09x28 - Bently

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
Post Reply

09x28 - Bently

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

Clara... where you going?

You need attention, Ned.

You ain't going into Dodge.

I can't just sit by.

They've caused you enough hurt.

You ain't going in!


They'll only do you harm!

They hate us, Clara!


Well, Mr. Dillon, I
think while you're gone,

I'll just give this place
a good old scrubbing.

Needs a little paint, too.

Well, now wait a
minute, Chester.

Don't get anything
too big started.

I'm only gonna be gone a
couple of days, you know.

Well, you never can tell.

Last time that you
was up at Platte,

them people kept
you there three weeks.

Yeah, but this isn't
gonna be that way.

Now, listen, would you
have Quint fix the lock

on that rear cell
while I'm gone?

Oh, yeah, I sure will.

Mr. Dillon, look.

That's Clara Wright.

Why don't you get out of town?

We don't want your
kind around Dodge!

- Yeah! -Yeah!
- That's right!

I need a doctor!

My husband's sick.

You ain't welcome here!

You was told that
three months ago!

We told her!

We don't need her!

We know about you!

What's going on, Mrs. Crown?

There's some of us, Marshal,
don't take to the notion

of a m*rder*r's wife
walking around Dodge

free and easy, like decent folk.

She has as much right

to walk the streets of
Dodge as anybody does.

Now why don't you folks mind
your business and go on home?

What is it, Mrs. Wright?

I just wanted to
fetch the doctor.

They wouldn't let me pass.

Is your husband sick
again, Mrs. Wright?

I think Ned's dying.

I... I ran in all the way.

Why don't you get her
up to Doc's, Chester?

Yeah, Doc will have him
up and about in no time.


Mr. Calvin, Mrs. Calvin.


Most people in Dodge
side with Mrs. Crown.

Well, now, you know
Ned Wright had a fair trial.

The jury found him innocent.

Yes, I know.

A lot of people thought
he was turned loose

because he was a
dying man anyway.

Mr. Calvin, I know David
Bentley was a friend of yours.

He made a lot of friends during
the two weeks he was in Dodge.

I was one of 'em.

I don't think that's any
reason for people to go around

hounding Mrs. Wright, do you?

Oh, I haven't
anything against her.

As a matter of fact,
I pity her, Marshal.

Good day.


Yeah, Ned, it's Doc.

Just be quiet now.

- Clara...
- Yes?

Clara, I was afraid you
wouldn't get back in time.

Doc's here now.

He's gonna give
you some medicine.

You'll get well.

There ain't nothing you
can do for me now, Doc.

Not this time.

Thanks, anyway, for coming.

Chester, get me
some water, will you?

Medicine ain't gonna
do any good, Doc.



So many years...

and nothing but poverty
and bitter memories

to leave you.


I wanted so much for you.

Oh, Ned, you-you
give me so much.

All a woman ever
really cares about...

that's her man's love.

Ned, here now.

Here's a pill for you.

Here's some water.


Yes, Ned?

Uh... there's something
you ought to know.

I want you to
tell the marshal...


I k*lled David Bentley.


I lied at the trial, Clara.

No, Ned, you never
lied in your life.

This once, I did.

I... I was out hunting.

I saw Bentley ride up alone.

I... I knew who he was.

I... I'd seen the kind of money
he always carried on him.

He-He said he was leaving
Dodge, and asked directions.


I rode a little way
with him and...

I shot him.

Oh, Ned... Ned, why?


I knew I was going.

Only a few months left.

I... I wanted to be able to
have some money and...

go away afterwards, but you...

you know the cruel thing?

He... He didn't have
any money on him.


Oh, Ned, why?!


You live with a man
for more'n 20 years...

you think you know him...

but you don't.

There must've been a side to
Ned that he never shared with me...

a side that could k*ll.

I didn't know that man.

That wasn't my husband.

No, ma'am.

I think we better
get started, Clara.

Uh, I'd like to be alone
just a few minutes.


What is it, Albert?

I don't know.

- Oh, Jim! Jim...
- Yes, sir?

What's going on over there?

Why, Ned Wright's
dead, Mr. Calvin.


