07x33 - The Prisoner

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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07x33 - The Prisoner

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

Collins, jute mill.

Bricker, laundry detail.

Zenner, jute detail.

Turner, shovel detail.

McCreary, jute mill.

Stevens, jute mill.

Baker, shovel.

Bass, laundry detail.

Jute smoke's just like a
whiff of French perfume,

ain't it, Hunk?

Sure don't smell that
way to me, Billy Joe.

Here comes your
friend Jelly Bean.

Someday, I swear, I'm
gonna pay him off in full.

McDonald, shovel detail.

Harris, jute mill.

- Gaffney...
- Corporal, hold it there!

Prisoners halt!

Morning, Sergeant Jellicoe.

Hunk, I've got a
little job for you...

the rocks.

Any complaints?

That goes for
you, too, Billy Joe.

Load 'em in the wagon.

All right, move out.

Carry on, Corporal.

Carter, laundry detail.

Henderson, shovel detail.

McDonald, shovel detail.

Harris, jute mill.

Gaffney, laundry detail.


That goin' to
Chicago, Billy Joe?


All the way to Dodge.

That next to the
last one there...

That's the ladies' parlor car.

You can almost smell all
that perfume and powder

from right here.

Well, you just look
your belly full, Billy Joe,

it ain't gonna cost you nothing.

That's so, Sergeant.

That is so.

- Stop here!
- Whoa.

Sure is lonesome
out here, Billy Joe.

Maybe that's the way
Jelly Bean wants it.

I heard he's k*lled three or
four men out here already.

Trying to escape, he said.

Course one day
he just might miss.

I got an idea, Hunk.


Billy Joe, grab them
tools and get up here.

I got a nice, easy
job planned for you.

Jones, you get back
here by suppertime.

Yes, Sergeant.

Is he watching me
close now, Hunk?

Are you game for this, Hunk?

Then let it go.

O-Oh, I'm sorry, Billy Joe.

I didn't mean to let it slip.

My hands just sweated up on me!

Get away from him, Hunk!

Go on, get back there!

- Where you hurt?
- My arm.

I think it's broke.

Let me take a look at it.

I don't know if I can
even loosen my shirt off it.

It hurts somethin' fierce.

Oh, you're gonna
get it now, Hunk.

You're gonna get the sweatbox.

And I don't mean for just a
couple of hours or a day or two.

You're gonna stay in that
sweatbox till your insides cook!

Nobody's gonna put me in that.


Oh, Billy Joe.

You ain't gonna leave
me, are you, Billy Joe?

Now, what do you want to go
and make me feel bad for, Hunk?

You're gonna die anyway.

Billy Joe!

Billy Joe, don't leave me!

Billy Joe!

Well, scooch over, Doc.

Is this everything,
Miss Thurmon?

Well, let's see...
Two lamps, wicks,

letter paper, and
a tatting hoop.

That's everything.

- Thank you, Mr. Jonas.
- Well, thank you.

Now, what can I do for you, Doc?

Well, if you can spare the time,

I'd like a spool
of white thread.

I want the kind
that's strong enough

so it won't break
if I sneeze at it.

And a package of needles.

Spool of thread... No, you
need something with bigger eyes.

I don't need any bigger eyes.

What do you plan to do, Doc,

open a little tailoring
shop on the side?

I know some folks in this town

that could benefit
by a good tailor.

So do I.

Anything else, Doc?

Yeah, I want a button.

One button?

Yes, one button.

Well, Doc, why don't
you just take your shirt

on over to Mrs. Bird?

She could fix it a
whole lot cheaper

than buying all
this stuff, you know.

It may surprise you,
but I thought of that,

but, you see, I figure,
Matt, a practicing surgeon

ought to be able to sew
a button on his own shirt

or else go to a nurse's
home or get married,

and I'm not planning to
do either one of those.

- Well, pick it out, Doc.
- I don't want

one of those old,
ugly buttons...

I want a pearl button up there.

Well, Jonas, don't... Just
go on about your business.

