Grabbers (2012)

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Grabbers (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

Harbour Point, this is C Trawler Harvester.
Position five nautical miles west of Erin Island.

Comment on unfamiliar emergency flare.

Haven Point Coast Guard,
You can see the vessel in distress?

Can you see anything?



I see danger.

Send a distress call.
C Harvester EW985 ...

man overboard.


The rescue team is on its way.



O'Shea right? Ciarán?
My name is Lisa Nolan, Officer Lisa Nolan.

But come on.
- What?

You gettin?
- I have a bag.

Put in the trunk.

Would you like a mint?

No thanks, I get heartburn from there.

Agent Nolan.
Glad you're here.

Glad I'm here.
- Coffee.

Great, thanks.

How do you like it here?
- It's beautiful.

- Milk?

What kind of milk?
- From the cow.

I drink him black.
- Take my desk, but when I'm gone.

O'Shea tells you everything.
Half the island goes to the show in Dungary.

This weekend there is nobody.
- I'll find something to do.

- Thank you.

Is it really necessary?
You're only two weeks away.

Two weeks I can handle it.
- Yes, you can, but do not.

Tadhg, look.

That's a big one.
- It's not a lobster.

What is it?

m*therf*cker, you knew he would.

Not True. I swear.
- What a stench.

What is it?
- No lobster.

I had free days recorded
had to be ...

This job was released and I thought, why not?

Can not hurt in the evaluation.
- The old assessment.

Where do you work?
- Dublin center.

How is it there?
- Great.

There are drug smugglers, murderers
and rapists.

That is exciting. You can relax.
Here they are not.

You never know.

Crazy things always happen
in quiet locations. Read the newspaper.

I've never seen anything like my life.

Lisa Nolan, Jim Gleeson the village doctor.

How are you?
- Fine, thanks.

Do you have an aspirin for me?
- I got jellybeans for you.

Want a Winegum?

Look who's here.

I'd rather you introduce me
as agent Nolan.

That makes anybody out.
- Me well.

What happened?
- Hold on.

- Lisa.

He is a sea psychologist or something.

No, a marine ecologist.
Would you hold this?

How long are you here?
- Two weeks.

Where are you staying?

They are dead.
- Dead?

No, they sleep alone.

What happened?

It's a pilot whale.

That happens sometimes with them,
but nobody really knows why.

What are all these deep incision's?
- Possibly the rocks when she washed up.

Did they not cause?
- No, they are at sea died.

All of them?

It is indeed strange.

- No.

That's good to know,
listen here just to ...

What is that?
- What's what?

A hand in a claw position.
- It is one of those dead.

That's good, right?
- I do not like him.

You do not understand?
What's not to understand?

What is that?
One of the dead.


Do not get it.

What is your name?

Go on.

Where is Cooney?

Take that cigarette out and use
the tip of your tongue but as an ashtray.

Are you busy?
- Not at all. I a container strip.

Where's the sergeant?
- On vacation.

To "Shit Creek".
- What is it?

Do you know that you owed me anything?

I have boys who need things
from the beach to get.

Within one hour of work.

What kind of things?

Load out here.

Ordinary primitives forever, right?

Paddy, the shovel.

No stuff behind.


Where are you, assh*le?

When the Coast Guard arrived,
the men were not on board.

Because of bad weather, the search

The hope for the missing fishermen alive
to find, decreases with each passing hour.

Officials believe the crew
overboard beaten.

I'm looking for an iron.
- I'll get one.

It is very hot, so keep moving.

Thank you.
See you tomorrow.

From woman to a man,
she likes you, O'Shea.

- I'll be right there.

Do you like her?

It's all right.
I'm nervous.

You should talk to her.
- You talk to her.

Talk to her.
- Leave him alone.

Hear him now.

Eight years I've waited
until he went on his knees.

Have you ever heard such a thing?

According to my family I was crazy
I wasted my time on him.

f*ck off with them.
- f*ck you it.

Another one.

What is it, Paddy?
- Do you know something?

