09x13 - Pa Hack's Brood

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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09x13 - Pa Hack's Brood

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

How soon can you
get to me, Mr. Teeters?

- Well, right away, Marshal.
- Good.

Now, you just let
that steam a little.

I'll be back in a
couple of minutes.

Uh... what'll it be, Marshal?

Oh, well, just kind of trim
it up around the back there.

Trim it up there.

Nice day, ain't it?


Kind of warm for this time
of year, don't you think?


You know, this time last year...

and the year before,
too, as I recall,

uh, it was some cooler.

Not a whole lot,
mind you, but some.


It just goes to
show you, Marshal,

you can't go by the weather.

You can't go by it.

Changes all the time.

Or don't you think so, Marshal?

Think what?

About the weather.

How it changes.

Yeah. Sure.

Sure what?

Look, Mr. Teeters, just
cut my hair, will you?

Why, certainly, Marshal.

My, I declare,

getting so you can't carry
on an intelligent conversation

with nobody anymore.

Well... now...

I'm obliged to
you for what I took.

Well, like I said,
you're welcome to 'em.

They're, uh... they're
near worn out, you know.

Oh, they're good enough for
a man who can't afford better.

I'm afraid if you use 'em,

that mule of yours is
gonna come up lame.

Well, she ain't... she
ain't had no others.

You know, if you wanted to, you
could do some work around here,

earn yourself a
new set of shoes.

Oh, that's mighty kind of you,

but-but my young'uns
are waiting on me.

They're on up ahead,
looking for a place to set camp.

They'd fret if I
was late coming.

Well, it was, uh, just an offer.

And, uh, purely, uh...
generous it was, too.

This is sure a...

uh, country hereabouts.

Yeah, it's, uh, good farmland.

It-it... it seems that.

You know, I always
wanted me a farm.

One day I'll have it, too.

- And, uh, that's a fact.
- Quint, how are you?

Hello, Doc.

- Hi.
- Uh, good morning to you, sir.

Thought maybe we
might have some coffee.

Sure. Just as soon
as I finish up here.

Well, all right, I'll wait.

And I'll be on my way.
I got a piece to go yet.

My thanks to you again, sir.

Well, no thanks needed.

Just the same, it gives
a man a warm feeling

to be treated so kindly.

Well... good day to you.

Good day.

Who is he?

I don't know. He
just wandered in here

and wanted some old horseshoes.

Little soap and water
wouldn't hurt him, would it?

Well, he was a little
scroungy, at that.

Can't that wait?

How'd you like to wander
around without any shoes on?



Where's Orville at?

Pa, what was it like in Dodge?

I asked you where
your brother was.

He's gone to the creek
to fill the water kegs.

All right. How
soon before we eat?

Oh, be a time yet.

Well, I'm hungry.

Where's Lonnie at?

He's gone to see can he
get some meat for the stew.

Well, he better not
come back empty.

Pa... Dodge, i-is it a big city?

I've seen bigger.

I sure wished I
could've gone with you.

It's a good thing
you didn't, girl.

It's a sinful place.


The money for them new
horseshoes we needed...

was robbed right out of my hand.


Slick as a whistle.
Four or five men done it.

Took me in an alley and
beat me something awful.

Oh, Pa.

But knowing how bad
we needed them shoes,

I went right down to the
blacksmith shop, and I...

I chored and worked,
three, four hours,

to pay for these
miserable old things.

No, sir... city
life ain't fittin'

for folks like us, Maybelle.

We're country folk.

We're gonna get us a farm.

That's where we belong.

That coffee's been
boiled to glue, Pa,

and we ain't got no
beans to make more.

You telling me
not to drink it, girl?

A-A man come by
while you was gone.


Him and Orville talked.

Pa, he'd been
clear to Californy.

Had he, now?

He told Orville it
was purely true like...

like we heard before.

There is gold there just
waiting to be picked up like...

like hickory nuts.

Ain't that a fancy story.

Could be it's true, Pa.