Yeah. And on his
deathbed he confessed.

Said he really did
k*ll David Bentley.

Why, Chester heard
him and so did Doc.

They're all over there at
the marshal's office right now.

And Mrs. Wright's
over there with 'em.

What's to become of her now?

People have hurt her, Albert.

I'd like to help her somehow.

Perhaps she could stay with us.


Oh, you mean, live with us?

She has no one.

We could do that much.

Sure she wouldn't be a bother?

Oh, no, Albert.

Please? Please.

All right, Emily.

You know I never
denied you anything.

Come on.

You ain't got no kinfolk at all?

A brother.

In, uh, Salina, I think.

Well, won't he
take you in, Clara?

I wouldn't let him.

We've never wrote back
and forth since I married Ned.

Goodness, seems like
if he's your brother...

He's got his own family.

Mr. Calvin, Mrs. Calvin.

Chester, Doc.

Mrs. Calvin, sit down, please.

Thank you, Doctor.

What, uh... what can
we do for you, Mr. Calvin?

Mrs. Wright, we heard about
Ned confessing and, uh...

Mr. Calvin, if you've come here

to tell me you knew it all
along, you can spare me that.

We've come about
you, Mrs. Wright,

not about your husband.

It's gonna take
you a little time

to pull yourself
together, Mrs. Wright.

We're offering you
lodgings in our home.

That is, if you'll accept.

In your home?


Why're you being
so kind to me now?

We want to make amends.

Mrs. Calvin, right after
the trial, I come into Dodge

to buy me some cloth.

You was in the store, too.

And you said to the owner,
"If you let that woman in,

I'm never buying
anything here again."

I know, I know.

I've been deeply
ashamed ever since.

That don't make
things easier now.

Mrs. Wright, try to understand.

David Bentley was a
dear and wonderful friend.

When your husband
was freed of his m*rder,

I was angry and hurt.

And I took that anger
and hurt out on you.

Believe me, I am sorry.

Clara, I...

I think you maybe you
ought to consider this offer.

I... Well, you know, you got to

you got to make a
new life for yourself.

Well, I think the doc's right.

I think that when
people find out

that the Calvins are
caring for you, well, I...

I think that most everybody
will be friendly to you.

You don't...

you don't know how
much I've wanted...

needed... friends.

We'll be your
friends, Mrs. Wright.

Good friends.

I'll, uh, fetch the
buggy around.

Come on... let's go.

I'll light a lamp.

Well, how do you like it?

If Ned could see me now.

He always wanted
these nice things for me.

Come on, Mrs. Wright,
I'll take you to your room.

Well, afternoon, Quint.

Hello, Chester.

Say, we got a lock over on
one of our cell doors needs fixing.

You think you might
be able to get to it?

You need it right away?

Well, the sooner
the better, yeah.

Well, I can get to
it in the morning.


Say, you heard about Ned
Wright confessing, didn't you?

Yeah, I heard about it.

You, uh...

you-you knowed him
pretty good, didn't you?

You used to go
hunting with him and all?

I've hunted with him.

You think that he
k*lled David Bentley?

He confessed, didn't he?

Well, yeah, that ain't
what I asked you.

You think that he
k*lled David Bentley?


Why not?

You hunt with a man,
you get to know him.

k*lling wasn't in Ned Wright.

Well, do you think that
he might have done it

to get money for his wife?

David Bentley had money.

Now, do you think maybe he
done it for a reason like that?

Chester, Ned Wright
lived a hard life.

Hard enough to turn
anybody else to stone.

If it'd been a
hundred times harder,

he wouldn't have
done anything like that.

I knew him.

Thanks, Quint.

It might sound like a
crazy idea to you, Doc,

but, uh, I just ain't been
able to get it off my mind.

I been thinking about it

all last night and
all this morning.

Well, it's not the first
crazy idea you ever had

and this probably won't
be the last either, Chester.

You see, Ned Wright
could've confessed

just so's that people would
have taken pity on Clara

and felt sorry for her,

so's that they'd take her
in, like the Calvins done.

But he didn't k*ll
David Bentley, though.

Why don't you just
leave it be, Chester?

You got nothing to go on.