I know where you
keep 'em... I'll find it.

Mr. Jonas, I'll, uh,
take a box of those, uh,

patches of cheesecloth.

Oh, sure, Marshal.

Well, why in thunder
does he... put 'em in there...

Ooh! Ooh, for heaven's
sake. Matt, Matt.

What is it?

By golly, take a hold of
that arm and jerk it, will you?

Just jerk... Well, jerk it!



Golly, I got a crick there.

Twisted a tendon or something.

Well, is it all right now?

Yeah, it's fine.

Well, good, at least
I fixed it for you.

Well, now, just...

as a matter of
professional courtesy,

don't go telling everybody
in town that you fixed it.

People will be
coming over to the jail

for their medical attention.

This the one you wanted?

Here you are, Marshal.

Oh, thanks, Mr. Jonas.

Button, spool of
thread and needles.

- Put 'em on the bill.
- What about the licorice?

Well, must be the second
Monday of the month.

There's Major
Owens and his family.

That major's a
pretty fierce ol' boy.

Yeah. Sometimes I feel
kind of sorry for Sarah,

married into a family like that.

Well, Ham's a pretty good
husband to her, isn't he?

Well, I've known better.

Major Owens.

Marshal Dillon.

- Dr. Adams.
- Major.

Oh, here, Sarah.

Well, you plan to stay
in town long this trip?

Just long enough to
pick up supplies, Marshal.

There's work yet to be
done today for all of us.


Yes, sir.

You know, I don't think

the major cares too
much for me, Matt.

Why's that, Doc?

Well, it goes back three years
ago when Sarah lost her baby,

you know, I... I told
the major right out then

it was Ham's fault,
nobody else's...

He was so doggone drunk

he couldn't find his
way into town to get me.

And you know
something, I just don't think

the ol' boy ever
forgave me for that.

In spite of it,

I got a lot of
admiration for him.

You know, he's
made out of the...

kind of solid rock granite

that we just don't see
too much of anymore.

Yeah, that's the truth, Doc.

I think I'll stop over
at the Long Branch.

Want to have a beer?

Well, golly, I
bought this stuff...

I guess I better put it to use.

Yeah, all right. Just
holler if you need me.

Well, why would I need you?

Well, you, uh... you might
need some medical help.

Piece of horehound, Miss Sarah?

Oh, no, thank you, Mr. Jonas.

Well, I'll take me
a piece of that.


On second thought, I-I best not.

Leastwise, not until

after the wrestling
throw downs next month.

Oh, you gonna enter
again this year, Seth?

Well, I come in second
last time, didn't I?

I would've won it, too,
if Jed Barker hadn't

busted my arm up on me.

Keep an eye on
me this time, though.

I'm gonna get him in
a headlock straight off,

and I'm gonna squeeze him,

I'm gonna squeeze him
until his brains pop out.

Mr. Jonas.

Let's see now: three
sacks buckwheat mill,

ladle blackstrap,
three yards of ticking,

tin of coffee, four
pounds dark sugar.

Th-That's the coarse sift
you take, ain't it, Major?


Half pint of vanilla extract,

sack of baking soda,

one bottle Gerber's Mange
Cure and Hog Tick Eradicator.

Is that all of it?

That's all of it.

Ham, the crinoline for
my curtains, you promised.


There's no money
this month for curtains.

I could put it down on
credit for you, Major.

What we buy, we pay for.

What we cannot pay
for, we do without.

I'll box this all out for you.

Seth, come to the
feed store with me.

Yes, sir.

Ham, when Mr. Jonas
has these things ready,

see them into the buggy.

You understand me?

Sure, Pa.

Have the bill ready, Mr. Jonas.
I'll settle it when I come back.

You heard Pa, Sarah.

I heard him.

Anyway, he's right.

What's the need of curtains

when there's plenty
of jute sacks around?

Excuse me.

Now, why don't you sit
down here and be friendly?

I told you just as
nice as I could before,

I can't sit down unless
you're buying a drink.