All this talk about
gold in California...

It's a pack of lies.

Besides, we ain't
going to California.

I told you enough times
what we're gonna do, girl.

Yes, Pa.

All my life, I chored and worked

so's you children
will have your needs.

Now that I'm getting on
and my bones are brittlin' up,

seems like you young ones
would have a little thought

- for your poor old pa.
- Yes, Pa.

When a body works his
whole life doing for his children,

seems like they'd
consider him just once.

We do, Pa, we all of us do.

It's... it's just
that Californy...

No California about it!

We're gonna get us
some land around here

and work it!

What'd you get, Lonnie?

There's a farm about
five miles on ahead.

Your sister asked
you what you got.

Chickens, I... I
got two chickens.


There's four of us. How
come you only got two?

Don't you have no consideration?

I had to run for it, Pa.

They almost caught me.

If you used half your brain,
you could've stole more.

Yes, sir.

Maybelle, start plucking
up them chickens

and get them to boiling.

And Lonnie, you get
on down by the creek

and give Orville a
hand with the water bag.

Yes, sir.

I'll never know why I got cursed
with one so lunky-headed as him.

How soon can we eat, Pa?

Soon as Maybelle says.

You gonna cook
that stew to death?

Them was puny
chickens to start with.

I'll tell you when.

Lonnie got 'em at a
farm on up a ways.

I seen it.

We're out of coffee
and near out of flour.

We'll ride up there in a
little bit and borrow some.

You mean beg some.

What kind of talk is that?

We got no money to buy with

and no way to pay
back what we borrow.

Seems like begging to me.

You gettin' awful mouthy.

I'm old enough
to say what I think.

You ain't so big I
can't still whip you.

You don't stand so tall, Pa.

Tall enough to make
this your sorriest day.

Not no more, you can't.

You lay that club on me
once, and I'll forget I'm your boy.

I don't like harsh words passing
between a man and his children.

Let's forget about all this.


done or not, start
dishin' out that stew.

Help her down, Jeb.

I can manage.

I'm sorry about your ma.

Thank you.

You go on up to
the house, Annie.

We'll bring your gatherings up.

How long do you figure
she's planning on staying, Pa?

Well, I can't say exactly.

Bringing all her
things like this...

looks like she figures
maybe quite a spell.

Well, with her pa
gone a long time back

and her ma being taken now,

she can't stay
alone at their place.

Well, I know...

Now listen, son.

I promised Annie's ma

that when the time
came, we'd look after her.

That time's here.

We got an obligation.

I know, but...

Look, son...

she's grieving.

Being a girl, it'll
take her a little time

to get the right of things.

But whether it's a day or
a lifetime, it don't matter.

She's one of the family now.

Yes, Pa.

Now, let's get her
belongings up to the house.

You just set
yourself down, Annie.

We'll put this hamper
in your room for now.


Well, I-I guess you'll,
uh, want to freshen up.

- Uh, Jeb, fetch some water.
- Yes, Pa.

Uh, you can put the
horse and wagon up later.

Yes, Pa.

Well, it was a nice burying.


Your ma looked that restful.

Of course, buryings always
make me kind of skittish.


Uh, sit down, Annie.

As soon as Jeb comes back,

you can change.

Yes, sir.

You'd be surprised how
much better it makes you feel.

I reckon.

And then it'll be time
to think about dinner.

Oh, I'll get to fixing that.

I-I did most of the
cooking at home.

Ma taught me.

Then I'm sure you'll do
better than Jeb and me.

Now, you just holler out
if you can't find anything.

Larder's full, Annie.

Anything you fix will be fine.

Annie, that's about the
best piece of pie I ever ate.

There's more.

Mm, no, thanks. Just
plain couldn't hold any more.


No, thanks.

You did just fine.

Your ma taught you real good.

Thank you, Mr. Willis.

Oh, Pa, I near forgot.

We lost two of our
chickens this afternoon.


Wolf or coyote?