Not really, no.
- You'd need.

No, not really.
- Well true.

If you knew what I know,
you would want to know.

I listen.

Between you and me, I got
a sea monster caught.

I swear.

Do not believe me?
- Absolutely not.

I'm not a liar.

f*ck you, you.
- Where is it?

In my bathtub.
- In your bathtub?

He takes a bath.

Goodnight, Paddy.

Damn ball.
- What?

What did you say?
- Nothing. I said nothing.

He called you a ball.
- Listen ...

if this is not the only pub I went

Well, you've heard.
- I'm kidding.

Another one.

They come to get you, Barbara.

They're coming for you.
- Stop that childish behavior.

They come to get you, Barbara.

Look, there goes one.

- There's someone at the door.

I'm not dressed.


If it is not Paddy
and his stinking lobster.

It's Declan Cooney.
And he's pissed.

Do not give him money otherwise
he urinates against the wall.

You look like a dead man.
What are you doing?

What does he want?


Is it?


Come down for a drink.
- No, I have to work tomorrow.

That does not matter here.
Nobody controls you.

You're drunk.
- No.

Is that so?

Call the alphabet from back to front.


And so on.

I hope you're not going away.
- I take Johnie's horse.

You can ride when you're drunk?
- Yes, the horse is sober.

That is beautiful.
Great that you're in charge.

I think we have made a false start.

Go back.

That's nothing.

The last drink is me
rose to my head.

You always drink so much?

Only on holidays and vacation days.

Go to bed.

You say you are good.

Lisa in person.
- Should I sign something?

Yes, something big.

The weather is nice.
- There's a storm coming.

The gulls fly low?

No, it was on TV.

Are you not married, Lisa?
- No.

Just like O'Shea.

Well, a widower.
- A widower?

He never says much. With a few drinks on
, but usually not.

He does not need to be.
I think he leave.

If you need a bigger bed ...

I have a beautiful room,
the honeymoon suite at the back of the hotel.

It is very quiet and the bed was much larger.

Two instead of one.

Next week there is a bachelor party
from Dublin, so book a larger room.

Thank you.
- Good day, Lisa.

Good morning.

Beautiful house near the beach.

What happened?
- Section 4.1 of the Public Order Act.

It is an offense for anyone
in every public place ...

drunk to such an extent that
it may lead to arrest ...

You have me arrested.

You were knocked out before I could find your house.

Agent Nolan.

I get a reward because I found it.
Finder Loon.

There we talk about that later.
- But I still get something?

Is that your professional opinion?
- A 'Grabber ".

A what?
- I told you that I do not call.

It needs a name
that defines his gender.

I discovered it.
I may give it a name.

What is that thing?

I have no idea.

I've never seen anything like it.
It's a completely alien race.

I can not classify him absolutely.
- A Grabber.

He att*cked you?
- Sat to the ceiling.

And he cut my throat.
- He's dead?

I'm not sure.
- What is not?

In the basic tests came nothing unusual
or abnormal forward.

It's very mysterious.

I can not really be sure,
without opening it.

It's dead.

Do not do that anymore. It's no wonder
that he has bitten you?

What's in his mouth?

That's his tongue.

It spits like a frog.

And strangle you with sharp tentacles.

I think he sucks his prey items
as a leech.

Consumes the blood as a kind of
of Vampyroteuthis.

Vampyro what?
- Vampyroteuthis.

It is a rare deep sea squid.
No it is not.

This is something quite different.
Something alien.

This is not documented.
- That must be worth much.

It's like this.

When I tried to remove some dirt ...
- I stabbed a few times.

this happened.

What does that mean?
- What this thing needs to survive ...

is blood and water.

Shall I put on eBay?
Do not you think?

You put him on eBay.
You're lucky you did not k*ll them.

- Yeah, sorry.

It's probably a female.
- How can you tell?

It has no testicles.

And ...

You need to be a scientist
to see that.

She was pregnant.

That is disgusting.
- That spoils the whole thing a bit.

How is that large egg there?

