07x32 - Chester's Indian

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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07x32 - Chester's Indian

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.


- Well, good morning, Miss Kitty.
- Morning, Chester.

Well, say, you got all
dressed up for the occasion.

- Uh-huh.
- Pretty.

- Thank you. Morning, Matt.
- Kitty.

Well, it looks like I
got here just in time.

Yeah, looks like it.

- You all set to go?
- Yeah, just about here.

How long do you
figure it's gonna take you

- to get to Cousin Thurlow's?
- Oh, I'd say maybe, uh...

three or four days, if I
don't have any... trouble.

- Here, here.
- Oh. Thanks a lot, Doc.

Well, that's... just
about it, I guess.

- Here you are, Chester.
- Oh, oh, thanks a lot...

there, Mr. Dillon.

Big help.

Well, I guess... oh, doggone.

Excuse me a minute.

Was just about to forget
the most important thing here.

Well, for heaven's sakes,

you're not gonna try
to put that on there,

with everything else
you got, are you?

Well, yeah. You
can't hardly go fishing

without a fishing pole,
Doc, and that's just about all

me and Cousin Thurlow's
gonna be doing, is fishing.

Chester, if you was a
fisherman, you'd know you could

cut yourself a pole
when you get there.

Well, I know I could
cut myself a pole, Doc,

I know that, it's just...

Well, I guess maybe...

Mr. Dillon, I think
maybe I might get it broke

if I tried to put it on there.

Would you like to
use it while I'm gone?

I mean, you're
perfectly welcome to it.

All right, fine,
Chester. Thank you.

Uh... Miss Kitty.

Well, you just have a
wonderful time, Chester.

Well, thank you.

Take care of yourself, Chester,

and we'll see you
in a couple of weeks.

Well... good.

It was awful nice of you

to come by and
say good-bye to me.

Well, I just wanted to
make sure you were leaving.

Yeah, well, I...
I'll miss you, too.

Excuse me.

Well, I... Golly, I'm not...

not too good at, uh...

fare-thee-wells, but...

well, I'll be seeing you.

Bye, Chester.


Have a good time, Chester!

- Take care of things, Obie.
- Okay.

Well, I don't know
about you two,

but I'm sure looking
forward to a couple of weeks

of peace and quiet
and orderly living.

Well, I am.


Will this, uh, Thor
beef be all right?

- That's fine.
- Oh.

Now, will there
be anything else?

Guess I'd better have
a twist of tobacco, too.

I sure don't understand
how you do this.

- Do what, ma'am?
- Well, chew this tobacco.

I can't even stand the
smell, let alone the taste.

I was you, I wouldn't
take up chewing, then.

Oh. Don't you worry, I won't.

You don't... you
don't swallow that,

- do you?
- Not unless you want to choke.

You just work it.

Let is set, and
move it, and spit.

- That's all there is to it.
- Sort of sorry I asked.

What'd you ask, Callie?

Nothing, Pa, just nothing.

You make my daughter laugh
like that at nothing, mister?

I was telling her
about spitting.

You got your needs?

That's about the size of it.

How much is that, Callie?

87 cents.

I'm sorry, ma'am.

No, you didn't do nothin'.

I was waiting on
him, Pa, that's all.

Laughing. Eyeing him.

I ain't blind, Callie.

You see a lot
more than there is.

I didn't say nothin', and
I didn't do nothin' wrong.

If I have to watch you with
every man that comes in here,

I'll see that you don't see any.

- And if I don't see a man...
- Now, you mind your tongue.

You mind your ways, too.

Eh, come along, you.

He run away again, Simeon?

Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah,
yeah. Third time now.

He and I, we got a
little game we play.

He steals off, and I go get him.

He ain't never gonna win;

- he's too dumb to know it.
- Well, I reckon he gives you

more trouble than the rest
of the Kiowas put together.

Not Kiowa!

Oh, you see, that's-that's
his excuse there, Adam.

He ain't a Kiowa, he's Cheyenne.

A Injun's a Injun, ain't he?

Oh, that's where I and
you are wrong, Adam,

according to the savage here.

He don't like prairie, and
he don't like the Kiowas.

Me Cheyenne!

Well, you ain't never
gonna make it home,

so you might just
as well stop trying.

Well, that's an
awful thing to say.