Ned Wright just ain't the kind
to just walk out on the prairie

and sh**t somebody
down in cold blood.

Chester, I treated Ned Wright.

Now, I know exactly
how he felt about Clara.

No way to know how desperate
a man might get when he knows

he's dying and
he's kind of worried

about whether his widow's
gonna be taken care of properly.

Well, he's just such a
kind and polite feller.

It just don't figure.

I know that!

Who's that? You know him?

Looks like a gunman to me.

His name's Fletcher.

He was in here last night.

Said he was just
passing through.

He's kind and polite, too.

- Hello, Mr. Fletcher.
- Ma'am.

Oh, sit down, sit down.

Did they, uh, make you
comfortable over at the hotel?

Well, after six days' ride, any
place would be comfortable.

Still thinking about
moving on tomorrow?

Tomorrow, the next day.

I have to get some
rest before I go on.

Well, what can I
get you to drink?

Just beer.

I don't drink whiskey.

That's just my luck...
Gunman comes to town,

Mr. Dillon's gone.


Doesn't look like

he's gonna cause
any trouble to me.

Well, I sure hope not.

Where you going?

Well, I got things
that I gotta do.

Well, why don't you stay
and finish the faro game?

Kitty'll be back in a minute.

Well, Doc, I told
you I got things to do.

Oh, I know, you're gonna take
those things out to Clara, huh?

Yeah, that's right, uh-huh.

Well, I'll help you.

Well, that ain't necessary.

I can manage it.

Thanks a whole lot.

Here you are.

Thank you, ma'am.

Something wrong, ma'am?


I just noticed your hands.

They don't look like you've
ever worked with them.

Oh, I've... I work with them.

Here we are, Albert.

- Oh!
- Doesn't she look pretty?

Oh, fine, well, just fine.

I never had nothing
with... with lace before.

Sure look pretty, Mrs.
Wright; mighty pretty.

Thank you.

Ah, excuse me.


Ah, it's Chester Goode.

Come in, Chester.

Well, thank you.

Hello, Chester.

Well, my goodness,
now ain't you the one?

Wait till you see the
bonnet that goes with it.

What do you got in
the wagon, Chester?

Oh, say, I brought your
furniture over, Mrs. Wright.

Oh, Chester, you didn't
need to go to all that trouble.

Well, that wasn't
no trouble at all.

Where would you
like for them to put it?

I'll call a couple of men,

we'll put it in the
barn; it'll be safe there.

Oh, uh... perhaps Mrs.
Wright has a favorite piece

that she would like in
her bedroom near her.

Oh, mercy, Mrs. Calvin.

Ain't a thing in that
whole pile worth keeping.

Barn'll do fine, Mr. Calvin.

All right, I'll call the men.

Uh, we're going to
have tea, Chester.

Will you join us?

Oh, thank you a
whole lot, Mrs. Calvin.

I think I ought to get
back to Dodge 'fore dark.

Good-bye, then.

I'll get our tea things.

Ned made that old
bureau himself...

right after we was married.

He was so proud of it; it was
the first thing he ever made.

I'd have kind of liked to...

kept that in my room, close by.

When Ned was working with wood,

his hands'd get so-so gentle.

It ain't easy to accept the fact

that those same
hands could k*ll.

Well, uh, maybe'll I'll come by
from time to time, Mrs. Wright,

just to see how
you're making out.

Well, that'd be
real nice, Chester.

Thank you.

Well, good-bye.


Tea's ready, Clara.

I'm, uh, sorry
about your furniture.

Albert didn't mean to be rude.

He means to be kind.

Sometimes he just
doesn't know how.

Oh, I know.

But don't you apologize
for him, Mrs. Calvin.

I used to think he was
a hard man, but he ain't.

I've watched him with you.

He loves you.

I think he'd do
anything for you.

I'm gonna miss that
in the years ahead;

a man who'd do anything for you.

Uh, the wagon'll
be ready for you

in a few minutes, Chester.

Oh, all right.

What, something troubling you?

Uh, Mr. Calvin, uh,
David Bentley stayed here

with you, didn't he?

Yeah. What about it?