Mother Nature is a mysterious woman.

Incredibly beautiful.
Are you related?

Grabber thing that has something to do with
those dead whales make?

How do you figure that?
- It was just a thought.

Do you now?
- I often watch Columbo.

Why have we stopped?
- That's Declan Cooney's car.

Where can he go?
- Nowhere to go without his keys.

Do you believe in coincidence?

Not really.
- Me neither.

Come on.

The light is on.
Why did you not uniform?

It's Sunday.

Neither do you.
- It looks good on you.

Smith is a nice guy, right?
- Absolutely fantastic.

He is a true gentleman.
And polite company.

He's just like you.
Married to his job.

I'm not ...
I am proud of my work.

You do not.
- I'm working.

You look in the wrong place, Columbo.

Hold him tight.

You're something. Do you?
You must join the army, not the police.

Do not talk yourself into that distracts.
- I'm talking to you.


There's something here.
- Can you be more specific?

It smells like that thing.

It is attached to something.

My nose.
- It's a head.

Thus did he die?
- It's just a head.

You bring me a cold or headache
and then I can do something.

You bring me only a head and
runs off.

They can bury him in a shoebox.
- Doctor, we need to know.

He was att*cked by some beast
or something. I do not know.

A tiger?
- We can not in the report.

I am a country doctor,
something I will not encounter each day.

Did not I tell you?
- What is it, Paddy?

How should I wash myself?

Here stood the abandoned car Cooney.

Here is the house of Tadhg Murphy and Irene.
Here rinsed the whales ...

and we are here.
I had hoped that there was a pattern in it.

It's the letter 'Z'.

The thing that you show to someone else,
before we saw it?

Tadhg Murphy has seen him,
before I brought him to you.

That has cost him the cup.

We think that there is such a thing.
At least one.

Are you serious?
- Yes.

That thing you've caught, could
that egg is not fertilized themselves have.

There is a male. Big and strong enough
a hole in your bathroom wall to save.

Smith tells you it needs water?

He says so much.
- Mostly nonsense.

If it needs water to survive,
how can it be on dry land around them?

It rained.

If it rains, there is no dry land.

This evening storms.
- Then he'll appear.

This whole area should be his territory.

That means that it must be somewhere in
access to the water on the western beach.

That is BlackRock.
There you can walk to the sea beyond.

Do you know who is to blame?
Global warming.

Icebergs that melt and penguins who
be expelled.

The whole world is drowning and we have
there is no blame.

- I said nothing.

You looked so.
The "I'm sorry for your vision."

Not true.
That was my "I'm ashamed of you look."

Big difference.
- That's worse.

I'm not a nice guy,
with a degree as Smith ...

What Smith has to do with your
immense alcoholism?

I'm not a huge alcoholic.

You're a real one.

I am a social drinker.
- Of course.

It will flood.
Another hour then the water below.

Randy McQuire is drowned,
so be careful.

Wait here.
- Be sure of that.

Fishermen are missing?

My heart. What are you doing?
- I check only.

Do you know a better way?

'Hello' is also good.


My feet.
- Lisa, come on.

I try.
- sh**t it at once.

Get your hands off my ass.
- Hurry up.

Stand up.

Is it?
- It was so great.

It's good.
Since he can not.

Okay, come on.

Hold on, please.
- Reagan, there is a big emergency.

Do you sometimes no more whiskey?
- Give me that phone.

The IRU is now needed.
- There's a storm coming ...

The Coast Guard has all boats to the port
recalled. This must wait until tomorrow.

You're back.
I have a theory.

These whales are k*lled
a food source for their eggs.

The eggs are buried on the beach.

- We know.

Well done.
- What are you doing?

Where it was, the other followed.
- Have you got one? Where?

He tried to eat me, and he
is huge.

He is looking for her.

Do not do that.
- It's the best.

If you do fire makes ...
Then it becomes wet.

You really are an Irishman.
- Turn it off.

I'll see you later.

- It's that.

It's that black.
That is wrong.

Is it dead?