Well, why can't he be
with his own people?

Well, because he was put
on my agency, Miss Callie.

We got, uh... other
Cheyenne, a handful.

They don't much
like it, but, uh,

this 'n here, he's the
wildest of the lot. Heh.

Mm. Well, sometimes wanting
to be free makes you wild.


Don't pay her no mind.

Well, heh, I ain't worried none.

He ain't gonna walk
to the high plains.

And no one's gonna give him
a horse to ride there, either.

And will you make
sure your boy delivers

these supplies out to the
agency 'fore sundown?

Sure thing. I'll send Frank out.



Come along, savage.

Callie, you got no
shame in you at all!

I don't want to hear another
sound out of you today.

Not a sound!

And when I get you home,
you're gonna get a good talking to!

And what's more, you're not
to go back to the store, Callie.

You're to stay
right here at home.

Well, all the time, Pa?

You do what's right in
the home, it'll fill your days.

Oh, Pa, the only
chance I ever get

to meet anyone is at the
store; no one ever comes here.

Well, I'm here part-time.

Me and Pa come
home every evening.

A body gets lonely, Pa, not
seeing anyone, not talking.

Well, there ain't
no living to it.

I don't know where
you get your traits.

You come from a decent,
God-fearing New England family,

and yet you run after the first
thing that comes along in pants.

Why, your ma would
never have done that.

My ma got married.

I'm already four years older

than Ma was when
you married her.

I'll bring a man for you to
marry when the time comes.

I'll see that he's
right, and I'll say so.

Pa, I haven't
done a single thing.

I ain't done no sins; I've
been civil to folks, is all.

Talkin' up for an Injun?

That's mighty civil,
Callie, mighty civil.

That'll be enough, Frank.

She must've give him ideas, Pa.

He broke loose of Simeon
on the way back to the agency.

He's gone again?

He give Simeon an
awful whup on the head.

He come to, that Injun
was nowheres about.

You're to stay home
till I tell you different.

And that's apt to
be quite some time.

Get some water, Frank.

Oh, can't I wait, Pa?

Sure don't mind
settin' here a while yet.

Oh, I reckon this is most
my job now anyways.

You settin' down
hard on Callie, Pa?

Hard as I know; long as need be.

You... you shouldn't be here.

They'll k*ll you.


You... me... friends.

My Pa, my brother inside.

Not safe here. You go.


You... home.

Me... home.


- Help.
- No. Not tonight.

Tomorrow, when they have gone,

I will help you.





Tomorrow with the sun,

with the sun, I will help you.

When they have gone.

You-you stay.

You stay here behind the shed.


Don't take all night
to draw that water!

I'm coming, Pa!

♪ Run, rabbit, run,
you better get away ♪

♪ Oh, the rabbit run
and the rabbit flew ♪

♪ And the rabbit
tore his tail in two ♪

♪ Run, rabbit, run,
the dogs will get you ♪

♪ Run, rabbit,
run, you better... ♪


By golly, ain't that just
about the purtiest sight

a man could want?

Well, we're on our
way now, old partner.

♪ Run, rabbit, run,
the dogs'll get you ♪

♪ Run, rabbit, run,
you better get away ♪

♪ Oh, the rabbit run
and the rabbit flew ♪

♪ And the rabbit
tore his tail in two ♪

♪ Run, rabbit, run,
the dogs will get you ♪

♪ Run, rabbit, run,
you better get away ♪

You mind your chores.

We'll be back before nightfall.


Meat, food.


Water... Water, r*fle.


Are you there?

Hello, it's me.

Are you there?

It's all right, they've gone.

They've gone.

Hello, hello?

It's all right.

W... hello.

It's all right, they've gone.

Where are you?

Where are you?

Howdy, ma'am.

Whew! Kind of good to get
down off that saddle for a while.

I was wondering
maybe if you'd oblige me

by letting me water
my horse and buying

- some grain off of you.
- No.

Well, I won't hold you up long.

I just, uh... I'll
pay for the grain.

- I...
- Well, I'm busy right now.

Now, you just ride
along; I can't take the time.

Well, I didn't mean to take
up much of your time. I...

Sorry that I bothered you.

Is that an Indian?


Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Oh, look what you've done!

You know him?

I don't know who
you think you are

riding in here like
this, taking over.