Well, did he ever say
anything to you or Mrs. Calvin

about anybody that
wanted to k*ll him?

Chester, Ned Wright confessed.

Now what more is there to know?

Well, yeah, but just
suppose, just supposing now,

that he didn't do it.

Mrs. Calvin and I were
David Bentley's best friends.

Now, if there was
anything troubling him,

he would have told us.

The very morning he was k*lled,

he said good-bye to us,
right here on this spot.

That's all we know.

Well, maybe he said something
to one of your ranch hands.

Chester, what are you trying

to stir this thing
all up again for?

Well, I just can't believe that,

that Ned Wright was the kind
of person that'd k*ll anybody.

Don't make a fool
of yourself, Chester,

and start any more trouble.

Yeah, well, you know, sometimes
you get a notion in your head

and it's awful
hard to let go of it.

Good day, Mr. Calvin.

Good day, Chester.


Get out of my way!

Please, don't start any trouble.

Oh, I had you spotted
for what you are

the moment I set eyes on you,
yesterday, when you rode in.

You won't get any
trouble out of me.

I don't seek it.

I'm Albert Calvin.

I'd like to have a
little talk with you.

Why don't you come
out to the house?

What for?

I got the nicest house
this side of Chicago.

And this is what for.

Plenty more where
that came from.

How much more?

Five hundred.

What do you want
me to do, Mr. Calvin?

Well, if I've guessed right,
just what you always do...

for a price.

I'd like very much to see
your house, Mr. Calvin.


Five hundred.


His name is Chester Goode.

That's right... he lives
over at the marshal's office.

The marshal's out of
town, so you needn't worry.

Marshals aren't a worry.

Chester's pretty
good with a g*n.

Lots of people are
pretty good with g*ns.


You have quite a
house here, Mr. Calvin.

Yes. Well, thank you.

$500 is not enough.

Now, wait a
minute... you agreed.

I'm asking for a thousand.

You can afford it.

Nobody pushes me
around; just nobody!

Don't push me!

Thank you.

Chester Goode at
the marshal's office.

That's right.

You know where it is?

I know where it is.

Good night, Mr. Calvin.

Good night.



Who was that?

Oh, you, you don't know him.

It was just a business deal.

But he said "Chester Goode."

What does he have
to do with Chester?

Emily, mind your own
business, would you, please?

He's such a strange-looking man.

You gave him a
lot of money, Albert.


Oh, Emmy, stay out of it.

You haven't kept
things from me before.

All right, I'll tell you,
if you want to know.

Chester Goode needs a lesson.

That's the man that's
gonna give it to him.

A lesson? For what?

For meddling.

If somebody doesn't stop him,

he's gonna get
us all into trouble.

What's he done?

Chester couldn't hurt anybody.

Well, he can hurt both of us

if he doesn't stop asking
questions about David Bentley.


He doesn't think Ned
Wright k*lled Bentley.

He thinks someone else did it.

If he doesn't stop
asking questions,

he's gonna throw the whole
thing right back into our lap.

Why us?

'Cause of you and Bentley.

Albert... what do you mean?

You think I didn't know
what was going on?

You think I didn't see it?!

See what?!

You... you and him...

whispering, laughing
and walking together.

Albert, you don't think...!

Any fool could see.

Even the ranch hands saw!

Oh, Albert, this is ridiculous.

- You've got to listen to me.
- Yeah?

David was a charming man.

He was kind and gentle.

He talked to me about
all the things I've missed

these last five
years: books, music...

I bought you books and music
and never denied you a thing.

Well, I didn't...

Don't you see?

He was an interesting
friend, that was all.

That wasn't all, Emily.

He couldn't deny
it; neither could you.

It just isn't true.

The whole town'll know

if that Chester doesn't
stop nosing around.

Albert, dear...

don't you worry about Chester.

If need be, I'll talk to him.

I'm sure he'll
understand the truth.

Well, after tonight,
there'll be no need

to talk to him; I fixed that.

What do you mean?

Never mind.

That man...

he's some sort of
gunman, isn't he?

You just keep your
ideas to yourself.

Nobody'll know the difference.

Albert, you can't.

I won't let you! I'll stop him!

Wait... you're not
going anywhere!