Well, I couldn't find no tracks,

but it didn't leave any blood
like a coyote might leave.

I figured it was a man.

Well, we'd better
keep our eyes open

if there's somebody around here.

You mind if I clear the
table now, Mr. Willis?

Now, you just rest
yourself, Annie.

You've had a hard day.

Jeb and I'll clean up.

Hello! The house!

Who could that be?

Good evening to you.


I'm just a poor man
travelin' with my young'uns.

Name's Hack.

You lost, Mr. Hack?

No, sir, just passin' by,

lookin' for a place
to rest our bones.

This here's Maybelle...

and them's my boys,
Orville and Lonnie.

Uh, anything we can do for you?

That's a fine-looking
young man there.

Is he your boy?

I said, do you want anything?

Yes, sir, as a
matter of fact, I do.

I ain't never been one
to ask a favor, mind you,

but there comes a
time when a body

just don't have no choice.

Not if he's given to worryin'
about his children like I do.

If you want something,
mister, come right out with it.

Uh, truth is, we're plumb
out of coffee and, uh, flour.

If you could see your way
to, uh, lendin' us some, I...

Get 'em some, Jeb.

Yes, Pa.

Fine boy, that.

A delight to your old age.

Where you heading?

I'm searchin' a place to
make a home for me and mine.

Of course, for tonight,
I'd settle for a place

to keep out the damp
from my old bones.

Well, there's a cottonwood
grove about a mile on.

Well, now, I'm obliged.

And I'm grateful
for your kindness.

If there was a chore
to do, Orville here'd be

glad to work it off,
wouldn't you, Orville?

I'd be obliged.

No need.

Can you tell me how
far it is to the next town?

Well, Dodge is about a
day's ride back that way.

And there's a place called
Mead about half a day on.

I been to Dodge.

Didn't cotton to it.

I reckon we can,
uh, stock up in Mead.

Oh, thank you, boy.

Thank you.

Oh, I see you got
a daughter, too.

No, she's not my daughter.

A good evenin' to you, sir.


That's the meanest-looking
lot I've seen in a long while.

Yeah, there's something
wrong with that old man.

All of 'em give me the shivers.

Well, they'll camp out tonight,
probably be gone in the morning.

♪ Doo-doo, doo-doo,
doo-doo-doo ♪

♪ Dee-dee, do-do-do,
dee-do, do-do... ♪

Yes, sir, this is a
mighty fine farm.

And big, too.

Take a heap of work
to run a place like this.

I figure maybe
it'd suit us just fine.

What are you thinkin' of, Pa?

We've been lookin' for
a place to settle down

a long while now, and I
think this just might be it.

How we gonna afford to
buy any piece of that ranch?

You got us robbed of the last
two dollars we had, remember?

I ain't talkin' about
buyin' nothing.

Then how in the world we
gonna get us a piece of land, Pa?

If'n we was

part of that family...
Kinfolk, you might say...

That old man'd sure
want to take care of us.

What you gettin' at, Pa?

That boy back there had an eye

for our Maybelle here.

He didn't hardly
look at me once.

Come to think of
it, that old farm boy

was eyein' you, Maybelle.

He weren't, neither.

B-Besides, that there girl
was probably his intended.


if he got to know our
Maybelle real good...


You shut your mouth!

You ought to be
proud of your old pa,

figurin' out a way to make
things easier for you all.

Yes, sir, I made up my mind.

We ain't gonna move on.

But what if he don't want
to marry up with her, Pa?

He'll want to.

You leave that to me.

♪ Ha, ha, you and me ♪

♪ Little brown jug,
don't I love thee? ♪

♪ Ha, ha, ha, you and me ♪

♪ Little brown jug ♪

♪ Don't I love thee? ♪

Good grief!

Oh, Miss Kitty, Marshal,

I'm sorry, I didn't
hear you coming.

Well, no wonder, Louie,
with all that singing

and flooding the
place you're doing here.

Getting her done,
though, ain't I?

Yeah, you're doing just fine.

