09x26 - Caleb

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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09x26 - Caleb

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.



'Tain't much to show
for a season's growin'.

Enough for to buy
seed come plantin' time.

Corn would've
fetched a bigger price.

Could be.


How long you gonna be gone?

Well, just a few days, Kitty.

Long enough to get
Chad Follet into prison.

You're not gonna stay
for the hanging, then, huh?

Oh, not if I can help it.

How's he taking it?

Well, I think he's got some idea

that his brother, Lige,
is gonna get him out of it.

I haven't seen
Lige since the trial.

He's been staying out of Dodge.

That's not like him.

You know, I think this whole
thing is on his conscience,

Chad trying to be like him.

There's only one difference:
Lige hasn't been caught yet.

- All he needs is time.
- Yeah.

Well, I better get started.

- Mm.
- Thanks for the coffee.

- You're welcome.
- Hello, Matt.

- Hello, Doc.
- Hello, Doc. -Kitty.

- So, going to Hays, huh?
- Yeah.

Guess you thought Lige Follet
was gonna stay out of town, huh?

Well, I was hoping
he would. Why?

He's out there in the street,

right across from
your office right now.

Well, see you later.

Sit down, Doc.

- How about some coffee?
- Yeah, fine.

Freddie, bring us
another cup here, please.

Golly, he should've taken
my advice in the first place

and locked that
Lige Follet up, too.

This has got to be quick, Caleb.

I'm awful... busy in there.

Well, it won't take but
a minute, Mr. Jonas.

I got... 14 bushels here,

and they're field-fresh, too.

You know, potatoes ain't
bringing the price they did.


Haven't seen you
two in quite a spell.

Yeah. Well, chores and all.

There ain't all that
much in Dodge for us.

They all like this?

Well, uh, lack of
rain and all, you see.

Kind of stunted.

Yeah. The... first
of the season.

14 bushels, you say?

Yes, sir.

I'll give you $20
for the lot of them.

Oh, well, no, I-I
was hoping for...

Best I can do.

Well, that won't
cover the cost of seed

for next planting, Mr. Jonas.

I'm sorry, Caleb, but $20 is
it. Now, if that ain't enough...

Oh, no, wait a minute, M...

All right.

That'll do.

Well... put 'em in here.

When you get finished,
come to the store, I'll pay you.

I need some salt and things.


- Hello, Quint.
- Hello, Matt.

Well, what are you doing here?

Well, I brought
Follet's horse over.

He said he owes me for
boarding it a couple of days.

I see.

I've been thinking about
closing up shop for a little while,

maybe, uh, going
to Hays City with you.

What do you think?

That was kind of
sudden, isn't it?

Well, business has been
kind of slacking off lately.


You, uh, see who's
across the street?

Yeah, I saw.

What are you gonna do about it?

Quint, there isn't
much I can do about it.

Well, those two brothers
been mighty close, Matt.

You go out on that street,

and Lige is gonna
take a shot at you.

If not out there,
on the way to Hays.

Could be.

- Quint, will you do me a favor?
- Sure.

Get Chad out of there, put these
on him and bring him outside?

All right.

I'm not gonna let you take my
brother to get hanged, Marshal.

Your brother k*lled a man,
Lige; he's gonna have to pay for it.

That one needed k*lling.

How about the others? How many?

I haven't bothered counting.

Now, you go on home.
You go back to your ranch.

My brother ain't gonna hang.

You're not gonna
get in the way, Lige.

If he dies, Marshal, so do you.

Ain't gonna do you
no good to lock me up.

It'll be the same when
you turn me loose.

I'm gonna k*ll you, Marshal.

Get going.

Guess I won't be
closing up shop after all.

Look, throw him in
jail for me, will you,

let him go in a
couple of days, Quint?

Keep an eye on things
for me while I'm gone?


I meant what I said, Marshal.

Lige, help me. I
don't want to hang.

Now, you take care,
boy, and don't fret.

I'll set things straight.

Come on.





Can't see for looking,
can you, dog, dog, dog?

Planking round the well
pump needs mending.

So does the chimney...
The stove's smoking again.

You know how old I am, Dorcas?


I asked you if you...
knew how old I am.

I'm 43 years old.

I'm an old man already.

And I ain't never lived.

You ailing?

Think there's got to be more
for me than what I've seen.

What are you talking about?


all my life this
is all I've known.

