here.

Sabrina, your friend
Leona Helmsley is here.

Oh! That was close.

If we survive this,
someone's gotta tell her

that she's got mustard
on her cheek.

Excuse me.
I'm kind of in a rush here.

Mayday. Mayday.
Nostril at : .

It's flared!


Libby, can I get you a Kleenex?

Or a fire extinguisher?

Can we go again, huh? Huh?

- Can we, huh?
- What happened?

Well, we flew up Libby's nose,
and apparently crashed in her brain.

Oh. And I was afraid
something unusual happened.

Let's go out and play.

Last one to the cerebellum
eats grey matter.

Perfect. Hm. No Sabrina,
and a bug flies up my nose.

As always, it's been a lovely
afternoon at the Spellman house.

Next time call first.

Give us a chance to move.

Will you take a gander
at these synapses?

Hey, look. There's Libby's eye.

It's the window to whatever she has
instead of a soul.

Oh, no. She's leaving.
We gotta get out of here.

- Hey.
- I just remembered.

Magic can't be transmitted by a witch

- from inside a mortal brain.
- How do you know that?

I saw a special about this
on the Witches' Discovery Channel.

So witches get stuck
in mortal brains a lot?

Not as much
as the witch media hypes it,

but it does happen.

Oh, Mrs. Quick.
Have you seen Willard?

Oh, no, but just follow the sound
of unwarranted hostility,

and you're sure to find him.



[SCREECHING] How wonderful
to see you. Are you ready for the rally?

SALEM: I'm glad we arrived
in Libby's brain early.

We got really good seats.

Look at this.
I found a radio in the spaceship.

Maybe we could call someone
for help.

Do you think Mighty Mouse is free?

Oh, what am I saying?

It'll only do us some good
if someone has the receiver.

The receiver's probably still
in the box of cereal.

Help. Somebody.


Help. Help.

- Hello? Hello?
- Aunt Hilda?

It's Sabrina.
Salem and I are in Libby's brain.

- I would have picked Aruba, but okay.
- No, we're trapped.

We were in Salem's toy spaceship
and we flew up her nose.

If there had been boogers, we wouldn't
be having this conversation.

I can't use magic
to penetrate a mortal's brain.

I just saw something about this
on the Witches' Discovery Channel.

Wasn't that a good show?
Now, aren't you glad we got cable?

Yeah, but the Sci-fi Channel's
a rip-off.

Hey, I'm in a brain here.
Aunt Hilda, what are we gonna do?

- I suggest we send out for dim sum.
- Don't worry, Sabrina.

I'll get one of Zelda's books
on the mortal brain.

Good thing we ordered
that Time-Life series.

Don't go anywhere.

Where are we gonna go?
A day trip through the gallbladder?

Hi, honey.
I'd love to stay here with you,

but I've gotta give my speech.

- Wish me luck.
ZELDA: Try not to throw up.

Try not to throw up.


If thee worships at mine feet,
thine will buy thee a hoagie.

Have you seen Sabrina?


I stopped by her house to console her
after that horrible defeat.

She was wearing a housecoat
and eating Cheez Doodles.

I had to look away.

- I don't even own a housecoat.
- We have Cheez Doodles?

Is that new cologne?

SABRINA: Hey, I am the only one
allowed to smell Harvey.

My fault.

My after-shave
gives my mom a headache too.

I got it free when I bought tires.

"...trapped in belly button, bile duct..."

Here we go. "Brain."

Uh, breaker, breaker.
This is Kitchen Mama calling.

What do you want your handle
to be?

- Aunt Hilda.
- Okay.

Aunt Hilda, I found a way
for you to get out,

- and it's so easy.
- How?

You just go out the same way
you came in.

- You have to make Libby sneeze.
- How?

I have no idea,

but it's gotta be easier
than the other option:

kicking a hole through her temples.

Thanks. Even though we're doomed,
you've been a big help.

Well, I'll keep looking.

And speaking of looking,

have you seen, uh,
Zelda and Willard anywhere?


How can we make Libby sneeze?

I bet dim sum has pepper in it.

Let's think. Okay, we're in her brain,

and the brain controls
everything a person does,

so maybe if we just stimulate
the right part of the brain tissue,

we can make her sneeze.

Gross, gross, gross.

- Or k*ll her.
- Did we do anything to her?

Everything seems A-okay.



So as you can see,

the alumni money was well spent.

And now, the girl
who puts the cheer in leader,

the pep in rally...

ZELDA: Lordy, love a duck,
what's he wearing?

...your queen and mine,
Libby Chessler.


Why is he allowed to live?

Oh, I'm not touching anything
until I hear from Aunt Hilda.

Then you'll want to avoid...