'Cause a fella's broke one day,

that don't say
nothin' about the next.

Well, then come back tomorrow.

Tomorrow's a long way off.

Why don't we just...

slip off someplace now?

- Hello, Kitty.
- Oh, hello, Matt.

You want a drink?

Well, I might have
a beer, I guess.

This certainly isn't my
day for the big spenders.

What do you mean?

You see that young
fella sitting over there?


Well, he's been sitting
there since before noon,

and he's still in the
middle of his second drink.

Well, don't think I've
seen him around before.

- Have you?
- Mm-mm.

Looks like a cowboy...
He probably broke off

from some trail herd
and now he's wishing

he'd stuck around till payday.

Well, I don't know
about that, but, uh,

he seems to think he's
Casanova come back to life.

- Oh, he does, huh?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, has he been bothering you?

He's not exactly my type.

Well, maybe he's Sally's type.

- Let me go! Let me go!
- Leave her alone, mister.

There ain't no
reason to torment her.

Sally, come back to my table.

I guess she's happy
right where she is.

But that's natural,
now, ain't it,

- seeing the choice she's got.
- Yeah?

There ain't gonna be any
choice when I'm done with you,

because I'm gonna
bust you clean in half.

- Hold it!
- Let's see you do

some of that busting
you're talking so big about.

Go on, Turner, go
back to your table.

If you say so, Marshal.

Only he's the one
that made the trouble.

I had to defend
myself, didn't I?

With that?

Well, I wasn't gonna use that.

Just scare him off a little.

Now, look, I'm not
looking for no trouble.

- I'm just passing through, that's all.
- When?

Day or so. Maybe tomorrow.


Well, I did kind of have
a couple of plans in mind.

You want to think
about 'em in jail?

In that case,

I guess I'll be... moving
along, like you said, now.

Maybe some other time, honey.

I guess there's lots
of other fish in the sea.

Why can't they send
a widow's pension

when they're supposed to?

Can you tell me that?

You're part of the
government, aren't you?

Yes, but not that
part, I'm afraid, ma'am.

Here it is, Mrs. Pierson.

Well, about time! Thank you.

- Miss Kitty.
- Ah, thank you.

Here you are, Marshal... just a
new batch of wanted circulars.

Thank you.

I swear to goodness,
look at this.

- What is it?
- Hello, Matt.

Look here.

"Dr. Cyrus W. Penfield announces
his new miracle herb elixir.

"100% safe.

"Absolutely guaranteed
to cure pneumonia, gout,

chilblains, vespers,

liver ailments of all kinds,
and rheumatism and pleurisy."

Kind of puts you out of
business, doesn't it, Doc?

Say, look here, Kitty.

- Hmm?
- Look at this. Isn't that the fella

I threw out of the Long
Branch the other day?

Looks like him.

Hey, wait a minute. That
looks like the young fella

I met coming back from
Two Castles yesterday.

- Two Castles?
- Yeah.

He acted like he
was going there.

Where else would you
go out in that country?

Maybe I better head out
there and look for him.

Well, I don't see what chance
you have of finding him now.

Well, not much, probably.

But that's what
they're paying me for.



Hey! Over h... over here!


Hey, it's you, Marshal.

- Yeah, it's me.
- You... you got some water?

What's happened to you?

Horse... stepped in a chuckhole,

threw me up against this rock,

stove my side right in.

The way the pain's been
putting me out of my head,

I figured something must
be busted loose inside.

Let me take a look at it here.

By the feel of it, you got a
couple of busted ribs there.

- Where's your horse?
- He took off.

Some Indians probably
got it blanketed by now.

Well, I guess you'll have
to ride back to Dodge

double with me.


There's a little town up
a way here, ain't there?

You get me to that
town, I'll be fine.

It just so happens there's

a wanted poster
out on you, mister.

On me?

There must be some
mistake, Marshal.

That's a mistake?

Just like you was cattle
to be roped and branded.