He trusted me,
and now look at him!

Well, I-I'm sorry,
but he was an Indian,

you know, stealing a horse. I...

If Pa and Frank heard that shot,

oh, they'll be riding back
here; like as not they'll k*ll him!

Well, why would
your pa want to k*ll him

if he's a friend of yours?
I don't understand.

Well, you understand this.

You take him away from
here, and you tend to him.

Well, I certainly will not.

I mean, I'll do what I
can for him here, but...

You shot him!

Well, I-I know that,
but like I told you,

I thought he was trying
to steal your horse.

There ain't no time
for what you thought!

Oh, listen, I promised him help.

I was the only one
he could turn to.

Now, you did this;
you help him now.

Well... golly, I
was... I was planning

on being to Cousin
Thurlow's by morning.

Listen, I care about him,
do you understand that?

I care very much,
and you shot him.

Now, you help him now!

Yeah. Well...

Well, all right.

It's all right.


That shoulder of
yours is a fright.

I'm just as sorry
as I can be about it.

You understand me at all?

Yeah, well, I
was afraid of that.

We're in kind of a fix,

'cause I can't
understand you, neither.

What I need here is
Mr. Dillon to talk to you

and Doc to take the b*llet out.

I'm kind of obliged to tell you

even if you can't understand me

that I only took a b*llet
out of two men before,

and one of them died.

But I got an obligation,
and I aim to meet it.

Now, now... I'm a friend.

I'm a friend. A friend.

Now, I'm gonna have to
get that b*llet out of you,

so you just better
make up your mind to it.

Callie... we got a horse gone

and you never heard
nothin', you never saw nothin'?

Pa, I told you I could have
been in the potato cellar,

or gathering wood
or most anyplace.

And, uh, that dark patch
on the ground in yonder,

you don't know nothin'
about that, neither, huh?

No, sir, I don't.

Callie... that Injun is
loose again, sure enough.

Now, it's an odd thing
that our horse is gone

at just that same time.

That's blood!

Is he hurt?

Well, it ain't his
blood; he's fit enough.

But it seems whoever
rode him out of here

might be hurt.


By golly...

you wouldn't think you
was such a mean thing

just to look at you like that.

I'd rather pull my own teeth.

No wonder Doc's so doggone
cantankerous all the time,

having to take b*ll*ts
out of people like he does.



No, no, wait, wait, no.

Now, friend, friend.

Chester. I'm a friend.

Now, just, here.

Here. See?

See that? It's a b*llet.

I took it out. I got it out.

See? Here.

You keep that.
That-that's yours.

You remember me by that.

Now, just...

just enough now to take
the parch off your tongue.

Oh... by golly, I don't
know what I'm gonna do.

I can't talk to you.

Even if you do
get out of this alive,

you ain't got no
horse out here...

I'll give you something to
eat... Maybe that'll help you.

This here is some stew meat.

Figure maybe that I
could have the meat

and you could drink the juice.

Well, I don't know what
you're talking about,

but you could be right.


Now, just take
a little bit of this.

It'll help keep
your strength up.

Well, if you're asking me
what it is, I said it's stew juice.

Now, go on, drink it.

Well, just try
a little bit of it.

It'll keep your
strength up. It's good.

For Heaven's sakes.

Well, if you don't like it,

well, that's just the
best that I can do for you.

Tell you something, you
better be feeling better

in the morning.

Sure hopes you are, 'cause
when daylight gets here,

I'm gonna be riding out of here.

Well, you could be
right about that meat.

I need something.

By golly, I'm glad you got here.

- Yes. How is he?
- Well, he's still alive.


I, uh, I got the
b*llet out of him,

and done whatever
I could for him.

Yeah, he's very fevered.


Well, uh...

Well, now that...
now that you're here,

I... I think I'll just
be moving on.

- Oh, no, you can't go yet.
- Why not?

Because I need you to stay
here. He needs you to stay.

- Please don't go.
- Well, I really don't have too much time.

Thank you. Thank you.

May I have some coffee?

Yeah. Yeah.

I guess I haven't
said... I'm Callie Dill.

Oh. My name's Chester Goode.

How do you do?

Well, Miss Callie, what
would your menfolks do

if they found you out here?

Well, I don't know
what they'd do to me,

but they... they'd k*ll him.