- So?
- I worked my pa's farm

from the time I can
remember until...

Until what?

Say it.

Did marrying mean
all that to you?

It was as much your
sin as it was mine.

A sin dead and buried.

Well, maybe things
would've different

if there had been a young'un.

Left to you, we'd have
had a whole houseful of 'em.

Well, would it have
been all that bad?

- Yes, it would.
- Well, why?

It's one thing to
dream of young ones,

it's another to have 'em.

All they add to is more cooking,
more scrubbing, more chores.

No, that ain't no fair
way to talk, Dorcas.

Fair talk or no, we got just
what we was meant to have

right from the start.

Well, I can't believe that.

I just can't.

Think there's got to be
more than this for me.

- More than what?
- Well, living the way we do.

It ain't really living at all.

Seems like our lives
are just blowing away

with the wind and the dust.

A little bit faster every day.

You see any way
to make it different?

You're a dreamer, Caleb.

Oh, I seen you, looking
out over the fields,

the far hills... there ain't
anything out there for you.

Maybe there is, though.

Caleb, listen to me.

The Good Lord marks
out certain men in this world

to amount to
something, and they do,

there's no two ways about it.

The others...

Are you saying I'm
one of them others?

You're doing the saying, not me.

Well, I just can't believe
that kind of thinking.

The Lord don't turn
his back on nobody.

- I just can't believe that.
- Well, maybe you don't.

But it's sure proving
out around here, ain't it?

20 years you've been trying
to dig a farm out of this dust,

and you ain't got
the job done yet.

Way down...

you don't like me much, do you?

What I feel about
you don't matter.

There's nothing to be
done about it anyway.

We're married,
we got each other,

thick or thin, from here on out.

Well, maybe...

maybe I go to Dodge,

I'll get me a job, things'd
be better, even for us.

You? In Dodge?

Who'd have you?

You don't know a trade.

I could learn.

Can't fix the packin' on a
pump, keep a stove from smokin'.

It's a big world
out there, Caleb.

You'd never last. It'd beat you.

You'd come crawling home.

So go on with your dreaming.

It's the only place you'll
ever amount to anything.

Face it, Caleb...

you're a failure.



Maybe I won't be
here in the morning.

I don't know that it'd make
a whole lot of difference.

I mean it.

I might be gone.

I don't think so.


Oh, dog, dog, dog.


If you're smart, Lige,

you'll go back to your
ranch and stay there.

Just as soon as I settle
things with the marshal.

It's the court that hanged
your brother, not the marshal.

He was the one
that arrested him.

If I remember right, it
was m*rder, wasn't it?

What happens between
us is no concern of yours.

I might make it my concern.

That would suit
me fine, half-breed.



What you doing in Dodge?

I just come.

Well, you was here
just a couple days ago.

I come here to stay this time.

- Stay?
- That's right.

What, did you sell
your place out there?

Oh, no. My wife's gonna
keep on living out there.


I see.

Bye, Mr. Jonas.


- Help you?
- Oh, uh, is the marshal in?

No, he's gone out of
town a couple of days.

Oh. Well, thank you.

Something on your mind?

Uh, well...

no, I just... I just wanted
to pay my respects.

Pay your respects?

That's right.

I seen what he done the
other day on the street,

the way he handled
that... that Follet fella.

Oh, that was fine.

That was... that was just fine.


Uh, I...

Kind of hard to explain, but...

I Just... sort of felt

I just wanted to shake his hand.

He-He's the kind of man
you'd be proud to be a friend to,

'cause he amounts to something.

Yeah, well, uh, most
people feel that way.

Oh, sure. Sure, they do.

Well... there's time.

I'll... I'll come back.

Thank you.

- Good day.
- Good day.



- Oh!
- Oh.

Ma'am, oh, I am sorry, ma'am.

It's all right.

I hope I didn't hurt you none.

Nobody's hurt;
just give me that.

I'm always being clumsy.

- Could I help you with those?
- I can manage.

No, I didn't mean
nothing by that, ma'am.

I just thought
that with all them...

I know exactly what you
thought, but you're wrong.

- Now, if you'll just...
- No, truly, ma'am,

I-I meant no offense.

Okay, forget it.

I can manage, really.

Thank you just the same.

Yes, ma'am.



How's it coming?

I'm afraid not so good.

Can I give you a hand?

Think you can fix it, mister?