...that veiny thing.

Help. I'm blind.

What's the matter, Libby?
You don't like your new throne?

ZELDA: Dear Willard,
I'm breaking up with you,

because you dress
like an imbecile.

No, too harsh.

Dear Willard, you repulse me.

Stick it back.

I'm trying. Gross, gross, gross.

Thank you.

I'll never bear false witness
against Fluffy again.

Oh, no. Libby's dimming.

Miss Chessler, are you mocking the
noble institution of homecoming?

Sabrina, you might wanna try again
with the slimy thing.

If we get out of this alive,
you're never having cereal again.

Hey. Miss Chessler.


You go, girl.

Left. Try left.

Too far.

- Mayday. Mayday, Kitchen Mama!
- Okay. I think I found something.

Hurry. Libby won't stop
slapping Mr. Kraft.

- Really?
- You moved it too far.

Now she's kissing him again.

Okay. Here's what you have to do.
Find the main synapse.

It should be the large, dangling,
dripping thing right over your head.

It's large, it's dangling.

- Yeah. That's it.
HILDA: Okay.

Now run it through your own brain.

Then you will be able
to control Libby's thoughts and actions.

- How's it working?
- Salem?

It looks like
we might never leave here.

Libby is twitching
like a Central Park squirrel.

You have to do it.

Ugh. I'll wash, but I'll never be clean.

Did it work?

- Did it work?
- Did what work?

My attempt to show
how the world would be

if there were no
homecoming queens.

What, the whole world
would start hitting me?

Libby, they're waiting
for your speech.

I think you've got to walk for the girl.

Reunited with my love.

How about a little kissy-poo?

Get away from me. Ugh!

Okay. Speech time.
Make it a good one.

I just realised something.

...realised something.

I hope you've got
somewhere to go from there.

I just realised that I can make Libby
say anything I want.

I can make her admit
that she bought the election

and that we should be having
a poetry bash

instead of a new homecoming throne.
I can change her.

HILDA: Sabrina,
did you make Libby sneeze yet?

Sneeze, schmeeze.
I got more important things to do.

I wanna thank everyone
who voted for me.

It's really an honour.

But the alumni money
really should have gone to...

Do it. Say it and let's go home.
What are you waiting for?

I can't. The change has to come
from inside Libby.

- We are inside Libby.
- We won't be forever.

I'd just be manipulating her.

We can't change her for good
unless she wants to change.

I know it's hard to do
the right thing, Libby,

but we're with you.

Libby, you were about to make
a grand and generous gesture.

I don't think so.

Okay. I know you're sad
that you can't change Libby,

but I have worse news.

I have to go to the bathroom.
Let's make the girl sneeze.

I have an idea.

I'm betting that this leads
to the sinuses.

And I hope that leads to a point.

Well, if we can just put an irritant
into the sinuses,

maybe we can make Libby sneeze.

And since many people
are allergic to...


As your queen, I promise
to be...beautiful.

No. Gross, gross, gross.

- She's gonna blow.
- To the ship.


We're out. We're in the gym.


There goes my knee.

If that's anything like a hairball,
he should eat some grass.

- Bring it right up.
- Shh.

I think I swallowed my gum.

Was I chewing gum?

Sabrina, where have you been?
I heard you were boycotting.

No, I just had to bring my cat
to Libby's brain.

I mean the vet.

Gotta go.

ZELDA: Go away, Willard.
KRAFT: But, Zelda.

Oh, this is sweet.

You are the most annoying man
I have ever met in my entire life.

I never want to hear you, see you,
or in any way sense you ever again.

Okay. I am getting the feeling

- that you are upset.
- Ugh!

Look. At least let me give you
our anniversary present.

But you already gave me one,
remember? The chocolates?

You gave them to Hilda,
and Hilda ga--

- Hilda gave them to me.
- Gotta go.

Be careful with that. It was on sale.
Can't return it.

Why is everyone looking at me
like I'm a weirdo?

I'm telling you, the throne
made me do those things.

It's evil.

And it's poorly upholstered.

Take it away.

Well, I guess this means you can have
your poetry bash after all.

Libby's the same mean person,
but things still worked out.

Well, this is great,
because I wrote a new poem.

Oh, and I'd love to hear it.


Popcorn dance--


Single file. Grab a buddy.

We've never had a fire drill
after school.

...where the women
come and go,

talking of early-bird
specials at Coco's.

O Westbridge,
you tempt me

with your soft
spring mornings,

your grease-saturated
clam cakes,

your bread-crumb

Through love's torturous path
I have wandered,

only to find
the happiness

I have
longed for.

I have laid bare
my heart.

Hey. I saw that.

Good arm, Miss Angelou.
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