I couldn't bear that.

Here you are.

Thank you.

Well, I'll tell you,

I think I am gonna have
to be moving on here

pretty quick, though I sort
of spoiled my plans for me.

Didn't you spoil his?

Chester, we can't let
him die now, either of us.


Morning, Kitty.

Well, you're early this morning.

What do you mean, early?

Well, you're earlier
than you were yesterday,

which was earlier
than the day before.

Oh. Well, just
thought we might have

a little breakfast together.

Well, we might, except
I'm already spoken for.

- Oh, you are, huh?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, morning.

Good morning, Doc.

- Kitty.
- Hello, Doc.

How are you? See
you're all ready.

Just about. I'll
just get my hat on.

Well, I suppose you're
gonna horn in, huh?

Thought I might if
the lady doesn't mind.

Well, we'll settle
that right now. Kitty?

- Yeah?
- If you'd rather have breakfast

with just me alone, now,
don't hesitate to tell him so.

I'm not the least bit
flattered, you know.

You're not? Well,
for heaven's sakes,

two men fighting over
you? You ought to be.

She's pretty particular, Doc.

All this newfound popularity
of mine for breakfast...

is all on account of
Chester being out of town.

Well, now, that's just about
the silliest thing I ever heard.

Well, I'd say so. You're
prettier than Chester is.

Well, thank you.

I may eat two
breakfasts this morning.

Morning, Marshal,
Miss Kitty, Doc.

- Good morning, Obie.
- When will he be back?

- Who?
- Chester.

- Oh, a couple of weeks.
- Bet you miss him, huh?

Sure do.

Don't seem right with
Chester gone, does it?

- What'd you say?
- I said don't seem right

- with Chester gone, does it?
- Well, what'd she say?

She said it doesn't seem
right with Chester gone.

Well, it seems just... It
seems just fine to me!

- Good morning, folks.
- Morning. -Morning.

- How about right over here?
- Fine.

You want the same
old seven and six?

- How about you, Kitty?
- Oh, sure, that's fine.

All right, me, too, I guess.

Okay. Doc, how about you?

No, no, no, hold on here, now.

I'm gonna have me a
big old channel catfish

and, uh, and some
biscuits, preserves and...

some fried potatoes and coffee.

And, uh... just might
finish off a little brandy.

He ain't fevered, is he?

Well, you'd better ask
him... He's the doctor.

Well, now, you heard what
order; just-just bring it in here.

Well, Doc...

you know that the last time
we pulled a channel catfish

out of the big river
was months ago.

You ought to
remember that good...

The last person to catch
a channel cat was Chester.

Well, why don't everybody
shut up about Chester?

- Bring him the same thing we're having.
- All right.

You didn't have to bark at him.

Well, he barked at me.

No, he didn't.

And even if he had,
I wouldn't blame him.

You've been grumpy
with everybody

the last couple of days.

Yeah, he sure has, hasn't he?

I think I know why.

He misses Chester.

We all do.

You know, you're right, Kitty.

When Chester's around,
he does his barking at him,

and he's a little
more pleasant to us.

Well, anyway, I'd sure trade
places with Chester right now.

- You know what he's doing?
- What?

He's setting under a great
big beautiful shade tree

by a cool stream,

having a great big old
channel catfish for breakfast.

Kind of meat you
eat it, it gets bigger.

The gravy'll bend your fork.

You... help?


He talk American?

Just a few words.

He never said any
of 'em to me before.

Well, he might not
consider you a friend.

You know, there
are just a few things

I don't understand here.

I guess some main things
I don't understand myself.

What in the world
am I doing here?

I'm supposed to be to
Cousin Thurlow's by this time.

He lives yonder
on the Ninnescah.

You know, I guess it...

well, we've been
planning this trip, I'd say,

for almost a year now.

How we was to...

how I was to get the time off,

and we was just
gonna spend the time

just, uh, fishing
and... setting around,

just doing
whatever we felt like.

Mostly just jawing, I guess.




It's my pa!

Oh, he mustn't find me
here. He mustn't find him.

Well, I got the horses
down by the stream.

He won't see them. But
as far as finding him...

He'll k*ll him!

- Oh, Chester, help me.
- Well...

golly, maybe if we got
him behind the bushes,

you could stay hid back there.