Well, I spent half my
life patching things

and the other half
mending the patches.

The wheel won't stay on.

Yeah, well, let's
take a look here.

Will it fix?

We'll just make it fix.

It's always falling off.

Yeah, well, a
three-wheeled wagon

ain't much good, is it?

- No.
- It makes a bumpy ride.

I reckon it does.

You live hereabouts?

Just passing through.

Laying over while
Pa has the team shod.

We're from Ohio.

Oh, you don't say?

Yup. We're going to California.

My, that's a long way off.

Not when you go a
little ways at a time.

That's so, ain't it?

You ever been to California?

No, I'm afraid not. I never
been any more than 50 miles

in any direction in all my life

from where we're
sitting right now.

You ought to go sometime.

Pa says it's real pretty.

Well, I've gone my
little way for now.

Maybe someday.

Now, let's see if
this is gonna work.

- Yup. She's finished.
- Boy.

Now let's see if she works.

In you go. There.

Good as new, mister. Thanks.

- You're welcome.
- Well, bye.

- Bye.
- Thanks a lot, mister.

You're welcome, son. Bye.



What'll you have, mister?



How much is it?

Ten cents.

Beer, please.

Thank you.

Help yourself.

But... how-how mu...

Oh, go on, help
yourself. It's free.


Well, it worries me.

It's just a bad
situation all around.

Any way you look at
it, you shouldn't have...

You shouldn't have let him out.

You act as if it was my idea.

Well, no, I'm just making a
plain simple statement of fact.

He's over at Delmonico's;
you heard what he said.

- Yeah, I heard him.
- Well, that's what I mean.

Well, what do you want
me to do, lock him up again?

Lock who up?

Why don't you sit down, Kitty?

What are you two arguing about?

Well, he went and let Lige
Follet out of jail this morning.

Now Lige is over at Delmonico's,
and he's sh**ting off his mouth

and making the same
threats he did, you know.

- What'd you do that for?
- 'Cause Matt asked me to.

Told me to keep him for two days

and let him out,
and that's what I did.

Well, Matt's usually
right about these things.

Well, sometimes I doubt that,

and this is one of the times.

When's Matt coming
back? Did he tell you at all?

Well, he should
be back tomorrow.

Shouldn't have let him out.

I'll tell you what, Doc.

Why don't you go ask Lige
Follet if he'll please go back to jail?

Oh, shut up.

Why don't I buy you boys a beer?



- Whiskey?
- Fine.


I'm going to bed.

Good night.

You made him mad.

I never seen him any other way.

Good evening.

Good evening, mister.
You leaving so soon?

Oh, no, no, I just, uh...

Well, then sit down. I'll
let you buy me a drink.


I haven't seen you in here
before. You new in Dodge?

Oh, no, ma'am. No, I
lived here all my life.

I've got me a farm a
short way from town.

Oh? Well, now,
how about that drink?

What'll you have?

Yes, uh, uh, two beers, please.


Oh, now, wait a minute, mister.

- I don't...
- I'm sorry, ma'am.

Whatever you want then.

Well, that's better.

I have seen you before.

Yes, ma'am.

You're the one I bumped
into this afternoon.

Oh, now, ma'am,
that was my doing.

The man said two beers, Freddie.


I guess I owe you an apology.

Oh, no, ma'am. Do
you want a whiskey?

- I'll buy you a whiskey.
- Beer's fine.

I sure did have
you figured wrong.


My name's Julie. What's yours?

Uh, Caleb, ma'am, Caleb Marr.

Well, my.

I'm pleased you sat with me.

Well, thank you, Caleb.

Sure is a rousing
time in here, isn't it?

Oh, they manage to
make themselves think

they're having fun.

You in town on business?

No, I'm here...

just to be here.

Good for you.

Thank you very much.

Well, here's to...

just being here.

Miss Julie,

I think it's only
right that I say it.


I'm a married man.

Well, now, Caleb, I'm...

I'm glad you told me.

I think your wife's lucky
to have a man like you.

No, it ain't so.

It ain't been right with
us for a long time now.

That happens, I guess.

It's partly why I'm here.

You could say it's partly the
marshal's doing, too, I reckon.

Marshal Dillon?

Well, uh... I can't
rightly say it in words,

Miss Julie, but, uh, well,

I ain't done much with my life,

and I reckon

it'd have made no
difference to nobody

if I'd never lived or not.