I guess you never
been in prison, Marshal.

Guards tramping up
and down with jack clubs,

just itching to bust
your back open

if you so much as look sideways.

If you had, you
wouldn't blame me

for trying to keep
from going back.

Should've thought of that
before you got yourself in trouble.


I guess I was born into that.

Hello, Major.


That's him, Pa.

It's him, all right... look at
the scratches on his face.

Yeah. I-I got those when
my horse throwed me.

What are you
talking about, Seth?

This piece of jackal scum there.

He snuck up on
Sarah out at our place

while Pa and me was gone.

And Ham caught him. He shot Ham.

He k*lled him cold,
and then he run.

I never done no such a thing.

They're lying, Marshal.

When did this happen?

Yesterday, late.

Well, I was in town... Why
didn't you come and tell me?

With my own hands, I
drew my son into life.

This morning, by my own hands,
he was put to earth in death.

It's our grief.

We don't need or
ask help to settle it.

Major, that's
what the law is for.

Well, we don't need the law
to tell us what to do with him.

I told you what
he done, didn't I?

Did you see him?

Of course he never seen me.

I been lying right here,

too broke up to move
since before noon yesterday.

And you heard the
old man say himself,

whatever it was happened
was way after that.

What this man claims, Marshal...

do you know it to be true?

I don't know, Major.

He's an escaped prisoner
from Fort Leavenworth,

and I'm gonna take him back.

Well, don't that
settle it, then?

He's a convict,
his trail leads here,

and them scratches on his face.

Let's k*ll him right here.

Seth! Now, whatever
this man's done,

the law'll take care
of him, not you.

Now, put that g*n away.

Just looking at him, and you
know he's the one that did it.

And you know it, too, Pa.

I believe he did
it. I believe it.

But I don't choose to
take the blood of any man

on my conscience
without certainty.

But if proof were
brought to you, Marshal?

If this man's guilty of what
you say he is, he'll die for it.

That will content me.

We can go now, Seth.



- All right, let's get started.
- All right.

Oh, that's awful tight, Doc.

Yeah. It's got to be tight,
otherwise it won't do any good.

Giving you some pain, huh?

Well... I still get
a sort of a twitch

when I suck in deep, but
not much as yesterday.

Yeah, I know.

Kind of hits you about
right... right there?


Well... I want
these ribs to set.

Well, that's all right.

You know... if I had
my life to live over,

I figure maybe I'd
be like you, Doc.

Try doing good for people.

Yeah, I expect you'd do

just about exactly
what you did before.

What'd they send you
to prison for, anyway?

Well, there was this widow,

lived near the fort.

I was sort of working
for her in my spare time.

She claimed I stole some
money her husband left her.

I never done it.

She gave me that money.

There wasn't nobody
believe me, but she did.

She just huffed
herself out of joint

and set the law on me
'cause I took off finally.

It wasn't exactly hard work,

but I sort of got tired of it.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, I know what you mean.


Don't move around
for a couple, three days.

Well, I wasn't exactly planning
on taking any trips, Doc.

You got any word
for me, Marshal?

I'll let you know.

No rush on my part.


- Well...
- You're leaving now?

Yes, I must go.

But you haven't done anything
for her; just those powders.

Well, they'll relax her;
she'll get some sleep.

Is that all that can be done?

Right now, yes.

What Sarah needs is
lots of rest and quiet.

We'll see she gets that, Doctor.

All right, fine.

Well, I'll run along, and
I'll drop in, in a few days.

- Thank you, Doctor.
- Major.

It ain't right, Pa,
it just ain't right.

No. Poor child.

Well, I'm sorry
enough about Sarah,

but I was thinking
more about that fella,

the one that k*lled Ham.

I been thinking
about him, too, son.

A k*ller like that shouldn't
ought to go free, Pa.

Seems like somebody ought
to do something about him.

I think you're right, Seth.

Somebody should.

I just wish there was some
way you could fix the time,

because if you
could, I could prove

whether he was out
there or not, you know?