I think the rest ...

No, hold on.

Nasty little bastard.

There goes dй scientific discovery
of our time.

Imagine what we all
it could have done.

It's still moving.

We need help from the mainland have.
- They are not the water.

When the eggs hatch, we can not go anywhere.
- Then they go into the country.

They follow their senses.
- What?

I'd help, but my back hurts.
You know that yourself.

You still alive?
- Diet and exercises.

With three of us have that thing
removed from me.

I've always been lucky.

He took your blood definitely tasty.

What did you eat?
- Bananas yesterday and a bag of chips.

You were drunk.

They are like leeches.
They live on blood.

When one of them had bitten Paddy,
it was almost dead. Why?

Because Paddy so under the influence,
that his blood was poisoned.

If we pollute blood with alcohol,
are poisonous to eat.

Yes, in theory.
- Who said I had to drink less?

Tomorrow we'll figure it out. We will
off the island. They are on the beach or something.

We need only worry
about tonight.

It's simple.

We join in and keep out of the rain.

And we drink.


- They are hostile.

- Are you serious?

Show him.

That? That'll k*ll you as with a hammer.
- No, that's just a small part.

It is a blood-sucking polar bear.
- I give up. It is a Grabber.

If it is allergic to alcohol,
we can not stun with vodka?

If alcohol is a poison was, but you
it will need to take the effect.

Can we not whiskey in his mouth spray?
- That's whiskey wasting.

If you are so close you can come to look good.

What is going on here?
- We discuss anything.

Looks like something you invent.
- No.

More planning something.

Go on.


Next week is her birthday, now she thinks
that this is for her.

We are the only ones who know something about.

For example, it must remain, otherwise
panic breaks out.

How drunk are we?
- As drunk as Paddy.

That'll save you, boy.
- That my body can not.

Years of practice.

If everyone is drunk, there is no
to take the lead.

I'll do that.
I do not drink.

Then we do both.

Then you both run a risk.
O'Shea Let's do it.

Thank you.

One only needs to be sentences.
I know these people better than you.

She beats me.

Have you forgotten that you are a dependent
're drunk?

I'll do it.
That's easier.

Lisa, I know what I do when I drink.
I know.

And you.
I can do this.

I do not drink.

I've never even been drunk.

I do not know if I can.

Of course you can. You will be the best drunk
agent that this country has ever seen.

Probably you are promoted.

If we do, we have a blood test
a healthy person needs.

Lisa, you're the fittest here.
- Creep. It's true.

Brian, I want a table with all
what Paddy had last night.

What day was it last night?
- Saturday.

You're kidding.
- You got it.

He finds me never so much as her.

She was always daddy's little girl.


It's true.

And I love you all.

Here in.

She was drunk.

Because they are not so large,
she can still lot on.

That's the last.

She is extraordinary.
Well done, you.

Thank you.
- I also had some of ...

What is that?
- Self brewed.

You have stolen from my bar.
- I've never flown on one wing.

When this is over, we need to talk.
- This is our lives.

Give it here.

We do a full test.

If you're right, this is death.


Fixed a little baby.


That's it.

Two percent.

You're a natural.
- You want to m*rder us.

Two percent.
Ten depending on size and weight.

We have to take sh*ts.
Be drunk.

But come on.

The Mass is ended.
Go in peace and serve the Lord.

Can I say something?

What's up, people?

Go ahead.
- Thank you.

A quick notice.

In the tavern Mahurst
we have a little party.

You can all come
for a great evening.

Tell your friends and family.
Everyone is welcome.

You give a party?

Who needs a reason to smile?
- It's a welcome party for me.

Welcome Party?
She is about 14 days away.

Or a farewell party.
- You're just here.

What's their problem?
- What we want to say ...

Boy, where are you going?
This party is for you.

You all come.
That is the law.

And I will not arrest anyone.
You, sit down.

What agent Nolan mean,
is that ...

We love your company.

You do not go to a cold and empty house
go back ...

if music and companionship.

And free drinks.
- Free drink?