Ooh, oh, oh, oh,
wait, Miss Kitty.

I guess...

I washed off more things
than I even intended.

There, now. Sit down.

Thank you.

Louie, you certainly
are in good spirits.

You must have
stayed sober last night.

Well, hardly, Marshal.

Hank and me had
a real good time.

Kind of making up time,
if you know what I mean.

Hank who?

Hank Dooley.

I haven't spoke to him in...

oh, a month or so.

Yeah, I know. He's that fella

that washes dishes
down at Delmonico's.

That's right.

Oh, I didn't even
know he was gone.

He ain't been away.

He's been here all the time.

It's just that I
ain't spoke to him.

How come, if you're
such good friends?

Well, Miss Kitty...

Do you remember some
time back when I quit drinking?

I can remember 100 times.

That's when Hank and
me had a falling out.

See, as far back as I can
remember, I never seen Hank

and drawed a sober
breath at the same time.

He always seemed
to be a charming fella,

full of jokes and grand ideas.

Then one night,
after I swore off drink,

I met him stone sober.

What happened?

I couldn't stand him.

And I told him so.

He took offense,

and I didn't talk to him
again until last night.

Everything's fine
now, though, huh?

Right as rain.


appears like I'm
through here, Marshal.

Let me know when
you need me again.

Odd jobs and
fixing up, you know.

I will, Louie, and don't
forget, you're going to look

after the place for me
while I'm gone, now.

Right, Marshal.

Bye, Miss Kitty.

Bye, Louie.

Well, I guess, uh,

Louie's what you might
call a social drinker now.


I keep wishing that some day
he'd give up drinking for good.

Well, maybe he will, Kitty.

You ready?

Yeah, just about.

When do you
think you'll be back?

Well, if I don't get rained out,

I should be back
in three or four days.

It's not far to Mead, you know.

Mm. By the way, did I,
um, thank you for breakfast?

Well, no, but you can, uh,

buy me a free drink
soon as I get back.

That's a bargain.




Marshal Dillon.

Well, Jeb!

This your place?

Well, it's Pa's and
mine. Step down.

Well... didn't expect
to see you out here.

I just stopped by to see
if I could water my horse.

Why, sure. Oh,
Marshal, this is Annie.

How do?

Why, did you get married, Jeb?

Oh, no, I ain't married to her.

Well, what I mean is, uh...

she's just staying
with us... Pa and me.

I'm Annie McGovern,

- Marshal Dillon.
- How do, Annie?

Well, where you headed for?

I'm going up to Mead.

You after somebody?

No, I'm just gonna deliver some
papers to the sheriff up there.

Could you stay a spell?
Maybe take supper with us?

Pa'll be back about dark.
He's checking fence right now.

Well, I don't know, uh...

It'd be after midnight
when you got to Mead.

Well, that's right.

You might as
well stay the night.

No point taking a chance
on breaking your horse's leg

in a prairie dog
hole in the dark.

Well, you sure I wouldn't
be putting you out any?

No, sir. We'd be
proud to have you.

All right, thanks.

Uh, Annie, you just
take the marshal in

and heat up some coffee,

and I'll take care of your
horse and be right in.

All right, Jeb.

Pa, I don't want to go up there.

Now stop sassin' me!

You'll do what I tell
you when I tell you!

And I don't want to
hear any more talk.

But Pa, I...

Now, you get on that horse,
and don't you come back here

unless you got that farm boy
with you, you understand? Huh?!

Yes, Pa.

And if you've got any
ideas about runnin' off,

not coming back,
just forget 'em.

Now get!

Maybelle... you
go wash your face.

Wash it good, too.

I want you looking...

I want you looking good for him.

Pa, please!

Oh, what's ailin' you now?

It's just I...

I never thought about
gettin' married this way.

Ah, you'll have a
preacher and all.

I aim to do this right.

Pa, I don't even know that
boy. I don't even know him!

Now don't start spewlin',
or I'll give you reason to.