Well, I can't do it, Matt.

I... came as close as I could.

I told you that from the time
he was flipped off his horse

till you came across
him there, it could be...

oh, two, three days at the most.

Close as I can come.

You know, I was out to
the major's place last night.

Looked in on Sarah.

By golly, I'm pretty
worried about her.

Well, Doc, she seen
her husband k*lled,

and after the rest of what
almost happened to her,

why, I think she's
got a right to be upset.

Well, if she'd just cry and
complain or something like that.

She won't even answer yes or no.

She just... sits there
like she's frozen.

Makes me feel kind of helpless.

I'm afraid that... the kind
of medicine she needs

I haven't got in my bag there.

How about that major?

Well, he let me in the
house and let me out.

That's about it...
Except he did say

he was coming
into town to see you.

Yeah. I been looking for him.

Matt, what are you gonna
do about this fella here?

Well, we got a telegram from
Leavenworth this morning.

They want me to take him
back there on the train tomorrow.

Well, you gonna do that?

There's nothing
else I can do, Doc.

He's an escaped federal
prisoner and a m*rder*r.

Even if he's tried
for m*rder here,

he has to go back there first.

By golly, that sure seems like

a roundabout way
of doing things.

If he was tried by
some circuit judge here

and convicted,
he could still get off

on some technicality
over jurisdiction.

Well, if he done what Seth
and the major said he done,

well, it'd sure make me sick

to think of him
getting away with it.

Well, I'll tell you one thing,

if he did it, he won't
get away with it.

Well... I better
be getting along.

All right, Doc.



you asked for proof before
the law would take its course.

We've come to provide that.

Sarah saw the man
before he scared off.

Now, just-just hold
on here a minute.

Matt, Sarah's in no condition

to go through with
anything like this.

Well, Doc, she's the only one

that can identify
him for certain.

Well, I don't care about
that... She's in a state of shock,

and I... well, I'm just
not gonna stand for it.

- Marshal?
- Major...

now, I know you don't care
much for medical opinions,

and particularly mine,

but if you insist on Sarah going
through with anything like this,

the responsibility is gonna
have to be yours, not mine.

Sarah, are you prepared
to identify this man?

Are you prepared to know
and speak the truth without fear?

You got to Sarah.

Go on. Tell the marshal
you're ready to identify him.

Sarah, you don't have
to go through with this

if you don't want to.

I'm ready.

My son's dead, Marshal.

I ask only the right
to know his m*rder*r.

You know any other
way of being certain?

No, I don't.


It's right this way.

That's him.

That's him, ain't it, Sarah?!

Is this the man, Sarah?

The one that came to your place?

He was there.

She's lying.

You tell 'em I
never done nothing.

Tell 'em!

You're sure this is the man?

All right, I did go out there,
but I never k*lled nobody.

I never done nothing!


Please tell 'em how it was.


Sarah! Sarah?

Chester, bring my bag and
let's get her up to my office.

I hope you're satisfied now.

Marshal, when will
he be put up for trial?

I'm not sure exactly, Major.

However long it takes,
we'll wait right here in town.


Major, now you're aware that
he's wanted for k*lling a guard

and escaping from
an army prison.


He's a federal prisoner,
Major, he's got to be returned

to the proper authorities
before he can stand trial

for the m*rder of Ham.

You can't do that!
He'll lie his way clear

if he doesn't
escape again first.

Now, I gave you people my
word and I'm gonna stand by it.

Whatever he's done,
he's gonna pay for it.

He'll pay for it, Marshal.



What's gonna happen
to me, Marshal?

If you're lucky, you may
live long enough to hang.


Somebody moving
around in there, Pa.

The marshal must be up.

Hey, Marshal?

They're still out there?


If I had a g*n and
was free of here,

I'd send the two of them
booting quick enough.

But seeing as I ain't,

you better make sure
they stay out there.

Now, mister, let me
tell you something.

The only thing standing
between you and a lynching is me.

And I don't much like
where I'm standing.