I come.
- Good.

It's a party and we pay.

They're playing our song.

Weapons. What do we have?
- Stew.

I have a nail g*n and a shelf
with nail.

I have a hurley and an air r*fle.

What do we do with an air r*fle?
- sh**t balls.

I just have no balls.
- Well, you can swing it.

What you got?
- An alarm g*n.

That's a flare g*n.

CPS 1400 Super Soaker.
Can sh**t six meters away.

The nephews.
- Brian, it's a water g*n.

This thing loves water.
- It's a water g*n if you use water.

Fill it with petrol,
then you have a flamethrower.

It's a water g*n.
- Eyes open, people.

You know your place? Monitor each output
and let no man go out.


Two shandy's.
- Two shandy for Mamie.

How is your heart?
- Prima okay.

Thank God.


Come here. Listen.
- I'm here.

Eventually ...
You know?

How much did you?
- Not enough for you to like.

Drink on.


That's it.

You think I like you.

You have enough.

I like you too much.

What do you do about it?

Arrest me?

How flattered I also feel ...

a beautiful drunk girl
who tells me her feelings ...

now is the right time.

Control Based on.

Get you loud and clear.

How's it going?
- Ignorance is a blessing.

I gotta go to the bathroom.

Is it?
- I have to pee.

You have not drunk beer.
Drink it.

Hold it a moment.

He works his makeup on or something.
- And can not hold his drink.

You have only two beers.

Why do you drink so much?
- For fun.

And I work every day because
I am driven.

Always these goats to chase.
Always chasing and running.

You're too hard on yourself.

It seems like I've known for years.

Do you know why?

I'm sorry about your wife.
- My what?

Una told me how she died.

There is nobody died.

It just did not work anymore.

Still, I'm sorry.
- You are amazing.

Are you broke
by your alcoholism?

No, when I drank not.

She had met someone else.

That can happen.

If you want, I'll go look for her
and I got it.

A toast.
Of an alcoholic on a workaholic.

Get it off me.

Stay down.

Okay, Jim?

Okay, Jim?
What did you do?

I had to pee.

No, Jim.

Stupid ugly bastard.



Fast. Start the car.
What are you doing?

Fast. Start the car.

Anything you say can be used against you.
- What are you doing?

Brian, get the door open.

Come on.

Great mercy.

They're coming.

Grab the table.

- I can not feel my face no more.

- Damn, this thing is heavy.

Push the table to me.

The floor is very dirty.
- Brian, Juggle the door.

Smith st.

Concentrate. Look at me.

Not climb on the table.
Go off the table, Lisa.

Forget that.
Let's do this.

What are you doing?

Put that down.

No, do not be a hero.

Big ugly bastard, take some of this.

Stand up.

What is going on?


Who was that at the door?
- Nobody.

All the bar.
I take the airgun it.

Smith, come on.

It's on.

The latter stood outside.
Everything is on.

No, it was just to taste.

Lisa, turn the music off.


May I have your attention?
Listen carefully.

We move this party upstairs.

What kind of joke is this?
- Just a precaution.

A precaution which?
- I'm going home.

- I'm evil.

Nobody can go home.
- Why?

Because it rains.

This party is not for me.
You lie.

This is your fault.
You brought that thing to the island.

Quiet, so you get even angina.
- I'll give you angina.

Go outside now.
- You can not go outside.

Because of the rain.
- Come on.

I grab you by the balls.
- Paddy, Brian, stop.

Now is not the time.

Nobody needs to worry.
Everything is under control.

Nobody is trying to m*rder you.

We need more alcohol.

No. Go back.
Smith, what are you doing?

Smith, listen to me.

It's bigger than you think.
Come in, please.

I'm begging you.
- I want a picture with him.

For National Geographic.
And Facebook.

f*ck your photos.
Should not you puke?

He's filming.
It'll be fine with him.

Come, Smith.
Nice guy.

Smith, listen to me.

I'm begging you.
Go inside.

Come on.
Smith, listen to me.

You're scared.