And my coming here
won't change that.

But, uh, well,

a couple of days ago,

I seen him, the marshal,

do something.

I'm a man, too, Miss Julie.

Well, maybe if it
takes saying, it ain't so.

I don't know. But a
man's got to feel that he...

means something,

if only to himself.

I do run on, and to a body

I don't even know.

It's a compliment, Caleb.

Oh, well, I reckon
that what I said

just don't make no sense,

but it's scary, Miss Julie,

feeling this way

and not rightly being sure

just what to do.


Good evening, Julie.

Hello, Lige.

How about a drink?

Uh, not right now, thanks.

Got a full bottle.

Half of it is yours.

Me and the lady is talking.

Well, now, side buster, I
know it's mighty important,

but I wasn't inviting you.

Well, you got your answer.

Don't you get
hard-nosed with me.

Now listen, you.

You go find somebody
else to drink with.

You mind who you're talking to.

- Leave him alone, Lige.
- Leave him alone?

He's the one getting mouthy.

You're the one that said them
things about Marshal Dillon.

- Trouble, Julie?
- Only with this plow pusher.

I don't like his
kind butting in.

I don't care what you like.

Why don't you take your
bottle someplace else, Follet?

- Someplace outside the Long Branch.
- Why?

Well, it so happens there's
some things about you

that I don't like, either.

Like what's between me

and that marshal
friend of yours?

Now, you heard her. You get out.

- You shut up.
- Out!

All right,

but we'll take this up
another time, mister.

I never done that
in my whole life.


Hey, get up.

Get up.

I didn't mean no harm.

What are you doing here?

Well, I figured I'd be gone
by the time you opened, Moss.

Yeah, but how
come you slept here?

Well, I didn't have the what
all to pay for a room, so I...

Well, I don't mind,

but it's just a surprise
coming on you here.

Say, was you drunk last night?


They say you gave Lige
Follet a toning down last night.

Oh, well, no, no. I just...

Folks say that you stood
up and faced him right good.

Now, Moss...

Did me good to hear it, Caleb.

I'm just that pleased
about the whole thing.

Moss, I don't want you
to get the wrong idea.

Now, you don't
need to say anything.

I heard the whole thing.

You did?

Yes, sir.

And you know, when
he's pushed to it,

there's no telling
what's inside a man.

Thanks, Moss.

Well, good morning, Caleb.


Understand I missed out
on some big doings last night.

- That so?
- Over at the Long Branch.


Well, I'll say one thing.

I never figured you
for the likes of that.

- You didn't?
- Well, now, don't get me wrong, Caleb,

but I have known you
for a good many years,

and, well, the thing
you said to Follet...

Wasn't all that much.

Well, not every man
would've done what you did.

Well, you're making more
out of it than what it was.

I ain't making nothing. I'm
just going on what I heard.

Well, I... guess I'll go get
myself some breakfast.

- Yeah.
- Hmm?

That coffee ready yet, Sam?

It'll be a few more
minutes, Miss Kitty.

Oh, good morning, Sam.

Good morning, Doc.


Morning, Doc. What
brings you out so early?

Well, I wanted to
ask you something.

Oh, you're gonna be busy, huh?

Just counting the money.

Well, I hear I left a
little early last night.

You had some excitement, huh?

What are you talking about?

Well, everybody tells me

that Caleb Marr told off
Lige Follet in here pretty good.

They had a little quarrel.

Well, when anybody
has a little quarrel

with Lige Follet,
they usually get hurt.

Well, I don't know
Caleb Marr too well,

but he sure didn't seem
very concerned to me.

Well, I know Caleb
Marr pretty well,

and he's just an
old dirt farmer, Kitty.

Kind of timid,
you know, at that.

That's what makes it so
surprising to me. I just...

Was he drinking?

Caleb, I mean?

Beer. Sure wasn't
whiskey talking.

Well, you know Lige
Follet well enough to know

that he's not gonna let
anybody make a fool out of him

for very long.



Oh, Miss Julie.

Last night, you-you
said you were a man.

In a way, you showed it.

Oh, Miss Julie,
I didn't really...

I want to know just what kind
of a man you think you are.


Lige Follet's coming this way.

I expected.

He's mean... and he
gauges a man only one way.


That doesn't mean he's right,

or-or that your meaning
has to be the same as his.

Yes, ma'am.

He can't force anything
if you don't wear a g*n.