Now, go do what I told you!

Yes, Pa.

Wash them hands, too.

Hey, Pa?


You think it'll work?

Will he marry her, I mean?

He'll marry her, right enough.

I waited all my
life for this chance,

and I ain't gonna lose it now.

Yes, sir.

Marshal Dillon figured Annie
and me for being married.

I don't know that there's
anything so strange about that.

Are you married, Mr. Dillon?

No, Annie, I'm not.

And if single life is
good enough for him,

it ought to be good
enough for me.

Well, everybody's got
their own lives to lead.

Can't plan them to be
like somebody else's.

Right, Marshal?

That's the truth.

More coffee, Marshal?

Thank you.

Now what?


Well, don't tell me you've run
out of coffee and flour already?

Uh, no, sir, it ain't that.

I-I just want a word with him.

With Jeb?

Yes, sir.

What do you want with me?

Uh, it's Pa, my pa.

He's got business
to talk with you.

Well, what kind of business?

Well, I don't rightly know.

Pa said he'd tell the
boy when he come.

I can't figure on any
business I'd have with your pa.

Well, he told me to fetch you.

Well, I'm sorry,
but I ain't going.

Well, you got to.

You just got to.

What exactly does your pa want?

It ain't exactly
what my pa wants.

It's like what my sister wants.

- Your sister?
- Maybelle.

I can't tell you what
it's about, but Pa will.

Well, none of this
make any sense,

but if your pa and sister
have got business with us,

you can tell 'em they
can come up here.

Then you ain't coming?



I think maybe I know where
two of our chickens got to now.

Yeah, you may be right.

Well, where's he at?

He wouldn't come, Pa.

Wouldn't come? Why not?

He just wouldn't, that's all.

Well, that ain't no answer, boy.

Did you tell him it was
about our Maybelle?

Yes, sir, but that didn't
seem to make no difference.

Well, I can't figure him

not being interested
in a Hack woman,

especially one so
pretty as your sister.

I figure he wouldn't come

on account of that farm
girl they got up there.

Well, no man would
want to marry up

with a pale-eyed
wench like that.

Well, maybe he likes her.

Well, it don't matter
none what he likes.

He's gonna marry Maybelle.

I want my part of that
farm, and I aim to get it!


Yeah, Pa?

Come over here!

Come dark, I want you to
ride out to that farmhouse.

What for?

It could just be
Orville's right.

It could just be that farm
girl is getting in our way.

Why am I riding over there?

'Cause you're going
to steal that girl off.

Steal her off?

That's right.

There ain't no
real need to k*ll her.

It would serve as well
if we just carried her out

to the country ten,
20 miles and left her.

Pa, that's a terrible thing.

That might k*ll her just as
easy as putting a b*llet in her.

You might just
be right, Maybelle.

Ain't there some other way, Pa?

No, there ain't no other
way! You'll do what I say.

I swear I don't know what
gets into you young'uns.

Why me? Why can't Orville do it?

'Cause you're smaller than
him, and you don't move around

like you had two tubs
of butter on your feet.

But Pa, that old
man might sh**t me.

I didn't say go up to the
house and tell 'em you're there.

Sneak up on 'em, boy.

Great toads, I got to do
your thinkin' for you, too.

Soon as I put the dumplings
on, supper'll be ready.


Now plan on what
you're gonna do, Lonnie.

Stop being a lunky-head.


You about through
out there, Annie?

Just about.

We could have given you a hand.

Oh, I don't mind.

This is woman's work.

Besides, you got company.

That's Annie!

Stay back!

Did you k*ll him, Marshal?

- Yeah.
- Good.

You better get back to your pa.

There's no hurry to get
back to him now, Marshal.

I'm sorry, Jeb.

I don't think he ever
knew what happened.

It was that quick.

You'd better get
back to Annie, then.

She's gonna need you.


You Mr. Hack?

That's my name.

Is he hurt bad?

He's dead.

Lonnie's dead?

What happened?

I shot him.