You are wonderful.


I will not eat you.

Do you see that?
I've said it.

It's just an animal.
It will not hurt you.

Anyone up now.

Stay calm, everyone.

What are these?
- Are you okay with everyone?

Stay calm, everyone.

Is there anyone bitten?


You are not bitten by the alcohol
which you have drunk.

This probably sounds crazy, but they
are allergic to drunk people.

So do not panic.
We're safe here above.

And stay away from the windows.
That is probably the best.

It'll be fine with us.

It throws one of Tommy's Raiden sheep
against the door.

Puts it on the threshold
as a gift?

It is the female, a mating ritual.

The female follows her scent.

She's looking for you.

What does that mean?
- She's trying to climb.

You rip apart piece by piece
out of frustration.

- What can you do?

What are you reading?
- Too drunk to drive ...

but not drunk enough to sober up.
- If we now to throw a b*mb?

Have you semtex at you?
- Not on me.

If we push it off the cliff?

We carry him Father Potts.
There he suffocates in.

- It was a joke, Father.

My excuse.

It does two things.
The drink blood and needs water.

If we can take one away,
We can also remove the other.

We must keep away from water.
The drying.

Try it.
- We should be able to stop him.

Fight fire with fire.
- That thing.

The thing that stands out.
What's that?

A gripper.
- Exactly.

With that thing you grab him.

And lift it up, hoist him on ...

let it sit there, chop it into pieces
and it hangs there in the air ...

then comes the sun and it is dry,
and dries it out.

Brian, you have the keys to the truck?
- No, that lie on the kitchen table.

We need them.

You're sober.
You can not go down.

Those things rip your head off.
- She's right.

You're not even past.
I know someone who can.

Are you talking about the one who
the most drunk?

Absolutely not.

Paddy, you go.
- f*ck you.

Brian should go.

Thank you.

Yes, I do.

You're drunk. You go.
- I got it.

No, it's too dangerous.

I'm going.

I'm the best drunk this country
has ever seen. You said it yourself.

What does she say?

I'll get the keys, I take it lightly.
I'll get the keys ...

I'm your beautiful prince
with a silver armor.

If you are in trouble,
pull the trigger.


- You missed.

f*ck you, Paddy.

Get the keys, I'll do the rest.
- Roger that. Only the keys.

It'll be fine with me.

Everything is in order.
- Do not yell.

She's gone.

How to get to the truck?

I run fast.
- But not so fast.

You need a decoy.
- I got it.

It wants you, then we give it what it wants.

We make a dummy of yours.

We make it a bear of
and let the shit scared.

How to create a dummy?
- Improvise.


I love that song.

Hurry up.

Stay calm, everyone.


I smell smoke.

Let them lie.

It's not scary enough, guys.

It's not a beauty contest.
It's a scarecrow.

Come on, for God's sake.

Driving, Lisa.

O'Shea, can you hear me?

We evacuate.
You did it.

Now stop it, Lisa.

Lisa, stop.

Here we are.
- You're dangerous.


How long before it is dehydrated?
- A few hours maybe.

Damn, where is the crane?

What do we do now?
- If I can get there ...

We're not done yet.
- Run.

Give me the keys.
- There. Racing.

But come on.

Something closer.

What are you waiting for?

Come and get me.

Come on, stinking bastard.

Get away from him, you c**t.

We should celebrate.


Is it?

I have been sprayed with drink.

What are you doing?

I sh**t broken.

That was fun, right?

Tell that to Una.
- They will be proud.

Do you drink?

As I say no to.

I thought there was nothing more to drink?

Have illegal alcohol?
- Is the Pope Catholic?


I did not have.

Just kidding. That I should.

I think I'm going to take Fri.

If you had lived here,
you'd already be home.

Without Grabbers on the island?

It will here be boring.

I need all the help I can get.

Want some breakfast?
- Please, ma'am.

We need Jim's dog retrieve.
- The dog Dr. Gleeson?

Yes, who misses her daddy fixed.

I've always wanted a dog.
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