Oh, I know.

So don't let him force
you into something foolish.

Just remember, Caleb,

a real man makes his
dying count for something.

I've been looking for you.

I figured you would be.

And supposing we take
up where we left off, huh?

Well, it's over and done.

Oh, no, it ain't.

Not with what's being said
around this town, it ain't.

You know the truth
of it as well as me.

The truth is, sod buster,

we're gonna finish
it right here and now.

I can't fight you.

Oh, I'd have thought different,

with all them things
you had to say last night.

What do you want?

You made a fool out of me.
What do you suppose I want?

I ain't never wore a
g*n in my whole life.


Then you really don't have much

to back up all that
talk of yours, do you?

Nothing but what I believe.

And that's what?

I'm waiting.


I was... I was wrong

to say the things that I did.


That I was wrong

to say the things that I did.

All right, sod buster, we'll...

we'll forget about
the whole thing,

but you ever look
crossways at me,

and I'll stomp you
good, do you hear?



you did the right thing.

Did I?

It would've been stupid
to let it go any further.

I backed down

'cause I was scared.

Not because what you said,

but because I was scared.


No, I am sorry, Caleb,
that's just the way it is.

Well, I just thought you could
use some help around the store.

Yeah, if... if I need
help, I'll let you know.

Now, move on. You're
blocking the way.

I'm sorry.

Afternoon, Doc.

What's the matter with you?

Nothing. Why?

Well, Caleb "blocking the way."

What do you mean,
talking to him like that?

Oh. Doc, I cannot stand a man

who pretends to be
something he ain't.

Well, now, what's that
supposed to mean?

Well, you heard what happened
at the Long Branch last night?

Well, yes.

Nobody told you what
happened this morning?

Just about everybody
in town, yeah.

- Well...
- Well, what?

Doc, Caleb Marr is a fraud!

You make me sick.

Now, what did I do?



Dr. Adams.

Now, I just want you to know

that not everybody in this town
is as hardheaded as old Jonas.

- I understand.
- Well...

Why don't you just go
on back to the farm?

No, I can't do that.

Well, why not? It's your home.

Well, no, it's just one more
way of proving what I ain't.

Well, I don't know
what you mean by that.

Dorcas is right... There
is no place for me to go.

Well, you just can't wander
around on the street now.

I appreciate what
you're doing, Doc.

Well, I'm not doing
anything except...

Please, will you leave me be?

No-no offense, mind you, but...




Come on, dog.

Well, come on here, boy.

Well, you come looking
for me, didn't you, huh?

Well, good dog.

Good dog.



Hello, Marshal.

Well, hello, Billy.

Say, Moss ain't here tonight;
I'm watching things for him.

Sure good having you back.

Well, it's good to
be back, I'll tell you.

You sound pretty tired.

I am.

Billy, would you give
him a little extra grain?

He's kind of tired, too.

Okay, I'll do it.

- Night.
- Good night.


Who is it?

It's Caleb Marr.

- Oh, Caleb?
- Are you going back to your office?


Well, you mind if I
walk along with you?

Not at all.

So, what are you doing
in town this time of night?

Well, I'm living in
town now, Marshal.

Oh, did you give up your place?

No, no, I didn't, but
there's some things

I wanted to talk to you about.

That is, if you can
spare me the time.

- Sure.
- Hold it, Marshal.

Don't you move a muscle.

I've been waiting
for you to come back.

I might have figured
you'd been here, Follet.

Only I didn't think you were
gonna make it so easy for me.

I didn't figure
you'd press it so far.

Is that a fact?

Don't drop the gear, Marshal.

I'll let you know when.

You may get a shot
off, but I doubt it.

That'd be m*rder.

You shut up.

All right, Marshal.

I'll be fair.

I'll give you a count of three.

That's your idea of fair, huh?

It's a better chance
than you gave my brother.

One, two...


Caleb, don't you worry.
You just rest easy.

We'll get you up to Doc's.

What happened, Marshal?

He stepped right
in front of the b*llet

when-when Follet shot.

Miss Julie?



It counted for something.

Didn't it?

Yes, Caleb, it...

it did.


Dog, dog.


Did you know him well, Julie?

Not too well.

It's a funny thing. He...

He said he wanted
to tell me something.

I wonder what it was.

I think I know.



you were the kind of man

he wanted to be.

I see.

It was important
to him, Marshal.

Very important.
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