Just who are you, mister?

My name's Dillon. I'm a
United States marshal.

Oh. I heard of you.

Lay him down gentle, Orville.

What'd he do, Marshal,
that you had to sh**t him?

He k*lled a man named Willis.

Oh, no. That nice old fella.

Now why would Lonnie
go and do a thing like that?

I was hoping you could tell me.

I knew he would come
to a bad end one day.

If I told him once, I told
him a hundred times...

"Evil is as evil does."

You can't tell me
anything then, huh?

Except to say "bad seed,"
there ain't another thing

I can tell you.

"Bad seed?"

Lonnie always was
a trial and a tribulation

to me and to his brother
and his little sister.

He was forever doing bad things.

I can't tell you the sorry
times he's caused us.

He was the shame of our lives.

Ain't that so, children?

It seems like Lonnie's dying

is a kind of a blessing,
you might say.

A blessing?

Him being took from temptation.

It must be for the best.

You were over at
the house earlier.

Yes, sir. Pa sent me.

You see, Marshal, I-I had it
in mind to strike a proposition.


My children have
always had a hankering

for a piece of
land to I-live on.

They want to work it and
make a decent livin' off'n it.

And we-we... we thought
to talk it over some.

Why didn't you come yourself?

Well, I'm a plain man, Marshal.

Orville here is better
with words than me.

He said it was something
to do with your daughter.

He didn't!

What in the world did you
mention your sister's name for?

You make it sound like she
was some kind of a loose woman.

Like you was usin' her for bait.

Oh, I-I'm truly shamed.

I don't know what this is all
about, but I do know one thing.

I want you out of
here by morning.

Packed up and gone,
the whole bunch of you.

And we will be, Marshal.

We'll just take time to bury our
wayward boy, and we'll be gone.

We'll leave our shame
behind us, and no regrets.

If I wasn't a gentle
man at heart,

it would be pure pleasure to
put a b*llet through his neck.


He ain't got no respect
for a grieving family,

telling you to move on
when your youngest lies there

torn and twisted, shot
down in the prime of life.

But Lonnie k*lled a man, Pa.

Oh, who cares about that?

If that Marshal
crosses me again,

if he gets in my
way one more time,

I'll take an ax to
him, and that's a fact.

Pa, let's leave.
Let's get out of here.


You ain't planning on
stayin' here now, are you?

I am.

Pa, if he comes
back here tomorrow

and finds us still here,
we'll catch it for fair.

Oh, we'll break camp, all right.

But we ain't
leaving these parts.

Not when I'm so close
to gettin' what I want.

We can't hide forever.

We don't have to.

We'll just wait till that
nosey marshal moves on,

and then we'll set about gettin'
our hands on that there farm.


maybe I'm seeing
you for the first time.

You're rotten clear through.

Did I hear you right, boy?

You did.

Not one gentle
thought for Lonnie.

No thought at all.

All you can think
about is your wants,

and your son lyin' dead so
close you could stumble on him!

Don't try it, Pa.

You're right, boy.

I've been selfish.

Now put that thing away,
and we'll have a family talk.

Don't push me, Pa!

You reach for that
g*n, and I'll sh**t.

I reckon you would.

I'm leaving.

I'm ridin' out of here tonight.

Leaving? What about our farm?

Who's gonna work it with me?

However it's done,
it'll be without me.

Now, turn around.

Maybelle, collect
your gatherings.

We're ridin' out of here.

Your sister ain't no turncoat.

She ain't going to desert her
poor old pa in his time of need.

She'll make up her
mind without your help.

You stay right
where you are, girl.

You don't have to listen
to him, not no more.

You heard what I said, Maybelle!

What's the matter with
you? You coming or not?

Maybelle, think of
me, your poor old Pa.

Now make up your mind.

I'm leaving.

I ain't goin' with you.

You sure?

I'm sure.

I'm sorry for you.

Truly sorry.

I'm glad you
didn't ride with him.

Now it's just you and me.