No, let me go!

I've got to stop him!

Calm yourself!

I can't let you destroy
yourself for nothing!

Don't try to explain.

It's your fault.

It's all your fault!

I ordered David
Bentley out of the house.

I threatened him.

The men heard me.

If Chester keeps going
around asking questions,

people will accuse
me; they'll think I did it!

Everyone knows now
that Ned Wright did it!

No, Emily, Ned
Wright didn't do it.

No, Albert.


Yes, Emily.


Now you get up to your room.

You forget all about
Chester Goode.



Mr. Goode?

Uh, yeah.

May I come in?

Well, it's pretty late.

Uh, if it's important,
though, uh...

It's important.

Well, what was it
you come about?

I've been hired to
k*ll you, Mr. Goode.

Well, why?

I mean...

I ain't hardly worth k*lling.

It's worth a thousand
dollars to me.

This may come as a surprise
to you, Mr. Goode, but, uh...

I've never k*lled
a man in my life.

I never had to.


How much is it worth
to you to stay alive?

Well, I, uh, ain't got nothing
like a thousand dollars.

How much have you got?

Well, I ain't hardly got
more than maybe $18 or so.

Let's have it.

That's, uh, $18 more than I
had when I walked in here.

You-You mean
it's always like that?

You get hired to k*ll somebody,
and then it's always like that?

Well, none of my employers

has ever stepped
forward to complain.

Well, no, no,
I-I... can see that.

A man'd be a fool to let on

that he hired a
gunman to do his k*lling.

Who did hire you this time?

I have some sense
of ethics, Mr. Goode.

It preserves my profession.

Yeah, well, I can see that.

Now if you'll just
step outside with me,

I'll say good night
and be on my way.

I, uh, I don't like being
shot at through windows.

Over there, please.

Good-bye, Mr. Goode.

Uh, good-bye, Mr. Fletcher.

If that don't beat all.

I just don't know why anybody
would want to sh**t me.

I ain't done nothing
to deserve it.

Except maybe
somebody doesn't want me

asking questions
about Ned Wright.

I don't know.

Chester, I don't
think it's fair for you

to raise Clara Wright's hopes

when you still don't
have anything to go on.

Course not.

Well, Miss Kitty,

I ain't said nothing

to Mrs. Wright about how I feel.

The only people I
talked to about it was,

was you and Doc
and-and Mr. Calvin.

What Mr. Calvin
got to do with it?

Say, you know, he's
got enough money

to hire a gunman for
a thousand dollars.

Chester, we don't want to
see you make a fool of yourself.

Well, now, wait a minute.

He's the only one
I know of in Dodge

that's got that kind of money.

Kitty, you finish your dinner?


Can I take you back
to the Long Branch?

Thank you, Doc.

- Chester?
- Huh?

You gonna sit here
or you coming with us?

No, I'm, I'm coming.

Well, come on.

Ah, good afternoon, Mr. Calvin.

Something troubling you?


Yeah, you look like
you're a little bit pale there.

You know, I'm the one
who ought to be pale.

You know what
happened to me last night?

Feller come in and stole every
bit of money that I had: $18.

You know, that may
not seem like a lot to you,

you probably afford

to lose hundreds,
even thousands.

$18 is a lot of money to me.

Just took it and got on
his horse and rode off.

Well, I, uh... I'm
very sorry, Chester.

Yeah, I'm very sorry.

- What's gotten into you?
- Huh?

What kind of a darn fool
thing was that you're doing?

Well, I just wanted to see

if Mr. Calvin's more interested

in his dinner or his neck.

I guess Mr. Calvin
ain't too hungry.

Mrs. Calvin, are you all right?


Oh, yes, I am.

I've been watching you, and
you're worried about something.

Is it bringing that bureau in?

'Cause I don't want nothing

to come between
you and your husband.

You been so nice to me.

Oh, I'm fine.

I really am.

It's my husband.

Would you go up and show the
men where you want your bureau set?

Why, sure.

And Mrs. Wright...

have the men go
out the back way.

Yes, ma'am.

Albert, what happened?


Fletcher just rode out of town
with the money; that was all.