- Come on, let's hurry.
- Yes.

This way. This way.


- All right.
- All right.

Keep him here and keep quiet.

- Hurry.
- I'll try and get rid of your pa.

Morning, mister.

Oh, why, morning.

I seen your fire.

Oh, yeah, I guess you
could see that quite a ways.

You seen a girl, mister?

A girl?

Yeah, my daughter
stole away this morning.

Looking for her.

Well, I don't really...
No, no, I, uh...

It's been awful lonely out here.

Ain't seen a soul.

You all alone, are you, mister?

Yeah, yeah, I'm just passing
through, you might say.

I'm on my way to the Ninnescah.

How long you been
camped here, mister?

Uh, yes... since yesterday.

I got here yesterday.

How about an Injun?

An Indian?

Yep. Seen one?

Well, heavens no.

If I'd seen an Indian, I
don't think I'd be here.

Much obliged, mister.

Yeah, you're welcome.

Well, he's gone.

I know. I was watching.

Well, I tell you, that
can be nerve-racking.

We'll, you did
just fine, Chester.

Well, do you think that's
gonna do us any good

if we all get ourselves k*lled?

I'm getting a
little bit on edge.

Chester, his wound
has to be cleaned,

and his fever must be broken.

That moving him like that
certainly didn't help any.

You're gonna have to go
to a settlement, Chester.

Now, just a minute.

I'm known there,
Chester; I can't go.

Now, listen, we need some
niter and some chloroform

and some powder for his wound,

some more of these
cloths and a tonic, I guess.

Well now, listen,
Callie, I would sure...

Chester, Chester, I
care, I care very much.

I know that. I
know that you care.

I can see that,
but it's just that I...

I just...

I just wish I'd
come another way.

Can I help you, mister?

Oh, yeah, I wanted
to get a few things.

Well, we got a few things.

Well, I wanted some niter

and some chloroform
and some powder.

g*n powder?

No, it's the, uh, you know,

the healing kind of powder.

Niter, chloroform,
and healing powder.

- Yeah.
- I'll fix you right up.

Uh, you might
give me, uh... Well.

Hello there.


- Frank?
- Yeah, Pa?

You seen Callie?

Not since breakfast.

I've been hunting her
all over and can't find her.

I'm looking for that
powder we keep.

Can't seem to put
my fingers on it.

What kind of powder is that?

It's for healing, drying
up wounds, healing.

It's, uh, right
over here, Frank.

You got a wound
needs healing, mister?

No, no, nothing like that.

Know somebody who has?

No, no, I was, uh, I
was just getting this stuff

to take up to my
cousin Turlow's.

Remember, I told you today

that I was going up
to the Ninnescah?

I mind you told me.

- Yeah.
- What else now?

Uh, that's-that's
just about it I think.

We stock all kinds of
goods for long trips, mister.

Yeah, I see that you do that.

Ninnescah's, uh,
quite a ways from here.

Yeah, well, that's the reason
why I better get started.

Going the wrong way, mister.

Ninnescah is that way.

Oh, by golly, you're right.

You go that other way,

take you right back to where
I come on you this morning.


A body can sure get
turned around easy out here.

Where's Miss Callie?



Callie, where are you?

I got your stuff.


Where is she?

Look, what have
you done with her?

I know she wouldn't
have left you here alone.

Now, what have
you done with her?

Now listen, you can talk
words better than that.

I know that they wouldn't
have come here after her

'cause they'd have k*lled you.
No, what have you done with her?


Well, this is from Callie.

"Dear Chester,

"Few drops of niter
in water every hour

"should help his temperature.

Clean the wound with..."

"Soon as he's better,

"there's a shack on
east about two miles.

"I'll come if I can.


I just don't know if
I've got the strength

for any more of this.


Well, I got your stuff here.

Uh, nitre.

Nitre, nitre.

And the chloroform.


And the healing powders. See?

For you shoulder.

Now you seen me do it, you see?

Now you can do it yourself,
after I'm gone, all right?

And, uh, oh... got
a little jerky for you.

Eh? Meat.

Meat. Meat.

Meat, yeah. That's right.

Now everything's
all set. I'll, I'll see ya.


Koda? Huh?

- Koda.
- Koda?


Friend? Koda? Koda.


Friend. Yeah.