You're the only one who ever
amounted to anything, anyway.

Them two boys was
always a shiftless lot.

Now we're gonna
get us that farm.

If you say so, Pa.

I say so.

Like I told you, we'll
move out of here,

hide the wagon.

That marshal will be gone
soon, and when he leaves...

well, you'll see.

What if he don't leave, Pa?

Marshals die just
like anybody else.

Now, you start breakin' camp.

I'll tend to Lonnie.

Pa made it through
Indian trouble,

through the cholera
that took Ma... and more.

Makes his dying seem
all the more waste,

happening the way it did.

There is no right or
wrong in dying, Jeb.

Pa was a peaceful man,

but he wasn't
afraid of anything.

Those terrible people.

If only they hadn't stopped by.

I think I'll stop by their
place, be sure they've gone.

I'll ride out with you.

You go on up to the house,

and put up some
food for the marshal.

He'll be riding on to
Mead when we get back.

All right.

We'll be back directly.

You're not welcome here.

You, or any of your family.

I understand that.

I-I seen you at the grave.

But I've come to talk to you.

About what?

About the plan my pa has.

I'm not interested in any plan
that comes from you or your pa.

You people have
caused enough hurt.

I don't know
the right of it. I...

I only wish there was
something I could do

to make it up to you.

There isn't.

It's too late now.

You'd best ride on.

If you don't listen to me now,

there's gonna be
a lot more dying.

You got to leave here!

Leave? Why?

If... if I was to
marry the boy, Jeb,

Pa figures he'd
have what he wants.

What makes him think
Jeb would marry you?

Pa says he'd find a way, if...

if only you wasn't here.

And that's why you got to leave.

If you don't, Pa'll take
matters in his own hands...

and a lot more
people'll be dead.


I'm all right.

What's she doing here?

She came to tell me to leave,

to tell me she was
going to marry you.

She what?!

Where's your pa?

He-he's around somewhere.

Let's go inside. I want
to hear more about this.

No, Marshal, I... I got to go...

Let's go inside.

Sit down.

Now, we just came from the grove

where your camp was,
and nobody's there.

I know.

Where are they?

Orville's gone.


He run off last night.

He... he said he
couldn't stand it no more.

Where'd he go to?


W-We all of us wanted to
go to Californy, except for Pa.

Now Orville's gone.

Where's your pa?

He's out there somewhere.

He's just waitin' for
me to come back.

Does he know you're here?

He sent me.

He told me to...

to run her off.

To do a better job of it than...

than Lonnie done.

You should've gone
with your brother.

I know...

but I was too feared of Pa.

Maybelle, girl,

what in the world
are you doing here?

I been lookin' for
you everywhere.

It was just pure luck
that I seen your horse

out in front.


Now, now, come on, girl.

You remember how I promised
the marshal here we'd be movin' on.

He'll think I'm
breakin' my word.


I did what I could.

We'll talk about
it later, child.

I tried.

I tried to do it so
no more's'd get hurt.

What's the matter with
you? Put that g*n down.

Not likely. And you...

It's on your head that
these people are dying.

- Pa, no! You can't!
- Oh, yes, I can.

I might as well hang
for a sheep as a lamb.

This boy won't marry you now.

How else do you figure
we'll get this place?

Pa, you can't k*ll 'em.

I'll k*ll you,
too, if I have to.

Pa, you...

One son dead...

another run off...

and a daughter that don't
care a fig about her Pa.

A thankless bunch of children,
after all I done for them.

Poor Pa.

He couldn't even be
honest when he was dying.

It was like...

like some kind of sickness,

wasn't it, Marshal?

Yeah, I guess it was.

Well, in the end, he...
got what he wanted.

He was always after a piece
of land to call all his own.

Well, I reckon
now he'll have it.

Can I go now, Marshal?


Where will you go, Maybelle?

Will you be all right alone?

I'll be fine.

I always wanted
to see Californy.

I guess now maybe I will.

Good luck, Maybelle.

Thank you.

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