- Chester's alive?
- Yeah, he's alive.

Thank Heaven.

I think he knows
that I hired Fletcher.

Albert, what are you gonna do?

It's got to be done, Emily.

- No... one m*rder is enough.
- Got to be done tonight.

I won't let you do it.

I want you get in that room
and stay there till I get back.

- I won't go.
- You have no choice.

- No, Albert!
- You do as I tell you.

I'll bring some
supper in to you.

I'll tell Mrs. Wright
you're not feeling well,

and not to disturb you.

Maybe I ought to
look in on Mrs. Calvin.

Oh, no, that's all
right, Mrs. Wright.

I'll sit up beside
her while she sleeps.

All right, then if you'll
excuse me, Mr. Calvin,

I'll, uh, I'll just
clear the table.

Sometimes I can't help but feel
that maybe I'm in your way here.

Now, you've both
been kind, but...

You're not in the
way, Mrs. Wright.

I've been a lot of
bother to Mrs. Calvin.

No wonder she's all wore out.

Now you know, Mr. Calvin,

that I can't just stay on
here day in and day out,

accepting your kindness.

Well, we'll find
a place for you.

Why don't we just talk
about it in the morning, huh?

Whatever you say, Mr. Calvin.

- Good night.
- Good night.


Oh, Mrs. Calvin!

My gracious! What...?

Well, Mrs. Calvin,
what in the world?

Chester, Chester, I've
got to tell you something.

Oh, here, here,
sit down; sit down.

It's my husband, Chester.

He's going to k*ll you.


He hired that man to
k*ll you, but now he's...

Now, now, just, just get
a hold of yourself there.

Now I'll-I'll get
you some water.

Get down!

Mrs. Calvin?

Oh... oh, no.

Oh, Mr. Calvin, it is you.

I thought I heard
somebody down here.

I thought I'd have a little
drink before I go to sleep.

How's Mrs. Calvin?

Why... oh, she's asleep.

She's fine; fine.

Why don't you you just go right
on back to bed, Mrs. Wright?

All right, Mr. Calvin.

Good night.

Good night.

Mrs. Wright?

Oh, Mrs. Wright!

- Yes?
- Where's my wife?

- Well, ain't she in there?
- No, no.




She come in to warn
me that you was after me.

She was there, Mr. Calvin.

She was in the office
when you fired the g*n.

You ready, Mr. Calvin?

I'm ready, Marshal.

Uh, look, Mrs.
Wright's out there.

She wants to talk to you
before you go to Hays.

How is she?

She stayed with Miss
Kitty during the trial,

but she's, she's
going to Salina now.

She heard from her brother.

Let's go.


Mr. Calvin, I just, uh...

well, I just wanted
to say good-bye.

Thank you, Mrs. Wright.

There aren't many people
in Dodge'd come down

to say good-bye to a
man who's about to hang

for murdering his wife.

Don't say that.

I k*lled her, Mrs. Wright.

But you didn't mean to.

You-You loved your wife.

I could see that.

Everybody could see that.

Mrs. Wright, I-I agreed to
everything during the trial;

that I was jealous
and I was ashamed

that my wife was in
love with another man.

I kept denying all along
that I followed David Bentley

out onto the plains
and shot him there.

But you didn't;
I-I heard the jury.

You was, you was tried
for your wife's death.

I did follow him
and I did sh**t him.

I k*lled David Bentley.

It wasn't your
husband that did it.


but why did Ned lie?

Why'd he confess?

Well, I think he must have
confessed, Mrs. Wright,

so people'd take pity on
you and feel sorry for you

and take you in,
like the Calvins done.


you k*lled...

and Ned and me suffered for it.


Mr. Calvin, I... I guess
I should hate you.

But I don't know,
somehow, now, I just can't.

Thank you for that.


was he telling the truth?

Yes, ma'am, he-he was.

Miss Kitty told me that you...

you never believed
my Ned was guilty.

And you was right, all along.

Yes, ma'am, I guess maybe I was.

I sure do thank you.


maybe I'll... I'll-I'll take
you down to the stage.

Yes, I guess it is about time.

Afternoon, Mrs. Wright.

Good afternoon.
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