Well, I'll be doggone.

Maybe, we just kinda
got off on the wrong foot

a little bit there.

Oh, here.

Some water.

You see, now, after I've
gone, why, there's a stream

that's just out yonder.

Stream, uh, water.

Many... water.



- Many.
- Many, many...

- Water, water, yeah.
- Water.


Well... by golly.

Good luck to you.

Miss Callie.

By golly, I thought
you'd never get here.

How is he?

Well, he seems to
be doing much better.

Oh, you are better. Much better.

I'm so glad.

What, uh, what you
got in the basket?

- I brought him some food.
- Oh.

There's some in there
for you, too, Chester.

Oh, well, no, no, I... I
was figuring on riding out,

now that he's feeling better
and you're here and all.

I-I wasn't, uh...

Golly, that, that,
kind of smells good.

There's some plates inside.

Well, uh, maybe I will
just have a little bite

before I go, you know?

My belly's kindly chafing
up against my backbone.

Oh, Chester, isn't it wonderful?

Oh, yeah, it sure smells good.

No, I mean, he's gonna
be all right, isn't he?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Oh, I wish I could make
him understand how I feel.

I think you're making
a pretty good s*ab at it.


Oh, I'd love to know
what that means.

That "Koda" means
"friend," I think.

You know, if that'd
help you out any.

Oh, I wonder if we'll ever
get to understand each other.

Really understand.

I think, I think maybe you just
feel sorry for him, don't you?

I mean, seeing as
how I shot him and all.

No, no, I thought that yesterday
when I come looking for him...

that all I wanted was just
to make sure, satisfy myself

that he was gonna
be alive and be free.

And then I found him,
and it just grew and grew.

And now I know.

I know I want him, Chester.

I want to stay with him.

Here, let me give you a hand.

Callie, of course, this
ain't none of my business,

but your menfolks...

Oh, listen, by the way, thanks
a whole lot for sending me

to your daddy's store yesterday.

Now, listen, Chester,
I couldn't help that.

That was the only place
I knew where I could get

this stuff we needed for him.

Well, I'll tell you one
thing, me and your daddy

and that brother of yours...
I guess it was your brother...

We just about had
at it, I can tell you that.

Yeah, they did talk about
you last night at supper.

Oh, that's nice. Real nice.

- Listen, Callie...
- Just sleep now. He'll sleep.

- But...
- Let's go outside and let him sleep.

Oh, I feel so much
better. I'm so relieved.

Yeah, yeah, he's
doing a lot better.

He should be moving
on before, before long.

You're kind of sweet on
him, ain't you, Miss Callie?

It's a lot bigger
than that, Chester.

Well, you want to be with him
always and go his way and...?

I want it all, Chester.

Well, you-you don't
know him, though.

I mean, there's really no
way that you can know him.

Just how I feel.

Well, you can't
hardly talk to him good.

I don't know how you
can know how he feels.

No, but like you say, he
makes a good s*ab at trying.

Well, I sure don't
mean to hurt you none,

but it just seems to me like...

I'll bet you never hurt
anybody in your life, Chester.

Well, no, that's
not true. I have.

But the point is it
seems to me like that...

Well, it just doesn't seem
like any kind of life for you,

a white girl and an Indian.

I mean, you're used
to a lot of things...

I'm used to nothing, Chester.

I've never had a
chance to know a man.

But you will.

No, I won't. Not if
my pa has his way.

He won't, he won't let me
see one, meet one or anything.

Oh, Chester, he touched my
hand and he touched my cheek.

When I look into his eyes...

we don't need words, Chester.

Wait, Callie.

Now just a minute.

No, please, don't go! Please?

Yes... go.

Then take me with you.

No can.

Please take me with you?

You stay.

No, please, I want
to go with you.


Sorry, Chester.


Yes. I should have believed you.

Oh, well, Callie, I really don't
think it would have worked.

No, I, I guess he was the
only one that knew that.

Well, could I see
you home, maybe?

No, I think that I'll
stay on here a spell

before I start back.

A little thinking
out I want to do.

What about you?

Well, there's a stage
road not too far off.

I'll, I'll be all right.

Well, sorry about your horse.

You can use mine.

Oh, no, no, no,
that's all right.

I'll be all right. I...

Well, you just be sure
and-and take care of yourself.

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