Yeah, just like all my life;

everybody spitting on me just
'cause I'm dragging the low end.

No. You only
heard their side of it.

You never even
bothered to hear mine.

I'm listening.

I did go by there,
I told you that.

But that's all I
done. I swear it.

I just asked for
a drink of water.

She invited me into the
kitchen to have some coffee.

Then a little while,
I heard somebody

come through the front way.

She looked kinda scared.

I didn't want no more trouble.

I just lit out.

You believe me, don't you?

You think a jury will?

Miss Kitty's up at Doc's
helping him with Miss Sarah.

Mm, good.

What are you gonna
do about them two...

Seth and the Major?

I don't know yet, Chester.

Well, you know, I kindly
understand how they feel.

What with Billy Joe being so
doggone guilty-looking and all.

Chester, only the law has the
right to try and execute a man

no matter what he's done.

Otherwise, the law
doesn't mean anything.

Where you going?

Well, it ain't no reflection
on how I feel, Major.

We got a contract for
feeding prisoners is all.

Any prisoners.

Take him his meal.

Wait a minute. What for, Pa?

What's right's right.

I had a hunting dog
once that went bad.

k*lled my lambs,
clawed your mother,

God be pleased to rest her.

But I let that dog
feed before I shot it.

I wouldn't do less for
a man, even that one.

Go ahead.

I'm going out there and try to
talk some sense into that major.

I was hoping you'd thought
overnight about it, Major.

I did.

I'm still gonna bring
that prisoner out of there

and take him to
the train at 2:00.

You take him out that
door to put him on the train,

we're gonna k*ll him.

Even if it means that me
or you or your son here

might be k*lled, too, huh?

I wouldn't wish that.

Well, that's what's
liable to happen.

You bring him out, give
him a trial and hang him here,

and we'll stand
peaceably by to watch.

Now that wouldn't be any more
legal than lynching him, Major.

Now, he's gonna get a
fair trial at Leavenworth.

You know the army better
than any of the rest of us.

You know they'll see
he's properly punished.

Don't talk to me
about army justice.

The army was my life.

I was discharged for a
wound that didn't matter.

The only law I believe
in is an eye for an eye

and a tooth for a tooth.

Ham was blood of my
blood and bone of my bone.

That man took him from us.

I won't stand aside
and see him led away

no matter what the cost may be.

Nothing I can say to
change your mind, huh?

Pa, there's a half a
dozen men in this town

that will throw in with us.

We could bust that jail open
and drag him out of there.

That'll lower ourselves to the
kind of trash that runs in mobs.

We have a duty.

It's ours and nobody else's.
We'll face it here in the open.

Now get back to your post.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Jonas...

all I'm asking you to do
is go out there in the street

and have a talk with him.

You know Major Owens
as well as anybody.

Maybe he'll listen to you.

I'm not sure I don't
agree with him.

If Ham had been my son, or if...

Sarah was my daughter, I'd
feel just exactly the same way

he does, wouldn't you, Marshal?

Maybe I would.

You know, I don't like this
job I have to do, Mr. Jonas,

but I'm gonna see it through.

Sometimes the law
can be wrong, Marshal.

That may be.

But we can't always
just pick and choose

the part of it we
like, you know.

Well, maybe you're right. I...

I guess you are. I mean,
I-I know I wouldn't like

to be in the spot you are.

I know something else, too.

I got a daughter.

And if it had been her
instead of Sarah Owens,

I'd be right out in that
street with a g*n, too.

I'm sorry, Marshal.

Yeah, well, thanks,
Mr. Jonas, for coming over.

Sure, Marshal.


How is she?

Oh, better, I guess.

She woke up for a little while.

I think she can sleep now.

That's good.

I wonder if she'll ever really
get over what happened.

Well, I just don't know.

How about some coffee?

Yeah, I could use some.

Doc, do you think
there'll be a sh**ting?


if Matt brings him out
in the street at 2:00

like he says he will, I don't
know what's gonna stop it.

Well, maybe if Matt
put off taking him

to the train today, maybe
waited till tomorrow.

Well, you know the major.

That would only delay it.

Just put things
off till tomorrow.

It's terrible to think
of anybody else dying

on account of
somebody like Billy Joe.

There just ought to be somebody

that could talk the
major out of this.

Is Seth still there?


Well, what in the world are
you gonna do, Mr. Dillon?

You just can't up
and sh**t them.

Well, I'm going out

and try to talk with
him one more time.

Major, I'm coming out alone.

Come ahead.

Now, Major, I'm
ordering you off the street

before I bring the prisoner out.

Well, you can order
all you want to, Marshal,

and you can try and
bring him out of that jail,

but you ain't gonna get him
past here on the way to no train.

What do you say, Major?

My son speaks for both of us.

Get your r*fle ready, Chester.

You taking me to the
train now, Marshal?

Something like that.

You ain't gonna let
them get at me, are you?

Can you think of any good
reason why I shouldn't?

Why sure, you're the law.

You got to protect me.

It's four minutes to 2:00, Pa.

We'll wait.

Get back to your post.

Better let me take the marshal.

No, we've no quarrel
with the marshal.

But, Pa, he's
gonna... I said no.

Which door you
going out, Mr. Dillon?

I'm gonna go out the front door.

Cover me from the window
and keep your eye on Seth.


Mr. Dillon?

Sarah, get off the street.

No, there's been
enough grief already.

Don't bring any more on us.

You stay out of this, Sarah!


the man who's coming out
of there k*lled your husband.

No, he didn't.

What are you talking
crazy for, Sarah?

You know he did it.

She ain't in her right mind, Pa.

You shut up, you hear me?

Looks like maybe we
can make it after all.

We'll go out the side door.

Now you follow me close

or you're liable
not to make it at all.

Please, you have to
listen to me, please.


They're gone, Pa.

Chester, Chester,
you've got to stop them.

Billy Joe didn't
k*ll my husband.

You better stay here, Sarah.

All right, get ready, now.

They ain't out there?

You'll find out if they are.


Get up, Seth.

Do you hear me, son? Get up!

See to him, will you, Chester?

I'm sorry, Major.

You wouldn't listen to me.

You wouldn't ever
listen to anyone.

I tried to tell 'em.

Tell 'em what?

It wasn't him k*lled Ham.

Well, then who did?

I guess it was
really me, Marshal.

Being alone out
there... just work and...

and told to do things.

But he was at your place.

Oh, he was there.

And I gave him some coffee.

And we laughed
and talked, and...

and he said I was
pretty. He said that.

And for just a
little while, I...

I forgot how lonesome I'd been.

I hoped he'd stay...
I wanted him to stay.

But he didn't.

He heard Ham coming
in the front way and...

and he ran.

But Ham saw him, and...

and he accused me of
things, Marshal, bad things.

When I tried to tell him
there'd been nothing wrong,

he wouldn't listen to me.

He said I was cheap and no good.

And then he hit me.

That's when Seth walked in.


He tried to stop
Ham from hitting me.

But... but there was a fight.

And Seth shot him.


I wanted to say it right out.

I was afraid of Seth. He...

he told me he'd k*ll
me if I said anything.

None of this is true, Marshal.

She's lying.

No, I'm not.

I'm not lying, Marshal.

He k*lled Ham, so...

so we could get married.

He said that's the way
it should have been

from the beginning, that
he'd always loved me.

But when I told him
I'd never marry him,

that's when he
threatened to k*ll me

if I said anything to anyone.

So, you see, Marshal,

I really did k*ll Ham.

It was because of me.

If somebody would
help me with his body.

We'll see that
he's buried, Major.

No, Marshal.

I'll take him home and put
him to earth in his own ground.

Whatever he did, he's my
blood and my sin to bear.


Like I said...

it was really me k*lled Ham.

And Seth, too.

I have to be punished.

No, Sarah.

I think you've been
punished enough.
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